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Regulations for the Importation and Labelling of Organic Foods in Japan

Kenji Matsumoto,
World Board member, IFOAM

Organic foods are now regulated in Japan by the law of standardization and proper labelling of agricultural and forestry products (the JAS law).

In my presentation I will explain very briefly the outlines of JAS organic regulations and then how to export organic foods to Japan.

The regulations consist of JAS Standard, Criteria of organic operators and criteria of certification organization. For more details, please look at the English translation of home page of MAFF.(

The Japanese Government has an equivalency agreement with the 15 countries of the E.U.,

Australia and the U.S.A. The other countries have no equivalency agreement with Japan.

Organic operators in a country without equivalency agreement who want to export to Japan have to get JAS organic certification by a registered certification organization or registered foreign certification organization. A JAS organic operator must meet the technical criteria stipulated in MAFF notifications. I will explain what is required in my presentation.

Once you have been certified as a JAS organic operator, you have to affix the JAS organic label correctly. I will explain how to label your organic products to export to Japan. More details on

Quality Labelling Standard of Notification No.513,514,517 are provided in the home page of MAFF.

Executive Director
Japan Organic & Natural Foods Ass.(JONA)
Email: [email protected]

Matsumoto was elected as director of JONA in 1996. After retirement from a food and beverage company, he was assigned as general manager of JONA in 1997 and restructured JONA's organization to become an international organic certification body following IFOAM Standard and Criteria. He also helped to establish the Independent Organic Inspectors Association of Japan. In 1998, he was nominated as a member of the JAS Committee to propose the Japan Organic Regulations to MAFF. He was elected as a member of IFOAM World Board in August ,2002.

JONA was approved as a registered organic certification organization immediately after implementation of JAS Organic Regulations in 2000.

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