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25. Appointments
25. Nominations
25. Nombramientos

25.2 Appointment of Representatives of the FAO Conference to the Staff Pension Committee
25.2 Nomination des représentants de la Conférence de la FAO au Comité de la Caisse des pensions du personnel
25.2 Nombramiento de Representantes de la Conferencia de la FAO en el Comité de Pensiones del Personal

CHAIRMEN: Paragraph 8 of document C 95/16 specifies the actual requirement of the Conference. We must appoint one member and one alternate for a term of three years from 1 January 1996, the outgoing member and alternate being Mr McAteer of the United States and Mrs Abdallah from Syria. Secondly we must appoint one member and one alternate for a term of three years from 1 January 1997. In this instance, the outgoing member and alternate are Mrs Dubra from Uruguay and Mr Marguerite from France.

A.T. Slater (Director, Personal Division): You have before you document C 96/16, Appointment of Representatives of the FAO Conference to the Staff Pension Committee. The United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund provides retirement, disability, death and related benefits to the staff of the United Nations and related organizations such as FAO. It is administered by the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board, with staff committees in each of the particular organizations. The Board's membership is drawn from those committees whose members and alternates are chosen by the governing body, the executive head of the organization and the participating staff in each organization.

In the case of FAO, Conference appoints three of the nine members and three of the nine alternate members of the FAO Staff Pension Committee. It is brought to the attention of the Conference that only the Conference has the authority to appoint members and alternate members to the FAO Staff Pension Committee.

Paragraph 8 of document C 95/16 states that appointment is needed for one member and one alternate member to serve starting 1 January 1996 until 31 December 1998, and one member and one alternate member to serve 1 January 1997 until 31 December 1999.

The Secretariat has been informed that the following candidates have been proposed to serve as members and alternate members representing the FAO Conference on the FAO Staff Pension Committee. For the period 1 January 1996 to 31 December 1998 the candidate for member is Mrs Kaija Ilander, Permanent Representative of Finland to FAO. The alternate member proposed is Her Excellency Mrs Souad Abdallah, Permanent Representative of Syria to FAO.

For the period 1 January 1997 to 31 December 1999, the candidate proposed as member is Miss Gabriela Vassallo Consoli, Alternate Permanent Representative of Peru to FAO, and the alternate member proposed is Mr Olivier Marguerite, Alternate Permanent Representative of France to FAO.

You may wish to ask the Conference to consider these candidates, Mr Chairman, and, if it finds them acceptable, to proceed with the appointment of the persons just named to become members and alternate members of the FAO Staff Pension Committee.

CHAIRMAN: You have heard the proposals. You have four names to fill the four vacant positions. May I take it that the Conference agrees to these appointments?

Since there is no objection, I declare these four persons duly appointed.

26. Date and Place of the Twenty-ninth Conference Session
26. Date et lieu de la vingt-neuvième session de la Conférence
26. Fecha y lugar del 29° período de sesiones de la Conferencia

SECRETARY-GENERAL: The dates proposed for the next Conference are Friday 7 November to Thursday, 20 November 1997, and the place would be FAO Headquarters in Rome.

CHAIRMAN: Does Conference agree that its Twenty-ninth Session be convened from 7 to 20 November 1997? Is there any objection?

Since there is no objection, it is so decided.

27. Any Other Matters
27. Autres questions
27. Otros asuntos

- In Memoriam
- In Memoriam
- In Memoriam

SECRETARY-GENERAL: Since the last Conference Session, the following staff members died while in service:

Al-Saleh, Z.S.A.
Ardagna-Milazzo, S.
Avelar Avila, S.O.
Biabatantou, P.M.
Cesbron, Pierre
Chapman, C.R.
Denen, Hetty
De Wild, Michel Anton
Gjerum, Lars
Gonzalez-Palmou, J.P.
Hidalgo-Quezada, C.
Kamara, Mohamed
Kayitesi, B.
Loutsch, C.F.F.
Maambo, Patrick T.M.
Maestre, Leonardo
M'Bai, Elfeke
Mgunda, Bryceson Malio
Ndatsva, Patrick
Ongati, Zachary Siteki
Owusu, O.
Petrelli, G.
Puccio, G.C.
Rutagengwa, R.
Sambaka, Judith W.
Sanusi, N.A.
Vanderghem, J.
Woinshet, Tafesse
Xenos, C.

CHAIRMAN: May I request the assembly to stand for one minute of silent tribute to those staff members who have died since our last Conference?

One minute's silence
Une minute de silence
Un minuto de silencio

- Climate Agenda

- Action pour le climat

- La acción para el clima

- Delegates' Comments on Information Documents listed in Conference Agenda

- Observations des délégués sur les documents d'information figurant dans l'ordre du jour de la Conférence

- Observaciones de los delegados sobre los documentos de información indicados en el programa de la Conferencia

J.S. CAMARA (Director, Office for External Relations): The Report of the Director-General is contained in Document C 95/INF/20, entitled "Collaboration within the United Nations System and with Other Organizations", submitted to the Conference at its present session.

I would like to bring to the attention of members of Conference two matters involving inter-agency coordination within the UN system.

The first relates to a resolution entitled "Strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations", adopted by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) at its substantive session of 1995. A brief summary of this resolution is contained in paragraphs 27 and 28 of the document to which I have referred. In this resolution, governments were encouraged to ensure coherence in guidance given to the governing bodies of the relevant organizations and programmes, with a view to helping them improve the coordination and effectiveness of the humanitarian assistance delivered. Furthermore, the resolution acknowledged that differences and limitations exist in the capacities of the various actors within the United Nations to address effectively and in a comprehensive and coordinated manner the need for preparedness and humanitarian response as well as prevention, rehabilitation, recovery and development in accordance with their mandates.

Consequently, the Secretary-General of the United Nations is requested to provide the Economic and Social Council with a comprehensive report on this issue. The report should contain an in-depth analysis of the responsibilities and capacities of the United Nations system, as well as options and recommendations for strengthening the capacity of the United Nations to respond to needs for humanitarian assistance. ECOSOC has yet decide on the deadline for the submission of this report.

In order to facilitate the process of preparing the report however, the governing bodies of the United Nations system organizations are urged to consider, during the period 1995 to 1997, a list of issues concerning the role and operational responsibilities as well as the operational and financial capacities of their respective organizations to respond, within their mandates, to humanitarian crisis. The first progress report will be submitted to the 1996 substantive session of ECOSOC.

The Department for Humanitarian Affairs (DHA) has been designated by ECOSOC to coordinate this exercise. FAO awaits farther information from DHA on how this exercise will be coordinated and conducted. This matter will be placed before FAO Council at its 111th Session in October 1996.

The second matter to which I would like to draw attention is the Integrating Framework for International Climate-Related Programmes, also called the Climate Agenda. This Agenda was prepared by the Coordinating Committee of the World Climate Programme, in which the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural

Organization (UNESCO), the International Oceanographic Commission (IOC); the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), and FAO participated.

FAO participation in this initiative is motivated by the fact that climates is one of the main factors determining the variability of agricultural production in developed and developing countries and, as such, is a major determinant of food security.

The Climate Agenda aims at better utilization of resources available within the UN system through the harmonization of climate-related activities. It addresses inter alia the reduction of the impact of climate variability, especially extreme events such as drought, and increasing the resilience of climate-sensitive sectors against climate variability, including man-made climate change.

A document on the Climate Agenda will be submitted to the 111the Session of FAO Council in October 1996.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Mr Camara. Are there any comments or questions?

If there are none, does any delegate wish to comment on the information documents? Do I take it then that we have concluded the items on our Agenda?

Horacio M. CARANDANG (Philippines): We should like to know how you intend to proceed and when you expect the Conference to finish and when the Council will begin. We would very much appreciate information regarding the timetable of the following agendas and the Council. Thank you very much, Mr Chairman.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Representative of the Philippines. The whole thing was discussed in General Committee this morning, and we meet at 12.30 again - the General Committee, I am talking about - and at that meeting we are going to decide when we are going to conclude, to see the difficulties and generally the procedures which we have to follow to be in the legal framework of the Organization and the Conference. Thank you.

As I said, at this point we have concluded the items on the agenda of this morning's session; but since we have some time, we are going to proceed with the adoption of the Report of the Commissions, and I call the Chairman of the Commission III to come to the podium in order to adopt C 95/REP/4 and C 95/REP/5, which are reports which we are supposed to adopt this afternoon. Thank you.




Thomas A. FORBORD (Chairman, Commission III): Thank you, Chairman. We are examining C 95/REP/4 and C 95/REP/5, the reports to the Plenary from Commission III on Legal and Administrative Affairs. The Draft Reports from this Committee were approved by the Committee en bloc without change. They contain very short introductions to very important resolutions.

The first is the amendment to the General Regulation of the World Food Programme converting the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes to an Executive Board as part of a broad reform effort within the United Nations system.

The second resolution is an agreement between the Organization of African Unity and the Food and Agriculture Organization to increase cooperation and joint activities between the two organizations.

The third agenda item is the Audited Accounts of the FAO and the World Food Programme for 1992-93 and the Report on Action taken by these organizations as the result of recommendations by the External Auditor for those fiscal years.

And finally, the fourth agenda item is the approval by the Council of the scale of contributions for 1996-97, a scale which is based on the UN system adjusted for slight differences in the membership of the two organizations. It would be my hope that this body, like Commission III, would be able to approve all four agenda items en bloc.

CHAIRMAN, PLENARY: You have heard the Chairman of the Commission III. Do you have any comments on the Report of the Commission or on the items of it? Well, if there are no comments, then I consider the Report on Constitutional and Administrative Matters to have been adopted. Thank you.

Draft Report of Plenary, Part IV, was adopted
Le projet de rapport de la plénière, Quatrième partie, est adopté
El proyecto de informe de la Plenaria, Parte IV, es aprobado

Draft Report of Plenary, Part V, was adopted
Le projet de rapport de la plénière, Cinquième partie, est adopté
El proyecto de informe de la Plenaria, Parte V, es aprobado

The meeting rose at 10.30 hours.
La séance est levée à 10 h 30.
Se levanta la sesión a las 10.30 horas.

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