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B. Administrative and Financial Matters (continued)
B. Questions administratives et financières (suite)
B. Asuntos administrativos y financieros (continuación)

25. Other Financial and Administrative Questions, including: (continued)
25. Autres questions administratives et financières, notamment: (suite)
25. Otras cuestiones financieras y administrativas, en particular: (continuación)

25.6 Examination of a Comprehensive Study prepared by the Director-General on the Activities and Functioning of the FAO Regional Office for the Near East, taking into account the Views expressed during the Seventy-fifth Session of the Council by some Delegations, including the Examination of its Location (continued)

25.6 Examen de l'étude détaillée sur les activités et le fonctionnement du Bureau régional de la FAO pour le Proche-Orient, préparée par le Directeur général, compte tenu des vues exprimées par certaines délégations pendant la soixante-quinzième session du Conseil, notamment examen de l'emplacement dudit bureau (suite)

25.6 Examen de un estudio global preparado por el Director General sobre actividades y el funcionamiento de la Oficina Regional de la FAO para el Cercano Oriente, a la luz de las opiniones expresadas por algunas delegaciones durante el 75° período de sesiones del Consejo, incluido el examen de su ubicación (continuación)

CHAIRMAN: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Distinguished delegates, I regret indeed that the commencement of the meeting of this Commission had to be postponed only on so short a notice as happened today, but from the statement of the Director-General you will learn why it was necessary.

Now we are going to take up the last item on the agenda of this Commission, namely, the sub-item 25.6, which is Examination of a Comprehensive Study prepared by the Director-General on the Activities and Functioning of the FAO Regional Office for the Near East, taking into account the Views expressed during the Seventy-fifth Session of the. Council by some Delegations, including the Examination of its Location.

First I will give the floor to the Director-General who will deliver a statement on the matter.

LE DIRECTEUR GENERAL (interprétation de l'arabe): Monsieur le Président. L'ensemble des pays du Proche-Orient m'a chargé de vous informer qu'à la suite de contacts et de négociations qui ont eu lieu dans mon bureau, dans une atmosphère aussi constructive que cordiale, un Accord complet a été réalisé sur la question qui est maintenant à votre Ordre du jour.

Cet Accord est concrétisé dans le projet de résolution dont je voudrais maintenant, avec votre accord, vous donner lecture et qui vous sera distribué très bientôt.


Fermement convaincue du besoin de promouvoir une coopération fructueuse et harmonieuse dans le domaine de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture, y compris les pêcheries et la foresterie, entre tous les pays de la région du Proche-Orient,

Reconnaissant les contributions passées faites à cette fin par le Bureau régional pour le Proche-Orient dans son emplacement actuel,

Profondément inquiète, toutefois, du fait que, depuis avril 1979, les opérations de l'Organisation dans la région du Proche-Orient, et en particulier celles du Bureau régional pour le Proche-Orient, ont été sérieusement affaiblies,

Reconnaissant la responsabilité de la Conférence de décider de la création et de l'emplacement ou du transfert des Bureaux régionaux de l'Organisation,

Considérant toutefois que, en principe, une importance primordiale doit être accordée aux opinions des pays d'une région sur l'emplacement du Bureau régional de la FAO,

Sensible aux opinions exprimées par la majorité des Etats Membres de la région du Proche-Orient et sym-patisant avec elles,

Ayant étudié les informations détaillées et objectives fournies par le Directeur général dans le docu-ment C 79/25/Rev. 1,

Considérant que, dans les circonstances présentes, il serait de l'intérêt de tous les pays membres, et particulièrement de ceux de la région du Proche-Orient, de trouver une solution qui respecterait les intérêts de tous les Etats Membres, tout en accordant aux opinions de la majorité des Etats Membres de la région du Proche-Orient l'importance qu'elle méritent,

1. Décide que, désormais et jusqu'à ce que la Conférence en décide autrement, le siège du Bureau régional pour le Proche-Orient au Caire sera fermé;

2. Demande au Directeur général, agissant au mieux de son jugement et sans contrainte, de déterminer les activités régionales de l'Organisation au Proche-Orinet auxquelles il devrait être mis fin, et celles dont l'exécution devrait se poursuivre à partir d'un ou de plusieurs emplacements, en particulier les activités dans d'autres pays de la Région et au siège de l'Organisation à Rome, selon qu'il le juge approprié et faisable;

3. Demande également au Directeur général, agissant conformément aux règlements de l'Organisation, de prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires pour l'exécution de la présente résolution, y compris le licenciement du personnel des services généraux recruté localement, le maintien, le licenciement ou le redéploiementdes autres fonctionnaires selon le cas, le retrait et la redistribution des équipements et des matériels, et le transfert des archives et des dépôts bancaires du Bureau régional pour le Proche Orient au siège central de l'Organisation à Rome;

4. Accepte avec appréciation l'offre généreuse des Etats Membres de la région de financer les coûts additionnels de ces mesures en fournissant, sur une base volontaire, la somme de 1 million de dollars des Etats-Unis sous forme de Fonds fiduciaires qui sera géré par le Directeur général;

5. Autorise le Directeur général, en vue d'exécuter ces mesures, et en plus des fonds volontaires mentionnés au paragraphe 4 ci-dessus, de procéder aux ajustements nécessaires dans le budget approuvé du Programme régulier pour 1980-81 prévu pour couvrir les activités du Bureau régional pour le Proche-Orient et d'autres activités régionales de l'Organisation au Proche-Orient;

6. Demande à tous les Etats Membres, et spécialement à ceux de la région du Proche-Orient, de coopérer pleinement avec le Directeur général, avec le personnel de l'Organisation, et avec tous les Etats Membres concernés, pour assurer l'exécution efficace et sans heurts de la présente résolution, en particulier durant la période transitoire qui s'écoulera en attendant que toutes les mesures que le Directeur général aura jugé nécessaire de prendre aient produit tous leurs effets.

Les pays concernés, soucieux de maintenir le caractère serein de nos débats, m'ont de plus chargé de vous dire qu'ils souhaiteraient que votre Commission et, après elle, la Conférence, approuvent sans discussion ce projet de résolution, qui les concerne directement.

Pour terminer, je tiens à remercier très vivement tous les pays du Proche-Orient du nouvel exemple de maturité qu'ils viennent ainsi de nous donner. Ce comportement exemplaire démontre, s'il en était encore besoin, leur profond attachement à nos objectifs et à nos ideaux.

Je suis certain que vous conviendrez avec moi que nous pouvons tous être fiers de leur attitude, qui ne pourra que renforcer encore le prestige de notre Organisation.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, Director-General, for your clear and concise statement.

M. A. MAKKI (Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of) (interpretation from Arabic): In the name of Merciful and Compassionate God, Mr. Chairman, Mr. Director-General of FAO, Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of the Arab group of countries and in accordance with the consensus we would like to express our full support for the draft Resolution which has been submitted to this Commission. I would like to take this opportunity to very sincerely thank Dr. Edouard Saouma, the Director-General, for the unceasing efforts that he has made and which have led at last to this consensus.

We would like once again to say that we have complete confidence in him and his work. We are convinced that he will implement this draft Resolution with the speed and efficiency with which he habitually acts, and to which we have become accustomed from him since he has become head of the Organization.

We would also like to thank the Commission Chairman, as well as all our friends who have understood and supported our point of view.

In conclusion, we would like to say once again that we will give our full support to the projects which are being implemented in all the countries of our region. We will provide wholehearted support and help to the FAO, and we feel it is necessary to consolidate its efficiency for the future well-being of mankind.

MR. DAWOOD (Egypt) (interpretation from Arabic): Members of delegations, Ladies and Gentlemen, dear colleagues, I should like to express my thanks and appreciation to all those who helped to prepare this meeting, and those who have both materially and morally contributed to this understanding between the countries, the members of the Near East Region. We have gone through very critical days, but I was convinced that the great hopes which were placed in us would bring us together.

I must apologise to all delegations for the problems this gave rise to, and thank them for the time involved in discussing this matter. It was, however, necessary for the international community to be involved in the discussion of such an important matter.

Thanks to the perseverance of the Director-General and the conviction of our colleagues who are heads of delegations representing the region and their understanding, we have arrived at a wise solution if we take into account the nature of the present stage, this temporary or transitory stage. I am sure you will agree with me that this compromise understanding will help safeguard the general principles of the United Nations, and will ensure the efficacy of FAO in the short and long-term.

We have given our agreement to this solution out of appreciation and friendship for the Organization, the FAO, and its Director-General in particular, and all who are working with us in general. The results we have achieved take into account the various facets which we have evaluated, and which derived from the temporary situation I have already described, because our present and future commitments towards the countries of the region are also concerned.

We call upon Allah to assist us in our joint efforts and the implementation of the suspended projects. We trust He will enable us to restore our links, and once more I thank and greet Mr. Edouard Souma, and thank and greet all heads of delegations and my colleagues and brothers, the heads of the Arab delegations, and the regional office.

RAMADHAR (India): Mr. Chairman, on my own behalf and on behalf of the Group of 77 I would like to compliment the Director-General for the sincere and strenuous efforts he has made to resolve this issue. What he has accomplished through his good offices shows his keen desire to maintain the unity of this Organization in keeping with the dignity of Member Nations.

I would also like to compliment all the countries of the Near East Region for positively responding to the efforts of the Director-General. I am sure that it was on account of the sincerity of purpose and magnanimity of these countries that the present solution has been possible.

This solution, I am sure, will be welcomed by all the members of this Organization particularly those from the Group of 77, as the countries from the Near East belong to the Group of 77.

Let us hope, Mr. Chairman, this leads to further fostering of friendly relations among all Member Countries of this Organization including those of the Near East Region. Therefore, on behalf of the Group of 77 I would support the proposal to support this Resolution by acclamation. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. (Applause)

P. GRIFFIN (Ireland): On behalf of the nine member states of the European Economic Community I am glad to welcome the fact that the countries of the Near East Region have reached agreement on such a delicate and difficult matter which concerns us all.

We congratulate the parties concerned, including of course the Director-General, on this achievement and trust the outcome will be satisfactory.

H. BAEYENS (Belgique): Je n'ai pas pu consulter les peys membres de la région européenne, mais je pense exprimer leur sentiment en vous disant que nous sommes heureux que les pays membres de la région du Moyen-Orient aient pu arriver à un accord sur la manière de résoudre le délicat et difficile problème du Bureau régional du Proche-Orient, problème qui concerne d'ailleurs l'ensemble de l'Organisation.

Nous remercions vivement le Directeur général et toutes les parties concernées pour les efforts faits en vue d'arriver à cette conclusion que nous espérons satisfaisante pour tous.

S.M. CHOUEHURY (Bangladesh): My delegation has heard the Director-General, and at the same time has read the draft Resolution which has now been placed before this Commission. My delegation expresses great satisfaction at realizing that a just and fair compromise and solution has been reached on the issue of the Regional Office of the Near East.

We therefore congratulate the Director-General of the FAO whose personal interests, initiative and perseverance have brought about this solution. We also thank and congratulate the member countries of the Near East who have extended all the necessary cooperation to the Director-General.

We believe that this solution has been reached based on maturity and wise thinking also keeping in mind the situation. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

R. SORENSON (United States of America): On behalf of both my own delegation and of the North American region I would like to commend the members of the Near East Region for the admirable spirit of cooperation and conciliation that has enabled them to settle this matter to the satisfaction of all of us. In doing so, they have placed the interests of the FAO foremost, and we owe all of them a debt of gratitude.

I would also like to pay tribute to our distinguished Director-General, who has worked tirelessly to guide us safely to the consensus that we have all sought. I would like congratulate him for his success in keeping issues of a politically contentious nature out of our debates. This is an unblemished record over the past four years which I do not think can be matched in any of the other technical bodies of the United Nations System. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

O. ALI JUMA (Tanzania): I have been following the discussion with great interest and I have been requested by my colleagues, the members of the Afghan Group, to say that the Afghan Group supports the Resolution, and indeed the negotiations which have been going on.

So the Afghan Group supports the Resolution.

P.A. MORALES CARBALLO (Cuba): Permitame, en nombre del G Apo Latinoamericano, expresar al Director General de la FAO y a usted mismo, nuestro reconocimiento por los esfuerzos realizados en la búsqueda de una solución al tema en cuestión. Nuestro grupo vé con agrado y simpatía que las partes interesadas hayan llegado a un acuerdo satisfactorio, expresa su pleno apoyo a lo Resolución sobre la Oficina Regional para el Cercano Oriente y espera que se apruebe por aclamación de esta Comisión.

T.J. KELLY (Australia): Thank you, Mr. Chairman, there has not been an opportunity for me to consult fully with the countries of the South West Pacific Region, but I feel sure that I speak for them in endorsing the congratulations which have been given by others to the Direotor-General, and in endorsing also the commendation of the Near East countries for reaching this solution.

CHAIRMAN: If there are no more interventions, I wish from the Chair to thank both parties involved in this item and also the Director-General for the sincere and successful efforts they have made to settle the matter to the satisfaction of all of us. I take it that the Draft Resolution is approved by acclamation.


M.A.MAKKI (Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of) (interpretation from Arabic): Allow me, Mr. Chairman, to give an explanation, if I may. Mr. Chairman, Mr. Director-General of PAD, ladies and gentlemen: after accepting the Draft Resolution on the Regional Office for the Near East on behalf of the Arab countries belonging to that Regional Office, I would like to say that while, with the greatest difficulty, we found it necessary to go along with the general consensus as regards the continuity and efficacity of FAO's work, we would point out that the situation which led to the discussion of this matter is in fact a basic situation, a fundamental situation as far as we are concerned. We maintain our attitude on that matter because we are convinced that we are on the side of justice and truth. What we hope is that the international community will be able to understand our point of view, a point of view which we are convinced time and future events will be bound to strengthen and confirm.

The activities and efficiency of the Regional Office for the Near East and the locations decided by the Director-General in accordance with the Draft Resolution should continue. They are activities that must continue in their entirety and in the interest of the Member Countries in the Region, countries which had supported us. I refer in particular to Pakistan, Cyprus, Afghanistan and Iran.

At this time, when vre are once again reiterating our agreement with and our support for the Draft Resolution which has been adopted by all, we very much hope that the sacrifice we have made in this context will be fully appreciated by the international community, for this is something which concerns the very continuity and effectiveness of FAO's work in achieving the objectives it has set itself in the service of mankind as a whole, and in an effort to guarantee food security for our peoples.

In conclusion I would like once more to offer my most sincere thanks to Mr. Edouard Saouma and the delegations of Member Countries attending this meeting. My thanks also go to you personally and in particular, Mr. Chairman.

CHAIRMAN: If there are no more interventions, that will conclude the debate on this item.

The meeting rose at 16.15 hours
La séance est
levée à 16h.15
Se levanta la sesión a las 16.15 horas

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