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11.Programme for the 1990 Census of Agriculture
11.Programme pour le Recensement de l'agriculture 1990
11.Programa del Censo Agropecuario en 1990

CHAIRMAN: I now invite Professor Islam to introduce agenda item 11, Programme for the 1990 Census of Agriculture and document C 85/18 and Corr. 1.

N. ISLAM (Assistant Director-General, Economic and Social Policy Department): The document C 85/18 presents the programme for the 1990 World Census of Agriculture. Since 1950, FAO has been sponsoring a world census of agriculture every 10 years. Participation in such census has steadily increased over the four decennial programmes. By the end of 1985, 93 countries are expected to have completed, or to be in the process of completing, agricultural censuses for the period covered in the 1980 Census Programme, i.e., 1976-1985.

World Censuses of Agriculture are not to be interpreted as a censuses carried out simultaneously in all countries during a given year. Such an attempt was made in 1930, as early as that, but did not succeed because of differences in national statistical commitments and situations. Since then they have been conducted overa period of time, every ten years. Accordingly, the 1980 programme of census covered national censuses taken during 1976-1985.

The draft 1990 programme presented to you has benefitted considerably from expert consultations and discussions in various regions carried out during the last year. Recommendations from the various FAO bodies on statistics; as well as comments received from various UN Agencies and international organizations have also been taken into consideration in formulating the 1990 programme.

While recognizing the wide range of economic and statistical situations, and different levels and stages of development in the Member Countries, this programme encourages countries to develop and implement an agricultural census tailored to their unique situations. But within each country the Programme visualizes a well defined scope for agricultural census and a complementary relationship between the agricultural census and more frequent sample surveys, as well as with other non-agriculturaly but related, censuses and surveys. Attempts to undertake very large and comprehensive agricultural censuses often result in problems, not only in implementation but also in timely processing and dissemination of census results. Thus, while formulating agricultural census programmes it is necessary to emphasize a number of important considerations.

Firstly, it must be noted that all food and agriculture statistics cannot be collected through a decennial census of agriculture. The range of information and data needed for such an enterprise, for formulating policies, and for preparing, monitoring and evaluating plans and programmes in the agricultural sector need a much wider range of data than can be collected through one census every 10 years. Thus, as early as 1966 attention was drawn to the need for establishing an integrated set of data sources, of which the census was to be an important component. It was in this light that the 1980 Census emphasized the need for an integrated system of food and agricultural statistics, including other data sources.

Secondly, the countries are encouraged to prepare a multi-year programme for a sequence of activity relating to data collection, processing and analysis, and to allocate adequate resources in a balanced manner across essential programmes. Implementation of such a sequence of coherent statistical activities requires an efficient organization, trained personnel and sufficient budgetary allocations for a period of years.

Thirdly, an agricultural census is best suited to the collection of data on various characteristics relating to agricultural holdings that change slowly over time. A census is usually conducted at ten year intervals, as I just emphasized, and the agricultural holding is a unit of observation for the collection of data in the census. The emphasis, therefore, in the census is on the structure of agricultural production and on various characteristics relating to agricultural holdings. The structural characteristics on which data are collected include not only types of farming enterprises, but also socio-economic indicators relating to the tenurial status of farmers, demographic characteristics of farm holdings, and size of farm holdings, etc. Data on the performance of the farm production sector as well as other important policy indicators, such as food prices, consumption and nutrition, etc., which change rapidly over time, can best be collected through frequent sample surveys. Thus, an agricultural census provides a framework for sample surveys through which other data can be collected.

Two points, therefore, need to be kept in mind when considering the scope of the agricultural census. One involves collection, processing and analysis of data from a very large number of holdings. In view of the difficulty in implementing a census involving such a large coverage, the scope of the census should be limited to basic essential data to ensure its success. Second, since the unit of observation in the census is the agricultural holding, data related to other units of observation which may be of considerable importance, such as agricultural households as a unit of observation, or agricultural services establishments or, occasionally, farmers or workers, should be collected from other data sources. That is why the 1990 Census is more limited in scope than previous programmes in order to ensure its quality, timeliness and expeditious processing.

While formulating this programme, we have taken care that the concepts, definitions and criteria of classification used in the census are harmonized with those used in other data sources conducted by other organizations in the UN System.

Mr Chairman, we have a good record of participation of FAO Member Nations in the past programmes of agriculture censuses. The Director-General hopes that participation by' Member Nations in the present programme will be very substantial and will be carried out within the time period emphasized in view of the great importance of a reliable agricultural information system in developing countries.

The discussions in the last few days in this very Commission on various agenda items ranging from the state of food and agriculture to that of agricultural pricing policy, confirmed once again, if any confirmation was needed, how important is the need for reliable and comprehensive agricultural statistics, and how inadequate, in many respects, in spite of progress in recent years, is the present state of agricultural statistics in many developing countries.

We in the Secretariat very much hope that Member countries will implement such a census within the context of an integrated food and agricultural statistical information system.

FAO, within the limits of its resources, stands ready to provide assistance and to cooperate with Member countries in the planning and implementation of such a census.

We also hope that other bilateral and multilateral agencies and organizations will take an active interest in providing assistance to developing countries in implementing such a programme.

CHAIRMAN: I thank you, Professor Nuru Islam, for your clear and thorough introduction to this agenda item. I shall now invite comments from the delegations.

Niilo HINTIKKA (Finland): Finland has followed with keen interest the preparation of the 1990 World Census of Agriculture. For example, we took an active part in the 15th Session of the FAO, ECE, CES in Europe last year. In our opinion, the programme in its present form is a well prepared and detailed document. It takes into account experiences gained from earlier programmes and gives guidelines on how various countries should organize their work in this effort.

In order to stress the importance of the census, I can give you an example from Finland . In 1969 the last agricultural census comprising all holdings was made. Based on that census, the Holdings Register was created. At the same time, the decision was made to abandon censuses in coming years. It was felt that the Holdings Register updated every year through postal enquiries would be a convenient and inexpensive means of obtaining necessary information for statistical purposes. Now, in the course of fifteen years, we have noted that the Holdings Register has not proved a satisfactory alternative to censuses conducted from time to time. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, it is difficult to identify those holdings which disappeared or were left idle in the course of the years. Secondly, farmers do not respond to postal enquiries.

Facing this situation, it is foreseen that our Government will decide to restore agricultural censuses, and the first one should coincide with the next world census. With these remarks, I just wanted to draw your attention to the importance of the subject which we are discussing now. I hope that every country will do its best so that reliable and good coverage for the coming World Census of Agriculture will be safeguarded.

Julio César JARA D. (Chile\): Gracias Sr. Presidente, y gracias también al Doctor Islam.

La preocupación de la FAO en señalar la importancia de las estadísticas alimentarias y agrícolas es claramente atendible si se considera que los programas emprendidos deben estar fundados en el conocimiento de la realidad agrícola de los países. Resulta obvio, además,, la importancia que tiene para la posterior utilización de la información, la uniformidad de los conceptos y de la mecánica con que se ejecutan dichos levantamientos. El Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Chile ya ha iniciado gestiones tendientes a la realización de un nuevo censo agropecuario nacional y para este efecto las recomendaciones de la FAO serán consideradas y se agradecen.

Václay DOBES (Czechoslovakia\): First I would like to express my appreciation for the comprehensive and excellent introduction of this very important item by Professor Islam.

Like the previous censures in 1970 and 1980, participated, in which Czechoslovakia the World Census of Agriculture in 1990 will be based on the maximum utilization of current agricultural statistics (regular statistical surveys) to provide the needed data. From this point of view, some necessary changes will be made in processing programmes for computers in order to apply the classification required by FAO normally used under our conditions, such as classification of all data according to farm size. The most important data required in the World Census of Agriculture will be obtained in this way from the State Data Pool managed by the State Statistical Authorities and from the land records kept by the geodesy and cartography authorities.

Apart from this, the remaining small proportion of data will be obtained from a new statistical survey to be conducted among the State-owned and cooperative farms and some selected private holdings. The complete data for the World Census of Agriculture 1990 will, in fact, be based on exhaustive surveys in our country, because subject matter for the data required in the World Census is included in regular periodic surveys of all farms in Czechoslovakia . We are interested in improved applications of this work for our analogous evaluations and analysis. From this point of view, we would welcome quick publication of the results of the World Census of Agriculture for individual countries. For instance, our country was one of the first to present our results of the 1980 World Census of Agriculture to the FAO, but we could obtain data on other countries only with considerable delay.

Concise, well-arranged and instructive guidance is indispensable for the implementation of the World Census of Agriculture and for international coordination in providing assitance to countries

We believe that the present document will, after amendment and finalization, provide useful guidance for census activities. In order to contribute to the successful finalization of the document on the 1990 Census, we have formulated some remarks on methodology and definitions of the proposed census items, that is, on the core of the document. They should not be considered as a deterred opinion. Their purpose is to show the type of comments that professional statisticians could have. We shall present our comments in written form to the FAO officers concerned. We propose to accept the present document on the Programme for the 1990 World Census of Agriculture as a preliminary one at this stage and recommend that work on the document should be continued on the basis of the comments made by individual delegations.

Elias REYES BRAVO (México): La delegación de Mexico quiere expresar su reconocimiento por las actividades que la FAO realiza al reunir, analizar, interpretar y divulgar información relativa a la nutrición, alimentación y agricultura.

En México se realizó un programa de estadística continua agropecuaria y forestal y se desarrolló un proyecto para el levantamiento del inventario nacional forestal. En ambos casos se contó con el apoyo de la FAO. Actualmente México cuenta con una experiencia considerable en el levantamiento de los censos agropecuarios, en que se considera básicamente las recomendaciones que hace la FAO en el documento C 85/18, garantizándose la comparabilidad de la estadística nacional con la internacional, y con la adecuación necesaria a las particularidades del país.

Consideramos importante la recomendación que se hace en el documento citado para que todos los esfuerzos de desarrollo estadístico se orienten al objetivo a más largo plazo de establecer un programa integrante de estadísticas que proporcionen datos seguros y que abarquen todos los aspectos pertinentes de la alimentación, la agricultura y el desarrollo rural. Compartimos la apreciación que hace el documento en cuanto a la importancia que la estadística debe tener en la formulación de las políticas nacionales y en los planes y proyectos relativos a la alimentación, la agricultura, la reforma agraria y el desarrollo rural.

Está clara la importancia de los censos hacia el interior de los países. También tienen una inciden cia importante en lo concerniente a la solución de problemas alimentarios y agrícolas en el plano internacional, siendo además necesarios y útiles para efectos de cooperación asistencial o ayudas internacionales, ya que donantes y beneficiarios requieren información de mayor calidad.

Marian BRZOSKA (Poland): Poland fully accepts the guidelines included in the World Census of Agriculture. The FAO methodic recommendations are used in improving the yearly returns of agriculture in Poland and the new guidelines will be used in the Population and Agricultural Census 1990. We were pleased to find that our remarks sent to FAO some time ago are reflected in the document under discussion.

Kosei SHIOZAWA (Japan\): First of all, my delegation would like to thank Professor Islam for his lucid and comprehensive introduction on this agenda item. My delegation is convinced that the Agricultural Census is very important because it will provide the basic data on agricultural structures which are necessary in the design, implementation and assessment of various agricultural policies and because it will provide a sampling framework which will be very useful to us in carrying out other agricultural surveys.

It has been presumed that the lack of basic data concerning agricultural structures in developing countries often poses obstacles for the implementation of agricultural policy, such as agrarian reform. I hope, therefore, that this Census will be carried out in as many of the member nations as possible under the guidance of FAO. In this regard, we appreciate the endeavour made by the FAO Secretariat in simplifying the Census scope so that it may be easily carried out throughout a great number of countries.

The Census results should be required to be as highly accurate as possible. Therefore, I should like to appeal to the member nations to make their best efforts in submitting to FAO the results of the Census which reflect precisely the exact agricultural structure of their nation.

My Government carries out agricultural and forestry censuses every ten years, keeping in line with the FAO Programme, and forwards the results to FAO without delay. In addition to that, we carry out our own census in the interim years between the World Census. Just last February, the 1985 Census was completed, and the results will be forwarded to FAO.

My Government would like to request that FAO compite a report on the implementation of the 1990 World Agricultural Census and an outine on the results as well, distribute the feedback amongthe member nations.

GETACHEW TEKLE MEDHIN (Ethiopia\): The Ethiopian delegation has thoroughly examined the document C 85/18 on the Programme for the 1990 World Census of Agriculture. It has found the document to be well prepared, clear and comprehensive. My delegation commends the FAO Secretariat for the magnificent work they have done.

As mentioned in the document, the importance of reliable, sufficient and timely data on food and agriculture cannot be over-emphasized for planning and monitoring agricultural development, for formulating policies and preparing development projects. Even though the importance of statistical information on food and agriculture has been long recognized by most of the developing countries, they have not been able to develop the system, infrastructure and manpower required to collect, analyze and disseminate the necessary information on food and agriculture in their respective countries. Ethiopia is one of the few countries which has not conducted an agricultural census to date. In the last 15 years, agricultural information, specially annual crop production data, was collected using the sample survey method. UNDP and FAO have assisted the Government of Ethiopia in strengthening its Central Statistics Office to be able to establish an integrated system of food and agricultural statistics. Through this assistance, the Central Statistics Office developed a sound system of collecting, analysing and disseminating agricultural and related information. It has also modestly developed data processing and trained national, professional, and technical staff in agricultural statistics and other related fields.

During the life of the Programme, a wide variety of agricultural and household socio-economic surveys were conducted. As a result, more reliable information on crop production, land use, livestock numbers, marked agricultural produce, etc. was gathered through agricultural sample surveys and research studies. Through this Programme we have been able to get a wider variety of reliable information. However, the work so far implemented has covered the sector partially. Considering the need for information on the Food and Agricultural Development Plan, much more has to be accomplished. To have the full picture of the agricultural situation of the country, an agricultural census has to be implemented. Preparation is already under way for doing this. In this regard, the following has been done. Objectives formulated, questionnaires, tabulation plans, enumerators, supervisors editing and coding manuals prepared. Since the first population and housing census was carried out in 1984, construction for an agricultural census framework using population and housing results has been under way. The draft document under preparation for the agricultural census of Ethiopia has been checked and compared against the contents of document C 85/18. It will be too cumbersome and time-consuming to go through each topic.

However, in general there is good agreement on methodology objectives and the general coverage of the questionnaires, except for a few differences in the building construction and farm machinery categories. Since the work is at the draft stage, we still have time to adjust the questionnaires to meet the requirements of FAO as much as possible.

This is the first time we have carried out an agricultural census. Therefore, we need technical, professional and material support and assistance from FAO, from bilateral and multilateral organizations and other countries. I am glad to express the readiness of Ethiopia to participate in the 1990 World Census of Agriculture.

KYO EUN KIM (Republic of Korea\): First of all, my delegation expresses its deep appreciation to the Secretariat for their lucid preparation of document C 85/18 and to Dr Islam for his excellent introduction. As all delegates are aware, the subject of basic statistics is of great importance in the formulation of agricultural policy and planning, especially in the developing countries. In this connection I would like to comment briefly on this agenda item.

First of all, we feel strongly that the training programme of FAO for census enumerators is of great importance. It will strengthen the emphasis because it is one of the most decisive factors in the success of the census.

Secondly, in line with the agricultural census and taking into consideration the rapid changes in economic and agricultural structures, a five-year complementary census is also required for technical use, for surveys and for sampling for other purposes.

Thirdly, census items should be diversified step by step. For example, in addition to items dealing with crops and livestock, an item on fruit, for example, should also be added in the near future because of its great potential in agricultural production as well as as farm economy.

Finally, I would like to inform the Commission that an Asian Statistical Mission will be held in Seoul, Korea , next year, 1986. We cordially invite all the countries of that region to attend. I firmly believe the meeting in Seoul will be both fruitful and successful for constructive and financial regional cooperation in agricultural statistical censuses.

Mme A. NIOMBELA MAMBULA (Congo): Je remercie M. Islam de la présentation du document C 85/18 concernant le programme de recensement mondial de l'agriculture 1990. Nous reconnaissons le rôle que jouent les statistiques dans l'économie d'une manière générale et en particulier dans le domaine agricole. Dans les pays en voie de développement où la maîtrise des statistiques est aléatoire, la mise en place d'un programme de statistiques permettra aux pays de mieux apprécier leur développement agricole. Ces dernières années notre pays s'est engagé dans la voie de la planification de son économie et les données statistiques servent de base à la planification et à l'organisation du développement agricole. Le projet de recensement agricole est pleinement appuyé par notre gouvernement qui a depuis deux ans mis en place une structure organisée qui actuellement est en oeuvre sur le terrain, c'est-à-dire au stade de formation du personnel, en particulier le personnel de l'encadrement. Nous appuyons fermement ce programme qui permettra à mon pays de mettre en place un système permanent de collecte de données statistiques.

G.R. SAINI (India\): At the outset, may I express our appreciation and congratulate the Secretariat for this comprehensive document on the 1990 World Census of Agriculture. Dr. Islam's introduction has indeed been very inspiring.

India has conducted three agricultural censuses since 1970/71. We have observéd that the number and area of operational holdings and other related economic characteristics are changing rapidly in the wake of overall agricultural and economic development, making it imperative to conduct the agricultural census once every five years.

We find agricultural censuses a useful aid in formulating our development plans and in laying down strategies in succesive Five-Year Plans. We have therefore, decided to conduct the agricultural census once every five years as suggested by FAO. We propose to undertake the next census using 1985/86 as the reference year, and the subsequent one using 1990/91 as the reference period.

India conducts the agricultural census in two parts - the main census covering basic information on a number of characteristics of holding within the selected reference year, followed by a comprehensive input survey in the following year. The agricultural census is carried out on a complete enumeration basis in those states which maintain comprenhensive field-by-field

records. This accounts for about 85 percent of the total number of operational agricultural holdings, and 90 percent of the operated area in the country. In the remaining areas where requisite comprehensive land records do not exist at present and are in the process of being built up, the census is conducted on a sample survey basis through a household approach.

The data for input surveys are collected on a sample basis through the household approach throughout the country as information on these items is not available in revenue land records. For the latest input survey in 1981/82, a simple of 7 percent of the villages was taken to provide for the reliability of dependable estimates at district level.

I may mention here that the input survey is primarily intended to provide data on coverage under high-yielding varieties of crops extent of fertilizer use, livestock, agricultural machinery and implements, and institutional credit.

The last item mentioned, namely credit, will be a useful addition to the wealth of statistical data genrated by the census and we commend it for adoption by other countries who have not yet done so.

The document circulated by FAO sets out detailed concepts and definition and land use classifications. While information on some of the items can be found somewhere or other in the document, I would submit that net and gross irrigated areas for the holding as a whole and for each of the crops may be considered for greater and more distinct emphasis in the census. Similarly, total harvested area under all crops - or we may call it gross cropped area as distinct from net harvested area under individual crops - needs to be computed and recorded as a separate category.

India has a well established system of agricultural statistics built up over a long period of time. We are following a ninefold classification of land utilization which clearly brings out the various characteristics of land use including irrigation and intensity of cropping, both on irrigated and non-irrigated land. I would submit that this classification may be considered by FAO as well as other member countries when launching the forthcoming census.

While going through the document I came across a few points which I would like to mention briefly. These are in the nature of clarifications which I would like to seek. On page 24 in paragraph 3.74 under "Arable Land" there are two categories mentioned at (a) and (b) is "land under temporary crops - in open air" and (b) "land under temporary crops" which requires elucidation and clarification because in the subsequent paragraph the distinction does not appear to be very clear.

Then on page 28, in paragraph 3.96 and subsequent paragraphs, there are three concepts which have been used - gross area harvested, the gross area and total area. The guidelines appear to give freedom to different countries to adopt either not or gross area as the case may be. But this is a little too much freedom, as multiplicity of concepts especially it used by different countries make comaprisons difficult, even if clarifications are recorded in foodnotes. These are usually lost in the process. Instaead of recommending two concepts, net and gross, we should define only a single one and make a distinction between the net area and the gross area.

On page 40 there is useful information on the number of permanent agricultural workers. Under "holdings with permanent agricultural workers" there are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 workers and over. These may be reclassified by relating then to the size of the holding. This will provide useful information. Wherever possible the size of the holding should be kept in mind. There is an intriguing concept listed under land tenure. Under (a) there is a category "holdings without land". I do not know what it would mean in terms of land tenure for holdings without land. If this is just a conceptual difficulty, then perhaps that point could be clarified. If a distinction is made between operational holding and ownership holding I think this will probably take care of this particular part.

I do not want to go into too many details. I think the document is comprehensive. Notwithstanding the comments and a few observations, my delegation once again would like to compliment Dr. Islam for providing such excellent guidelines for the World Census on Agriculture.

CHAIRMAN: I thank the delegate of India for his comments, and the Secretariat will answer them later on.

Guy FRADIN (France\): La délégation française a étudié avec attention et grand intérêt le programme de recensement mondial de l'agriculture de 1990. C'est en effet un sujet de première importance, d'abord parce que, comme le rappelle le document, ce programme est fondé sur le premier article constitutif de la FAO; ensuite, parce que l'importance de statistiques agricoles et alimentaires est fondamentale pour la formulation et la mise en oeuvre des politiques et programmes d'action en la matière. La France partage l'analyse et les recommandations de la FAO pour la réalisation de ce programme. Dès à présent mon pays, en liaison avec les pays membres de la Communauté économique européenne a entamé le processus d'exécution de cette opération qui devrait aboutir en 1989.

S'agissant de la réalisation de ce recensement dans les pays en développement, je voudrais insister sur un point, souligné d'ailleurs par le document ainsi que par M. Nurul Islam dans son introduction. Il est tout à fait essentiel que ce recensement ne soit pas une action ponctuelle mais plutôt l'aboutissement de l'activité d'un système permanent de prélèvement des données. Il nous semble que le recensement doit' être la clé de voûte d'un édifice. Or, pour des raisons multiples, infrastructure, finances, formation, les pays en développement rencontrent de sérieuses difficultés pour se doter d'un système permanent permettant une action continue.

Ma délégation pense que la continuité de l'action dans ce domaine est absolument indispensable et que sans elle les actions de recensement perdent rapidement une grande partie de leur intérêt.

Nous espérons donc que la FAO pourra apporter son appui à une action à long terme ainsi qu'elle le recommande au paragraphe 1.11. Mon pays, comme beaucoup d'autres contribue à la formation de statisticiens en provenance de pays en voie de développement et souhaite que ces compétences nouvelles soient pleinement utilisées dans ces opérations de recensement de l'agriculture.

Pour terminer, j'aimerais savoir, dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre de ce programme,.si la FAO compte faire comme par le passé des recommandations par zone géographique, ce que ma délégation trouverait tout à fait pertinent.

Knut BØRVE (Norway\): On behalf of the Norwegian Delegation, I should like to thank Professor Islam for his clear introduction of the Programme for the 1990 World Census of Agriculture. Appropriate statistics are of very great importance for implementing and evaluating actions and policies.

Norway approves the Programme for the 1990 World Census of Agriculture. However, we underline that the Secretariat, in implementing the Programme, should cooperate closely with other international organizations which are also collecting statistics, such as OECD, the International Wheat Council and others.

Jorge A. Santos OLIVEIRA (Guinée-Bissau): La délégation de la Guinée- Bissau aimerait féliciter Ml Islam, le Secrétariat et tous les membres de la Division des statistiques pour l'excellent document qui nous est soumis pour appréciation. Les problèmes de données statistiques sont des lacunes qui affectent beaucoup de nos pays en développement. La Guinée-Bissau, sortant d'une indépendance récente - onze ans à peine - a besoin pour ses plans de développement de données de base dans les domaines de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation. Le dernier recensement agricole fiable en Guinée-Bissau a été fait en 1953. Tout en tenant compte de l'importance du programme du recensement mondial de l'agriculture pour 1990, nous voudrions appuyer toutes les actions de la FAO dans ce sens, surtout dans le domaine de la formation de cadres.

Mais notre pays, pour pouvoir aider et participer à ce programme, doit auparavant exécuter son recensement agricole.

C'est pourquoi nous demandons aussi un appui de la FAO pour l'organisation et la mise en place d'un recensement agricole en Guinée-Bissau et l'installation d'un système national de statistiques alimentaires et agricoles avant 1990.

José Joaquín GARCIA DEL CASTILLO (España): Primeramente, quisiera felicitar al Secretariado por la redacción del documento C 85/18 en el que se presenta el Programa del Censo Agropecuario para 1990, así como la exposición tan clara que nos ha hecho del mismo el Dr. Islam.

En el documento se considera la posibilidad de que el Censo Agropecuario Mundial de 1990 sea realizado bien por enumeración exhaustiva de todas las explotaciones o bien por muestreo.

En la ejecución española habrá que decidirse por uno u otro sistema teniendo también en cuenta la sistemática del conjunto de los países de la Comunidad Económica Europea, El Programa para 1990 establece unas exigencias mínimas junto con un mayor detalle y desarrollo que puede ser aplicado en países que tengan un sistema estadístico más avanzado. Mi país considera que puede cumplimentar dicho programa por encima de los mínimos establecidos.

Etienne SARR (Sénégal) : Je remercie tout d'abord le Secrétariat de la FAO pour la consistance du document C 85/18 qui nous est soumis et pour le résumé concis que vient de nous en faire le Prof. Islam.

Notre pays ne peut que soutenir un tel document si l'on sait l'importance particulière qu'il joue ou devrait jouer en ce qui concerne les statistiques agricoles dans l'élaboration, l'orientation ou l'exécution des politiques agricoles dans nos différents pays.

Cette importance, du reste, dépasse le cadre sectoriel de l'agriculture ou de l'alimentation pour intégrer les politiques économiques d'ensemble dans le cadre élargi d'une planification de l'activité économique en général.

Mon gouvernement a bien compris l'importance des statistiques agricoles dans nos pays en développement et essaie actuellement, avec l'aide d'organismes de financement bilatéral, de mettre en place un système informatique d'analyse des données afin de mieux orienter la politique dans le secteur agricole.

Abdalla Mekki OSMAN (Sudan\) (original language Arabic): I should like to thank FAO for preparing document C 85/18 on the agriculture census. Agriculture censuses have become. an integral part of sound planning and are of special importance to development activities, laboratory and field research and all successful projects. Agricultural statistics in the various fields of agricultural activities have acquired increasing importance particularly after the years of drought which have led to losses in livestock in the valleys and plains. A correct census enables one to know distribution .of available resources and determine their exploitation in the most efficient manner. Sudan approves the document and appeals to FAO to continue with the preparation of a booklet which would facilitate the implementation of agricultural censuses by countries.

James E. ROSS (United States of America\): The United States has consistently supported FAO's efforts in assembling, analyzing and disseminating statistics on world food and agriculture. We have not, however, often commented on this work. The Programme for the 1990 World Census of Agriculture provides an opportunity to do so.

In reviewing the Census document and comparing it to similar programmes in the past, and given Professor Islam's introduction, it is evident that FAO is attempting to change the magnitude of

agricultural censuses. We applaud this effort to bring agricultural censuses into a more productive balance with other basic data collection activities. My country believes that this is a step in the right direction. We agree with the emphasis placed on the role of the agricultural censuses in establishing a statistical framework for follow-up sample surveys.

We favour a narrowly focused agricultural census, possibly one with a complementary role in population censuses. The results of an adequate sample frame of agricultural holdings and rural households should facilitate the planning and conducting of many cost-effective annual sample surveys. Such surveys should provide much of the data that, as Professor Islam implied, are lacking. These data would include such crucial areas as food production and consumption, agricultural inputs, agricultural prices, and the status of disadvantaged socio-economic groups in rural areas.

Although my country is in basic agreement and appreciates the excellent FAO effort represented by the Fifth World Food Survey, we regret that such critical analysis is based on actual food consumption survey data for a very few countries. Some of those data are several years old. My country is concerned that not many countries provide data on fertilizer inventories. We hope that FAO will strongly encourage countries to assemble and report data in this area.

Another significant change we note in the 1990 Programme is the added emphasis on data processing. We believe that too many developing countries have conducted the field enumeration phase of agricultural censuses and surveys in the past without having made adequate provisions for data processing and dissemination. We strongly agree with the 1990 Programme emphasis on a balanced programme of data collection, processing and analysis.

We are in full support of the approach presented in the 1990 World Census of Agriculture Programme. We consider an agricultural census just one component in the statistical programme dimension of a national information system for food and agriculture.

One final concern relates to the special situation in Africa. My country agrees with FAO's recognition of, and emphasis on, finding solutions to the food and agriculture and rural development problems facing many African countries. We believe, however, that many African countries do not have adequate resources to provide the necessary statistics for analyzing and solving such problems.

It is my country's hope that the FAO emphasis on Africa will include a special concentration of efforts in the 1990 World Census of Agriculture Programme to help African countries improve their statistical capabilities. These efforts should focus on basic data, on area, yields and production of basic food crops. In this respect, my country hopes that FAO will find a cost-effective way to significantly improve the training of agricultural statisticians.

Temei ISKIT (Turkey\): First of all, we should like to thank Professor Islam for his very clear introduction.

It is a known fact that food and agriculture is a complex subject involving interactions among physical, climatic, and human factors. A comprehensive understanding of these interactions is essential for successful development planning in agriculture. It is only through relevant accurate and timely statistics that a true analysis of relationships among various factors playing a role in food and agriculture can be achieved. It is by sheer coincidence that the first paragraph of the First Article of FAO constitution is devoted to statistics.

Presently, in many parts of the world, statistics on food and agriculture are not yet fully developed, although much has been accomplished in this field. FAO has to be congratulated for its valuable efforts in developing internationally acceptable definitions of concepts and in providing technical assistance to countries in order to improve their statistics.

We believe that previous programmes for the World Census of Agriculture have been important vehicles to secure the consistency and the comparability of statistics across countries. We also find the document on the 1990 World Census of Agriculture well prepared. We are confident that it will prove to be very useful for all countries in executing their national censuses of agriculture during the next decade. We particularly ,appreciate the approach adopted in the programme to place the census within the larger perspective of a national information system for food and agriculture.

We realize that a census is an important source of statistics, but for reasons mentioned by Dr Islam an agricultural census has to be limited in its scope and it should collect data only on the structural aspects of agriculture. Thus we believe there is a need to develop other sources of data as well. In particular statistics on operational aspects of agriculture need to be collected by special sample surveys. The agricultural census provides a framework for such specialized surveys.

I want to conclude by expressing our full support for the Programme for the 1990 World Census of Agriculture. Turkey will certainly do her best to participate in this extremely useful activity.

Miss P. WEST (United Kingdom\): The United Kingdom welcomes paper C 85/18 and the programme it sets out for the 1990 Census on Agriculture.

The United Kingdom has participated īn all the decennial world censuses of agriculture, and it is our policy to do so in 1990, since we have a general interest in encouraging good basic statictics from all countries, particularly whose regarding the size, structure and scale of the main agricultural activities. Indeed, all countries stand to benefit from the availability of comparable international data and from the dissemination of better methods and techniques which should be stimulated by this kind of exercise.

We are glad to see that a sensible and pragmatic attempt has been made in the 1990 Programme to limit the scope of the items to be covered, although, of course, as the secretariat recognizes, these may still have to be modified or reduced in light of each country's particular interests or resource constraints.

We also wonder whether the tabulation is not a little over-ambitious, with up to 200 or so - tables being requested. Some previous censuses have become overburdened by too many items and tabulations, causing problems not only in collection, but also in data analysis, and burdening both the public purse and the farmer who is asked to complete the forms.

We are interested to see that the census planning document is based on a methodological framework of wider significance as referred to in paragraph 1.10 of the Programme. We wish this attempt well, but would sound a note of caution against trying to set up too abstract and theoretical a structure.

We also think that FAO should try to maximize participation in, and thus the effectiveness of, the 1990 Census throught approaches to countries at high levels, through publicity and through concentration on the early production of key data and results. We urge the Secretariat to publicize essential data in advance of the full census report.

Finally, we would recommended that the 1990 Census be used as an opportunity for professional interchange on techniques, particularly on the latest methods related to modern computer facilities.

I.A. RONQUILLO (Philippines\): The Philippine delegation joins other delegations in congratulating Professor Islam for his comprehensive and lucid introduction of the agenda item.

The Philippine delegation wishes to express satsifaction with the efforts devoted by FAO to improve world statistics in food and agriculture. The promotion of the decennial world census of agriculture has always been one of the important tasks of FAO in improving agricultural statistics. We are glad that FAO has now prepared the Programme for another World Census of Agriculture for 1990.

Mr Chairman, my delegation had the honour to sponsor Resolution No. 14/75 concerning the Programme for the 1980 World Census of Agriculture in the 18th Session of the FAO Conference held in 1975. The Resolution requested the Director-General to take steps to encourage the widest possible participation of countries in the census of agriculture, especially in the developing regions. It also requested the Director-General to provide technical assistance to developing countries to enable them to conduct the census and to process the census data. Furthermore, it urged Member Nations to participate in the Programme, to initiate their plans for participation at an early stage and to give high priority to the needs of agricultural censuses when formulating their request for technical assistance.

The Philippines participated in the 1980 Programme by carrying out an agricultural and a fisheries census in 1981. For the first time the 1981 agricultural census included a complete count of all farms, whereas our other agricultural censuses in the past were an enumeration of sample farms. Our agricultural census personnel benefitted from training at the National Demonstration Centres organized by FAO for the 1980 World Census of Agriculture. This form of technical assistance is very much appreciated and we strongly recommend that FAO continue to organize similar training centres not only for agricultural census personnel for the 1990 World Census of Agriculture, but also for other aspects of food and agriculture statistics. Computer processing of agricultural census and survey results should be an important component of the training courses to be organized by FAO.

My delegation is pleased to note that the 1990 Programme considers agricultural censuses one of major the sources of data for national information systems. The note that all censuses surveys and other data sources need to be coordinated and/or integrated is most welcome. We are sure that if such coordination and/or integration is realized, more coverage and better quality statistics 1980 Programme urged that Member Nations develop their long-range integrated systems of agricultural statistics, of which the agricultural census is a key component.

The 1990 Programme provides very useful guidelines for carrying out a census of agriculture. We, therefore, support the approval. The Programm for the 1990 World Census of Agriculture, which will be very useful to my country in planning our participation in the 1990 World Census of Agriculture.

Mohamed Said HALABI (Syria) (original language Arabic): On behalf of my country, Syria , I would like to thank the Secretariat for the tremendous efforts it has made in preparing this important document. As Professor Islam said, the Secretariat has made optimum use of both the Organization's competence here at Headquarters, as well as the expertise available in different parts of the world.

We are confident that the Organization has made great progress in the field of agriculture censuses, especially as it affects organization of sample questionnaires and data analysis. Syria has greatly benefitted from the census which was carried out in 1970, as well as the one in 1980. We shall use this proposed model for the agricultural census in 1990.

We are certain that the Organization's technical assistance in 1980 - all technical assistance, especially through the use of computers - will be greater. As the delegation of Sudan has said, it will be very important for the Organization to prepare a pamphlet on the methodology of agricultural censuses. We commend this proposal and second it.

My country's delegation is in total agreement with the contents of this document. We feel it is a very useful document and shows that great progress has been made in interpreting the results of such agricultural censuses. These findings will make it easier to have the necessary basis for planning and implementing development policies in our country.

Nguen SRISURAK (Thailand\): At the outset, my delegation welcomes the programmes for 1990 World Census of Agriculture, and also thanks Professor Islam for his clear and constructive introduction.

My delegation strongly believes that agricultural statistics are very important for many purposes, namely farm planning, economic development, etc. It contains information that entirely concerns agriculture. The economic planners; and policy decision-makers can then provide desirable, and useful solutions for the development of agriculture.

A agricultural census following the guidelines in document C 85/18 is one of the most important programmes implemented in my country. In this context, therefore, my delegation supports the guidelines for completing the census of agriculture. However, my delegation would like to make the following observations: the first concerns the definition of the farm holder. The meaning of

"the farro holder" varies from country to country, from time to time, and according to stage of agricultural development. In this respect, the misinterpretation has been made by various users, especially when comparing the agricultural conditions between countries at different times. In many cases the successful agricultural development at different times or in different countries is hard to compare, despite the fact that the economic analyst may have a background in data collection. He should be aware of users, especially international ones. A primary example is that of the chicken farm holder. This may be an extreme case, but I think it is a good example. Allow me to say more about this. If a chicken raiser has only land, and no chickens, a question is raised: is he a farmer?

Secondly, is the problem of informing the public, especially the farmers. Many raise the question: what do we get from you when we answer your questions? In developing countries, this is one of the most difficult problems, because some of us sitting in this Conference have never been interviewers and have never been put in the position to explain positions and justify programmes. We must keep this in mind, and also be aware of the needs of farmers who would like to know not only the agricultural statistics but also other things. Therefore, the interviewers should be ready to answer all their questions.

Thirdly is the problem of the data produced from information compiled according to farmers' responses, Problems occur when there are time constraints involved. That is, many farmers answer questions from memory,not from their farm accounts, because in many cases, he keeps no farm accounts. The reliability of the data, therefore, is not dependent on the questionnaire or innumerator, but on the farmers' memories. We must keep this in mind. However, Thailand is ready to participate with the FAO as much as possible. In this respect, we hope that this participation will provide as with concrete and useful solutions.

Carlos Pinheiro Silva (Cap-Vert): Ma délégation voudrait s'associer à celles qui l'ont précédée et voudrait féliciter le Secrétariat pour l'excellente et claire présentation de ce document très important. Pour un pays où les informations de base sur les secteurs économiques en général et le secteur agricole en particulier sont insuffisantes et peu viables, le perfection‐nement de l'appareil stratégique est une condition basilaire, un outil indispensable pour l'établissement des plans nationaux de développement. Le Cap-Vert attache la plus grande im‐portance au programme de recensement mondial de l'agriculture, 1990, et lance un appel à la FAO dans le sens d'élargir son appui au plan de renforcement du service national de sta‐tistiques agricoles qui malgré les progrès accomplis ces dernières années accuse de nettes insuffisances.

MANIRUZZAMAN Chowdhury (Bangladesh): At the outset, please allow me to compliment on my behalf and that of the Bangladesh delegation Professor Nural Islam for the comprehensive and lucid introduction to the subject. The FAO Secretariat also deserves credit for the good work in preparing the document C 85/18.

The Bangladesh delegation supports the idea of holding a worldwide census in 1990 and is confident that it would help the individual nations and also the world agencies like FAO to locate or pinpoint the areas where international help is urgently required and quickly arrange for the same. As has been the case in Bangladesh, improvements in statistical capability and reliability achieved through regular and sample surveys conducted at regular intervals can assist governements determining where the problem areas are and what corrective measures may be necessary in redressing them.

We believe that Bangladesh is prepared to hold such a census with other nations and would intensely benefit from the the same. Such a belief is based on the knowledge that for some developing countries, like Bangladesh , the availability of reliable agricultural statistics would enable the international agencies to better appreciate our difficulties and to provide necessary assistance in overcoming them, as pointed out earlier. We therefore believe that the standardization of the questionnaire would go a long way in developing a proper and easily comparable data base for the effective

utilization by the country concerned or by other international organizations. The standardization would be useful for the policy planners and the evaluators, both at the formulation stage or in critical analysis of the same. We suggest that before circulating this questionnaire or the standard form, it should be re-examined again for possible improvements, by the Secretariat.

At the end, I would like to reiterate Bangladesh 's support and willingness to participate in the census of 1990. We believe that all nations will immensely benefit from it.

Marcos NIETO LARA (Cuba\): Ante todo, permítame felicitar al Sr. Islam, por la clara y brillante exposición sobre un tema que resulta extenso y complejo desde el punto de vista técnico, pero de mucha utilidad para los países y la comunidad internacional. Deseo asimismo reconocer el esfuerzo realizado por la Secretaría para presentarnos el documento C 85/18, que consideramos muy completo, de alto rigor técnico y suficientemente didáctico; por lo que mi delegaciòn está totalmente de acuerdo con el mismo.

Sr. Presidente, desde hace varios anos se vienen realizando cursos agropecuarios, que han suministrado importantes conclusiones y la FAO en este sentido ha marchado a la vanguardia, junto con otras organizaciones del sistema de las Naciones Unidas; por lo que merece nuestro elogio.

Tal como se expone en el Documento C 85/18, no siempre los objetivos propuestos se han alcanzado en la extensión y precisión informativa deseada, por lo que consideramos que el programa que examinamos en esta oportunidad está muy mejorado, al tomar en cuenta las experiencias y dificultades de censos anteriores.

Sr. Presidente, nuestro país ha venido trabajando sistemáticamente en la actualización de las estadísticas nacionales de todos los sectores y en particular de la agricultura y la alimentación. El Comité Estatal de Estadística de Cuba y el Ministerio de la Agricultura, así como otros organismos, trabajan estrechamente coordinados en la toma, almacenamiento y procesamiento de la información estadística relativa al sector. Este trabajo nos ha permitido disponer de un importante instrumento para el control y planificación a mediano y largo plazo del desarrollo de la agricultura, la alimentación y el desarrollo rural. Estamos seguros de que las orientaciones y consideraciones técnicas en cuanto al censo agropecuario dadas por esta Conferencia serán de mucha utilidad para nuestro país y contribuirán a mejorar nuestro trabajo.

Sr. Presidente, examinando el tema desde el punto de vista estrictamente técnico y de posibilidades de realización, tal como se expresa en el documento, y como ha sido expuesto por los mismos delegados, no todos los países cuentan con los recursos humanos y materiales que les permitan llegar al alcance propuesto, y por ello mi delegación desea proponer que, de ser posible, se organicen seminarios regionales o subregionales para capacitar al personal que se encargará de organizar y dirigir las actividades del censo en los diferentes países. Es también pertinente solicitar a la FAO que facilite la asistencia técnica necesaria para la realización del censo, en la medida que los países la soliciten.

D. KINZEL (Austria\) (original language German): First of all, I should like to thank Mr Islam for the very clear and informative introduction.

The basis of decision-making is a solid data base. The agricultural censuses of the FAO are, therefore, of considerable importance for national agricultural policies. The Austrian delegation supports the programme presented to us and the analyses and recommendations set out in this document. I should like to share the views expressed by the delegate of France , and I should like to draw your attention to the importance of the continuity of such procedures. We should like to request FAO to continue its activities in this field and also to aim at achieving an integrated information system. We can assure you that Austria , as in the past, will actively support these activities of FAO.

WU TIANXI (China\) (original language Chinese): The World Census of Agriculture, which is decennial programme, has been conducted six times. As it contains up-to-date information, it facilitates our understanding of world agricultural .resources and production structures. The data accumulated by the census provides sound bases for the formulation of international agricultural development programmes and other related policies. It is also useful for individual countries.

Proceeding from the experience and lessons of the six previous censuses, the FAO Secretariat has defined two objectives for the World Census of Agriculture for 1986 to 1995 and seven items to be encompassed therein. We think that these items concisely cover the common features of different farming systems in the world.

Chapter 5 deals with the guidelines for taking a census in agriculture. We shall carefully study them. Since the '50s, China has carried out a number of censuses on production, income distribution, soil, water conservation, biological resources, etc., in accordance with the need to develop our agriculture.

Not long ago a national population census was conducted in our country. We can say that we have gained some experience in this connection. However, if we are to conduct the kind of census described in document C 85/18, we do not think we are fully prepared. Besides, we lack experience for such a large-scale census and we especially lack trained staff and the necessary facilities. . Therefore, we look forward to strengthening cooperation efforts with FAO in this field in the future.

C.GOODING (Barbados\): The Barbados delegation would like to thank the FAO Secretariat for the very comprehensive coverage that has been given to this important subject in the document before us. We should also like to thank Professor Islam for his very clear and concise introduction of the subject.

We note that the Programme for the 1990 World Census of Agriculture is being presented at a time when many countries are experiencing severe economic difficulties, and in such an environment we feel that efficient utilization of available resources must assume the greatest importance. As we have stated on another occasion, it is unlikely that countries will be able to realize the most efficient allocation of available resources in the absence of adequate statistical information. Indeed, we fully endorse the sentiments echoed in paragraph 1.9 of the document C 85/18. We recognize, of course, that an agricultural census can be a costly undertaking, but such an exercise should, in our opinion, be viewed as an investment which would bring returns over a period of several years. For this reason, we believe that the commitment of funds by developing countries to facilitate the undertaking of an agricultural census as part of an overall programme for the improvement of agricultural statistical information systems can be fully justified. Nevertheless, we would like to urge the international community to give some priority to supporting efforts on the part of developing countries to improve their agricultural information systems.

Barbados fully supports the Programme outlined for the 1990 World Census of Agriculture. We would wish to compliment the FAO for the strenuous efforts it has made over the years to improve world statistics on food and agriculture and in particular for the invaluable assistance which it has provided to individual countries in helping them improve their own information systems. In'concluding, we should like to urge the Organization to continue and, if possible, to intensify its efforts in this area for the future.

Mbome MOUKIA (Cameroun): La delegation du Cameroun a suivi avec intérêt l'excellente présentation du document sur le programme de recensement mondial de l'agriculture 1990. Nous avons conscience de ce que la surveillance de l'évolution des tendances du secteur de la production alimentaire et agricole, dans les pays, implique en premier lieu la connaissance précise des systèmes nationaux de production, des productions annuelles, leur répartition dans l'espace et dans le temps, ainsi

que les mécanismes de commercialisation. Aussi, notre délégation ne saurait-elle qu'appuyer le programme de recensement mondial de l'agriculture projeté en 1990 par l'Organisation. Ce programme doit permettre aux pays intéressés de réunir des informations détaillées sur leurs structures et leur système de production utiles à la planification. Dans cette perspective, et en raison de la faiblesse de nos structures nationales dans le domaine des statistiques agricoles, nous pensons que la FAO devra apporter une plus grande assistance dans la formation en matière de technique de recensement par le biais-des centres nationaux de démonstration.

Dans cette optique, et pour permettre aux pays en développement de disposer de flux continus d'informations pertinentes en vue d'avoir un meilleur suivi de l'évolution du secteur agricole, il est souhaitable que le recensement préconisé soit suivi de la mise en place de systèmes permanents de collectes de données.

Le Gouvernement camerounais apprécie à sa juste mesure toute l'assistance dont il a déjà bénéficié de la part de la FAO dans ce cadre et souhaite que cette assistance soit accrue davantage pour permettre la mise en place effective des systèmes de statistiques de production et de distribution des denrées de base.

A.K. OSUBAN (Uganda\): I should like to congratulate the FAO on preparing the document which is before us now and Professor Nurul Islam for introducing it.

In the case of Uganda , the last census on agriculture was conducted in the 1963/65 period. We have therefore, as a result, experienced all the disadvantages associated with the lack of a reliable data base on agriculture. However, we already have an agricultural census project which was formulated with the assistance of FAO and which is ready for implementation. It is intended to provide us with the essential data base which we need so badly and at the same time afford opportunity for the training of local personnel in statistics-gathering techniques. We shall therefore be able to fall in step with the implementation of the 1990 World Census of Agriculture. We welcome the proposed census.

Emilio PARDO (Argentina\): Deseamos agradecer a la Secretaría el documento C 85/18 y su excelente explicación introductora.

El programa del censo agropecuario 1980 cubrió los censos realizados durante 1976 a 1985, para 93 países del mundo, entre los cuales no figuraba Argentina . Por este motivo, es propósito de mi Gobierno hacer lo necesario para que nuestro país se incorpore al programa de 1990. Este programa no implica que el censo deba realizarse en un año determinado, sino que se recomienda que se levante un censo agropecuario durante el período 1986 a 1995.

En la República Argentina se carece de listados o registros especializados agropecuarios, que sirvan de base al censo.. Por este motivo es imposible trabajar con cartografía de tipo catastral, por lo menos en las principales provincias. En aquellas provincias en que no se dispone de cartografía adecuada, sería necesario adoptar el método de solicitar al productor que declare en centros de recepción de información. Este sistema, si bien económicamente no es recomendable, porque trae graves problemas de cobertura, sin embargo para varias de nuestras provincias, es posible que no exista otra alternativa.

Actualmente el Servicio Nacional de Sociología Rural y Agricultura está colaborando con el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos, con objeto de levantar un censo agropecuario, de ser posible, durante el año 1987.

Para ello, se están realizando trabajos preliminares de localización y obtención del material cartográfico básico y prueba del mismo en el campo, pero hasta el presente, el problema que todavía no ha podido ser superado es la carencia de presupuestos adecuados para realizar la ingente cantidad de tareas que un operativo de esa magnitud requiere, y que es imperativo comenzar a llevarlas a cabo cuanto antes.

El método que se propone consiste en visitar a los productores agropecuarios en sus propias explotaciones mediante el uso de la cartografía catastral existente, lo que permitirá obtener información general de cada uno de ellos a través de las cédulas censales; confeccionar un padrón de productores asociable con la cartografía y con información sobre la actividad de las explotaciones, lo que permitirá facilitar la realización de operativos por muestreo durante los años posteriores al Censo.

Deseamos reiterar nuestro agradecimiento a la Secretaría por el documento mencionado precedentemente.

CHAIRMAN: If I see no more speakers, I will speak on behalf of my delegation, Nigeria .

JAAFARU LADAN (Nigeria\): My delegation fully supports the proposed Programme for the 1990 World Census of Agriculture as presented to us. This census will not take place simultaneously in all countries, as we have been informed. However, we believe that such a census could be conducted on a regional or sub-regional basis. In this connection, my delegation concurs with the observation of the delegate of the United States when he said that Africa would need a lot of assistance in this exercise to improve its statistical data collection, analysis and distribution. We hope FAO will take this into account when implementing this Programme.

We also agree with the observation by the delegate of Sudan when he suggested that a booklet on the methodology should be drawn up. This, we believe, with the training programme and workshops, will assist us in participating fully in the exercise.

CHAIRMAN: I now give the floor to Professor Nurul Islam to respond to some of the points raised by delegates.

N. ISLAM (Assistant Director-General, Economic and Social Policy Department): I have very few points to respond to. We are very grateful to the distinguished delegates for commending and appreciating FAO's work on censuses of agriculture. Many delegates have referred to the particular circumstances of their individual countries and the relevance of this overall framework provided by the Secretariat document to their particular situtations. As I have emphasized in my introduction, this framework is a broad one, which has to be adjusted to the particular circumstances of individual countries.

On the question raised by distinguished delegates on the need for publishing original supplements, I should like to inform the distinguished delegates that we do intend to publish original supplements to the main document. We are in the process of finalizing three such original supplements, on the Near East, Europe, and Asia and the Pacific Region. Supplements on other regions are on the way.

We recognize, 'as has been emphasized, the adute need in . Africa for improving, or even collecting for the first time on a comprehensive basis, agricultural 'stics, and certainly in our Programme of Work Africa does occupy a priority place.

Delegates have urged us to publish the results of national censuses as soon as possible. Indeed, we do publish them in standardized form for international comparison and in different languages. We have published for forty countries such analyses of past censuses, and we plan to build upon them a data bank analyzing major census results which can thus provide us with a time series on these specific items. We are now preparing the analysis, for example, of changes in the structure of agriculture as derived from the 1980 census compared to 1970.

Questions have been asked as to the need to provide for training in the developing countries in facilitating census work. We run national demonstration centres for national agricultural censuses

which are intended to train the statisticians of the member countries who,in turn will then train their own statisticians. The last such demonstration centre was conducted this year in Santiago for Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Statisticians from 17 countries were trained in their national demonstration centres for six weeks. The next training centre is being planned for the Near East region and will be implemented during 1986.

It was recommended that FAO should publish an explanatory booklet for the 1990 Census of Agriculture. We have plans to prepare such a documentfor the preparation of questionnaires and manuals for enumeration. We have taken careful note of some of the detailed comments such as those from the distinguished delegate of India , and will try to explain and possibly to add explanatory notes in the document clarifying some of the points he has raised.

The distinguished delegate from the United States of America in his remarks referred to the need for updated consumption surveys and commented on the inadequate or outdated consumption surveys on the basis of which we have had to prepare our Fifth World Food Survey. He is right in pointing out the paucity of consumption surveys do the type we need for estimating the nutritional status of populations in the developing countries. We have made strenuous attempts to collect unpublished data and unprocessed data on consumption surveys. Sometimes such surveys are undertaken, but the results are neither processed nor published. We have made systematic attempts to collect some of them and are continuing our search for them for future work. In addition, in our training course's we do include training on how to implement consumption surveys. We are now processing and preparing a manual for that purpose, but as delegates will appreciate countries which have difficulty or inadequate resources to carry out basic census work are not always over-enthusiastic in implementing periodic consumption surveys and have difficulties in stimulating interest in them.

CHAIRMAN: I hope distinguished delegates are satisfied with the answers provided on the points raised. I will now briefly sum up the discussion on this item. About thirty speakers intervened on this item. There was unanimous appreciation of the need for the programme. The 1990 agricultural census is a very important undertaking for planners and users of agricultural data. I think that is the only summary I can provide. The document is comprehensive enough for the delegates, with the exception of some of the points raised. With this short summing up I close the discussion on this agenda item.

7. World Food and Agriculture Situation: (continued)
7. Situation mondiale de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture: (suite)
7. Situación alimentaria y agrícola en el mundo: (continuación)

7.4. Forestry - The Manifesto of Mexico (Ninth World Forestry Congress, July 1985 (continued)
7.4. Forêts - Manifeste de Mexico (neuvième Congrès forestier mondial, juillet 1985 (suite)
7.4. Montes - El Manifiesto de México (Noveno Congreso Forestal Mundial, julio de 1985 contuación)

Sra. Margarita LIZARRAGA SAUCEDO (México): La delegación mexicana quiere expresar su gran complacencia por la calurosa acogida que tuvo nuestra proposición de Resolución presentada el día de ayer en esta Comisión. A continuación, daré a leer la decisión que ha tomado el Comité de Resoluciones que, en términos generales, nos indica que este Proyecto ha sido aceptado en su forma, y que solamente se hacen las proposiciones de dos enmiendas. Una en el párrafo uno relativo a la parte dispositiva en la que exclusivamente añade, sugiere añadir al final: "tal y como fue adoptado".

En el párrafo tres de la parte dispositiva, en la sugerencia se indica reemplazar el término "Solicita" por el de "Invita", considerando que este segundo término es más apropiado para un texto que está dirigido a otras organizaciones e instituciones internacionales, las cuales fueron incorporadas al texto adjunto que ahora reza como sigue:

La Conferencia,

Reafirmando la importancia del IX Congreso Forestal Mundial, celebrado en México en julio de 1985, que constituye un esfuerzo significativo de la comunidad internacional para el desarrollo, promoción y aprovechamiento racional y equitativo de los recursos naturales renovables,

Recordando la resolución 2/86 del Consejo de la FAO, que declaró 1985 Año Internacional del Bosque y señala que la destrucción de los bosques se ha convertido en uno de los mayores problemas de la humanidad, y que es necesario la conservación y uso racional de los recursos forestales del mundo,

Reconociendo el valor que el Manifiesto de México tiene como documento fundamental de actualidad en el que se resume la importancia de los bosques, tanto en la protección del ambiente como en la contribución al desarrollo,

Tomando nota con satisfacción que los programas de FAO en el sector forestal coinciden completamente con el contenido y el espíritu del Manifiesto de México,

1. Aprueba el Manifiesto de México tal y como fue adoptado:

2. Insta a los gobiernos de los Estados Miembros a que los principios y directrices de dicho Manifiesto se reflejen adecuadamente en sus inversiones, planes y programas silvícolas nacionales.

3. Invta a los organismos e instituciones internacionales a promover la observancia de los principios contenidos en el Manifiesto y a apoyar financieramente el desarrollo y el aprovechamiento integral de los bosques.

Queda pues a consideración después de la, digamos, calurosa bienvenida que tuvo nuestro Proyecto, el decidir si esta Resolución es discutida o si se desea remitirla al Comité de Redacción como había sido sugerido esta mañana.

Nosotros estamos en la mejor disposición y muy complacidos de la acogida, como ya lo habíamos mencionado.

CHAIRMAN: I thank the distinguished delegate of Mexico for introducing this resolution which is before all the delegations and was discussed by the Resolutions Committee. All the amendments indicated by the delegate of Mexico are incorporated in the resolution before us. I now invite. comments on the text.

M.NLETO LARA (Cuba): Mi delegación entiende, Sr. Presidente, que el texto de esta Resolución es lo suficientemente llana como para que sea acogida por esta Comisión como un acuerdo unánime. Deseamos reconocer el trabajo del Comité de Resoluciones en el sentido de hacer adecuaciones que consideramos muy atinadas.

CHAIRMAN: The distinguished delegate of Cuba has proposed that this resolution should be adopted by this Commission for inclusion in our report to Plenary.

Guy FRADIN (France\): Ma délégation appuie effectivement ce projet de résolution proposé par la délégation mexicaine. Néanmoins, je souhaiterais vous proposer deux modifications qui, je l'espère, seront des améliorations légères à ce texte. Elles sont assez simples.

A la deuxième résolution, il s'agirait en fait d'ajouter l'idée de l'intégration de mesures en matière forestière, intégration des politiques de développement des pays; cette idée pourrait être traduite par la simple adjonction d'un groupe de mots après les termes : "comme il convient", si bien que la résolution No 2 se lirait ainsi: "Demande instamment aux gouvernements des Etats Membres de tenir compte, comme il convient, dans la mise en oeuvre de leurs politiques de développement, des principes et directives qui y sont énoncés." Là, je ferais une correction de pure forme pour que le texte soit correct: "en matière d'investissements de plans et programmes sylvicoles nationaux". La deuxième modification que je propose concerne la résolution No 3 sur l'invitation qui est faite afin d'y intégrer la notion qui figure un peu plus haut dans le texte de gestion rationnelle des ressources forestières qui est une notion importante et qui serait simplement à ajouter aussi après les mots "mise en valeur", si bien que le texte se lirait de la méme manière que maintenant, comme il est écrit, et on ajouterait donc "appuyer financièrement la mise en valeur du patrimoine forestier, (puisqu'il faut bien définir cette mise en valeur) "La gestion rationnelle des ressources qu'il contient et l'exploitation intégrée des


CHAIRMAN: Before I ask delegates to speak perhaps the Assistant Director-General of the Forestry Department would like to say something on this suggestion proposed by France .

Sr. M.A. FLORES RODAS (Subdirector General, Departamento de Montes): Permítame, Sr. Presidente, pero creo que en este momento es importante intervenir para aclarar algunas cuestiones relacionadas con el lenguaje y que desgraciadamente en español no han sido traducidas correctamente. Habla aquí de programas silvícolas. Debe leerse programas forestales, no silvícolas, porque es restrictivo, y se refiere a todos los programas forestales.

En segundo lugar, se habla de "aprovechamiento", aquí correctamente no debe traducirse "explotación", ya que no es explotación, es aprovechamiento.

Quiero hacer esta aclaración porque es importante para los países aquí presentes de lengua española que se haga la traducción correcta.

CHAIRMAN: There are two improvements called for by the delegate of France . We are in a procedural situation. Delegate of Cuba , you called a motion or a proposal? Let me be clear on that first.

Sr. M. NIETO LARA (Cuba\): Una propuesta Sr. Presidente.

CHAIRMAN: The delegate of France has proposed some changes or amendments to paragraphs 1 and 2. Are there any comments on the proposal by France ?

Sra. M. LIZARRAGA SAUCEDO (México): Me parece, Sr. Presidente, que la proposición que ha hecbo.el colega de Francia realmente refuerza y complementa adecuadamente la Resolución.

CHAIRMAN: Does anyone wish to speak on the proposal of France ?

Wolfgang A.F. GRABISCH (Federal Republic of Germany) (original language German): I should like to ask the Secretariat to what extent this proposal is already contained in the Manifesto itself. I was wondering whether such a modification of the text is really necessary. The Secretariat might be able to tell us - or the Mexican delegation - if this idea, which has been suggested by France and is a very important one, if it is not already contained in the Manifesto itself.

CHAIRMAN: Mr Flores Rodas will reply to that.

Sr. M.A. FLORES RODAS (Subdirector General, Departamento de Montes): Esencialmente, yo creo que el distinguido representante de la República Federal de Alemania tiene razón. El Manifiesto de México está adoptado aquí como un paquete que no puede ser modificado puesto que fue hecho por un organismo de la Conferencia y contemplados todos los aspectos de la ordenación y de la gestión nacional de los recursos forestales, y su aplicación a la solución de los problemas de desarrollo, y se hace un llamado general, y demás, tal como lo presupone el representante de la República Federal de Alemania. Sin embargo, en esta Resolución que adopta la Conferencia, simplemente lo que aparece aquí es énfasis y un recordatorio específico de lo que la Conferencia considera que es lo más sobresaliente y lo más importante del Manifiesto de México. No veo ningún conflicto en la redacción tal como está.

CHAIRMAN: The Secretariat has confirmed that this addition does not modify the text in any way outside the Mexico Manifesto, and also the delegate of Mexico has accepted the proposed changes as strengthening the text. In order not to go into a deep discussion on this addition, are there any other proposals or counter-proposals to what France has said, so that we can move on?

Miss P. WEST (United Kingdom\):My point concerns point 1 of the resolution. In view of the fact that the resolution now endorses the Mexican Manifesto as adopted, and the Mexican Manifesto supported the creation of a world fund for development and environmental protection of forests, I feel it appropriate to put on record at this juncture that the United Kingdom considers that further studies are required before the creation of such a fund can be justified.

CHAIRMAN: Well, I do not know. Was it a question? I ask the delegate of the United Kingdom - was it a comment for the record or do you want clarification?

Miss. P. WEST (United Kingdom\):No, it is a comment for the record.

M.A. FLORES RODAS (Subdirector General, Departamento de Montes): Discúlpeme, Sr. Presidente, la frecuencia con que estoy interviniendo esta tarde; pero quiero volver a recordar a la Sala que esto se refiere al Manifiesto de México tal como fue adoptado y no refleja de ninguna manera las discusiones que han tenido lugar anteriormente en esta Comisión. Estoy seguro que en el borrador que será discutido en el Comité de Redacción, aparecerá con seguridad algún capítulo, algún párrafo, que refleje claramente la posición de los países que apoyan, que no apoyan o que reservan su opinión sobre la propuesta de Austria. Por tanto, en la Resolución misma es simplemente un párrafo más que pasará, como todos lo sabemos, al Comité de Redacción para su redacción final; después vendrá a esta Comisión I para su adopción. Me parece que esta Resolución debe quedar como está y que vaya así al Comité de Redacción con el informe de esta Comisión, donde aparezcan las reservas expresadas por los países que tienen dudas o que se oponen al Fondo Mundial propuesto por Austria.

CHAIRMAN: The text of the resolution can be decided here; any additional comments will appear in the report of the Commission which the Drafting Committee will finalize, so if we can agree on the text itself, we can make progress.

Jorge A. SANTOS OLIVEIRA (Guinée-Bissau): A ce stade de la discussion, je voudrais appuyer ce projet de resolution proposé par la délégation de Cuba.

Antonio RODRIGUES PIRES (Cap-Vert): Je voudrais tout d'abord féliciter le Comité de résolution qui a fourni un excellent travail. De l'avis de notre délégation, nous ésirons appuyer la roposition faite par la délégation de Cuba et dire, comme nous l'avons ait pour la résolution 2/85 u Conseil, que mon pays appuie tout le contenu de cette résolution.

Srta. Hilda LOPEZ DE MORAL (Colombia): Nuestra delegación desea apoyar la Resolución sobre el Manifiesto de México que ha presentado la delegación de México, con los cambios que han propuesto las delegaciones de Cuba y Francia.

Respecto de estas enmiendas, en vista de lo que aquí se ha discutido, es opinión de mi delegación que son en realidad enmiendas de forma y de redacción, y no de fondo. De manera que si no hay problemas al respecto en el Comité de Redacción, Colombia no tiene a su vez ningún inconveniente en aceptarlas.

TEMEL ISKIT (Turkey\): My delegation also supports the Cuban proposal to accept the resolution ere at our Commission without sending it to the Drafting Committee. May we make a small suggestion which we think will reinforce the text. At the third operative paragraph - "we are inviting the international organizations to lend their financial support only", we think is too restrictive. when we invite these organizations we may appeal to their financial and technical support. So, may we suggest the addition after "their financial", last line of the third operative paragraph, of "and technical support".

CHAIRMAN: I am sure this is just an improvement on the text, a very important improvement. The delegate of Mexico will not argue with it, so it is acceptable.

WOLFGANG A.F. GRABISCH (Federal Republic of Germany) (original language German): Just a point of clarification. I did not hear the distinguished delegate of Cuba making a proposal for an amendment. Colombia has just said that it supported the proposed amendment submitted by Cuba, so I.confess to a measure of confusion here, and I hope, perhaps, you may read the whole text through to us from the beginning to end and we will know exactly what it is that we are dealing with.

CHAIRMAN: Perhaps what the delegate of Colombia meant to say was, supporting the proposal by the delegate of Cuba, with the amendment proposed by the delegate of France, which was accepted by the delegate of Mexico . Cuba did not introduce any amendment to the text. I hope you are satisfied.

J.P. COTIER (Secrétaire adjoint, Commission I): Je relis la proposition d'amendement faite par la France . Au point 2, la proposition est donc: "Demande instamment aux Gouvernements des Etats Membres de tenir compte, comme il convient, de la mise en oeuvre de leurs politiques de développement, des principes et directives qui y sont énoncés en matière d'investissement dans les programmes sylvicoles nationaux."

Ensuite, au point 3, je relis l'ensemble de la phrase: "Invite institutions et organismes internationaux à assurer le respect des principes énoncés dans le Manifeste et à appuyer financièrement' (et là j'introduis la proposition faite par le représentant de la Turquie), "et techniquement, la mise en valeur", (j'ajoute ici la proposition faite par le délégué de la France), "du patrimoine forestier et la gestion rationnelle des ressources qu'il recèle".

CHAIRMAN: I think the idea had been accepted. It may not be possible to get all the other languages to flow, so if we can allow the Drafting Committee to translate the French text into the various languages, taking into account the idea proposed by the delegate of France had been accepted.

MARC ANDRE FREDETTE (Canada): I am afraid we will have to join with the United Kingdom in pointing out, if "in this resolution the Conference as a whole endorses the Mexico Manifesto as adopted" means quite plainly, that we also endorse the creation of a world fund. My Government as it said earlier in this Commission cannot do that at this stage, until further studies. we simply will have to reserve on this. We will, hopefully, find wording that allows us to do anything but endorse, to support the principles and so on, but to endorse the Manifesto verbatim would unfortunately be impossible for my delegation.

ANDRE JEAN-LOUIS (Haīti): J'ai demandé la parole pour appuyer le projet de résolution avec les amendements de la France; et je souscris à la proposition de la délégation de Cuba .

JAMES E. ROSS (United States of America): The United States would have to associate its position with that of the United Kingdom and Canada .

NULO HINTIKKA (Finland): The Nordic delegations would like to associate with the remarks made by the United Kingdom, United States of America , and Canadian delegations.

KOSEI SHIOZAWA (Japan): Our delegation would have to associate with the United Kingdom and United States of America .

M. RYAN (Australia): Australia's position is in agreement with that expressed by the United Kingdom, Canadian, United States of America , Nordic and Japanese delegations.

CHAIRMAN: Now the text will go to the Drafting Committee for inclusion in our report, and then in our main report. The countries that have expressed their reservations on the creation of a fund, which I believe is what is causing the problem here, will be reflected in the main text of the report. However, the resolution is accepted as proposed by the delegate of Mexico , and supported by many delegations. With this comment I will close our discussion on this agenda item.

The meeting rose at 18.00 hours.
La séance est levée à 18 heures.
Se levanta la sesión a las 18.00 horas.

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