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11. Adoption of the Code of Conduct on Responsible Fisheries (continued)
11. Adoption du Code de conduite pour la pêche responsable (suite)
11. Aprobación del Código de Conducta para la Pesca Responsable (continuación)

W. KRONE (Assistant Director-General a.i. Fisheries Department): The final draft of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries that you have in front of you is a text to which reference has not only been made by the Council at its recent session but also by many Heads of Delegations in the Plenary and by many speakers in Commission II of this Conference. The Code represents a striking achievement of the goodwill of the international community that has looked actively for solutions to important issues concerning the conservation, management and development of our fish stocks.

Today, the fisheries sector is generally characterized by overcapacity and overcapitalization and this situation has led to the overexploitation of many fisheries resources in both areas of national jurisdiction and on the high seas. In fact, work undertaken by FAO has shown that some 70 percent of world fish stocks are heavily exploited or overexploited.

In addition to unsustainable fishing practices, unsound post-harvest practices have inflicted considerable damage on the environment and, in turn, this has led to the wastage of fish and fisheries products.

Apart from the problems being faced in capture fisheries, also aquaculture is facing difficulties as a consequence of the lack of environmentally safe technological development and transfer.

This situation in fisheries and aquaculture calls for carefully worked out measures that can be incorporated into national laws and regulations. It also requires a change in attitude by those involved in the fisheries sector to ensure that sustainable conservation and management practices are adopted and effectively implemented so as to ensure both intra- and inter-generational equity.

Since March 1991, a series of technical consultations and meetings have been organized within FAO for the elaboration and negotiation of the Code of Conduct. Since that time, FAO members have been kept fully briefed on progress through reports to the various FAO Governing Bodies. As part of this process, the Agreement to Promote Compliance with Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas, the so-called Compliance Agreement, was adopted at the last session of the FAO Conference. This Agreement is an integral component of this Code of Conduct.

The Code of Conduct is intended to strengthen fisheries conservation and management and, in so doing, it will contribute towards the implementation of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Agenda 21 of the Rio Summit, and the recently concluded United Nations Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the Law of the Sea relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks.

The Code of Conduct consists of 12 articles in total. The introductory articles provide the legal framework. They are followed by one article giving the general principles of the Code, and then follow the six thematic articles dealing with fisheries management, fishing operations, aquaculture development, the integration of fisheries into coastal area management, post-harvest practice and trade, and finally fisheries research. As appropriate, the substantive articles will be supplemented by guidelines that are intended to assist with the application and implementation of the various provisions of the Code of Conduct.

It is anticipated that FAO and non-FAO regional fishery bodies and non-governmental organizations will play a crucial role in implementing the Code of Conduct. The Secretariat has not only made provisions in the 1996-97 Programme of Work and Budget for this task, but it has also elaborated a Technical Assistance Programme for extra-budgetary funding which consists of a variety of projects which will help developing countries in applying the provisions of the Code and in fulfilling their obligations under the Code.

Following instructions from the recent FAO Council, the Secretariat has prepared two draft resolutions for your consideration. These are contained in document C 95/LIM/5. The first resolution concerns the need to have the Compliance Agreement brought into effect and the second explains the need to have the Code adopted brought into effect. At the moment, we have seven ratifications and we require 25 for this Agreement to come into force. You are requested to consider these resolutions, to revise them if you feel it necessary and pass them on, hopefully, to the Plenary for final adoption.

Coming to the end, I have to point out an unfortunate small error which has occurred in the English version of the Code. It is in paragraph 5.2, on the second line where it should read "countries, international organizations, whether governmental or non-governmental and financial institutions", etc. Those who participated in the Technical Committee of the Council will remember that this was the version agreed upon after some considerable discussion. Unfortunately, this was overlooked in the Secretariat but this affects only the English text, not the French, Spanish, Arabic or Chinese text.

LE PRESIDENT: Mesdames, Mesdemoiselles, Messieurs, avant de passer à l'enregistrement des orateurs, je voudrais vous signaler que nous comptons poursuivre nos travaux jusqu'à 18 h 30 à peu près au plus tard, afin de permettre au Comité de rédaction de commencer ses travaux 30 minutes plus tard, c'est-à-dire au plus tard à 19 heures. Et d'ici là, j'espère que nous allons terminer l'examen de ce point et entamer l'examen du point sur l'intégration des femmes.

Pour en revenir à ce point de l'ordre du jour, je voudrais attirer votre attention sur le document C 95/LIM/5 et notamment les recommandations du Conseil, qui a recommandé de considérer le texte du Code comme un tout adopté sous sa forme actuelle. Donc il est recommandé que nous nous prononcions sur les deux projets de résolution qui figurent dans ce même document.

Je sais que ce Code est l'aboutissement d'un long travail de négociations et de consultations entre les Etats Membres et le Secrétariat. Et je sais toute l'importance que les pays ici présents attachent à ce Code. Mais je voudrais émettre le voeu que nous puissions, autant que possible, concentrer nos interventions sur les deux projets de résolution qui nous sont soumis, ou que les projets de déclaration, s'ils sont trop longs, soient ou bien résumés, ou alors soient transmis au Secrétariat qui les publiera dans le verbatim.

Ceci dit, nous ouvrons la liste des orateurs sur ce point de l'ordre du jour: Mexique, Union européenne, Espagne, Portugal, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Venezuela, Uruguay, Pologne, Inde, Cap-Vert, Canada, Cameroun, Hongrie, Chypre, Myanmar, Maroc, Malaisie, Thaïlande, Nouvelle-Zélande, Royaume-Uni, Norvège, Indonésie. Nous avons là une première liste d'orateurs. Et immédiatement, je passe la parole à l'honorable Délégué du Mexique, donc pays qui a présidé le Comité technique ayant négocié ce Code.

Jerónimo Ramos SAENZ PARDO (México): En primer lugar quiero agradecer la deferencia de tomar primero la palabra habiendo presidido los trabajos del Código de Conducta para la Pesca Responsable, en el entendido de que esta primera intervención es quizás para enfocar un poco mejor como fueron los trabajos. Quisiera dar una breve introducción sobre como se llevaron a cabo los trabajos de negociación para más adelante poder intervenir respecto a la resolución y hacer algunas observaciones por parte de mi Delegación.

En este entendido, señor Presidente, quisiera ser breve por supuesto ante un tema tan importante para el sector pesquero de nuestro país.

En primer lugar, Señores Delegados, es muy satisfactorio ver como uno de los puntos sustantivos de esta Conferencia, el tema del Código de Conducta para la Pesca Responsable forma como uno de los ejes del tema de esta Conferencia.

Este documento, como lo ha expresado el Señor Krone, es resultado de un largo periodo de sesiones de trabajo en el cual el debate fue sustantivo, propositivo, arduo y en varias ocasiones fue muy acalorado, pero en el cual, siempre estuvo presente el espíritu de cooperación y comprensión, llegándose como lo muestra el documento, a un acuerdo de texto tanto en forma como en fondo.

Quiero mencionar que en este debate estuvieron presentes grandes líderes profesionales y expertos de la pesca, muchos de ellos participaron simultáneamente en grandes temas de negociación internacional como fue la Conferencia de Naciones Unidas sobre Especies Transzonales y Altamente Migratorias. Dado que hace escasamente un mes, fue la última reunión del Comité Técnico, también quisiera mencionar que el trabajo que se hizo por parte del Comité de Redacción por parte del señor Jean Francois Pulverins de Venezuela, refleja también el documento en las discusiones y los análisis que tuvimos en la última reunión.

Considero, Señores Delegados, que en este marco de referencia, el texto del documento representa una fórmula que equilibra el interés de todas las partes en cumplimiento de los objetivos de la Pesca Responsable. Espero, que haya una adopción en bloque, así lo hemos pensado con el señor Krone, y que la resolución que ha sido propuesta sea asimismo aprobada con el objeto de dar a los países miembros de la FAO, a la Secretaría y a todos los que estamos involucrados en la pesca, un instrumento que nos permita instrumentar y dar seguimiento al Código de Conducta para la Pesca Responsable.

Con esta breve introducción, Señor Presidente, quisiera que esto pudiera servir como referencia de que los trabajos fueron en gran lid un buen ejercicio de llegar a este documento que realmente es como mencioné, de gran equilibrio y enriquece todo un programa hacia la solución y hacia los trabajos en el futuro de nuestro sector pesquero.

LE PRESIDENT: Merci. Je voudrais savoir si vos observations sur les deux projets de résolution sont prêtes et si vous pouvez les communiquer maintenant. Ainsi vous ne reprendrez pas la parole plus tard. Avez-vous d'autres observations à faire sur les deux projets de résolution liés à ce Code?

Jerónimo Ramos SAENZ PARDO (México): En este momento no, señor Presidente, quisiera escuchar las próximas intervenciones.

Luis DELGADO SANCHO (CE): En nombre de la Comunidad Europea y de sus Estados Miembros, querría expresar nuestra gran satisfacción por la rápida terminación de las negociaciones sobre el Código de Conducta para una Pesca Responsable según el Mandato que me había dado la 27a Sesión de la Conferencia. Permítame, señor Presidente, en este punto mencionar muy en particular aquellos que han jugado un papel determinante a lo largo de este proceso y transmitirles mis felicitaciones. En particular, quiero mencionar a la Secretaría de la FAO que ha efectuado un trabajo remarcado tanto a nivel de la concepción de los principios del Código como de su redacción. Al Gobierno Mexicano que realizó en 1992 la Conferencia Internacional de Cancún, y, que es el origen del concepto de la Pesca Responsable. También a la presidencia mexicana del Comité Técnico que sin desmayo condujo las discusiones de los expertos de una forma eficaz y rápida.

En último lugar, a la presidencia venezolana del grupo informal encargado de la revisión jurídica y linguística del texto final del Código en sus versiones inglesa, francesa y española.

La Comunidad Europea y sus Estados Miembros han acordado desde el principio de este proceso, una gran importancia a la elaboración del Código de Conducta con un instrumento que, a pesar de su naturaleza voluntaria no vinculante, tendrá, dado su carácter global, una importancia política muy despreciable para el futuro de la pesca mundial.

La Comunidad Europea ha jugado un papel muy activo durante la elaboración del Código de Conducta, expresando su compromiso como una política de conservación coherente basada sobre el concepto de la Pesca Responsable y que pretende una explotación racional y durable de los recursos de la pesca en armonia con el respecto del medio ambiente. El Código de Conducta, es el fruto de un consenso general logrado en largos debates de negociación, a veces muy difíciles y que responden en una medida larga a nuestras preocupaciones

y a nuestra visión del futuro de la pesca mundial. La Comunidad Europea subscribe completamente a su contenido.

Para terminar, señor Presidente, espero que la Comunidad Europea podrá adherir lo más rápidamente posible al acuerdo para promover el cumplimiento por los buques pesqueros que pescan en alta mar de las medidas internacionales de conservación y de ordenación que no debemos olvidar forman parte integral del Código.

En lo que se refiere a los Proyectos de Resolución, en el Proyecto de Resolución B, en la versión española del documento C 95/LIM 5, proponemos suprimir el párrafo que comienza por: "tomando nota", ya que nos parece que es suficiente con el punto número uno del mismo documento en el que se insta a los miembros y no miembros de la FAO a que acepten un acuerdo.

Por otro lado, señor Presidente, hemos transmitido a la Secretaría ciertas modificaciones lingüísticas de la versión española.

José LOIRA (España): Señores Delegados, señor Presidente, para el Gobierno Español, que en numerosas ocasiones ha manifestado y demostrado su compromiso con el ejercicio de una pesca responsable (quiero recordar la Conferencia de Ministros de Pesca organizada en la Toja en 1991), el día de hoy, en el que nos vamos a disponer a aprobar el Código de Conducta, representa una gran satisfacción porque se ha culminado una labor que en principio parecía casi imposible realizar.

El Gobierno de México tuvo la sensibilidad, por lo que una vez más le felicitamos, de saber canalizar la inquietud internacional en relación con la situación de los recursos vivos marinos, y, con la asistencia de la FAO, convocó la Conferencia de Cancún, sobre Pesca Responsable, que ha sido la base y la inspiración del Código de Conducta.

A España le cupo el honor, durante su presidencia del COFI en el período 1993-95, de - como si de una olimpiada se tratase - tomar el relevo de la antorcha encendida en Cancún e intentar que llegara a feliz término sin que se redujera o apagara su fuego.

Entendimos en ese momento que el concepto de pesca responsable estaba acuñado, pero que, para llegar a plasmarlo en la realidad cotidiana del sector pesquero, era ineludible formular cuanto antes las premisas del proceso que debía iniciarse, si no queríamos que todo quedase en una declaración de buenas intenciones colectivas.

Con este propósito, solicitamos, tanto al Director General de la FAO como a la Comunidad Europea y a los representantes del Grupo de Países de la OCDE y del Grupo de los 77, que apoyasen firmemente la elaboración del Código de Conducta sobre Pesca Responsable por una vía rápida.

Gracias al esfuerzo y la colaboración de todos, la Conferencia de la FAO, en 1993, aprobó este procedimiento, a pesar de las dificultades técnicas y financieras que entrañaba.

El proceso de elaboración del Código ha tomado dos años, tiempo brevísimo si tenemos en cuenta la duración de otros procesos de ámbito más limitado. No podemos ocultarnos las dificultades y los obstáculos que hemos encontrado en el camino, pero finalmente todo se ha superado, por lo que debemos felicitarnos. Así, de esta manera, se ha conseguido formular un Código Integral que va a abarcar desde la pesca responsable hasta el comercio responsable. Cuando el Código sea aprobado formalmente por esta Conferencia, nos queda la andadura más difícil: asumir el compromiso que la aplicación del Código representa.

Tenemos que tomar conciencia de que habrá ocasiones en que los responsables de la gestión pesquera deberán tomar decisiones difíciles, que en muchos casos no serán bien recibidas por las repercusiones socioecónómicas que conllevarán. Pero también será parte de nuestra obligación saber transmitir a todos los estamentos del sector pesquero la necesidad de estas medidas, que tienen y tendrán un único objetivo: la conservación de los recursos marinos para las generaciones presentes y futuras y su aportación básica a la alimentación humana.

La aplicación del Código nos atañe a todos: países grandes y pequeños, pesqueros y no pesqueros. Cada uno, en la medida que le corresponda deberá asumir su responsabilidad y no podrá hacer recaer en otros el cumplimiento de sus propias obligaciones. Precisamente por eso el Código está sustentado por dos principios fundamentales: su universalidad y la cooperación internacional, sin los cuales no se conseguirá alcanzar los objetivos fijados.

No quiero finalizar mi intervención sin felicitar a la FAO por los esfuerzos que ha realizado tanto a nivel técnico como financiero para apoyar este proceso. Asimismo, merecen un reconocimiento especial los Presidentes de los diferentes Comités Técnicos celebrados con el mismo fin, que han dirigido los difíciles trabajos de manera eficaz y relevante.

Desde aquí, solicito, al igual que ha hecho la Comunidad Europea en su Declaración, de la que compartimos todos y cada uno de los puntos expresados, el apoyo de todos los países para la aprobación del Código de Conducta que debe ser, aunque tenga un carácter voluntario, la guía de todos los responsables a nivel mundial, del sector pesquero.

Asimismo, hago un llamamiento a la Comunidad Internacional para que, en el menor plazo posible, acepten el primer elemento vinculante del Código de Conducta: el Acuerdo para promover el cumplimiento de las Medidas Internacionales de Conservación y Gestión por los barcos que pescan en alta mar.

LE PRESIDENT: Je voudrais une nouvelle fois exprimer la reconnaissance de la Commission sur le fait que vous soyez venu vous adresser à nous dans une importante déclaration qui certainement éclairera les travaux de cette Commission et de la Conférence sur ce point concernant le Code de conduite. Votre appel a certainement été entendu par tous et je crois qu'ils en tiendront compte.

Manuel SOARES COSTA (Portugal): The Commission of the European Union has already expressed the position of the Union and its member states on this issue. Of course, the Portuguese delegation endorses the statement of the Commission. Nevertheless, and because we believe this is an event of utmost importance and the natural complement for the recent conferences and agreements, from Cancún, through Rio de Janeiro to New York, there is a reason why we would like, on this special occasion and as representatives of an old fishing nation, not only to subscribe to and reaffirm that position, but also to express in a clear way our own feelings on the subject.

We all know that seasonal and acute food insecurity are present in a significantly large area of the world due to several reasons, but mainly as a result of a high level of poverty, soil and water degradation and, not the least of all, a certain irrationality in the way mankind has been looking at the natural environment and exploiting its living resources.

Fishing resources is a crude example of this attitude, and although we know that fisheries and fish farming could be a relevant part of an integrated food production strategy, the fact is that today most of the world's more important fishing grounds have been subjected to a worrisome degradation. If we do not succeed in recovering these natural sources of food and making strong progress in aquaculture it is hard to see how fish and other edible aquatic products can help to sustain minimum animal protein consumption needs.

It is in this context that the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries is an element of utmost importance in reviewing strategies for the future, not only avoiding critical situations from a social and economic point of view, eliminating overexploitation, waste and the irresponsible use of juveniles and spawners, but introducing methods for better use of the catch, on board ships and also in the processing industry.

To this end, it is important that all fishing nations, without exception, undertake adequate strategies and measures to improve scientific and technical knowledge, and to regulate fishing activities within their jurisdictional waters. Since resources are not unlimited, and resource vulnerability is the rule, access will be more and more difficult and we should be aware that there will be no easy way in the years to come.

The resulting social problems will not be a specific problem for the developing countries - although in this case they tend to be more difficult to solve in time - but a general one, also affecting more developed nations, particularly those more dependent on fishing and on fish food consumption. This means that national strategies should take into due consideration inter alia the sub-regional and regional situation, since the majority of fish resources ' distribution ignores the artificial limits represented by maritime frontiers and this mplies that we should tend to improve sub-regional and regional cooperation between all states concerned.

Most of the fishers in the world are attached to local or small-scale fishing activities; rough estimates point to a number of about 12 million people, which represent 24 times the employment in the industrial fisheries. Their communities, spread in the coast or along rivers and lakes, represent an important element when trying to conceive a sustainable development strategy and, at the same time, adequate solutions for the problem of inequity in the allocation process.

In all these aspects the new Code of Conduct is an unquestionably important instrument for the future and for a completely different and new rationale in our approach to the exploitation of natural living resources, but its success will depend on the effective understanding and will of the aquatic environment and its resources. This is why we stress the importance of the following points, and I summarize:

  1. First of all, a stronger cooperation, at the different levels; local, national and regional;
  2. An integrated approach in what concerns the management and use of resources;
  3. Coherent management and conservation measures inside and outside jurisdictional areas of coastal states;
  4. The strong responsibilities of coastal states in the future of fishing and fish fanning;
  5. Analysing the situation of existent Regional Fisheries Organizations with all the consequences of this approach;
  6. Local and small scale fisheries;
  7. Reducing waste, not only in fishing and keeping catch on board, but in the processing industry, stimulating the increase of the percentage of fish products used as a direct source of human food;
  8. Finally, avoiding the degradation of coastal waters through pollution.

We tend to believe that along these lines of action, if we follow them, there will be a chance to introduce, in the short term, a drastic modification on present trends, giving a better chance to those countries and regions characterized by a significant economic dependence on fisheries and fish farming.

The entire responsibility regarding the future remains with us, either as individuals, organizations, or states and economic groups of states, and our ability and willingness to build up, in a joint and coherent way, a more optimistic and sustainable perspective for the future.

Thomas A. FORBORD (United States of America): As I said in the FAO Council last week, the United States supports the adoption of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. I request that the rest of my statement be inserted in the record as if delivered.

I note that the Report from the Council has left out a key sentence that was included in the draft Report. It was not removed during our discussions but somehow in the printing it has been left out. That sentence, at the end of paragraph 2 of the Council Report, noted that there is no need for an elaboration of technical guidelines by the FAO Secretariat on the trade-related provisions of the Code. I would like to have that noted by this Commission, and if there is discussion on amendments to the draft resolutions later in our session, I would have some suggestions to make at that stage.

LE PRESIDENT: Je vous remercie, honorable Délégué, mais si vous avez des observations sur la résolution, je vous invite à nous en faire part maintenant car nous n'allons pas engager un deuxième débat sur la résolution et je souhaite d'ailleurs que les délégués interviennent essentiellement sur cette résolution car c'est sur cela que notre Commission est appelée à se prononcer. Donc, si vos observations sont prêtes, je vous prierai de bien vouloir nous en faire part, et qu'il en soit de même pour les autres délégués. Honorable Délégué des Etats-Unis, êtes-vous prêt à nous faire part de vos observations?

Thomas A. FORBORD (United States of America): I am ready to, Mr Chairman, but I am not going to. If the two resolutions are adopted en bloc without change, we are prepared to join the consensus in approving en bloc. If there is to be discussion on changes, then I will make some suggestions.

Porfirio PESTAÑA (Venezuela): Para mi pais es un honor y una responsabilidad hacer algunos comentarios en relación al proyecto de Código de Conducta para la Pesca Responsable, no sólo por la gran importancia que asignamos al tema sino también por la activa participación de nuestra delegación en todo el proceso negociador.

Señor Presidente, la intensificación descontrolada de las operaciones pesqueras hizo tomar conciencia de la necesidad de definir políticas y desarrollar normas técnicas y legales capaces de preservar y explotar racionalmente los recursos vivos marinos y evitar la depredación de los mares.

La integración de la pesca en el marco de consideraciones ambientales más amplias, como el desarrollo sostenible, y la toma en consideración de la evolución de la explotación de los recursos pesqueros, hicieron pensar en la necesidad de actuar una práctica responsable de la pesca. El avance determinante de estos conceptos fue dado por la Conferencia Internacional sobre Pesca Responsable, convocada por el Gobierno de México, cuyo resultado final fue la declaración de Cancún en la cual se definió la pesca responsable y se emanaron novedosas concepciones que constituyeron el primer paso de un gran movimiento internacional hacia tal fin.

A la FAO le correspondió elaborar y redactar el Código Internacional para la Pesca Responsable, cometido en el cual se ha venido avanzando en forma segura hasta llegar al excelente y coherente documento que está ante nosotros. Este proyecto es producto de numerosas reuniones de consulta y negociación. En este sentido, deseamos agradecer y felicitar a los miembros de los diversos comités que participaron en el proceso de elaboración del Código Propuesto.

Este documento no es el resultado de acciones aisladas de los estados ni de la imposición de la voluntad de unos sobre otros; es el resultado de la labor conjunta, concertada y convenida de los países que al perseguir un fin común para beneficio de la comunidad internacional, dan lo mejor de sí mismos.

Resulta evidente que el código tiene carácter global, pues abarca todos los aspectos de la conservación y utilización de todos los recursos bioacuáticos, marinos y de aguas dulces, incluyendo los cultivados, desde la fase de ordenación y gestión hasta la fase de post-captura, y además todas las entidades involucradas, ya sean gubernamentales como no gubernamentales.

Puede considerarse que este documento, por su carácter universal constituirá en los próximos años un punto de referencia obligado para la adopción, a nivel nacional e internacional, de políticas relativas a la conservación y uso sostenible de los recursos bioacuáticos.

Antes de finalizar, señor Presidente, considero necesario resaltar la extraordinaria labor que ha desempeñado la FAO en este proceso, recordando que la adopción del código es sólo un punto de partida, pues queda aún mucho trabajo por realizar. La Organización deberá presentar el conjunto de directrices relacionadas con la aplicación del código, así como la entrada en vigencia y subsiguiente revisión del acuerdo de 1993 sobre cumplimiento.

Finalmente, a la luz de los planteamientos antes expuestos, mi delegación sugiere que la Conferencia apruebe la resolución tal y como está y por consenso.

Piotr BYKOWSKI (Poland): The Polish delegation, from the very beginning, was involved in the elaboration of the Code of Conduct on Responsible Fisheries. Today we have a very pleasant and easy task simply to fully endorse it, and assure you that the Polish Government will make every effort to implement it efficiently.

I wish to congratulate all Member States for reaching consensus on this important document of historical importance.

I wish to congratulate also the FAO Secretariat, particularly the Fisheries Department, for being able to work on the so-called "fast track" and to bring the code to this Conference for endorsement.

Poland has no problems with both resolutions. We can endorse them.

H. Pradeep RAO (India): The Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries is largely the result of the process initiated in Cancun in 1992.1 feel it is entirely appropriate that the list of this afternoon's speakers started with our distinguished colleague from Mexico.

The Code is an extremely significant document that articulates the concerns and aspirations of different Member Nations with respect to responsible fishing. The Code is rooted in the global realization that industrial policy had led to the unsustainable exploitation of marine resources, also to the adverse consequences of overfishing. Certain species have been depleted to alarming levels and many countries have suffered adversities in their fishing industry.

My country has been associated closely with the development of the Code of Conduct, including attendance in the meetings of the Technical Committee. We are happy that we have been able to assist, in our own humble manner, in the finalization of the Code.

We would like to emphasize that the capacity of developing countries to implement the Code should be taken into account, as spelt out in Article 5.1. Measures must be taken to address the special requirements of developing countries, with reference to financial and technical assistance, the transfer of technology and to assist them in developing their fisheries sector.

The Code is also to be seen in the light of national laws, which are paramount within the country, as well as the territorial waters and the EEZ, subject to the provisions of UNCLOS in respect of the EEZ.

Mme Adelaïde RIBEIRO (Cap-Vert): Merci, Monsieur le Président. Avant tout, nous remercions le Secrétariat de la FAO pour la qualité du document. Le Comité des pêches, dans sa dix-neuvième Session, a lancé l'initiative de cet instrument international - le projet de Code de conduite pour une pêche responsable, visant le développement durable.

Les organes directeurs de la FAO, l'Assemblée des Nations Unies et la réunion ministérielle des pêches ont réaffirmé l'importance et la nécessité de l'adoption de ce projet de Code.

Ce projet de Code a été préparé en conformité avec la Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer adoptée en 1982, et compte tenu d'autres événements importants qui ont eu lieu pendant ces dernières années, notamment la Conférence des Nations Unies sur les stocks chevauchants et sur les stocks de poissons grands migrateurs, qui constituent des instruments pertinents.

Le Comité technique a bien joué son rôle en nous présentant cette version, la dernière, croyons-nous. C'est là aussi le résultat des efforts conjoints du Secrétariat et des pays membres, surtout le Mexique.

Nous sommes convaincus que le moment de son adoption est arrivé. Aussi, ma Délégation, compte tenu de l'importance du secteur de la pêche au Cap-Vert et de la nécessité de la pratique d'une pêche responsable pour la gestion et l'aménagement durable de ce secteur, approuve l'adoption du projet de Code de conduite pour une pêche responsable qui nous est soumis car il traduit, à notre avis, l'équilibre entre les intérêts. Nous incitons tous les Membres de notre Organisation à l'adopter.

Nous approuvons aussi l'adoption du projet de résolution sur l'accord visant à favoriser le respect par les navires de pêche en haute mer des mesures internationales de conservation et de gestion.

John AUSMAN (Canada): The development of a Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries is an initiative that Canada has supported from the beginning when the idea of the Code was generated at a meeting in Cancun in 1992.

We are very pleased that the text of the Code of Conduct was agreed at the technical meeting held in Rome at the end of September and Canada fully supports, without reservations and especially now that paragraph 5.2 has been corrected, the formal adoption of the code at this meeting.

We also support the resolution dealing with the code that we have before us. We could agree with the European Union regarding deletion of a preamble to the paragraph although we would not insist upon it if the meeting wishes to move to an en bloc adoption. It is simply that we found most of the preamble rather wordy and largely unnecessary.

Our view has always been that the language should accord with the relevant sections of the United Nations Convention on Straddling Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks and we are pleased to see the progress that has been made through the adoption of the new UN Convention of those stocks, and through development of this Code, in addressing through the international framework the important issues relating to the world's fisheries.

Finally, Mr Chairman, Canada would like to underline its strong commitment to the Flagging Agreement mentioned in the second resolution before us and we hope that member states who have not already done so will ratify it so that it can come into force.

LE PRESIDENT: Je retiens en particulier votre désir de vous associer aux projets de résolution qui sont soumis, notamment s'ils sont adoptés en bloc et je lance un appel à tous les autres orateurs pour qu'ils suivent cette proposition visant à ce qu'à la fois nous puissions recommander l'adoption du Code à la Conférence et adopter les deux projets de résolution par consensus et en bloc, sans modification.

Zachée YEM YEM (Cameroun): Monsieur le Président, la délégation de mon pays se félicite de la qualité des documents soumis à notre attention, de leur portée scientifique et de l'esprit de compromis qui a prévalu à leur confection.

En effet, ces documents sont le fruit de longues années de travail, de réflexion, avec la participation de la plupart des pays membres intéressés, dont ceux de notre Région, l'Afrique. Les experts de mon pays y ont contribué modestement à leur façon.

Monsieur le Président, distingués Délégués, mon pays approuve le Code de conduite pour une pêche responsable tel qu'il nous est soumis, ainsi que les projets de résolution soumis à notre attention. Notre appui est d'autant ferme que ce document appelle la communauté internationale à tenir compte des préoccupations de nos pays en développement pour la mise en pratique de ce Code.

La mise en pratique de ce Code, en effet, suppose, qu'entre autres, des moyens de surveillance des côtes soient mis en oeuvre, pour le respect des normes de la pêche dans les eaux territoriales nationales, ce qui n'est pas toujours le cas dans nos pays.

A côté de cet appel à la solidarité internationale, nos pays doivent s'ouvrir plus largement à la coopération sous-régionale afin d'améliorer l'alimentation de nos populations et asseoir chaque jour davantage l'intégration de leur économie.

En ces années de crise économique généralisée, de baisse drastique des pouvoirs d'achat, nos populations ont comme sources de revenus et sources d'approvisionnement en protéines le poisson et les produits halieutiques. Aussi, nous souhaitons que le Code soit adopté, ainsi que les résolutions, pour que les ressources halieutiques aujourd'hui et demain puissent constituer la source première de production animale et halieutique dans nos pays. Je vous remercie.

Hans ZANNETIS (Cyprus): The Code of Conduct addresses a variety of key issues, including the modalities and prerequisites of sound fisheries management. Overexploitation of fishery resources is one of the two most critical threats to the health of the oceans. The other is pollution from land-sources. The importance of this code in supporting the implementation of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Laws of the Sea and UNCED has been underlined at many fora. We wish to add our voice to that of many others who look forward to the urgent adoption and implementation of responsible policies aimed at the conservation and sustainable use of fishery resources and at the protection of the marine environment.

There can be little doubt that overcapacity, overinvestment and overemployment are at the root of overexploitation and mismanagement of fishery resources. We heartily endorse the provisions of the Code which we consider is one of the most substantial documents to emerge in recent years. We support the adoption of the relevant resolution.

Mr Chairman, I have a rather descriptive statement about the fisheries policy of Cyprus which, in the interests of brevity, I will refrain from reading. I would, however, request that it be inserted into the verbatim records.

We consider it highly desirable that agreement is reached on the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and that its provision, albeit voluntary in many cases, be applied. The situation in the Mediterranean in particular is critical in most areas and common management measures, covering all key parameters of fishing activities, are essential. Many of the resources of the Mediterranean are grossly overexploited and such management measures are long overdue. FAO and in particular the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean has a leading role to play in preparing, coordinating and catalyzing activities that could lead to the adoption of such a regional agreement between not only the States of the region but also between them and other States who are fishing in the Mediterranean.

The recent initiatives of the European Union in this direction are to be applauded. The code of conduct for Responsible Fisheries lays down the foundations for the conservation and sustainable use of fishery resources, the conservation of aquatic biodiversity and the improvement in the welfare of our peoples. It will inevitably evolve with the experience gained. Its application is the responsibility of us all and I hope that we, in the Mediterranean, will be among the first to implement it as our resources are among the most heavily exploited resources in the world. I would like to congratulate FAO and its various bodies for all they have done in the preparation of this Code.

LE PRESIDENT: Je vous remercie, honorable Délégué. Et la partie de votre déclaration que vous n'avez pas lue sera incluse dans le verbatim.

U. MAUNG MAUNG NYUNT (Myanmar): On behalf of my delegation I wish to make a brief statement relating to the International Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries.

As we know, the fishery sector is of great importance to many countries as a source of protein, as a source of employment and as a contribution to foreign exchange earnings. The world fisheries have also made a major contribution towards human nutrition and present demand for direct human consumption of food fish is expected to exceed 91 million tons by the year 2010. However, to secure a fish supply that matches increasing demand we must prevent environmental degradation and overfishing by establishing appropriate measures.

In the field of fisheries it is very important to ensure sustainable development, appropriate management and conservation of aquatic resources, based on the scientific information available, and its rational utilization is essential.

In this context it is necessary to provide standards of conduct for all persons involved in the fishery sector to ensure the effective conservation, management and sustainable development of aquatic resources.

In conclusion, the Myanmar Delegation would like to strongly support the adoption of the International code of conduct for Responsible Fisheries.

Mohamed ROUCHDI (Maroc): Monsieur le Président, honorables Délégués, je voudrais tout d'abord, si vous me le permettez, féliciter la FAO pour le travail qu'elle a accompli pour l'élaboration et la mise en forme de ce Code de conduite pour une pêche responsable.

Un vibrant hommage lui est rendu à l'occasion de la commémoration de son 50ème anniversaire pour ses efforts en matière de gestion et de conservation des ressources halieutiques en tant qu'élément incontournable de la stratégie de lutte contre la faim et la malnutrition dans le monde.

L'élaboration d'un Code de conduite pour une pêche responsable est l'aboutissement d'un long processus de négociations et constitue à cet égard une oeuvre de codification de grande envergure dans le sillage et la mouvance de la Déclaration de Cancun qui a consacré le principe de la pêche responsable et la Déclaration de Rio de 1992 concernant le développement durable.

Ce Code de conduite qui définit les lignes directrices pour rationaliser et moraliser les opérations de pêche et d'aquaculture témoigne de la volonté de la communauté internationale de mettre fin à une ère où les mers et les océans étaient perçus et exploités comme des réservoirs inépuisables de ressources biologiques marines.

Le texte soumis actuellement à la Conférence en vue de son adoption, reconnaît l'importance économique, nutritionnelle, sociale et culturelle de la pêche et invite les Etats, les Organisations concernées par l'aménagement des pêches et les entités de pêcheurs à veiller à ce que les opérations de pêche, de transformation et de commercialisation des produits de la pêche soient conduites de manière responsable en vue d'assurer la conservation et le développement des ressources bioaquatiques et améliorer leur contribution à l'objectif de la sécurité alimentaire mondiale.

Pour cela, des principes généraux ont été élaborés, et des normes et pratiques de pêche ont été définis. Le Maroc, qui a toujours souscrit aux principes de la préservation et de la conservation des ressources halieutiques, appuie les efforts de la FAO tendant à mettre en place un dispositif juridique compatible avec une pêche responsable et un développement durable conformément aux engagements pris dans le cadre du programme Action 21 de la Conférence des Nations Unies pour l'Environnement et le Développement.

En adhérant pleinement aux dispositions de cette nouvelle charte de la pêche, ma délégation voudrait appuyer son adoption, car elle estime qu'il s'agit d'un texte équilibré, tenant compte de tous les intérêts et permettant d'atteindre l'objectif de durabilité des ressources et partant de l'offre des disponibilités alimentaires d'origine aquatique que nous recherchons tous.

Ma délégation appuie également l'adoption des deux projets de résolution concernant le Code de conduite et l'accord visant à favoriser le respect par les navires de pêche en haute mer des mesures internationales de conservation et de gestion.

Monsieur le Président, la réussite des mesures de conservation et de gestion des ressources halieutiques tant à l'intérieur des espaces maritimes relevant des juridictions nationales que des eaux internationales, ainsi que celles concernant les pratiques de manutention, de transformation et de commercialisation, la réussite de ces mesures, dis-je, dépend largement de la coopération sous-régionale, régionale et internationale. C'est dire l'importance du rôle que les mécanismes régionaux de coopération auront à jouer pour la réalisation de cet objectif.

Dans ce contexte, les pays en développement devraient recevoir une assistance technique et financière plus accrue pour appuyer leurs efforts tendant à mettre en oeuvre les dispositions pertinentes du Code de conduite pour une pêche responsable, et ce, conformément aux recommandations du Consensus de Rome sur les pêches mondiales de mars 1995.

De même, un travail de vulgarisation et de simplification des dispositions de ce Code devrait être entrepris en vue d'en faciliter l'exécution et d'aider les Etats à élaborer ou améliorer leurs législations nationales en matière de pêche.

L'assistance de la FAO serait également sollicitée pour l'élaboration d'un catalogue des engins de pêche dont l'utilisation est compatible avec la conservation et l'exploitation durable des ressources halieutiques.

Avant de conclure, je voudrais réitérer mes remerciements à la FAO pour l'assistance et le concours précieux qu'elle a apportés pour l'élaboration du présent Code de conduite, ce qui témoigne des efforts soutenus de notre Organisation pour favoriser le développement durable des pêcheries nationales et internationales.

Mes remerciements vont également aux membres du bureau du Comité technique du Conseil, de composition non limitée, et particulièrement à son Président, Monsieur Jeronimo Ramos du Mexique, pour la manière et la compétence avec lesquelles il a conduit les travaux dudit Comité.

Ahmad Rusli JOHARIE (Malaysia): It gives my delegation great honour to be able to speak at this historic occasion when a Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries is about to be decided at world level. Malaysia participated in all the technical committees formed by the Committee on Fisheries and the 108th FAO Council. We also participated in all six sessions of the UN Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks.

The Government of Mexico and FAO are to be lauded for initiating the Cancun Conference in 1992 from which was derived the Cancun Declaration on Responsible Fishing. One of the objectives of UNCED held in Rio in June 1992 was to promote lasting integration between environment and development objectives. In this respect, one of the three Non-Legally Binding Agreements at Rio is Agenda 21. In particular, Chapter 17 calls for better coordination and greater efficiency in the management of the marine environment.

My delegation is happy to note that most of the elements of the Cancun Declaration and relevant chapters of Agenda 21 have been incorporated in this Code of Conduct, although some have been given higher emphasis than others. Although marine environmental pollution is one of Malaysia's constant worries, my delegation interprets that it is covered in the Code.

Malaysia firmly believes that a good legal framework on fisheries and related matters is essential in enhancing the development of fisheries. Not only would the framework define the scope of the industry, which includes its areas of jurisdiction, but also provides for the rules and regulations necessary to sustain the utilization of its resources. Such a framework is found in our Fisheries Act of 1985, which operates in consonance with Malaysia's Exclusive Economic Zone Act of 1984.

Malaysia is emphasizing the development of aquaculture to increase fish production. In this respect, we are taking an integrated approach towards sustainable aquaculture development through integrated area management. We are very concerned about outbreaks of disease, and in this respect FAO could accelerate the implementation of technical assistance and technology transfer of aquaculture health management practices to member countries.

In the area of fish quality and post-harvest handling, Malaysia is aware of the emphasis on the current technique of Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points, or HACCP, which is currently being promoted for worldwide use. We urge FAO to provide programmes that will enable member countries to comply with the relevant provisions of the Code.

The proposed FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries is the first of its kind at world level. Malaysia believes that implementation will mark a new era in the face of declining fisheries stock and worldwide overfishing, while at the same time we see a rising demand for fish.

In conclusion, my delegation would once again like to commend FAO for its successful effort in concluding the draft text for today's Conference. My delegation supports the text of this Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries to be adopted by the Conference. We also support the draft resolutions presented.

We hope that all member countries will comply with the Code to assure the sustainability of fisheries throughout the world.

Pisan LUETONGCHARG (Thailand): Thailand would like to associate itself with previous speakers in agreeing the adoption of the two draft resolutions, namely the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and the Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas.

You may recall that during the discussion at the Ministerial Meeting in March of this year the sustainability of the world's fishery resources for present and future generations was emphasized by all Ministers. Recently various initiatives on Fishery Management have been endorsed at global, regional and national levels. My delegation refers in particular to the conclusion of the United Nations Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks.

Thailand has always recognized the sovereign right of the State to explore, exploit, conserve and manage its living resources as enshrined in the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of Sea. Furthermore, Thailand actively strengthens and supports regional, sub-regional and national fisheries organizations and arranges for implementing conservation and management measures. However, Member Nations must be given adequate time in adjusting the strategies on fishery management due to various factors, including legal matters.

Please allow me to inform distinguished delegates that Thailand will host the World Aquaculture Conference in Bangkok from the 29th January to the 2nd February 1996. Thailand would be most honoured if delegates and the authorities concerned could participate in the Conference. Details may be obtained from the Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives.

Neil FRASER (New Zealand): Following its earlier involvement in this process, New Zealand participated actively in the September meeting of the Technical Committee of the Council and is ready to endorse this final version of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and its adoption by this Conference as sought by paragraph 26 of C 95/20-Rev.l.

Julio César LUPINACCI (Uruguay): Le pido disculpas, señor Presidente, porque en el momento que usted me llamó yo no estaba presente. Mi Delegación quiere expresar su viva satisfacción por la presentación de este Código de Conducta para la Pesca Responsable, y, expresamos también nuestra felicitación a la FAO por la preparación de este Código que es el fruto del esfuerzo mancomunado de numerosas delegaciones y de la FAO, cuyos muy competentes servicios técnicos y servicios financieros prestaron un apoyo fundamental al proceso de elaboración que se inició con la Conferencia de Cancún organizada por el Gobierno de México en colaboración con la FAO. Por tanto, vaya nuestro reconocimiento al Gobierno de México que tuvo tan loable iniciativa y a la FAO misma por esa labor que ha cumplido.

El Código, señor Presidente, más allá de algunas carencias que pueda tener, es un instrumento muy adecuado que, a pesar de su carácter voluntario, constituye un paso trascendental, un paso muy importante hacia la instauración del orden en la explotación de los recursos acuáticos vivos y la racionalización de la actividad pesquera en todo el abanico que abarca desde la conservación de los recursos y la ordenación de la pesca hasta el desarrollo de la acuicultura, comercio y la investigación pesquera. Por tanto, mi Delegación presta su pleno apoyo a este Código y espera que la Conferencia lo apruebe por consenso.

En cuanto a la resolución, señor Presidente, de nuevo compartimos el texto de la misma, quizás pudiera en el párrafo segundo cambiarse un poco la redacción sin que esto sea demasiado importante, pero creo que al pedir a todos los Estados y Organizaciones Internacionales, tanto gubernamentales como no gubernamentales, que colaboren dice: "en el cumplimiento y la aplicación de los objetivos y principios contenidos en este Código". Yo creo, señor Presidente, que no se trata solamente de la aplicación de los objetivos y los principios, sino del Código mismo, de sus disposiciones; por tanto, creo que tenemos que hacer una distinción en la redacción, señalando que la colaboración debía prestarse en el cumplimiento de los objetivos y principios contenidos en el Código y en la aplicación de éste, porque sino parecería que estamos tratando de aplicar seriamente objetivos y principios pero en las normas mismas que están contenidas en este instrumento. Por eso, señor Presidente, me permito proponer ese cambio sin que ello signifique atrasar la discusión de nada, pero creo que se mejoraría no solamente en la redacción sino en los conceptos, es simplemente eso, señor Presidente.

LE PRESIDENT: Je vous remercie honorable Délégué. Je voudrais peut-être vous rappeler que nous avons une proposition à adopter sur ces deux projets de résolution par consensus tels que présentés au départ par le Secrétariat, et je crains qu'ouvrir une brêche pour commencer à amender un paragraphe puisse nous amener a réexaminer tous les autres paragraphes, car plusieurs délégués ont déjà fait savoir qu'ils avaient des amendements à fournir mais qu'ils les garderaient si aucun autre amendement n'était proposé, et je vous remercie de retirer votre amendement afin de nous permettre d'adopter ces deux projets par consensus. Je vous remercie infiniment, Excellence.

G. POULTER (United Kingdom): The Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing represents the current consensus on what constitutes best practice in the conservation and sustainable use of very important aquatic resources. The delegation of the United Kingdom attaches great importance to the Code. We welcome the final version of the text and would like to offer our full support. In this we thoroughly endorse the statement of the EU. We recognize the considerable efforts that have been made by all those involved to reconcile the many different interests and positions relating to this very important subject. In this regard, we would like to congratulate the Secretariat, and particularly the FAO Fisheries Department for its skill and determination which it has applied quietly and effectively over a considerable period of time and which has led to this successful outcome.

Ms Kirsten BJORU (Norway): The fisheries resources is of great importance to the Norwegian economy and is the main source of livelihood in large coastal areas. Most of the fish stocks exploited by the Norwegian fishermen are joint stocks shared with other nations. Norway has, therefore, for a number of years now put great effort into establishing joint management regimes in order to protect the resources from overexploitation, in order to promote a long-term sustainability on the high and the closest possible optimum level.

Based on our own experience and understanding of the need to take a precautionary approach towards the utilization of marine resources, Norway has for 20 years actively supported a number of developing countries in the inland research and fisheries management, including legislation, in order to assist in establishing sound resource management of the living marine resources. Norway confirms it will continue this support both bilaterally and through FAO. Therefore, Norway has actively supported and participated in the work started by FAO on the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and we do welcome the Draft Code as submitted to the Conference by the Council based on the comprehensive work most effectively led by the Secretariat and the excellent chairmanship of the Technical Committee.

Norway finds the Code an important document, setting out principles for global acceptable practices which will ensure the sustainable development of all living marine resources. Norway will urge the Conference to adopt the Code as it is drafted.

Norway is also positive in extending the support in the area of fisheries management to the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and also urge FAO, upon request, to assist the least-developed member countries in their efforts to establish mechanisms to follow up the Code of Conduct in countries as well as the regional cooperation for the same purpose.

Norway would like to draw attention to two more most important agreements each of which in its field complements the Code of Conduct and in a formal manner sets flesh and blood to the scope of the Code, namely the agreement to promote compliance with the international conservation and management measures by fishing vessels on the high seas, the so-called Flagging Agreement and the agreement for the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea relating to the principles of management, of studying of fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks.

Norway will urge all Member States, not having done so, as soon as possible to accept these two agreements in order to establish these two new binding instruments which will further promote our common aim of conservation and sustainable development of all living marine resources, outside as well as inside territorial waters.

As to the draft resolution, Norway is prepared to adopt the text as it stands.

LE PRESIDENT: Merci, honorable Délégué, et je retiens en particulier l'offre de votre pays d'assister la FAO ainsi que d'autres pays pour la mise en oeuvre des dispositions de ce Code.

Hadiono BADJURI (Indonesia): First of all, I would like to express my delegation's appreciation to the Agricultural Committee for a good job on the finalized Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and I would also like to express our thanks to the Secretariat for producing the text of the Code of Conduct.

The Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, in my delegation's view, represents the balance of interests of all member countries. The Code of Conduct provides the provision that the developing countries are taken into account, if not supported in the implementation of the Code of Conduct. Therefore, my delegation will share the view with the previous speaker to support the adoption of the Code of Conduct and the Resolution.

Bongiwe NJOBE-MBULI (South Africa): My input is really in response to the plea for adoption for member countries of the Code on Fisheries. South Africa has to some extent participated in the deliberations to date on the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. Although the objectives of the Code are laudible in respect of the draft resolution on the table my delegation is not in a position to take a firm stand. For the record, our Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism in South Africa has recently appointed a Fishery Policy Development Committee who formulate a new Fisheries Policy for the new South Africa. It would, therefore, be premature for South Africa to comment on the draft Code until we have finalized our position and finalized a Fisheries Policy that is developed by and enjoys all the support of all our communities. This is also in the light of the view that the Code embodies many principles which might compromise the deliberations and ultimate recommendations of the South African Fishery Policy Development Committee.

LE PRESIDENT: Puis-je enregistrer que votre pays n'est pas prêt, pour le moment, à appuyer l'adoption de ce Code ou bien à adhérer à ce Code? Quelle est votre position sur ce Code? Si vous pouviez nous éclairer sur ce point. Vous avez la parole.

Bongiwe NJOBE-MBULI (South Africa): I think it is really just a matter of timing and synchronizing with our legal processes. Our technical people have been participating and are aware of the elements which they would, I think, positively try to incorporate and coordinate with our own policy.

LE PRESIDENT: Je vous remercie et je passe la parole à l'honorable Délégué du Mexique qui a demandé une nouvelle fois la parole tout en lui rappelant qu'en ce qui concerne les projets de résolution, nous avons une proposition que la plupart des délégués, sinon tous les délégués avant lui, ont essayé de respecter et qui est d'adopter ces deux résolutions par consensus et telles qu'elles sont présentées dans le document. Je l'inviterai donc à prendre en considération cette proposition s'il veut intervenir sur les deux projets de résolution.

Jerónimo Ramos SAENZ PARDO (México): En mi intervención inicial precisé que iba a tomar la palabra como presidente del Comité Técnico abierto; en esta ocasión lo hago como delegación, y el propósito de mi intervención es, básicamente, agradecer el gran apoyo para la elaboración del Código de Conducta para la Pesca Responsable a la Secretaría de la FAO, a su Director General, al Dr. Wolfgang Krone, a la Secretaria, que nos apoyó sustantivamente, Margarita Lizárraga, sustantivamente también al área jurídica y a todos los investigadores y expertos que estuvieron trabajando en cada uno de los capítulos, esto sin menoscabar y siendo muy importante la gran colaboración de todos los países, organismos internacionales y organizaciones no gubernamentales. He tomado también la palabra, señor Presidente, para agradecer a todos los países y a todos los distinguidos delegados las muestras de agradecimiento y de felicitación a México, tanto por su labor de promover este Código así como por los trabajos que se desarrollaron en la Presidencia del Comité Técnico.

No quisiera extenderme pero nuestra delegación aprueba y está de acuerdo en toda su extensión con el Código, y se suma al consenso de los señores delegados en cuanto al proyecto de resoluciones A y B en todos sus términos.

Sra. Ileana NUÑEZ MORDOCHE (Cuba): La Delegación cubana desea felicitar a la Secretaría por el documento que nos ha presentado. Nuestra delegación apoya el Código de Conducta para la Pesca Responsable tal y como nos ha sido presentado. La aplicación de este Código ayudará a salvaguardar la seguridad alimentaria internacional y el desarrollo económico y social, garantizando la sostenibilidad de los recursos acuáticos vivos. Con la aplicación de este Código por parte de todos los Estados Miembros de la FAO hacemos que el derecho al desarrollo se ejerza de forma tal que responda equitativamente a las necesidades de desarrollo de las generaciones presentes y futuras si queremos que los seres humanos, centro de las preocupaciones relacionadas con el desarrollo sostenible, sobrevivan en una vida saludable y productiva en armonía con la naturaleza.

Señor Presidente, queremos felicitar a nuestros colegas de México por haber tenido tan brillante iniciativa al promover este Código, así como por su labor de Presidente en los trabajos del Comité Técnico. Una vez más, queremos felicitar a la FAO y en especial al Comité de Pesca, por los trabajos realizados con vistas a tomar medidas para asegurar una pesca responsable.

Sita. Gabriella VASSALLO CONSOLI (Perú): Es particularmente satisfactorio para mi delegación respaldar la aprobación, por parte de esta Conferencia, del Código de Conducta para la Pesca Responsable, y expresar nuestro reconocimiento y agradecimiento al Gobierno de México y al Departamento de Pesca de la FAO por la importante función que han desempeñado al respecto.

Moussa Bocar LY (Sénégal): Monsieur le Président, notre pays a, dès le début, participé au processus d'élaboration du projet de Code de conduite puisqu'il a fourni un expert qui a siégé à côté d'autres pour l'élaboration de la version initiale de ce projet. Par la suite, nous avons également participé activement au Comité technique et nous voulons saisir cette occasion pour féliciter le Mexique, puisque depuis Cancun ce processus s'est enclenché, ainsi que le Secrétariat pour l'appui technique qu'il a bien voulu apporter.

Le projet de Code de conduite est équilibré. Nous nous félicitons qu'il ait été tenu compte des intérêts des pays en développement, dans la droite ligne d'ailleurs de l'Accord de New York sur les stocks chevauchants et les grands migrateurs.

Nous espérons simplement que ces dispositions relatives aux pays en développement trouveront leur application dans le cadre de la coopération technique et de l'assistance aussi bien de tous les Etats que de la FAO.

Nous relevons qu'un rôle de suivi est confié à la FAO et nous espérons que le consensus qui se fait autour de cette résolution, et donc autour du projet de Code de conduite, se traduira par des moyens efficaces, car à quoi servirait-il d'accorder un rôle de suivi à la FAO si on ne lui donnait pas les moyens d'assurer ce suivi? Donc, nous espérons que nous serons logiques avec nous-mêmes et donnerons à la FAO les moyens de son action et de la mission que nous lui confions.

Pour terminer, nous donnons notre plein appui à ce projet de Code de conduite et aux projets de résolution déjà préparés d'ailleurs au niveau du Conseil, qui tendent à sanctionner les travaux sur cette question importante pour mon pays.

Akihiko UDOGUCHI (Japan): I will be very brief. The first thing I would like to say is that my country supports the draft Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and the draft resolution. The second thing I would like to mention is the importance of sustainable utilization of fisheries resources. I would like to take this opportunity to announce once again to all delegations that Japan, in collaboration with FAO, will host the International Conference on Sustainable Conservation of Fisheries for Food Security in Kyoto, Japan, in

December of this year to provide countries concerned with an opportunity to discuss this issue and obtain common, basic understanding on this issue.

Luis DELGADO SANCHO (CE): Después de escuchar el consenso que hay en la sala para la adopción en bloque de las dos resoluciones, retiramos la propuesta de modificación que habíamos realizado inicialmente.

David EDWARDS BORBON (Costa Rica): Muchas gracias señor Presidente. La iniciativa surgida con la declaración de Cancún de Marzo 1992, nos ha conducido a la elaboración de un Código de Conducta Responsable, al que mi país le da la mayor importancia. Por lo que agradecemos a la FAO por el trabajo realizado para llegar a este Proyecto de Código de Conducta Responsable y a México por la buena conducción de los trabajos, que se han venido desarrollando para llegar a este momento.

Costa Rica, país que cuenta con costas en el Atlántico y en el Pacífico y que le da una gran importancia a la conservación de los recursos naturales, en la que los recursos acuáticos gozan de una gran importancia.

Por lo que consideramos que el Código de Conducta Responsable debe ser aprobado y no tenemos objeción en la aprobación de este Código de los Proyectos de Resolución1.

Haris ZANNETIS (Cyprus): Mr Chairman, this Code addresses a variety of key issues, including the modalities and prerequisites of sound fisheries management. Overexploitation of fishery resources is one of the two most critical threats to the health of the oceans. The other is pollution from land-based sources. The importance of this Code in supporting the implementation of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and UNCED has been underlined at many fora. We wish to add our voice to that of many others who look forward to the urgent adoption and implementation of responsible policies aimed at the conservation and sustainable use of fishery resources and at the protection of the marine environment. There can be little doubt that overcapacity, overinvestment and overemployment are at the root of overexploitation and mismanagement of fishery resources. We heartily endorse the provisions of the Code which we consider one of the most substantial documents to emerge in recent years.

The sustainable use of fishery resources has been a basic factor in the elaboration of fisheries development and management programmes in Cyprus. Our fisheries legislation reflects this. Our commitment to the sustainable use of our fishery resources has been proven by our fisheries management policy and the implementation of practical and enforceable management measures. Through these we have been controlling the size of our fishing fleet and its activities. After many years of experience and based on observations, studies, experiments, records and basic catch and effort data, new management measures were adopted in 1981 for the conservation of fish resources. These were complemented in 1990 and in 1994. The results of these measures witness their effectiveness. These measures are in full conformity with Chapter 17 of Agenda 21. Cyprus was among the first countries in the Mediterranean, if not the first, to completely control the trawl fishing fleet and it's fishing effort. The number of boats, horsepower, fishing season and fishing depth are now under control. The inshore and swordfish fisheries have also been brought under control through limitations to the number of fishing licences. The sport fishery was also brought under control, with limitations to the quantity of gear that can be used and to the time spent on fishing. In the spirit of Rio Cyprus' fishing activities in the international waters of the Mediterranean were also brought under control in 1994. The control and surveillance of operations for the domestic fleets fishing in local and international waters are at high level.

To ensure the participation of the fishing industry in policy formulation an Advisory Committee, on which the various sectors of the industry are represented, has been established through provisions in the Fisheries Law and Regulations.

In Cyprus the development of aquaculture, and of marine aquaculture in particular, in harmony with environmental concerns has been the subject of intensive scrutiny and a number of measures have already been taken to direct such development along desirable lines. Permits are now needed for the setting up of any fish farm. Detailed Environmental Impact Assessments are now needed before any permit is given. Open sea systems (cages) only are eligible for such permits for fattening units in marine aquaculture. A new law on Environmental Management of Aquaculture Development has been drafted, with assistance from FAO, aiming at the harmonization of aquaculture development and environmental concerns. This is now in the final stages of its adoption.

We consider it highly desirable that agreement is reached on the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and that its provisions, albeit voluntary in many cases, applied. The situation in the Mediterranean in particular is critical in most areas and common management measures, covering all key parameters of fishing activities, are essential. Many of the resources of the Mediterranean are obviously grossly overexploited and such management measures are long overdue. FAO and in particular the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean (GFCM) has a leading role to play in preparing, coordinating and catalysing activities that could lead to the adoption of such a regional agreement between not only the States of the region but also between them and other states fishing in the Mediterranean.

The recent initiatives of the European Union in this direction are appaluded. The Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries lays down the foundations for the conservation and sustainable use of fishery resources, the conservation of aquatic biodiversity and the improvement of the welfare of our peoples. It will inevitably evolve with the experience gained. Its application is the responsibility of all of us and I hope that we, in the Mediterranean, will be among the first to implement it as our resources are among the most heavily exploited resources in the world. I would like to congratulate FAO and it's various bodies for all they have done towards the preparation of this Code2.

Mme Suze PERCY (Haïti): Monsieur le Président, une pêche responsable représente l'unique voie pour l'utilisation rationnelle et la Conservation des ressources halieutiques et la biodiversité aquatique.

La Communauté internationale à Rio et à Cancún ont reconnu la nécessité de créer un outil mondial en ce sens.

Pour nous, pays insulaire, la pêche est, et peut jouer encore un plus grand rôle au point de vue économique et nutritionnel et peut être d'un grand apport dans notre lutte pour une sécurité alimentaire.

La Délégation haïtienne pense qu'une gestion saine des ressources halieutiques et une réussite de ces mesures dépendent en grande partir des structures mises en place par les gouvernements et des efforts réalisés au niveau national, régional et international. Pour ce fait, les pays en développement et spécialement mon pays, manifestent le besoin d'une aide technique de la part de la FAO por la mise en place de structures permettant le respect des engagements pris dans ce code de conduite.

Nous appuyons très fortement l'adoption de ce code ainsi que les deux projets de résolutions qui s'y rapportent.

Nous tenons à féliciter la FAO pour le grand travail accompli à l'élaboration de ce matériel. Nos chaleureuses félicitations s'adressent au Mexique pour avoir eu une initiative si louable3.

Thomas A. FORBORD (United States of America): The United States supports adoption of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries.

The United States believes that the Code will contribute significantly to the sustainable development of fish resources worldwide and help nations meet their food security needs.

The United States appreciates the efforts undertaken by the Secretariat to prepare the Code, and the work done by the Committee on Fisheries and the Technical Committee of the Council to finalize its text.

The United States intends to become a party to the FAO Flagging Agreement as soon as possible, and considers it to be an important, integral part of the Code.

The United States acknowledges with appreciation the efforts of the Government of Mexico initiating the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries.

With respect to the trade-related provisions of the Code, the United States understands that these are not intended to add or diminish the right and obligations of the WTO members under the WTO Agreement. The United States views this language as a loose paraphrase of the WTO Agreement. Furthermore, since there is some possibility of inconsistency between the trade-related language of the Code and obligations under the WTO Agreement, the United States understands that the Code intends the language of the WTO Agreement to be dispositive. Furthermore, since the Code is intended to paraphrase the WTO Agreement, and since the WTO Agreement is much more detailed, the United States is of the opinion that there is no need for the elaboration of technical guidelines by the FAO Secretariat for the trade-related provisions of the Code4.

Carlos CAMACHO GAOS (México): Es para mí un honor transmitir a ustedes un cordial saludo de la Maestra Julia Carabias Lillo, Secretaria de Medio Ambiente, Recursos Naturales de Pesca de mi país, quién me ha encomendado manifestarles la congratulación del Gobierno de México por los resultados alcanzados en las sesiones de trabajo para la elaboración del Código Internacional de Conducta para la Pesca Responsable.

En mi país observamos con profundo agrado la disposición mostrada por las naciones aquí reunidas por contar con un instrumento a nivel internacional que brinde orientaciones y pautas de conducta, a fin de hacer de la actividad pesquera una actividad sostenible y que garantice a las generaciones presentes y futuras poder acceder a los beneficios de su aprovechamiento.

En 1992 los 66 países y organizaciones internacionales reunidos en la Ciudad de Cancún, Quintana Roo, México, tomamos la decisión de que la FAO se diera a la tarea conjuntamente con nuestros países de formular el Código Internacional de Conducta para la Pesca Responsable.

Hoy observamos con agrado que se ha dado debido cumplimiento a esta tarea, por lo cual me permito extender el reconocimiento a la FAO, tanto a su Director como al equipo de trabajo que posibilitó la formulación del instrumento, en particular al Departamento de Pesca.

Con la conclusión de esta tarea, la FAO ha demostrado una vez más la capacidad para atender los requerimientos de sus países miembros, así como la capacidad y dinamismo de los funcionarios que integran dicha organización.

Asimismo, ha demostrado que contamos con una Organización activa, que ha trascendido al campo normativo, por lo que los países que la conformamos deberemos de mantener nuestro apoyo político, técnico y financiero a fin de que ésta pueda dar cabal cumplimiento a sus metas y tareas. El Código significa un gran avance para FAO.

Por parte del Gobierno de México, deseo expresarles el profundo reconocimiento y agradecimiento por los esfuerzos llevados a cabo durante las negociaciones que dieron como resultado este Código de Conducta, así como las manifestaciones de apoyo realizadas a México como promotor de esta iniciativa.

Su apoyo y decidida participación, sin duda han posibilitado que México consolide uno de sus principios fundamentales en materia de la explotación de los recursos pesqueros en el marco internacional: el aprovechamiento óptimo de los recursos pesqueros y el desarrollo sostenible.

La voluntad política en el adecuado cumplimiento del Código de Conducta, permitirá a nuestros países avanzar en el logro de objetivos que hemos perseguido por años en materia de la actividad pesquera internacional:


Fortalecer la adopción de medidas de ordenación y manejo, para promover el mantenimiento de la calidad, cantidad, diversidad y disponibilidad de los recursos pesqueros, con miras a contribuir al abasto de alimentos.


Mejorar el conocimiento y aprovechamiento biológico y económico de las poblaciones de los recursos pesqueros, como resultado de la colaboración internacional y el intercambio de información estadística pesquera.


Promover el desarrollo y diseño de equipos, métodos y artes de pesca que promuevan una pesca selectiva y contribuyan a reducir el impacto sobre las poblaciones y medio ambiente marino, así como reducir la captura de especies no deseadas.


Evitar la aplicación de medidas unilaterales y discriminatorias para promover la protección y conservación de los recursos pesqueros, así como adoptar mecanismos de carácter multilateral y científico para la solución de problemas de conservación de la riqueza marina.


Establecer esquemas para facilitar y promover la cooperación internacional, la transferencia de tecnología y el intercambio de información.


A través de la cooperación internacional, brindar el apoyo financiero que requieren los países en desarrollo a fin de dar cabal cumplimiento a las disposiciones del Código.


Desarrollar la actividad acuícola bajo criterios de responsabilidad, lo cual es de suma importancia ante los requerimientos de alimentación que se presentan para el futuro, así como ante el objetivo de alcanzar la sostenibilidad de las pesquerías en el mundo.


Considerar la importancia de aplicar medidas de ordenación y conservación para los recursos pesqueros de alta mar, compatibles con las que se aplican ya en zonas jurisdiccionales.

Sin duda, lo anterior coadyuvará al objetivo de la comunidad internacional de promover la pesca responsable.

La aprobación del Código de Conducta no concluye la tarea que nos fijamos en Cancún en 1992. Este instrumento es perfectible y lo deberemos actualizar permanentemente a fin de asegurar que contaremos con un instrumento actualizado y que responda a los intereses y necesidades de nuestros países en materia de conservación y aprovechamiento sostenible de los recursos pesqueros.

La tarea que se presente para el futuro, seguramente implicará un mayor compromiso por parte de nuestros países y mayores esfuerzos a fin de incorporar en nuestras reglamentaciones y normatividad pesquera las disposiciones que posibiliten atender las recomendaciones del Código de Conducta.

Esta tarea implica mayores y más difíciles retos comparados con los que hemos enfrentado a la fecha con la formulación del documento del Código de Conducta. Entre estos retos se encuentra el llevar a cabo la investigación necesaria a fin de lograr un conocimiento profundo de las condiciones de cada una de las especies que son objeto de pesquerías comerciales. Esto sin duda nos permitirá contar con la información necesaria para tomar las mejores decisiones en materia de administración de los recursos pesqueros.

La aplicación del enfoque precautorio se constituye como otro de los retos importantes en materia de las disposiciones del Código de Conducta. Su correcta aplicación implica no sólo una actitud de constante alerta para detectar aquellas pesquería en las que se requiera de aplicar medidas de conservación a la par de desarrollar investigaciones para conocer la situación real de las poblaciones de las especies objeto de la pesquería, sino también la firme convicción y voluntad para desarrollar todo un esquema que permita de manera eficiente aplicar este enfoque precautorio.

El impulso a la acuacultura es, sin duda, otra de las tareas a desarrollar. Esto adquiere mayor relevancia ante los indicadores registrados a nivel mundial que demuestran una sobre explotación de los recursos pesqueros marinos.

La cooperación internacional deberá constituirse como el vehículo principal para alcanzar los objetivos del Código, no sólo a través de la suscripción de acuerdos y convenios bilaterales y multilaterales para sumar esfuerzos en la protección de un recurso, sino también a través del apoyo técnico y financiero a las naciones en desarrollo que lo requieran para dar cumplimiento a las disposiciones de este instrumento.

Asimismo, las organizaciones y foros pesqueros internacionales deberán jugar un papel importante para impulsar el cumplimiento del Código a través del mencionado apoyo técnico y financiero, así como para apoyar a la FAO en el seguimiento de la aplicación del instrumento y de las mejoras y adecuaciones que deban realizarse al instrumento en el futuro.

Por parte del Gobierno de México, en los años recientes se han llevado a cabo acciones importantes para contribuir al cumplimiento de las disposiciones que ahora refleja el Código de Conducta. En este, sentido en 1992 se introdujeron cambios importantes en la legislación pesquera, a fin de adecuar la normatividad a las demandas de aprovechamiento sostenible de los recursos.

Con dicha legislación se promovieron cambios para que la administración de las pesquerías logre una mayor racionalidad en la explotación de los recursos, fomentando la actividad productiva en un marco de pesca responsable.

La evolución de la legislación mexicana en materia de pesca y equilibrio ecológico, se encuentra dirigida a la protección de especies marinas, a la creación de áreas de reserva y zonas protegidas para la procreación y protección de especies que así lo requieran; en general la normatividad se extiende a la conservación de la biodiversidad.

Cabe señalar que desde hace tres décadas hemos llevado a cabo un programa de protección e investigación científica de tortugas marinas; en México 10 de las 11 especies existentes acuden a aguas nacionales para reproducirse en nuestros mares y playas. Esto ha permitido que anualmente se liberen al mar aproximadamente 15 millones de crías de tortugas marinas.

La participación de la comunidad en general ha sido de fundamental importancia para lograr las metas de este programa, a través de su incorporación en las tareas de protección y vigilancia del cumplimiento de las disposiciones existentes. Cabe señalar que existe un Comité Nacional para la Protección de las Tortugas Marinas, en el cual participan autoridades de Gobierno, del sector social y productivo, así como reconocidas instituciones académicas y de investigación; a través de este Comité se emiten recomendaciones sobre las medidas que habrán de aplicarse para proteger a las tortugas.

Hemos propuesto a los países del Continente Americano formular un Convención para proteger a la tortuga bajo un esquema multilateral y de carácter científico, por lo que el pasado mes de septiembre hospedamos una reunión en la Ciudad de Huatulco, Oaxaca, México, de la cual emanó un proyecto de Convención para tal fin.

Se encuentra un marcha un programa de revisión de los sistemas de pesca, que corresponsabiliza a todos los sectores, a fin de evaluar los métodos y artes de pesca en operación y adecuarlos a las características de nuestros ecosistemas, que poseen una alta diversidad biológica.

En este contexto se enmarca también el Programa Nacional de Aprovechamiento del Atún y Protección del Delfín, a través de la cual ha sido posible que la flota atunera mexicana alcance prácticamente el cero estadístico en la captura incidental de delfines en la pesca de atún.

En este programa la disposición y colaboración mostrada por el sector productivo ha sido fundamental para asegurar su éxito. Su participación se ha dado a través de contribuciones económicas para desarrollar un programa de observadores, realizar trabajos de investigación para mejorar la técnica de pesca, así como una total disposición para formar parte en un esquema internacional de protección al delfín y dar cumplimiento a la normatividad nacional vigente en la materia.

Este programa ha significado un extraordinario esfuerzo, ya que observadores capacitados cubren el 100 por ciento de los viajes de pesca de las embarcaciones atuneras.

Asimismo, tomamos parte de un acuerdo Intergubernamental para la Conservación del Delfín que se desarrolla en el Pacífico Oriental con el apoyo de la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical (CIAT), el cual ha demostrado a nivel internacional que la aplicación de esquemas multilaterales para la protección de una especie, es el instrumento idóneo para asegurar su protección

De igual forma, continuamos desarrollando acciones de protección a especies como son la ballena gris y la vaquita a través de la operación de áreas de reserva y zonas protegidas. Lo anterior ha merecido el reconocimiento de organizaciones como la Comisión Ballenera Internacional.

Estos esfuerzos serán fortalecidos como parte de los compromisos que México asume con la adopción del Código de Conducta.

Señores Delegados:

Expreso a ustedes nuevamente la congratulación del Gobierno de México por la adopción del Código Internacional de Conducta para la Pesca Responsable.

Con este instrumento, la comunidad internacional, sin duda, ha dado un paso importante hacia el cumplimiento de la tarea de aprovechar y conservar de forma adecuada y responsable la biodiversidad, y en especial la riqueza marina.

Me permito destacar nuevamente el importante papel que ha jugado la FAO en esta tarea y considero que en el futuro le corresponde una ardua tarea a fin de promover, a través de la capacitación y asesoría, que los países apliquen adecuadamente las disposiciones del Código de Conducta.

El Gobierno de México se encuentra ampliamente comprometido con las recomendaciones y contenido del Código de Conducta, por lo que no sólo continuaremos aplicando las recomendaciones de este instrumento en la actividad pesquera cotidiana, sino que promoveremos en la comunidad internacional su adopción y cumplimiento.

Aún quedan pendientes por revisar las directrices que acompañarán al Código de Conducta. El Gobierno mexicano continuará participando en este ejercicio y promoverá la pronta finalización de las mismas, a fin de concluir de la mejor manera la tarea que nuestros Gobiernos se han impuesto para contar con este instrumento normativo de la pesca a nivel internacional.

Me permito exhortar a las Delegaciones presentes a comprometer nuestra voluntad y esfuerzo, para cumplir con los propósitos del Código de Conducta y avanzar en la importante tarea del aprovechamiento sostenible de la pesca.

En nombre del Gobierno mexicano expreso a ustedes nuevamente el compromiso de apoyar todos los esfuerzos para impulsar el crecimiento de la actividad pesquera y contribuir a hacer de esta una actividad responsable en beneficio de nuestras naciones y comunidades5.

Ms Kirsten BJORU (Norway): The fisheries resources is of great importance to the Norwegian economy, and is the main source of livelihood in large coastal areas. Most of the fish stocks being exploited by the Norwegian fishermen are joint stocks shared with other nations.

Norway has therefore for a number of years now put great effort into establishing joint management regimes in order to protect the resources from overexploitation in order to promote a long-term sustainability on a high and as close as possible to optimum level.

Based on our own experiences and understanding of the need to take a precautionary approach towards the utilization of the marine resources, Norway has for 20 years actively supported a number of developing countries in marine research and fisheries management, including legislation, in order to assist in establishing sound resource management of the living marine resources. Norway confirms that we will continue this support both bilaterally and through FAO.

Therefore Norway has actively supported and participated in the work started by FAO on a Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, and does welcome the draft Code as submitted to the Conference by the Council, based on a comprehensive work most effectively led by the Secretariat and the Mexican chairmanship of the Technical Committee. Norway finds the Code an important document setting our principles for global acceptable practices which will ensure the sustainable development of all our living marine resources. Norway will urge the Conference to adopt the Code as it is drafted.

Norway is also positive to extending the support in the area of fisheries management to the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, and urge FAO to, upon request, assist the least developed member countries in their effort to establish mechanisms to follow up the Code of Conduct in their own countries as well as their regional cooperation for the same purpose in cases of sharing of stocks.

Mr Chairman, Norway would like to draw the attention to two more most important agreements, each of which in its field complements the Code of Conduct, and in a formal manner, sets flesh and blood to some of the scope of the code. Namely the "Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas", the so-called flagging agreement, and the "Agreement for the Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks". Norway will urge all Member States not having done so to, as soon as possible, accept these two agreements in order to establish these new binding instruments which further will promote our common aim of conservation and sustainable development of all living marine resources, outside as well as inside territorial waters.

Mr Chairman, as to the draft resolution Norway is prepared to adopt the text as it stands6.

Giuseppe VASTA (Observateur de l'Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques): Je dois vous avouer que la question de la pêche responsable et de la biologie marine a retenu mon attention depuis longtemps, car j'ai toujours eu beaucoup de considération pour le poisson, compte tenu de sa richesse en protéines et de la qualité particulière de ses matières grasses qui sont considérées comme des nettoyeurs du système vasculaire et en particulier des artères, pour combattre le cholestérol.

Autre sujet de préoccupation pour moi, la surexploitation des différentes espèces de poissons, car le poisson est considéré, á juste titre, comme l'un des aliments plus précieux de l'alimentation humaine. J'espère beaucoup que ces problèmes seront traités l'année prochaine au Sommet mondial de l'alimentation, car le poisson a une grande importance nutritionnelle.

Pour les mesures qui seront adoptées, je voudrais féliciter d'abord l'honorable Ambassadeur du Mexique pour ce qu'il a dit de ce problème, le Comité des pêcheries naturellement et aussi le Comité technique, le Service juridique de la FAO, en particulier M. Moore et ses collaborateurs, et ceux qui, pendant des années, ont travaillé pour la réalisation des normes du Code de conduite et pour la solution d'autres problèmes connexes comme, par exemple, l'industrie et le commerce, l'environnement et d'autres encore.

L'information et l'éducation alimentaire et nutritionnelle en cette matière sont d'une importance primordiale et si nous sommes ce que nous mangeons, il faut reconnaître qu'une alimentation à base de poisson pourra éviter beaucoup de dégâts à nos organismes, d'où la nécessité, notamment de la part des gouvernements, de faire très attention à éviter que certaines erreurs en matière de pêche se perpétuent.

LE PRESIDENT: Je vous remercie, Monsieur le Délégué, en particulier de vos conseils nutritionnels.

Avec cette intervention, nous arrivons à la fin des orateurs sur cette question et je donne la parole à M. Krone qui va faire des observations sur les questions, sur les déclarations qui ont été faites ou sur certains sujets qui ont été abordés.

W. KRONE (Assistant Director-General a.i., Fisheries Department): I do not think I have anything to add except to express the Secretariat's appreciation that we have come to conclude the adoption of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and to tell you that we now will take the steps to help accomplish and to implement the Code.

LE PRESIDENT: Je vous remercie.

Nous pouvons conclure notre débat sur cette question en affirmant que la Commission, à l'unanimité, recommande à la Conférence l'approbation du Code de conduite pour une pêche responsable, ainsi que l'adoption des deux résolutions qui figurent au document C 95/LIM/5.

La Commission félicite la FAO pour tout le travail accompli dans l'élaboration de ce Code, ainsi que le Président et les Membres du Comité technique au sein duquel se sont tenues les négociations sur le Code.

Je crois que l'ensemble des Membres de la Commission a souhaité que tous les pays et les parties concernées mettent tout en oeuvre pour appliquer les dispositions de ce Code. A cet effet, la Commission a enregistré avec satisfaction l'offre faite par certains gouvernements d'apporter leur contribution pour la mise en oeuvre des dispositions du Code.

Voilà en quelques mots, honorables Délégués, les conclusions que nous pouvons tirer à ce stade de nos débats, lesquelles, comme je le répète toujours, ne se substituent pas au Rapport du Comité de rédaction.

La Commission achève donc l'examen de ce point de notre ordre du jour sur le projet de Code de conduite pour une pêche responsable.

Il en est ainsi décidé.



12. Revised FAO Plan of Action for Women in Development and Progress Report
12. Plan d'action révisé de la FAO pour l'intégration des femmes dans le développement et rapport d'activité
12. Plan de Acción revisado de la FAO para la Integración de la Mujer en el Desarrollo e informe sobre los progresos realizados

Mohamed Said M.A. HARBI, Vice-Chairman of Commission I, took the Chair.
Mohamed Said M.A. HARBI, Vice-Président de la Commission I, assume la présidence.
Ocupa la presidencia, Mohamed Said M.A. HARBI, Vicepresidente de la Comisión I.

VICE-CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): In the name of God compassionate, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to wish you all a very good afternoon.

The Prophet tells us that women have to be protected and that their well-being must be assured. He goes on to add that men must be as brothers to women. An Arabic poet says that if well prepared a mother, is the best school for future generations. The Koran contains a verse for women called the Sura for Women. All Holy books grant women a special status. She is a mother, a daughter, a sister and, at this historic period, it is our duty to protect women and to ensure that women be allowed to participate in all social, cultural and political areas and in every aspect of daily life.

My dear brothers, all those of you who are participating in this Conference, we will now discuss the participation and integration of women in the agricultural sector. You have before you the following documents: the Progress Report of the Organization for the Integration of Women in Agricultural Development, C 95/14-Sup.l, and that is the FAO Plan of Action for Women in Development, as well as the Fourth Progress Report on the Implementation of that Plan of Action for Women in Agricultural Development, which is C 95/14-Rev.l.

Mr Carsalade, who is the Director-General in charge of the Sustainable Development Department, will introduce these documents to us. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there are three draft resolutions in document C 95/LIM/ll, and I would invite you to examine those draft resolutions.

H. CARSALADE (Sous-Directeur général, Département du développement durable): Monsieur le Président, Mesdames, Messieurs les délégués et observateurs, les documents que vous êtes appelés à discuter au titre du point de l'agenda N° 12 sont le quatrième Rapport d'avancement sur l'exécution du Plan d'action pour l'intégration des femmes dans le développement agricole et le Plan d'action de la FAO pour les femmes dans le développement. Ces documents sont identifiés comme C 95/14 et C 95/14-Sup.l respectivement.

Comme introduction, je voudrais mettre l'accent sur quelques points. Tout d'abord, nous sommes maintenant à la fin du dernier biennium de la mise en oeuvre du Plan original des femmes dans le développement qui, comme vous vous en souviendrez, a été unanimement approuvé par la Conférence en 1989 et qui avait une durée de vie de six ans.

Le quatrième Rapport d'avancement indique que des progrès substantiels ont été faits pour atteindre les objectifs que le Plan original avait fixés. Néanmoins, vous avez sans doute noté que la forme et le contenu de ce quatrième Rapport d'avancement sont nettement plus brefs que dans les précédents rapports. Ceci a été voulu par nous et choisi pour porter l'accent sur les progrès qui ont été faits dans les domaines qui restent et qui vont rester les priorités du nouveau Plan révisé, du nouveau Plan d'action pour les femmes dans le développement.

Ceci m'amène au second point sur lequel je voudrais mettre l'accent ici, comme mis en valeur dans les paragraphes 47 à 49 du quatrième Rapport d'avancement. La FAO a donné suite très sérieusement à la requête de la vingt-septième Conférence de réviser la viabilité du Plan d'action. Cette révision a été faite et il a été conclu qu'il y avait à la fois des nécessités opérationnelles et substantives de changer ce Plan.

De façon plus importante, la révision a montré que l'objectif du Plan et ses priorités devaient être clarifiés et limités de façon à concentrer les rares ressources que nous avons, les quelques ressources que nous avons plus véritablement, sur des objectifs qui puissent être atteints de façon réaliste, que les priorités devaient être plus précises pour refléter les zones d'action de la FAO, les domaines d'action de la FAO, et que des indicateurs vérifiables devaient être développés pour faciliter le suivi de son avancement et le compte rendu qui doit en être fait.

De plus, la révision tombait à point nommé à un moment où la FAO changeait de direction, réorganisait ses structures, ses politiques et ses priorités, ce que vous avez, bien entendu, pu observer au cours des deux dernières années.

Le nouveau Plan d'action qui vous est proposé devrait être valide pour les trois bienniums à venir, c'est-à-dire de 1996 à 2001, et cherche à répondre à chacun de ses points. Il a une portée plus réaliste. Nous avons essayé de faire en sorte que ses objectifs et ses buts puissent être atteints et que des indicateurs réalistes puissent en mesurer le développement. Il rend compte aussi de la nouvelle structure, de la nouvelle politique et des nouvelles priorités de l'Organisation.

Comme troisième et dernier point, je voudrais mettre l'accent sur quelque chose qui nous tient tout à fait à coeur, qui est la façon très innovatrice suivant laquelle ce Plan a été formulé. Traditionnellement, dans la communauté internationale, les plans d'action pour les femmes dans le développement ont été préparés de façon isolée par quelques individus qui étaient les mieux à même et qui avaient les meilleures compétences en la matière. Malheureusement, ces plans étaient généralement trop globaux et ont souvent eu le défaut d'être difficilement réalisables dans l'institution dans laquelle ils se développaient. De plus, presque jamais, ils étaient accompagnés d'indicateurs vérifiables qui permettaient d'en mesurer le développement. Ces problèmes existaient dans le Plan d'action original de la FAO. Notre nouveau Plan est la consolidation, la réunion de plans détaillés, de programmes d'action, préparés par chacune des divisions techniques au sein de la FAO. Chacun de ces micro-programmes de six ans a été préparé de façon participative par des agents au sein de chacune des unités.

En conséquence, nous pensons que ce qui vous est soumis reflète de façon plus précise ce qui est fait et ce qui peut être fait en matière de femmes dans le développement à moyen terme dans le domaine d'action de la FAO.

C'est aussi un très important pas en avant pour rationaliser les femmes dans le développement dans le rôle normatif et dans le rôle opérationnel de nos divisions techniques, puisque chacun de ces programmes a des objectifs spécifiques et des indicateurs de suivi, et que chacune des divisions est responsable pour les mettre en valeur et les suivre spécifiquement.

Nous pensons que ceci donne à notre Plan d'action un caractère unique dans la communauté internationale. Nous ne connaissons pas d'équivalent quant à la méthode de construction de ce Plan.

Monsieur le Président, nous reconnaissons bien sûr que beaucoup de travail reste devant nous pour atteindre une participation pleine et équitable des femmes dans l'agriculture et dans le développement. La FAO bien sûr continuera à travailler avec les pays membres et les autres organisations internationales, les organisations non gouvernementales, de façon à essayer de faire en sorte que les femmes rurales participent pleinement au processus et au bénéfice du développement. C'est, de notre point de vue, une nécessité économique et sociale absolue. Et nous pensons que notre Plan d'action va faciliter ce processus.

Monsieur le Président, ayant fait cela, je voudrais dire notre disponibilité, à moi-même et à mes collègues qui ont plus spécifiquement préparé ce Plan, pour écouter vos recommandations et vos directives sur ce Plan. Nous serons très heureux d'entendre vos observations et nous ferons de notre mieux pour les mettre en oeuvre et faire en sorte qu'il soit un succès.

Merci, Monsieur le Président.

VICE-CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): Thank you, Sir, for that introduction. I do hope we will be able to produce some very encouraging recommendations. Mr Rand and Mr Delina are with us and I would just like to remind the meeting that time is marching on. At half past six we must adjourn according to the instructions we have received from the Secretariat and I do hope we will be able to make the best possible use of the time before us. I would now like to draw up a speakers' list. Anyone who would like to comment on Mr Al Salem's introduction may indicate now.

I will give the floor to Ms Leena for some comments.

Ms Leena M. KIRJAVAINEN (Director, Women and People's Participation Division): There has been an enquiry from New Zealand about the two document revisions C 91/14-Rev.l and how it refers to C 95/14. We have had some translation clarification in the French and Spanish documents and these two are indicated with the Revision 1 addition into a number of the documents.

In addition there has been a change in paragraph 65 (b) which means this will be submitted in two years' time and not in four years' time.

VICE-CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): Thank you very much, Madam, for those announcements and I hope everybody has what they needed. I would now give the floor to the Dominica.

Ms Hannelore A.H. BENJAMIN (Dominica): My delegation would like to congratulate you and the Vice-Chairman on chairing this meeting. It is very important for women in rural development that you hold this meeting because of its great importance.

My delegation appreciates the updated information on the latest development of the revised FAO Plan of Action for Women in Development and Progress. However, my delegation finds that some work still needs to be done in order to achieve the utmost for the women who depend on us. Please bear with me, Mr Chairman, when I try to make a long statement short and I will, in the end, give the rest to the Secretariat.

Sustainable development is a global hallmark for all women in rural development but it must not be forgotten that often women in urban and peri-urban areas find it even harder to obtain food security. Lots live on the outskirts of the cities without a piece of land on which to grow their agricultural crops. Therefore women in urban areas have to rely on their income to buy food. Those women cannot sell their agricultural root crops in the open markets to gain small income earnings. Instead they have to rely on their jobs, and with unemployment rates being high, they often do not have a job.

Here, through better training programmes, the women need to learn and share their wisdom with others who may be illiterate. They need to learn to raise their self-esteem and need to learn that violence against women is now recognized as a global problem.

Economic reforms, no doubt, have improved the living standards of women in rural areas but not so much for women in the urban areas because they do not get a chance to be involved in progress. Although new reforms reach women very slowly, economic reforms must incorporate measures aimed at counteracting short-term transitional costs for women in rural as well as urban areas or else the reforms are somehow lost. If that can be achieved, only then can gender equality on effective programmes on safety, social assistance programmes, infrastructures on social and economic policies, improvements in health care, household and labour linkages, training programmes in the conservation of natural resources, better understanding in the negative consequences in soil erosion and dwindling water resources as well as full participation in private and public life, be of integrational benefit and productive gain in the future.

It must be understood that men should pass information on to their wives when agriculture, fisheries and forestry tasks are gender-specific.

Mr Chairman, Dominica in this sense has also set up an environmental plan of action that helps the integrated environment, because environmental issues are of great importance within households. Therefore, Dominica believes that at the local level environmental policies must be based on ecological rationalization of agriculture, fisheries, and forestry. Promotion of biodiversity and coherent internal policies are necessary. For example, increasing agricultural productivity would relieve pressure on marginal lands and thereby reduce environmental degradation. This could be of help in creating a "win-win" system.

FAO should therefore focus much more closely on gender inequality which hampers growth and teach, through training programmes, both men and women in rural and urban areas.

Dominica has set up an Enivronmental Action Plan that focuses on the promotion of private investment and relates to territorial issues. It also focuses on the resettlement of peri-urban people under increasing pressure from the island's economic development, especially agricultural and industrial expansion, including agro-processing, and coastal zone development. The natural resource degradation and pollution that could result from these pressures may eventually threaten the sustainable development of the island. The Environmental Action Plan includes:

- land use management, land capability zoning, and land-users which are compatible with the preservation of natural resources,

- establishment of legal cadastre and property rights,

- long-term development of infrastructure like transport, energy, utilities,

- long-term approaches to deal with specific development issues such as squatting, subdivisions, and pollution,

- the control and management of solid waste, municpal waste, household garbage, ship-generated wastes (mainly from cruise ships), industrial wastes, including hazardous waste and agricultural waste,

- analysis of human settlements and natural hazards mitigation,

- the integration of environmental and economic policies, and

- control of the comprehensive coastal zone management regulations and subdivision requirements for protecting coastal resources.

The plan will serve as a system of baseline environmental information and action that can be used for coordination among UN agencies and international institutions for monitoring, data collection, and budgetary support. The programme further focuses on public awareness, the incentive framework, technical assistance, cost-sharing and cooperation in protecting coastal resources.

The constraints that Dominica faces in moving faster towards those goals are always the financial resources and the yearly setbacks through tropical storms and hurricanes. These factors slow down the process. Financial obstacles prevent the introduction of necessary safety conditions for the island's citizens. Access to projects that help to improve environmentally sustainable development could be of great help in this regard.

However, for women in Small Island States, sustainable development in agriculture, forestry and fisheries is a must. Their lives depend on it. Their lives are hard. Yearly they face tropical storms and hurricanes. This year Hurricane Louis brought high winds of 140 miles per hour and destroyed their crops, the agricultural production, on which the island people depend so highly. The people had not even come to assess the damage before Hurricane Marilyn brought further disaster. It destroyed their homes, their fruit-bearing trees, damaged their feeder roads, coastal roads, bridges and tossed the fishing boats out into the ocean, not to come back, and polluted the drinking water.

Therefore, food security in the Small Island States of the Caribbean is at high risk. A fisherman without a boat cannot catch fish, neither can a farmerwoman sell her root crops or fruits when there are none. Nobody can influence nature - how fortunate that we cannot - but FAO with the help of international institutions and NGOs and the private sector can help the women in Small Island States in their struggle for survival, economic stability, human dignity and through human rights help them secure their food, welfare and health of their children. FAO can go further; it can use its influence against cruelty. It can help women who perhaps cannot read or write in Small Island States overcome this problem and through the video system show how they can be helped in rural areas. The Commonwealth Secretariat has set up an action plan, "A Beacon to Women's Equality" based on fundamental issues for women to gain unique experience which will help in conflict resolution to form an integral part of world peace, where human rights, democracy, equality and social and economical development are a must for all. Action plans, Mr Chairman, are only any good if actions are taken. Otherwise, all documents referring to them will stay on bookshelves, accumulating dust. The time for action and common cause in the interests of all women in rural development is now, not tomorrow, and only then will the outcome of the FAO Conference in Bejing on Women in Rural Development be a successful one.

My delegation will support the resolution before us but it stresses very much that sustainable development for Small Island States for women in rural development must also be included.

VICE-CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): Thank you very much. You certainly defended the cause of women with great vigour. You can be certain that all you have said will appear in the Commission's report.

XU LINGFENG (China): The Chinese delegation would like to congratulate the Secretariat for having prepared the Fourth Progress Report on the Implementation of the Plan of Action for Integration of Women in Agricultural Development, and also for having a very rational Plan of Action.

We note that FAO together with the Member States is trying to improve the spread of information and training so as to integrate women right at the grassroots level. We are happy to see that FAO has undertaken a number of activities in food security and nutrition matters, population and sustainable ecological development.

We very much appreciate the technical and financial support of FAO in helping rural women in the Member States to take an active part in the Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing and to contribute to the follow-up of that Conference, which undoubtedly helped the Conference to be so successful. The Conference was extremely well attended as more than 40 000 people were there from all over the world.

The Declaration of Beijing and the Platform of Beijing were drawn up by the Conference and also a strategy for development in order to eliminate poverty for women and promote women's ability to take part in decisions on matters affecting their health. Also, strategies to combat violence against women were drawn up.

We are convinced that the Conference will exercise a greater influence on the women's cause and help promote the participation of women in development. The promotion of equality between the two sexes is a long-term task.

We have made every effort to achieve the three strategic objectives put forward by FAO in order to resolve the problems of rural women, poverty, food insecurity for themselves and for their families.

Ms Razane MAHFOUZ (Syria) (Original language Arabic): Mr Chairman, allow me first of all to extend my congratulations to you on your election as Vice-Chairman and for chairing this Session.

Syria supports the Plan of Action for Integration of Women in Agricultural Development, and we appreciate the progress that has been achieved at the international level. However, we still regret the problems faced by women in rural areas. This requires collaboration and cooperation among govermental women and non-governmental organizations within countries in order to further and to promote the role of women in the rural areas. The support of FAO in this respect is necessary.

Syria pledges to cooperate with FAO in order to work to implement the Action Plan and increase the gains of rural women in Syria up to now. The Government of the Republic of Syria gives particular importance to this issue, and in particular the equality of men and women, to promote the conditions of the rural woman and to help women participate in the decision-making process.

The rural woman has an important role in providing food for families.

Zahir Shah MOHMAND (Pakistan): My delegation appreciates the useful work FAO is doing to bring women to the forefront of development and to assess and recognize their role in development, especially in developing countries.

The Plan of Action for women in development is pioneering activity initiated by FAO to provide the opportunities in the developing world and to assist in the encouraging of women to come forward and make their presence felt in the socio-economic structure in these societies.

The agricultural sector in most of the developing world plays an important role in their national economies. If women, who form almost 50 percent of the population, are given a proper and effective role in agriculture, the other sectors of the economy will automatically follow suit.

The FAO role in this connection, as highlighted in the Fourth Progress Report, is laudable. The other international agencies would be well advised to take heed from the activities undertaken by FAO and prepare similar plans for implementation in their respective areas.

The Plan of Action, however, devised by FAO may not be treated as the final word. There is great room for improvement. It must be a continuous process. While picking up and selecting activities, the traditional cultural and economic conditions of the target countries must be taken into consideration. In most of the developing countries the customs and traditions pose a big challenge to change. Careful study and analysis of the social culture would help greatly in selecting and maintaining the right activities in the right manner. Instead of antagonizing the opposing forces, efforts should be made to rally their support for change.

My delegation is thankful to FAO for the activities which have already been undertaken and which are being undertaken in my country, especially assistance in preparation for the forthcoming Conference, compiling the Agenda and dissemination of documents.

Let me briefly describe the situation of women in my country and the activities being undertaken by my government. Pakistani women have slowly and steadily indicated their presence in development activities, including agriculture. In Pakistan women play a significant role in farming. They contribute a great deal to the family income. The government is trying to improve their access to rural services, financial services and greater employment opportunities. The Ministry for Women Development and a women's bank have been established. Our Prime Minister attended the Beijing Conference at the head of a fairly large delegation.

We would always welcome the support and cooperation of FAO for women in development in general and specific areas.

VICE-PRESIDENT (Original language Arabic): May I comment that we are proud of the situation of Pakistani women and their achievements in development.

Philippe CRISTELLI (France): Monsieur le Président, cette délégation voudrait remercier le Secrétariat pour l'excellent document qu'il a bien voulu mettre à la disposition de la Conférence. Le rôle des femmes et leur participation primordiale au développement rural et par voie de conséquence à la sécurité alimentaire des ménages y sont analysés et soulignés de façon remarquable.

Cependant, tant du point de vue juridique que du point de vue des revenus, il convient que les femmes soient traitées, non seulement d'une manière équitable, (le mot "équité" est souvent employé dans le document), mais de manière égale; car l'égalité des individus, quel que soit le sens, est un principe de base des droits de l'homme.

Dans le domaine couvert par l'OAA, cela devrait avoir plusieurs conséquences:

1) l'accès des femmes aux revenus du ménage doit être favorisé afin de leur permettre d'être clientes du crédit rural;

2) l'accès et le droit des femmes aux ressources foncières doivent être reconnus et facilités;

3) la participation des femmes à tous les niveaux du processus décisionnel d'élaboration et de mise en oeuvre des politiques de développement durable, doit être effective;

4) les "petites filles", puis les femmes doivent avoir accès à une éducation et au-delà des services devulgarisation, leur permettant de participer pleinement aux processus de développement.

Le quatrième rapport d'activité sur le Plan d'action décrit fort bien ce qu'en matière de vulgarisation, de gestion des ressources naturelles, de nutrition et de formation, l'OAA a su faire. Son rôle dans la préparation de la Conférence de Pékin, notamment par la mise au point de rapports sectoriels dans différentes régions du monde, a été actif, ainsi qu'en matière de documents d'information générale.

La délégation française salue tous les efforts que l'Organisation entreprend dans le domaine de l'intégration des femmes dans le développement, ce qui est conforme à son mandat.

Raphael RABE (Madagascar): Merci, Monsieur le Président. La délégation de Madagascar est heureuse de vous voir à la présentation de ce point de l'ordre du jour. Ainsi que d'autres délégations, elle tient à féliciter le Secrétariat pour la qualité des documents produits et pour la présentation très claire qui en a été faite par le Chef du Département du Développement durable.

Nous notons avec grand intérêt l'approche participative utilisée pour la préparation du Plan d'action et qui est aussi préconisée pour sa mise en oeuvre. Nous sommes convaincus qu'une telle démarche donnera des résultats bien meilleurs pour une réelle intégration des femmes dans les filières techniques. Au niveau des pays membres, une meilleure formation et information favoriseront sans nul doute une plus grande prise en compte des femmes dans les programmes nationaux de développement économique et social.

Dans l'ensemble, les objectifs fixés par le nouveau plan apparaissent réalistes et orientés vers la satisfaction des besoins réels des pays en développement. Cependant quelques inquiétudes se manifestent quant aux moyens proposés pour les réaliser. Tout d'abord, au niveau des ressources humaines, si l'on se reporte au Programme de travail et budget 1996-97, l'unité chargée de coordonner la mise en oeuvre du Plan d'action a subi des réductions substantielles en matière de ressources humaines. Nous craignons que l'Organisation éprouvera certainement des difficultés à faire face au nombre grandissant des requêtes qui lui sont adressées se rapportant notamment à la formation et au renforcement de la capacité des gouvernements à établir leurs propres programmes en faveur des femmes rurales.

La Conférence de Pékin a ravivé l'intérêt des gouvernements pour des programmes en faveur des femmes. A notre sens, il faudrait entretenir ce regain d'intérêt.

Nous avons noté avec satisfaction que l'Organisation a réussi à apporter une aide structurée à beaucoup de pays, notamment dans la région africaine, pour approfondir les connaissances et les bases de données sur les femmes dans l'agriculture et le développement rural, pour diffuser ces informations et aboutir à un plan national d'action. Ces assistances ont été rendues possibles grâce aux fonds provenant de pays donateurs. Nous tenons à leur adresser nos vifs remerciements à ce sujet.

Il faudrait que ces expériences soient évaluées et multipliées car nous sommes persuadés que c'est la meilleure manière d'apporter une amélioration notable dans les conditions de vie et de travail des femmes rurales.

Nous voudrions donc faire appel ici à tous les Etats Membres, à tous les signataires de la Déclaration de Pékin et à ceux qui ont adopté la plate-forme pour l'action adoptée par la quatrième Conférence mondiale sur le femmes, pour qu'ils accordent une aide substantielle à la FAO afin de renforcer son efficacité dans la mise en oeuvre du Plan d'action pour l'intégration des femmes dans le développement.

Nous voudrions aussi inviter les pays à s'engager dans des réformes institutionnelles, économiques et sociales pour faciliter cette intégration.

Ma Délégation apprécie les efforts déployés par la FAO pour promouvoir le recrutement de femmes dans les différents services et divisions de l'Organisation. L'importance nouvelle accordée aux initiatives en faveur des femmes, tant au niveau du cadre organique que parmi les consultants, est à encourager et nous souhaitons beaucoup de succès à de telles entreprises.

Pour terminer, ma Délégation voudrait appuyer les recommandations adressées à la Conférence, qui figurent au paragraphe 65 du document C 95/14-Rev.l, reprises d'ailleurs par le Conseil à sa cent neuvième session.

VICE-PRESIDENT (Original language Arabic): We thank the delegate of Madagascar; Mr Lamade has recorded the points which you have raised and they will receive the attention due to them.

Ms Faith INNERARTTY (Jamaica): The Jamaican delegation wishes to congratulate the FAO Secretariat in its valuable work in the promotion of gender considerations in agricultural and rural development.

It is noted from the Fourth Progress Report on the Implementation of the Plan of Action for Rural Women that significant advances have been made in areas such as extension and technical training, sustainable development and natural resource management and environment for security and nutrition, gender analysis, improvements in statistics and so on. It is also noted that revisions have been made to the Plan to make it more effective. The efforts of FAO to ensure that issues related to rural women were adequately represented in Beijing is also greatly appreciated.

Having made these preliminary remarks, I wish to focus attention on the problem which rural women experience in Jamaica and which I believe affect women in some of the other countries of Latin America, the Caribbean as well as other parts of the developing world. This has to do with the absence of appropriate labour saving devices to ease the double burden of women in respect of reproductive and productive roles.

A recent study of women food producers in Jamaica and, I should point out that similar studies were also carried out in other parts of Latin America and the Caribbean, indicated that there is great need for research and development for small mechanical tools suitable for small-scale farming which reduce labour time and drudgery. It should be noted that this need is also felt by male small farmers but even more so for women because they are responsible for most of the domestic chores. I am not sure whether FAO has competence in this area of agricultural engineering or whether they could arrange such assistance. The Jamaican delegation wishes to be advised concerning this.

In closing, I must state once more Jamaica's appreciation for the work of FAO in the area of rural women and also affirm support for the relevant resolutions.

There are two minor points which I would also like to make reference to. I note in the document C 95/14-Sup.l, paragraph V, where it says "The main thrust of activities in this area will be to develop and encourage the use of approaches that are people-centred and participatory while also assuring that they are gender-responsive. This will involve explicitly recognizing that the concept of "people" also includes women". I wonder if at this point we do not recognize that women are people!

I note also that the draft resolutions presented to the Council were adopted without dicussion. I hope this is not an indicator of lack of importance but the fact that there is consensus that the issues are so important that they need not be discussed!

VICE-CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): We say in Arabic that the inhabitants of the country know the countries best and probably you will find a response yourself in your country.

Ms Astrid Jakobs DE PADUA (Germany): We thank the FAO Secretariat for the informative report for the progress of the Implementation for the Plan of Action for the Integration of Women in Agricultural Development. We support the draft decisions contained in it.

My delegation would like to stress that all women, especially those in developing countries, should not only have the possibility to participate in the process of their integration in agricultural development but should also have a role in the decision-making. It is a pre-requisite for the success of programmes and plans directed to enhance the situation of women that they, the concerned, are involved in the definition of the aims and the instruments of these plans at a very early stage. We are convinced that these programmes will be much more effective when the women get a say in the preparatory process. If women are put in a position where they can participate in the decision-making process protection becomes a secondary aspect.

Ms Kayo FUJITA (Japan): First of all, I would like to congratulate FAO Secretariat for the work in preparing the Progress Report on the FAO Plan of Action for Women in Development.

I would like to touch upon those measures taken in Japan to improve women's position and enhance their activities in rural areas. In Japan, a series of home life improvement measures have been implemented for about 50 years. In the international cooperation field, also, we have been actively assisting developing countries in this field, along the line of various international discussions and initiatives such as in the United Nations, OECD/DAC and the recent World Conference on Women. In our government's Fundamental Principles of Development Assistance, decided upon by the cabinet in 1992, it is mentioned that "special concerns will be taken on the promotion of women's positive participation in, and benefit acceptance from, development". In accordance with this, various WID-related projects are being implemented and considerable progress has been made.

Moreover, at the Fourth World Conference on Women, the Japanese representative, Mr Nosaka, Chief Cabinet Secretary and Minister for Women's Affairs, stated that as part of women's empowerment, domestically, our government intended to promote an environment in which women can fully realize their potential abilities by supporting entrepreneurial activity to women and by promoting participation of women in decision-making in agricultural communities and in management. Also, internationally, my country intends to promote "Initiative on Women in Development" with special emphasis on education, health and economic and social participation of women, and to make efforts in expanding development in this field.

Now, I turn to the revision of the Plan of Action. Firstly, in consideration of present conditions of rural women, we consider the three strategic objectives are all appropriate. However, as the French delegation, we suggest the word "equity" used in paragraph 36 should be avoided because it was concluded in the Fourth World Conference on Women that the word "equality" was more suitable that the word "equity".

Secondly, concerning the four key areas to achieve three strategic objectives, we consider they are also essential. In particular, we commend the mentioning to women's organizations, associations and networking in the area of "Support to the formulation and application of gender responsive agricultural and rural development policy".

In addition, we appreciate that the revised Plan of Action emphasizes the participation of women in development and equal sharing of benefits from development. We also appreciate the more practical nature of the revised Plan of Action than the previous one and the appropriate treatment of NGO activities.

Finally, my delegation would like to emphasize, in endorsing the revised FAO Plan of Action for women in development and three draft decisions that it is important not only to increase income of rural women, but also to assist them to fully utilize the benefit of increased income.

Since the strategic objectives and other plans involve a wide range of actions, we consider it necessary to limit the relative activities within the mandate of FAO and avoid duplication with other activities of other organizations.

VICE-CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): We thank you, Madam, the representative of Japan, and I am pleased that there are improvements in the condition of women which started 50 years ago, now that we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of FAO. Now I give the floor to Italy.

Mme Piera MARIN (Italie): La Délégation italienne tient à féliciter la FAO pour son programme en faveur des femmes rurales, tant pour la qualité de chacune des mesures proposées que pour son large éventail qui engage une grande partie des bureaux de la FAO.

Toutefois, la Délégation italienne tient à attirer l'attention sur des points fondamentaux.

Tout d'abord, on peut affirmer qu'il ne peut pas y avoir émancipation de la femme - et surtout émancipation de la femme rurale - sans un développement global de la société. En effet, le progrès peut être comparé à un fleuve qui, débordant, va irriguer les campagnes environnantes. C'est pour cette raison qu'une meilleure économie à l'intérieur des zones vertes aura des répercussions favorables sur la situation de la femme, même si cette situation semble grave actuellement.

Si l'homme a un emploi dans l'industrie qui l'oblige à déléguer à sa femme la gestion de l'exploitation agricole, elle est valorisée par ce processus. En premier lieu, son mari sera obligé de reconnaître que l'augmentation sensible du revenu familial a été possible grâce à l'activité de sa femme dans l'exploitation agricole et la femme pourra développer ses capacités intellectuelles parce qu'elle aura la possibilité de décider.

Dans cette perspective de développement global, il faut aussi souligner combien il est important de réclamer -non seulement à l'intérieur, mais aussi à l'extérieur du monde agricole - des changements du droit de la famille afin de soustraire la femme de l'assujettissement par l'homme.

Il faut faire des efforts pour transformer la famille en passant de la dictature du soi-disant "père-maître" à une cogestion consensuelle.

Dans la perspective de l'amélioration du rôle de la femme dans le développement agricole, il serait nécessaire d'introduire des facilités économiques permettant davantage aux femmes d'agir en tant qu'entrepreneurs.

Sur le chemin vers l'émancipation de la femme, beaucoup de petits pas en avant seront nécessaires pour arriver à la juste valorisation du rôle de la femme. C'est pour cette raison que l'Italie soutient le plan d'action de la FAO pour l'intégration des femmes dans le développement rural.

Shil Kwan LEE (Korea, Republic of): Thank you Mr Chairman and congratulations on your chairing the Commission. My delegation is pleased to find that FAO has so far made substantial progress in overall gender issues and helped for better recognition of the tremendous contribution of rural women to food and agricultural production, which is crucial to the improvement of food security in the household. However, gender bias and blindness persist worldwide. Farmers are still perceived as male in general.

We know that gender discrimination is still not easy to overcome in terms of legislation. Particularly in the cooperative sector, women's participation is very low because of the constraints of legislation. In my country, Korea, recently we revised the cooperative law, allowing two memberships for each household so that women have better access to the cooperative movement. This simple change of legislation greatly increases the participation of women in the cooperative sector. My delegation hopes the revised plan of action includes case studies on the existing system and legal constraints of women's participation in the rural sector, and on the cases of improvement on the gender issue in terms of legislation of the advanced countries.

I believe such a study or survey will surely stimulate improvement of the gender issue in general and thus help FAO make further progress for active women's participation in rural development.

VICE-CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): I thank the distinguished representative from Korea. We now would like to have more statements on the problems that are caused by the text. Now I will call on Mexico.

José ROBLES AGUILAR (México): Queremos ante todo felicitar a la FAO por la positiva labor que realiza en favor de la mujer rural. Reiteramos nuestro apoyo al Plan de Acción que se nos presenta, cuyo objetivo central es la incorporación de la mujer a los beneficios del crecimiento.

No obstante, deseamos formular algunas consideraciones, en particular sobre los dos primeros objetivos, los cuales consideramos no son lo suficientemente explícitos respecto a que recursos productivos se refiere.

Adicionalmente, debe considerarse que la sola incorporación de la mujer en las actividades productivas, no es una garantía para mejorar sus condiciones, una remuneración adecuada constituye un elemento clave en este sentido. Como algunas delegaciones lo han señalado, estimamos que se deben plantear mecanismos para evaluar de la mejor manera posible la aplicación del plan.

Por otro lado, a la luz de la reciente reunión de Pekín, queremos resaltar la importancia de que el Plan enfatice la situación de las mujeres indígenas buscando que las estrategias y políticas que afectan a estas comunidades se adecúen a su cultura y a sus tradiciones.

En esta línea, estimamos igualmente conveniente que las mujeres rurales e indígenas puedan tener acceso a los servicios de planificación familiar y salud reproductiva garantizando la educación de estos grupos en este ámbito.

Permítame señor Presidente, brevemente, abordar la situación de la mujer en mi país. Ante todo deseamos señalar que desde hace más de dos décadas se elevó a rango constitucional la igualdad jurídica de la mujer. En este sentido se realizan grandes esfuerzos en sus planes y en sus políticas para hacer realidad este objetivo.

Actualmente está en proceso de elaboración un programa nacional de la mujer que definirá en su conjunto estrategias para asegurar la participación plena de la mujer en la sociedad en igualdad de condiciones, fomentando la participación plena de la mujer en la vida política, educativa y cultural, así como velando por el reconocimiento de sus derechos.

La educación y la salud son áreas en las cuales mi país realiza esfuerzos especiales en favor de la mujer campesina. Al respecto quiero resaltar entre otras acciones los programas de información, concientización y capacitación sobre la salud de la mujer. En el plano productivo, entre otras múltiples iniciativas, se ha emprendido un programa para incorporar a la mujer a unidades agrícolas industriales en el campo.

Bongiwe NJOBE-MBULI (South Africa): The South African constitution has opened up for us the opportunity for the development of new policies, strategies and actions which move from the premise that 53 percent of its population are women and up to 80 percent of the rural poor are women. Equity along the lines of race and gender, the legal provisions for a gender commission and the requirement that representativity in decision-making should take into account race as well as gender, are some of the instruments we have developed to achieve a non-sexist democracy. Furthermore, the reconstruction and development programme - our national agenda for development - also advocates a people-driven approach which, in our view, needs to be synonymous with a need or a demand driven process of priority setting in the design and development of programmes of action.

Against this background, we believe it is critical that if FAO and its Member Nations are to accelerate results in the plan of action for the integration of women into agricultural development, the critical process of design and evaluation of programmes should consistently take into account the profile of the potential beneficiaries and recognize that women are indeed people.

My delegation wishes to commend FAO for its active work in a field which is often difficult to address as it combines socio-economic as well as cultural, political and resource considerations.

South Africa supports the adoption of the revised plan of action and the Fourth Progress Report on its implementation. Specifically, we commend the concept and location of women within the sustainability equation. As we increasingly give value to the sustainable utilization of resources, it is important to visibly include the implications of gender relations and the specific role of women in the critical success factors. This implies that in the allocation of resources to support the goal of sustainability, the status of programmes targeted at women should not suffer disproportionately.

Our starting point in South Africa in addressing the backlog is to generate adequate and appropriate gender disaggregated data for the purpose of policy analysis. This has already been tested through a major study on poverty in the country. We will look to the experience of FAO in this regard to strengthen our own process. Thus the work already done in this area (reflected in sections 35 to 39 of document C 95/14) should be expanded to be able to draw on the experiences of other continents.

The South African delegation also supports the proposed resolutions under discussion. We would support the endorsement of the report and the revised Plan of Action taking into account, of course, the opportunity to make adjustments in the programme in response to experience.

In terms of point (b) on page 11 of document C 95/14 - should the Conference accept that the next progress report is given at the 30th Conference - it might be useful in such a timeframe for FAO, in articulating the indications of progress, to give the Conference an analysis or insight into indications that would demonstrate that women have indeed been integrated into agriculture and rural development.

It is important that we as an Organization do not set objectives within this programme that are not monitorable or quantifiable.

A final general comment on the Agenda item is our hope that in the implementation of the revised Plan of Action we shall increasingly recognize the link between economic growth, agricultural development, improved food security and an improved quality of life. These are indeed linked to a deliberate attempt to implement policies and strategies which take into account gender considerations.

VICE-CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): Yes, women are fully-fledged human beings, certainly. Now I give the floor to Sri Lanka, followed by Spain.

N.F.C. RANAWEERA (Sri Lanka): On behalf of my delegation I convey my appreciation to the Conference Secretariat for the submission of excellent documents on the Plan of Action for Women in Development. My delegation appreciates FAO's initiative to enhance the participatory approach which includes women in the development process.

As you may be aware, Sri Lanka has taken great initiatives in this direction over the last number of years. In general, my delegation finds in the documents that most of the activities are planned on research and data analysis. We note the great emphasis being given to data, based on gender segregation. While this is commended, we feel there is a great need to ensure that the duplication of data, collected across different divisions, is also avoided. However, most of the poor countries, you should note, do not have proper structures for the collection of data on a gender basis. Therefore there is some doubt as to the analysis of data on a gender basis if there are no proper methods for the collection and reporting of such data.

Lofty theories and elegant documentation are of little value unless they translate into actions which simple, poor people can understand. In many instances not only should the expression be simple, but it should also be communicated in the local language and with the participation of persons knowledgeable of both the local idiom and local attitudes of rural women. The relevance of such communication to home economics, nutrition, health and economic well-being are patently obvious. It is only through such communication that the full value of FAO's inestimable work would reach the beneficiaries. The poorer the rural community and the less literate it is, the more important would such communication be.

My delegation's suggestion is that it is necessary to explain the importance of such statistics and that the data collected be accurate, meaningful and capable of proper interpretation.

We also note that there is a need to bring FAO's programmatic approach on women in development to the notice of participating rural women in order to develop their participatory approach in achieving national goals through increased productivity. FAO should include in their Plan of Action some informative material for the women, as they are the people who would bring the theoretical aspects of development to a reality.

In societies such as ours, matriarchal traditions are powerful. Therefore the role of the mother in influencing ambitions and the future of their children cannot be ignored. As most of the distinguished members at this meeting are aware, the importance of an agriculturally-based livelihood is gradually diminishing in the rural sectors of most developing countries. Most of the rural women would prefer to send their children to various other sectors as they think that employment in agriculture will not provide social status to their children. Therefore, there is a need to emphasize to the rural women the social stability that they can gain from this sector. If the role of agriculture is to be elevated and restored to a point of recognition as an honourable function, it is important that the women should be educated and encouraged to think in such terms.

My delegation would also emphasize the need for training activities of FAO in order to address the needs of the women in the agricultural sector. In this regard we strongly recommend programmes of exchange of experience between the member countries through workshops, with an exchange of farmers, including women farmers. That would be of great advantage in increasing the productivity of the whole agricultural sector. Perhaps FAO may be able to coordinate with the other Roman agencies on such programmes.

FAO's intention of making greater use of the national level of expertise in the conduct of operations in member countries is commended by our delegation. However, we cannot stress too strongly that the requirements of the Organization, the operational measures and objectives be very clearly and precisely communicated to the national staff, particularly in such imperfectly defined areas as the support to women and the appreciation of gender implications of development efforts. Our delegation commends the work of the People's Participation Programme which we note, in the case of Sri Lanka, is very deeply interwoven with the greater participation of women. The continuation and strengthening of this Programme is therefore strongly recommended.

Finally, my delegation also notes that all the international agencies in Rome, namely FAO, IFAD and the WFP, have emphasized the sharp focus of their work in recognizing the important role of women. We see the need for such efforts to be coordinated and to have them focused in a complementary manner in order that the effects may be maximized. This would mean an avoidance of duplication and an increase in the support of efforts working towards possible and visible benefits. Maximum advantage could, perhaps, be gained by the fortunate circumstance that these three institutions are all located in Rome and share a great deal of staff capability.

My delegation supports the revised draft of the Plan of Action.

Julio LUCINI (España): Señor Presidente, la Delegación española quiere, en primer lugar, compartir con la FAO la afirmación que el documento C 95/4 hace en su párrafo 21 sobre el papel primordial que las mujeres del medio rural realizan en la seguridad alimentaria. Este extremo ha sido corroborado en las intervenciones de la mayor parte de los países en la reciente Conferencia Ministerial de Quebec. Es, por tanto, primordial no sólo continuar sino reforzar los esfuerzos que en esta dirección se vienen haciendo por parte de todos.

En esta misma línea, creemos de la mayor trascendencia potenciar, en la medida de lo posible, todas las actividades encaminadas a la mejora de las dietas familiares bajo el principio de la utilización de alimentos tradicionales, como se indica en el párrafo 24 del documento mencionado. Los programas de huertos familiares fueron en España, en las décadas de los 50 y 60, un punto de apoyo básico para avanzar en la solución de los problemas alimentarios de la sociedad rural. Tales programas se llevaron a cabo desde distintas instituciones nacionales, pero fundamentalmente a través de los denominados Agentes de Economía Doméstica de los Servicios de Extensión Agraria.

Esperamos, señor Presidente, que la FAO pueda hacernos llegar su propia versión así como las enseñanzas adquiridas en la Conferencia Mundial sobre la Mujer de Pekín. Es indudable que esta experiencia se aprovechará en los propios programas de la FAO y nos sería útil a todos conocer la forma de mejorar los mismos como consecuencia de la celebración y participación en tal señalado acontecimiento.

Queremos insistir, señor Presidente, en la conveniencia y necesidad de una participación mayor que la que se produce hasta el momento de la mujer agricultora en la política de desarrollo rural a través de actividades tales como el uso no agrario del espacio rural, agroturismo, promoción de productos agroalimentarios locales, etc. Esta idea ha sido indicada en ocasiones anteriores por nuestra delegación, pero creemos conveniente insistir en ella por la gran importancia que le concedemos.

En cuanto al plan de acción revisado de la FAO para la mujer en el desarrollo que recoje el documento C 95/14-Sup.l, sin oponernos a la aprobación del mismo, queremos hacer resaltar la posible confusión a la que se puede llegar por un exceso de terminología, al menos en la versión española y Aparecen en el citado documento, por una parte los objetivos estratégicos del Plan de Acción en el punto 2 del mismo; por otra parte se habla del concepto de actividades sustantivas de la Organización concentradas en cuatro esferas inconexas en el punto 3 y siguientes; en tercer lugar, el párrafo 14 analiza el triple objetivo actual de la FAO; por último, el párrafo 35 y siguientes desarrolla los objetivos del Plan de Acción de la FAO para 1996-2001. Como puede verse, la excesiva utilización de términos puede desorientar en cuanto a los fines realmente buscados que, por otra parte, creo que todos tenemos muy claros.

El mismo documento C 95/14 Sup.l dedica su última parte a resumir los programas de acción de los distintos departamentos y direcciones técnicas de la FAO, así como las iniciativas que cada departamento y dirección técnica ha desarrollado para incluir en los mismos las cuestiones relativas a la Mujer en el Desarrollo.

Para cada uno de ellos se exponen las funciones, las estrategias y los instrumentos. Sin oponernos al esfuerzo que esta iniciativa conlleva para incluir temas del denominado MED en los programas ordinario y de campo de cada unidad, creemos que si se lleva esta instrucción a sus últimas consecuencias puede deformarse alguna realidad. La participación de la mujer en el desarrollo es un tema horizontal y algunas de las acciones de los referidos departamentos y direcciones técnicas pueden tener un carácter vertical. Una obligatoriedad de incluir temas del MED puede llevar a situaciones forzadas de utilidad nula y que haga realizar esfuerzos vanos a la unidad en cuestión.

Ms Lynett M. WAGNER (United States of America): At the Fourth World Conference on Women, governments agreed that women make the difference and that programmes must take women into account if they want to succeed.

The United States supports FAO's initiatives to integrate women in agricultural development. Equal access for women to land, inputs and markets and full participation of women in the decision-making process enhance women's contribution and help to achieve world food security.

The direct responsibility for household food provision falls largely on women. In addition, pregnant, postpartum and breast-feeding women have special nutritional needs along with infants and children which should be recognized.

FAO's focus on nutrition and food security, including preparations for the World Food Security Summit, must take gender into account. Given the financial restraints my government faces, we must continue to emphasize that FAO concentrate on its priority programmes and should seek to mainstream a gender perspective into those programmes.

We also want to encourage FAO to continue to collaborate with other UN agencies and governments in conducting gender training and analysis and in providing guidance on the collection and use of gender disaggregated data.

We support FAO's efforts to mainstream a gender perspective into all its activities. We believe by doing so this will enable FAO to be more successful in carrying out its mission in raising levels of nutrition, in improved food security and in bettering the condition of rural populations.

Speaking from a personal perspective, on farms and ranches of the United States women farmers are essential partners in the business of agriculture. We all seek to protect those for whom we care, but what has made my family's farm a success has been the equal participation, joint decision-making and mutual respect accorded to all members, both male and female, of my family farm.

Johannes BECKER (Austria): The Austrian delegation welcomes the Fourth Progress Report on the Implementation of the Plan of Action for the Integration of Women in Development. It gives a splendid survey of the diversity of measures and projects within the scope of the Plan of Action for Women in Development which are put into practice locally, nationally and internationally. All these activities are an important contribution in achieving equal economic opportunities for women.

In this respect all kinds of training and further education as well as practical work, information for women on the legal situation, are particularly important. This knowledge is one of the fundamental requirements for the implementation of the principle of equal rights of men and women as laid down in the Constitution of the United Nations and thus also of the FAO.

The best way of passing on this knowledge is probably the establishment of self-help groups and the training of multipliers who can pass on the acquired knowledge for their part. Where possible these self-help groups should also receive the means of achieving certain economic independence. This, in turn, necessitates a legal framework for the establishment of new, small organizations in the countries concerned.

In our opinion, Mr Chairman, in order to improve the food situation it is very important to promote the use of traditional food as this has already been recognized and which is being put into practice by the Food Policy and Nutrition Division. This traditional food is mentioned in document C 95/14 and is at least a valuable complement which guarantees the supply of all-important vitamins and trace elements. Moreover, it is best in line with local and environmental traditions.

With regard to the share of women working in FAO itself, from our point of view it would be desirable if that share could grow a little more quickly in the future than was the case for 1991-94. The objective of a 35 percent share for women remains far from being reached. Thus, it will be necessary to elaborate upon the concrete concept of how to increase the number of women in FAO's organizations.

Ms Ginette SAINT-CYR (Canada): The Canadian delegation thanks FAO for its presentation of these two documents on this important issue. We support the Plan of Action. We particularly appreciated the department-by-department exposition since it is indicative of its intended integration into FAO's mainstream activities.

The task, of course, is now to translate these plans into measurable actions. In this respect we are looking forward to the next progress report. I must add that we found the report rather sketchy in relation to monitoring and evaluation. We would have appreciated more information on indicators, timeframe and costs.

In relation to the progress report we have noted that it focused more on listing activities undertaken rather than on analysing progress made. It will be important that in future reports analysis of progress include identification of bottlenecks or constraints to improving the capacity of FAO to carry out gender-sensitive programming and to increase the number of women employed as well as the measures proposed to address these.

We agree that reports should continue at two-year intervals. This is because Women in Development is a matter that requires close monitoring and nurturing to become a mainstream activity because the constituency which is its subject matter is critically important to the success of food security programmes and yet continues to be denied its fair share of resources and because, as a restructured programme within FAO, it is important that the membership be kept informed on progress.

Mme Adelaöde RIBEIRO (Cap-Vert): Merci, Monsieur le Président. Nous adressons nos remerciements au Secrétariat pour la qualité du document qui nous est soumis, dont la clarté de l'exposé et la richesse des informations facilitent notre tâche.

Nous avons examiné avec beaucoup d'attention ce document qui nous fournit des renseignements concernant le plan révisé 1996-2001, en intégrant les questions liées aux spécifications de chaque sexe dans les activités de la FAO, en identifiant les objectifs stratégiques et prioritaires pour promouvoir l'intégration des femmes dans le processus de développement.

Nous constatons avec satisfaction que la FAO continue à accorder une forte priorité aux questions visant l'intégration de la femme dans le développement, comme le montre le fait que ce thème couvre toutes les activités de l'Organisation, englobe les aspects opérationnels et normatifs du Programme ordinaire et des programmes de terrain, ainsi que les aspects administratifs. Elle constitue une des priorités intersectorielles du Plan à moyen terme 1996-2001 et une des priorités du Programme de travail et budget pour 1996-97.

L'intégration de la femme dans le développement se présente comme un impératif au développement durable. Comme on le sait, à travers le monde, les femmes produisent maintenant plus de 50 pour cent de toutes les denrées alimentaires cultivées, et en Afrique cela représente environ 80 pour cent. Elles assument des responsabilités majeures et connaissent le mieux les systèmes alimentaires et agricoles; cependant elles représentent la majorité de la population pauvre (environ 70 pour cent) et n'ont pas accès aux ressources productives, et leur rôle dans les sociétés est souvent négligé et sous-estimé.

Si l'on veut l'intégration des femmes dans le développement, l'adoption d'une plate-forme d'action visant à accélérer la suppression des obstacles qui entravent encore sa participation pleine et égale dans tous les domaines doit être mise en oeuvre. Dans ce contexte, nous réaffirmons notre appui au Plan d'action révisé, ainsi qu'aux trois objectifs stratégiques pour promouvoir l'égalité des sexes dans tous les domaines de travail technique de la FAO tel que mentionné aux paragraphes 36, 38 et 41. Ce plan révisé présente des objectifs plus réalisables et mesurables et plus adaptés aux changements au niveau international.

La participation pleine de la femme au développement nécessite avant tout des changements d'attitude, mais de tels changements ne pourront se produire ni rapidement ni facilement. Alors des stratégies bien définies doivent être adoptées par les gouvernements. Cela dit, nous sollicitons la FAO et tous les Etats Membres à renouveler et accroître leurs efforts visant à soutenir la mise en oeuvre de ce plan.

Nous approuvons l'adoption du projet de décision qui nous est soumis à savoir que le cinquième rapport d'activités soit soumis à la 29ème session de la Conférence.

Pour terminer, nous sollicitons la FAO d'élargir son appui aux Etats Membres en matière de conseils politiques et juridiques et de renforcement des institutions si l'on veut que les Etats Membres se dotent des ressources nécessaires pour élaborer et mettre en oeuvre des politiques et programmes visant à améliorer l'accès des femmes aux revenus, aux services de vulgarisation, à la formation, aux technologies, aux ressources productives, aux services de la santé et de l'éducation, à des postes de direction, entre autres.

Mrs Wafaa Mohamed YOUSSUF (Egypt) (Original language Arabic): Egypt is becoming increasingly aware of the international concern regarding the issues pertaining to women in development and social activities. We welcome as well the role played by the Organization in implementing the Programme of Action aimed at the integration of women in the development process.

My country greatly values the role played by rural women in achieving food security and fending for the family. The Agricultural Ministry and Land Reclamation in my country have been implementing a programme for the training and education of rural women in nine provinces and it is to be gradually extended to the remaining provinces.

Paragraph 20 of the document C 95/14 states that the Organization has been providing technical help to the Near East offices in Cairo. It has also been providing help in the preparation of a document regarding the policies pertaining to women, population and environment in the Near East. This document is to be completed by the year 1995.

The Agricultural Ministry and Land Reclamation in my country is more than ready to provide assistance to the Regional Office in the preparation of this study.

We welcome the global increase in the number of women working in the Professional categories at the Headquarters of the Organization which has risen from 19.7 percent in 1991 to 20.4 percent in 1994 and in National Officers from 9.3 percent to 10.2 percent and in the field from 4.1 percent to 8 percent. We hope this trend will continue.

Mr Chairman, my country endorses the three draft resolutions in paragraph 65.

Lothar CAVIEZEL (Suisse): D'emblée, je voudrais signaler que mon intervention a été préparée par des femmes. J'aimerais à mon tour remercier le Secrétariat pour le rapport qu'il nous a préparé. Nous apprécions beaucoup ce document très élaboré et détaillé qui nous est présenté ici. Nous voudrions relever le soin avec lequel il a été établi, le souci d'être exhaustif et de toucher tous les domaines d'activité de la FAO. Cela nous paraît fondamental si l'on veut vraiment faire en sorte que les femmes soient partie prenante des actions et des programmes de développement, comme actrices et comme bénéficiaires.

Plus concrètement, la délégation suisse tient à apporter trois commentaires: premièrement sur la FAO elle-même; deuxièmement sur l'analyse de la situation des femmes rurales et les objectifs stratégiques, et troisièmement sur la mise en oeuvre du plan d'action.

Premièrement, en ce qui concerne la FAO elle-même, nous apprécions la volonté exprimée par la FAO de jouer un rôle catalysateur dans la récolte des données sur le rôle des femmes et des hommes dans l'agriculture, de mieux promouvoir la participation des femmes et de former les décideurs, les administrateurs et les techniciens en la matière. Nous espérons cependant que les résultats obtenus seront accessibles et largement diffusés.

Nous soutenons également la volonté de définir des buts mesurables et opérationnels autour de trois objectifs stratégiques, avec une approche plus systématique qu'auparavant. On sait bien en effet que depuis la Conférence sur les femmes de Nairobi, la plupart des agences multi et bilatérales ont élaboré des politiques "Femmes et Développement", ont défini des stratégies, mais que presque partout les processus de mise en oeuvre sont restés insatisfaisants ou partiels, par manque de volonté politique, par manque d'instruments adéquats et de moyens dans le domaine des ressources humaines et financières. Nous espérons donc vivement que ce plan d'action FAO permettra à tous les partenaires d'aller enfin plus vers la pratique et la réalisation d'objectifs, de dépasser le fossé qui sépare encore trop souvent la rhétorique "femmes et développement" de sa traduction dans la réalité.

Deuxièmement, en ce qui concerne l'analyse de la situation des femmes rurales et les objectifs stratégiques du plan d'action, nous apprécions qu'il soit clairement affirmé que les femmes rurales sont le fondement des systèmes agricoles et alimentaires. Leur contribution est bien décrite dans le paragraphe 18. Mais malgré leurs contributions fondamentales, ces femmes se heurtent à des difficultés et à des problèmes parfois insurmontables: accès difficile et peu sécurisé aux ressources, pauvreté grandissante, charges de travail énormes et horaires surchargés. Nous voudrions souligner à quel point, dans ces conditions, il est fort difficile d'exiger encore plus des femmes rurales sans, dans le même temps, repenser la répartition du travail, sans améliorer la position sociale et le statut des femmes rurales.

Il est actuellement un phénomène qui prend toujours plus d'ampleur, c'est celui des femmes rurales seules responsables d'un ménage. Le texte qui nous est proposé ici évoque à plusieurs reprises le problème de la migration des hommes et de la déstructuration grandissante des familles. Mais il n'approfondit et n'analyse pas suffisamment la question des femmes chefs de ménage. Dans beaucoup de pays, les migrations masculines deviennent toujours plus importantes et plus longues. Les femmes doivent assumer des tâches productives plus lourdes sans que pour autant on facilite ou sécurise leur accès à la terre, sans qu'elles soient considérées comme des interlocutrices par les services officiels de crédit, de vulgarisation, etc. Nous souhaiterions que ce sujet prenne plus d'importance dans l'analyse comme dans les propositions stratégiques. Un plus grand soutien aux femmes chefs de famille est l'un des principes clés de la politique pour un développement équilibré hommes-femmes de la Coopération suisse.

Il est un autre aspect qui, dans ce texte, n'est pas suffisamment souligné. C'est la nécessité, pour les femmes rurales, d'avoir accès à des activités engendrant des revenus. Les tâches relatives à la nutrition sont toujours plus décrites comme relevant de la compétence et de la responsabilité des femmes. Et la sécurisation alimentaire est souvent assimilée à l'agriculture de subsistance. Dans ce cas, il ne reste guère de possibilités pour les femmes de réaliser des revenus monétaires. On pourrait dans certains cas imaginer, par exemple, des cultures d'arbres fruitiers qui permettraient aux femmes d'acquérir de l'argent pour la subsistance familiale mais aussi pour d'autres buts. Les surplus monétaires des femmes sont très souvent réinvestis dans l'éducation des enfants, surtout des filles lorsque les pères ne sont pas enclins à favoriser leur éducation. Et l'on sait l'importance cruciale que revêt l'éducation des filles pour le futur. Au niveau des stratégies, il est bien question d'offrir davantage de possibilités d'emploi aux femmes, mais il manque des propositions plus concrètes. L'accès aux ressources productives dont il est plusieurs fois question ne signifie pas encore pour les femmes un accès immédiat à un revenu qu'elles pourraient gérer.

Enfin, nous voudrions souligner l'importance du troisième objectif stratégique à la page 10: accroître la participation des femmes aux processus de décision et de la formulation des politiques. C'est un objectif fondamental que l'on a par trop négligé. Cela implique de l'engagement, une forte volonté politique et des personnes capables sur le terrain de maîtriser les méthodes participatives de recherche et d'action. Ecouter et faire entendre la voix des hommes et des femmes du monde rural, être attentif aux réseaux locaux, aux modes de communication et de négociation. Etre d'accord pour entrer dans ce type de processus.

Troisièmement, au niveau de la mise en oeuvre du plan d'action, il nous paraît très positif que chaque Département et Division de la FAO détermine de manière détaillée et spécifique son propre plan d'action en précisant les stratégies et les instruments. Mais, même si la Division de la participation des femmes et de la population au développement a une importante tâche de coordination, on peut craindre à la fois la dispersion et le redoublement d'un certain nombre de tâches ou d'activités. Par exemple, on a parfois l'impression que chaque division va procéder à des récoltes de données et d'informations différenciées selon les sexes. Une concentration plus grande des activités serait-elle possible?

En conclusion, nous tenons encore une fois à saluer l'engagement que prend ici la FAO envers les femmes rurales, envers le milieu rural.

D'après ce plan d'action, la FAO fera désormais un grand effort pour tenir compte des spécificités entre les sexes au niveau de l'analyse des situations et de la récolte des données. Il faudra que cela se traduise plus dans des actions. Une approche axée sur le "genre" (prenant en compte les relations sociales entre les sexes) se concentre aussi bien sur les femmes que sur les hommes. Il faudra donc être particulièrement attentif aux relations, aux équilibres et aux mécanismes de négociation entre femmes et hommes. L'approbation active des hommes sera requise si l'on souhaite changer la position des femmes, surtout dans les milieux les plus pauvres où les actions entreprises devront améliorer les conditions de vie de tous.

Robert S. THWALA (Swaziland): My delegation wishes first of all to congratulate FAO for the tremendous progress it has made in the area of women in development.

My delegation endorses the principles, objects and strategies contained in the Plan of Action for Women in Development. However, Swaziland wishes to make two comments on the document with regard to two important areas that might have been overlooked in this document: the lack of reference to the plight of women in the urban and poor urban slums in our big cities who suffer, together with their families, from the scourge of hunger and malnutrition.

Therefore, Swaziland wishes to state, while the thrust of this document correctly focuses on rural women, this other vulnerable group of women is in need of consideration in all issues concerned with women in development.

The pace and detailed strategies for achieving the objectives set out in the document will vary from country to country depending on, among others, culture, resources availability and the possibility of women to participate fully in the development of their communities and countries.

Bearing these factors in mind, my delegation wishes to draw the attention of the Commission to the need for a more broadened and balanced approach in future reviews of the Plan of Action for Women in Development that would take into account the concerns as expressed above in urban slums as well as the increasing problems of unemployment which are causing many men and youth, both male and female, to swell the ranks or to return to the rural areas and, therefore, become another sector of the community that is vital for development. This brings to mind the question are the women's organizations promoted or proposed to promote in this document in pursuance of this Plan of Action to be exclusive to women only or are they going to accommodate these other segments of our rural community that may start to increase in the future?

We would feel that many such considerations in the finalization of the document needs to be borne in mind and to be based on the fundamental principles of equal access to all facilities requisite to sustainable food production affecting all the groups mentioned above.

Ms Gunilla KURTEN (Finland): First of all Finland would like to commend FAO for the format of the Progress Report. It is much shorter and more concise than the previous ones, concentrating on some representative samples of achievements in the substantive areas of Gender-Sensitive Project Development and Monitoring, Gender Analysis Training and Gender Responsive Policy Advice to member countries. This is quite enough to give a satisfactory picture of the considerable progress made in implementing the Plan so far. We do, however, believe that FAO can improve on the reporting even further, now that we are about to approve a revised Plan of Action in which both the objectives and the means to reach them are presented in a much clearer way than before.

One thing that Finland would like the Report to elaborate upon more, is the institutional development within FAO with respect to the implementation of the Plan.

Finland and the other Nordic countries have from the beginning stressed the crucial importance of creating awareness, commitment and competence among the FAO staff through information and training. We know it is very difficult to measure the impact of these types of activities, especially when it comes to the changing of attitudes. Still it should be possible to give some kind of report on how successful the information and training programme has been in really reaching and influencing all levels of staff. Are gender analysis methodologies promoted in gender training actually utilized in policy development and planning routines for instance? To what extent are FAO field-level staff at Regional Offices, the FAO Representations, etc. and FAO consultants aware of FAO's policy and committed and competent to implement it? We also sincerely hope that the information and training programme is still going on in spite of the financial constraints. The old staff needs up-dated information and refresher courses and the new staff introductory training.

My delegation would further like to know what kind of accountability mechanisms exist to ensure that the policy is followed? What kind of role is played by the management within FAO in promoting mainstreaming of gender? In addition to informed and motivated personnel, good accountability mechanisms are needed to ensure that the WID Policy is followed throughout the organization. The role of the management in promoting mainstreaming of gender is an essential element for success.

The Revised FAO Plan of Action for Women in Development is also commendable both for its format and its contents, being shorter and more concise than the previous one just as the Progress Report. The Revised Plan eliminates the focus on eight substantive priority areas, with numerous subscribed activities that were difficult to monitor and too encompassing to implement effectively. Instead the Plan now emphasizes three strategic objectives for promoting gender equity in achieving sustainable development in FAO's substantive areas of work, and highlights key areas of interrelated actions to achieve these three objectives. The result is, as intended, a more systematic and programmatic approach that will allow FAO to concentrate human and financial resources on achievable and measurable objectives. This approach can certainly be fully supported, and it presents in many ways a marked improvement on the previous Plan.

FAO should also be highly commended for the consultative process applied in developing the Revised Plan. Developing a sense of "ownership" within the institution is crucial for the successful implementation of the Plan.

A great deal of attention is given in the Plan to describing the situation of women and the need for a gender approach. This analysis of the situation is very well developed. However, it is important that the Plan go beyond description of the situation and statement of objectives. Further development should be focused on strategies and instruments.

The clear definition of the supportive and monitoring role in relation to the implementation of the Plan for the Women and People's Participation in Development Division (SDW) is very important.

Under "Internal Coordination" the need for WID Focal Points or WID Core Groups is raised. However, there is no discussion of the roles and responsibilities of the management in general, of all FAO staff and consultants in relation to the implementation of Plan. Nor is there discussion of how to ensure that the roles and responsibilities are understood and accepted. The question can be raised whether in reality too much responsibility will still be put on WID/gender specialists and that the necessary shift in responsibilities will not take place. It is understood that in big organizations, like FAO, focal points and/or core groups are needed even for practical reasons. Their roles, however, should be clearly defined as links or catalysts in the mainstreaming process.

The establishment of a high-level Steering Committee is positive because the role of the management is an essential element for success, as we have stated earlier.

In paragraph 8 of the Plan it is stated that FAO will strive to set up more effective administrative mechanisms to implement, monitor and evaluate progress in achieving the strategic objectives of the Plan. However, almost no further attention is given to these key issues in the Plan. This is something that should be rectified.

Finland also has a comment on terminology that might to some people seem to be of minor importance, but is in fact essential. We have, to our regret, noted that FAO in this Plan is using the term "equity" instead of "equality". Since the Nairobi conference equality, development and peace have been the agreed global goals. During the process of preparing for Beijing, however, some delegations promoted the use of the term "equity" meaning something less than equal. The Beijing Platform of Action clearly reaffirms the international commitment for "equality" as the objective. Therefore, also FAO should use this term in its Plan of Action.

Speaking about Beijing, we very much appreciate the efforts made by FAO in order to support the poor countries in their preparations for the Conference. As we all know, the preparation process at the national level is equally or even more important than the Conference itself. We also welcome the plans of FAO to support the capacity building of these countries for the implementation of the Plan of Action.

This capacity building at the national level is typically an area which requires intensive coordination within the whole UN system. A good example of a collaborative effort is the Socio-Economic and Gender Analysis Programme. There should be a high demand for SEGA manuals and training modules after the Beijing conference, when all development partners hopefully intensify their efforts to build capacities in the field of participatory and gender sensitive development.

As regards the financing of the Plan of Action, mainstreaming of gender also means that the funds for it should come from the mainstream budget. This is rightly reflected in the Plan of Action when it comes to the implementation of the divisional programmes of action. It is of utmost importance that adequate divisional allocations for WID activities are actually ensured. Extra-budgetary financing may be required, especially for the capacity building activities at the national level. However, the idea that WID experts in mainstream project missions would also be financed from extrabudgetary funds, seems contradictory to the basic principle.

Finally a few words about the so called affirmative action. Finland would like to know how many women actually are employed by FAO at present at the different levels of Professional posts? Four years ago when I last spoke about this matter at the FAO Conference, I remarked that Finland would like to see more women on the podium. Now I note that the number is still the same, only one, and that is not a satisfactory state of affairs. The member countries are urged to make an even greater effort to present women candidates for FAO Professional posts, and to include more women in their delegations to different FAO meetings and conferences. Nowadays there should be no shortage of qualified women in the fields of agriculture, forestry and fisheries.

This statement has been prepared in consultation with the other Nordic countries, Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

VICE-CHAIRMAN: I thank the Secretary, I thank you all and we will be meeting tomorrow morning at 9.30 hours.

The meeting rose at 18.30 hours.
La séance est levée à 18 h 30.
Se levanta la sesión a las 18.30 horas.

1 Texto incluido en las actas a petición expresa.
2 Statement inserted in the verbatim records on request.
3 Texte reçu avec demande d'insertion au procès-verbal.
4 Statement inserted in the verbatim records on request.
5 Texto incluido en las actas a petición expresa.
6 Statement inserted in the verbatim records on request.

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