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EL PRESIDENTE: Vamos a continuar con el documento C 79/REP/5. Está ya con nosotros, en la Mesa, el Presidente de la Comisión II, y también se les ha distribuido dos suplementos; el Sub. l, que es un Apéndice con la relación de las cuotas correspondientes del año 80-81, y un segundo Sup. 2, que es el que esta mañana nos faltaba y que se corresponde con la Resolución de las consignaciones presupuestarias para el período 80-81.

Paragraphs 1 to 6 approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 6 sont approuv
Los párrafos 1 a 6 son aprobados

Paragraphs 7 to 8 approved
Les paragraphes 7 à 8 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 7 a 8 son aprobados

Paragraphs 9 to 10 approved
Les paragraphes 9 à 10 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 9 a 10 son aprobados

Paragraph 11 approved
Le paragraphe 11 est approuvé
El párrafo 11 es aprobado

Paragraphs 12 to 16 approved
Les paragraphes 12 à 16 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 12 a 16 son aprobados

Paragraphs 17 to 19 approved
Les paragraphes 17 a 19 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 17 a 19 son aprobados


EL PRESIDENTE: Debemos proceder a la votación nominal correspondiente a la Resolución del párrafo 20 que les ha sido distribuida y cuyo número es el mismo que el del documento, pero con la adición del suplemento 2.

E. KANAAN (Personnel de la FAO): Je vais procéder à l'appel nominal et chaque délégation répondra par oui ou par non.

A. ECHEVERRIA ZUNO (México): Como es muy conocido de esta Conferencia por los casos que ha habido en el pasado, México se sabe que por virtud de la Legislación Mexicana, es solamente el Congreso de nuestra Federación el único autorizado para aprobar estos compromisos. Sólo y exclusivamente por esta razón, en este caso porque nuestro Congreso sesionará en fechas futuras y no ha considerado esto, México se abstiene.

EL PRESIDENTE: Agradezco a la representación de Mexico su explicación, pero quisierallamar la atención de los señores delegados en el sentido de que vamos a proceder ahora a la votación, ysin perjuicio de ello, no hay inconveniente alguno para que se expongan más tarde las explicaciones devoto.




I. MOSKOVITS (Malta): I think I was not called. Anyway I would like to vote with yes.

EL PRESIDENTE: Señoras y señores delegados: Como sabenesta Resolución debe ser aprobada por dos tercios, lo cual significa que debiéramos tener más de 64 votos afirmativos. El resultado de la votación es de 96 votos a favor y 6 abstenciones. Queda pues superada la mayoría que se precisa.

Por 96 votos a favor y 6 abstenciones queda aprobada esta Resolución con su Apéndice correspondiente.

Paragraph 20 including Resolution (C 79/REP/5-Sup. 2), adopted
Le paragraphe 20 y compris la résolution (C 79/REP/5-Sup. 2), est adopté
El párrafo 20 incluida la Resolución (C 79/REP/5-Sup. 2), es aprobado

Paragraphs 21 to 23 approved
Les paragraphes 21 à 23 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 21 a 23 son aprobados

Paragraphs 24 to 95 approved
Les paragraphes 24 à 95 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 24 a 95 son aprobados

Paragraphs 96 to 116 approved
Les paragraphes 96 à 116 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 96 a 116 son aprobados

PARAGRAPHS 117 to 120
PARRAFOS 117 a 120

C. O. KELLER SARMIENTO (Argentina): Veo en el párrafo 117 que la Conferencia reconoció la utilidad y la eficacia del Programa de Cooperación Técnica. Creo que la Conferencia ratificó la utilidad y la eficacia del Programa de Cooperación Técnica.

EL PRESIDENTE: Tengo entonces que preguntar al Presidente de la Comisión II si ha habido aquí algún error en la trascripción, y si la palabra es reconoció, o ratificó, que sugiere el delegado de Argentina.

M. S. SWAMINATHAN (Chairman, Commission II): Thank you, but we only adopted the wording here; "agreed" should be changed to "ratified", and it was up to the delegates to decide. Commission II approved the draft as given here.

EL PRESIDENTE: Señor delegado de Argentina; parece que el texto inicial en la forma en que nos viene de la Comisión II, está bien expresado con el término "reconoció". ¿Le plantea alguna preocupación? Ninguna. Muchas gracias a la delegación de Argentina por su comprensión. Si no hay entonces ninguna otra observación, damos pues por aprobado el Capítulo 4, en sus párrafos 117 a 120.

Paragraphs 117 to 120 approved
Les paragraphes 117 à 120 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 117 a 120 son aprobados

Paragraphs 121 to 126 approved
Les paragraphes 121 à 126 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 121 a 126 son aprobados

Paragraphs 127 to 128 approved
Les paragraphes 127 à 128 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 127 a 128 son aprobados

Paragraph 129 approved
Le paragraphe 129 est approuvé
El párrafo 129 es aprobado

C 79/REP/5-Sup. l (Statement showing the Computation of Contributions for 1980 and 1981) approved
C 79/REP/5-Sup. l (Calcul des contributions dues pour 1980 et 1981) est approuve
C 79/REP/5-Sup. l (Relación de las cuotas correspondientes a 1980 y 1981) es aprobado

Draft Report of Plenary-Part 5, was adopted
Le projet de rapport de la pléniere,partie 5, est adopte
El proyecto de informe de la Plenaria-Parte 5, es aprobado

F. J. SPECKS (Germany, Fed. Republic of) (Interpretation from German): My delegation wishes to give the following declaration on voting; our abstention is based on the world-wide slow down of economic development. This means that the actual increase of budgets of international organizations should be kept within the same limits as those of national budgets. In taking this position the Federal Republic of Germany is in line with other major contributors to FAO. The Organization has been aware of this fact for a long time. However, this is something I wish to stress, we support the FAO Programme of Work and have full confidence in the Director-General.

R. W. WOOTTON (United Kingdom): The United Kingdom is on record at this Conference as having a high regard for FAO's work but we have also had to explain our difficulties regarding our public expenditure programmes at the present time, which has meant that my Government is having to forego growth in its programmes. This is why we have had to abstain on the budget today.

R. SORENSON (United States of America): The reasons for the United States' abstention were explained in detail in earlier meetings of the Programme Committee and Commission II and there is no need to repeat them here. I would only say that we are not unmindful of the not inconsiderable efforts of the Director-General in fact to strike a balance between conflicting pressures that were upon him. The United States and FAO share a fundamental interest in goals. We will look upon FAO to play an international role in the agricultural sector in the years ahead.

T. GLASER (Suisse): En votant pour le budget, la delegation suisse entend témoigner son appréciation au/Directeur général qui a su réaliser un compromis acceptable compte tenu, d'une part, des circonstances économiques actuelles et, d'autre part, des immenses tâches incombant à la FAO. Elle estime cependant que le taux de croissance retenu pour le biennium 1980-81 doit rester une exception et fait confiance au Directeur général pour qu'il poursuive ses efforts en vue de stabiliser le budget ordinaire de la FAO.

Cela dit, je dois encore déclarer à la Conférence que l'intervention du Directeur général à propos de la Suisse, hier soir, en Commission II, est inacceptable pour ma délégation. Il n'appartient pas au Directeur général de donner des qualifications désobligeantes aux représentants d'un Etat Membre.

I. TAKI (Japan): I would like to make a short comment on the vote on the Programme of Work and Budget taken by the Japanese delegation. It can be said we are in broad agreement with the Programme of Work and Budget. However, since the world economic situation is becoming more and more gloomy and due to the fact that Japan actually faces serious financial difficulties we cannot help but express deep concern over the general trend of increase in the level of the FAO budget. It is therefore the sincere wish of the Japanese Government that the Organization will make further effort to strengthen its tight control on the budget for the years to come. However, I would like to inform you that the Japanese Government, having full confidence in the excellent leadership of Dr. Saouma, will continue its efforts to cooperate with the FAO in order to accomplish its important objectives.

A. RENAUD (Canada): Le Canada s'est abstenu de voter sur le budget pour les raisons qui ont été expliquées par notre Ministre fédéral de 1 agriculture lors de sa présentation, et ce n'est pas à moi d'en faire les commentaires. Je voudrais quand même endosser les remarques qui ont été faites par mon collègues de 1 Allemagne et d'autres encore, au sujet de l'approbation que nous donnons au Programme de travail de la FAO, et comment le Canada, pays agricole entre autres, est certainement d'accord sur les buts de la FAO. Nous apprécions également les efforts que le Directeur général a faits pour maintenir la croissance du budget le plus possible autour du zero, et apprécions également ses efforts pour donner une impulsion vraiment dynamique au Programme.

J. S. CAMARA (Guinée): Nous voulons tout d'abord confirmer ce que nous venons d'entendre, à savoir que les intervenants apprécient les efforts du Directeur général, et comme l'a dit l'orateur qui m'a précédé, l'impulsion dynamique qu'il a donnée à cette Organisation.

Nous lui renouvelons entièrement notre confiance, mais, Monsieur le Président, si ma délégation a demandé à intervenir pour expliquer son vote sur le budget c'est que nous avons été surpris de constater autant d'abstentions sur un budget bien que beaucoup de délégations aient salué les efforts faits par le Directeur général pour maintenir ce budget dans les limites tenant compte de la situation économique mondiale actuelle. Ma délégation doit exprimer sa surprise et son inquiétude face à ces abstentions.

Nous approuvons son programme, nous approuvons le travail de la FAO; nous ne reculons pas devant les efforts que nous devons faire pour permettre au Directeur général et à l'Organisation d'accomplir les tâches que nous lui confions. Ces sacrifices ne sont pas unilatéraux car nous aussi nous contribuons aux activités de l'Organisation. Les difficultés qu'éprouvent ceux qui sont mieux nantis que nous sont minimes par rapport aux nôtres, car nous appartenons au monde qui, pendant des siècles, a été exploité. Ce n'est pas une raison de s'abstenir, parce que la croissance du budget doit rester à zéro, ou parce qu'ils éprouvent des difficultés. Je pense que le budget que nous a présenté le Directeur général aurait pu recueillir l'unanimité. J'ai tenu, au nom de ma délégation et de mon gouvernement, à exprimer mon inquiétude et ma surprise, tout en renouvelant, de toute façon, la confiance de mon pays au Directeur général et en saluant ses efforts en vue d'obtenir l'unanimité sur son budget. Cela n'a pas été et je tiens à manifester ici la préoccupation de mon gouvernement face à ces abstentions, car si cela devait continuer nous nous demanderions vers quelle tendance nous allons. Comme ces pays ont manifesté qu'ils coopéraient avec le Directeur général, nous pensons que malgré leur abstention ils apporteront leur concours au Directeur général et au Secrétariat qui s'efforcent de venir en aide aux pays qui en ont le plus besoin aujourd'hui.

EL PRESIDENTE: Algunos otros países me han hecho la indicación de que deseaban intervenir. Tengo, en este momento cerrada la lista y ruego por la buena marcha de los debates que no se amplíe la lista de oradores cada minuto porque si no esto nos podría llevar a consumir toda la tarde de hoy en explicaciones de voto.

Las peticiones de palabra que quedan en este momento corresponden a tres Estados Miembros, a los cuales les iré dando la palabra sucesivamente.

Tiene la palabra la representación de México.

A. ECHEVERRIA ZUNO (México): Nuestra intervención es en atención a la observación que Ud. , Señor Presidente, nos hizo mientras corría la votación y pedimos una disculpa por haberle interrumpido.

Insistentemente nuestra delegación ha venido expresando sus fincados temores de que la FAO se vea dentro de dos años con una capacidad real y operativa menor que la que tiene en la actualidad y que sus potencialidades para atender las demandas de asistencia se reduzcan relativamente.

También hemos dicho que el presupuesto que se nos ha presentado lo hemos considerado como el mínimo vital y que nosotros quedamos profundamente sorprendidos por el incremento tan pequeño como el que se nos sugirió.

México se abstuvo porque tenemos un reglamento legislativo en el que queda claramente establecido que es el Congreso de la Federación la única entidad capaz de emprender un compromiso como el que nos correspondería. El Congreso de mi país está en sesiones y este punto de la Agenda se considerará en unas

cuantas semanas. El Ejecutivo de mi país no observa ningún problema, absolutamente ningún problema, pero es disciplinado con sus propias normas y legislación, por lo que puedo asegurarle, señor Presidente, que cumpliremos puntualmente, como siempre, con nuestros compromisos.

México es bien solidario con la FAO, con su Director General actual y sabrá cumplir con su papel a través de la FAO para el establecimiento del Nuevo Orden Economico Internacional. Sólo y exclusivamente por esas razones México se ha abstenido.

RAMADHAR (Chairman, Group of 77): I am speaking on behalf of the developing countries, the Group of 77.

As you see, Mr. Chairman, there was a remarkable and complete consensus on the strategies, priorities and programmes outlined in the budget for the next biennium. There was also complete and unequivocal support for the orientation which the Director-General has given by making the programmes more action-oriented and more relevant to the needs and requirements of the developing nations. With this kind of unanimity and consensus it should have been logical that the budget should have been unanimously approved by this Organization.

It was surprising to us that six countries decided to abstain. We do not question the rights of any Member Nation to adopt a certain course of action on any issue. However, we believe that even these countries wich have abstained have the same concern for the eradication of hunger and malnutrition as any other country. The problems of inflation affect the developing countries more than the devel-opped countries. The abstention of these countries, therefore, despite such a unanimous consensus on the strategies and priorities, is not understandable.

C. BATAULT (France): Le vote positif de la France sur le niveau du budget de la FAO ne constitue en aucune maniere un précédent pour l'avenir, ni pour l'ensemble du système des Nations Unies. Il doit être considéré oomme un symbole de l'importance que nous attachons à la lutte contre la faim dans le monde, comme l'a tout récemment souligné notre Ministre des Affaires étrangères, M. Jean-François Poncet, devant la tribune des Nations Unies. Ce vote constitue également un hommage rendu à l'oeuvre qu'accomplissent le Directeur général et ses collaborateurs pour rendre l'Organisation aussi efficace et opérationnelle que possible. comme l'a souligné, dans son discours, le ohef de notre délégation.

Toutefois, Monsieur le Président, la France souhaiterait que l'Organisation tienne, pour l'avenir, non seulement compte des observations que nous avons faites en Commission, tendant en particulier à un accent mis davantage sur la production vivriere, mais aussi souhaiterions-nous voir la FAO s'orienter, à l'avenir, vers l'utilisation dans l'agriculture des énergies et des technologies agricoles nouvelles. Comme en avait parlé, dans son discours de Stockholm, le Directeur général, cette utilisation des énergies et des techniques agricoles nouvelles, qui vient heureusement compléter et non pas se substituer à ce qui existe à l'heure actuelle dans ce domaine. La France est prête à contribuer à cet effort, à faire profiter la FAO, en particulier du résultat de ses recherches, par exemple des travaux qui sont actuellement réalisée aveo succès par les quelque 6000 chercheurs de l'Institut national de recherche agricole, et également des travaux qu'elle a accomplis ces dernières années, également avec succès, dans le domaine de nouvelles ressources énergétiques dans l'agriculture.

Enfin, dans un tout autre ordre d'idées, nous souhaiterions que l'on accorde peut-être un peu plus d'attention aux suggestions et aux propositions, aux idées mises en avant par certains Etats Membres, même s'il ne s'agit pas toujours de proportions orthodoxes.

Dans la situation économique actuelle de la France, ce vote représente pour elle un grand effort. Nous faisons conflance au Directeur Général et à ses collaborateurs pour que cet effort constitue une contribution positive à la lutte contre la fin dans le monde, dans l'avenir.

DIRERCTOR-GENERAL: Μr· Chairman, I should like to say a few words now that you have declared the results of the vote on the Programme of Work and Budget. Although it is my responsibility to propose a programme of work and budget, it is your prerogative to decide whether or not to accept it. She vote on the budget is, in fact, one of the most crucial acts that the Conference has to take. Let me say, therefore, that I am very happy indeed that my proposals have received overwhelming support.

I Would Also Like To Thank The Delegations Who, Although Abstaining, Have Taken This Opportunity To Express Their Support To The Organization And To Its Director-General· There Has Been No Vote Against The Budget, But A Few Countries Have Abstained. I Am Grateful, Nevertheless, For The Explanations They Have Given On Their Stand.

I Am Glad That Switzerland Has Not Abstained Since, The Swiss Franc Having Strengthened By 32 Percent Over The Dollar During The Last Biennium, The Real Increase In Our Budget Is Much Less For That Country Than For Most Others. As A Matter Of Fact, The Programme Increase For Such A Country Is Likely To Be Less Than The Cost Of The Review-In-Depth Which Was Suggested In Connection With Agrarian Reform And Rural Development.

This evening, some delegations have requested me to decrease the budget for the next biennium. however, the same countries who have abstained today had done the same in 1977 and, at that time, their message was also that the budget should go down. in order to take their wishes into account. i reduced the net programme increase from 7. 5 percent in 1978/79 to 5. 6 percent in 1980/81 · but, now, how far should we go in that direction? this will be the hardest question i will have to answer when preparing the programme of work and budget for the next biennium.

Mr. chairman, even though a few countries have abstained, they have made it clear that they share in the unanimous endorsement of the organization's strategies, policies and programmes. their reservations are financial in character, but the countries involved are not among the poorest. the right of every sovereign member nation to play its part in determining the policies, programmes and budgets of the organization must be respected.

I sympathise officially and personally with any member nation which has economic and financial problems. Mr. chairman, the smallest and poorest countries are in fact suffering more than the richer countries from the phenomena of inflation and currency instability. they are harder hit by inflation, and they are not wasting energy on the same scale as the rich countries. their terms of trade with developed countries have deteriorated, since the prices of their imports from developed countries have risen more sharply than the prices of their exports to developed countries. their debt repayment burden is growing.

In this connexion, Mr. chairman, it must be remembered that in accordance with a formula essentially determined by the general assembly, every country, however small, contributes an equivalent amount; that is, the comparative economic and financial sacrifice involved in each contribution is the same as that of any.

I do not want to labour the point, Mr. chairman, since i respect the right of every sovereign member nation to express its views and its wishes, just as i hope that every other member country will also respect my right to express my views. i am happy that all but a few have supported the programme of work and budget, including the budget level. i simply think, Mr. chairman, that it would be happier and healthier for the organization if every member nation could vote in favour of the programme of work and budget. and i would again express the hope that my appeals for increased investments in food and agriculture, through all ohannels, and for voluntary contributions to FAO's action programmes, including trypanosomiasis and exclusive economic zones, and the follow-up of the world conference on agrarian reform and development, will be met with increased voluntary contributions in the next biennium i hope that, in fact, these will come not only from the same small but generous group of existing donors as in the past, but also from others.

In conclusion, Mr. chairman, let me again stress my profound satisfaction that there is such a unique consensus on the rightness and effectiveness of the programmes, policies and priorities which i have proposed in my programme of work and budget for 1980/81 and for the overwhelming support which you have expressed today by your votes. if i may risk sounding immodest, i would say this is an almost unique occurrence in the un system or even within FAO.

In any case, i am proud, on behalf of this organization and on behalf of my staff, that there is such widespread and deep support for all that we are attempting to do to alleviate the crippling hunger, malnutrition and suffering of the urban and rural masses in the Third world, as well as building up the economic and social base for the great increase in food production and rural development which is going to be required in the next twenty years.

Thank you very much.


EL PRESIDENTE: Muchas gracias al señor Director General por sus palabras que compartimos todos los miembros de la Conferencia. Y aprobado este punto, creo que debemos pasar al único documento que nos queda en este momento por someteer a la aprobación de la Plenaria, que es el documento que lleva el número C 79/REP/8.


LE SECRETAIRE GENERAL: Je voudrais signaler qu'au document C 79/REP/8 trois corrigenda ont été distribués, qui sont maintenant à la disposition des délégations. Le corrigendum 1 est seulement en anglais, le corrigendum 2 est en français et le corrigendum 3 en espagnol.

EL PRESIDENTE: Hecha esta declaración por el Secretario General, vamos a pasar al análisis de cada una de las secciones de este documento.

Paragraphs 1 to 29 approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 29 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 29 son aprobados

Paragraphs 30 to 54 approved
Les paragraphes 30 a 54 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 30 a 54 son aprobados

· Paragraph 55, including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 55, y compris la résolution, est adopté
El párrafo 55, incluida la Resolución, es aprobado

Paragraphs 56 to 84 approved
Les paragraphes 56 à 84 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 56 a 84 son aprobados

Paragraphs 85 to 92 approved
Les paragraphes 85 à 92 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 85 a 92 son aprobados

Paragraphs 93 to 99 approved
Les paragraphes 93 à 99 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 93 a 99 son aprobados

Paragraphs 100 to 112 approved
Les paragraphes 100 à 112 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 100 a 112 son aprobados

Paragraph 113, including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 113, y compris la résolution, est adopté
El párrafo 113, incluida la Resolución, es aprobado

Paragraphs 114 to 122 approved
Les paragraphes 114 à 122 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 114 a 122 son aprobados

Paragraph 123, including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 123, y compris la résolution, est adopté
El párrafo 123, incluida la Resolución, es aprobado

Paragraphs 124 to 133 approved
Les paragraphes 124 à 133 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 124 a 133 son aprobados

Paragraph 134, including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 134, y compris la résolution, est adopté
El párrafo 134, incluida la Resolución, es aprobado

Paragraphs 135 to 145 approved
Les paragraphes 135 à 145 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 135 a 145 son aprobados

Paragraphs 146 to 154 approved
Les paragraphes 146 à 154 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 146 a 154 son aprobados

Paragraphs 155 to 157 approved
Les paragraphes 155 à 157 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 155 a 157 son aprobados

Paragraphs 158 to 160 approved
Les paragraphes 158 à 160 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 158 a 160 son aprobados

En tal caso, hemos aprobado el documento C 79/REP/8 en todos sus párrafos, y por consiguiente con las correspondientes Resoluciones que están incluidas en cada uno de los párrafos que hemos ido mencionando, al formular la petición de observaciones si es que había observaciones.

CO. KELLER SARMIENTO (Argentina): Simplemente para confirmar una aclaración interpretativa. En el documento Corrigendum 3 que se acaba de repartir se sustituyen algunos párrafos del texto en español. Como usted no lo menciono, quiero ratificar que los textos que hemos aprobado son tal como figuran en el Corrigendum 3.

EL PRESIDENTE: Si; entiendo que al haberles sido distribuido a todos los señores delegados el Corrigendum 3, los textos que acabamos de aprobar son los originales pero sustituyendo en ellos los párrafos afectados por las correcciones que figuran en el Corrigendum 3, exactamente.

Evidentemente tanto en el texto español como en el inglés o el francés que les ha sido distribuido, naturalmente.

Draft Report of Plenary-Part 8, was adopted

Le projet de rapport de la plénière-partie 8, est adopté

El proyecto de informe de la Plenaria-Parte 8, es aprobado

Payment of Contributions-Nicaragua

Paiement des contributions-Nicaragua

Pago de las cuotas-Nicaragua

EL PRESIDENTE: Quiero hacer una observación. Cuando esta mañana hemos adoptado la segunda parte del Informe de la Plenaria, el documento C 79/REP/2, este documento no incluía la Resolución sobre el pago de cuotas de Nicaragua. Como ustedes recordarán adoptamos una Resolución en tal sentido el día 15 de noviembre, cuando adoptamos el Segundo Informe del Comité General, que era el documento C 79/LIM/15. Quiero decir, por tanto, que en el Informe Final, esta Resolución figurará en el sitio apropiado, e insisto que ha sido un error, por la no inclusion de esta Resolución en el documento distribuido esta mañana.

Señoras y señores delegados. No me queda antes de proceder a la clausura de la Conferencia más que informarles, en primer lugar, de algunos Movimientos de Liberación que están ahora representados en la 20a sesión de la Conferencia de la FAO, y que no habían sido mencionados con anterioridad. Congreso Nacional Africano, Congreso Panafricano, Organización de Pueblos de Africa de Sudoeste, Frente Patrio-tico de Zimbabwe y Union Nacional Africana.

Señoras y señores delegados. Con esto hemos dado fin a las tareas de la 20a Conferencia y antes de clausurar formalmente la Conferencia, voy a conceder la palabra al señor Director General.

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: Mr. Chairman, I should like to say a few words as we come to the end of this Twentieth Session of the FAO Conference.

It is with mixed feelings that I speak of the conclusion of this Session.

On the one hand, after nearly one year of preparation and three weeks of hard work, there is the prospect for all of us of a little repose, time for reflection and renewal of our energies for work in the biennium ahead.

On the other hand, the Conference is the summit of the Organization, the source from which our inspiration, our work and our support flows.

It is also the occasion on which it is my privilege to meet scores of Ministers and Heads of Delegations, to discuss world issues and also development problems in their countries in the field of food and agriculture.

I value these contacts as contributing directly to the very life-blood of this Organization.

They are extremely important to the successful implementation of our policies for concrete action at the country level, for responding to the real needs of member countries as perceived by those who bear the heavy responsibility for their political and economic guidance.

I have therefore, as usual, devoted much time to meetings with Ministers and delegates.

This has inevitably meant that I could spend less time than I would have liked in the debates on various items in the Commissions.

Nevertheless, I have closely followed the proceedings in the Commissions.

I have also had discussions with groups as well as individuals about some of the important matters under discussion.

In doing so, I have not only followed my policy from the beginning of seeking consensus wherever possible.

I have also been inspired by the words which we were greatly privileged to hear from His Holiness Pope John Paul II when he addressed this Conference.

He said that "FAO can pride itself on fulfilling an irreplaceable specialised function within the United Nations family".

He also spoke of undertaking "Joint action which derives from a real convergence between the countries of the world, whatever their economic systems and political structures".

It is of special note that a person no less than His Holiness should say, in the clear and ringing tones for which he has in such a short time achieved worldwide respect, that "The face of hunger becomes even more clearly defined, and concrete action must be taken by the Member Nations and the Organization as a whole… it is the praiseworthy resolve of your Organization to persist in seeking out the best ways and the methods adapted to the concrete conditions in each country, and to make provision for their prudent application".

Albeit with some not unexpected difficulties, with some irritations here and there, but on the whole with cooperation and goodwill, we have made progress in this direction at this Conference.

I do not wish at this hour to detail all the work that you have done, but I think I should mention some major points.

I am, for example, particularly glad that the Conference has further confirmed the wisdom of the acceptance by the Committee on Food Security and the Council of my Five-point Plan for World Food Security.

The Resolution which was adopted on Development Assistance for Food Production and Rural Development provides a platform upon which attempts can be made in the coming biennium to achieve the necessary resource base for advance in food and agricultural development in your countries.

Your discussions on the main lines of our programme for the next biennium have shown us the way forward.

Thus, we know how to go forward on FAO's contribution to the formulation of the New International Development Strategy, on our Study on Agriculture: Toward 2000, and on the Special Programmes I have proposed for the Development and Management of Fisheries in the Exclusive Economic Zones, for the Control of African Animal Trypanosomiasis, and above all on Follow-up of the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development.

In the implementation of our Programmes we shall, of course, be guided by your Reviews of our Medium Term Objectives and of the Regular and Field Programmes, as well as your comments on the Programme of Work and Budget.

In reviewing the work of the Conference, I cannot fail again to stress my satisfaction that although we have dealt with some controversial issues, indeed one or two very controversial issues, we have preserved the tradition and reputation of this Organization for a high level of reasoned and objective debate on substantive issues.

In this connection, I shall not for reasons which will be understood, refer to what was the most controversial issue of all, except to say that I will endeavour as always to the best of my to serve faithfully and objectively the interests of all Member Nations.

There is one decision which you have taken which is highly significant.

Its implementation does not lie primarily with the Bureaucracy.

It does not cost a lot of money.

It calls for the minimum of coordination, if any.

It does not call for painful or harsh choices of development options.

It should disturb none and rejoice all.

I refer to your decision to establish a World Food Day.

It may have been thought of before, but it is surprising that it has taken until now for the proposal to be made and adopted.

Better late than never!

It comes particularly well after the McDougall Memorial Lecture by His Excellency President Kaunda of Zambia.

There have been many outstanding McDougall Memorial Lectures.

I think you would agree, however, that this one by President Kaunda was truly inspirational.

Amid many important and quotable statements he said: "Man, goaded and persecuted by hunger, can never really be free".

And later he said: "The battle ground is not the country of starvation. It is the whole earth, because the result of the defeat of one people has far-reaching consequences for humanity. In this matter of hunger, let humanity see itself as one people ranged against hunger".

It seems to me that the establishment of World Food Day is a fitting form in which this Conference has symbolized its agreement with the appeals made by His Holiness Pope John Paul II and His Excellency President Kaunda.

The Conference could not have achieved these results had it not been for the skills, efficiency and leadership of the Conference officers whom you elected from among yourselves.

We should be and are most grateful to the Chairmen and members of all the Committees-the General, the Credentials, the Resolutions, and the Drafting Committees-who have worked so hard but so well to enable us to complete our work.


Your elected Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the three Commissions and your Rapporteur have not failed the confidence you have placed in them and have carried out their appointed tasks with finesse as well as with distinction.

You, Sir, our Chairman, stand not only in the hierarchy but also in distinction at the pinnacle of the structure of this Conference,

As a Minister of the Government of your country, you have many high responsibilities and concerns.

Yet you graciously accepted the task of being our Chairman and have stayed throughout the Conference in order to rule and guide our debates and to ensure that we complete our tasks successfully.

Kay I say that you have carried out these duties with outstanding aplomb and efficiency.

We have been impressed by your knowledge and wisdom, your good humour and tact, and your gift for impromptu but lucid and elegant speeches, not only in your own beautiful and dignified language but also in other languages.

Mr. Chairman, the 147 Nations which now make up the membership of this Organization have shown by their words and their actions at this Conference how truly great this Organization is and how much human potential exists among all Member Nations to attack the appalling crime against morality and justice that is constituted by widespread hunger in the world today.

The continuing problem is how to mobilise this human potential for improvement.

One of the promising ways that lies ahead is the development of the approach to which you and other speakers, including myself, mentioned at the beginning of the Conference.

I refer to the need to avoid total and blind reliance on high energy-greedy and environment-damaging technology, and to exploit various biological methods which might create the new agricultural revolution of the twenty-first century.

Such an approach would be especially relevant to the fructification of the human potential which exists among the rural masses of the Third World.

We must not, however, delude ourselves by our own rhetoric that the road is short or easy.

It is stony and it is hard.

It will of necessity have detours and crossroads.

There may be cul-de-sacs, involving retracing of our steps.

Together, however, we will find our way forward.

We will be meeting again, firstly in the Regional Conferences to be held in the next few months.

In those Regional Conferences, Ministers will review contacts and will review not only FAO's policies and programmes but also opportunities for cooperation between their countries in regional or bilateral contexts.

I am looking forward greatly to the Conferences, which constitute an important part of our mechanisms for policy making and practical action in the field.

Towards the end of 1980, we will resume our work in the Council.

In this connection, my sympathy as well as my thanks go to those countries which will not be reappearing at the Council on future occasions, and I express my felicitations to the new members who have been elected. I also express my felicitations to Dr. Bukar Shaib, the Independent Chairman of the Council, for his brilliant re-election.

Looking further ahead over the next two years, we will have much to do, and much to report and to discuss at the Twenty-first Conference at the end of 1981.

By then, I hope, the Plenary Hall and the Red Room will have been completely refurnished and redecorated with the primary objective of providing more space and comfort for our increased membership.

You will, I hope, be physically comfortable.

It is, however, already obvious that we will be faced with many problems in these next two years.

With however the support that you have given to the Organization and to me at this Conference, I face the on-coming problems with courage and with confidence that we shall find correct and workable solutions.

The idealist thinks in terms of absolutes, right or wrong. The political leader cannot afford this luxury.

He must proceed in inevitably imperfect stages, since man in an imperfect being.

Nevertheless, political action which is not informed by idealism will not only be imperfect: it will be bereft of standards and thus bereft of lasting benefit.

Idealism much inform our ideas and our action.

Idealism must give us the courage to attempt what may now seem impossible of achievement, since by daring to attempt it, by daring to challenge privilege and conventional wisdom, by daring to step into the unknown, we may yet achieve it.

Let us therefore go forward together in this spirit.

Let us continue to press on with the daily and manifold tasks of development in concrete and practical forms on the ground, in the field.

Let us, however, at the same time never lose the spirit of idealism and faith in international cooperation which characterizes this sovereign Conference of our Member Nations and this great Organization constituted by you.

Mr. Chairman, once again, my thanks.

I wish you all a safe and happy return to your countries and to your families, and a Happy New Year.




EL PRESIDENTE. Gracias señor Director General por sus palabras. Antes de intervenir personalmente para clausurar la Conferencia, quiero preguntar si algún Estado Miembro desea hacer uso de la palabra en este momento, y tras las palabras del Director General.

RAMADHAR (Chairman, Group of 77): Now that the Conference is coming to a close, I would like to compliment you on behalf of the Group of 77 for the able manner in which you guided the proceedings of this Conference. This has fully vindicated the trust and confidence which we reposed in you by electing you to this high office. I would also like to compliment the Vice-Chairmen for the excellent work that they have done.

This Conference marks another milestone in the history of this Organization: the Conference was graced by the presence of His Holiness Pope John Paul II and His Excellency President Kaunda of Zambia. As pointed out by the Director-General just now, the Resolution on World Food Day was a natural culmination of the presence of these two distinguished guests. This Conference has reiterated its full and unequivocal support to the new direction and orientation given to this Organization by making it more action-oriented and responsive to the needs and aspirations of Member Countries. Decentralization at country


level, technical cooperation programmes, TCDC, the Five-Point Plan of Action, the Special Action Programme for EEZ, are some of the important and vital components of this reorientation. The support of the Conference to the follow-up measures suggested by the Director-General for the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development will be a significant boost to the efforts of this Organization to meet the challenges of hunger and malnutrition.

This Conference has shown that the entire international community is committed to realize the objectives of this Organization. What is required is resolute and firm action to put the solemn professions into action. The Conference has also displayed that this Organization in its onward march wants to keep sensitive and volatile issues outside and would not like its course to be deflected by side issues.

I would like to pay a special compliment to the Director-General for the sincere efforts which he made in leading us to an amicable and happy conclusion regarding the Regional Office for the Near East. The perseverance and determination which the Director-General showed exemplifies the unity and integrity of this Organization and it also shows that this is closest to his heart, and that he placed this above everything. The fact that his efforts were crowned with success and were approved by acclamation was a reiteration of the Conference's excellent leadership which he provided.

As we depart to our respective destinations at the conclusion of this Conference, let this Conference give a new urge and drive to us to re-dedicate ourselves to our task in our respective areas of responsibility. The reiteration of confidence in the leadership of the Director-General will no doubt give him encouragement to take the Organization to new heights. In this I am sure all of us are with him.


P. GRIFFIN (Ireland): To the country holding the current Chairmanship of the nine Member States of the 'European Economio Community, some aspects of this responsibility are considerably more agreeable and less onerous than others, and I am happy to say that I am about to discharge one of these functions at the moment. On behalf of the States of the Community I would like to express our very sincere appreciation of the excellent quality of your Chairmanship. At the beginning of this Session you received, I believe, as many congratulations as there were speakers. Now that we have come to the end of the Session, I think it is our turn to congratulate ourselves on our good fortune in having had such an impartial, patient and courteous Chairman. I should like to thank you very sincerely on behalf of Ireland and of other eight Member States for having so effectively guided the Conference to what I sincerely trust time will show to have been a highly successful one.

At this stage, it is my principal objective in speaking now, to express our sincere appreciation of your chairmanship. I would indeed associate myself first of all with the remarks made by the Director-General in regard to the officers of the Conference and the staff of FAO. I think that the Conference has been very well served. This has been my experience. I associate myself with the remarks of India in regard to the Vice-chairmen in particular, and also with his congratulations to the Director-General on his personel achievements, his very special personal achievements during this Conference. I trust that the problems of the next Conference will be lighter and that the general, global aspect will have improved immensely, and that this progress will continue for all future conferences. In the meantime, thank you, Mr. Chairman, once again for being an excellent Chairman.


DATUK ARSHAD BIN AYUB (Malaysia): I am afraid all good things must come to an end and so this afternoon we find ourselves at the end of the Twentieth FAO Conference, perhaps somewhat exhausted but eager to dash off to the airport, but I do sincerely pray that all of us are satisfied that we have done full justice to the agenda items dealing with the critical issues of food and agriculture that were placed before us.

On behalf of the Asian group and on behalf of the Malaysian delegation I would like to express, first of all, our most sincere appreciation to you, our Chairman, the distinguished Minister of Agriculture of Spain, and we would also like to thank your Vice-Chair men, Chairmen of the various Commissions, and the Vice-Chairmen and the Rapporteurs.

Day after day you have listened with careful attention, exquisite courtesy and saintly patience to the bumper harvest of words that we have had here and we are not short or starved of those and from all these conflicting views and even more confusing accents like mine, you have displayed great diplomatic skills in guiding us to a consensus. All of us can now say with the benefit of hindsight how wise we were to elect you unanimously to this high office.

Asia, as all of you know, has the largest concentration of population of the world. One country alone, the People's Republic of China, has over 970 million people, as we heard from the statement of the Chinese delegate. Our land to man ratio is low and the problems of food and agriculture that beset us demand response, demand vision and the capacity to master political will and help forge commonly agreed upon instruments of development needed to enable our people to break out of dehumanizing rural poverty.

The Director-General has, we are pleased to say, given us the dedication, vision and the leadership that these problems call for. For us in Asia the Director-General's initiative in calling for the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development came as a crucial sign. Increasingly we were detecting signs of wavering support for the agrarian reform and rural development. This faltering came at a time when well over 600 million rural dwellers the world over are landless and given current population growth rate the number of these dispossessed people could exceed a billion in over two decades.

WCARRD has, thanks to the Director-General's foresight, reversed this erosion and the endorsement we have given at this Conference should enable us in the months ahead to redeem our pledges to the rural poor.

The other Agenda item, "Agriculture: Towards the Year 2000" the new Comprehensive Programmes for the Fisheries in the Exclusive Economic Zones, under the new régime of the seas; the State of Food and Agriculture and the Plan of Action for Strengthening World Food Security and other related topics have helped us, sometimes under the forced-march pace of evening sessions, to plan together our common strategies in alleviating poverty and easing the hurt, desolation, hopelessness, harshness and pain imposed by hunger.

The Director-General's invincible persuasiveness and invisible firm hand, so necessary in an Organization of 147 countries with 147 perceptions, have been of immense help in this task.

In Asia poverty results in truncated lives and sometimes in our deliberations in this Conference our rich friends. countries could not quite understand our seeming impatience and restlessness with their careful well-reserved positions. Let me take a little more time. I would like to say a few more words about the rich countries regarding the FAO budget abstentions. We have heard and we are totally disappointed. that the rich countries do not share our deep concern for the poor and the hungry.

They themselves do not experience the difficulties we, the developing countries, are facing back home, problems of finding enough food to feed the hungry. Are we to ask the hungry to wait for a reduced inflationary period or are we to wait for another period of high economic rate of growth before they are entitled to their food?

No, we cannot wait for that to happen before we go forward to alleviate these problems.

I would like also to remind my colleagues in some rich countries that whatever happens in the developing countries in the form of economic and political unrest or disorders will reverberate in their own countries in terms of shortage of raw material. Their contribution to the development of the developing countries is only an insurance on their own well-being in the future.


In making this observation please do not misunderstand us that we are ungrateful or that we are thankless for the aid, but with a little bit more support and effort we can progress further and we can be less dependent on the aid from the developed countries.

The Director-General, with his deep sympathy for our impoverished people his understanding of the pressure that this poverty builds, his diplomatic skills in keeping the dialogue going, has helped tremendously in bridging this gap in perceptions and enabled us to avoid confrontation and reach consensus.

One item does not appear on our Agenda, but I am positive that it has not ceased to haunt all of us here. I refer to the thousands of refugees in Asia that have been displaced by hostilities and on this occasion we in Asia would like to place on record our most sincere appreciation to the Director-General of the Organization for providing food for the hungry people and assistance to rehabilitate devastated agricultural land, without regard for ideology, but on the basis of simple concern for the welfare of fellow human beings.

I would also like to put on record our appreciation for the service that the FAO Regional and Country Offices extend to us. They are the cutting edge in the development programme that we mandate and which the Director-General executes with a firmness that we all applaud and with a sense of compassion that we cherish.

May I thank the Government of Italy for its hospitality and last but not least I would like to thank the members of the Secretariat for the help they have given us in the course of this Conference. May God bless all of us.




Η. MENDS (Ghana): Under your competent leadership and guidance many far reaching conclusions have been arrived at during this session of the Conference, conclusions which when they are pursued will definitely improve the food production capacity of the developing countries and therefore increase food availability and improve nutrition in general in global terms.

Through the resolutions passed this afternoon a lot of responsibility has also been placed on our Director-General for the implementation for most of the programmes, in collaboration with other international agencies. It is the hope, therefore, of the African Group that the Director-General will receive the much needed support of all Member Countries for the attainment of the goal we have set ourselves for the next biennium and with the cooperation of the world to overcome the challenges in the implementation of the programme to alleviate malnutrition and hunger.

There was a rather disturbing issue before one of our Commissions, and here I refer to the item concerning the present location of the FAO Regional Office for the Near--East and my colleague from India has already touched upon this.

No doubt it was a delicate political issue which calls for a high degree of maturity and tactful approach if the peaceful and fraternal manner in which the business of our Conference is normally conducted was to be maintained. Thanks to the excellent negotiating skills and abilities of the Director-General and again thanks to the human understanding of the two factions involved in the issue, the ominous smoke screen was deftly cleared.

We in Africa are certainly bankrupt in gratitude for the eminent role the Director-General played in resolving the issue and we are very much obliged to our brothers for their wonderful spirit of accommodation and goodwill. For this, after all, is the spirit that abides in this Organization.

We also wish to thank you and your Vice-Chairmen profusely for the expert manner in which you have handled

the work of this Conference. Many thanks are also due to the General Committee, the three Chairmen and their Vice-Chairmen of the Commission and the various Drafting Committees for the very able manner in which they discharged their responsibilities. We are extremely happy with the professional and technical assistance of the Secretariat and wish them more success in the future.

Finally, we have certainly appreciated the presence of the Honourable Ministers and heads of delegations for the past three weeks who took time out of their heavy and multifarious schedules in their capitals to be with us. We wish them all God's speed on their journey home. Au revoir.


H. BAEYENS (Belgique): Je voudrais simplement dire quelques brèves paroles au nom des Pays Membres de la Région européenne.

Je voudrais d'abord féliciter la Conférence pour son travail, pour la tâche importante qu'elle vient d'accomplir. Je voudrais également remercier les délégations pour avoir maintenu, tout au long des débats, l'attitude courtoise et constructive qui convient dans une enceinte mondiale où des décisions sont discutées qui se rapportent à la vie même des populations du globe.

Monsieur le Président, de la part des pays de la Région européenne, votre région, je dois vous remercier vivement d'avoir accepté cette tâche, et vous féliciter pour la manière excellente, brillante, dont vous l'avez accomplie. Dans ces remerciements, je voudrais également englober les Vice-Présidents de la Conférence qui vous ont si bien secondé, également les Présidents de commissions et Vice-Présidents des commissions grâce auxquels tous ces débats se sont déroulés de manière efficace et compétente.

Enfin, je voudrais simplement souhaiter bonne route à la FAO et à son Directeur Général pour les vingt-quatre mois qui viennent.




P. A. MORALES CARBALLO (Cuba): Esta breve intervención la hago en nombre del grupo latinoamericano que tengo el honor de representar y en nombre también de mi delegación.

Concluimos hoy el 20° período de sesiones de la Conferencia de la FAO. Considero que puede afirmarse sin lugar a dudas el éxito de la misma. Con la manera dinámica y positiva que se han desarrollado nuestros debates estamos-seguros que los largos trabajos desplegados por todas las delegaciones se revertirán en acciones concretas y eficaces para satisfacer las necesidades reales de los pobres de este mundo.

A usted, señor Presidente, debemos en gran parte este éxito ya que ha puesto su empeño y dedicación en estos días de trabajo, para dirigir de manera clara, acertada y talentosa, nuestras deliberaciones. Usted siempre ha tenido presente la palabra solidaridad a la hora de presidir · nuestros debates en esta Conferencia, inculcándonos ese sentimiento a todas las delegaciones que hemos asistido a la misma.

Por consiguiente, estoy seguro de que hemos podido dejar grabada en el tiempo la palabra solidaridad como fruto de nuestros trabajos en este período de sesiones, tal y como fuera un deseo suyoexpresado en su discurso inaugural de esta Conferencia.

Sin su colaboración y sin la colaboración de sus colegas, esto no hubiera sido posible. Encuanto a la labor del Director General, consideramos que con su dedicación a la Organización, nos daun ejemplo que debemos reconocer.

Usted, señor Director General, además de ser un técnico de la Agricultura, un Administradoreficiente, ha sabido conducir a la FAO de manera tal que la ha convertido en un factor importante paratratar deeliminar el hambre de la faz de la tierra.

Al mismo tiempo ha demostrado una vez más en esta Conferencia, su capacidad para propiciar vías acertadas a problemas de gran relevancia política, para las cuales eran necesarias soluciones adecuadas y no poco fáciles de enfrentar.

Estos aspectos lo colocan a usted, señor Director General, en una posición relevante en la cooperación internacional; de esa cooperación internacional a la cual exhortamos que todos los pueblos y gobiernos tengamos siempre presente como una necesidad emergente e impostergable para dar solución al hambre, a la miseria y al subdesarrollo.

Tenemos la convicción de que el esfuerzo realizado en estos días, tendrá resultados prácticos positivos y que las Resoluciones aprobadas no se convertirán en letra muerta, y tal como usted dijera hace unos instantes, el esfuerzo para lograr estos objetivos no vendrá solamente de los países en desarrollo.


I. OZORAI (Hungary): The Hungarian delegation, speaking on behalf of some of the Socialist countries, has the honour to convey its gratitude to you, Mr. Chairman, for the wise, patient and skilfull way in which you have chaired our Conference.

Our thanks are also expressed to the wise Chairman of the Conference and to all its officeholders. Let us also express our deep appreciation to the Director-General for his very active role of assistance provided to us by solving delicate problems during this Conference and for all his efforts in strengthening the action-oriented approach of FAO.

The main problem discussed has been the struggle of the human community for the eradication of hunger, malnutrition and poverty. There was a general consensus on the leading role that FAO has to play in this struggle. Attention was drawn to the necessity to stimulate agricultural and food production at national level and at the same time to increase the responsibility of the international community.

We are convinced that no substantial progress in food and agriculture can be made without substantial social economic support. This approach was largely supported during the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development last July.

The resolutions adopted by the Twentieth Session of the Conference can favourably contribute to the efforts being made all over the world.

We are pleased to note that the Conference agrees to the initiative to found a World Food Day to encourage greater attention to agricultural and food production.

In conclusion, we would like to reiterate the compliments to you, Mr. Chairman, and to you, Mr. Director-General. We would also like to record our appreciation of the assistance provided by the Secretariat, and by all staff members, including the interpreters and the messengers of our Conference.


S. TRINGIN (Papua New Guinea): On behalf of my delegation, as well as of the other delegations representing countries in the Southwest Pacific, I would like to express our appreciation to His Excellency the Minister of Agriculture of Spain, H. E. Jaime Lamo de Espinosa, for his brilliant leadership of our Conference.

It is not easy to conduct a meeting where so many countries coming from diverse backgrounds and facing different problems are required to draw up common programmes of action. Yet you, Mr. Chairman, have succeeded brilliantly in this task.

I would like also to express our appreciation to your team of efficient Vice-Chairmen for their contribution and able guidance of our proceedings.

The developing countries of the Southwest Pacific face a set of problems that are in many ways different from those which nations in Latin America, Africa and mainland Asia confront. We have also problems of malnutrition and underdevelopment.

It seems to us that the Director-General, Dr. Edouard Saouma, has taken these widely different conditions by presenting us in this Conference with a set of agenda items that address themselves to our most critical problems of food and agriculture and at the same time search for innovative ways whereby those countries that are rich in resources, on technology and funds could assist those who are not so fortunate.

Thus we are grateful to the Director-General for including in his programmes a sense of practical action, especially in the fields of agrarian reform and exclusive economic zones.

We have at this Conference reached a consensus on what this Organization and we as individual countries can do to achieve our common goals of uplifting the living standards of the rural poor. The Director-General therefore deserves our commendation.

May I express on behalf of the countries in my sub-region our thanks to the Secretariat for their generous cooperation and assistance. I also extend our thanks to the interpreters, who enabled us to break the language barrier during our deliberations. Finally, I thank our fellow delegates for our smooth, cordial discussions during this Conference.




A. RENAUD (Canada): Monsieur le Président, vous avez réussi, avec vos collègues vice-Présidents, ainsi que les Présidents et Vice-Présidents des Commissions, à devancer l'heure prévue pour la cloture de cette vingtième session de la Conférence.

Je m'en voudrais de prolonger cette séance par un panégyrique en votre honneur ou par un plaidoyer pour la lutte contre la faim. Je veux simplement, très brièvement, associer la région dite de l'Amérique du Nord à tout ce qui a été dit à votre éloge et à celui de vos collègues, les Vice-Présidents des Commissions de rédaction et des Commissions, le Directeur général et le personnel du Secrétariat y compris, comme l'a mentionné l'honorable délégué de la Hongrie, les messagers, mais j'ajouterai également le personnel invisible du service d'impression de la FAO.


A. A. MALEK (Liban) (interprétation de l'arabe): Monsieur le Président, la délégation du Liban, qui a l'honneur insigne de parler au nom de la région du Proche-Orient, ne peut ici que vous féliciter pour l'excellente conduite de nos travaux et pour l'adresse que vous avez démontrée chaque fois que nous avons touché à des problèmes délicats.

Je veux aussi féliciter ici les Vice-Présidents, les Présidents, et Vice-Présidents des Commissions, pour l'excellent travail fourni. Nous aurions souhaité que le programme de travail ainsi que le budget eussent été approuvés par toutes les délégations. Ce que nous avons entendu de la part de certaines délégations à propos du vote du budget et du programme n'a pas entamé la confiance qu'elles donnent au Directeur général. Nous avons ainsi obtenu une unanimité sur ce programme de travail et sur le budget présentés.

Quant au Directeur général, un proverbe arabe dit qu'il ne faut pas se jeter des fleurs à soi-même. Mais étant donné l'unanimité que nous avons sentie autour de sa personnalité et tenant compte des propositions qu'il a formulées pour les deux années à venir, nous pouvons dire que le Liban, dont l'histoire est si glorieuse et qui se trouve maintenant blessé par les événements qu'il a vécus durant ces dernières années, le Liban ne peut qu'être fier du fait qu'il appartient à ce pays, pour la compétence qu'il n'a jamais cessé de démontrer dans la conduite des travaux de la FAO.

Je voudrais aussi féliciter la FAO pour le rôle vital qu'elle joue sur la scène internationale et pour l'aide qu'elle apporte, en particulier aux pays en voie de développement.

Nous ne pouvons pas non plus manquer de remercier tout le personnel de la FAO et tous les membres du Secrétariat qui ont oeuvré pour la bonne marche et la réussite de cette Conférence.


EL PRESIDENTE: Creo que no adie más que tenga solicitada la palabra. En tal caso, señoras y señores delegados, me corresponde a mí ahora dirigirles la palabra, antes de declarar clausurada esta 20a Conferencia,

Permítanme que separe mis palabras en dos partes. Una lógicamente de agradecimiento y de felicitación, y otra, también naturalmente unas palabras de reflexión en este momento, si bien todas ellas serán muy breves.

Agradecimiento en primer lugar, lógicamente, al Gobierno italiano. Estamos en la Sede de FAO en Roma y creo que hacia el Gobierno italiano debe ir nuestro primer agradecimiento.

Agradecimiento y felicitación también a los Vicepresidentes de la Conferencia, a los representantes de los Ministros de Agricultura de Colombia, Marruecos y Pakistán. Lamentamos que un hecho luctuoso nos haya privado de la presencia del Ministro de Agricultura de Colombia más días, como hubiera sido el deseo de todos. Pero todos comprendimos su situación, y le trasmitimos nuestros pesar. Vaya pues a los Vicepresidentes mi agradecimiento sincero por la colaboración que nos han prestado.

A los Presidentes y Vicepresidentes de Comisión que han tenido una tarea difícil, que han llevado con extraordinaria habilidad y talento, gracias a lo cual los debates aquí en la Sesión Plenaria, han sido para todos nosotros extraordinariamente fáciles.

A los Estados Miembros admitidos, Commonwealth de Dominica, Samoa Occidental, (-no Saouma-) y Santa Lucía. A todos ellos nuestra bienvenida; nuestra bienvenida calurosa con todo el afecto de los países amigos. Felicitación también a los Estados Miembros que han sido elegidos como Miembros del Consejo y también como Miembros de los distintos Comités. Sería muy largo el nombrarlos en este momento a todos, pero creo interpretar el sentimiento de toda la Conferencia si en este momento, les dedicamos una felicitación muy sincera a todos. Y también al Presidente Independiente del Consejo, señor Bukar Shaib, amigo personal hoy, después de estos días en que hemos convivido aquí en la FAO, y persona cuyo prestigio e inteligencia han llevado a todos a producir su reelección.

Felicitación también a todos ustedes, a todos los Estados Miembros, a todas las delegaciones por su trabajo, por sus intervenciones, por sus esfuerzos a lo largo de todos estos días.

Creo que, en nombre de toda la Conferencia, debo también expresar unas palabras de agradecimiento y felicitación a los miembros del Comité General. Los Miembros del Comité General que han venido preparando y aprobando las proposiciones que después han llegado a esta Conferencia. Yo que he sido testigo del trabajo del Comité General, puedo decirles a ustedes, cuan importante ha sido la tarea desarrollada en el Comité General, y cuanto ha facilitado la buena marcha de nuestros debates.

Felicitación también, lógicamente, a los Miembros de la Mesa; felicitación al Secretario General, y me permitirán ustedes que dedique unas palabras muy especiales a nuestro Director General.

Todos, querido Director General, hemos comprendido la importancia y la necesidad de su ausencia durante alguna parte de los debates. Lógicamente, era una ocasión extraordinariamente propicia para que los Ministros de Agricultura de las Delegaciones de numerosos países, mantuvieran unas entrevistas; entrevistas import cinte s con su Director General, con nuestro Director General.

Yo sé bien lo apretada que ha sido la Agenda de trabajo del Director Generili, y por eso sé aún mejor, los esfuerzos importantes que ha llevado a cabo, porque tiene que simultanear esas entrevistas con conversaciones, con negociaciones, que nos han permitido llevar adelante la Conferencia, que se presentaba con algunos problemas, como todos ustedes conocen, llevarla adelante sin ninguna dificultad, puesto que sé la capacidad de trabajo, la capacidad de sacrificio personal, y el enorme esfuerzo que ha desarrollado durante todo el período, entre las Conferencias, pero muy particularmente en esta Conferencia. Esfuerzo que ha realizado para proponernos algunas de las Resoluciones que han sido unánimemente aceptadas.

Yo quiero, en nombre de toda la Conferencia, felicitarle muy efusivamente. Hay un dato que demuestra muy claramente su buen trabajo. No ha habido un solo voto emitido en contra durante todas las diferentes votaciones que se han celebrado. Ha habido abstenciones, pero no ha habido un solo voto en contra. Creo, sinceramente, señor Director General, que esto se debe en una gran medida a su trabajo. Yo lo sé. Yo quiero acreditarlo aquí, y yo quiero dar aquí testimonio personal de ello, expresando en nombre de toda la Conferencia, nuestro muy sincero agradecimiento.

Tengo la impresión de que podemos correr el riesgo de mantener un diálogo entre unos y otros, de aplaudirnos mutuamente; pero de olvidarnos de alguna persona, de muchas personas gracias a las cuales la Conferencia se hace posible cada dos años. Me refiero concretamente a los servicios de interpretación, que con tanto esfuerzo, tanta diligencia y tanto trabajo, nos han facilitado nuestra tarea a todos; me refiero también al servicio de traducción y documentación; a las señoritas que en la Sala tan amablemente nos han ido atendiendo, a las que hemos ido dando trabajo, enviando mensajes a otros a través de ellas; a los servicios de seguridad, y también, y en general, a todo el personal que ha atendido a esta Conferencia. Vaya para todos ellos, absolutamente para todos, la felicitación sincera de toda la Conferencia, la felicitación de todos los Estados Miembros de la Conferencia por su magnífico trabajo.

Quiero en este momento expresarles mi agradecimiento sincero por sus palabras para mi persona. Ustedes el primer día tuvieron la audacia de elegirme como Presidente de la Conferencia, yo interpreté que era un síntoma, un signo de reconocimiento hacia mi país, hacia el Reino de España. Ha sido un honor para España, y es un honor para mí presidir esta Conferencia. Yo les podría expresar en este momento cuáles son mis sentimientos personales de todo tipo, pero lo haría muy largo, porque hay sentimientos personales de gratitud, sentimientos personales de alegría y sentimientos personales de emoción, porque este vigésimo período de sesiones está a punto de terminar.

No tenían por qué agradecer la forma en que se ha llevado la presidencia. Han sido todos ustedes con su manera de proceder, con su manera de actuar, los que han hecho fácil la presidencia de la Conferencia. Soy yo en este momento el que quiero expresarles a todos y cada uno de los miembros de cada una de las delegaciones de los Estados Miembros, quiero expresarles, repito, mi sincero agradecimiento personal por la forma y manera en que han facilitado la tarea de todos nosotros y particularmente la mía como Presidente.

Naturalmente, pido también disculpas a aquellas personas o a aquellas delegaciones con las cuales una palabra, un gesto, algo que haya podido hacer, haya podido molestarles; pero tengo la impresión y tengo la satisfacción de decir que abandono la Conferencia dejando, creo, más amigos que el día que llegué. Cuando llegué, yo miraba la Sala, les miraba a todos ustedes y algunas caras eran conocidas, eran amigas de otras ocasiones, de otras Conferencias. Hoy creo que puedo marchar con la sensación de contar con muchos más amigos y ustedes, evidentemente, con la de contar en mi con un amigo personal.

Una ligera reflexion como final. Hemos oído palabras muy importantes en esta Conferencia. Yo quisiera recordar aquí las palabras de Su Santidad el Papa cuando nos decía que ante cualquier problema siempre lo que hay detrás es una alternativa ética, y cuando nos decía que las políticas económicas de los Gobiernos debían dirigirse más a cubrir las necesidades fundamentales, entre las cuales está la alimentación, que las necesidades accesorias.

Hemos oído muchas palabras, palabras importantes todas ellas; pero algunos Ministros de Agricultura, algunos miembros en esta tribuna, en ese podium, expresaron en alguna ocasión su temor de que no hiciéramos más que palabras, palabras y palabras.

Dejo como motivo de reflexión una anécdota, una pequeña historia que se narra en una obra clásica de la literatura española. Es la obra que cuenta la historia de un chico, un niño, un joven que ayuda a un ciego a caminar por la vida. Es una obra de la picaresca española. Pues bien, hay una escena en la cual el ciego y el niño se encuentran juntos comiendo un racimo de uvas y de pronto, cuanto están comiendo ese racimo de uvas, el ciego le da un cachete, le da un golpe al niño y le dice: estás comiendo de tres en tres, me estás engañando. El niño se queda sorprendido de cómo el ciego ha podido saberlo; mira al ciego y le dice: ¿y tú cómo los sabes? Y dice el ciego: porque yo estoy comiendo de dos en dos y no me dices nada.


Pues bien, yo dejo como motivo de reflexión el pensar quién estaba actuando mejor, quién era más ciego, cómo estaba organizado el sistema de reparto de los alimentos en este caso concreto.

Creo que hay en esa pequeña anécdota de la literatura española algunos motivos de reflexión importantes y hay ahí, evidentemente, de fondo un motivo de reflexión y es la solidaridad.

Hablé en mi primera intervención de la solidaridad internacional y creo sinceramente que la unica manera de que la Conferencia no quede en palabras, palabras y palabras es la solidaridad internacional; y es que estas palabras las traslademos a unos hechos, a nuestros hechos diarios, a nuestras acciones de gobierno. Yo creo que si hacemos esto estaremos dando un gran avance y estaremos preparando una magnífica plataforma para la década del 80 y para la próxima Conferencia del año 1981.

A todos ustedes, señoras y señores delegados, a todos los Estados Miembros, a todos los que han participado en la Conferencia mi felicitación y mi sincero agradecimiento. Muchas gracias a todos.


Muchas gracias a todos. Declaro clausurado el 20° período de sesiones de la Conferencia de la FAO.


The meeting rose at 17. 15 hours

La séance est levée à 17 h. 15

Se levanta la sesión a las 17. 15 horas

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