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24 October 1995

Twenty-eighth Session • Vingt-huitième session • 28° período de sesiones




24 October 1995

The Eighth Plenary Meeting was opened at 14.30 hours
Mr Costas Petrides,
Chairman of the Conference, presiding

La huitième séance plénière est ouverte à 14 h 30
sous la présidence de M. Costas Petrides,
Président de la Conférence

Se abre la octava sesión plenaria a las 14.30 horas
bajo la presidencia del Sr. Costas Petrides,
Presidente de la Conferencia

Second Report of the General Committee
Deuxième rapport du Bureau
Segundo Informe del Comité General

CHAIRMAN: I told you this morning we were going to have the General Committee's Report, Second Report. I trust you have now all read the Second Report of the General Committee containing documents C 95/LIM/18, related to the Election of the Council. If that is so, can I ask whether the Conference is willing to adopt this Report? Well, there have been no comments. I declare the Report adopted.


CHAIRMAN: Now we proceed to the Second Report of the Credentials Committee, and I now call upon the Chairman of the Credentials Committee to present the Second Report.

Adoption of the Second Report of the Credentials Committee
Adoption du second rapport de la Commission de vérification des pouvoirs
Aprobación del Segundo Informe del Comité de Credenciales

Fotis G. POULEDES (Chairman, Credentials Committee): Mr Chairman, thank you very much, but I have just received it, and I am reading it for the first time; so please excuse me if I make some errors. The Second Report of the Credentials Committee - which at its first meeting had elected the Ambassador for Djibouti's Permanent Representative of Cyprus for FAO as Chairman, and Mr Auburn Andrigo, Minister and Counsellor and Permanent Representative of Canada to FAO as Vice Chairman - held its second meeting on the 23rd of October, 1995, at 09.30 hours to examine additional credentials of the delegation members to the 28th Session of the FAO Conference.

It is to be recalled that at its first meeting the Credentials Committee found valid the credentials of 120 delegations. In accordance with Rule III-2 of the General Rules of the Organization and the criteria established by previous committees, the Credentials Committee examined 29 new credentials and found them to be valid. The FAO Members to which the delegations belong are shown in the attached list. To date, in addition to those seven Member Nations mentioned in the report of the Committee's first session, 19 Member Nations have still not presented credentials. Any other credentials which will be received from Members, as well as credentials or references of the United Nations Specialized Agencies and related Organizations, will be examined by the Committee at subsequent meetings.

And now I will give you a list of Members whose delegations have presented valid credentials: Afghanistan, Albania, Australia, Barbados, Benin, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzogovina, Croatia, Fiji, Gabon, Guyana, Hungary, Japan, Liberia, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Switzerland, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Togo, Turkey, and Moldova - a total of 28 Members.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Do you have any comments on the report of the Credentials Committee? Well, thank you then. The report is adopted, and we proceed now to Item 6, the Statements by Heads of Delegations; and, as announced before the break for lunch, the first speaker will be Argentina. I now call upon the Head of the Delegation of Argentina.

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