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7. World Food and Agricultural Development Strategy, including:
7. Stratégie mondiale de développement de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture, notamment:
7. Estrategia mundial para el desarrollo de la agricultura y la alimentación, en particular:

7. 1 UN International Development Strategy for the Third Development Decade (continued)
7. 1 Stratégie internationale du développment pour la troisième décennie des Nations Unies pour le développment, (suite)
7. 1 Estrategia internacional de desarrollo para el Tercer Decenio de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (continuación)

- Draft Resolution of the Replenishment of IFAD Resources
- Projet de résolution sur la reconstitution des ressources du FIDA
- Proyecto de Resolución sobre la Reposición de los recursos del FIDA

M. ZJALIC (Yugoslavia): At this stage we would like to propose to postpone discussion on this Draft Resolution on the Replenishment of IFAD Rsources. I make this proposal on behalf of my delegation as drafter and sponsor. I also would like to inform you that there are some other countries who would like to join sponsorship of this resolution, and we need some;more consultations. So would you kindly accept consideration of. proposal to defer discussion on this resolution to Monday.

H. WETZEL (Germany,Federal Republic of) (original language German): The statement we have just heard from the representative of Yugoslavia is quite a surprise to us as we wanted to thank him for having drafted this Resolution and to tell him that we fully support his intentions. Now he has told us that we should defer our discussion of the Resolution. I must say that I am extremely surprised that he should do this without giving us any reason and without telling us what has led him to make such a decision. Through you, Mr. Chairman, I would like the delegate of Yugoslavia to give an answer to my question;I would like further elucidation.

P. ELMANOWSKY (France): Ma délégation prend la parole pour indiquer que nous desirons être co-auteurs de cette résolution, mais je précise toutefois qu'en étant ço-auteurs de cette résolution, il s'agit d'apporter en outre notre appui au projet tel qu'il est actuellement, c'est-à-dire une résolution spé cifique sur la reconstitution des ressources du FIDA telle qu'elle est présentée.

Nous comprenons que le délégué de la Yougoslavie nous ait demandé tout à l'heure de reporter la discussion à plus tard, compte tenu du fait que d'autres pays demandent à être co-auteurs. Mais il s'agit bien pour nous de cette résolution spécifique et si celle-ci devait être éventuellement remaniée-je ne sais pas si c'est exact, mais je l'ai entendu dire-pour être intégrée dans une résolution plus large concernant les autres organisations internationales à vocation financière, à ce moment-là notre position pourrait être revue.

Donc, notre patronnage est valable pour le texte que nous avons sous les yeux.

Mme. G. ROSSI-PEROTTI (Italie): Je voudrais dire que ma délégation est tout à fait dans la ligne de la délégation française. Nous aussi également, nous voulons être considérés comme co-auteurs de cette résolution telle qu'elle est.

Telle qu'elle est, elle a le complet appui de mon gouvernement qui est le pays hôte du FIDA. Il est donc particulièrement intéressé et a fait des efforts tout particuliers en faveur du FIDA et nous appuyons donc cette résolution telle qu'elle est présentée ici.

J. O. ALABI (Nigeria): My delegation strongly supports this Resolution and would like to be associated as co-sponsor. We are aware of the good work being done by IFAD since its establishment in the field of food production and we are greatly worried that the replenishment exercise has not yet been concluded, and this is one year behind schedule. We are happy to note the cooperation which exists between FAO and the Fund, and we are pleased with this collaboration between this Organisation and the Fund in the area of identification. This should continue.

In order to ensure continuity of the operation of the Fund we appeal to member states to take urgent action to complete the replenishment exercise, and that before the end of this year.

Our support is irrespective of whatever may be said by other commissions, because I understand that there is a mention of IFAD in another commission in respect of increasing the funds made available to investment in agriculture. I do not think that mention should affect this Resolution, which we consider to be a very good one and fully support it.

M. EL-HAMOUD (Saudi Arabia) (original language Arabic): Briefly I should like to state that one of the most important decisions of the United Nations and its specialized Agencies concerns the setting up of IFAD. Since its establishment, IFAD has been funding important essential projects in the developing countries, and we are fully aware of the importance of this Fund of its great achievements in financing agricultural projects in the developing world. Hence, we would like to state here and now that Saudi Arabia has been instrumental from the outset in the funding of IFAD, and we have also increased our participation and therefore we fully support this draft resolution.

S. F. MUKERJI (India):India is deeply involved in agricultural development and feels that IFAD is one of the most effective instruments in the hands of the FAO and other world organisations to promote agricultural development in developing countries.

India fullyspports this particular Resolution with all the emphasis at its command. India has been going along with IFAD’ s programmes and, considering the fact that FAO itself is taking up projects to be financed by IFAD and is getting more and more involved in those projects, India fully supports this Resolution and suggests that consideration of it is not deferred.

K. E. NORRMAN (Sweden): The Nordic countries fully endorse this Resolution. We are strong supporters of IFAD as an effective instrument for agricultural and rural development with particular focus on the very poorest sections of the populations. Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden would therefore like to co-sponsor this Resolution as it now stands, and we take it that any postponement will have as its only purpose to allow as many as possible to co-sponsor it.

A. RACHMAN (Indonesia) : My delegation feels that this is one of the most important Resolutions and that it will be instrumental in assisting agricultural development and increasing food production in developing countries. Therefore, my delegation fully endorses the Resolution as presented and sees no reason for deferring discussion.

A. A. MALEK (Liban) (langue originale arabe): La délégation libanaise estime qu'il est nécessaire de renvoyer l'examen de cette résolution afin d'étudier une résolution similaire qui sera présentée prochainement.

A. P. BIGGS (Australia): Australia supported the establishment of IFAD and regards it as an important element of the global efforts to improve agricultural development and food production and we certainly support the Resolution in its present form.

ESHETU DEBABU (Ethiopia): We are also very surprised that the delegate of Yugoslavia has asked to postpone consideration of Resolution on the replenishment of IFAD resouces. We would like him to explain why he wishes to consider amending it. IFAD is an institution which is very important for our development and replenishment is an issue which we strongly support. My delegation wishes not only to support the Resolution but to co-sponsor it as it stands now.

I. MOSKOVITS (Malta): I thank the delegation of Yugoslavia for preparing this draft Resolution. While this delegation fully supports it, if the delegation of Yugoslavia wishes dicussion to be postponed I do not think we can do anything else. For the time being, they are the only sponsors of it and even if there are other countries which would like to be co-sponsored, as, for instance, my own, it is a Yugoslav proposal and we have to do what the Yugoslav sponsor proposes.

Perhaps there is something lacking in the whole Resolution. Nothing is said about the present state of replenishment of IFAD resources, which, as far as I know, is not in such a bad situation as would appear from the Resolution. If it is to be redrafted, I would like to ask the Yugoslav delegation to give a little explanation about the present state of the replenishment of IFAD resources.

J. HEIDSMA (Netherlands): My delegation had understood that the proposal of the delegation of Yugoslavia was inspired merely by the fact that he wanted to find as many co-sponsors for this excellent resolution as possible. My delegation would hasten to add our name as co-sponsor to this text. I wonder however in view of the fact that so many delegations have supported this resolution it would not be opportune to deal with it here and now instead of postponing it much longer. I feel that somehow this overwhelming support can be reflected in the text as it stands now and in view of that I wonder whether it is necessary to postpone it any more.

M. ZJALIC (Yugoslavia): I have to answer four questions. First, the present state of replenishment has been explained by the distinguished observer from IFAD, I think, in Commission II, not in this Commission, but I think that most of the delegates in Commission I are aware and informed about the present situation. The second question is on other resolutions. My delegation feels that IFAD, due to its activity, purpose and importance in international support for agriculture and rural development in developing countries, deserves a particular and specific resolution so whatever may appear in other resolutions does not require any changes in our attitude and even strengthens our position and our feelings that one resolution on IFAD replenishment is needed as such.

Thirdly, I am very thankful to the distinguished delegate of the Netherlands. He has explained exactly what we had in mind because we wanted to get more sponsors for this resolution in such a way as to express the kind of consensus and unity of views of this Commission and the full Conference.

The facts being such as they are, I beg your indulgence for making the first proposal and I also thank you for giving us the opportunity to make public consultations instead of private ones. This discussion has served the purpose of postponment and I withdraw my proposal to postpone the adoption or discussion of this resolution until Monday.

SYED HASSAN AHMED (Bangladesh) : We are happy that this difference has been resolved because IFAD is one of the most important organizations instrumental in helping poor countries to increase their food production. Bangladesh is at the moment engaged in what we call the green revolution and we need the full support of such institutions to make our efforts successful. We strongly believe that IFAD's resources need immediate replenishment and we very strongly endorse the resolution.

DATUK AHMAD YUNUS (Malaysia):In view of the clarification given by the distinguished delegate of Yugoslavia the Malaysian delegation joins the other delegations in expressing its support for the draft resolution on the replenishment of IFAD resources as it stands, in view of the important role that IFAD has been playing until now.

WU TIAN XI (China): (Original language Chinese): The replenishment of the fund of IFAD would certainly be beneficial for rural development and agricultural production in developing countries. Therefore this delegation would like to express our support for this draft resolution.

A. B. RAMADAN (Libya) (Original language Arabic): As you know Libya is one of the OPEC countries amongst the OPEC countries which has constributed to IFAD and in fact the OPEC countries have always taken a positive stand in negotiations and vis-à-vis IFAD activities. We are intent upon seeing the fund continue to be active. Negotiations are currently under way and we hope that positive results will be obtained in the near future. Therefore, we are convinced that this resolution will help us achieve a positive result.

S. MURTZA (Pakistan): Now that the delegation of Yugoslavia has let us know their final views we consider that we should support this resolution which we do, as we consider IFAD the only effective world funding organization which exclusively supports agricultural development and as such it needs all the support that we can provide to it, so that its resources are replenished and it can continue in its particular aims.

G. M. AHMED (Sudan) (Original language Arabic): We are convinced that IFAD plays a very important part in rural development and agriculture in developing countries as we also believe that it shall play a vital role in implementing our future programmes. Sudan firmly supports the constructive and meaningful draft resolution submitted by Yugoslavia in its present form. We also wish to thank the Yugoslav delegation for withdrawing its porposal to postpone the discussion of this item.

R. GARCELL (Cuba) : Una vez aclarada por la distinguida delegación de Yugoslavia cuál era la causa de su inicial propuesta, nuestra delegación desea expresar su más firme apoyo a esta resolución en favor de la reposición de los recursos del FIDA.

El FIDA en sus pocos años de vida ha demostrado ser un importante organismo financiero de las Naciones Unidas en favor de nuestros países. El FIDA ha demostrado también ser capaz de poder continuar adelan te para alcanzar sus objetivos y ello lo demuestra el gran numero de proyectos aprobados en solamente tres años y la amplia esfera que ellos abarcan.

Ante esta situación, es necesario el máximo esfuerzo para lograr la continuidad del Fondo y para garantizar sus recursos financieros por un nuevo período.

P. S. McLEAN (United Kingdom): As the United Kingdom is the convener of the Category I members of IFAD may I be permitted to say that we greatly welcome and support the resolution now before us. Category I has taken a positive and constructive role throughout the discussions which have taken place on the replenishment of IFAD resources since the resolution was adopted at the last meeting of the IFAD Governing Council. We also recognize and appreciate the cooperative spirit in which the members of Category II have also approached the replenishment, as was evidenced most recently by the discussions which took place between representatives of both categories towards the end of September. We also appreciate the increasing number of Category III members who are contributing to the resources of the Fund. Thus we in Category I have confidence that the steps new needed to reach a common agreement on the replenishment will be taken in the near future and that the procedures then necessary to give legal effect to the replenishment will follow thereafter as soon as possible so that IFAD can continue its important work in the fields of agriculture and rural development.

A. M. S. AL NAKIB (Kuwait) (Original language Arabic): The delegation of Kuwait approves the replenishment of the Fund resources because this Fund plays a very important part in respect of agricultural development, especially in regard to developing countries.

M. MARANGOUDAKIS (Greece): After theexplanations which have been given by the delegate of Yugoslavia my delegation supports the resolution of replenishment and would like to remind the Conference that my country has supported the resolution for the replenishment of IFAD from the very beginning-that was during the Conference which took place in Athens in September 1980.

Miss R. C. ELARD (Syria)(Original language Arabic): Given the importance of the IFAD-supported projects and the importance of the rural sector, which has been specificallyassisted by IFAD and which is a particular sector in the developing countries, I should like strongly to support the draft Resolution dealing with the replenishment of IFAD resources.

A. SAISSI (Maroc): Maintenant que le débat est ouvert sur cette question, après que le délégué de la Yougoslavie a retiré sa remarque, ma délégation considère que la reconstitution des ressources du FIDA est opportune, nécessaire et urgente, en raison de l'intérêt, de la valeur et de la portée des interventions intrinsèques de cet important organisme qu'est le FIDA dans le domaine du développement rural et agricole.

Nous savons que cet organisme de financement est le seul organisme du système des Nations Unies à se consacrer entièrement au financement des actions de développement agricole et rural et nous savons combien les pays en développement notamment ont besoin de ressources de financement pour amorcer la relance de leur développement. Nous nous réjouissons aussi de l'étroite collaboration entre la FAO et le FIDA. Nous ne pouvons donc que soutenir fermement la résolution qui nous est soumise et nous nous permettons d'ajouter notre nom à la liste des co-auteurs de cette résolution.

H. A. LAM (Mauritanie): La Mauritanie appuie fermement la résolution sur la reconstitution des ressources du FIDA. La Mauritanie ne peut qu'appuyer toute résolution tendant à renforcer la capacité financière du FIDA car le FIDA a apporté une contribution appréciable au financement des projets agricoles en Mauritanie. Renforcer la capacité financière du FIDA signifie pour nous avoir un support solide pour la production agricole et la stratégie de développement dans le secteur rural.

J. P. WARNIMONT (Belgique): Ma délégation souhaite appuyer le projet de résolution qui nous est présenté sous ce point de l'Ordre du jour. Mon pays est en effet d'avis qu'il importe d'agir d'urgence pour arriver à un accord définitif et rapide sur la reconstitution des ressources du FIDA,

M. C. DIALLO (Guinée): Comme le précise le par. 3 du projet de résolution, le FIDA est le seul organisme de financement du système des Nations Unies entièrement destiné à aider au financement de projets de développement agricole et rural et la souplesse de son intervention a pu être constatée au cours des quelques années de son activité. Ma délégation se demande comment nous pourrions réaliser tous les programmes que nous nous préparons à adopter à la fin des travaux de notre Conférence si nous devions laisser cette institution sans ressources. La coopération qui existe entre le FIDA et la FAO est un garant de l'expérience des interventions correctes de cette institution dans les programmes de développement des pays en voie de développement. C'est pour toutes ces raisons que nous nous associons aux autres délégations pour soutenir fermement le projet de résolution qui nous a été présenté sur la reconstitution des ressources du FIDA.

A. L. MACHADO DE MORAES (Brazil):The Brazilian delegation fully supports this draft Resolution. We are glad to note that IFAD is working in cooperation with FAO and we believe this cooperation should increase. My delegation is glad to announce that it not only supports this draft Resolution but also that my country is taking an active part in the effort to replenish the IFAD resources.

M. S. CUADRA (Nicaragua): La delegación de Nicaragua desea expresar aquí su apoyo al proyecto de resolución presentado per el distinguido representante de Yugoslavia.

En relación con este tema, me complazco en manifestar que los dos años de lucha per el desarrollo agropecuario que lleva nuestra revolución se han visto apoyados decididamente por la acción del FIDA, y precisamente una misión de este organismo acaba de regresar de nuestro país.

Por consiguiente, consideramos de suma importancia sostener este Fondo. Y repito, por tanto, que el proyecto de resolución, así como el FIDA en sí mismo, contara siempre con el más firme apoyo de nuestro país.

A. A. MALEK (Liban) (langue originale arabe): Je ne voudrais pas que l'on comprenne que le Liban s'oppose à celle résolution.

Néanmoins nous pensions remettre à plus tard la discussion de ce projet de résolution dans l'espoir de parvenir à une résolution similaire. Mais étant donné que la majorité des délégations appuie le projet de résolution, la délégation du Liban ne voit pas d'objection à l'appuyer également.

I. OUMAROU (Niger): Mon pays ne peut qu'appuyer fermement une telle résolution. Le rôle du FIDA est connu et apprécié de nous tous, je souhaite simplement que cette résolution ait une suite rapide et ne soit pas lettre morte comme beaucoup de résolutions adoptées auparavant.

O. M. SELIKANE (Lesotho): We wholeheartedly support the draft Resolution.

A. K. OSUBAN (Uganda): I just want to put it on record that the Uganda delegation supports this draft Resolution wholaheartedly.

H. HAMMAD (Jordan) (original language-Arabic): The Fund we are now discussing is one of the corner stones of the advancement of rural and agricultural development in many countries. That is why we should like to support the draft Resolution on the replenishment of IFAD resources, so that IFAD can assure the important role of rural and agricultural development in developing countries.

W. E. ADERO (Kenya): Considering the important role, as stated in the draft Resolution, that IFAD plays in food production and rural development, my delegation also supports the draft Resolution.

Ms. G. F. OLUWASANMI (Nigeria): We are co-sponsors of the draft Resolution, so of course we whole heartedly support it.

SAAD NASRI (Algérie): Je voudrais dire également que ma délégation soutient pleinement et fermement le projet de résolution qui est soumis à notre examen et portant reconstitution des ressources du Fonds international pour le développement agricole.

H. HAUSER (Austria) (original language-German): My delegation knows how important IFAD is for financing agricultural development and food production in developing countries and how important it is to invest capital for agriculture. We have noted with great satisfaction that even closer cooperation between FAO and IFAD is planned. The Austrian delegation, like many other delegations, is able to support the draft Resolution of Yugoslavia concerning the replenishment of IFAD resources.

A. KOUKA (Congo): La République populaire du Congo apporte son soutien au projet de résolution sur la reconstitution des ressources du FIDA. En effet, cet organisme s'est révélé dès ses premières années comme l'une des institutions les plus efficaces dans le concours qu'il apporte aux pays en développment dans la solution du problème alimentaire des pays déficitaires; c'est pourquoi non seulement nous appuyons cette résolution mais demandons à en être co-auteur.

M. ZJALIC (Yugoslavia):I am afraid I am bothering this body too much with my interventions, but that is life. I would like to inform the Commission that one of the four original co-sponsors has announced that it is not in a position to remain a co-sponsor of the draft Resolution, and that, among other reasons, was why I asked for postponement of this discussion, since Venezuela does not wish to appear as a co-sponsor, although they inform us that they fully support the draft Resolution.

W. R. D. NILAWEERA (Sri Lanka): The Sri Lanka delegation, too, wishes to join other delegations'in strongly supporting this draft Resolution. Our country has embarked on several agricultural development programmes and the replenishment of the IFAD resources will certainly strengthen the agricultural programmes of the developing countries.

M. NANGUY (Cote-d'Ivoire): Le développement agricole a besoin de soutien financier; le role du FIDA à ce sujet est très important et évident. La délégation de la Côte-d'Ivoire ne peut que soutenir cette résolution.

J. J. PEREIRA REIS, Jr. (Portugal): Ma délégation appuie cette résolution sur la reconstitution des ressources du FIDA qui joue un role important dans l'aide au financement des projets de développement agricole et qui permettra d'appuyer les efforts en vue d'obtenir l'amélioration de la production alimentaire en collaboration avec la FAO.

P. N. RANA (Nepal): My delegation would like to wholeheartedly support the draft resolution dealing with the replenishment of IFAD resources. We do so, bearing in mind especially the Small Farmers Project in our country. These small farmers form the majority, and any assistance given to them is very important.

LE PRESIDENT: Ainsi se termine ma liste des intervenants. Compte tenu de tout ce que s'est dit au cours de cette discusión, de ces débats, il se dégage nettement que notre Commission appuie entièrement la résolution telle qu'elle est présentée ici.

Si vous êtes d'accord, nous pouvons considérer que cette résolution est adoptée . . . Oui? . . .


Applaudissement s


Je crois qu'avec ce point, puisque nous n'avions qu'un point à l'ordre du jour, nous pouvons considérer que notre réunion de ce jour est terminée. Je voudrais signaler que nous nous retrouverons ici lundi matin à 9 h 30 pour adopter notre rapport et également pour considérer la seconde résolution qui concerne les projets forestiers. Ensuite, je dois signaler à l'intention des membres du Comité de rédaction que ce Comité se réunit immédiatement après cette séance pour poursuivre ses travaux dans la Salle de l'Allemagne.

The meeting rose at 10. 45 hours
La séance est levée à 10 h 45
Se levanta la sesión a las 10. 45 horas

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