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CHAIRMAN: I call the meeting to order and I call On the Chairman of Commission II to come forward.

C. NTSANE (Chairman, Commission II): Thank you very much Mr Chairman. I am greatly honoured to present through you to the Conference the second set of reports on the work of Commission II of the Twenty-second Conference of FAO. I am also honoured to present these reports at a time when there is a demonstration by all nations to honestly seek solutions to the problems of hunger and malnutrition which indeed has been the permanent objective of this Organization.

The reports on items 12, 13, 14 and 16 in document C 83/REP/7 were considered as document C 83/II/REP 2 and 3 at normal working pace. The discussions that led to this report before the Conference were conducted in an atmosphere of seriousness but were greatly relaxed.

With regard to item 15, Plant Genetic Resources which is a follow-up to Conference Resolution 6/81, the Commission, both as a whole and in its Contact Groups, deliberated on this subject for 32 and 1/2 hours, most of which was continuous - 16 1/2 hours in the Contact Group and 16 hours in the Commission. During this time all concerned, the FAO staff, representatives of developed and developing countries, as well as representatives of nongovernmental organizations, worked with loyalty and a deep sense of duty all without exception, and in a spirit of cooperation and compromise were seeking to emerge with a general framework called an International Undertaking within which all nations and entities would find it possible to place at the disposal of FAO their present and still to be developed Plant Genetic Resources for the common good of humanity.

Mr Chairman, this was not an easy task, but it was borne with courage, patience and conviction. At the beginning of the debates on the Director-General's report on this matter positions were hard and fixed; some were generally agreeable, some were opposed, while others would join consensus only under certain specified conditions. Negotiations brought these positions closer together to a point where it was possible to produce acceptable versions of an International Undertaking on plant genetic resources as well as enabling the Draft Resolution, both contained in document C 83/REP/8. Only as a result of the acceptability of these versions some members would not stand in the way of consensus and could permit the adoption of the Undertaking and the Resolution, but reserved their positions until further consideration by their respective governments.

The report of the Director-General, the Draft Undertaking and the Draft Resolution on Plant Genetic Resources, all done in accordance with Conference Resolution 6/81, had been so carefully worded that even with many hours of deliberations the Commission in a majority of cases came back to the original wording. For this the Director-General and his staff deserve to be commended.

Throughout the discussion it was clear that many members would have wished to see an internationally binding convention, but for practical considerations and in an attempt to attract the widest possible participation in the exchange of plant genetic resources and information, an Undertaking was the best mechanism to settle for as a starting point. However, the hope for a more formal arrangement cannot die easily, and to accommodate this the Commission presents for the consideration of the Conference the Draft Resolution under paragraph 13 of document C 83/REP/8. Clearly Mr Chairman, between a binding convention and a relatively loose undertaking only a compromise mechanism may be appropriate to permit a start on this activity of universal interest.

I take, if you permit, this opportunity to thank all those who have combined their energies on the work done so far on plant genetic resources for the benefit of future generations.

Finally, Mr Chairman, I recommend to you that we proceed with the consideration of the Report section by section. I thank you very much.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you Mr Chairman for your efforts in putting the work of Commission II together. We will proceed with the adoption of the agenda items.


Paragraphs 1 to 5 approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 5 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 5 son aprobados

Paragraphs 6 to 15 approved
Les paragraphes 6 à 15 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 6 a 15 son aprobados

Paragraphs 16 to 27 approved
Les paragraphes 16 à 27 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 16 a 27 son aprobados

Paragraph 28, including Resolution adopted
Le paragraphe 28, y compris la résolution, est adopté
El párrafo 28, incluida la Resolución, aprobado

Paragraphs 29 to 45 approved
Les paragraphes 29 à 45 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 29 a 45 son aprobados

PÁRRAFOS 46 a 59

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Si he entendido bien, ahora puedo referirme al párrafo 53 del capítulo referente al Examen y Evaluación de la Estrategia Internacional de Desarrollo. Se trata de una corrección que más bien afecta al texto castellano. Si la planteo aquí, en Plenaria, es porque es muy importante, es muy sustancial y es la última ocasión de hacerlo. Me excuso por ello, pero al final del párrafo 53, la traducción al castellano es sumamente deficiente. Habla de "industrias agrícolas de elaboración a la producción de ingresos en las áreas rurales". Creo que la lógica traducción será, al final del párrafo 53, "la contribución de las agroindustrias que generen ingresos en las áreas rurales". Repito, "la contribución de las agroindustrias que generen ingresos en las áreas rurales". En su forma actual, es inaceptable en el texto castellano.

Y si me lo permite, ya que estoy en el uso de la palabra, también quiero referirme al párrafo 58.

CHAIRMAN: Let us address the first question first; the correction of the wording as suggested by the distinguished delegate from Colombia. Mr Chairman, what do you have to say in regard to that?

C. NTSANE (Chairman, Commission II): As I understood that effects only the Spanish text and I believe it can be corrected as suggested.

CHAIRMAN: Is there any objection to correcting the Spanish text in accordance with the recommendation of the delegate from Colombia? Hearing none, that correction will be made.

Now your second point delegate from Colombia.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Este punto es menor; se refiere al párrafo 58, pero'igualmente es desastrosa la traducción al castellano, y por eso me permito presentarla. En la primera frase del párrafo 58 dice "con la compartición", y debe decir "el progreso social con la participación en los beneficios por parte de todos los sectores de la población". Por lo tanto, "con la participación en los beneficios". Gracias y de nuevo me excuso.

C. NTSANE (Chairman, Commission II): Likewise I believe since it affects only the Spanish text it can be corrected.

CHAIRMAN: Is there any objection to that correction? Hearing none the correction will be made. Are there any other corrections or additions to item 16?

Paragraphs 46 to 59,as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 46 à 59, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 46 a 59, así enmendados, son aprobados

Paragraphs 60 to 63 approved
Les paragraphes 60 à 63 sont approuvéas
Los párrafos 60 a 63 son aprobados

Draft Report of Plenary, Part 7, as amended, was adopted
Projet de rapport de la pléniëre, septième partie, ainsi amendée, est adoptée
El proyecto de informe de la Plenaria, Parte 7, así enmendado, es aprobado

I would like to call upon the Commission Chairman now and see if the Commission Chairman has any remarks before we move to part 8 agenda item 15 - Plant Genetic Resources.


C. NTSANE (Chairman, Commission II): Thank you very much Mr Chairman. A slight addition to what I have already said. I can only say that two modifications can be introduced to bring paragraph 12 and the Resolution into line more closely with the language already adopted, and in the second line of paragraph 12 there should be inserted the words "interested in the Undertaking", and the word "interested" before the word "governments" should be therefore erased. Also in paragraph 1 of the Resolution under paragraph 13, paragraph 1 starting with "Membership", in the second line between "Organization and whether" the words "interested in the Undertaking" should also be inserted. Those are the only slight introductions we can make Mr Chairman.

CHAIRMAN: You have heard those additions and I trust that you have inserted them.

A. CAVERO MONCANUT (España): Sólo quería pedir que repitieran las correcciones, sobre todo la segunda de ellas.

CHAIRMAN: Mr Chairman, would you repeat that correction for the delegates please.

C. NTSANE (Chairman, Commission II): First on page 9, paragraph 12, the second line where it reads "of an intergovernmental committee or other body open to all interested", at that point we delete "interested" and insert "interested in the Undertaking". Therefore it should correctly read "of an intergovernmental committee or other body open to all governments interested in the Undertaking".

The second place where we make the insertion is under paragraph 13 in the Resolution, under paragraph 1 which starts with the word "Membership". Again in the second line where it reads "Member Nations of the Organization", we insert there "interested in the Undertaking", and therefore it would read "Member Nations of the Organization interested in the Undertaking whether or not they are members of the committee".



CHAIRMAN: Are there any corrections or additions or discussions on this agenda item?

A. LUTZ (Finland): I have a small addition which I would like to propose for the Resolution on page 9, in the 3rd paragraph which starts with the words "Requests the Council and the COAG". Then this sentence goes on to say that "the Committee's regular sessions" etc. I would like to propose that either the abbreviation "COAG" is spelled out in full, because it is not clear to everybody - after all, this is for the future - or to put the whole name of the COAG into square brackets after the abbreviation; or else call it by its name, Committee on Agriculture.

CHAIRMAN: You heard the recommendation. Do you have any comments on it, Mr Chairman?

C. NTSANE (Chairman, Commission II): I believe there should be no difficulty in putting that in full, that is, the Committee on Agriculture.

CHAIRMAN: Is there any objection to this insertion? Hearing none, it is accepted. Now I would open the floor once again for corrections or additions or recommendations.

J.R. LOPEZ-PORTILLO ROMANO (México): Nos congratulamos de que se haya hecho mención, por parte de la Presidencia, a los dos cambios- o adiciones que sobre el párrafo 12 y 13 de las disposiciones sobre el término "interesados en el compromiso" se han hecho. Lo subrayamos porque a pesar de que no tiene, según lo que ayer nos confirmó el señor Asesor Jurídico, implicaciones legales, sí marca una cuestión de tipo moral en el sentido de que aquellos Estados Miembros que aceptan el Compromiso y aquellos que no lo aceptan, deberán actuar en congruencia. Es decir, aquéllos que no han aceptado el Compromiso, se entiende que sin duda no estarán interesados en participar en un subcomité de Recursos Fitogeneticos puesto que no están de acuerdo en la base misma de su constitución y de su trabajo. Y en consecuencia, los países que sí están aceptando el Compromiso, podrían interpretar su presencia y su actuación como de mala fe.

Pero en fin, eso es una cuestión solamente de tipo moral y de congruencia, por lo cual lo subrayamos y nos alegramos de que haya sido insertado.

Efectivamente, tenemos alguna observación que hacer en torno al párrafo 3 preambular, que resulta primero una pregunta a la Secretaría, y posteriormente, podríamos afinarla como una propuesta de parte de nuestra delegación.

Va en el siguiente sentido; ayer no quedó claro si existían otras posibilidades para constituir un órgano que respondiera adecuadamente y oportuna o prontamente a nuestro interés de tratar estos aspectos relativos a los recursos fitogenéticos en el futuro inmediato. Viendo los artículos de la Constitución de la FAO, y concretamente el artículo VI, vemos que es factible que la Conferencia o el Consejo creen comisiones de las que podrán formar parte todos los Estados Miembros y miembros asociados. De manera que podríamos poner a consideración de esta Conferencia otra alternativa a este párrafo preambular, con sus consecuencias en los siguientes dispositivos, en el sentido siguiente. Y me voy a permitir dar lectura a nuestra proposición: "Pide al Consejo que en su 85° período de sesiones establezca un órgano sobre recursos fitogenéticos que se reunirá en los períodos de sesiones ordinarios del Consejo y cuya composición y mandato serán los siguientes: párrafo 1 -Composición. El Subcomité de Recursos Fitogenéticos estará abierto a todos los Estados Miembros de la Organización y Miembros Asociados interesados en el Compromiso. De conformidad con el artículo VI, etc...".

La razón de esta pregunta, y si se contesta adecuadamente la propuesta, es que la Constitución de un Organo Auxiliar bajo COAG tendría que esperar un año y medio para so consticución; y posteriormente, para obtener resultados, quizás otro año y medio. De manera que tendríamos ya tres años de espera para obtener ciertos resultados. Quizás una Comisión del tipo que estamos proponiendo pudiera permitirnos acelerar los trabajos, y eventualmente desaparecer en el momento en que haya arrancado con éstos y precisado prioridades, etc. Quizás alguna asistencia legal podamos tener en torno a esta cuestión para confirmar o retirar nuestra propuesta.

CHAIRMAN: I am going to call upon you, Mr Chairman. I have two questions that you may be able to help with, or perhaps someone else. The first question is where this would properly fit, if it was acceptable. Does it replace something else, if we were to pursue this route? And I would ask the Chairman to comment on what we are talking about here.

C. NTSANE (Chairman, Commission II): I recommend that you give the floor to the Legal Counsel.

LEGAL COUNSEL: The point raised by the delegate of Mexico has two parts to it. The first is: can the Conference ask the Council to establish a Commission under paragraph 1 of Article VI of the Constitution, which would be open, as provided in that paragraph, to all Member Nations and associate members of the Organization? The answer to that question iş: yes, the Council may do this.

The second part of the point raised by the delegate of Mexico relates more to the periodicity of the meetings of such a body. If I have understood him correctly, he indicated that this Article VI.1 Commission would meet simultaneously with each regular session of the Council. In that connection, from the purely practical point of view, this would mean that the Commission would meet once in non-Conference years and three times in Conference years. This might be somewhat excessive. Nor did the delegate of Mexico indicate whether it was his intention that the Article VI.1 Commission would meet only until such time as a subsidiary body of the Committee on Agriculture would be established, at which time, the Article VI.1 Commission would cease to be of use. The delegate of Mexico might clarify, whether the Article VI.1 Commission that he is suggesting would, or would not, cease its functions at such time as a subsidiary body would be established by the Committee on Agriculture.

CHAIRMAN: I would ask Mexico to respond to that question.

J.R. LOPEZ-PORTILLO ROMANO (México): Sr. Presidente, como usted sabe la Conferencia es el máximo órgano de esta Institución de la FAO y por tanto puede crear o puede solicitar al Consejo en última instancia que cree un órgano conforme a sus propios estatutos.

Lo que estamos solicitando es urta revisiórt o un análisis de la alternativa a la propuesta que se hace en el párrafo 3° del Preámbulo, es decir que en vez de constituir un órgano auxiliar del Comité de Agricultura creemos una Comisión que podría ser, eventualmente, auxiliar del Consejo, no del Comité de Agricultura, en vista de que tememos que de no hacerlo así van a pasar muchos años sin que haya un avance adecuado en estas materias y los países en desarrollo particularmente interesados en estas cuestiones, porque de ello dependerá sin duda buena parte del esfuerzo productivo del futuro en materia agrícola, no nos podamos ver beneficiados por los esfuerzos de este órgano. En consecuencia, no estamos planteando que se constituya una Comisión hasta que se reúna el COAG, sino que se constituya una Comisión que trabaje por su parte, avance los trabajos y si esta Comisión tiene logros importantes y eventualmente la Conferencia decide en dos años eliminarla y crear otro tipo de órgano, un Comité Intergubernamental por ejemplo, pues entonces se tomará la decisión; pero, por lo pronto, poder tener algo, un órgano con que empezar a trabajar.

W.A.F. GRABISCH (Germany, Federal Republic of) (original language German): The Federal Republic delegation can muster some understanding for the fact that the delegate of Mexico would like to see action as soon as possible in the field of plant genetic resources, in accordance with the proposals before the Conference in document C 83/REP/8. We can understand that viewpoint but on the other hand, a certain amount of time is necessary for preparation; I think this is something we should not lose sight of. The Chairman of Commission II in his introductory remarks has already told us that the Commission devoted a great deal of time to discussing this whole nexus of issues. Among those issues there was the proposal that an alternative to COAG and its proposed sub-committee or subsidiary should be considered. However, on the suggestion of Libya we have, on page 9 of the document before us, C 83/REP/8, a Resolution which was agreed to in the Commissiono

That is to say, a proposal that these tasks be remitted to a subsidiary body of the Committee on Agriculture. In the view of the Federal Republic that is where the work should be done because it is a specialised task. Accordingly my delegation would find it very difficult indeed to go along with the proposal that another commission be set up to deal with these issues.

My delegation also has quite a few misgivings about the whole package. However, we have decided not to bring this up, in order to achieve a consensus and with the agreement of other delegations, then my delegation as well would be prepared to accept C 83/REP/8 as it stands.

M. Balla SY (Sénégal): Nous avons eu l'avis du Conseil juridique quant à la possibilité en vertu de l'article VI de la création d'un Comité par le Conseil ou la Conférence. Mais le problème qui se pose, c'est qu'à l'article XXXII, point 12, il est également prévu que c'est le COAG qui a la possibilité de créer un organe subsidiaire ou ad hoc. Or, on dit que le COAG détermine la composition, le mandat et la durée de l'organe subsidiaire ou ad hoc créé. Mais une résolution a déjà fixé, à la place du COAG, la composition, le mandat, sans parler de la durée, de ce Comité. A ce moment, notre délégation avait éprouvé des difficultés juridiques et elle s'est demandé dans quelle mesure cette résolution, qui comportait beaucoup de conséquences, était indispensable, d'autant plus qu'il existait déjà un engagement international et une résolution d'ordre général. Donc, nous nous demandons si la question ne pourrait pas être mûrie davantage plutôt que d'adopter cette résolution qui entraîne beaucoup de conséquences juridiques.

I.P. ALVARENGA (El Salvador): Nosotros compartimos la preocupación de la Delegación mexicana en cuanto al tiempo que tardaría el establecimiento de este órgano auxiliar y efectivamente vemos dificultades para que funcione a tiempo prudencialmente corto y con la intensidad necesaria si tuviese que reunirse cada vez que se congregue el Comité de Agricultura. Pensaríamos a ese respecto que se deje liberada la creación solamente al Consejo y estamos de acuerdo con la Delegación mexicana en eso, y que sea convocado en concomitancia con las reuniones del COAG, o cuando lo convoque el Director General o su Presidente. Está sobreentendido que esto no debe aumentar los costos de funcionamiento, desde luego.

M. AHMAD (Pakistan): We also share the concern about the timing as expressed by the delegation from Mexico and perhaps the best way of dealing with this could be through a slight amendment which would say in this third paragraph "which would meet at the time of the Committee's regular sessions", instead if we could say "which would meet once a year" to propose thereby the frequency would increase because the Committee on Agriculture usually meets every two years, after intervals of two years. Perhaps this would meet the point expressed by the delegation of Mexico.

CHAIRMAN: I see no other comments at this point of time. Let me say something from my own standpoint as Chairman of this Conference and I see this as an idea which has been talked about at great length already, according to the Chairman in the Commission, and idea that has perhaps good merit but this work should have been done in the Commission and not to be all done on this floor and we could have a very lengthy debate on this and I am not sure what we should resolve. My sense is that there are some problems with it, from what I have heard from some sources, I cannot speak specifically to all the legal ramifications but some have been bringing up questions like this that I cannot answer but I would ask the Director-General if he has any comments0

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: The year 1984 is going to be a very busy year. I will have to organize five Regional Conferences at ministerial level in five different countries. FAO will also have to organize a World Conference on Fisheries and also the Council is meeting in 1984. I think very frankly it will be very difficult for us to organize a meeting for 130 or 140 countries because this Committee is going to be open to all Member States, including those who are interested, and those who will write to me a letter to say that they are interested to join. The same applies to the Committee on Agriculture, the Committee on Fisheries, they are open to the interested member countries. I myself, from the practical point of view, will have difficulties to convene a meeting on this subject in 1984. A meeting for 140 countries may cost half a million dollars. It is a very big decision to have a Committee meeting every year, and to put it at the same level as the Council. We are dealing with one subject, plant genetic resources. There are other subjects in FAO, animal resources, food crops, which are also very important. This is a very very far-reaching decision,of course the Conference is sovereign, to create a Committee having the same importance and level of the Council open to all Member States and to meet every year. And then to discuss what? Plant genetic resources, an undertaking which still is a piece of paper although approved by you: even if you adhere to it, it is not really compulsory.

To be frank, a sub-committee of COAG might be something more practical. When we organize a meeting of COAG then it is a meeting for 140 countries, 150 countries, there is no major additional cost if a sub-committee of COAG meets concurrently. Plant genetics as you have seen for yourself, is a very specialized subject and the technicians who are attending the Committee on Agriculture could also deal with this subject. We can have a sub-committee meeting at the same time, the same week and once every two years. To organize every year a meeting on plant genetic resources may not be justified by the subject and by the progress. In fact, besides our work on genetic resources, which is a part of the Programme of Work and Budget, there will be very little to review, maybe our cooperation with IBPGR, and also our dealings with IBPGR. We attend their Board and we need to report to you about what is discussed and to receive your instruction what to say, but nothing more. This is my frank, direct reaction to this idea of having a meeting every year and of having a committee of the Council. In 1984 it will be very difficult, if not impossible for me to have a meeting because we will be very busy and there may be very little progress to report on. So I really request and appeal to the delegate of Mexico not to insist and to keep the text as it is after the amendments which were indicated by the Chairman of the Commission II.

M.S ZEHNI (Libya): I would like first to apologise to my Arab speaking colleagues that I have to use a foreign language which I do not usually use in the Conference but since most of the documentation in front of me and the quotations are in English so I have to try my best to convey my ideas in a foreign language.

When our delegation submitted to Commission II the Draft Resolution which appears now in page 9 we were aware that this perhaps is not the best possible solution but we opted for it for many practical reasons. One of the major concerns was the time concern about when the subsidiary body or body will meet and I think we improved the text last night by putting that "COAG at its next session will establish the", so I thought it is a certainty that it will be established at its next session. We feel that, apart from the final decision of this plenary on what measure it likes to take, this arrangement, though not the best, could be a practical and workable one.

I listened to the Director-General talk about 1984 and how busy it is going to be. I thought I would suggest here that this topic should be a major topic in the agenda of the Regional Conference to discuss it. I think this will prepare the ground, even for the meeting of COAG. So the issue would not lose momentum and would be discussed as one of the major issues during the Regional Conferences to discuss the Undertaking and the views and the concerns of the regions. I think this will give momentum and keep the issue alive in the agenda of FAO.

A further note, last night we were tempted to suggest a slight addition to the draft proposal which we submitted, that if it is at all possible maybe we will add a phrase at the end which reads roughly like this - it is not the final wording but I give you the intent of it: "We further request the Council to examine in due course arrangements of this sort and express its opinion as to their effectiveness and if there are other alternative measures to be taken". So we take the subsidiary body of COAG as an intermediate step. In a few years' time when we have had experience of the working of the subsidiary body perhaps the Council will look into this and we can then see if the measure was effective or if other alternatives were needed.

CHAIRMAN: I will call on Mexico. Let me say that we are not going to debate this all morning. We are going to resolve it fairly soon because we have other work.

J.R. LOPEZ-PORTILLO ROMANO (México): Quiero expresar en primer lugar, señor Presidente, que nuestra propuesta estaba sujeta a una confirmación de tipo legal que ha habido. En segundo lugar, debo aclarar que no recuerdo ni fue ésa en todo caso nuestra intención el poner al Comité o a la Comisión de Recursos Fitogenéticos al mismo nivel que el Consejo; sería ingenuo suponer esto. Nuestra intensción era acelerar estos trabajos; de manera que, con todo respeto y para solucionar este problema nosotros proponemos una solución intermedia que sería la siguiente. Más bien ateniéndonos a la propuesta de la delegación de .El Salvador en el sentido de que el Consejo establezca una comisión que se reuniría en los períodos de sesiones ordinarios del Comité de Agricultura, es decir, en este caso en 1985 o cuando lo convoque el propio Presidente o el Director General de la FAO. De esta manera podríamos adelantar durante un año y medio los trabajos, los documentos y tener así para la sesión del COAG algo sobre lo cual trabajar y no iniciar hasta entonces los trabajos de este órgano.

La idea en consecuencia, es una idea intermedia entre lo que se ha propuesto a esta Conferencia. Acelerar la creación de una comisión u órgano intergubernamental sobre recursos fitogenéticos, que se reuniría en los períodos de sesiones ordinarios de Comité de Agricultura, así se salvarían las preocupaciones justas y explícitas ahora por parte del Director General de que 1984 será un año muy cargado.

Esta es nuestra propuesta, espero que sea ésta aceptable, ya que no vemos que conlleve a ningún problema.

M. TRKULJA (Yugoslavia): It is with great reluctance that we ask for the floor, but we feel that we may offer a small suggestion which would alleviate some of the uneasiness felt by Mexico and some other delegations. I feel in the light of what the Director-General said and what Libya stated that we could reach a common understanding that to the next session of COAG will be submitted the first progress report on the working of the Undertaking. With this I think the uneasiness could be resolved.

CHAIRMAN: I am going to rule that we do not accept the recommendation of Mexico unless Mexico would insist upon a vote. In that case we will vote to determine this. My evaluation is, as I look and listen and hear the argument - and I appreciate the work that the Chairman and Commission II did -that this suggestion, though perhaps with merit, has not really gelled, it is not sure exactly how it is to be done, and it is an idea rather than an amendment, a change of a few words in the Commission's report, and I think it is a whole new addition and I would rule that it not be approved and not be accepted unless I am challenged.

J.R. LOPEZ-PORTILLO ROMANO (México): Pensamos nosotros que no traerá ninguno de esos inconvenientes, porque la Conferencia recomendará al Consejo la constitución del órgano, lo que hemos propuesto es una transacción, una situación intermedia que nos permitiría resolver el problema. La idea es que 1985 llegue con documentos ya preparados que podamos discutir y que, además, podamos sesionar con más prontitud o con más celeridad en las reuniones del COAG. Creo que si se acepta esto implica tan sólo una pequeña enmienda.

CHAIRMAN: I hear what you are saying and I appreciate it. You have made a very forceful case and many others have, but unless there is a call for a vote we will go on to the next subject. That is my ruling. If someone insists on a vote, then we will vote. But I appreciate your efforts, and very well done.

A.PINOARGOTE CEVALLOS (Ecuador): Yo había pedido la palabra, señor Presidente, para decir que no se proceda a dar por terminado este asunto, ya que me parece que la última propuesta de México es aceptable y si se ha invertido en discutir este tema tanto tiempo, no podemos llegar ahora a la conclusión de que hay que esperar dos años para que esto quede congelado.

Yo creo que la última propuesta es razonable, en definitiva, lo que él propuso es que durante este tiempo se realice el trabajo necesario para la próxima vez ver el asunto con mayor conocimiento de causa. En consecuencia, creo yo que si El Salvador, México y ahora Ecuador, están de acuerdo en algo, no pienso que se puede dar por cerrado así de esta manera este punto •

CHAIRMAN: Let me say I heard what you said but the Chair offered an opportunity to call for a vote on the subject, the vote was not called for, and we will not debate this subject any longer. I appreciate your efforts and you have a good point. We are not going to debate it any longer.

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: Mr Chairman, at this juncture I want only to give full assurance to the members of the Conference that while I will be preparing the documentation for the creation of the Sub-committee on Plant Genetic Resources of the Committee on Agriculture, at the same time I will be preparing the provisional agenda and the documentation for its meeting. So if the Committee on Agriculture decides to establish this Sub-Committee, it can meet during the session of the Committee on Agriculture if it is so desired. So we shall not have to wait until the next session of the Committee on Agriculture which would be, as you said, a very long period. In other words, the first session of this Sub-Committee, if it is established by the Committee on Agriculture, could take place in the spring of 1985.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Mr Director-General. Are there any other corrections or additions to agenda item 15?

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Lamento insistir, señor Presidente, pero éste es un asunto de gran importancia. Podríamos pedir nuevamente a la Secretaría que leyera la ultima propuesta de México porque, le repito señor Presidente, esto nos interesa a muchos países.

CHAIRMAN: With all due respect that subject is closed. Is there any other discussion? Any other corrections or additions, on any other subject?

A. CAVERÒ MONCANUT (España): Con todo respeto, señor Presidente, pedimos, al igual que Colombia aue se lea la ultima enmienda presentada por México.

J. TCHICAYA (Congo): Nous avons écouté avec beaucoup d'attention les thèses développées par les uns et les autres, et nous pensons que sans pouvoir trop s'éloigner du texte qui nous est proposé, il est possible de réexaminer avec un peu plus d'attention la dernière proposition faite par le Mexique.

J. GAZZO FERNANDEZ-DAVILA (Perú): A mí me preocupa, y disculpe señor Presidente que lo haga un poco a destiempo, pero el tema lo acabo de recibir. En el punto 3 de la página 2 hay una parte que como le digo me preocupa, por lo menos en la parte de nuestro idioma. Dice en las dos últimas líneas: "Bajo los auspicios o la jurisdicción de la FAO". En español bajo los auspicios o la jurisdicción, quiere decir uno de los dos. Quisiera que se ponga y/o; o sea pueden ser las dos o puede ser uno solo. Este es uno de los puntos.

El otro punto que me interesa, con todo respeto señor Presidente, porque son varios años que tratamos este tema, es que justamente parece increíble que nosotros, los países en desarrollo, seamos los donantes de genes y los países desarrollados sean los receptores. Al ser los donantes de genes, lo que quisiéramos con todo respeto y admiración por su magnífica dirección, señor Presidente, es que hubiera un poquito de flexibilidad y pudiéramos llegar a acelerar los tiempos y quisiéramos llegar con una documentación un poquito elaborada. No quisiéramos entrar en la burocracia, pero sí encontrar una formula mágica con la cual podamos comenzar a trabajar de inmediato.

Por ello, con todo respeto y con toda humildad, le pediría que nos dejara un par de minutos para tratar de llegar a un acuerdo, que su generosidad como un Presidente de amplio criterio nos permita discutir, aunque sea por dos minutos más, este punto.

L. ARIZA HIDALGO (Cuba): Consideramos que el punto no puede cerrarse. La propuesta de una delegación apoyada, debe discutirse ya que creemos que hay elementos en la Sala para poder buscar una solución en poco tiempo.

CHAIRMAN: I appreciate that there is interest in it. I have heard there is interest in it. I also appreciate the work that was done in the Committee, and somehow the Committee's Report does not reflect everything for everyone, which is the way I guess you can expect, since apparently there was a great amount of compromise effort involved.

I would ask the Commission Chairman to make any comments he wants. to.

C. NTSANE (Chairman, Commission II): As I have said before, this matter was debated at length, and at this point I would really have nothing else to add.

S.?. MUKERJI (India). Mr Chairman, I would not like to make your task any more difficult by making more amendments or suggestions, but without prejudice to what my government would like to take a decision on so far as the International Undertaking is concerned, I would suggest in all humility that there should be some harmony between Article 5 of the Undertaking and Article 7.2. I will explain it very briefly.

The basic principle of the Undertaking is that the Undertaking will be limited to base collections of plant genetic resources and that on an international level these base collections will be made available for scientific research and on mutually agreed terms. These three elements are evi‐dent in Article 5, but in Article 7.2 the last sentence reads "that the centre concerned will whenever requested by FAO make material in the base collection available to participants in the Undertaking".

I would suggest that for the sake of harmony between Article 5 and Article 7.2, a small clause may be added at the end of this sentence to the effect that it will be made available to participants in the Undertaking "for purposes of scientific research, plant breeding or genetic resource conservation, free of charge on the basis of mutual exchange or on mutually agreed terms."

I sincerely feel that the addition of this clause will facilitate and encourage a larger number of governments to participate in the International Centres or the International Coordinated Network of Plant Resources.

C. NTSANE (Chairman, Commission II): For the sake of consistency I believe and I recommend that this should be accepted without any difficulty.

CHAIRMAN: Is there any objection to this recommendation? Hearing none, it shall be adopted.

One further point on the Mexican proposition because I want to be fair, but I would ask the Chairman of the Commission: was this proposition discussed, was it presented formally in the Commission because I was not there, I do not know.

C. NTSANE (Chairman, Commission II): No, Mr Chairman. What is reflected in the Report is what was presented formally. What is suggested by Mexico now is new.

J.R. LOPEZ-PORTILLO ROMANO (México): Ayer en la noche, el señor Presidente dio por terminada la sesión sin que pudiéramos terminar esto, indicando que había problemas de interpretación, pero precisamente esas cuestiones se estaban consultando con el Asesor Jurídico, y no creemos que el Asesor Jurídico haya dado el abanico de alternativas suficientes; por lo menos, no en la sesión, de manera que no pudo terminar de discutirse.

Es por ello que acudimos nosotros mismos al texto, y vimos que sí había una alternativa legal. Si usted me lo permite, quizás esto pudiera hacer que se acelerara esta cuestión, podría yo dar lectura a nuestra propuesta y ver si es aceptable para todos, porque no creo que hay ningún problema; y lo digo francamente. Con todo respeto, puedo presentar esta propuesta y resolver de esta manera si es aceptable o no aceptable.

CHAIRMAN: Just read it, O.K.

J.R. LOPEZ-PORTILLO ROMANO (México): Dice: "Pide al Consejo que en su próximo período de sesiones, es decir, el 85° período de sesiones, cree un órgano intergubernamental sobre recursos fitogenéticos que se reunirá en los períodos de sesiones ordinarios del Comité de Agricultura o cuando lo convoque su propio presidente o el Director General".

Esto nos permitiría llegar a 1985 con documentos de trabajo.

C. NTSANE (Chairman, Commission II): I would not have anything to say on what has just been read. I just wanted to clarify the fact that in the Commission what transpired were questions from Mexico to the Legal Counsel to find out if what has been suggested now could be accommodated within the Basic Texts of the Organization.

CHAIRMAN: Are there any other subjects to be brought forward, any other corrections or additions? This section is adopted.

Let me clarify where we are at now. Perhaps it was not clear. What we adopted was Agenda Item 15, paragraph 1 through 13, with one or two minor corrections that were made clear by the Chairman of Commission II and one delegation, no other additions, and the Mexican recommendation is not adopted, and it has been completed.


J.R. LOPEZ-PORTILLO ROMANO (México): Una Moción de Orden, señor Presidente. El artículo IX de la Constitución en su párrafo cuarto dice: "El Presidente en el ejercicio de sus funciones está sometido a la autoridad de la Conferencia". No es a la inversa. De manera que le solicitamos que si no hay ninguna objeción al planteamiento que hemos hecho, se acepte éste y se incorpore a este documento, porque consideramos que esto podría facilitar sin duda nuestros trabajos. Le suplico lo tome en cuenta en vista de que hay muchas delegaciones que han hecho uso de la palabra en este sentido.

CHAIRMAN: I will tell you what I am going to do because you are so persistent. I am going to get a show of hands on what we do on this right now and put it to rest one way or the other.

You have just read it, you have heard Mexico's request.

Show of hands voting
Vote à main levée
Votación a mano alzada

The vote was 25 in favour, 30 opposed, 23 abstentions and the recommendation fails. Are there any other recommendations or suggestions on Agenda Item 15, paragraphs 1 to 13? You fought a good fight; that was a good one. Adopted.


J.R. LOPEZ-PORTILLO ROMANO (México): Una Moción de Orden, señor Presidente. Solicitamos que se haga nominal porque nuestro cómputo fue distinto. Claro que es un cómputo informal, pero fue distinto. o sea que solicitamos se haga nominal la votación. Nosotros contamos 27 a favor, 21 en contra y 14 abstenciones.

CHAIRMAN: You have the authority to call for the vote, but may I say that we have people counting up here and they compared their numbers and they are in an advantageous place to count. I do not know about the prerogative of a roll call vote.

Unless I am absolutely obligated by the rules to have a roll call vote I am not going to reverse my position. That count was accurate up here, it was taken by several people. I personally counted, Mr Sylla counted and others counted but we will see what the Council says.

A. SALGADO SANTOS (Brazil): It is just to support the proposal made by the Mexican delegation for a roll call vote.

CHAIRMAN: May I make a request of the distinguished delegate from Mexico. I do not know what we are going to find here or if we are going to know what we found once we find it, but in the interest of trying to solve this I would ask that you withdraw your position inasmuch as I have got a long list. I have had votes from those who were not going to vote and I have heard from many people and heard them speak. That is my request; and I ask, would you consider it.

J.R. LOPEZ-PORTILLO ROMANO (México): Yo respeto mucho su situación; sé que para usted es difícil esto. Le agradezco la forma en que está manejándolo, con paciencia, con buena voluntad, pero le reitero que nuestra delegación está profundamente interesada en esto porque no queremos ver que pasen los años sin tener soluciones en torno a este tema que consideramos prioritario.

De manera que, disculpe usted, pero sí reiteramos nuestra posición. Y gracias por su comprensión.

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: I am talking now to the delegate of Mexico. His text requests the Council at its next session - it meets tomorrow morning - to establish a subsidiary body of COAG on Plant Genetic Resources. So what is your text?

J.R. LOPEZ-PORTILLO ROMANO (México): La idea es que, conforme al artículo VI, tenemos entendido que el Consejo puede constituir una Comisión o un Organo, en este caso intergubernamental, sobre Recursos Fitogenéticos. La idea sería pues solicitarle al Consejo el que constituya una Comisión sobre Recursos Fitogenéticos que se reunirá en los períodos de sesiones ordinarios del Comité de Agricultura, para que no sea el Comité de Agricultura quien lo cree dentro de un año y medio. Y a partir de entonces, empiece a trabajar. Por supuesto, nos atenemos plenamente al Reglamento, y en este caso al artículo VI, párrafo 1.

CHAIRMAN: I would suggest to the distinguished delegate from Mexico that we have another show of hands, which is a little bit easier, but a careful show of hands on the vote. Is that acceptable? Okay, we are going to do this once more and we are going to count the hands. Keep your country sign up very high and we are going to do it very carefully. Now you are voting on that which Mexico read. Do you want it read again? Read it again please, the specification recommendation, word for word.

J.R. LOPEZ-PORTILLO ROMANO (México): Con mucho gusto. Dice: "Pide al Consejo que en su próximo período de sesiones cree un órgano intergubernamental sobre recursos fitogenéticos que se reunirá en los períodos de sesiones ordinarios del Comité de Agricultura o cuando lo convoque su propio Presidente o el Director General".

CHAIRMAN: Would all in favour of that suggestion raise your country sign. Right, those opposed raise you sign and raise it high. All right, now abstentions.

Show of hands votation
Vote à main levée
Votación a mano alzada

The count is: 37 in favour, 30 against and 29 abstentions.

The Mexican amendment was adopted by 37 votes to 30 against 29 abstentions
L'amendement du Mexique est adopté par 37 voix contre 30 et 29 abstentions
Por 37 votos contra 30 y 29 abstenciones queda aprobada la enmienda de México


W.A.F. GRABISCH (Germany, Federal Republic of)(original language German): For the reasons which we already announced in Commission II and which were set out here by the Director-General and the delegate of Libya, I now unfortunately have to intimate that we cannot agree with this proposal. Would you therefore include us in the footnote on page 4 of the document and on page 9 as well.

CHAIRMAN: That will be done.

P.S. McLEAN (United Kingdom): I find it very regrettable what this Plenary session has been doing for the last hour or more. We had a very long and detailed discussion in Commission II and the work of that Commission has been, I would not say destroyed but disrupted by this morning's effort. In an earlier intervention the delegate of the Federal Republic of Germany stated that this whole thing was a finely tuned package and the United Kingdom, like the Federal Republic, was prepared to go along with it on that basis. What has been introduced to us this morning seems to me a new element which should have been discussed in that Commission, and, like my German colleague, I might find it necessary to enter, in respect of the two Resolutions, a reservation by the United Kingdom.

A. FEQUANT (France): La position de la France est la même sur ce point que celle de l'Allemagne fédérale et du Royaume-Uni.

J. SONNEVELD (Netherlands): I would like to see the Netherlands included in the same list of countries who have reservations on the Resolution on page 9.

M. Balla SY (Sénégal): Je pense qu'à l'image de la position de certains pays, il est bon que ceux qui ont proposé une modification indiquent leur position.

J'avais posé deux questions préjudicielles du point de vue juridique. J'avais dit qu'on ne pouvait pas demander à un organisme de créer un organe subsidiaire et de fixer au départ sa composition et son mandat, alors que le texte consultatif lui donne le droit de le faire lui-même. Si on avait répondu à ces questions préjudicielles, on aurait pu comprendre que du point de vue juridique la proposition du Mexique était tout à fait acceptable. Il n'est pas dans mon esprit de remettre en cause une résolution qui n'a pas été discutée. Je loue l'esprit expéditif du Président qui nous l'a fait adopter, mais nous avons toujours soulevé ces questions préjudicielles.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Sr. Presidente, creo que todos debemos estar muy agradecidos a la Delegación de México, y particularmente a nuestro colega el Embajador, por haber propuesto una solución que simplemente está dirigida a acelerar los tiempos en un problema tan importante como este. Creemos que ha sido exagerada, desproporcionada la reacción de algunos colegas sobre el resultado de este voto democrático. Quisiéramos pedirles que ojalá retiren esas reservas que han expresado y acepten tan sólo nuestra voluntad, nuestro deseo de que cuanto antes se comience a trabajar en un aspecto que es de vital interés para nuestros países.

CHAIRMAN: Are there any other corrections or additions? Any other comments? Is there anything else to be added to Agenda item 15?

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: I think it is necessary, now that this proposal of Mexico has been accepted, to make corresponding changes in the ensuing paragraphs, and perhaps you will allow the Legal Counsel to take the floor on this issue.

LEGAL COUNSEL: Now that the amendment proposed by Mexico has been adopted there are obviously a number of changes which have to be made to the draft Resolution set out on page 9 of the English version of document C 83/REP/8. First and foremost, of course, the title would need amending because you are now establishing a completely different type of body. But the more important part is the first operative paragraph of the Resolution beginning with the words "Requests". And here I hope I have the correct translation into English of the proposal made by Mexico. That paragraph would read:

"Requests the Council to establish at its next session a Commission on Plant Genetic Resources in accordance with Article VI paragraph 1 of the Constitution, open to all Member Nations and associate members and which will meet at the same time as the regular sessions of the Committee on Agriculture."

I assume, in addition, that the terms of reference of the Commission would remain precisely those which were provided for in the Resolution. Then there is a little bit of purely cosmetic drafting that would have to be inserted, simply in order to link up the text of the terms of reference, the substance of which would remain the same as in (a), (b), and (c), in the Resolution originally proposed by Libya. I hope I have interpreted the decision of the Conference correctly.

Mrs RAVN (Norway): May I request some clarification first from the Legal Counsel? I understand that now the membership is different from what was originally proposed because, as I understand it, now we talk about Member Nations of FAO and associate members, whereas in the original text we have the addition that "The Council may" etc. I do not know if this is still in the text.

LEGAL COUNSEL: Article VI, paragraph 1 provides for two kinds of Commission: those which are open to all Member Nations and associate members - there are, in fact, no associate members of the Organization at the present time - and those which are Regional. Therefore if we are to remain within Article VI.1, the Commission must be open to all Member Nations of the Organization. The procedure which is followed is that those Member Nations who so wish inform the Director-General of their desire to be a member of the Commission.

There are also perhaps two clarifications that I should make to what I said before. The text that I read would, of course, replace the paragraph in the old Resolution which had a small paragraph 1 entitled "Membership". Also, I omitted a few words. I think Mexico did say "which would meet at the time of the Committee on Agriculture's regular session when convened by the Chairman or by the Director-General." On that point, if I may perhaps suggest a slight amendment, I do not think the Commission could meet every time the Chairman so decided because, for reasons which I think are fairly obvious, a particularly diligent Chairman might wish to convene the body more often than the Organization could afford. I do not think it would change anything if we just leave it to the Director-General to call for additional sessions, because at least he is in a position to tell whether the meeting of the Commission is, in fact, financially possible.

I might also add in connection with the point raised by Norway, that the membership is slightly changed in another respect also. If the Commission is established under Article VI, non-member nations of the Organization may not be members of this Commission.

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: We have got to understand what was decided. A decision was taken, which may mean that countries like the USSR cannot be members of the Commission. The USSR is playing a role in plant genetic resources and all the technicians know that the USSR should in one way or another be invited to participate.

So we have not gained anything. I said that if it was a sub-committee of the Committee on Agriculture, it would still meet next year at the same time as the Committee on Agriculture. We have not gained time but we have raised the status of the subject on a higher level than the Committee on Agriculture; it is now like the Committee on Fertilizers which meets every two years. We were anyway going to meet the next time but by this decision we are excluding here the USSR and also some other Member Nations. However, it is decided now. It is not for the Director-General to decide when a Commission or a Committee should meet. It is not for its Chairman either. It is the Commission itself which decides because we have to respect democracy in the Commission too.

CHAIRMAN: Are there any other corrections or additions to this section? Any other points to add?

Paragraphs 1 to 11, including Resolution and Annex, as amended, adopted
Les paragraphes 1 à 11, y compris la Résolution et l'Annexe, ainsi amendés, sont adoptés
Los párrafos 1 a 11, incluida la Resolución y el Anexo, así anmendados, son aprobados

Paragraphs 12 and 13, including Resolution as amended, adopted
Les paragraphes 12 et 13, y compris la Résolution ainsi amendée, sont adoptés
Los párrafos 12 y 13, incluida la Resolución asi enmendada, son aprobados

Draft Report of Plenary, Part 8, as amended, was adopted
Projet de rapport de la plénière, huitième partie, ainsi amendée, est adoptée
El proyecto de informe de la Plenaria, Parte 8, así enmendado, es aprobado

CHAIRMAN: We are going to do Part 9 which is a Draft Report of the Plenary.


Paragraph 1 approved
Le paragraphe 1 est approuvé
El párrafo 1 es aprobado

Paragraphs 2 and 3 approved
Les paragraphes 2 et 3 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 2 y 3 son aprobados

Paragraph 4 including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 4. y compris la résolution, est adopté
El párrafo 4, incluida la Resolución, aprobado

Paragraph 5 approved
Le paragraphe 5 est approuvé
El párrafo 5 es aprobado

Paragraph 6 approved
Le paragraphe 6 est approuvé
El párrafo 6 es aprobado

Paragraph 7 approved
Le paragraphe 7 est approuvé
El párrafo 7 es aprobado

Draft Report of Plenary, Part 9, was adopted
Projet de rapport de la plénière, neuvième partie, est adoptée
El proyecto de informe de la plenaria, Parte 9, es aprobado


T. GLASER (Président, Commission III): Sur les points 21.3 et 21.4 de l'ordre du jour du rapport de la Commission III, il y a eu de légères modifications. Sur le premier point "Etat des contributions" il y a eu un assez long débat qui fait l'objet, dans le rapport qui vous est soumis, d'une résolution. En ce qui concerne le texte qui a été distribué, il a été malheureusement matériellement impossible de le réimprimer après la dernière discussion en Commission et c'est pour cela que je dois vous indiquer les quelques petits changements que la Commission a encore décidés.

Le premier changement concerne le paragraphe 15, première phrase. Je vous lis d'abord la phrase telle qu'elle est dans la version qui a été distribuée: "15. On a aussi noté qu'après l'adoption de la résolution proposée, le Directeur général placerait l'excédent de trésorerie sur un compte spécial". Cette phrase a été modifiée, elle est maintenant comme suit: "15. On a aussi noté que si le Conseil donnait l'autorisation de retenir quelque montant que ce soit de l'excédent de trésorerie, le Directeur général placerait le montant retenu sur un compte spécial". C'est la première modification approuvée par la Commission. .

La deuxième phrase concerne le paragraphe suivant: Je vous lis d'abord la phrase comme elle est dans le document: "16. Un certain nombre de membres ont fait observer qu'il s'agissait malheureusement d'un problème à long terme". La nouvelle version de cette phrase est la suivante: "16. Un certain nombre de membres ont fait observer que le problème du retard dans les paiements et les arriérés était malheureusement un problème à long terme". Cette modification a été aussi approuvée par la Commission, et cela rend le texte un peu plus clair.

La troisième et dernière modification concerne uniquement le texte anglais. Au commencement de l'article 17 (le texte français reste inchangé), on va remplacer les quatre premiers mots et je vous lis le nouveau texte de la première phrase du paragraphe 17 en anglais: "17. After the discussion the Conference adopted the following Resolution".

Je fais confiance à la traduction simultanée pour la version dans les autres langues.

Voilà les modifications qui vous sont proposées.

Le deuxième point couvert par ce rapport concerne l'amendement du Règlement financier: attestation de vérification des comptes. Il y a là une résolution qui a été également acceptée par la Commission III pratiquement sans discussion, il n'y a eu aucune contestation.

CHAIRMAN: We will proceed by paragraphs and I understand that the suspension of the Financial Regulations which we will adopt, will be a roll call vote. Let us proceed then to paragraphs 1 to 3. Are there corrections or additions?

Paragraphs 1 to 3 approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 3 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 3 son aprobados


L. ARIZA HIDALGO (Cuba): Es una pequeña modificación que considero debe hacerse para mantener la estandarización de estos tipos de informe.

En el párrafo 10 se comienza diciendo: "Varios miembros". Después en el cuarto renglón se dice: "otros señalaron. "Varios" designa cantidad", "otros", no.

Proponemos que donde se dice "otros", en la cuarta línea, diga "muchos señalaron". Varios miembros destacaron y muchos señalaron, porque "otros" no dan cantidad.

CHAIRMAN: Mr. Chairman, what is your reaction to that recommendation?

T. GLASER (Président, Commission III): Pendant le débat, je n'ai pas fait le décompte exact. Si s'est désiré je pense qu'on peut modifier le texte mais je souligne que celui-ci a été approuvé comme il est présenté ici. Si l'on commence à faire des changements ça et là, nous risquons de prolonger la discussion pendant quelques heures parce qu'il pourrait y avoir d'autres petites améliorations possibles.

CHAIRMAN: What is the pleasure of the body? Do you understand the changes? Acceptable? Are there any objections or corrections to paragraphs 4-16?

M. Balla SY (Sénégal): Paragraphe 15. En français dans la modification donnée par le Président, ont dit "placerait le montant retenu sur un compte spécial". Nous demandons (c'est peut-être une question de traduction) que l'on dise "dans un compte spécial".

CHAIRMAN: Any other objections, any other recommendations or corrections?

Paragraphs 4 to 16, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 4 à 16, ainsi amendés, sont approuvées
Los párrafos 4 a 16, así enmendados, son aprobados


CHAIRMAN: Now the Financial Resolution which requires a roll call vote. There are 98 delegates present so we have a quorum to proceed. Let us proceed with that Resolution. Mr Chairman, do you have anything to add to the Financial Resolution?

T. GLASER (Chairman, Commission III): No, thank you.

CHAIRMAN: Is there any discussion on the Financial Resolution? Are there any corrections or additions to be added to the Resolution before we vote on it?

T. AHMAD (Pakistan): Only a procedural question. I was wondering if the Resolution is adopted unanimously would you still require a roll call? If procedurally it is required then you can go ahead but otherwise I thought there was no problem with that.

CHAIRMAN: The suspension of the Financial Regulations carries. My understanding is now we have adopted the Resolution by the vote.

Paragraphs 17 including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 17 y compris la resolution, est adopté
El párrafo 17 incluida la Resolución, es aprobado

CHAIRMAN: Now we are obligated to adopt the Amendment to the Financial Regulations which are on pages 8, 9 and 10 of your text. Is there any discussion, any corrections or additions?

Paragraph 18 approved
Le paragraphe 18 est approuvé
El párrafo 18 es aprobado

Paragraph 19 including Resolution adopted
Le paragraphe 19 y compris la résolution est adopté
El párrafo 19 , incluida la Resolución, aprobado

Draft Report of Commission III, Part 3, as amended, was adopted
Projet de Rapport de la Commissionili, troisième partie, ainsi amendée, est adoptée
El proyecto de informe de la Comisión III, parte 3, así enmendado, es aprobado


25. Date and Place of the Twenty-third Conference Session
25. Date et lieu de la vingt-troisième session de la Conférence
25. Fecha y lugar del 23° período de sesiones de la Conferencia

CHAIRMAN: We have now one more issue, Item 25 on our agenda. I propose the date to be 9-28 Novem‐ber 1985 in Rome. Is there any objection to that?


CHAIRMAN: Even with all the turmoil and excitement that we have experienced this morning we are just about ready to close down the curtain on this Conference, if you can imagine that. I am going to give you some more formal remarks upon closing, but I wanted to tell you that I appreciated your cooperation. You have been a tremendous group to work with and I not only am pleased and honoured to have had the chance to have chaired this session because indeed I think it is a great honour, but I am also pleased to have had the chance to meet and become friends with many of you here, and I appreciate that very much.

Unless there is some other business, we have accomplished our work at hand.

P. GOSSELIN (Canada): I, with your indulgence, would like to read a statement from the Canadian Minister of Agriculture, Mr Eugene Whelan, who, as you know is the President of the World Food Council. The statement is as follows:

"Mr Chairman, fellow colleagues and delegates, as the Twenty-second Conference draws to a close, as President of the World Food Council I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all Godspeed and safe journeys home. I value greatly the moments that we spent together and look forward to seeing many of you again during the coming two years.

I and the WFC urge you to be vigilant and courageous in your efforts to increase agricultural productivity in your countries. We are grateful to Mr Edouard Saouma and the FAO for their repeated and appropriate calls for increased priority to agriculture. We all know that a crisis of unimaginable proportions lies just over the horizon if we relax and weaken our resolve. I urge you to carry the message to your Cabinet colleagues and fellow countrymen. Agriculture must come first and not weapons. Tractors and trawlers must take priority over tanks and limousines. If you fail to convince your governments of these priorities in your first discussions try a second time. If this fails, try a third, a fourth and a tenth and continue for whatever number of times it proves necessary. You have the support of the World Food Council and you have and will continue to have, I am sure, the support of the FAO. You have the support of the World Food Programme and IFAD.

Mr Chairman, I must also remind you of my opening address to the Conference as President of the World Food Council. I had some strong words to say about IFAD, but they needed to be said. You have promised to speak to your Cabinet colleagues about your government's share in this important indeed critical institution. I and the World Food Council, indeed, all ministers and governments represented at this Twenty-second FAO Council shall be most disheartened and disappointed should your government fail to live up to the generosity and genuine concern for humanity which has been the most predominant single characteristic of the American people.

To Mr Saouma and the FAO I express once again our thanks and appreciation. The World Food Council and the FAO will be working together in the many months ahead in our common resolve to eradicate hunger, malnutrition and poverty, the common single ailments of all mankind. Sincerely, Eugene F. Whelan, President, World Food Council."

Thank you, Mr Chairman.

B. SEQUEIRA (Angola): Mr Chairman, I apologise to you and to the other delegates for coming in at this late moment. Very briefly, I am not speaking in the name of Portuguese-speaking Member Nations of FAO. However, the delegations of Mozambique, Sao Tomé and Principe, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Portugal, Brazil and Aneola have agreed to kindly request the Director-General to look into the possibilities of having the Portuguese language as a working language, and if this is not workable, to examine other avenues in consultation with above-mentioned member countries.

I hope this will be acceptable to you and to other delegations. I thank you, Sir, and once again I apologise for coming in late.

J.M. BULHAO MARTINS (Portugal): La délégation portugaise appuie chaleureusement la proposition que vient de faire le délégué de l'Angola, touchant l'élaboration d'une étude sur l'utilisation de la langue portugaise comme langue de travail de la FAO. Ma délégation voudrait également faire remarquer que la langue portugaise est la langue officielle de sept pays qui, dans leur ensemble, représentent environ 200 millions de personnes et, comme d'autres langues, elle constitue un important instrument de compréhension et de relation entre cultures diverses.

Je crois d'ailleurs pouvoir saisir l'occasion pour très rapidement rappeler que, déjà, en 1979, dans le cadre de l'Union postale universelle, a été créé un groupe linguistique portugais: Angola, Brésil, Cap-Vert, Guinée-Bissau, Mozambique et Portugal, pour l'institutionnalisation du portugais comme langue de travail.

Ultérieurement, à la Conférence mondiale sur les politiques culturelles qui a eu lieu au Mexique sous l'égide de 1'Unesco, en juillet 1982, a été approuvée la réglementation 73 qui, ayant pris en considération le fait que la langue portugaise est employée par sept pays et qu'elle est aussi un véhicule intellectuel, recommande au Directeur général de 1'Unesco, l'utilisation du portugais comme langue de travail.

De la même façon, lors du Sommet des chefs d'Etat africains de langue officielle portugaise, tenu au Cap-Vert, en 1982, on a convenu de l'utilisation de la langue portugaise comme langue de travail dans les organisations internationales.

En outre, le portugais est aussi une des langues officielles de travail à l'Organisation des Etats américains. Lors du Congrès sur l'utilisation de la langue portugaise dans le monde, tenu cette même année au Portugal, conclusion identique.

Le cadre que je viens de tracer paraît suffisant pour justifier que, nous aussi, les pays de langue portugaise de la FAO, manifestions le plus vif intérêt pour l'élaboration d'une étude qui, si elle se concrétisait, pourraít faciliter énormément notre participation aux travaux de cette Organisation.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much and your concerns will be taken into consideration, I assure you, and also for Brazil and Cape Verde, I am guessing that you want to promote the same subject.

I am going to take the prerogative of the Chair at this time and go forward with my closing remarks, if I may. I want to thank all of you for the privilege that you have given to me of serving as Chairman of this FAO Conference. I appreciate your confidence in me to guide this assembly through its work. In particular, I am grateful to the Vice-Chairmen. They did a tremendous job. I appreciate their efforts and the Commission Chairmen of this Conference for their efforts, and I know the many hours that they spent and their patience.

In terms of concrete action, however, a great deal remains to be done. I will therefore certainly be coming forward with suggestions for further action at the next Committee on World Food Security next Spring.

The problem of world food security is not going to go away. Unless dealt with radically, it will get worse and threaten the peace and stability of a large part of the world.

It is FAO’S duty to make the facts known; to propose action at various levels; and to take action itself. This is our inescapable duty, notwithstanding all the constraints of which we are so often reminded.

Even on questions of finance we have succeeded in reaching either unanimity or a high level of consensus. I say "even", because, as in the past, but even more so today, questions of finance seem to excite far greater passions than other more fundamental matters.

I will not at this juncture again go over all my reasons for proposing a virtually zero-growth budget. I can say, however, that, in a spirit of realism and conciliation, on this occasion, without recognizing a principle, I recognized a situation.

I remain concerned however about the continuing attack, of which one can see evidence in various quarters, on official development assistance in general, and particularly on its multilateral forms. I cannot help feeling that these attacks spring partly from age-old prejudice against all things foreign and partly from ignorance of what Organizations like FAO are doing and the way they do them. Part of this ignorance is our own fault in that we are not yet making the best use of our resources to put across the facts.

Whatever the causes of the attack on multilateralism, I am convinced by logic and experience that they represent a very narrow view of the world and of the way in which the future of our children and grandchildren should be assured.

I am encouraged in this assessment by the eloquent and penetrating views expressed by the Prime Minister of Sweden, Mr Olof Palme, when we had the privilege of hearing him on World Food Day a month ago in this same room. In an unemotional but extremely effective way he gave fresh meaning and force to the themes of strategic and economic priorities and the paramount importance of food and agriculture, not only in global terms but in the life of individual human beings everywhere.

I am convinced that we must do all we can to overcome negative approaches to multilateralism.

I am also convinced that this involves more than merely cutting budgets. World peace and prosperity involves much more than that.

Having said that, let me however again acknowledge with gratitude the unanimous support which my proposals for the Programme of Work and Budget for 1984-85 have received. It has been some years since there was total unanimity on the budget. I hope that now we shall be enabled by the contributions of our Member Nations to carry out the unanimously approved programme in full.

Turning now to the last stages of this Conference, it has also been significant in my view that the various elections which have taken place have also been conducted in a high degree of harmony, generosity and understanding.

In this connection, I would refer particularly to the noble and dignified gesture of the Representative of Sudan, Mr Khalil, which enabled the Conference to re-elect Dr Swaminathan, whom I again congratulate today, in an atmosphere of consensus and goodwill. This is the continuing tradition of FAO which we owe to the spirit and commonsense of the representatives of our Member Nations.

I refer to all representatives, but I have been particularly pleased to note that our Conference has been attended by one Head of State, one Prime Minister, one Deputy Prime Minister and a century of Ministers, not all of them but most of them Ministers of Agriculture.

They have offered us valuable insights into the experiences of their countries and wise counsel on the work of the Organization. They have, also given us encouragement and support.

On this occasion, their participation went further in a number of ways. I would refer in particular to the meeting I had with certain Ministers to discuss the critical situation in Africa.

I was much encouraged that at this second meeting, which I took upon myself to initiate at ministerial level, there was a much more positive and concrete response than at the meeting I called on 19 October.

Generous additional pledges were made by certain countries and others indicated their intention to speed up delivery of existing commitments and to see what further could be done in the next few weeks.

Action is still pending in the General Assembly on the initiative I took during my recent visit there to tap an additional source of funds remaining from the United Nations Emergency Fund for use in dealing with emergency situations in Africa. I hope that negotiations among delegations there will turn out satisfactorily for the countries concerned, particularly in providing short-term measures of relief at the present time to those who desperately need them here and now.

This Conference has been much concerned with Africa and rightly so. The picture in the rest of the world is not entirely reassuring but undoubtedly great strides have been made. In Africa, however, the lives of many millions of people are at stake.

Strategies, policies, plans and studies in support of long term efforts are all necessary but can they save lives which today and tomorrow are hanging by a thin thread? I therefore once again appeal to the international community to do all it can to help in the weeks and months ahead.

Meanwhile, I hope that the Ministers and delegations, particularly from Africa, who have been present at this Conference, will return to their countries with renewed resolve to tackle the problems of food production with fresh ideas and even greater vigour.

We must hope that the moves being made with intelligence and insight into fostering South-South relations, ECDC and TCDC will achieve a greater momentum and more impact in the next two years.

One approach is not exclusive of the other. Everyone must help themselves as best they can but they must also help each other. This is the message which permeates the thinking of all institutions devoted to human progress, whether on a national, regional or international basis.

It is certainly the spirit which permeates our thinking and action here. It is this spirit which has enabled us to overcome any difficulties which could have arisen in the last few days on controversial items.

In doing so, we have of course greatly benefited, Mr Chairman, from your leadership, coupled with a good sense of humour. We felt those qualities from the very moment you were elected and you have sustained them throughout. During your unavoidable absence in the middle of the Conference, we were also very ably and skilfully led by the Minister of Agriculture of China, the Minister of Agriculture of Cyprus and, in the last few days, by the able Ambassador of Peru to FAO, Mr Gazzo.

Our thanks are due to you and your colleagues as well as to the ability, skill and patience of the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the three Commissions and their Drafting Committees, the General Committee, the Resolutions Committee and the delegates themselves.

We do not, of course, cease our efforts now. The work of the Organization goes on. Moreover, the active role of member governments in formulating policies and programmes will also continue intensively during the next years.

Foremost in this process are the FAO Regional Conferences, which form an almost unique element in the United Nations system.

This is our overall Food and Agricultural Summit, but the Regional Conferences consitute Regional Summits of Ministers of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

Their deliberations are of great importance, not only in shaping the thinking of the Organization, but also in promoting economic and technical cooperation between the countries of the region.

I am therefore looking forward very much to attending each Regional Conference next year.

I am also looking forward to attending the World Forestry Congress, which will be held in Mexico in 1985. This is not an FAO meeting as such, but of course we are deeply involved in it in various ways. It is an occasion of great importance to foresters everywhere.

The world of Fisheries also constitutes a special fraternity and it will no doubt demonstrate this anew at the World Conference on Fisheries Management and Development which will be held here in July of next year.

Mr Chairman, I have been greatly encouraged by the warm reception and most notable cooperation and assistance that the Secretariat has received in its preparation for holding this Conference. I think it has been a model of how a world conference, when you really need to have one, can be prepared.

I sincereïy hope that when it is held, it will not only run smoothly but will have an outcome which in the continuing tradition of this Organization will have the support of all.

As I said, however, at the end of the last Conference, whatever our efforts may be, we cannot expect easy victories nor triumphal marches. We are faced with a long and hard task in which there will be disappointments provoked by nature or man himself, as well as achievements.

This Conference has however fortified our faith that by our joint and several endeavours we can eventually succeed in realising the ideals enshrined in our Constitution.

These ideals will not perish. They will survive whatever the prejudice or ignorance or - more important - the climatic, economic and technological difficulties with which we may be faced.

In conclusion, Mr Chairman, I rededicate myself and all my colleagues to defending and achieving these ideals and put ourselves devotedly and faithfully at the service of all of you accordingly.

Once more, Mr Chairman, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, I thank you on behalf of all my colleagues and myself and wish you a safe and happy return to your countries and also a happy New Year 1984.


CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Director-General, for those inspiring remarks. I yield the floor to the Chairman of the group from Africa, the delegate from Cameroon.

A.G. NGONGI NAMANGA (Cameroon): I know we are all hungry but I will take a few minutes. Mr Chairman, it is through your guidance and that of the Vice-Chairmen and the Chairmen of the Commissions that we have had a very good Conference and, of course, through the technical preparations which were made by the Director-General, and the Secretariat.

Mr.Chairman, this Conference has been a good one because you yourself, Minister of Agriculture of the United States of America, agreed to chair this meeting to show the spirit of cooperation which exists between the big and the small members of our Organization.

Secondly, the Director-General in his wisdom prepared a Programme of Work and Budget for 1984-85 which received the unanimous support of the Conference. This is a sign of the good health of the Organization since, to overcome problems of hunger and malnutrition we need to marshall our combined and determined efforts.

Thirdly, this Conference has placed great emphasis - and justifiably so - on food security and has put a stamp of approval on the proposal put forward by the Director-General on the wise concept of world food security. This Conference has also expressed its grave concern on the food situation in Africa and has adopted a Resolution calling for increased assistance to the badly hit countries on whose behalf the Director-General has made several appeals to the international community here at FAO and at the General Assembly for emergency assistance.

As leader of the African Group of representatives to FAO, I am deeply grateful to the Director-General, to you, Mr Chairman, and to the Conference for this support.

This Conference has reelected Dr Swaminathan to the office of Indpendent Chairman of the Council. The Council will continue to be guided by a very distinguished and capable "Independent Chairman". Permit me to express deep appreciation to the representative of Sudan to FAO, Mr Khalil, for his display of leadership and sense of sacrifice in removing his candidature, thus permitting the reelection of Dr Swaminathan.

Finally, permit me to say a few words in honour of someone who has served this Conference over the last five years. As you would know, Mr Sylla, the Assistant Director-General, Department of General Affairs and Information, and Secretary General for the Conference and Council, will be retiring at the end of the year. I am sure you will agree with me when I say that Mr Sylla has discharged his duties honourably and with great competence. It has been my pleasure to work closely with him over the last years in my capacity as Chairman of the African Group. I am sure he has been as courteous to the other leaders of other groups as he has been to me.

The African Group I am sure would wish Mr Sylla a happy retirement and we are sure he will continue to be of great service to his country, of great service to Africa and the international community.


G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Señor Presidente, el señor Amir Abdalla Khalil, colega y amigo, actual Presidente del Grupo de los 77, me ha conferido el honroso encargo de intervenir ahora a nombre del Grupo de los 77.

Nosotros queremos agradecer a usted la cordialidad y la simpatía, la inteligencia, la competencia y los deseos de acertar con que ha actuado en esta Conferencia. El buen humor y la simpatía que caracterizaron a usted lograron adquirir una cierta firmeza equitativa en medio de cierta efervescencia democrática. Reconocemos y agradecemos a usted que haya abandonado por algunos días sus altas obligaciones en el país donde tanto le respetan y admiran por su alta posición, para estar con nosotros aquí en esta Conferencia. Usted ha cumplido sus deberes con responsabilidad y recta intención que reconocemos. Usted ha sido un excelente Presidente y su acción acertada, nos permite concluir un poco antes de lo previsto esta Conferencia, cuyos buenos resultados usted ha destacado en su reciente declaración, elocuente y afirmativa.

El Grupo de los 77 desea también agradecer a los tres Vicepresidentes de la Conferencia, a los Presidentes de las tres Comisiones y a los Presidentes de los Comités de Redacción, Grupos de Contacto y todos quienes facilitaron nuestros trabajos.

Queremos también destacar y resaltar el gesto generoso y constructivo de nuestro colega y amigo Amir Khabil del Sudán quien facilitó el acuerdo para lograr, por unanimidad, la elección del Presidente Independiente del Consejo, y cordialmente felicitamos al señor Swaminathan por su merecida reelección.

El Grupo de los 77 piensa que el Dr. Edouard Saouma, Director General de la FAO, es un verdadero líder que guía y orienta nuestras justas reivindicaciones. La declaración que él acaba de pronunciar hoy, confirma esa posición destacada de nuestro Director General en el Sistema de las Naciones Unidas.

Estamos muy agradecidos al Dr. Saouma, al Sr. West y a todos los funcionarios de la Organización que nos asistieron con los documentos, presentaciones y todos los elementos indispensables para nuestro trabajo.

En la Secretaría, los Sres. Sylla y Henderson, particularmente, han colaborado con nosotros. Mi colega y amigo Namanga Ngongi del Camerún había anticipado el retiro por su propia voluntad, del Sr. Sylla después de esta Conferencia.

El Sr. Sylla regresa a su país; su gente le necesita. El nos hará falta. Ha sido un excelente Secretario, serio, atento, servicial y eficaz en el Consejo y en la Conferencia. Hemos atribuido al Sr. Sylla el silencio constructivo que tanto nos ha ayudado y confortado porque sólo interviene cuando debe orientarnos, darnos indicaciones siempre útiles.

El Grupo de los 77 se siente orgulloso de que el Sr. Sylla pertenezca a un noble país de una de nuestras regiones. El regresará a Malí y allí continuará su tarea en beneficio del mejoramiento de la agricultura y la alimentación en Africa, y de todos aquellos aspectos económicos y sociales que conforman las justas aspiraciones de nuestros pueblos.

Al retirarse el Sr. Sylla, puede llevar con él, el reconocimiento y la gratitud del Tercer Mundo, de todos quienes le admiramos, respetamos y queremos, y le deseamos mucha felicidad junto con toda su familia.

Sr. Presidente, al final de esta Conferencia, los representantes de los países en desarrollo experimentamos una mezcla de sentimientos; mezcla en la cual quisiéramos que prevaleciera la fe y el optimismo. Con toda honestidad, registramos algunos hechos positivos, pero no podemos ocultar la preocupación que nos causan ciertas circunstancias que parecen afectar la cooperación internacional; particularmente, aquéllas sobre base multilateral. Los gobiernos de los países en desarrollo estamos haciendo grandes y crecientes esfuerzos; estamos asignando progresivamente más alta prioridad y más recursos a la agricultura y a la alimentación en nuestros planes nacionales de desarrollo.

No obstante todo ello, aún no han sido suficientes los resultados obtenidos. Por ello, nuestros países, particularmente los de bajos ingresos y déficit de alimentos, requieren y demandan mayor asistencia técnica y financiera, como un mínimo requerimiento de las poblaciones que, en diversos lugares del mundo, padecen hambre y malnutrición.

El Grupo de los 77 finalmente desea, Sr. Presidente, destacar un hecho importante y fundamental. En esta Conferencia se ha confirmado el espíritu y la buena voluntad en todos los representantes de todos los gobiernos de seguir contribuyendo a la empresa común en que todos estamos comprometidos: apoyar a la FAO, a nuestra Organización, para que bajo la excelente dirección del Sr. Edouard Saouma, siga prestando sus valiosos servicios a todos los Estados Miembros, y particularmente a los países en desarrollo.

Todos los representantes de gobiernos del Tercer Mundo, apoyamos la acción prioritaria del Director General en favor de los problemas de Africa. Terminamos esta Conferencia, pero el calendario no se detiene. Somos conscientes de las dificultades que nos esperan, porque la situación alimentaria y agrícola es incierta y nos angustia.

Por ello, Sr. Presidente, le ruego que nos permita acogernos a la bondad y sencillez que usted ha demostrado para pedirle cordialmente y respetuosamente que al regresar a su país, y reincorporarse usted a sus importantes labores, usted interponga su gran influencia no sólo ante los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, ante al Gobierno de ese importante y respetable país, sino ante todos los gobiernos de los países desarrollados, para que se atiendan, en particular, algunas de las más apremiantes aspiraciones del Tercer Mundo; para que en los bienios futuros la FAO cuente con los recursos nece‐sarios que correspondan a la importancia de su labor; para que se inicien las negociaciones globales; para que se ratifique la atención al fondo común; para que no se reduzcan más los fondos del PNUD sino que se incrementen; y para que todos los países, con el suyo a la cabeza Sr. Presidente, como factor esencial y decisivo que reconocemos positivamente, cumplan los compromisos adquiridos con el Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola, FIDA; para asegurar la subsistencia del FIDA que necesita tantos pequeños y medianos campesinos en diversos lugares del mundo.

El Grupo de los 77 anticipa sus agradecimientos a usted, Sr. Presidente, y a todos quienes puedan coadyuvar a nuestros propósitos y contribuir a la realización de nuestros ideales, la paz que todos anhelamos, sólo podrá lograrse si desaparecen el hambre y la malnutrición, y todos los seres humanos del planeta dignifican su condición social dentro de los objetivos de un Nuevo Orden Económico Internacional. Gracias.


MOHD. YUSOF bin AHMAD (Malaysia): I would like to congratulate you for your very inspiring speech, as well as that of the Director-General. I had been noted earlier for being very brief, therefore I shall keep my record intact this time.

Ón behalf of the Asia Group I wish to congratulate you for your fine handling of this Conference. All the nice things have been said already by other speakers, therefore I shall not deliberate further but merely reaffirm our gratitude and good wishes to you.


CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much. You are a big hit! I now call on the Chairman of the North East Group, Cyprus.

F.G. POULIDES (Cyprus): I will now be very very brief. I would like first of all to congratulate you for your very businesslike chairmanship of this Conference and I would like to wish you a happy landing in your country and a happy Thanksgiving celebration because you have managed very well to chair this Conference and I wish you all the best.


CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much.

K. GROSS (Germany, Federal Republic of): It is a great satisfaction to me also, on behalf of the member countries of the European Region, to express a few words of thanks. We heard your impressive statement at the end of this Conference and we fully stand behind you, Mr Director-General. We note that the Twenty-second session of the Conference focused on the practical work and there were no clashes that could not be bridged. It was a matter of compromises that were arrived at. There were a number of differences in approach on practical matters but everything was under the sign of the overall target to improve the world food situation.

Mr Chairman, I would like to thank you for your efforts and for your firm guidance of our work. You truly contributed to the success of this Conference.

Our thanks are also addressed to the Vice-Chairmen and the Chairmen of the three Commissions and to those of all the Committees.

Our special thanks are directed to you,~ Mr Director-General Saouma, and all your colleagues and collaborators for the preparation of this Conference and for all the support and backstopping for this Conference. Our thanks are also addressed to the technical services.

I think we can state that it was a successful Conference.


J.R. LOPEZ-PORTILLO ROMANO (México): Quizás no pueda competir con toda esta brevedad de mis antecesores; pero voy a hacer mi mejor esfuerzo, Sr. Presidente, a nombre del Grupo Latinoamericano y del Caribe, quiero expresar que estamos convencidos de que todo está en todo; de que este mundo es un todo interdependiente, y que lo que hagamos en una parte, sin duda tendrá reflejos en otra; pero también lo que ocurra en otras partes, en otras parcelas de la realidad, sin duda afectará lo que aquí nosotros hemos discutido.

Hemos dividido, por razones metodológicas de.trabajo, nuestros esfuerzos en distintos ámbitos, pero reconocemos que todos forman parte de un mismo objetivo común. Así, Sr. Presidente, interpretamos los resultados de esta Conferencia como resultados positivos que están íntimamente entrelazados y ligados también a lo que ocurra en otras partes del mundo.

La Seguridad Alimentaria sin duda se va a ver fortalecida con los esfuerzos que hagamos en materia de recursos fitogenéticos. Todo esto a la vez, sin duda, se verá fortalecido por la voluntad política que se aplique en la aplicación, en la materialización de las orientaciones del Reajuste Agrícola Internacional que hemos establecido y reconocido.

Sin duda todo esto, Sr. Presidente, también está íntimamente ligado a los esfuerzos de la Reforma Agraria y Desarrollo Rural en que los países en desarrollo particularmente hemos puesto nuestro interés. Así como esto es importante, lo que la FAO, por sí misma haga para orientar nuestras acciones, para plantear amplia y honestamente nuestra problemática, y para participar de nuestras soluciones, es importante.

Vemos por tanto, Sr. Presidente, con gran entusiasmo los resultados aquí alcanzados; pero ellos no hubieran sido posibles sin su participación imparcial, eficaz, por su buena voluntad, Sr. Presidente, y por otra cosa adicional. Pensamos que su presencia aquí es un símbolo importante para los países en desarrollo en el sentido de que uno de los países más poderosos de la tierra está apoyando con su presencia, Sr. Presidente, las labores que esta Conferencia está alcanzando. Ello nos llena de entusiasmo y nos induce, sin duda, a convencernos de que el multilatéralisme se está viendo fortalecido de nuevo, y que en el futuro los países, los Estados en una situación de igualdad y de equidad, podrán discutir ampliamente sus problemas como amigos, con respeto, y también alcanzar soluciones en común que a todos beneficien.

Por eso, Sr. Presidente, le agradezco a usted sus esfuerzos en la Presidencia, y a los Sres. Vicepresidentes que le han acompañado en esta importante tarea, igualmente les reconocemos su trascendencia en los trabajos de coordinación de esta Plenaria.

No puedo dejar, Sr. Presidente, de felicitar también, a nombre del Grupo Latinoamericano y del Caribe, la importante labor de liderazgo y el entusiasmo con que nuestro Director General ha preparado y ha fortalecido los esfuerzos que aquí, en esta Conferencia, han quedado materializados.

A él nuestro reconocimiento y nuestro agradecimiento, así como a la Secretaría de la FAO. No voy a hacer referencia específica, que ya se ha hecho y con suficiencia, a cada uno de los integrantes de la Secretaría. Pero todos ellos, han tenido parte de responsabilidad y parte de los éxitos que hemos alcanzado.

Sr. Presidente, en particular eso sí, quiero destacar la felicitación y el agradecimiento del Grupo Latinoamericano y del Caribe al Dr. Sylla por sus largos años de trabajo eficaz, de trabajo silencioso, de trabajo discreto que nos ha permitido llevar con orden nuestras discusiones y nuestros trabajos. Para él, lo mejor: el mejor retorno a su patria.

Quiero felicitar también, a nombre del Grupo Latinoamericano y del Caribe al Sr. Dr. Swaminathan por su reelección a la Presidencia Independiente del Consejo, y reconocer la elegancia y la forma transcendental y digna con que el Sr. Embajador Khalil retiro su candidatura. Ello, Sr. Presidente, no viene sino a fortalecer, a ampliar los lazos de unión del Grupo de los 77 aquí en Roma; y sin duda también, los de los países no alineados en todo el mundo.

Señor Presidente, quiero finalmente concluir diciendo que todos los delegados, todos los que han participado en esta Conferencia debemos sentirnos muy satisfechos por sus resultados. Le agradezco a usted su atención y le deseo lo mejor. Muchas gracias.


A. ABDEL-MALEK, (Liban) (langue originale arabe): Au nom du groupe des pays du Proche-Orient et au nom de la délégation libanaise, je voudrais remercier et féliciter sincèrement le Président de cette Conférence de la sagesse avec laquelle il a présidé le débat, surtout aujourdfhui, au moment où nous allions adopter les divers rapports qui nous ont été présentés. Il nous a permis ainsi de terminer nos travaux avant l'heure prévue.

Nous devons également remercier tous les vice-présidents qui, grâce à leur expérience, ont permis d'adopter des résolutions utiles et efficaces. Je tiens à remercier tout particulièrement le Directeur général, M. Saouma, qui a déployé des efforts surhumains pour que cette Organisation réussisse dans ses entreprises.

Nous voudrions aussi féliciter le Directeur général de l'appui qu'a reçu son Programme de travail et budget.

Nous tenons à remercier M. Khalil de son geste élégant lorsqu'il s' est retiré afin de permettre la réélection du Président indépendant du Conseil.

Je tiens également à remercier tous les soldats inconnus, interprètes, traducteurs, membres du Secrétariat, qui nous ont permis, grâce à leur travail, de terminer ces travaux.


T. COULIBALY (Mali): Le Ministre chargé du développement rural de la République du Mali, Chef de la délégation du Mali à cette Conférence, a été obligé de rentrer dans son pays en raison de certains impératifs et il m'a demandé de dire à sa place ces quelques mots à notre Assemblée.

"M. le Président, honorables délégués, les bonnes paroles que nous venons d'entendre n'honorent pas seulement M. Sylla - elles ont été prononcées par les chefs des représentants de tous les groupes régionaux. Ces paroles honorent tout le peuple malien. Comme tout le monde le sait, M. Sylla est de nationalité malienne. C'est donc au nom du Gouvernement de la République du Mali que je vous remercie tous sincèrement pour ces éloges à l'endroit de mon compatriote, et je me joins à vous pour féliciter M. Sylla pour la mission qu'il a accomplie. Je me sens bien ému. M. Sylla a fait montre de dévouement, de compétence, de hautes qualités professionnelles dans toutes les institutions pour lesquelles il a travaillé, depuis la fonction publique malienne jusqu'à la direction générale de la FAO. Le Mali est fier de ce fils qui a rendu service non pas seulement à son pays mais à l'humanité entière.

Dans quelques semaines, M. Sylla prendra au Mali une retraite bien méritée que je souhaite paisible. Il sait déjà que cette retraite ne sera pas de tout repos, parce que dans sa communauté et dans les plus hautes sphères de l'Etat malien, sa sagesse, son expérience, sa compétence, seront constamment sollicitées. Je sais d'avance que sa disponibilité sera totale et je m'en réjouis.

Pour terminer, je voudrais renouveler mes souhaits à M. Sylla et renouveler les remerciements de mon pays à la Conférence de la FAO et à vous, M. le Président, pour votre geste combien touchant".


CHAIRMAN: That concludes the remarks from the delegates. I call upon Mr Sylla for an announcement.

LE SECRETAIRE GENERAL: J'ai deux annonces à vous faire. La 85ème session du Conseil, qui était prévue pour le 25 novembre, aura lieu demain, puisque nous avons terminé les travaux de la Conférence un jour à 1'avance. Cette session se tiendra avec les nouveaux membres élus dans la salle rouge à 10 heures.

On m'a demandé d'annoncer également que le Groupe africain tiendra une réunion demain dans la salle de l'Ethiopie, à 14 h 30.

Avant de terminer, je voudrais dire un mot pour remercier très sincèrement tous ceux qui ont bien voulu exprimer quelques paroles pour apprécier mes modestes mérites. En vérité, mon souhait aurait été de partir sur la pointe des pieds, ce qui aurait correspondu à mon tempérament. Puisqu'on a eu la générosité de m'adresser des remerciements, je me dois d'y répondre et de dire combien j'ai ressenti du plus profond de mon coeur ces mots extrêmement sympathiques.

Je souhaite que le bon Dieu veuille bien aider l'Organisation à atteindre ses objectifs, qu'il veuille bien toujours l'inspirer dans le domaine de sa compétence et enfin que ses actions continuent à aider à soulager les souffrances humaines.

Je voudrais dire aussi combien j'ai apprécié l'amitié et ia compréhension pleines de sympathie que j'ai toujours trouvées auprès de toutes et de tous, soit à l'occasion des réunions du Conseil, de la Conférence, ou à l'occasion de réunions individuelles. J'en emporte un souvenir qui me sera des plus chers.

Je vous remercie encore une fois de toute votre amitié et je vous souhaite à toutes et à tous une longue et heureuse vie.


CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much for your consideration and for your friendship. Have a safe trip home, and if you are going to stay here in Rome, enjoy it. It is wonderful here. Thank you.


The meeting rose at 14.15 hours
La séance est levée à 14 h 15
La levanta la sesión a las 14.15 horas

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