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Second Report of the Credentials Committee to the Conference
Deuxième rapport de la Commission de vérification des pouvoirs de la Conférence
Segundo informe del Comité de Credenciales a la Conferencia

CHAIRMAN: I shall now call on the Chairman of the Credentials Committee to read the second report of the Credentials Committee.

H. QABAZARD (Chairman, Credentials Committee): The Credentials Committee, at its second session, examined the credentials of another 22 Member Nations and found them to be in order, thus bringing the total to 138 credentials. Six Member Nations have not registered to date. The list, as you see in document C 77/LIM/43, is attached as Appendix A.

In addition, the Committee examined and found in order the credentials of the observers of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the following three African Liberation Movements invited under the aegis of the Organization of African Unity: African National Congress, Pan-Africanist Congress and the Patriotic Front of Zimbabwe.

The Committee also examined and found in order the credentials of the United Nations and Specialized Agencies, of the intergovernmental organizations and of the non-governmental organizations, and found them in order. These are listed in Appendix B. Five organizations had registered but not submitted letters of accreditation as of 22 November 1977.

CHAIRMAN: I understand that the report has already been distributed. The number of the document is C 77/LIM/43

Are there any comments?




Sixth Report of the General Committee

Sixième rapport du Bureau

Sexto informe del Comité General

CHAIRMAN: The second report of the Credentials Committee was reviewed by the General Committee this morning, and I will ask the Secretary-General to read the section of the report of the General Committee which refers to it.

SECRETARY-GENERAL: The second report of the Credentials Committee: the General Committee recommends that the Conference adopt the Second Report of the Credentials Committee (document C 77/LIM/43).

CHAIRMAN: Are there any comments on this section? If there are none, I declare the section which has just been read adopted.




In the second section of the Sixth Report of the General Committee there is a resolution on the appointment of the independent Chairman of the Council. The name, of course, will be inserted after the election which will take place on Monday morning. I will ask the Secretary-General to read it.

SECRETARY-GENERAL: I believe the document will be distributed within a few minutes, but as it is not yet available I will read the resolution and the text of the report.

Pursuant to Rule XXIII-1(c) of the General Rules of the Organization, the General Committee recommends the following Resolution for adoption by the Conference, setting out the conditions of appointment of the Independent Chairman of the Council for a period of two years up to the end of the 1979 Session of the Conference, including the allowances attached to the office:

Resolution…. /77



Having proceeded to a secret ballot, in accordance with the provisions of Rule XII of the General Rules of the Organization,

Declares that …… is appointed Independent Chairman of the Council for a period of two years, that is until the end of the regular session of the Conference to be held in 1979, and

Having noted the recommendations submitted by the General Committee in conformity with Rule XXIII of the General Rules of the Organization,

2. Decides that the conditions of appointment, including the allowances attached to the office of the Independent Chairman of the Council, shall be as follows:

(a) An annual allowance of the equivalent of $10 000 to cover representation expenses and secretarial assistance in the Chairman's home station, on the understanding that the Director-General will provide secretarial assistance when the Chairman attends sessions of the Council or Conference; one half of the allowance shall be payable in US dollars, the balance being payable, in whole or in part, in the currency of the home country of the Chairman, or in Italian Lire, according to his desire;

(b) A per diem allowance at a rate equivalent to that for the Deputy Director-General, while the Chairman is absent from his home station on Council business, the allowance being reduced to $20. 00 per diem while the Chairman is in travel status;

(c) Travel expenses, including the above per diem allowance, shall be defrayed by the Organization, in conformity with its regulations and existing practice when the Chairman attends sessions of the Council, of the Programme and Finance Committees, of the Conference, or when he is invited by the Council or by the Director-General to travel for other purposes.

CHAIRMAN: Are there any comments?

I. OROZCO GUZMAN (Mexico): No sé si todos los demás delegados habrán sido advertidos, como yo, al disponer del texto escrito de este sexto informe. Parecería, por la lectura que se hizo, que ello fue debido a que no eataba aun en poder de todos los delegados dicho informe. Es una resolución interesante e importante y mi delegación, únicamente para fines de ilustración, desearía hacer unas preguntas en relación con la parte operativa 2 de este proyecto de resolución, inciso a), penúltimo párrafo, del texto en español, que dice: "En la moneda del país. . . ".

En realidad, yo no pretendo estar en el papel del Presidente Independiente del Consejo, o de conocer sus preferencias. No sé si esto sea ya tradicional, esta forma así, o si se quiere decir en la moneda del país de residencia del Presidente, que no necesariamente es el país de origen, si es que se quiere hácet referencia a éste cuando se habla de país.

Esa es una primera observación; la siguiente se refiere al inciso b) también de este párrafo operativo 2 en donde se habla del subsidio diario, equivalente al del Director General Adjunto, mientras el Presi-dente se halle ausente por asuntos del Consejo. Y luego, será diferente cuando el Presidente se halle de viaje. Parece que no resulta muy clara para nosotros porque si se halla ausente de su residencia por asuntos del Consejo, se puede encontrar también de viaje. Lo que se quiere decir es que cuando el Presidente esté llevando a cabo o atendiendo asuntos del Consejo, y el otro presupuesto es cuando se encuentre en tránsito. 0 sea, la segunda parte sí nos parece bien, cuando se halla en viaje, la pri-mera, cuando precisamente está atendiendo asuntos del Consejo. No se' si he sido un poco prolijo, Sr. Presidente, pero desearía conocer alguna reacción al respecto.

SECRETARY-GENERAL: I have not got the Spanish text in front of me but I think there may have been some misunderstanding. In the last part of paragraph 2(a) it says indeed "the balance being payable in whole or in part in the currency of the home country". Home country means the country of residence (el pais de residencia). As regards travel status it is during his transit that he is covered. The interpretation of the delegate of Mexico is correct.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Secretary-General. Is it clear, delegate of Mexico? Are there any other comments on this Resolution?

M. S. ZEHNI (Libya) (interpretation from Arabic): Since the Arabic text has not yet been distributed there is a point under point 2. (ii) - "the conditions of appointment including the allowances attached to the office". Reading (a), (b) and (c) I see no conditions of appointment, it is all a financial arrangement so if you can clear this up for me.

SECRETARY-GENERAL: The conditions of appointment are laid down in the basic text where the status of the Chairman is spelt out.

CHAIRMAN: Is it clear now, delegate of Libya?

SECRETARY-GENERAL: The exact reference, Mr. Chairman, is Rule 23 of the General Rules of the Organization which deals with the Rules of the Council.

CHAIRMAN: Are you satisfied, delegate of Libya? Are there any other comments? If there are no other comments, I declare the Resolution on the Independent Chairman of the Council adopted.




Seventh Report of the General Committee

Septième rapport du Bureau

Séptimo informe del Comité General

CHAIRMAN: The seventh Report of the General Committee has been circulated as document C 77/LIM/45. This document informs the Conference of the further nominations that have been received by Thursday at 18. 00 hours. I will ask the Secretary-General to read paragraph 8 of this Report.

LE SECRETAIRE GENERAL: Le paragraphe 8 du document C 77/LIM/45 contient la recommandation du bureau qui est que la. première étape des élections comporte un tour de scrutin pour toutes les régions concernées par les sièges supplémentaires des deux premières périodes, c'est-à-dire celles qui vont de novembre 1977 au 31 décembre 1978 - une année - et de novembre 1977 à novembre 1979 - deux ans. Ce premier scrutin sera suivi de tout scrutin supplémentaire qui pourrait être requis pour ces deux périodes. Il est bien entendu que les pays qui ont posé leur candidature aux deux périodes et qui sont élus pour la première période ne peuvent être élus pour la seconde; ils tombent automatiquement pour la seconde.

La deuxième étape pourrait comporter un tour de scrutin pour les régions concernées par les sièges de la troisième période, c'est-à-dire pour la période qui va de novembre 1977 au 31 décembre 1980 -période de trois ans. Ce scrutin sera lui-même suivi de tout scrutin supplémentaire qui pourrait être repris pour cette période.

La troisième étape comporterait alors un tour de scrutin pour les régions concernées par les sièges de la quatrième période, c'est-à-dire la période qui va du 1er janvier 1979 à novembre 1981, donc également trois ans, scrutin qui serait également suivi de tout scrutin supplémentaire qui pourrait être requis pour cette période.

C'était, . Monsieur le Président, la forme habituelle de tenir ces élections.

CHAIRMAN: May I now enquire if there are any comments on this Seventh Report of the General Commitee? If there are none I declare the Report adopted.





26. Appointments (continued)
26. Nominations (suite)
26. Nombramientos (continuación)

26. 2 Appointment of Member Governments' Representatives to the Staff Pension Committee
26. 2 Nomination des représentants des Etats Membres au Comité de la Caisse des pensions
26. 2 Nombramiento de representantes de los Estados Miembros en el Comité de Pensiones del Personal

CHAIRMAN: The Organization participates in the UN Joint Staff Pension Fund which provides the staff of its member organizations with pension and related benefits on retirement, death or disability. The Fund is administered through a Joint Staff Pension Board which is composed of representatives of: (1) the governing bodies of the member organizations; (2) the Directors-General of the organizations and (3) participants in the Fund.

Each member organization has a Staff Pension Committee with the same tripartite composition. This deals with most of the pension matters relating to its staff. It is necessary for the Conference to appoint three members and three alternates to the FAO Committee for the two-year period 1978-79. For reasons of economy the practice has been to appoint members and alternates stationed in Rome. This enables them to attend meetings at FAO Headquarters without involving the Organization in heavy cost.

I am informed that the following members of delegations to this Conference, resident in Rome, have indicated their interest in serving on this Committee for a two-year term of office:


Alternate Members:

M. Gerhard Lieber

M. Horatio Mends

Counsellor (Agriculture)

Minister Counsellor (Agriculture)

Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO

Permanent Representative to FAO

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany

Embassy of the Republic of Ghana

M. S. S. Mahdi

Counsellor Alfred I. Machayo

Counsellor (Agriculture)

Minister Plenipotentiary

Permanent Representative to FAO

Permanent Representative to FAO

Embassy of the Republic of India


Sr. Giuseppe de Michelis di Slonghello

M. Amir Abdalla Khalil


Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO

Permanent Representative to FAO

Permanent Mission of Italy to FAO

Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Sudan


Are there any comments or objections on this list?

As I see none I declare these proposals adopted.


27. A. H. Boerma Activity
27. Activité A. H. Boermâ
27. Actividad A. H. Boerma

CHAIRMAN: As requested by the last Session of the Conference the Director-General has proposed to the Council the terms of the new Boerma Activity to be awarded in the name of the previous Director-General of this Organization, Mr. Boerma. The terms of how this award should be presented are outlined in document C 77/LIM/6 which is an extract from the Report of the Seventy-First Council Session. I am informed that this document was distributed to delegates quite a while ago and I would like to invite any comments. If there are none I take it that the Conference notes the decision of the Council that the award be presented during Conference sessions and under the conditions established by the Council at its Seventy-First Session.

The meeting rose at 16. 00 hours
La séance est levée à 16 heures
Se levanta la sesión a las 16. 00 horas

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