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Successful Conversion of Conventional to Organic/Biodynamic:
a Case Study

R.K. Pathak and R.A. Ram,
Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow, India

Biodynamic agriculture is based on sound principles of soil biotechnology and microbiology. It does not require sophisticated facilities and most of manures and biopesticides are prepared at farm. Biodynamic preparations are components of biological agriculture, capable of affording long-term sustainability to agriculture and particularly to the ecosystem. Basic principles of biodynamic farming are to restore the soil and the organic matter in the form of humus, increasing microbial population, skilful application of the factors contributing to soil life and health, treating manure and composts in biodynamic way. Genetic make up of variety and balanced nutrition are key factor for quality and high production. By understanding the gesture and effect of each rhythm, agricultural activities like soil preparation, sowing, intercultural operations and harvesting can be programmed to harnessing cosmic forces. Agricultural practices (field preparation, sowing, manuring, harvesting, etc.) performed as per constellation are more effective and beneficial. Every constellation has dominant elemental influence and affects four specific parts of the plants. Agricultural practices for better root activity (manuring, rooting), flowering, growth and fruiting/seed is to be done as per constellation. during ascending period, cosmic forces are active above the earth/ground and suitable for practices like spray and propagation, etc. In descending period, cosmic forces are active below the earth.. Therefore, agricultural practices such as field preparation, sowing, manuring, harvesting of root crops show better response when performed during this period. During full moon period plants are more prone to fungal diseases because of congenial humidity in the atmosphere and new moon period is suitable for sowing of tuber crops and harvesting of grain crops. Biodynamic compost preparations (BD-502-507) are called BD set. BD sets are used in the Cow Pat Pit (CPP), BD compost, BD liquid manure and biodynamic liquid pesticides. Biodynamic field sprays (BD-500-501) are applied in micro doses as per calendar for improvement in physical chemical and biological properties of soil, improving photosynthetic activities and defence to fungal infection.

Based on the above practices, 22 villages in U.P. (India) under UP Diversified Agriculture Support Project (UP DASP) were selected as Bio-villages during 1997-98. In these villages, after training, production of vegetables was undertaken with the use of NADEP/vermi/BD compost along with CPP. Spectacular responses with respect to yield and quality were obtained. In view of this experience, a 13.5-acre land has been used by an organic farm since 1999 at the Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow (CISH) and cultivation of horticultural crops is being done organically. A few of the BD preparations and cow dung have shown spectacular response to pest and disease control. Details of research findings related to improvement in soil health, yield and fruit quality will be discussed during the presentation.

R.K. Pathak
Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Rehmankhera, India
E-mail: [email protected]
Ph.D Horticulture (Pomology) IARI, New Delhi (1970)
M.Sc.Ag. Horticulture Govt. Agriculture College, Kanpur. (1965)
Experience: Research, Teaching, Administration

Organized Summer Institute on "Fruit Production and Utilization in Wasteland" from 2 to 18 July 1991, sponsored by ICAR and acted as Director. Organized five Training Programmes on various aspects of Fruit Cultivation on wasteland. Acted as Member in ICAR team for establishment of Zonal Research Station in Jammu and Kashmir 1991. Acted as member Secretary in QRT on Arid Fruits 1992-93. Acted as member QRT on Agro Forestry 1996. Acted as Consultant for Preparation of Horticulture component in UPDASP. Acted as Member in Appraisal Team of Horticulture component in UPDASP.

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