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DIRECTOR-GENERAL: Mr. Chairman, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen: Before this Nineteenth Session of the Conference concludes, I should like to pay tribute to Mr. Roy Jackson, the retiring Deputy Director-General.

Mr. Jackson came to FAO in 1964 after many years of distinguished service in international fisheries. In 1966, he became o the first Assistant Director-General of our Fisheries Department, and it was because of his diligence that FAO gained its reputation as the world's technical authority in this field.

He became Deputy Director-General in 1972 under my predecessor, and I was delighted when he agreed to remain for my first two years in office. He has been an unfailing, loyal, and most effective deputy, and I am personally deeply grateful to him.

You all know Roy Jackson. You all know him as a dedicated international civil servant and as a highly respected senior officer of this Organization. Those of you who know him well know him as a man with a warmth of human understanding and a tremendous capacity for friendship.

Mr. Chairman, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, I am sure you will join with me in extending to Mr. Jackson our deepest appreciation of the outstanding contribution he has made to the work of FAO, and on your behalf as well as on my own, I wish him and his charming life-long partner, Mrs. Jackson, good health and happiness in the years ahead. (Applause)


LE PRESIDENT: Je vais maintenant donner la parole au Secrétaire général qui va nous lire un projet de résolution que, j'en suis certain, la Conférence voudra adopter.

LE SECRETAIRE GENERAL: Voici le projet de résolution sur le départ à la retraite de M. Roy I. Jackson: LA CONFERENCE,

Notant que Monsieur Roy I. Jackson quittera l'Organisation à la fin de décembre 1977, après six années 3e service en qualité de Directeur général adjoint,

Rappelant également les fonctions qu'il avait assumées auparavant, d'abord comme Directeur de la Division des pêches, puis comme premier Sous-Directeur général du Département des pèches,

Rendant hommage à ses états de service remarquables et à son indéfectible dévouement aux objectifs de l'Organisation,

Exprime à Monsieur Roy I. Jackson sa profonde reconnaissance pour la contribution permanente qu'il a apportée aux travaux de la FAO ainsi que ses voeux chaleureux de santé et bonheur pour l'avenir.

LE PRESIDENT: Je me demande si vous êtes d'accord pour approuver ce projet de résolution par acclamations.

Le projet de résolution est adopté par acclamation.

J. A. BAKER (United States of America): This is not an explanation of vote but a statement to add to your very appropriate Resolution, a very welcome and very well-deserved tribute which has been paid to Roy Jackson by the Director-General.

Roy has dedicated a substantial part of his professional career to the FAO. He came to the Organization bringing a wealth of experience and expertise in this field, and he soon expanded this accross the whole range of the activities of FAO as he rose in the Organization to become Deputy Director-General.

I, as a new arrival at the FAO, was particularly impressed and delighted with the manner in which Roy Jackson helped me to understand the Organization and to start my efforts to work with this Organization in pursuit of its objectives.

I know that with his good judgment and his unfailing sense of humour, which we need in a body of this kind, he has provided good counsel and good advice to many of us. I would like to join in wishing him every success and every happiness for himself and his wife as he moves on from this most significant and fruitful stage of his career.

F. J. SPECKS. (Federal Republic of Germany) (interpretation from German): On behalf of the Member Countries of the European Economic Community I would like to associate myself with the previous speakers and I would like to express to Mr. Jackson our gratitude for the activities which he has carried out in this Organization over many years. We have the deepest appreciation for all he has done, and we have always admired his judgment and objectivity. Also we always enjoyed his sense of humour. We appreciate all that he has done and we regret greatly that he is leaving the Organization now, but of course this is what always happens in the life of people in leading positions, the time comes when they lay down their burden. We would like to wish him and his wife the greatest happiness in the future and we do hope that we will meet again now and then.

E. HRAOUI (Lebanon) (interpretation from Arabic): I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to Mr. Jackson and to thank him on behalf of my country for all that he did when he held these important positions in FAO. We wish him good health and happiness in his retirement.

A. F. CHOWDHURY (Bangladesh): We also join to offer our heartfelt thanks and felicitations to Mr. Roy Jackson on this day. We heard the Director-General pay the highest tributes to one who acted as h, is Deputy during the first two years of his tenure as Director-General of this Organization. We note the Resolution that Mr. Roy Jackson was the first Assistant Director-General officially of this Organization. He brought with him experience and expertise in the field of fisheries from which all Member Nations of this Organization, and particularly the developing countries, have benefited. Today is the day to say goodbye. It is very hard to say goodbye to anybody, but particularly to one who has contributed so much to the success of this Organization but, as we know, go you must and we must one day. So today is the day when Roy Jackson, after so much success in this Organization, must go. But he is going from this Organization with flying colours. We from the delegation of Bangladesh wish him godspeed, happiness and health. We also pay our compliments to Mrs. Jackson.

I. MOSKOVITS (Malta): After the speech of the Director-General many of my colleagues spoke about the great merits of Mr. Jackson in the service of this Organization. I would like to speak as perhaps one of his oldest colleagues, first as a staff member and then as permanent representative to FAO. I do not need to emphasize and stress his great merits in the Organization. Rather I should like to put the accent on his friendship, on his very friendly nature and how kind he was to everybody. We regret very much that he is leaving the Organization. We wish happiness to him and to his charming wife who was always at his side to help him.

J. ROSA (Tchécoslovaquie): Au nom de ma délégation et de plusieurs délégations des pays socialistes amis, nous aussi nous voudrions présenter nos meilleurs voeux à M. et Mme R. I. JACKSON et remercier M. R. I. JACKSON pour ses longues années de travail dévouées au but humanitaire de cette importante Organisation de la famille des Nations Unies.

O. LUCO E. (Chile): La delegación de Chile se adhiere a lo dicho por las otras delegaciones que han hecho uso de la palabra para manifestar su agradecimiento al Sr. Jackson por la eficiente y abnegada labor que ha prestado a esta Organización.

Asimismo mi delegación desea para el Sr. Jackson y para su esposa un futuro colmado de prosperidad y felicidad.

S. ESSIMANGANE (Gabon): Je voudrais, au nom des pays de l'Afrique, et aussi au nom de la délégation gabonaise, ajouter à toutes les bonnes paroles qui ont été adressées à M. R. I. JACKSON au moment où, après de louables services rendus à l'Organisation, il doit aujourd'hui nous quitter et nous lui assurons qu'il laisse des amis dans le groupe africain en récompense des relations qu'il a su établir et entretenir dans l'exercice des activités qu'il a pu mener au sein de notre Organisation. Nous lui souhaitons, à lui et à son épouse, une agréable retraite et pensons qu'il continuera à coopérer et à nous aider dans notre tâche au sein de l'Organisation.

B. MANSURI (Iran): On behalf of the Government of Iran I would like to thank Mr. Jackson and express our deep appreciation for his hard work and sincere dedication to the work of FAO. I would like to tell Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, through you, Mr. Chairman, that wherever they will be God will be with them, and our best wishes go with them.

U. TINT HLAING (Burma): I would like to pay tribute to Mr. Roy Jackson for rendering his untiring services to this Organization. He has always given me the inspiration to be present at this Conference and to participate in all the technical fishery committees during the past sessions. I find in him a very pleasant personality and I find him a very friendly fishery officer of this Organization. I would like to pay tribute by wishing him every success and health and prosperity, together with a happy life with his wife.

M. EL-DALATI (Syria) (interpretation from Arabic): On this occasion all I can do is to join with previous speakers in thanking Mr. Jackson for the services which he has rendered the Organization and for the way he has cooperated with all Member Countries of the Organization to achieve its objectives. On behalf of my delegation I would like to express my great gratitude to Mr. Jackson and say how sorry I am to see him leave the Organization. Finally, I wish him every happiness in the future.

G. VASTA (Observateur de l'OCDE): Je voudrais aussi au nom des pays de l'OCDE, remercier M. Jackson pour la collaboration qu'il a apportée à notre Organisation pendant les années de son travail à la FAO. Je suis heureux, en ces circonstances, d'entendre des mots comme ''chaleur humaine''. ''humour'', ''nature très amicale'' qui ont été prononcés par le Directeur général et par d'autres délégations présentes. Ce sont des dons si rares aujourd'hui, ceux de M. Jackson! Je désire au nom de l'Organisation que j'ai l'honneur de représenter ici, lui présenter nos remerciements, nos meilleurs voeux, et souhaiter qu'il soit toujours dans sa retraite, accompagné de notre souvenir de gratitude et d'amitié.

A. LOCHEN (Norway): Even though Roy Jackson is a US citizen, we in the northern countries of Europe consider him as one of us because of his ancestry: his ancestors came from our part of the world and we, like the United States, have been prodd of the work he has done for FAO. I would like to thank him for his dedication and contribution. We wish for him and his wife happiness in the years to come.

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R. I. JACKSON (Deputy Director-General), Mr. Chairman, thank you for giving me the right of reply. May I first of all express appreciation to all those of my friends in the governments represented here today, to my colleagues with whom I have worked with such pleasure for so many years, and, most of all, to the Director-General for his kind words and for his friendship and cooperation in these two years during which we have been closely associated.

This is - if you will spare me a moment - a time of some retrospection. In my fourteen years with FAO, this is my seventh Conference. There were 106 Member Nations when I came in 1964; there are 144 today. I looked up the budget of that biennium this morning and I found that it was less than $39 million; that the field programme at that time amounted to approximately $12 million a year as contrasted with more than $200 million a year today.

I am happy and privileged to have been part of that growth and of that development. Mr. Director-General, however, I do hope that tomorrow you will have somewhat more success in getting your budget approved than they did twelve years ago, and I am sure you will because the indications of support are clear.

I have noted also that over the years I have been with this Organization, almost one billion more people are now on earth than when my work here began. For that reason alone the problems we all face have greatly increased. But I believe, Mr. Chairman, that there is more sensitivity now to basic human needs, more awareness of the acute problem of poverty which lies behind the difficulties of so many people, more awareness of the right to food which is as fundamental as to the right to life itself. I believe that FAO is moving strongly and in a dynamic way under new leadership in the right direction. I am proud to have been associated with this period, proud of having worked with so many outstanding colleagues from so many countries. And I have seen with great pleasure that the things which unite us in this Organization are much more important than the factors - superficial for the most part -which divide us.

As for my own future, I want to continue working. My wife, who is modestly sitting in the back of the Plenary Hall, says that she married me for better or for worse, but not for lunch! So, I shall return to fisheries. I shall try to keep my lifelong association with international development activities. And I hope to continue some form of association with the United Nations system as a whole and with all of its objectives.

I thank you once again for all that you have brought to our lives. And, finally - if I may address a personal word to you, Ambassador Borin - I am delighted that you are in the Chair today because, through you, my family and I would like to express to Italy our gratitude, our affection and our esteem for your country, for its beauty, for its warmth and for the life we have enjoyed here.


LE PRESIDENT: Permettez-moi d'ajouter quelques mots, parce que, comme délégué de l'Italie, j'ai eu des rapports suivis et très fréquents avec M. Jackson. J'ai admiré en lui le fonctionnaire international de haute qualité. J'ai admiré son équilibre, sa cordialité dans les rapports; il a toujours été un homme de bon conseil pour moi. Je regrette beaucoup de le voir partir, parce que, si un grand fonctionnaire de haute qualité quitte l'Organisation, je perds aussi en même temps un ami, un ami dont j'ai admiré les qualités humaines, la cordialité, l'amitié, l'esprit d'amitié, la loyauté. C'est pour cela que je le vois partir avec un grand regret et que je ne lui dis pas adieu mais au revoir, à très bientôt en Italie encore et meilleurs souhaits pour lui, sa retraite et pour Mme Jackson.

Après les déclarations des délégations que nous venons d'entendre, je considère le projet de Résolution que vous avez entendu comme adopté à l'unanimité par acclamations. Il figurera donc â notre rapport final.

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LE PRESIDENT: Nous passons maintenant au deuxième point de notre rapport de ce matin, c'est-à-dire l'adoption du projet de rapport de la Pléniè. re qui figure au document C 77/REP/3.

Comme vous le savez, il nous reste très peu de temps avant la fin de cette Conference. Je me permettrai donc de rappeler ce que le President nous avait dit lundi matin, à savoir que les rapports de nos trois Commissions ont déjà été adoptés au sein des Commissions elles-mêmes, qui, comme vous le savez, sont des organes pléniers: le fonds et la forme en ont donc été déjà longuement discutés, et il ne nous appartient pas ici de rouvrir le débat.

Je procédrai donc section par section de ce document pour leur approbation formelle, et je vous demanderai de ne pas soulever de questions de fond. S'il y a désaccord sur un point quelconque, nous voterons à main levée. Les délégations qui objecteraient à l'une ou l'autre section de ce Rapport peuvent demander que leur objection figure au Procès-verbal et également si elles le désirent, au Rapport même.

Toute correction de style devra être remise au Secrétaire général et je l'examinerai avec lui, étant entendu que sont seuls recevables les amendements de pure forme pour des questions linguistiques.

Je suis certain qu'après nos débats exhaustifs en Commission, nous n'aurons pas à voter ici. Si tel était le cas toutefois, nous passerions au vote tout d'abord sur le texte présenté par la Commission, et ce à main levée. Il n'y aura de vote par appel nominal que sur demande expresse d'une délégation, ou, bien entendu, le cas où une majorité des deux tiers est requise.

Pour gagner du temps, je prie instamment les délégations qui voudraient donner des explications de vote, de les faire insérer au Procès-verbal.

Paragraphs' 1 to 29 approved
Les paragraphes 1 "a"29 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 29 son aprobados

Paragraph 30 including Resolution adopted
Le paragraphe 30 y compris la résolution est adopté
El párrafo 30 incluida la Resolución aprobado

Paragraph 31 approved
Le paragraphe 31 approuνé
El párrafo 31 aprobado

laragragh 32 approved
Le paragraphe 32 est approuvé
El párrafo 32 es aprobado

Draft Report of Plenary - Part 3, was adopted
Le projet de rapport de la plénière, troisième partie, est adopté
El proyecto de informe de la Ρlenaría - Parte 3, es aprobado



- 483-

LE PRESIDENT: Je me permets de vous rappeler que nous avons dans ce texte plusieurs résolutions et que nous devons voter à la majorité des deux tiers les amendements aux Actes constitutif et fondamentaux de l'Organisation.

Le paragraphe 4 prévoit le projet de résolution que nous allons maintenant voter à la majorité des deux tiers par appel nominal. Le premier pays est la Jamaïque. Je prie le Secrétaire, général · adjoint de commencer la lecture des noms des pays.




- 484-

Après lecture des résultats du vote sur le projet de résolution relatif à la durée du mandat du Directeur général, nous pouvons considérer ce projet de résolution comme adopté à l'unanimité. Je propose donc que le paragraphe 4 du rapport soit amendé et libellé comme suit:

''La Conférence adopte à l'unanimité la résolution suivante recommandée par le Conseil''.

Paragraphs 1 to 3 approved
Les päragraphes 1 a 3 sont approuvés
Lös párrafos 1 a 3 son aprobados

Paragraph 4 including Resolution adopted
Le paragraphe 4 y compris la résolution est adopté
El parrâfo 4 incluida la Resolución aprobado



Paragraphs 5 and 6 approved
Les paragraphes 5 et 6 sont approuves
Los párrafos 5 y 6 son aprobados

Paragraph 7, including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 7, y compris la résolution, est adopté
El párrafo 7, incluida la Resolución, aprobado





- 486-

Paragraph 8 approved
Le paragraphe 8 est approuve
El párrafo 8 es aprobado

Paragraph 9, including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 9, y compris la résolution, est adopte
Ël parrafo 9, incluida la, Resolución, aprobado

Paragraph 10 approved
Le paragraphe 10 est approuvé
El párrafo 10 es aprobado





Paragraphs 11 to 27 approved
Les paragraphes 11 a 20 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 11 20 son aprobados

Paragraph 21, including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 21, y compris la resolution est adopté
El párrafo 21, incluida la Resolución, aprobado


Paragraphs 22 to 27 approved
Les paragraphes 22 ä 27 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 22 a 27 son aprobados

Paragraph 28, including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 28, y compris la resolution, est adopté
El párrafo 28, incluida la Resolución, aprobado

Paragraph 29 approved
Le paragraphe 29 est approuvé
El párrafo 29 es aprobado

Paragraph 30, including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 30, y compris la résolution, est adopté
El párrafo 30, incluida la Resolución, aprobado

Paragraphs 31 and 32 approved
Les paragraphes 31 et 32 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 31 y 32 son aprobados

Paragraph 33, including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 33, y compris la résolution, est adopté
El párrafo 33, incluida la Resolución, aprobado

Paragraph 34 approved
Le paragraphe 34 est approuvé
El párrafo 34 es aprobado

Draft Report of Plenary - Part 4, was adopted
Projet de rapport de la planiere, quatrième partie, est adoptee
El proyecto de informe de la Plenaria - Parte 4, es aprobado

CHAIRMAN: I now give the floor to the observer for the Patriotic Front of Zimbabwe.

DR. N. SHANUYARIRA (Observer for the Patriotic Front of Zimbabwe): Mr. Chairman, Director-General and distinguished delegates, I would like to bring to your attention the grave situation that has developed in Mozambique in the last three days when the armed forces of the Ian Smith regime in Rhodesia have crossed the border to attack the camps of the Zimbabwe African National Union. Distinguished delegates will remember that on 8 August 1976 the Rhodesiah armed forces again attacked a refugee camp at Nyadzonya in Mozambique, killing 800 people and wounding and maiming thousands of others; some were permanently disabled. They killed everyone in sight, men, women, children and patients.

After the Rhodesians had finished their wanton murder of our people on that occasion, they drove through Mozambique destroying bridges and shotting at random Mozambiquan civilians who were going to Church. The dead at Nyadzonya were buried in two mass graves. Since Nyadzonya, however, using the superior air power the enemy has got, Rhodesians have made four major attacks on our camps and settlements in Mozambique and"they have napalmed children and crops. The atrocities they have committed in Mozambique were recounted very ably by the Mozambiquan Government before the special session of the Security

- 488-

Council of the United Nations which was called in June this year. On that occasion, the Security Council called on all Member States of the United Nations to support financially and materially the Government of Mozambique and the front-line States of Tanzania, Zambia, Botswana and Angola. The Patriotic Front would like on this occasion to underline that the Government of Mozambique, which is bearing the major brunt of this war, needs your assistance as much as we do. As the papers and the news agencies have reported today, a major attack was mounted against four of our camps in Mozambique over the week-end. It is the biggest military operation the Rhodesians have ever mounted across the Mozambique border. It was conducted by 90 troop-carriers, and thirty helicopters. Taking advantage of the Anglo-American proposals they have attacked four of our camps using air and ground forces which penetrated one hundred miles into the People's Republic of Mozambique. I have been informed by our office in Dar-Es-Salaam this morning that more than one thousand people have been killed and buried in mass graves, including children, who were attending school and patients who were in clinics. It has been reported in the press that an ambulance was stopped, the patients in it dragged out and shot, and the ambulance itself set on fire. The Dar-Es-Salaam office says that bodies are still being recovered in the forests near Chimólo as well as in Tembue but about a thousand people have now managed to reach hospitals and clinics in Mozambique, and others are still trying to do so. More information is still coming in.

Mr. Chairman, this is a very grave and serious situation. I had not intended to speak; I arrived at this Conference late and I indicated to the Secretary-General of. the Conference that I had no intention to speak, but this morning I had to ask for the floor because of this very grave and serious situation, and I am very glad that the organizers have given me this short time to speak. Essentially I would like to make an appeal to this Conference for urgent humanitarian and material aid to relieve suffering and distress.

We have been making serious efforts to make our communities in Mozambique self-sufficient. We have about 100, 000 Zimbabweans in Mozambique as refugees, dependents, children and non-combatants. This year we had ploughed several hectares of land which were ready for planting. We will need more seeds fertilizers and tools to continue the planting already planned. We have also established a minimum welfare services, clinics and schools, some of which have also been destroyed in this raid. All these programmes have now been disrupted by the raid.

We now need large material and humanitarian aid urgently. The Patriotic Front appeals to FAO through the Director-General for emergency aid of food, clothing and medicines for the survivors; Land Rovers, trucks and ambulances; and emergency seeds, fertilizers and farming tools. We need seeds, fertilizers and farm implements to replace those that have been destroyed and to begin the process of planting afresh in the fields that have already been prepared. We appeal to the World Food Programme to expedite the requests that have already been made by the Patriotic Front but held up by technical problems. The enemy attacked our whole people irrespective of their being refugees, children, patients, non-combatants, etc. Because of the known ferocity of the enemy we had few combatants guarding refugee camps. They were attacked and some of them killed together with refugees, children, and non-combatants. In this situation, a distinction between combatants and non combatants appears artificial and in any case immaterial. A FAO mission has just visited us and identified our immediate and long-term needs and problems and we now believe that the implementation of the food production programme contained in their observations should be treated as a matter of extreme urgency.

We appeal to the governments of the Scandinavian countries and Holland which have assisted us with inance and humanitarian materials in the past, to redouble their efforts and increase their much needed id to the Patriotic Front. We appeal to all members of FAO to provide us material and financial aid n humanitarian grounds. We appeal to the members of the Organization for African Unity and especially o frontline States to increase their material and diplomatic support for our cause. We have suffered a ajor set-back, but that has come about not because we are weak but because we are increasing our military trength within Zimbabwe. Claarly this action has killed what was left of the so-called Anglo-American roposals for a peaceful settlement of the Zimbabwe situation. On all occasions we have initiatedpeaceful discussions, Ian Smith has used those occasions to strengthen his regime militarily and iplomatically. You will remember that when we attended the Geneva Conference in November-December 1976 e again attacked our camps and now that we are again engaged in discussing the Anglo-American proposals, which our leaders took very seriously, Ian Smith has again taken that opportunity to attack our camps. his is ample evidence that our analysis of the insincerity of Ian Smith and the ferocity of the enemyhas been correct and we therefore call upon the OAU States and the frontline States in particular to ack us in the intensification of the armed struggle because Ian Smith, we are convinced, will not ettle peacefully with the Africans. The only way to bring about independence and peace to Zimbabwe is to upport the course charted by the Patriotic Front.

Finally, I should repeat that we are appealing from a position of strength. We have liberated several large areas of our countryside and we have started activity in urban areas. It is this intensification of the war inside Zimbabwe that has wounded the enemy to the extent of now attacking our bases across the border. It must be clear also that independence cannot be had in Zimbabwe as long as the security

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forces of Ian Smith which are attacking our people so viciously are still in existence. The analysis of Mr. R. G. Mugabe and Mr. J. M. Nkomo, co-leaders of the Patriotic Front of Zimbabwe, that the security forces of Ian Smith will have to be disbanded before there is true and genuine independence, has now been vindicated beyond all shadow of doubt.

I am grateful to you, Mr. Chairman, for giving me a chance to speak.

LÉ PRESIDENTE: Avec la déclaration de l'Observateur du Front Patrotique du Zimbabwe se termine notre séance de ce matin.

The meeting rose at 12. 40 hours
La séance est levée à 12 h 40
Se levanta la sesión a lâs 12. 40 horas

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