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VIII. Knowledge Gaps and Research Priorities

20. Participating experts agreed that the introduction of GM crops in the agro-ecosystem has added a new and interesting dimension to ecological and environmental research. They felt that although several new initiatives have been launched for the long term assessment of the environmental impacts on GM crops at the field level, many gaps remain. Scientific knowledge was limited in a number of key areas and especially those that are listed in Table 1. Experts stressed that the gaps in scientific data had to be overcome through more focussed research in order to provide better understanding of the potential effects of GM crops on the agro-ecosystem, and on agriculture practices.


  • Baseline and reference data knowledge of potential effects on in situ genetic resources.
  • Diagnostic tools, protocols and techniques for measuring environment linked changes; especially for the tropical areas growing GM crops.
  • Technical strategies to study synergies and combinatorial, non-additive effects.
  • Methodologies to predict long term trends or perform long term contained field trials.
  • Good indicators related to ecosystem functions, both for above and below ground.
  • Data on selection pressures on weeds and native plants.
  • Evolution of pest resistance in tropical and temperate ecosystems.
  • Water-use efficiency of many crops plants.
  • Adequate knowledge of local ecosystems where GM crops are introduced.
  • Ecological perspectives in risk assessment criteria for GM crop applications.
  • Information on next generation crops, performance of the new products and novel traits.

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