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23. Election of Council Members (continued)
(third ballot for the first period, Nov. 1983 - Dec. 1986 - Latin America Region only)
23. Election des membres du Conseil (suite)
(troisième scrutin, pour la première période, Nov. 1983 - Déc. 1986 - seulement Région
Amérique latine)
23. Elección de Miembros del Consejo (continuación)

(tercer votación, para el primer período, Nov. 1983 - Dic. 1986 - solo Región América Latina )

CHAIRMAN: I would like to call this session to order. We would like to resume the item we were working on this morning. At the close of this morning's meeting the tellers had gone to count the votes. I want to ask the Secretary-General to read the results. I want to express a deep appreciation to my Vice-Chairmen. They have all served a tour in this Chair, and I appreciate their efforts very much.

LE SECRETAIRE GENERAL: Aucun des quatre pays mentionnés n'a obtenu la majorité requise.

Un troisième tour est donc nécessaire.

Mais en vue de ce troisième tour, un des quatre candidats est automatiquement éliminé en raison des dispositions suivantes du règlement général: "Si lors d'un scrutin aucun candidat n'obtient la majorité requise, le candidat qui a recueilli le moins de voix dans ce scrutin est éliminé. Il est procédé au vote conformément aux dispositions pertinentes."

En conséquence, le Suriname ayant obtenu 31 voix, c'est-à-dire moins que les autres candidats est donc automatiquement éliminé.

Le troisième tour va se dérouler entre les pays suivants: Cuba, Trinité-et-Tobago et Costa Rica.

CHAIRMAN: I would announce we have 86 delegates in the room. The tellers assigned will be New Zealand and Barbados and I will turn the election process over to the Assistant Secretary - General.


23. Election of Council Members (continued)
(first ballot for the second period - Jan. 1985 - Nov. 1987)
23. Election des Membres du Conseil (suite)
(premier scrutin pour la deuxième période - Janv. 1985 - Nov. 1987)
23. Elección de Miembros del Consejo (continuación)
(primera votación para el segundo período - En. 1985 - Nov. 1987)

CHAIRMAN: Now that the voting for the first period is concluded we shall proceed with the voting for the second period, January 1985 to November 1987. The Secretary-General will read the regions concerned with the respective number of seats to be filled for each region.

LE SECRETAIRE GENERAL: Pour le premier tour de la deuxième période, sont à pourvoir par région :Afrique : 4 sièges. Candidats: Libéria, Sénégal, Tanzanie et Zimbabwe. Asie: 3 sièges. Candidats : Inde, Pakistan, Philippines. Europe: 4 sièges. Candidats : Danemark, France, Italie, Royaume-Uni. Amérique latine : 1 siège. Quatre candidats : Costa Rica, Equateur, Nicaragua, Suriname. Proche-Orient : 3 sièges. Trois candidats : Afghanistan, Arabie saoudite, Egypte. Pacifique du Sud-Ouest : 1 siège. Un candidat : 1'Australie.

Les votes pour cette deuxième période vont s'effectuer dans les mêmes conditions que ce matin, conformément à l'article XXII, par. 3 du Règlement général.

CHAIRMAN : We will now proceed to the vote. I remind you that Rule XII-14 continues to apply : once voting has commenced no delegate or representative may interrupt the voting except to raise a point of order in connection with the voting. The tellers will be Israel, New Zealand, Japan and Barbados. Will the tellers please proceed to the voting area so that voting can begin.


Point of order
Point d'ordre
Punto de orden

C. di MOTTOLA BALESTRA (Costa Rica): Mi delegación creía que íbamos a tener tiempo de tomar una decisión respecto a si presentarse o no al nuevo ciclo de votación; por lo menos poder pensar durante cinco minutos. Por lo tanto, mi delegación quiere comunicar a las demás delegaciones que todavía no han votado que se retira de la votación para el año próximo.

Según el Reglamento estamos en la lista Suriname y nosotros. Nosotros nos retiramos por que el Reglamento establece que automáticamente habiendo sido descartados del primer turno pasamos al segundo a menos que nos retirásemos, y yo creía tener cinco minutos de tiempo para tomar una decision, y no habiéndolos tenido quiero comunicar a los colegas de la sala que me retiro.

F.C. VAN DIJK (Suriname): I want to inform the meeting that my country has withdrawn too.

CHAIRMAN: Permission granted. Let me take this opportunity to clear the situation. We have granted the request of Costa Rica and Suriname to withdraw. We will just be a minute or two and we will proceed with the balloting. Accordingly they will not be on the list.

A. DAHMOUCHE (Algérie): Je regrette de ne pas être tout à fait d'accord avec vous, bien que je tienne à vous aider. C'est pourquoi je n'insisterai pas, mais je voudrais simplement attirer votre attention sur le fait que la question soulevée par le représentant de Costa Rica n'est pas une question de procédure qui aurait pu faire l'objet d'une motion d'ordre; c'est une question qui a un intérêt politique très important. Comme ce n'est pas une question de procédure, le vote n'aurait pas dû être interrompu. J'estime pour ma part que, normalement, on devrait considérer cette motion de procédure - ou prétendue telle - comme n'ayant pas existé; naturellement, cette déclaration du délégué de Costa Rica aura une influence sur les délégués qui n'ont pas encore voté. C'est incontestable, néanmoins je considère personnellement que cette intervention n'aurait pas dû exister et n'existe pas.

CHAIRMAN: I appreciate the statement made by Algeria. Let me take this opportunity to explain what has transpired, and the ruling of the Chair. I appreciate whatever opinions some of you may have, but earlier in the day Suriname was eliminated, and sent a note up here saying they did not want to be involved in the election for the second period of time. In the last ballot Costa Rica was elimi‐nated, and in all honesty I concede they did have but about three minutes to do something, and they did it in about five, whereas Suriname had more time. I think in all fairness they should have the opportunity to withdraw. Both of them will be off the ballot, and that particular Latin America ballot will include Ecuador and Nicaragua. That is the way it is going to be. They should be ready for the voting very quickly. It will not take them very long to prepare. Unfortunately we have this brief delay, but I would say as I look at the next ballot if we are fortunate we may do it all on this next round of voting, and it may not require a run-off or two, as we had earlier on today.

Ms A. SALGADO SANTOS (Brazil): A point of clarification. The ballot we had first, I have voted already, had four names, so I wondered if they are going to substitute the paper of the ballot for two names, and the people who have already voted are going to vote again?

CHAIRMAN: Those who have voted will vote again. Very few had voted, but those who had voted once will have to vote again. We are prepared to start. now. I call on the Assistant Secretary-General.


CHAIRMAN: That concludes the balloting and we will suspend the meeting while the ballots are counted.

The meeting was suspended from 16.40 to 17.25 hours
La séance est suspendue de 16 h 40 à 17 h 25
Se suspende la sesión de las 16.40 a 17.25 horas

CHAIRMAN: I have only one announcement, or one suggestion: after some discussion with some other representatives, it seems to me that when we vote and there are say four vacancies and four countries running, it is an excessive amount of effort to go and vote for everyone of them, when we could have a show of hands, or a voice vote. Or, if you have one vacancy, and one country running, it looks pretty obvious to me who is going to win. I would ask the Legal Counsel, to give us a reading on what we could do to maybe speed up the process in another year, because we have done it now, or another session. I ask that that information be made available before the end of the Conference, if that could be done. Could that be done? It cannot be done that quickly. Alright, it will be examined and prepared. How soon will you get it? The next Conference? That is a long time away. Are you not afraid by the next Conference we will have forgotten about it? I would ask the Legal Counsel to examine it as soon as it can be made available. I certainly do not pretend it should be adopted, but I think it should be given fair consideration.

The meeting rose at 17.30 hours
La séance est levée à 17 h 30
Se levanta la sesión a las 17.30 horas

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