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27 October 1995

Twenty-eighth Session • Vingt-huitième session • 28° período de sesiones




27 October 1995


The Twelfth Plenary Meeting was opened at 09.45 hours
Mr Costas Petrides,
Chairman of the Conference, presiding

La douzième séance plénière est ouverte à 9 h 45
sous la présidence de M. Costas Petrides,
Président de la Conférence

Se abre la 12a sesión plenaria a las 09.45 horas
bajo la presidencia del Sr. Costas Petrides,
Presidente de la Conferencia

Adoption of Fourth Report of General Committee
Adoption du quatrième Rapport du Bureau
Aprobación del cuarto informe del Comité General

SECRETARY-GENERAL: May I invite the delegates to look at paragraphs 8 and 9 of document C 95/LIM/28. The information received by the General Committee this morning led it to recommend that Afghanistan and Cambodia, the Dominican Republic and Liberia be struck from paragraph 8 and added to paragraph 9. In the case of Cambodia and the Dominican Republic, please also add an asterix indicating that they have also proposed instalment plans. Accordingly paragraph 8 should read, in the second sentence "One Member Nation (Djibouti) has not requested restoration of voting rights or advised that payment was in process. Then paragraph 9 should be amended to read "Fifteen Member Nations had requested special consideration under Article III.4 of the Constitution, Permission to Vote". And as I said, to that list should be added Afghanistan, Cambodia, the Dominican Republic and Liberia.

In the same way, paragraph 10 should now read "The General Committee recommends to the Conference that the fifteen above-mentioned Member Nations be authorized to vote at the Conference".

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Secretary-General. I take it that we have noted the changes. Are there any comments or questions?

I will now put the question. Does the Conference adopt the Fourth Report of the General Committee printed in document C 95/LIM/28, as amended by the Secretary-General just now?

There being no objection, I declare this Report adopted.


Adoption of Third Report of Credentials Committee
Adoption du troisième Rapport de la Commission de vérification des pouvoirs
Aprobación del tercer informe del Comité de Credenciales

CHAIRMAN: We will now adopt the Third Report of the Credentials Committee as indicated in today's Order of the Day. May I ask the Chairman of the Committee to present his report?

Fotis G. POULIDES (Chairman, Credentials Committee): Third Report of the Credentials Committee: the Credentials Committee held its third meeting on 27 October 1995 at 9.15 hours to examine the additional credentials of delegation members and/or of representatives of international organizations to the 28th Session of the FAO Conference.

It is to be recalled that at the two previous meetings the Credentials Committee found valid the credentials of 149 delegations. In accordance with Rule III.2 of the General Rules of the Organization and the criteria established by previous committees, the Credentials Committee examined the credentials of delegation members of two Member Nations and of representatives of the participating international organizations, and found them to be valid.

The FAO members of the international organizations concerned are shown in the attached lists, Appendixes A and B. Seventeen Member Nations have not yet presented credentials to date; see also Appendix A. It is recalled that seven countries have announced that they will not attend this Session.

The Committee wished to recall satisfaction at the number of credentials deposited by Member Nations which had been signed by Heads of State or members of governments of the highest rank. I will read only the additional Member Nations whose delegations have presented credentials found to be in order: The Gambia and Mongolia, a total of two Member Nations.

The list of Member Nations which still have not deposited credentials is the same, the previous seventeen Member Nations. The list of the United Nations Specialized Agencies and related organizations whose delegations have presented credentials found to be in order is: the United Nations Organization, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Food Programme (WFP), and specialized agencies and related organizations are: the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Ambassador Poulides.

Are there any comments on this report? As there are none, I take it that it is adopted.


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