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12. Programme of Work and Budget 1994-95 (continued)
12. Programme de travail et budget 1994-95 (suite)
12. Programa de Labores y Presupuesto para 1994-95 (continuación)

LE PRESIDENT: Je déclare ouverte la neuvième séance de notre Commission. J'espère que vous avez tous passé un bon week-end et que vous êtes frais et dispos pour que nous puissions aller de l'avant.

Je crois savoir que le Comité de rédaction a bien travaillé vendredi soir. Il a pu se pencher sur la partie de rapport relative, au Plan à moyen terme, et ce dans de bonnes conditions puisqu'il n'a pas eu à veiller trop tard.

Ms Turid KONGSVIK (Norway): Thank you very much for giving the floor to this delegation again. We have had occasion to address the Programme of Work and Budget on behalf of the Nordic countries, and I have asked for the floor now just to comment very briefly on the issue of the timeframe for elaboration of a Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing.

We shared the concern expressed by number of speakers that an acceleration of the process for the elaboration of such a Code of Conduct might preempt the results of negotiations in other international fora where some of the issues proposed for inclusion in the Code of Conduct are also dealt with. I am particularly referring here to the UN Conference on Straddling and Highly Migratory Species.

While the results of the reflagging procedure might lead us to believe that this procedure is a valid and right one for all the issues, we would like to strike a warning note here and perhaps suggest that this might be, if I may so put it, "une fausse bonne idée".

We believe that the process in the FAO should be parallel to the process in the United Nations. That is the best way to ensure that we reach optimal results in both fora. Therefore, we are in total agreement with those delegations who have proposed that we stick to the current timetable, that is to say the suggested draft Code of Conduct should be ready for the next COFI meeting for discussion there in 1995.

D.P.D. VAN RAPPARD (The Netherlands): Mr Chairman, thank you for your consideration in allowing me to do my homework over the weekend. As requested, I will deal first of all with the budget, and then I will embark on the issue of the Programme of Work and Budget for 1994-95.

My country endorses the principle of a dynamic real zero growth. This means a zero growth principle which does not frustrate the requirements of United Nations organizations to respond effectively to new areas of activity. The proposed budget level is based on the approved level for the work programme of two years ago. My delegation thinks that this is the appropriate level at which to calculate the budget level for the coming biennium - this without taking into account the income from arrears. I strongly endorse the United Kingdom's statement regarding this matter.

With regard to the lapse factor of 3 percent, my delegation did not approve this decline four years ago. The cost increases are considerable. However, discussions about cost increases and the lapse factor are both of a technical nature and should not be dealt with in this forum. My delegation strongly supports the Norwegian proposal for an external investigation and the avoidance of further discussion of these issues in this Commission. Having said that, my delegation can approve the proposed budget level.

I turn now to the work programme for 1994-95. First, I have a few remarks of a more general nature.

Our discussions have arrived now at the fourth part of the quartet. In a quartet each part is supposed to be more or less the same. This is not the case in our quartet. My delegation would have preferred to see more similarity between the format of the Medium-Term Plan and the Programme of Work and Budget. The Medium-Term Plan sets the trend for FAO's policy in the medium term, whilst the Programme of Work and Budget sets this for the forthcoming biennium. A similar format should considerably improve the transparency.

During the meetings of COAG, COFO and COFI and the June Council, we had the opportunity to comment on the major programmes for agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and the summary of work and budget. The outcome of these discussions has been taken into account, but in my country's view only to a minor extent. The increase for forestry amounts to US$300 000 which, although considerable, is only 0.1 percent. The general concern for the second decline in succession for rural development has barely been reflected.

FAO's role in the follow-up of UNCED and ICN are cornerstones in the next Programme of Work and Budget. The work programme pays attention to both the horizontal implementation internally within FAO and externally at regional level. The Netherlands endorses this approach. However, we are of the opinion that the implementation of Agenda 21 relies too much on extra-budgetary resources. Budgets for bio-diversity and desertification are limited. With regard to ICPS/SARD more clarity is required. It is being presented as a Special Action Programme, but its position within the Organization is not clear. My delegation does not think that this warrants the implementation of UNCED. This underlines the impression that the Programme of Work and Budget shows marginal shifts only and does not respond to international development. In this respect, what is FAO's position as a global organization for agriculture and food in collecting and disseminating information, and where does FAO stand in the increased tendency towards national execution of projects?

In this respect my delegation welcomes the way the Programme of Work and Budget goes along with the concept of upstream activities as set out in the Medium-term Plan. Not only does prioritization make choices as to areas of attention but it should also include the way in which FAO develops activities in such areas, and its position among other international organizations. Often FAO's role will be intermediate.

Let me now comment on the individual programmes and sub-programme s. As has already beem mentioned, my delegation is concerned about the second considerable reduction for the sub-programme on rural development. Earlier this year COAG agreed on the importance of capacity building in the scope of national execution of projects. The sub-progamme for rural development is of vital importance for the pillars of capacity building, human resource

development and institution building. Here lie the roots for the socio-economic aspects of the follow-up of UNCED and ICN. Developments regarding rural development since 1989 are hardly analysed. Participation and the strengthening of local institutions are frequently mentioned, but their application is restricted to a few sub-programmes. Farmers' and women's organizations are insufficiently recognized as full actors and partners in the socio-economic development process.

The document does not clarify how and which instruments are used to incorporate women in development and gender issues in all activities. The sub-programme for rural development shows that FAO is still working too much along a concept whereby a technical approach is prefered at the expense of socio-economic aspects. The Netherlands delegation is of the opinion that attention to technically-directed sub-programmes should be reduced to make room for those aspects of FAO ' s work to achieve the maximum sustainability.

FAO has to take the UNCED results as a starting-point for this policy. However, UNCED is not an isolated issue but a framework for FAO’s policy. Although this issue gets a lot of attention, in terms of budget allocations again a decline has to be registered.

Cooperation with other UN organizations and NGOs is frequently mentioned, but the document does not give shape to these issues. In particular, cooperation with other organizations in the field of capacity building requires futher explanation. In this respect, I should like to ask when the progress report of the Action Plan for People's Participation will be released.

The shift of activities from the public to the private sector is a global one and is of influence on FAO's activities as well. More attention should be paid to this development. In this regard, the relatively minor attention to marketing should be mentioned, considering the emphasis put on this issue by the Medium-term Plan, particularly in the field of agriculture, there should be more focus on this matter. My delegation would like to know how FAO is going to deal with this important issue which has been identified by the Medium-term Plan.

My delegation welcomes the way the Programme of Work and Budget deals with a number of regional themes and the regional approach of development. Many activities are carefully worked out at regional level. The same applies to technical and economic cooperation among developing countries.

The developments regarding the Investment Centre are a cause for concern for the Netherlands. The Investment Centre plays an extremely important role in the Organization, both internally and externally. It builds a bridge to other - in particular banking - organizations and is therefore a fruitful instrument for inter-agency cooperation for which it delivers the technical expertise. This is a good example of how FAO can play its role as a centre of excellence. In the area of TCP, the Investment Centre often plays a crucial and catalytic role also. Therefore, I strongly endorse the concern of many delegations with regard to the development of the Investment Support Programme.

Finally, there is concern in the delegation regarding forestry, not only in terms of budgeting. The policy development and implementation of the Tropical Forestry Action Programme is an important area in the follow-up of Agenda 21. My delegation is of the opinion that the relative importance of

this activity is insufficiently elucidated in the Medium-term Plan and Programme of Work and Budget, and we should like to know what can be expected in this field, particularly regarding the following issues: the donor-financed coordinating unit in the Regular Programme; the consultative group for TFAP; the position and participation of NGOs; and the provisions in the Regular Programme for the financing of the consultative groups.

Sra. Maria E. JIMENEZ DE MOCHI ONORI (El Salvador): La delegación de El Salvador desea expresar en primer lugar su apoyo al Programa de Labores y Presupuesto para el bienio 1994-95 presentado en esta oportunidad por el Director General, y el cual asciende a 676,9 millones de dólares.

El exhaustivo documento que en forma excelente nos ha presentado el señor Shah, nos hace ver los esfuerzos que se han llevado a cabo para tomar en cuenta las exigencias tanto de los países menos favorecidos, como la de los que por diferentes razones se encuentran en dificultad para aportar mayores recursos a la Organización.

Debemos reconocer, señor Presidente, al Director General el haber acogido favorablemente las recomendaciones que le hicieron los diferentes comités técnicos del consejo y el consejo mismo, en el sentido de fortalecer los programas principales pesca y montes, así como algunas actividades de particular importancia en el programa principal agricultura.

El Salvador, señor Presidente, siempre ha expresado su total aprecio y apoyo al Programa de Cooperación Técnica, por lo que, aun lamentando que estemos todavía lejos de alcanzar el objetivo propuesto en la resolución 89/89, debemos reconocer que el Director General ha hecho todo lo posible para incrementar sus recursos. En ese sentido apoyamos el aumento propuesto de un millón de dólares en el PCT, pasando, de esa forma, del 11,7 al 12,3 por ciento. Estamos seguros que el Dr. Diouf, nuevo Director General de la FAO, continuará apoyando plenamente este importante programa.

Nuestra delegación apoya el coeficiente de descuento por vacantes establecido por la conferencia de la FAO en 1989. Consideramos que el mismo es adecuado ya que un aumento redundaría en una reducción de los recursos para la ejecución del Programa de Labores y Presupuesto. Sin embargo, estamos de acuerdo en que el auditor externo estudie esta cuestión y presente al Comité respectivo un informe al respecto.

Compartimos los planteamientos hechos en el documento relativos a las esferas con mayores recursos y apoyamos la prioridad dada tanto a las actividades complementarias de la Conferencia sobre medio ambiente y desarrollo sostenible, así como a la intensificación de las actividades relacionadas con la nutrición.

En ese sentido, apoyamos el Subprograma Medio Ambiente, Energía y Desarrollo Sostenble, particularmente lo indicado en el párrafo 428 del documento, relativo al apoyo que se dará a la región de América Latina y el Caribe para la aplicación del Plan de Acción regional en materia de energía para promover un desarrollo rural sostenible

Reiteramos nuestro apoyo a las actividades que realiza la FAO bajo el Subprograma, La Mujer en la Agricultura y el Desarrollo Rural, especialmente en lo que se refiere a las políticas y planificación para integrar a la mujer en el desarrollo.

Instamos a aplicar las recomendaciones contenidas en el Programa 21 de la CNUMAD, en particular, las del Capítulo 24, indicadas en Párrafo 453 del documento.

Agradecería, señor Presidente, información sobre la reunión que se convocará en la región de América Latina y el Caribe, con el propósito de evaluar las novedades relativas a la integración de las mujeres de las zonas rurales y la aplicación del Plan de Acción de la FAO, que se señala en el Párrafo 480.

Compartimos los puntos de vista expresados por el delegado de México el viernes pasado, con relación a la Secretaría de la Comisión de Recursos Fitogenéticos. Es fundamental, señor Presidente, que se cumplan las recomendaciones que hicieron tanto esa Comisión como el Consejo mismo, en el sentido de darle apoyo financiero y humano a esta Secretaría.

Aprovechamos para felicitar a la FAO por el excelente trabajo que está realizando en materia de recursos fitogenéticos. Asimismo, creemos que debe estudiarse detenidamente la propuesta que hiciera, siempre el delegado de México, con relación a la consititución de un Comité de Ganadería.

Con relación a las actividades del Programa Principal Montes, creemos que el Director General en su propuesta ha atendido nuestras solicitudes de darle mayores recursos al mismo y apoyamos esta decisión.

Desearíamos que los recursos destinados al mismo sería conveniente que almenos pudiéramos contar con una asignación equivalente a la del bienio 1992-93.

Para concluir, señor Presidente, en relación al documento C/LIM/23, mi delegación dése apoyar la utilización de la vía rápida en la elaboración de los principios generales del Código de conducta para la pesca responsable, que se señala en el Párrafo 3 del documento C/LIM/23.

Sra. Concha Marina RAMÍREZ DE LÓPEZ (Honduras) : Ante todo vayan mis felicitaciones a usted, en ocasión de su acertado nombramiento. Asimismo, deseo expresar mi agradecimiento al Dr. Shah por la presentación excelente del documento C 93/3. Mi delegación considera como una base sólida para su apoyo, la introducción del Director General de las propuestas para el Programa de Labores y Presupuestos de 1994-95, considerando el papel fundamental de la FAO.

Permítame señor Presidente, apoyar la intervención de la delegación mexicana en su totalidad.

Honduras ratifica las prioridades mundiales y las esferas previstas en el aumento de recursos, haciendo énfasis en:

- La importancia de reforzar las representaciones regionales como la de América Latina y el Caribe para prestar asistencia a los gobiernos de los Estado Miembros en diferentes materias y programas, ya que nuestra presencia en Roma no es suficiente para completarse con la de la FAO sobre el terreno.

- En virtud del creciente apoyo e importancia de la conservación, utilización y acceso a los recursos genéticos, vegetales, animales, marinos, forestales y ecosistema, mi delegación presentará una

resolución a fin de que se asignen más recursos a las actividades y consultas de programas relativos.

- Confirmamos la importancia de las actividades regionales en las esferas prioritarias del PAFT, especialmente las subregiones que están estudiando los planes de acción, como las de Centroamérica.

- Esperamos asimismo, que la estabilización de los recursos asignados a los problemas y opciones de la Ordenación de la Pesca, tenga en cuenta el apoyo unánime del Consejo o la utilización de la "vía rápida" en la elaboración de los principios generales del código de conducta para la pesca responsable.

Honduras, a pesar de su situación económica, como consecuencia del desequilibrio de las finanzas públicas, de la aguda escasez de divisas, del ajuste en los gravámenes arancelarios y de los cambios en las espectativas de precios de los agentes productivos, ha pagado puntual su consignación. Hacemos un llamado a los países que no lo han hecho, que mantienen sus cuotas atrasadas, que hagan todo lo posible, ya que contando con esta base, la FAO podrá recuperar toda su capacidad de hacer frente a las exigencias que se le planteen y ha hacer frente a futuros desafíos.

Ato Assefa YILALA (Ethiopia) : Mr Chairman, as this is the first time I take the floor, permit me to congratulate you on your election to the Chair of this important Commission of the Conference. I would also like to thank Dr Shah for his clear introduction to this item. At this stage of the discussion most of the relevant points have already been raised and in order to save time and avoid repetition I will not raise them again. I will limit my intervention to two general observations and three specific points related to the Programme of Work and Budget.

My first remark relates to the freezing of the Budget, which goes against the growth of the services being sought from the Organization. Since there has been zero growth in the Budget, the population of the world has grown by eight hundred million and membership of the Organization has increased by about fifteen. Thus, the work that needs to be done has increased accordingly. Bearing in mind that the value of the Budget has depreciated, the proposed Budget is less than that of the 1987 Budget in real terms. This situation is difficult to accept because it means thè objectives of adequate food production cannot be achieved.

Another matter is the transitional period we now find ourselves in. The Programme of Work and Budget now under consideration will be implemented by the newly elected Director-General. We feel that he should be given time to find his feet, and a reduced budget will only make the transition more difficult and hinder him. We believe additional resources are required during this transitional period and a zero growth budget is not appropriate; it is not a good sign of welcome to the newly-appointed Director-General, who is expected to implement this Programme of Work and Budget.

I understand the rationale behind zero growth is the budgetary constraints prevailing "'in the member countries as a result of the recession, but there are already signs of recovery. Even in these circumstances one must understand the economic situation in the developing world, which has always been in recession and where the ever-increasing population needs to be provided with food and other essentials. As we approach the year 2000,

there is a growing need to increase food production. The Organization will need all the support it can get during these critical years, and adequate budgetary resources are essential. We therefore feel that the present Budget and Programme of Work should be agreed by consensus, though it is not adequate for the work that is required.

Listening to the statements made in Plenary, it is easy to see that each member country is pointing out issues that need to be addressed to overcome the challenges of food and agricultural production in their respective countries. Obviously, FAO plays a major role in addressing issues in this sector. We therefore see a need to provide the Organization with a guaranteed level and flow of adequate resources. We believe the base level of US$676.9 million proposed by the Director-General and endorsed by the Joint Meeting of the Programme and Finance Committee falls short of what is needed to meet the many varied demands. In the prevailing circumstances of resource constraints, however, Members are forced to accept whatever can be secured. It is in this context that we accept and support the approval of the Programme of Work and Budget now before Conference. In this connection, the proposed thrust in the Programme of Work and Budget and the proposed changes in resource allocation for Forestry, Fishery and Agriculture are in line with the concerns expressed during the last Session of the Council. We would therefore like to reiterate our acceptance of these changes and developments. We also welcome and support the activities related to protection of the environment and sustainable development, even though the resources allocated fall far short of what is needed.

Here it is important to note that resource requirement for sustainable development and environmental concern is beyond the capabilities of those available in the developing countries and would require a separate consideration and flow of resources. Resources allocated for the Technical Cooperation Programme is around 11.7 percent of the total budget. Conference decisions of the past was to reach a minimum of 17 percent. The gap between what has been allocated and the conference decision is large enough to cause serious concern. We are not satisfied with this stagnating situation, when the need for such a resource is acute and plays a major role in emergency situations and filling gaps of an anticipated nature during the process of food production.

The lapse factor was one of the items that was extensively discussed during the review process. It was after this extensive discussion that the present level was set. We believe that the setting of the lapse factor to a budgetary process creates pressure that will delay employment processes because of its existence. In any case changes will need to be examined before they are implemented. We therefore agree with the views of the Finance Committee that there is a merit in further examining of the issue. As for the present, we are forced to accept the present level of 3 percent as proposed in the Programme of Work and Budget. The cost increase, a factor which is beyond the control of the Organization, as long as the cost increase is in line with the cost increase projected by the respective country there should be no room for discussion. We are pleased to note that the reduction, the cost increase indicated in the document is in line with those projected by the member countries. We are pleased to note the reduction from the original consideration and would like to express our support for the present increase indicated in the document.

The Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing we feel is an area that needs to be addressed. Its preparation will definitely require additional resources. We will have no objection to the inclusion of resources or

provisions for this important area. If there are sure sources of extra-budgetary allocations therefore we will have no objection if such consideration of resources outside the Regular Programme of Work and Budget is considered.

With these comments let me also add my reaction of expressing the support of our delegation for the proposed budget and in endorsing the pertinent resolution for our programme by the Conference.

Bamanga ABBAS MALLOUM (Tchad): Mon intervention sera brève puisque l'essentiel a été dit par les délégations qui m'ont précédé.

Je voudrais tout d'abord vous féliciter, Monsieur le Président, pour la façon dont vous dirigez les travaux de votre Commission. Je tiens à féliciter et à remercier M. Shah pour la clarté et la précision de la présentation du projet de budget.

La délégation se félicite de l'attention donnée aux problèmes de la lutte contre la désertification. Ce phénomène constitue un grand fléau pour mon pays et nous insistons pour que la FAO puisse aider les pays membres à créer des centres nationaux de production de semences comme il est indiqué au paragraphe 729. Le projet de budget qui nous est soumis est réaliste et pragmatique puisqu'il a tenu compte des suggestions et observations faites par les Etats Membres. Nous exhortons les pays membres à approuver à l'unanimité le projet de budget pour permettre à notre nouveau Directeur général de débuter son mandat dans la sérénité et la confiance des Etats Membres.

Sra. Ileana DI GIOVAN BATTISTA (Argentina) : La delegación de Argentina, Señor Presidente, no desea sobreabundar, pero sí asociarse a lo que han dicho las delegaciones que nos han precedido en el uso de la palabra sobre el Programa de Labores y Presupuesto para 1994-95 y, especialmente asociarse a los apoyos manifestados con respecto a dos aspectos específicos: el Programa Principal de Montes y el Programa de Pesca.

Efectivamente, señor Presidente, hemos constatado a lo largo de las reuniones de los Comités específicos y de los últimos Consejos, que crecen significativamente los requerimientos en estos dos ámbitos, en Montes y Pesca.

En el primer ámbito, a raíz de la incorporación de las recomendaciones de la Conferencia de Río de Janeiro, a la cual la FAO deberá hacer frente. En el ámbito de pesca, a las múltiples actividades de apoyo técnico que se están pidiendo en el ámbito de la pesca responsable.

No queremos dejar de señalar nuestra satisfacción por el aumento del Programa de Cooperación Técnica; sin embargo, creemos que deben redoblarse los esfuerzos para lograr el objetivo del 17 por ciento del presupuesto adoptado por las Conferencias anteriores.

Permítame, señor Presidente, señalar un punto específico que ya ha sido propuesto por las delegaciones de México, España, Canadá, Honduras, El Salvador y otras delegaciones de América Latina; es la necesidad de utilizar la vía rápida en la elaboración de los principios generales del Código de Conducta para la Pesca Responsable. Nos adherimos a la necesidad de llevar adelante el Código de Conducta de Pesca Responsable y comenzar

por una discusión de los principios generales siguiendo el método de la vía rápida, que tan buenos resultados dio en el proceso del acuerdo sobre abanderamiento de buques. En este sentido, creemos que, en primer lugar, debe reconocerse que es imprescindible un reforzamiento de la asignación de recursos al Departamento de Pesca que debe proveer los estudios técnicos y documentación básica para este ejercicio. Pero, además, quisiéramos hacer algunas sugerencias, por instrucciones de nuestro Gobierno, en el sentido de que la discusión de los principios generales del Código de Conducta Responsable no debe prejuzgar, y no debería interferir en la discusión de la Conferencia de Pesca en Alta Mar en Nueva York. La justificación y la eficacia de nuestro acuerdo sobre abanderamiento residió en que se mantuvo la debida compatibilización con las discusiones que se llevan a cabo en Nueva York. Sugerimos que se mantenga este temperamento, que ambas actividades, la desarrollada por la FAO y la que se desarrolla en Nueva York, sean complementarias, que la FAO provea todas las actividades de apoyo y la documentación de apoyo que ello pueda requerir.

Finalmente, desearía sugerir también que si se creara el grupo de expertos o el grupo abierto, tal como se ha utilizado en el proyecto de abanderamiento de buques, el Presidente de la Conferencia de Naciones Unidas sobre Pesca en Alta Mar fuera invitado a participar de este grupo.

Con estas sugerencias quiero destacar una vez más el apoyo de la delegación Argentina al Programa de Labores y Presupuestos para 1994-95.

Mrs Vera TADIC (Croatia): Since this is the first time to take the floor in this Commission, on behalf of the Croatian delegation, let me congratulate you Sir, on your election to chair this Commission. In the same time, let me thank you Dr Shah for your very comprehensive introduction.

Becoming a new member of FAO, Croatia is very interested in and supportive of the Programme of Work and Budget. Croatia supports this Programme in all of its major aspects. It is regrettable, however, that zero growth is foreseen for the biennium 1994-95. This might significantly limit the possibilities of FAO to provide its assistance to many outstanding problems of Member Nations.

Hopefully, in the next biennium, FAO is going to maintain its stability both financially and as far as its technical capabilities are concerned.

As a Central European country in transition, Croatia faces tremendous problems related to the transformation of its agriculture from the "socialistic" to the market - oriented. It is a slow and painful process indeed.

The Croatian delegation is pleased to know that, in the biennium 1994-95, FAO is going to provide its assistance to the European countries in transition, which has been confirmed by the 103rd Session of the Council held in June this year.

The Croatian delegation would like to point out a very specific problem, which is of considerable importance to our country: a need for an overall reconstruction of our agriculture in the post-war period. In his address to the Conference last Friday, our Minister described briefly the direct damages Croatia suffered by this war. Though direct damages are very extensive, according to expert estimates the indirect damages will be much

higher. The Minister pointed out that reconstruction of Croatian agriculture as our top priority task.

We would like to stress that Croatia is not the only country suffering from the war conditions and consequences. After the end of World War II, the war deterioration and damages unfortunately have happened in many parts of the world, and even today, many countries are going through the same painful experience.

The Croatian delegation suggests to this Commission to take into consideration the idea of including the assistance of FAO in modelling reconstruction of agriculture damaged by the war or wars. Many countries, including Croatia, can't cope with such enormous and demanding tasks. The help of FAO in such a situation could be valuable. Being the centre of excellence, we are aware that FAO has enough strength and knowledge to help our country with its expertise.

Marcos NIETO LARA (Cuba): Mi delegación le agradece, señor Presidente, el habernos concedido la palabra en esta discusión de la mañana. Tendremos presente la brevedad del tiempo con que disponemos.

Agradecemos al señor Shah la excelente presentación del tema que, como expresa el Director General en la introducción al PLP, ocupa el lugar de honor en la documentación de la documentación de la Conferencia.

La delegación cubana se suma a la mayoría de las delegaciones que han solicitado se apruebe este PLP por unanimidad. Nos animan en esta posición dos razones básicas. La primera es que tal aprobación reiteraría la confianza que durante 18 años los Estados Miembros han depositado en el señor Edouard Saouma y en su equipo de colaboradores, entre los que merece destacar al señor Shah por su competencia, claridad y transparencia en la preparación y presentación de temas tan delicados como son el PLP y el resto de los documentos que examinamos en esta Comisión.

La segunda razón básica es que acabamos de elegir un nuevo Director General, el señor Jacques Diouf, en quien debemos depositar toda nuestra confianza, por su sabiduría, experiencia y capacidad para dirigir eficazmente los destinos de la Organización.

Al señor Jacques Diouf le pediríamos muy respetuosamente que maneje el PLP con flexibilidad, tratando en todo lo posible, como han expresado otras delegaciones, de hacer más con menos, pero sobre todo atendiendo a las necesidades prioritarias de los segmentos de la población mundial más pobre y más necesitada con un sentido de equidad y equilibrio.

Dicho esto, señor Presidente, me referiré a ciertos aspectos específicos del PLP. Nuestra delegación se lamenta de que, desde hace varios bienios, se mantenga el criterio de crecimiento cero. Reconocemos que se está produciendo una recuperación gradual de la situación financiera de la Organización, pero todavía es insuficiente para enfrentar los nuevos desafíos, especialmente en materia de protección del medioambiente y desarrollo sostenible como consecución de la CNUMAD, a lo cual, señor Presidente", se le debería prestar una máxima prioridad. Asimismo, al Programa de Acción de la Conferencia Internacional sobre Nutrición, que requerirá una alta prioridad.

El Programa de Cooperación Técnica, cuyas bondades y ventajas en otros períodos de sesiones de la Conferencia se han puesto de relieve, debería alcanzar el nivel solicitado por la resolución 9/89 de la Conferencia, llegando a un nivel del 17 por ciento del presupuesto total.

Nos complace saber que se está promoviendo una resolución para establecer el premio Edouard Saouma que se concedería a aquellos proyectos del PCT ejecutados con particular eficacia, como corresponde a un reconocimiento adecuado a quien tanto ha impulsado este programa.

Observamos con satisfacción una mejoría en el concepto de aumento de costos, y ello es estimulante en el sentido de que los recursos disponibles tengan un mayor rendimiento.

A nuestro modo de ver, el coeficiente por vacantes se encuentra en un nivel razonable y merece nuestro respaldo.

Apreciamos con agrado los esfuerzo realizados por asignar más recursos al Programa Principal 2.3 Montes, respondiendo a las solicitudes del Comité respectivo y del Consejo. Sin embargo, señor Presidente, deberían movilizarse más recursos extrapresupuestarios en apoyo del Programa de Acción Forestal en los Trópicos, al cual ya se han adherido más de 90 países y, si fuera necesario, respaldar las actividades de la unión internacional de coordinación del PAF con recursos del Programa Ordinario, habida cuenta del importante papel asistencial de esta unidad a los países en desarrollo en materia de política y planificación forestal, sirviendo además de puente entre los países beneficiarios y los donantes.

En materia de ganadería, pediríamos al Director General se estudie el establecimiento de un comité de ganadería atendiendo al volumen e importancia de las actividades que en este Subprograma se generan y que eventualmente no pudiera constituir un aumento significativo de los costos. Hay que mencionar que ya en la Región de América Latina existe la Comisión de Ganadería y está funcionando con eficacia.

Para finalizar, señor Presidente, diré que mi país concede una gran importancia al Programa Pesca y a la necesidad de preparar y poner en práctica, lo antes posible, utilizando el mecanismo de la vía rápida, el Código Internacional de Conducta para la Pesca Responsable, e insta al Director General a que movilice los recursos necesarios, sea de fuentes extrapresupuestarias o en multinstancias del Programa Regular para atender a estas prioridades. Asimismo, solicitamos que se trate, en lo posible, de mantener el presupuesto del próximo bienio para el Programa Principal Pesca en un nivel similar al del bienio presente.

LE PRESIDENT: Je vous remercie, M. le Représentant de Cuba, pour votre intervention. Vous évoquez cette proposition de la création d'un Comité de l'élevage, proposition qui revient de plus en plus dans le débat. Peut-être faudrait-il avoir une approche intégrée du problème, ainsi que je l'ai dit vendredi dernier et comme le rappelait l'Ambassadeur de France, c'est à dire qu'il ne faut pas considérer ce Comité de l'élevage au sens strict uniquement, mais surtout dans l'optique de l'amélioration des zones de parcours, et de l'organisation des agriculteurs.

Nedilson RICARDO JORGE (Brazil): Mr Chairman, first, allow me to thank once again Dr Shah for his clear and comprehensive introduction on this item, as he usually does.

The format of the document C 93/3 is adequate. There is, however, room for improvements that, I am sure, FAO Secretariat will continue to pursue.

In general, Brazil supports the priorities set out in the present proposed Programme of Work and Budget for 1994-95, particularly in what concerns activities deriving from the resources to the follow-up of UNCED and to the strengthening of nutrition activities. We also support the strengthening of the Global Information and Early Warning System and remote sensing activities in the Research and Technology Department Division.

The Brazilian Government is gratified to see the changes made in resources allocations over those indicated in the Summary Programme of Work and Budget discussed last June. At that time, my country regretted the decrease of resources available to Major Programme 2.3 - Forestry, and stated that, in our opinion, there should have been no reduction on the overall level of resources to that programme. Further, we asked for an increase in resources to forestry in the short and in the medium terms, in order to allow FAO to strengthen its leading role in that field. Therefore, we have to commend FAO Secretariat for the changes made. We are glad that, in the present version, the PWB meets this pressing request to the maximum extent possible and Programme 2.3 now shows a small net increase of resources. It is our belief that this trend will continue in the future.

The Brazilian Delegation associates itself with the Programme Committee in stressing the importance of FAO technical cooperation activities and in underlining the need to ensure the sustainability of results. In spite of the fact FAO has an excellent standard as a whole in terms of technical cooperation, Brazil believes that it is very important to continue trying to improve the quality of projects. Towards this end, we think that every project should have, if possible, a multidisciplinary approach and a methodology of participative planning in order to increase the sustainability of the project on the institutional level. Besides, Programme Approach should always be a key element in the criteria for eligibility of projects that are supported by FAO.

Brazil believes that it is very important to stimulate the participation of national experts through national execution of projects. This will certainly lead to an improvement in FAO's comparative advantage in providing Technical Cooperation.

We also think that, whenever possible, aspects and activities of TCDC should be included on all projects in order to ensure an effective transfer and exchange of techniques and technologies to and between developing countries. For instance, Brazil presently has a considerable developed technology in some agricultural fields, such as integrated pest contol, that could, with FAO’s help and support, be transferred to other developing countries in need.

I would like also to support what was said by previous delegates about giving priority towards the acceleration of the overall work on the Code of Conduct for Responsible fishing. I am sure FAO Secretariat will be able to mobilize resources in order to achieve this important priority.

In fact, although priorities ought to be discussed and established on the basis of the needs and points of view of Member Nations, Brazil believes that, above all, every country should strive in favour of avoiding any reductions in actual resources allocated to Chapter 2. We advocate that any cuts or reallocation of resources should not mean a reduction on the share of the budget allocated towards operational activities, as these are the main trust of FAO in the struggle against hunger and underdevelopment.

We think that any further need of reallocation of resources should affect primarily other areas. Intead of reducing operational programmes, I am certain that FAO will continue, whenever possible, to favour reduction of adminitrative and personnel costs without negatively affecting the efficiency of related services.

Brazil is pleased to note that the level of cost increases has been reduced to under US$ 76 million presently. I commend FAO Secretariat efforts to reduce cost increases with no harmful effects on the Programme of Work.

Concerning the lapse factor, Brazil is aware of the fact that the debate on it contains political facets as well as technical aspects. Instead of expressing our final point of view at this stage of the debate, my country would prefer first to have a review on the issue made by the external auditor. Besides, it would be profitable for future debates if the Joint Inspection Unity makes a study on the lapse factor in the UN system, as we would then have the advantage of comparison with the surrent practice of other international organizations.

In regard to the budget level, Brazil supports the proposed base level for the Programme of Work. We think that this level, although insufficient to attend the needs of developing countries, is compatible with the current economic situation of most member countries and is, therefore, adequate. We are then ready to join a consensus on the proposed level of the budget.

Finally, I would like to have one point cleared up. In the Director-General's intorduction, he mentions that, at the rate of Lire 1 550 to US$1, assessed contributions on Member Nations would only increase by US$3.5 million, that is, a 0.6 percent increase over the Present biennium. We would like to have, if possible, from FAO's Secretariat, similar information regarding the effects of the present Lire/Dollar exchange rate on assessments for the next biennium.

Waleed A. ELKHEREIJI (Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of) (Original language Arabic):

I would first of all like to express the thanks of my delegation to the Director-General and his collaborators, especially Mr Shah, for the excellent preparation and presentation of these excellent documents, which are transparent and clear. This has made our examination and understanding of them far easier.

My delegation has already stated its support for a budget for the 1994-95 biennium of US$676.9, based on the present lire/dollar exchange. We have also supported this during the last two sessions of Council, and in Plenary by way of Head of Delegation. Nevertheless, I would like to make the following comments :

First, we are happy to see priorities laid down in the Programme of Work and Budget, and the changes made in resource allocation.

Secondly, in so far as the Technical Cooperation Programme is concerned, we do support the increase proposed which has resulted from the saving of US$1 million due to efforts made by the administration.

Third, so far as the lapse factor is concerned, at a rate of 3 percent, and in view of the debate that this has given rise to concerning the amount and appropriateness of this level, we would like to support the proposal that the External Auditor should examine the issue and send his report later to the Finance Division. We would also like to ask for a DCI on this, to see what the repercussions of the lapse factor are within the UN system as a whole.

We would like to express our thanks to the Director-General for all the measures taken to absorb the need for increased contributions. We hope that these measures will be sustainable, and permanent. We hope also that this will be discussed in the Finance Committee, so that countries are not taken by surprise by a very rapid increase in their assessment contribution in the near future.

Finally, we would request unanimous approval of the Programme of Work and Budget as a demonstration of support and confidence in the Director-General.

Francis MONTANARO MIFSUD (Malta): As this is the first time I have taken the floor in this Commission, I would like to say how pleased we are to see you in the Chair. I would also like to thank you for giving me the floor at short notice in view of another commitment I have in a few moments. On behalf of my delegation I would like to declare our support for the Programme of Work and Budget at the level proposed.

Secondly, I would like to take this opportunity to associate ourselves with the proposal of the Chairman of the Committee of Fisheries, which is set out in the Appendix to C LIM/23 and which has been supported by various delegations, to the effect that the International Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing should be put on a fast track. The work to prepare, at very short notice, the procedure for a draft agreement on the flagging has demonstrated not only the cost-efficiency of FAO, but also its comparative advantage in this field. We see no reason for fearing that adopting this procedure would risk any kind of conflict of jurisdiction with other fora which are dealing with certain aspects of responsible fishing.

When we considered the proposals for the draft agreement on reflagging, we had understood that this agreement would be part of the International Code of Conduct and we looked at it in that context. I would not like to see that, having approved the ref lagging agreement, the rest of the Code of Conduct is left behind. We believe that unless the programme for arriving at an International Code of Conduct on Responsible Fishing is put on a fast track, unless the Code of Conduct is elaborated on a fast track, it will not be possible to conclude this programme, this objective, by the time of the second Conference. The momentum which has been built up in connection with the ref lagging agreement should be maintained, so that we can go ahead with a general International Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing.

Haris ZANNETIS (Cyprus): My delegation's views on the Programme of Work and Budget have been expressed during the June Session of the Council and also during the Session of the Council preceding this Conference.

Taking also into consideration the late stage of the discussion I can be brief. To address however, as you have requested, the relevant points associated with the Programme of Work and Budget, I wish to note:

First: the absence of a net programme growth, understanding that the base level for 1994-95 biennium is US$676.9 million. This absence of net programme growth is considered under the circumstances to be the only-feasible solution.

Second: the reduction of the cost increase to US$76 million, which we welcome.

Third: the continuation of the lapse factor at 3 percent, which we support.

Regarding the allocation of resources, we are pleased that it was possible to increase provisions for Forestry and Fishery activities and also welcome the additional US$1 million for the TCP. We view this increase only as a small step toward what all developing countries desire, which is a future strengthening of the Technical Cooperation Programme.

With these observations, we support the relevant resolution for the approval of the Programme of Work and Budget for 1994-95.

Before concluding, I wish to support the proposal of the delegate of Mexico for more emphasis on animal production. I believe that his suggestion, which has been supported by many delegations, for the establishment of a Committee on animal production should be exploited.

Regarding the use of arrears for the financing of part of the budget, we believe that it is quite reasonable to expect that arrears should be treated as income of the Organization. If we doubt that arrears will be paid then we should also seriously doubt as to whether assessed contributions will be paid. We therefore support the proposed use of the arrears for financing part of the budget, which we consider to be fair and logical. We hope that all Member Nations, like mine, will honour their obligations toward this Organization, in order to enable the full implementation of the Programme of Work.

In concluding, I wish to register my delegation's satisfaction for the informative documents of the Secretariat and the excellent introduction to the subject by Mr Shah

KYAW TINT (Myanmar): I have not much to say, except to touch on a few points in the forestry sector.

At the outset, our delegation would like to express our deep appreciation to the Secretariat for its excellent work

As every forester is aware, forest management has to serve two conflicting purposes, of conservation and exploitation. To maintain a sound balance between the two conflicting issues is not a simple task.

While developing countries need to export forest products for national economic development, due to lateral expansion of agriculture and acute fuelwood problems resulting from increased demographic pressure, tropical forests have been both degrading and depleting at an alarming rate. On the other hand, unsustainable patterns of the resource use threaten the very

survival of mankind. It is in this context that we welcome FAO's commitments and support to afforestation, reforestation, sustainable forest management, conservation of genetic resources and sustainable use of biodiversity.

Support to TFAP and TCDC is also highly appreciated. Developing countries benefit a lot from the TCDC networks.

However, we wish that FAO would assist Member Nations better through TCPs and follow-up projects in strengthening their educational and research institutions.

Food security is closely related to agricultural production, which depends to a large extent on the availability of a sustained and sufficient supply of clean water. Consequently, watershed management in the tropical countries, in particular, needs to be given more attention than is envisaged in the Programme.

We welcome the budget increase under programme element Arid Zone Forestry and Desertification Control. People living in the arid zones and deserts are usually the poorest of poor because they cannot produce what they need as the soil is infertile and the climate unfavourable. That is why in Myanmar we are launching a special project to green the dry zones, starting from this year. The project will cover the nine driest districts of the country and run for three years. The Government has planned to spend the sum of 63 million kyats, equivalent to US$10 million, to establish 21 000 hectares of fuelwood plantations, with the participation of the people. The project is expected to help solve the acute fuelwood problem facing the local population, reverse environmental degradation, -and make the dry zone green and pleasant.

FAO's technical and financial support for such projects will be invaluable.

Humberto CARRIÓN McDONOUGH (Nicaragua) : Ante todo, deseo sumarme a las palabras de presentación por su elección para dirigir esta Comisión tan importante para los trabajos de nuestra Conferencia.

No cabe duda de que analizar el documento C 93/3 es tarea ardua; sin embargo, hemos hecho el esfuerzo de hacerlo y lo hemos encontrado claro y coherente.

El Programa de Labores y Presupuesto que el Director General nos propone para el próximo bienio ha sido debidamente discutido en los Comités del Programa y de Finanzas así como en el Consejo de la Organización. Las recientes modificaciones que se le hicieron al Resumen del Programa y Presupuesto que se presentó en el 103° período de sesiones del Consejo demuestra que ha habido una gran interacción entre los miembros de esos Comités, los miembros del Consejo y el Director General para afinar un programa de trabajo y un nivel de presupuesto que ahora debería ser aceptable para todos los países miembros de la FAO.

Las actividades de competencia de nuestra Organización son hoy tan relevantes como en las décadas pasadas para combatir el hambre y la desnutrición; no obstante el nivel del presupuesto que se nos propone es igual al del bienio anterior, con la salvedad del aumento en los costos, es decir, 75,8 millones de dólares que servirán para mantener aproximadamente

el mismo volumen de operaciones de asistencia técnica y de asesoría en comparación con el bienio 1992-93.

Además la FAO cuenta, a partir de esta Conferencia, con nuevos miembros que seguramente requerirán los servicios y la asistencia técnica de la Organización, así como los países de Europa Central y Oriental la necesitan en su transición hacia un modelo económico distinto. Igualmente, en muchos de los países en vías de desarrollo, se están realizando ajustes estructurales y necesitan el apoyo de la Organización para realizarlos de la manera más eficiente posible en las áreas que son competencia de la FAO. El desempleo a corto plazo y el impacto social que producen dichos ajustes son conocidos por todos nosotros, lo mismo que su repercusión en la estabilidad política y en la lenta consolidación de las instituciones nacionales.

Tampoco podemos olvidar que la FAO ha programado actividades complementarias de la Conferencia sobre el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo y de la Conferencia International sobre Nutrición. Esto debería bastar para comprender que la falta de crecimiento neto del presupuesto de labores es anómala.

Por otro lado, siendo realistas, no podemos pretender un aumento real en las partidas presupuestarias del Programa de Labores de la Organización para el próximo bienio y aprobamos el plan de financiación sugerido por el Director General, que con la adición de un tipo de cambio dólar-lira más adecuado al valor actual del dólar, nuestros Gobiernos tendrían que hacer una contribución global de sólo 3,5 millones de dólares más que en el bienio pasado.

Lo anterior signfica que estamos de acuerdo con el análisis financiero hecho por el señor Shah, que incluye el cálculo del aumento de los costos a través de la bienalización y de la compensación por la inflación, así como la aplicación del 3 por ciento como coeficiente de descuento por vacantes.

Reconocemos que el Programa de Labores para 1994-95 se basa en las prioridades del Plan a Plazo Medio y reconocemos aún más los esfuerzos hechos por el Director General para revertir o para mitigar, según el caso, los recortes que se contemplaron inicialmente en los programas técnicos y económicos en el Resumen del Programa de Labores y Presupuesto, según consta, entre otros, en los párrafos 19, 20, 21 y 22 del documento en referencia, y en los párrafos 3, 4 y 5 del documento C 93/LIM/1l que se refiere al extracto del informe del 104° período de sesiones del Consejo.

Hablamos específicamente del pequeño aumento neto de 330 000 dólares en el programa principal 2.3: Montes; de la reducción de 145 000 dólares en el programa principal 2.2: Pesca; y de la reducción de 1,1 millones de dólares en el programa principal 2.1: Agricultura.

Por lo que concierne al Programa de Cooperación Técnica, continuamos apoyándolo y lamentamos que no se haya logrado el porcentaje del total del presupuesto que fue establecido en la Resolución 9/89 de la Conferencia.

Lamentamos también el descenso general del volumen de las actividades del Programa dé Campo y la reducción de los recursos destinados a su apoyo técnico. Es de suponer que el descenso en la tasa de ejecución de proyectos financiados por el PNUD se deba al estancamiento o más bien a la reducción de las cifras indicativas por país, limitando aún más las perspectivas de ingresos a la FAO en concepto de gastos de apoyo.

Esperamos que ni las medidas de ahora ni el congelamiento de los recursos a dedicarse al programa principal 3.4: Representantes de la FAO, tengan repercusiones negativas en el desempeño de sus funciones. Como se indica en los párrafos 827 a 831 del documento C 93/3, los representantes de la FAO contribuyen de forma decisiva a que los países en que están acreditados participen y se beneficien en mayor medida de las actividades de los Programas Ordinario y de Campo.

Su contribución al Sistema Mundial de Información y Alerta en momentos de emergencia es particularmente notable, dotando a la FAO de una evaluación sobre el terreno de la situación y de las necesidades de asistencia de urgencia y de rehabilitación.

En síntesis, en el Programa de Labores y Presupuesto para el bienio 1994-95 se establece un delicado equilibrio entre los programas técnicos y económicos y los de apoyo a los mismos. Unos y otros se complementan, pero notamos con preocupación una reducción porcentual en los recursons destinados a los programas técnicos en comparación con el bienio anterior.

Señor Presidente, en mi capacidad de Presidente del Grupo de los 77, permítame recordar que la Declaración Ministerial de los Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores del Grupo de los 77 en la presente Asamblea General ha dedicado un lugar muy importante a la cooperación técnica entre países en desarrollo. Esto se encuentra en consonancia con decisiones anteriores de la Conferencia de la FAO y con el programa principal 3.9: Administración de Programas.

En el párrafo 842 del documento C 93/3 se menciona que el centro consolidado de coordinación de la CTPD continuará promoviendo su integración con las actividades normales de las dependencias técnicas y operativas de la Sede, de las oficinas regionales y en los países.

Solicitamos entonces que en el próximo bienio se asignen recursos para que la FAO asista a los países en vías de desarrollo interesados en la elaboración de inventarios nacionales, sobre las posibilidades de prestar cooperación técnica, así como las propias limitaciones. Una actividad de esta naturaleza se podría realizar con recursos modestos, pero la utilidad para la promoción de la CTPD sería sin duda considerable. Nos gustaría también que la FAO pudiera documentar experiencias en materia de cooperación técnica y económica Sur-Sur y que del Programa de Cooperación Técnica se incrementen considerablemente los proyectos del CTPD.

LE PRESIDENT: Je vous remercie pour votre intervention très détaillée Monsieur l'Ambassadeur.

Permettez-moi de faire une petite observation. Vous avez dit que s'agissant du niveau de contributions, il y aurait probablement une hausse de deux à trois millions de dollars. Cela était exact quant à l'appréciation du Programme de travail et budget sur la base d'un taux de change dollar/lire de 1.550. Or, nous sommes actuellement aux alentours de 1.650, voire même plus, et je pense qu'il y aura plutôt une baisse par rapport au biennum précédent qu'une hausse.

Je donne maintenant la parole au Représentant du Cap-Vert.

Monsieur l'Ambassadeur, j’aimerais vous renouveler nos vives condoléances pour la disparition tragique de votre père et je suis très heureux de vous voir parmi nous, malgré ce deuil.

Aguinaldo LISBOA RAMOS (Cap-Vert): Je vous remercie de vos aimables paroles et de votre sympathie à mon égard. Je voudrais également vous dire notre satisfaction de vous voir présider notre Commission. Je voudrais aussi adresser mes remerciements à M. Shah et au Secrétariat pour la qualité et la clarté du document qui nous a été soumis.

Par cette intervention, je voudrais réitérer les positions déjà défendues au Conseil par la délégation du Cap-Vert et signaler que tout doit être fait pour renforcer cette Organisation et le rôle irremplaçable qu'elle joue dans l'amélioration des conditions de vie des paysans et des pêcheurs, surtout dans les pays en développement.

Ceci dit, il devient évident que nous ne devons pas épargner les efforts pour éviter la diminution des ressources qui lui sont octroyées par les Etats Membres et qui lui permettent de réaliser le programme qu'elle soumet tous les deux ans à l'approbation de la Conférence.

Ma délégation donne son accord à la base budgétaire de 676,9 millions de dollars proposés par le Directeur général avec les augmentations de coût de 76 millions de dollars, et aux mécanismes adoptés pour son financement, y compris le recours au remboursement des arriérés de contributions. Nous donnons également notre accord au Programme de travail qui est proposé.

Cependant, nous nous réjouissons du fait que la majorité des Etats Membres partagent la même position. Cependant, nous espérons qu'au prochain exercice nous n'aurons pas à adopter un budget sans croissance mais, au contraire, que nous serons en mesure de donner à la FAO les moyens nécessaires pour répondre aux besoins croissants de l'humanité.

Nous sommes satisfaits des solutions finalement apportées au grands programmes techniques et économiques, au PCT, en attendant que celui-ci atteigne le niveau de 17 pour cent décidé par la vingt-sixième session de la Conférence. La priorité accordée au suivi de la CNUED et de la Conférence internationale sur la nutrition mérite aussi notre appui sans réserve.

Ma délégation approuve aussi l'intérêt porté au rôle des femmes dans la transformation des économies des pays en développement et à l'importance des communautés locales dans l'agriculture durable et le développement rural.

Nous considérons avec très grand intérêt la coopération économique, la coopération technique entre les pays en développement et nous estimons que les mécanismes pour la mise en oeuvre doivent être améliorés. Nous espérons que les fonds extrabudgétaires destinés à financer les programmes de terrain continueront à valoriser les activités du Programme ordinaire augmentant ainsi l'interpénétration et la synergie qui existent déjà entre eux.

Ms Teresa D. HOBGOOD (United States of America): The United States would like to underscore its support for completion of the International Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing as envisaged in the Declaration of Cancun

in Mexico. In scheduling meetings to discuss the Code we would join with those delegations who have expressed the view that FAO's work on the Code complement and not compete with related activities of other United Nations bodies.

Ricardo VELÁZQUEZ HUERTA (México) : La delegación de México agradece que se le dé por segunda ocasión la palabra con dos puntos que queríamos tratar. El primero de ellos se refiere a un proyecto de resolución que vamos a presentar a la Mesa en unos momentos más, y que trata de la preparación, implementación y seguimiento de un Código de Conducta de Pesca Responsable. Como es del conocimiento de todos ustedes, México ha estado permanentemente interesado e insistiendo en el establecimiento de este Código Internacional de Pesca Responsable, y ha contado con el apoyo de muchos países. Esto, como todos saben, es el resultado de la Conferencia Internacional de Pesca Responsable celebrada en Cancún, y cuyo resultado fue la propuesta de traer al seno de la FAO este proyecto para que continuara su trámite y su implementación futura.

En el proyecto de resolución que estamos presentando hacemos una serie de consideraciones relativas a la necesidad de la contribución de la pesca a la seguridad alimentaria. Por una parte, nos referimos a los estatutos jurídicos que ya están convenidos en el ámbito de las Naciones Unidas, como es la Convención del Mar

También hacemos referencia a nuestra propia declaración de Cancún y quisiéramos, señor Presidente, que este proyecto de resolución se llevara al pleno de la Conferencia con dos puntos fundamentales.

Primero, que se pida al Director General de la FAO que ejecute o que tome las medidas necesarias para la implementación, el seguimiento y la preparación de un código de conducta de pesca responsable.

Y seguidamente, la resolución que se busquen los recursos adicionales, suficientes y necesarios para la preparación, implementación y seguimiento de este código de pesca responsable al que todos los países le han dado su apoyo.

Este es el primer punto. El segundo punto, señor Presidente, se refiere a que quisiéramos en esta ocasión apoyar con mucha fuerza el planteamiento hecho por la delegación de Honduras, de también un proyecto de resolución que presentará también a la Mesa más tarde, y que se refiere a todas las actividades dirigidas a la conservación, utilización y acceso de recursos genéticos vegetales, animales, marinos, forestales y ecosistema. Apoyamos, señor Presidente, esta propuesta de Honduras.

LE PRESIDENT: Mon désir n'est pas d'ouvrir un débat sur cette question, mais je pense qu'une telle initiative rejoindra le souhait de plusieurs des membres sur cette question du Code de conduite, à savoir que le processus soit maintenu, et peut-être même accéléré.

J'apprécie également votre soutien à la proposition du Honduras. J'ai eu l'occasion de parler avec la délégation du Honduras et je dois dire que lorsqu'elle s'était exprimée, je n'avais pas saisi qu'elle avait proposé de soumettre un projet de résolution. Vous venez d'apporter des précisions et j'aimerais donc confirmer aux membres de la Commission que le délégué du Honduras souhaite présenter un projet de résolution sur la conservation des

ressources phytogénétiques, zoogénétiques et des écosystèmes. Malheureusement, le Comité des résolutions est déjà réuni actuellement, et il n'est donc pas possible de le saisir de ces deux projets de résolution. Je pense cependant que nous pourrons demander au Comité de se réunir à nouveau demain matin pour que nous puissions discuter des trois projets dans l'après-midi, avant l'adoption du rapport: le projet présenté par le Canada - qui est en cours de discussion - et les deux projets dont je viens de parler. C'est la raison pour laquelle j'avais dit que le point 12 resterait en suspens jusqu'à la discussion sur le fond de ces trois projets.

Jaime GARCÍA Y BADÍAS (España): Seré breve, tal como le anuncié y como usted me ha solicitado, pero la importancia de los dos temas anunciados recientemente en esta Comisión, me obliga a prestar mi apoyo, breve, pero mi apoyo.

En primer lugar, quisiéramos darlo a la iniciativa expresada en esta Comisión durante este debate de labores y presupuesto con relación a la resolución anunciada por el delegado de México, sobre la propuesta que permita al departamento de Pesca de la FAO contar con los recursos suficientes durante el próximo bienio y que, a su vez, le permita llevar a buen puerto el código de conducta para la pesca responsable.

En segundo lugar, señor Presidente, y con relación a los recursos fitogenéticos, apoyar la iniciativa de la delegada de Honduras que, como nos ha anunciado recientemente, va a presentar una resolución sobre este tema que permita, a su vez, aumentar la visibilidad de todas las actividades de los recursos fitogenéticos y que a su vez, permita también reforzar el Secretariado de la Comisión, que lo creemos imprescindible para llevar también a buen puerto todas cuanto hacen referencia a recursos fitogenéticos.

LE PRESIDENT: Encore une fois, j'aimerais demander aux délégués du Honduras et du Mexique de transmettre copie de ces projets de résolution à Mme Forthomme de manière qu'elle puisse les adresser par la voie administrative au Comité des résolutions.

Nous arrivons au terme de notre débat qui a été très animé, cinquante-sept délégués se sont exprimés sur ce point 12 et quatre d'entre eux ont repris la parole.

Je vois que le Représentant de l'Allemagne demande la parole. Je la lui donne en lui demandant d'être bref parce qu'il nous reste cinquante-cinq minutes et que nous devrons écouter les réponses du Secrétariat et que j'aurai moi-même à faire le résumé des débats.

Harald HILDEBRAND (Germany) (Original language German): There were a number of questions on the basis of the last comments from Mexico and other countries on the draft Resolution on Plant and Animal Genetic Resources. What exactly is the intention? Is this just for plant genetic resources or for living genetic resources in general, forestry, agriculture? Is it the broader approach? Finally, in the end, I was not too clear and I wonder if I can have a clarification on that.

LE PRESIDENT: Je vous remercie, Monsieur le délégué. Je n'ai moi-même pas encore sous les yeux copie de cette résolution, donc je ne serai pas en mesure de vous répondre précisément. Mais sur le plan de la forme, comme vous le savez, les règlements permettent à chaque Etat Membre d'introduire un projet de résolution, projet qui n'est discuté sur le fond qu'après avoir été traité sur la forme par le Comité des résolutions comme le prévoit la procédure. J'aimerais donc vous proposer d'attendre la séance de demain après-midi, lorsque ce projet de résolution, avec les remarques, sur la forme, du Comité des résolutions, nous sera transmis, traduit dans toutes les langues et faisant l'objet d'un document LIM. Vous pourrez alors, Monsieur le délégué, formuler toutes observations et remarques pertinentes qui vous paraîtront importantes.

Si vous en êtes d'accord, je vais donner la parole à M. Shah qui va répondre aux nombreuses questions et demandes d'information qui ont émané des délégués qui se sont exprimés sur ce point.

Je voudrais ajouter que les représentants des délégations de Colombie, Venezuela, Haiti et Guinée ont demandé que l'on insère leurs interventions dans le procès-verbal. Il en est ainsi décidé.

Ivan MARULANDA GÓMEZ (Colombia): La delegación de Colombia desea hacer dos observaciones puntuales sobre el Programa de Labores y Presupuesto 1994-95:

Primero, tal como lo afirmamos en el seno del Consejo, somos partidarios de que se le dé preeminencia en la ejecución del Presupuesto, a los trabajos de elaboración del Código de Conducta para la pesca responsable en alta mar y se continúe así con el exitoso trabajo que se ha venido desarrollando mediante una vía rápida en la elaboración del Acuerdo sobre Abanderamiento que llega para la aprobación de esta Conferencia. Consideramos que el Código de Conducta debe complementarse cuanto antes con los aspectos fundamentales que aún quedan pendientes, y que para ello debe buscarse la coordinación y la cooperación de otras instancias de Naciones Unidas que tienen ingerencia en el tema.

Segundo, nuestra delegación apoya la idea de que se cree un Comité de Ganadería en la FAO.1

Sra. Virginia PÉREZ PÉREZ (Venezuela): Señor Presidente, por ser esta nuestra primera intervención, permítame felicitarlo y manifestarle nuestra satisfacción por su elección y actuación al frente de esta Comisión.

Señor Presidente, las enormes dificultades financieras que enfrentan los países en desarrollo, la recesión económica internacional y, en general, la insuficiencia de recursos económicos, justifican ampliamente la adopción de un Programa de Labores y Presupuesto para 1994-95, que no conlleve ningún aumento con relación al ejercicio precedente, tal como lo ha propuesto el Director General de la Organización.

Me permito recordar algunas ideas expresadas por el Director General, señor Edouard Sauma, en su declaración a la Conferencia, en el sentido de no haberse convertido al dogma del crecimiento cero sino que su decisión fue tomada basándose en varias consideraciones, entre las cuales mencionaré: el

1 Texto incluido en las actas a petición expresa.

deseo de no imponer una carga excesiva a los países pobres; el no dejar a su sucesor una situación difícil que pudiera provocar una ruptura entre el monto del programa aprobado y el de créditos abiertos y, la voluntad de evitar una batalla presupuestaria.

Mi delegación apoya el llamado del Director General en el sentido de adoptar el presupuesto por unanimidad para que el nuevo Director General, señor Jacques Diouf, pueda iniciar sus funciones con el apoyo de todos los Estados Miembros.

Señor Presidente, en relación con el atraso que algunos países tienen en sus cuotas, nuestra delegación desea resaltar que a pesar de ser una situación preocupante, digna de merecer una atención especial, no podemos desconocer que muchos países (como es el caso de Venezuela), han tenido problemas como consecuencia de la gigantesca caída de los ingresos de exportación y la administración de sus economías.

En este sentido se espera que en la nueva gestión, la FAO pueda brindar más atención al estudio y solución de los problemas creados con las políticas de estabilización y ajuste estructural en el sector agrícola y a su repercusión en las políticas alimentarias y nutricionales con el objeto de enfrentar eficazmente este momento de transición que deja una secuela de marginalidad y pobreza rural y urbana.

Señor Presidente, nos unimos a lo expresado por otras delegaciones para que continúen los esfuerzos en fortalecer, desde el punto de vista técnico y preupuestario, los temas relativos a los recursos fitogenéticos, a los programas de cooperación técnica y a los asuntos pesqueros.

Subrayamos la importancia que nuestro país concede a la elaboración del Código de Conducta de Pesca Responsable. Solicitamos que sea considerado el apoyo unánime dado por el Consejo a la aplicación de una vía rápida en la elaboración de los principios generales del Código de Conducta para la Pesca Responsable, pues el compromiso para integrar este código es urgente e impostergable.

Señor Presidente, para finalizar, la delegación venezolana cree que es .posible reducir costos sin necesidad de tocar programas prioritarios de la Organización. De aquí la necesidad de revisar algunos gastos (viajes, duración de las reuniones del Consejo y de los Comités, y de personal, entre otros).

Estamos conscientes que esto podría tomar cierto tiempo pues implicaría un cambio de la metodología y de la mejora de las prácticas de gestión, que redundarían en la mejor utilización de los recursos y por ende en la optimización de los programas y actividades de la Organización. Gracias, señor Presidente.

Christian BONAPARTE (Haïti): Monsieur le Président, nous remercions en premier lieu le Secrétariat pour les efforts déployés à l’élaboration du Programme de travail et budget soumis au document C 93/3.

La délégation haïtienne estime que ce Programme devrait être approuvé à l'unanimité, comme l'ont proposé d'autres délégations avant nous.

1 Texto incluido en las actas a petición expresa.

Nous appuyons toutes les remarques émises par la Belgique concernant le Programme travail et budget et reconnaissons également que les commentaires et propositions énoncés par le Mexique doivent être retenus pour une bonne analyse du Programme de travail et budget.

Cependant, Monsieur le Président, ma délégation vous soumet les réflexions suivantes :

- Au niveau du budget, il représente une option attendue et déjà acceptée lors de la session précédente.

Cependant, ma délégation se pose des questions lorsque les difficultés financières des pays membres sont citées. Certes, mais ne serait-il pas plutôt question des difficultés financières de l'Organisation vis-à-vis des pays membres. Ma délégation est aussi d'avis qu'il faut mobiliser davantage de ressources extrabudgétaires, notamment pour le programme Forêts.

Nous apprécions, en outre, la reprise progressive de la situation financière.

Monsieur le Président, comment sans cesse revoir le fait de "faire davantage avec moins de moyens"? Non, la FAO n'a pas fait d'erreurs dans le passé. Non à ces remises en question successives alors que les résultats sont positifs dans tous les programmes en cours dans les pays en développement.

Pour ce qui a trait au PCT, nous sommes d'avis que la FAO n'a pas pu encore arriver au niveau arrêté en 1989 et estimons que, ce programme étant indispensable aux PVD, les moyens budgétaires doivent lui être alloués de façon prioritaire. Il faut conserver cet outil indispensable, mais lui demander plus de flexibilité dans les questions d'identification.

En final, Monsieur le Président, ma délégation tient à apporter son appui à la proposition faite par le Canada concernant une résolution sur les manifestations à l'occasion du cinquantième anniversaire de la FAO. Ce sera une autre occasion pour attirer l'attention sur les besoins des PVD, du monde rural en général et du rôle important que la FAO joue et doit continuer à jouer.

Souhaib Deen BANGOURA (Guinée): Monsieur le Président, ma délégation est heureuse de vous voir présider les travaux de cette Commission de la vingt-septième session de la Conférence de la FAO.

Permettez à la délégation guinéenne de vous adresser ses chaleureuses félicitations à l'occasion de votre élection.

Monsieur le Président, c'est avec une attention soutenue que notre délégation a procédé à l'analyse du document C 93/3 à savoir le Programme de travail et budget 1994-95, document qui vient d'être présenté brillamment par M. Shah à qui vont nos remerciements.

Ma délégation appuie sans réserve le contenu du document C 93/3.


1 Texte reçu avec demande d'insertion au procès verbal.

Nous serons brefs d'autant plus que nous appuyons les commentaires assez détaillés faits par un grand nombre de délégués.

A l'analyse de ce document nous avons abouti aux conclusions que nous aimerions partager avec nos collègues ici présents.

Je vous remercie.

V.J. SHAH (Deputy Director-General, Office of Programme/ Budget and Evaluation): In wishing to do justice to the very thoughtful and important policy debate you have had on the proposed Programme of Work and Budget, I would be inclined to request that the Commission accord me several hours in order to do justice and to try and satisfy all the members who raised issues and questions but clearly this is out of the question. I will do my best therefore to address, in as direct and as concentrated a way, the issues which have been raised, with apologies in advance to those members who would have wished to obtain detailed clarification and which time would not permit me to do.

One word as a preamble: I have been very interested to see the reaction of the Conference to the symbol that I suggested to the four items which you have just considered - the analogy to a quartet. I owe an apology because the analogy of a quartet after all is only relevant to one part of the musical heritage of this world. I apologize to all Member Nations of other cultures with very rich musical heritages such as that of my own heritage of India, of China, of Japan and of every other musical culture in all continents of the world.

The Secretariat should strive to respond universally to you, the Member Nations, of all this globe and I do apologize for using a restrictive analogy. I hope that the reactions do indicate that the analogy was generally accepted. There are two aspects which I would like to clarify in my response. There are some who suggested that the four documents, the Programme Implementation Report, the Programme Evaluation Report, the Medium-Term Plan and the Programme of Work and Budget, if they were a real quartet, should be totally synonymous, should fit into each other, should be mirror images of each other. That was never my intention and that is not the purpose of the analogy.

A quartet in Western music, as I understand it, consists of four musical instruments. These musical instruments do play together. They fuse the notes of the four instruments into a common theme, a common theme which has developed in a piece of music. This does not mean that every instrument plays the same notes at the same time. A quartet in Western music also, as I understand it, consists of several movements.

If you take the analogy of each of these subjects being one movement of the piece of music, without being flippant, I would say that the Programme Implementation Report is the first movement which is molto allegro, molto attivo. The second movement, the Programme Evaluation Report, is an andante, reflessivo. The third movement, the Medium-Term Plan, is maestoso. The fourth movement, the Programme of Work for the next biennium, is a molto allegro, molto attivo, and molto responsivo.

Having dealt with that preamble, Mr Chairman, let me deal with the responses in term of nine issues. I have tried to limit my thoughts in order to cover as much as possible within these responses. The first issue

I would take up is the question of the approved Programme of Work for this biennium and the budget base which has been used by the Director-General. In the last Conference you, Mr Chairman, approved the Programme of Work of US$676.9 million. The Resolution for 1991 which you adopted unanimously approved this Programme of Work and gave the amounts by budgetary chapter.

Your debate has made it abundantly clear that you expected this Programme of Work to be implemented at this level and that is precisely what the Director-General has strived to do and is determined to do until the last day of office. This is no surprise. This is no surprise because you had requested that he submit a progress report on the implementation of the programme budget, which he did last year through the Programme and Finance Committees to the 102nd Session of the Council in November of last year.

What did that progress report say? It set out clearly his determination to implement the full Programme of Work and this was applauded and endorsed by the Programme and Finance Committees and by the Council. The Council Report - I will not read huge chunks of it - but the Council commended the Director-General for his response to the Conference's directives in a prudent and pragmatic manner. In particular the Council was satisfied that all pertinent factors, positive as well as negative, had been addressed thoroughly in the determination of allotments for the year 1992.

It goes on to say that it concurred with the basic approach, including -and I quote again - "periodically reviewing the developments as they effectively materialized, e.g., the payments of arrears, in order to progressively commit the full implementation of the approved Programme". At the conclusion of this debate on this issue the Council urged the Director-General to continue his efforts to achieve maximum implementation of the approved Programme of Work.

In this connection a question was raised as to whether it was appropriate for the Director-General to have used part of the payment of arrears of one Member Nation, and I want to again recall that the use of arrears has been conducted strictly according to the regulations of this Organization. In particular, the use of the payment of arrears which was received last year was proposed to; and cleared with, the Programme and Finance Committees at its September session, and reported to Council again at its Session in November last year. These matters were again reported to these same bodies in the Progress Report on Budgetary Performance for the year 1992. Once again, the Programme and Finance Committees were extremely satisfied with what was done. I quote from the Report of the Finance Committee in May 1993: "The Committee took note of the Annual Report of Budgetary Performance to Member Nations, commended the Director-General on the cautious approach taken, and endorsed in principle the strategy for the management of the Organization's resources for the remainder of the biennium."

The Council, at its 103rd Session in June, received the same Report on Budgetary Performance with the views of the Finance Committee, and I quote from the Council Report: "The Council noted the comments of the Finance Committee and approved the Annual Report on the Budgetary Performance to the Member Nations for the year 1992".

This leads me to the question from the distinguished representative from Japan, who enquired what the expenditure forecast was going to be for this biennium. I can confirm, in the light of what I have said, that we forecast

the budgetary expenditures for 1992-93 at the full level of US$676.9 million.

This leads then to the issue of the budget base. Here I do not need to give any further response. The Conference has given its very clear expression of views on this subject, the vast majority of Member Nations considering that in their view the level of the approved Programme of Work for this biennium is an appropriate base for the next Programme of Work and Budget as proposed by the Director-General. At the same time, there have been a number of Member Nations who have indicated what their view is.

Point No. 2: If I may now take up the programme issues that have been raised:

The first of these in terms of number of references and strength of your expression is of course the Technical Cooperation Programme. There is not very much that I have been asked to provide by way of information, but I must say categorically that we have taken very careful note of the response of all those Member Nations who have expressed regret that the next Programme of Work and Budget proposals do not foresee a larger appropriation for the Technical Cooperation Programme, and who have reminded us of Conference Resolution 9/89. We have also taken note of those comments made by those who wish to have more information on the management and operation of the TCP.

The second programme issue is forestry. It is perhaps second only to the TCP in terms of the number of interventions which were made on this subject.

As always, we are very attentive to the views that you express, and in response to the request to give increasing resources to forestry, I would only share some information in order to share a perspective. Over the last ten years forestry has attracted an increasingly large share of the Technical Budget and of the total Programme of Work and Budget. In 1984-85 the share of forestry in the total approved Budget was 3.9 percent. For 1994-95 the proposals increased it progressively to 4.6 percent. If you take the share of forestry in budgetary Chapter 2, the Technical and Economic Programmes, over the same period it has increased from 8.8 to 9.5 percent.

I well understand that those who wish to give greater priority to forestry and to see more resources allocated to forestry are really speaking in terms of augmenting these percentages. Accepted, but it is very difficult to determine what would be the appropriate level, or the appropriate share, particularly when the priority attached to forestry is one among other very important priorities which are also indicated.

Let me give you an example. How do you expect us to - or how would you -determine in quantitative terms the priority attached to policy advice, which you all say is important, we recognize that - policy advice versus the priority and the resources for work on genetic resources? - that again in relation to coastal fisheries management, that again in relation to TCP?

In the case of forestry there is no question that you seek a greater share of the resources in favour of forestry. I can only indicate in the information that I have given that we have not been deaf or blind to these wishes: we have tried to respond, and clearly you wish us to respond more.

The Major Programme 2.3, Forestry, has increased its share of total resources by just under 18 percent over the last ten years.

The third issue in Programme subjects brought up was in relation to the Investment Centre, and I paid very careful attention to the concerns which were expressed.

First of all, let me reconfirm that the proposals of the Director-General are to maintain the work of the Investment Centre in terms of the assistance it gives to Member Nations in investment project preparation and appraisal, in cooperation with the funding institutions involved. That is the basis upon which the proposals have been made. But as indicated in the Programme of Work and Budget - and I draw attention to paragraph 37 - there are four aspects of the proposals.

One is to tighten the forecast of services with the partner institutions and to improve the reimbursement arrangements. This is not to reduce the work - it is to improve the budgetary planning and reimbursement practices. Surely, this is all part of the improvements in administrative areas and financial areas that we all seek, and which some of you have emphasized.

The second aspect is to recognize the income receivable from financing institutions and to translate this into improved billing and accounting practices. I have the same comment as on the first: surely we all seek it.

The third aspect is the transfer of some staff and some resources from the Investment Centre to the technical Departments and Divisions which are called upon to collaborate. This, again, you all seek - so do the financing institutions, and so do we. None of us want the Investment Centre to work in a vacuum or an ivory tower. We have all - you, and we, and the World Bank and the Regional Development Banks and IFAD - all sought a closer integration in the work of the Investment Centre with the technical Departments and Divisions of FAO. It is not a reduction of our total resources: it is a transfer of some resources from the Investment Centre to the technical Divisions.

The fourth aspect of the proposals is to show to you the gains in efficiency generated by automation and other economy measures. I do not think that any of you can object, or has objected to that - in fact, you constantly encourage us to do so.

Another aspect of these proposals was a remark that the consultation with the World Bank on the future of the World Bank/FAO Cooperative Programme be conducted in such a manner as to ensure that optimum services be continued and that these consultations have the benefit of the contribution of the Director-General whom you have recently elected.

Let me respond positively on both points. First of all, to point out that in our discussions with the World Bank, the World Bank has been kept fully informed of these proposals. They have been pleased to note, and they have confirmed to us, that the level of the proposals will facilitate the continuation of services to our member countries. On the second aspect, the Director-General has not wished to rush into finalizing these consultations. These consultations are deliberately being pursued with due temperance, care, moderation, and due regard to timing, so that the Director-General who will assume his duties on 1 January 1994 will have ample opportunity to shape and determine the final results that he wishes to see come out of these consultations.

The next programme issue is the question of a Commission on Livestock. At this stage I can only, and I need only, say that we have taken careful note of the proposal advanced by the delegation of Mexico, supported by a large number of other speakers in the debate - Algeria, El Salvador, Cuba, Cyprus and others - many others.

What has been asked of us is that we study the possibility of establishing a separate commission on livestock. That is certainly something that we shall have to do in the light of your conclusion.

The second request was to give the Commission of Plant Genetic Resources a higher profile. In this connection, a number of questions were asked. May I indicate that I had given a reply in the Council debate that I shall not repeat in the same detail, but since the question was raised here I owe it to you to give a reply now.

The two parts of the Plant Genetic Resources Programme, which are the revision of the International Undertaking and Progress on the International Code of Conduct for Plant Germplasm Collection and Transfer, will be discussed shortly in Commission I under Items 7.1 and 7.2. I will restrict myself therefore to saying that, as regards the Plant Genetic Resources global system the project manager of the multi-donor Trust Fund Project is already working under Regular Programme funding. A project document has been prepared and is being submitted to the donor community. The first phase of this project is a stand-alone project which is country-driven and which will evaluate and assess the national plant diversity, identify the needs for in situ and ex situ conservation and the use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. The analysis of this information will result in the issuance of the first report on the state of the world's plant genetic resources. This will also lead on to the essential inputs for national plans of action.

The second phase of the project document will concentrate on the preparations of the Fourth International Technical Conference on Plant Genetic Resources. I should also repeat that FAO does collaborate with the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on the Convention on Biodiversity. At the Committee's recent meeting in Geneva which was organized by UNEP, FAO's role in technical matters relating to plant genetic resources has been recognized.

Then there is the very active debate that has taken place on the subject of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing. Since you will be considering this matter in terms of the draft resolution which you will consider, my response need only be fairly concise. We have noted carefully the debate. We have also noted the concerns that any work on the Code should not preempt discussions taking place in other fora.

The Secretariat has already explained that some chapters of the Code, including the general principles, are in an advanced stage of drafting and that it would be possible to start consultations with experts and institutions in early 1994. We could therefore envisage a meeting of a small informal group of experts early next year to have a first exchange of views, it being understood that these informal discussions would not preempt the outcome of the March session of the United Nations Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks. In fact, it could usefully contribute to these discussions in New York and vice versa. The United Nations Conference might give further orientation on some of the general principles of the draft Code. This is our understanding.

As to the budgetary implications, it would be possible to accommodate a small group within the proposed budgetary provisions, but any larger meeting would require extrabudgetary funding.

I might point out that it is not only sub-programme which deals with the Code, as was mentioned by some delegations. It is an overall exercise under the major Programme: Fisheries and it includes virtually all the sub-programmes that are under that major programme. Other chapters will also be subject to review by experts, the chapter on Fishing Operations by a technical consultation that will be hosted by Canada, as mentioned by the Canadian delegation, and there will be further opportunities to review sections of the Code, for example in the preparations of the International Conference on Sustainable Contribution of Fisheries to Food Security which was mentioned by the delegate of Japan.

Our general timeframe for the adoption of the Code could therefore be that agreed to by the Committee on Fisheries and approved by the Council in June, namely to have the draft text submitted to the next session of COFI in the spring of 1995 and approved by the Council and Conference in the same year. We believe that we are on a fairly fast track, although we will not quite match the record achieved of the Flagging Agreement, but of course the Code covers a much wider technical area.

In Fisheries there were also questions raised regarding the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts. I have detailed information, but this question was raised by one Member Nation only, the United Kingdom, if I am not mistaken. We will certainly give this information in detail if the representative would accept that directly. For the moment, I would only like to respond that the national partner of the UK in ASFA is one of the team involved in the negotiations of the new contract to publish the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts. This assistance is greatly appreciated, and I should like to assure the delegation of the United Kingdom that with a reduced budget level the service, in order to meet its commitments to collect and disseminate high seas catches and to maintain a database on vessels authorized to fish on the high seas, has readdressed its priorities and reallocated the staff and budget. More details are ready to be provided directly to the delegation concerned.

Now may I turn to the subject of the environment and sustainable development. One remark which surprised me a little was a comment made by the delegate of the United Kingdom that he did not quite see the role of FAO in the follow-up to UNCED. Perhaps this was a question of the degree of role ascribed to FAO. First, I would point out that the substance of this follow-up will be discussed shortly in Commission I under Item 7, and it is that document and those discussions which may provide the United Kingdom with many aspects of the substantive follow-up of FAO. Therefore, I will not try to prejudge that. However, I need to point out that the role of FAO has not been defined by itelf on its own; there were and are two bases for the development of FAO's role. One is the inter-Secretariat arrangements pursued under the ACC, which have been reported to your Council in June. The second aspect is the work of the Commission on Sustainable Development of the United Nations in New York. It is perfectly in conformity with all these developments that the proposals for our role and our activities have been put forward in the Programme of Work and Budget.

The representative of Kenya asked for information on environmental action plans. I should like to respond that these are generally conducted by the Ministries of Environment and the major international institutions which

support these, notably UNDP and the World Bank. FAO does contribute to some of these plans at the request of the country or the institutions involved. With regard to Kenya, we have assisted Kenya by organizing a workshop on environmental impact assessment. This was a workshop conducted for district officers. We are assisting through a TCP funding project. I have the terminal statement of this project, which I will be happy to convey to the Kenyan delegation in view of their interest in the subject.

We come to programme issues and statistics. You all attach importance to FAOs statistical work. Only one clarification was requested, again by the representative of Kenya, regarding access to statistics. Diskettes containing AGROSTAT data, the diskettes covering much more than published in the Yearbooks, have been sent to all member countries, and additional copies are available at reduced rates. WAICENT will give on-line access to all databases through the public networks such as INTERNET.

As regards environmental accounts and accounts on national resources which are not yet incorporated in the system of national accounts adopted in February this year by the UN Statistical Commission, FAO is cooperating with UNSTAT, OECD, World Bank and Eurostat in solving the outstanding methodological problems in order to incorporate these accounts in the next version of the core accounts.

In the debate this morning some programme issues were raised. While I have had less time to consult my colleagues and reflect on the responses, let me give you some preliminary information as requested.

First, there was a query by the representative of the Netherlands regarding the Plan of Action on People's Participation and when reporting on that could be expected. The Plan of Action on People's Participation as adopted by you at your last session provided for reporting to be combined with that on WCARRD, the WCARRD's progress reports. The next WCARRD progress report will come to the next Session of the Conference in 1995.

Work on interim assessment is under way and we shall try to indicate to all Member Nations interested when that could be available, but the formal report will be in conjunction with the next progress report on WCARRD.

There were a number of questions from the distinguished delegate from the Netherlands regarding the Tropical Forestry Action Plan, the Coordinating Unit and the Consultative Group. The TFAP Coordinating Unit is funded from the Regular Programme - up to US$3.7 million - and it is proposed that it be funded in 1994-95 at approximately the same level as during this biennium. Funding for the Coordinating Unit for eighteen months was requested from Trust Fund donors for an amount of US$2.6 million and I am informed that, of this amount, US$1.6 million has been received. The 1994-95 proposals foresee decentralizing the Regional Advisors to the Regions, keeping the core of the Unit at headquarters. As for the Consultative Group of the TFAP, we have provided a note on the status. As the Council decided there is no Regular Programme funding involved and extrabudgetary funding is being sought.

The distinguished representative of El Salvador asked for information on the Regional Meeting mentioned in paragraph 480. This is being organized jointly by the Regional Office and the Human Resources Division. The meeting will take place in Tegucigalpa. This is a follow-up of the Workshop held in El Salvador in 1991. The meeting will discuss the integration of NGOs, farmers' organizations and institutions at the national level. It

will constitute the Sub-Regional Coordination Network in support of rural women in Central America.

Turning now to some other issues, the third issue which I have been asked to respond to is that of cost increases. Many of you have expressed satisfaction at the fact that the estimate of cost increases has been reduced from the first estimate of US$85 million to the present estimate of US$76 million. These cost increases have been estimated according to the fixed, established methodology. They have been reviewed in detail by the Finance Committee. I quote from its report in September: "Following extensive questioning and provision of full replies, the Committee was satisfied with the level of cost increases being sought."

It is a little surprising for the Secretariat if any member of the Finance Committee now says, "We think they are too high". Mr Chairman, these cost increases have been accepted not only by the Finance Committee but the Report and judgement of the Finance Committee were reviewed by the Council, and the Council has commended these to you.

Let me now turn to the aspect of cost increases which was referred to by a number of speakers, who felt that an 11.2 percent increase in the cost increases was rather high. Some of these Members said they find it unacceptable. There may be some mi sunder standing. First, in looking at the figure of 11.2 percent, this is the gross biennial rate. It covers two years and it also includes the restatement of the budget for biennialization. That is, the cost increases which have already occurred in this biennium, which are carried forward for the full 24 months of the next biennium. So it is not a question of an 11.2 percent annual increase for the next biennium. In fact, if we take out the biennialization and look at the annual rate allowed for cost increases, the annual rate for the next biennium, it is 5.1 percent.

Is this too high? Unfortunately, none of the distinguished speakers who found the cost increases too high gave the measure against which these cost increases should be compared. For our part, Mr Chairman, we have not assumed this ourselves on the basis of any competence of our own. We have used completely independent data. The latest forecast of The Economic Intelligence Unit for Italy is as follows. Consumer Price Index 1994, 5.5 percent, and for 1995, 5.2 percent. Average hourly earnings for 1994, 5.8 percent, and for 1995, 5.4 percent. It would seem that our use of a figure of 5.1 percent is overly modest. At the same time, if you compare our cost increase estimates with those which have been accepted in some other organizations of the UN System for which budgets have already been approved, in the ILO the biennial figure is 10.2 percent and in WHO 15.46 percent.

Mr Chairman, suggestions have been made to the effect that there are specific areas of cost increases which could be subject to cost containment. Other Members feel that productivity improvements should be reflected against these cost increases. Mr Chairman, I am ready to go on for a long time on this subject but I know you want me to stop, so let me say in brief that, on the issue of productivity improvement being reflected in cost increases, there are good reasons for addressing both issues but there are good reasons for not confusing them.

On the subject of cost containment, I can only say that the cost increases have all been carefully documented and the assumptions have been stated. Cost containment in this context either means that the assumptions are

over-stated - and there is no-one who has made that assertion - or that some of them should be further absorbed. This is the same point as comes up also under productivity improvements. Mr Chairman, on cost increase I can only repeat very respectfully our basic position in light of a comment made by a few Member Nations on budget presentation and transparencies. The distinguished Representative of the United Kingdom suggested that the presentation of the cost increases lacked transparency because of currency effects not being taken into account. I may have misunderstood the point, but it is for this reason that the presentation is stated at the budget rate of 1 210 lira to the dollar, so that direct comparison of the vast majority of the costs is possible.

Turning to the issue of transfer of support cost posts, this has caused some comment and I owe you a fairly full response. Firstly, I repeat that the 56 posts it is proposed to transfer from the support cost funding of the past to the Regular Programme have been carefully determined on the basis of the functions of each post, the work carried out under each post and satisfying ourselves and you that this is work which needs to continue under the Regular Budget. It is a function properly under the Regular Programme, and that is the reason. The document also draws your attention to the large number of support cost posts which have been eliminated. It has been suggested that there has been a lack of transparency. In fact, I think the distinguished delegate of Norway used the phrase that the practice in the past and the present proposal involve a lack of transparency.

I respond to this not only in serving our Director-General, Mr Saouma, but also in having served the late Director-General, Mr Adeke H. Boerma. I must draw you attention to Annex 5 of the Programme of Work and Budget. The organigrams show every established professional post by title and, in the case of support cost posts, the source of funding. That shows the current transparency. We had the same transparency in the past under Mr Boerma, and I draw your attention to Conference document C 75/3, Mr Boerma's last budget, and I give this as an example only. The Annex of that document shows the posts funded under support costs. The DDF Director, D-2, was shown as a UNDP Support Cost Funded post. On page 592, you see the Director of the Administrative Services Division also as a UNDP Support Funded post. Mr Chairman, these posts have been shown with their funding in every Programme of Work and Budget document, and I have never been questioned on those in the past. I therefore conclude that both the current Director-General and his predecessor have disclosed the necessary information to apprise and keep Member Nations fully informed on this score.

Mr Chairman, the solutions and the reasons for the transfer have been commented upon in the document and in the explanations given in earlier debates and, if you had the time, I would go into them again but I refrain from doing so. Just let me say that here again it is the dynamics of the situation which lead to proposals being made, the dynamics of the situation being the nature of the decisions relating to the Field Programme which are taken, for example, in the fora of the UNDP and which have repercussions on us, and the nature of the development of the Trust Fund Programme, which we will be considering and which I will be responding to in the Item in Commission "'III on the proposed arrangements for the Trust Funds.

Mr Chairman, the fifth issue I have to address is that of Administrative Services and Costs.

The Representative of Norway suggested that there needs to be a review of the whole administrative structure and services of FAO. In the following interventions there was reference to this suggestion but in a slightly different form, as I understood it. Many of the delegates who addressed this issue in subsequent interventions referred not to the administrative structure or services but to the administrative costs. I would like to address both aspects of this.

Firstly, as regards the administrative services: this was, as you may recall, an important part of the FAO Review conducted in 1988-89. The results of the FAO Review were reported to the Conference in 1989. The review of administrative services was based on the extensive use of management consultants and outside experts. It covered a wide area, if not the totallity of the area of administrative services, personnel management, accounts, financial procedures, administrative services, printing, etc. The Conference not only expressed its satisfaction at this review but since 1989, as requested by it, we submit progress reports to the Finance Committee each year, of which you are aware personally, Mr Chairman, on the implementation of the recommendations. We continue to do so and the Finance Committee is fully appraised and has this matter under control.

Secondly on the administrative costs: all of us, all of us without exception always look to reduce administrative costs and I would suggest that this is something that has surely been recognized as also the determination of the Director-General throughout his term of office. In past years he reduced budgetary provision for administrative services to the extent that the Conference urged caution. It urged caution that the reduction of budgetary resources was too extreme and had gone to the extent where it might need to be reversed. But the search continues.

The Programme of Work and Budget mentions the intention to introduce departmental Management Support Services. Now the decentralized Management Support Services which are mentioned in the document and which we are pursuing is in fact an evidence of the continued search for simplification of procedures, for increased delegation, for increased efficiency and lower costs. Another example, under the Trust Fund reimbursement proposals which you will consider, I will not go into the detail now because of the lack, of .time, but I will emphasize in Commission III at that time, how these proposals are based and directed to encouraging the search for reduced administrative costs.

The sixth issue, lapse factor: I will not go into the substance of the matter but only to respond that the debate has very clearly shown that while there are still differing use on the ideal lapse factor to be used, the use of 3 percent has been accepted for the coming biennium on the understanding that the Finance Committee will pursue this matter with the advice of the External Auditor and that the JIU Report in a wider context will also be useful.

The seventh issue, there were some Members who asked for expenditure data to be included in future Programmes of Work and Budget. In the interests of time may I respectfully draw attention to the response I gave to the Council just before the Conference started on this issue. I stand by what I said then with an addendum and the addendum is that after my response in the Council some claimed to have the impression that "Mr Shah is obstreporous, that he refuses to give information". That is not so. I have never wanted to give that impression and I have never behaved that way. The second addendum is to say that one delegation referred to the expenditure

data which had been provided to the Conference in 1989 in a document C89/LIM/33, presumably expressing satisfaction with those data. Now, if that is the case I have little problem. If that is the level of the information which is sought we will pursue the matter in consultation with the Finance Committee in the coming biennium. Let me finally just say on expenditure data, just because something is not included in a Programme of Work and Budget document, surely that cannot be interpreted as a lack of transparency. Expenditure data are given to every session of the Finance Committee and these data are then reflected in the reports of the Finance Committee which the Council gets twice a year. The expenditure data for every year are reported in every budgetary performance report. So I hope it is not implied that the Secretariat has a lack of transparency or has any unwillingness to give information.

The eighth issue, and this is an important one, regards the question of arrears and here again may I take the words of the Ambassador of France, one of the first to intervene on this issue, who said that the matter has to be seen dynamically and not negatively. That is very important. The Representative of Canada expressed surprise where we see in the document that it is some satisfaction that over 90 percent of the current assessed contributions are received in any one year, over 90 percent, implying the question what happens with the rest? How can you be satisfied that only 90 percent are received? The Secretariat can only respect those of you, all of you who say that Member Nations have a commitment to this Organization, a commitment to each other to pay their assessed contributions fully and promptly. The ideal, and there is no other ideal, the ideal would be for all contributions to be paid promptly within 30 days of the call letter. This is what would give your Organization and your Secretariat the solidity, the means to implement your Programme of Work and Budget, at the same time increasing the miscellaneous income which in turn would be of benefit to you in permitting reduced assessments. There is no other ideal. But what we refer to as assessed contributions received in one year is the fact that in that same year, even if 8 percent or 10 percent of the current assessed contributions are not received, there are receipts of arrears. It is a rolling event and as I have always pointed out in any one year while there is a shortfall against the current assessment there are payments of arrears and in some years the payments of arrears are less than the shortfall of current assessed contribution; in other years they are more. For example, in 1983 the shortfall against current contributions was 11 million but the receipt of arrears was more, US$15.1 million. In 1985 the shortfall against current assessment was US$14.8 million but the receipts of arrears was US$18.9 million. In 1986 and 1987 - well then we have a new ball game, the shortfall in assessments were much greater and we all know the reason why.

So on the arrears all of you have been very clear in pointing out that the procedures for the handling of arrears are established and have to be observed and we do that. Then the question is raised in looking at the proposed funding for the next biennium, is it wise to consider using US$38 million of arrears? Having pointed out that arrears have been used and have always been used in the funding of implementation every year let me point out that if it is proposed by the Director-General to use US$38 million or US$40 million you may well ask is this not risky? But what is the current level of arrears? The current level of arrears is about US$105 million of which from one Member Nation alone is US$86 million. Now, when you are thinking of that magnitude I would maintain, as have the majority of you, that it is perfectly realistic and perfectly reasonable on planning to use 3 8 million, perfectly, particularly when every Member

Nation who has arrears has recommitted and reaffirmed that they will honourably acquit themselves of their obligation. The question has been raised "What if these arrears were not paid" but I was very interested to hear the comment of the delegate of Cyprus this morning, that this same question could be raised about "What if the assessed contributions for each year were not paid?" This is a matter of honour among all Member Nations and the Director-General does not question the honourable intentions of Member Nations.

A question was raised "If the arrears are not paid surely this will lead to drawing on the Working Capital Fund and the Special Reserve Account and this will lead to collapse." The use of the Working Capital Fund and the Special Reserve Account in meeting the needs of the General Fund pending receipts of contributions is clearly given in all our Regulations and Texts. The proposals before you give the effective level of the Programme of Work and Budget for the next biennium. It does not mean that in implementing the proposed Programme of Work and Budget in full, if the assessed contributions and the arrear payments are not received to the required amount the gap can be permanently filled from the Working Capital Fund and the Special Reserve Account. In fact in this connection I have noted with very great care the desire of a large number, if not the majority of Member Nations, who do not wish to see any gap between the Programme of Work approved and the level of funding which had occurred exceptionally two years ago.

The final aspect I would address was a specific question from the Representative of Switzerland where he asked would it not be conceivable, would it not be wise to consider that with the proposed Programme of Work and Budget, which he accepted, the Director-General should ask for the total funding from assessed contributions. So the assessed contribution should be US$38 million higher than proposed and when arrears are received and when there is a cash surplus that can be returned to Member Nations. I respect that question, I take it very seriously, and I will give you the reason why the Director-General did not consider that.

This would have meant, Mr Chairman, that instead of reducing the level of assessed contributions for the next two years which you have noted, Member Nations would have to pay US$38 million more. Certainly we would have greater assurance assuming that everyone pays but what would this mean? This would mean increasing the burden of Member Nations, because the cash surplus would not be identified until the end of the biennium at the end of 1995. It would not be certified until the accounts are certified in 1996 and could not be credited to Member Nations until 1997.

That would mean imposing a higher burden for the next two years in order to reduce the burden three years hence. This is the judgment that was used in framing the proposals before you.

The ninth and final issue, Mr Chairman, is the support for the proposals and for the draft Resolution which is before you. We have well heard the range, the éventail, of views of Member Nations, but if I may use the words of the Council, the Council commended the proposals of the Director-General for the approval of the Conference with the conviction that you Member Nations would find unanimity in approving them. If I reiterate this appeal of the Council I do so for three reasons: firstly, I do so because that is the dearest wish of the Director-General, your Director-General, who has submitted his proposals to you. Secondly, because this Programme of Work and Budget will be the Programme of Work and Budget of the Director-General

you have elected and the Secretariat and I will do everything to serve him in the way he wishes. Thirdly, and above all, because it is your Programme of Work, Mr Chairman, and I cannot believe that you would wish any less for your Organization. I thank you, Sir.

LE PRESIDENT: Je vous remercie, Monsieur Shah, pour les réponses que vous avez apportées de manière très large comme à votre habitude. L'avantage avec vous, Monsieur Shah, c'est que vous essayez de répondre dans la mesure du possible à l'ensemble des questions, mais l'inconvénient c'est que vous ne laissez pas beaucoup de temps au Président pour faire son résumé. Il est déjà treize heures, je pense que l'ensemble des membres de la Commission peuvent s'estimer satisfaits des réponses apportées par Monsieur Shah. Si tel est le cas, je vais tout suite essayer de vous dire quel a été mon sentiment sur les discussions relatives au point 12 de l'ordre du jour.

Je ne crois pas qu'il soit besoin que je m'attarde longuement sur l'importance du débat qui s'est déroulé entre les membres de la Commission. Cinquante-sept pays se sont exprimés. Pour ma part, j'aurais aimé que l'on égale ou que l'on dépasse le nombre des pays qui s'étaient exprimés sur la question en 1991, qui étaient au nombre de soixante-quatre, mais je crois que la richesse des débats, le nombre de points qui ont été soulevés font que nous sommes dans des proportions normales d'interventions au sein de la Commission II.

J'ai beaucoup apprécié personnellement l'ouverture qui a été faite par Monsieur Shah, avec cette petite note musicale et le sens de l'humour qui lui est habituel. Pour ma part, j'utiliserais une autre image en disant que le Programme de travail et budget est le pouls de l'Organisation. Je crois que c'est la base de travail du Secrétariat pour une période de deux ans et également de l’engagement des Etats Membres à le soutenir par leurs contributions. Enfin, je pense que c'est l'expression de ce que les Etats Membres peuvent attendre en retour de l'Organisation.

Nous avons eu un débat riche et fructueux. Bien sûr, il est difficile que tous les Etats Membres de l'Organisation, puique nous sommes désormais cent soixante-neuf, puissent se mettre d'accord sur tous les points qui ont été discutés, donc différents points de vue ont été exprimés tant sur les aspects importants des propositions qui ont été soumises à notre examen que parfois sur certains points de détail.

Je n'ai pas l'ambition de résumer de manière exacte les débats qui ont eu lieu, mais je crois qu'il faudrait que je traduise brièvement quel a été le sentiment général des membres lorsqu'ils se sont exprimés sur cette importante question et que je m'arrête quelquefois sur des nuances qui ont été apportées par quelques membres sur des points plus délicats. Je pense que cela pourra aider Monsieur Marsh, Président du Comité de rédaction, ainsi que les membres qui composent ce Comité lorsqu'ils auront à discuter du projet de rapport à nous présenter pour demain.

Avant de vous céder la parole, je vous avais moi-même invités à intervenir dans deux sens: d'abord dans le cadre du Programme en évoquant les activités qui vous paraissaient le plus prioritaires et ensuite en abordant les questions financières en parlant du cadre budgétaire, c'est pourquoi je calquerai mon exposé sur ce même plan, en m'arrêtant d'abord sur les considérations d'ordre général pour en venir ensuite au cadre budgétaire lui-même.

S'agissant du document, je crois que l'on peut considérer qu'il y a eu satisfaction quant à sa présentation, à sa clarté, à la richesse des informations contenues dans ce PTB (Programme de travail et budget). Quelques membres ont néanmoins exprimé des suggestions et des souhaits pour qu'à l'avenir, ce document soit amélioré dans les futures versions, en apportant par exemple plus d'informations concernant l'introduction d'objectifs plus clairs ou l'inclusion d'informations sur les dépenses effectives de l'exercice en cours. C'est là un aspect sur lequel vous avez répondu tout à l'heure, Monsieur Shah.

Je crois qu'il devrait être reflété dans notre rapport qu'à l'avenir, il faudra peut-être enrichir la version du PTB.

Je crois que l'on peut dire également qu'il y a eu satisfaction sur le fait que les propositions contenues dans le PTB ont fait l'objet d'un long processus de consultation depuis le stade du schéma, comme je vous l'avais dit à l'ouverture, vendredi dernier, jusqu'à cette proposition de Programme de travail et budget, en passant par l'étude du Sommaire. Ce processus a permis, du moins visait à permettre, d'affiner les propositions en tenant compte des différents commentaires et soucis exprimés par les Etats Membres dans certains Comités du Conseil ou au sein du Conseil lui-même.

S'agissant de l'approche générale, je crois qu'un certain nombre de délégués ont donné leur point de vue, et en tout premier lieu, sur la notion que l'on a toujours utilisée en l'absence d'augmentation nette de programmes, et qui est celle de la croissance zéro, bien qu'elle fasse encore l'objet de controverses entre les pays membres. Je me rappelle que certains délégués ont même fait allusion à l'expression de croissance zéro dynamique qui doit tenir compte aussi bien des besoins croissants qui sont exprimés par les pays membres que des contraintes budgétaires que ces mêmes pays rencontrent au niveau national.

Je disais donc que l'absence d'augmentation nette de programmes sur la base budgétaire qui nous est proposée de 676,9 millions de dollars est un élément qui a retenu l’attention de beaucoup de délégués. La grande majorité des délégués a confirmé que le chiffre de 676,9 millions de dollars devrait constituer la base budgétaire car il avait été adopté à l'unanimité lors de la dernière Conférence en 1991 et dans des conditions exceptionnelles que nous connaissons tous et sur lesquelles je n'ai pas besoin de m'attarder.

Par ailleurs, quelques délégués ont cependant exprimé clairement leur préférence pour une base budgétaire de 645,6 millions de dollars. Je crois que nous avons rencontré cette divergence de vues à différents niveaux du processus et, personnellement, j'avais pensé que l'on aurait pu parvenir, au cours des débats, à dissiper cette divergence. De toutes manières, je crois que nous pouvons tous considérer que l'absence d'augmentation nette de programmes reflète en fait le désir du Secrétariat de prendre en compte les difficultés financières rencontrées par de nombreux Etats Membres et je pense que 1 ' on peut également considérer que cela représente un compromis intéressant afin de réconcilier les points de vue divergents sur ces questions. Sur le même sujet, il convient de retenir que beaucoup de délégués ont dit qu'ils acceptaient ce compromis à contrecoeur et ils ont attiré notre attention sur les défis auxquels notre Organisation doit faire face, les pressions formidables qui pèsent sur les ressources naturelles, la lutte contre la faim, la malnutrition persistante et sur leur attente d'une action vigoureuse de la FAO dans ces domaines. Ils ont également rappelé les difficultés financières de ces dernières années et exprimé leur

conviction que l'Organisation devrait donc devoir disposer d'une base de ressources plus importantes à l'avenir.

D'autres délégués ont par contre invité l'Organisation à poursuivre des efforts plus vigoureux dans le choix des priorités. Ils ont demandé également que l'Organisation fasse preuve d'une plus grande imagination dans la recherche d'économies et inclue la question qui avait été soulevée par l'ensemble des pays nordiques et reprise par d'autres délégués, à savoir le réexamen des dépenses liées aux services administratifs en général. Ces mêmes délégués ont attiré l'attention sur les mesures d'austérité auxquelles sont soumis leurs propres pays et leurs propres finances publiques et ces mêmes délégués ont souligné que cette Organisation internationale ne devait pas échapper à ce train d'austérité que connaissent leurs propres pays.

Un autre aspect important du PTB qui a été repris dans les interventions des délégués a trait aux difficultés rencontrées par la FAO au niveau des dépenses de soutien que l'on appelle "support costs". M. Shah a répondu longuement à ce propos et nous pourrons par la suite parler plus longuement de ces difficultés qui impliquent un besoin de transférer au budget ordinaire un nombre croissant de postes qui, auparavant, étaient soutenus par les frais de soutien. Quelques délégués ont exprimé leur réserve à ce sujet et je crois que M. Shah vient de nous dire à l'instant que ces postes auraient dû être intégrés dans le programme régulier il y a déjà quelques temps. C'est donc une régularisation que l'on vous propose.

Il y a un autre aspect sur lequel j'aimerais m'arrêter et qui a fait l'objet de nombreuses interventions. On a beaucoup insisté sur l'augmentation de ressources dont doit bénéficier le Bureau régional pour l'Europe et ceci pour venir en aide aux pays d'Europe centrale et d'Europe orientale dans cette période de transition qu'ils traversent pour passer de l'économie dirigée vers l'économie de marché. Mais je crois que d'autres délégués ont insisté sur la nécessité de développer les actions des bureaux régionaux en général.

S'agissant des priorités sur lesquelles les délégués se sont plus particulièrement exprimés, et nous avons pu constater cela tout au long du processus, au cours des deux dernières sessions du Conseil et au sein des comités restreints, je relèverai le soutien actif qui doit être apporté au suivi de la CNUED et de la CIN. Je crois être en mesure de dire que l'ensemble des délégués a apporté un éclairage particulier au suivi de la CNUED, ce qui ne veut pas dire que l'on se désintéresse de la CIN.

Je crois que l'on peut dire que l'on a accueilli à l'unanimité les transferts qui ont été effectués et qui sont une réponse donnée par le Secrétariat aux recommandations des Etats Membres dans des réunions techniques, telles que celles du COFO, du COFI ou au sein du Conseil, de réaffecter des ressources vers le secteur des pêches, des forêts et de l'agriculture. Je crois que l'on reconnaît également qu'il conviendra de faire davantage à l'avenir. On a pu noter que ces redressements ont été possibles grâce à une réduction importante de la provision budgétaire dans le chapitre du Centre d'investissements, mais je crois que cela a soulevé des inquiétudes de la part des Etats Membres qui craignaient que le niveau de travail"du Centre d'investissements en souffre. Mais nous avons entendu M. Shah nous donner l'assurance que tous les efforts seront déployés afin que le niveau des services rendus par le Centre d'investissements aux supports d'investissements dans les pays bénéficiaires de prêts reste toujours le même.

Je crois qu'il convient également d'évoquer une question sur laquelle l'ensemble des délégués a apporté un éclairage particulier et qui concerne les ressources phytogénétiques et zoogénétiques d'une manière générale, et nous aurons peut-être l'occasion d'y revenir, lorsque nous aurons examiné le projet de résolution introduit par le Honduras. Sur ce même plan, je rappellerai une question qui a été soulevée par un certain nombre de délégués qui est de voir le Secrétariat de la Commission des ressources phytogénétiques être renforcé à l'avenir. On a également souhaité qu'il y ait un suivi dans la préparation de la Conférence qui sera organisée par l'Allemagne en 1995.

Parmi les autres points qui ont retenu l'attention des délégués, on peut citer le soutien apporté à la recherche, à la conservation des sols et des eaux, la lutte contre la désertification, le soutien aux activités du Codex Alimentarius, les statistiques, le soutien de programme de lutte contre les ravageurs, la formation des agriculteurs et peut-être ai-je omis certains autres points que quelques délégués pourront considérer comme étant très importants.

Une idée a été proposée par le Mexique, et elle a reçu le soutien de nombreux délégués, je veux parler de la possibilité de créer un Comité de l'élevage, et comme je l'ai dit déjà à deux reprises, c'est une question que je considère très importante. Il conviendrait d'envisager l'élevage dans un sens plus large et peut-être aussi proposer l'appellation suivante Comité de l'élevage et de l'amélioration pastorale.

Je crois que pour ce qui est des pêches, beaucoup de délégués se sont arrêtés au code de conduite pour une pêche responsable et aux propositions qui ont été formulées par le Président du Comité des pêches. Je crois que la majorité des délégués ont appuyé l'idée qui figurait dans le document C/LIM/23, selon laquelle le processus puisse être accéléré pour les consultations. Certains délégués ont estimé qu'il était nécessaire de tenir compte, dans ce processus, de ce qui avait été fait par ailleurs au niveau d'autres organisations internationales, de manière à éviter le double emploi.

Je crois également que l'offre du Gouvernement japonais d'accueillir une Conférence internationale sur la contribution durable des pêches à la sécurité alimentaire, a reçu un accueil favorable et réitéré. S'agissant de l'accroissement des ressources pour le Département des pêches, il me semble, en relation avec ce code de conduite, que nous aurons demain à nous pencher sur le projet de résolution dont nous a parlé le délégué du Mexique ce matin.

S'agissant des forêts, je crois que tous les délégués en ont parlé. On peut considérer qu'il y a un appel unanime pour renforcer le programme forêts afin de permettre à la FAO de répondre aux demandes des Etats Membres et de prendre sa part dans les efforts qui sont déployés au niveau international pour la conservation des ressources forestières.

Certains délégués ont fait des remarques intéressantes sur le PAFT, sur son avenir, et sur la nécessité de mobiliser des ressources extrabudgétaires dans un premier temps, pour mettre en place les programmes et pour assurer le fonctionnement du Secrétariat. M. Shah s'est exprimé sur les moyens qui ont été mis en oeuvre au cours de cette année et sur les prévisions pour le biennium prochain.

S'agissant du PCT, cette question retient toujours l'attention des Etats Membres. Nous pouvons considérer qu'ils sont satisfaits - le niveau du PCT représente actuellement 12,3 pour cent du budget - qu'il y ait eu un transfert d'un million de dollars vers le PCT mais qu'ils demeurent convaincus que nous sommes encore loin des dispositions de la Résolution 9/89 de la Conférence qui fixait le niveau à 17 pour cent, et que dans une certaine mesure nous sommes encore loin du niveau atteint ces dernières années par le PCT qui était de 14 pour cent. Certains délégués ont regretté que l'action du PCT ne puisse pas être programmable, mais ils ont reconnu eux-mêmes que cet exercice était difficile et ont souhaité que lors des prochains exercices, on puisse approfondir un peu cette question et voir dans quelle mesure cette notion de programmation des prêts de PCT puisse être mise en place.

J'en arrive au cadre budgétaire. S'agissant de l'augmentation des coûts, je peux dire que l'ensemble des délégués qui se sont exprimés ont considéré que le Secrétariat avait fait un effort en les ramenant au niveau actuel de 76 millions de dollars. On peut dire que la méthode traditionnelle de calcul de cette augmentation, qui a été suivie dans ce cas, a été appréciée. Quelques délégués ont affirmé que cette proposition était encore trop élevée. Je crois qu'un membre a même fait allusion aux rubriques dans lesquelles des réductions pourraient être encore effectuées à l'avenir.

S'agissant du fameux "lapse factor", le coefficient d'abattement pour mouvements de personnel, je ne m'y attarderai pas car nous en avons longuement discuté et je peux considérer qu'il y a un large accord sur le fait que le Comité financier lui-même aura à en débattre sur la base d'un rapport qui sera transmis par le vérificateur aux comptes, comme cela apparaît dans les recommandations de la dernière session du Conseil. Je crois que les membres ont aussi reconnu qu'il faudra tenir compte des conclusions du rapport du Corps commun d'inspection des Nations Unies, parce qu'il aura l'avantage d'avoir abordé cette question au niveau de tout le système et nous aurons peut-être des éléments de comparaison intéres­sants. D'un autre côté, je crois que la grande majorité des délégués ont insisté sur le fait qu'ils ont considéré le taux actuel de 3 pour cent parfaitement adapté et ont attiré l'attention sur le fait que l'Organi­sation devait disposer d'un Etat major et d'un cadre de personnel le plus complet possible pour l'exécution de ses programmes. Ils se sont opposés à l’idée de relever ce taux car cela contribuerait directement à réduire les programmes. Quelques membres ont considéré, pour leur part, que ce taux pourrait être révisé à la hausse et on a même avancé un chiffre de 5 à 5,5 pour cent, comme c'était le cas avant que la Conférence ne prenne la résolution, en 1989, d'adopter un taux de 3 pour cent. Mais on peut dire néanmoins que les points de vue ont convergé et j'aimerais revenir sur l’idée que cette question devra à nouveau être examinée au cours du prochain biennium sur la base du rapport du vérificateur aux comptes et du rapport du Corps commun d'inspection.

S'agissant du niveau du budget, si on tient compte du niveau actuel du taux de change dollar/lire - qui est de 1 660 lires pour un dollar - la proposition du Directeur général d'utiliser une partie des arriérés de contributions attendues pendant le prochain biennium pour financer le budget a été généralement bien accueillie par les membres de la Commission. Néanmoins,"on peut dire que quelques membres se sont inquiétés des implications à plus long terme car les circonstances favorables actuelles pourraient bien ne plus se présenter lors de 1"examen des prochains PTB. Cela pourrait conduire à un accroissement plus significatif des contributions, ce qui suscite une inquiétude qui a été mise en avant par

certains délégués. Il faut par conséquent que cela soit reproduit dans le rapport. Certains considèrent même qu'il est peut-être risqué d'exposer l'exécution du PTB aux incertitudes liées au paiement d'arriérés. En tout état de cause, on constate que beaucoup de délégués ont insisté sur l'application rigoureuse des règles qui doivent gouverner en la matière et il a été rappelé de façon très claire que le règlement des arriérés servait directement à alimenter le fonds général comme le prévoient les dispositions pertinentes des textes fondamentaux.

En guise de conclusion, je crois vraiment que l'on peut affirmer que les propositions que nous avons examinées l'ont été avec l'intention de faciliter la tâche des Etats Membres, de manière à ce que l'on puisse approuver les propositions d'une manière unanime.

Nous pouvons considérer que ces propositions représentent un compromis cherchant, d'une part, à satisfaire les attentes pressantes d'une action toujours plus importante de notre organisation et, d'autre part, à limiter le fardeau des Etats Membres au titre de leur contribution financière. Il est important de dire qu'au taux de 1 660 lires pour un dollar, il n'y aura pas d'augmentation des contributions des Etats Membres par rapport à l'exercice précédant, mais bien plutôt une baisse de l'ordre de 1,6 ou 1,7 pour cent.

Point n'est besoin de rappeler l'importance pratique et la valeur symbolique du Programme de travail et budget, qui a d'ailleurs reçu le soutien de tous les Etats Membres. Au moment où notre Organisation va très probablement célébrer son cinquantième anniversaire en 1995, au Québec, et alors que le nouveau Directeur général entre en fonction, beaucoup de délégués ont considéré qu'il fallait lui accorder les moyens, dès le démarrage de son mandat, de mener à bien sa politique. Certains délégués ont même émis l'idée que le Directeur général souhaiterait peut-être lui-même apporter quelques réorientations dans le cadre de l’enveloppe qui sera votée par la Conférence mercredi prochain.

J'ai sûrement oublié quelques points. Cependant, je pense avoir reflété l'essentiel des débats. Nous pouvons considérer que nous sommes arrivés au terme de nos discussions sur le point 12. Nous avons largement débordé le temps qui nous était imparti et je m'en excuse de nouveau. Mais peut-être qu'à l'avenir M. Shah parlera 46 minutes au lieu de 57...

Je vous remercie encore une fois de votre collaboration active et pour le niveau technique de vos interventions. Cet après-midi, nous aurons à examiner le point 13, c'est-à-dire les procédures pour l'harmonisation mondiale des mesures phytosanitaires.

Il est 13 heures 30. Je vous propose donc de reprendre nos travaux à 15 heures.

The meeting rose at 13.30 hours.
La séance est levée à 13 h 30.
Se levanta la sesión a las 13.30 horas.

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