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B. Administrative and Financial Matters (continued)
B. Questions administratives et financières (suite)
B. Asuntos administrativos y financieros (continuación)

25. Other Administrative and Financial Matters (continued)
25. Autres questions administratives et financières (suite)
25. Otros asuntos administrativos y financieros (continuación)

25.4. Other Measures to deal with Budgetary Uncertainties (continued)
25.4. Autres mesures destinées à faire face aux incertitudes budgétaires (suite)
25.4. Otras medidas para hacer frente a las incertidumbres presupuestarias (continuación)

CHAIRMAN: I remind all delegates that we are discussing item 25.4. When we stopped our work, the discussion related to the draft resolution presented by the Italian -delegation with many amendments and the amendments to the amendments. But it is not so difficult as it looks:

I would now propose that the Italian delegation should read out the final text of the draft resolution.

Elio PASCARELLI (Italy): I hope that by now copies of the final text are available so that all delegates, as requested, have the text in front of them.

The only point that remains open is the final paragraph of the operative part which reads, "Requests the Director-General to provide all Member Nations with .." and then it said "quarterly". We had some objections to that word and we are pleased to suggest ".. with the semestral report by the Finance Committee." I think that pleases the Secretariat also. If there are no objections, we therefore say, "Requests the Director-General", who has the authority to do so, "to provide all Member Nations with the semestral report by the Finance Committee." We cross out the square brackets that were there and we replace the article "a" by the article "the". That is the text.

A. Daniel WEYGANDT (United States of America): My first question is that it is not entirely clear to me, in American English at least, what a semestral report is. If this is supposed to be a semi­annual report, it might help clarify my understanding.

Although the objections that were raised this morning to quarterly reports were quite strongly stated, it seems to me that not many delegations had a chance to express their views on it. Certainly, for my part, it would be preferable - and it makes a lot more sense - if the purpose of this resolution is to keep members informed on what is currently going on with respect to FAO finances, to have a more frequent report on what is happening. I would certainly plead for a quarterly report.

I understand that it would impose a certain burden on the Secretariat, but it seems to me that given the financial situation of the Organization there is likely to be an on-going analysis of the finances in any event by the Secretariat. We may have a little bit of a misunderstanding here because some people think that this is going to require tremendous accounting, actual financial records, and that sort of thing. I do not have the sense from the debate that members here are really looking for an in-depth finalized accounting of FAO records on this kind of question. As figures come in on a quarterly basis, it is just a question of finding out exactly how the contribution situation has shaped up and some of the other questions that have been raised. It seems to me that if we as a governing body are going to keep an eye on things - and we are talking of something of an emergency situation - it would be better to keep it with a quarterly report.

German CARRASCO DOMINGUEZ (Chile): El objeto aparente de este proyecto de resolución es hacer ciertas economías y tomar decisiones y medidas tendientes a agilizar la marcha de la Organización, a hacer ajustes en los Programas y economías. Ahora yo me pregunto, Sr. Presidente, hasta qué punto este punto 4, este proyecto de resolución a que obliga, primitivamente obligaba, al Director General a presentar un informe trimestral al Comité de Finanzas, significa esto una economía y qué objeto y qué utilidad tiene.

No me han convencido las palabras del representante de los Estados Unidos. Yo sigo preguntándome si incluso un informe semestral es realmente necesario, Sr. Presidente; hasta qué punto les países miembros, porque este es un informe que se presenta a todos los países en el Comité; no es al Comité del Programa del Comité de Finanzas, sino que es un informe que se reparte entre 358 países.

Yo me pregunto cuál es el objeto de esto. A mí me parece une "delicatessen" burocrática o /?/a o cualquier otra cosa. Yo me opongo, Sr. Presidente, a este párrafo.

Atif Y. BUKHARI (Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of) (original language Arabic): During our work this morning, we pointed out that reports on this situation should be combined with the aims of our Organization. They should not affect the responsabilities of the other bodies within the Organization, that is to say the governing bodies including the Finance Commitee. Indeed, in the Finance Committee we do discuss all these problems. I can assure you that the Finance Committee report contains all this information. It is a very complete report that we prepare.

I can also tell you that our Organization is an organization serving the interests of all Member States.Each member country, if it wishes to receive any form of information, whatever the value of that information, whatever the quality of that information, would have no difficulties in obtaining that information. Such information is far from confidential. It is not bound by any secrecy which you might find in some cases because each member country will realize and appreciate that we would not want this information to be confidential. We can point out quite firmly that it is not; this information is not confidential. By its very content this information included in the document distributed only in English - I have only received it in English - corresponds to the situation of our Organization.

However, we do have some remarks to make, but these are not remarks which would give rise to any discussion. We can say here and now that we can give our wholehearted support to this draft resolution.

Ms Janet Lesley TOMI (Australia): I would like to make clear the views of the Australian delegation with respect to the issue that seems just to have emerged. We have a very strong preference for seeing Op.4 retain a reference to quarterly reporting. The reason for this is that we believe that the Organization is going to be faced with very grave problems in the new biennium. We also believe that the Secretariat for its own purposes is going to have to be on top of this kind of data, and that it would be of immense assistance to all members of the Organization to be provided with this information.

With respect to the various points made by the immediately preceding speaker, it seems to me that the language would not be terribly important because what we will be concerned. about are graphs and figures which are a universal language. Also, the data provided by the Secretariat at the moment goes to the Finance Committee which only has a membership of nine countries. In turn, the report of the Finance Committee, as I understand it, goes then to Council which has a membership of 49 members. The thrust of the original Op.4 was that quarterly data would be made available to all Member Nations.

I also would like to make the point that I do not think there would be enormous costs involved in this because of the sophisticated equipment, the computer equipment, which the Secretariat already has, and the fact that probably all of this information is going to be prepared for their own internal information purposes.

John LYNCH (Canada): We can support the resolution as it is worded. However, we think that the amendment to paragraph 4 is not in the best interests of the Organization. As everyone in this Commission will recall, we have quite recently adopted a measure which we hope will act as an incentive for states to pay their contributions earlier than they would normally. A quarterly report, together with an urging to states to pay, might be an additional and not very costly way of making sure that those few countries who might be encouraged to pay earlier than they would normally did so. A one-off report once at the mid point during a biennium is very unlikely to encourage early payment. Paragraph 4 should be looked at in this context.

In our own experience during the last two years of the biennium, in one case we" paid: at :the beginning of March and in the other case at the beginning of June. Although our historical pattern of payment may change, had we continued that it might have been useful for us to have known in the case of the year in which we paid in June because that would probably have encouraged us to pay in March.

Therefore, I can only suggest that the quarterly reporting would not, as far as I am aware, do any harm and it might in one or two instances cause a state to make an earlier payment than it might otherwise have done.

T.F.F. MALUZA (Zambia): The purpose of the quarterly report is actually to inform Member Governments of the seriousness of the improvement of the financial situation facing the Organization, and to enable Member Governments to plan ahead or to decide what should be done in order to save the Organization.

I think that the original paragraph 4 was actually the best. I do not see any reason why the Orga­nization should report first to the Finance Committee and then the Finance Committee produce their report which should be sent to Member Governments. The report which goes to the Finance Committee is the original from the Secretariat, which is the Director-General himself. It is capable of pro­ducing a good report which could actually be sent to Member Governments. To say that the report should go to the Finance Committee means that you are actually saying that the report should go and be censored by nine Member Governments although we had elected those members ourselves. It is not right that this report should go through another body, be censored and then come out.

I think the original paragraph 4 is the best. It gives the Director-General authority to inform Member Governments exactly the way he sees the situation, and to appeal to them on what should be done at that moment, even to ask Member Governments to make their payments and contributions to FAO earlier than they had planned.

James AITKEN (United Kingdom): At the beginning of this intervention, I would like to recall the very consistent way in which for over three years my delegation has requested information on cash spending. It will, therefore, come as no surprise that we find ourselves supporting the comments made by the United States, Australia, Canada, and Zambia amongst others on this issue. Like Zambia, we would propose the deletion of the new paragraph 4 and the substitution of the original paragraph 4.

As the distinguished Chairman of the Finance Committee has pointed out, this sort of information that is requested in paragraph 4 is readily available. He has suggested that any Member State that wishes it could obtain it directly from the Secretariat. I think this is possibly the case for countries like ourselves who have representation here, but it does rather disadvantage those countries which do not have permanent representation in Rome or who have limited access and facilities.

I would also suggest that we need this information that we have requested in., quarterly form if we-are to make effective use of the Finance Committee itself. The United Kingdom very much values the way in which the Finance Committee advises us and helps us on financial matters. Indeed, we are very grateful to the Committee and particularly to its Chairman, for the very helpful way in which he handled the programme delivery cost issue and other financial matters of concern to the United Kingdom.

However, for us to use the Committee we first as Member States need to have the information. This point was made very effectively by the distinguished delegates of Zambia and of Australia. Certainly in our situation we are not members of the Finance Committee. We would like to see this information. If necessary, therefore, we could ask countries on the Finance Committee to raise issues of concern to us. Thus we in the Committee, we hope, would be using the organs of FAO more effectively.

In these circumstances, I would again emphasize that we support those delegates who have requested that the original paragraph 4 is substituted in the new draft.

Mrs Astrid BERGQUIST (Sweden): Before the lunch break, my delegation gave its support to operative paragraph 4 in its earlier drafting; so, like the previous speakers, my delegation would prefer to retain the paragraph in its original form.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia):Sr. Presidente: para ser breves, nosotros proponemos que se suprima el párrafo 4, que se suprima totalmente el párrafo 4.

Elio PASCARELLI (Italy): I was not "enthusiastic about changing my original wording, and I would ask you, Mr Chairman, to close the debate on the original draft, with a quarterly report on the financial position of the Organization. I think you can now reach a consensus because, as you already know, we are expecting the Director-General before four o'clock on the other matter about which I have spoken to you.

Clifton E. MAYNARD (Barbados): I really don't care whether the Organization provides us with the financial statements every quarter, every half-year, or every year. I think the important part of this resolution is that we should give the responsibility for doing some work to the Council. Indeed, I would like to recall that the Finance Committee, according to the Basic Texts, is supposed to meet twice a year; I would think, therefore, that if the reports which went to the Finance Committee- were circulated to Member States before, or at the same time, that would adequately meet any concern.

Indeed, I do not expect that whether we receive reports every month or not would make any difference to the payment of assessed contributions because the contributions are supposed to be due and payable in full on the first of January and not later.

Jean—Luc GRAEVE (France): La delegation française ne souhaite pas prolonger le débat. Elle souhaite par contre,marquer les réserves que la résolution lui inspire, sans s'opposer à ce stade à son adop­tion par notre Commission.

Ma délégation a des doutes sur la compatibilité avec l'Acte constitutif de la FAO de la délégation de pouvoir qui est demandée par la résolution italienne. Je me réfère pour cela à l'Article V. 2. de l'Acte constitutif ainsi qu'à l'Article IV.

Par ailleurs, ma délégation considère que l'Acte constitutif et le Règlement général confient au Conseil un droit de contrôle général qu'il suffirait de rappeler pour que le Conseil exerce, ce que ma délégation trouve également utile, ses pouvoirs de conseils et d'orientation sur l'application du budget.

Je me permets d'ajouter que je souhaiterais que ces remarques figurent au Procès-Verbal de notre Commission.

CHAIRMAN: That is clearly a very important statement, because it eliminates one of the most difficult obstacles. Of course, every delegation, whether opposing a draft resolution or not, may make any reservation - it is the right of the French delegation to do so.

Sra. María JIMENEZ (El Salvador): El delegado de Barbados ha llamado nuestra atención sobre esta cuestión importante. La cuestión fundamental de esta resolución es delegar al Consejo para que siga de cerca la situación financiera. No debemos perder de vista este asunto. Con respecto a los informes, esos se podrían dar a través de los Comités de Finanzas y del Programa o en el Consejo mismo.

Por ello, mi delegación quisiera apoyar la propuesta del delegado de Colombia, en el sentido de que el último párrafo, el párrafo 4, sea eliminado del proyecto de resolución y que nos concentremos a aprobar la parte fundamental de esta cuestión.

CHAIRMAN: Ladies and gentlemen, we are under pressure, not of the chairmanship but of time; I would therefore like to make an appeal that perhaps we stop the discussion at this point, and I shall ask you what are our chances of accepting this resolution by consensus. If we cannot, we shall have a vote. I realize that there are many other speakers on my list, but I fear that this discussion could continue without end because there are sometimes remarks made about every single word. If I can have the feeling from you that we may proceed in this way, without changing, let us say, your attitudes on the substance, then I shall ask you the question whether this draft resolution can receive consensus; if not we shall have the vote. Are there any objections to my proposal?

T.F.F. MALUZA (Zambia): I have an objection, in that the distinguished delegate of Italy who actually presented this to us has withdrawn his new paragraph 4 and reverted to the old paragraph 4. As there is already consensus on the old paragraph 4, I do not see why you are pressing us to go to a vote when the original resolution was agreed upon. I suggest that we now go back to the proposal by the Italian delegate that we revert the paragraph 4 as originally drafted, and adopt this resolution by consensus.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you that is a great help to me.

Antoine SAINTRAINT (Belgique): Monsieur le President, je peux marquer mon accord à la proposition que vous venez de faire. Si j'interviens, c'est uniquement pour dire que la délégation de la Belgique émet les mêmes réserves qui viennent d'être faites par la délégation française. Tout en ne nous opposant pas à ce que vous dégagiez un consensus, nous avons des hésitations sur le plan statutaire et juridique. Je crois que cela doit figurer dans le Procès-Verbal.

Atif Y. BUKHARI (Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of) (original language Arabic): I should like to add a similar reservation on the part of my delegation, and request that this reservation be included in the verbatim report along with the reservations expressed by France and Belgium.

Sra. Mercedes FERMIN-GOMEZ (Venezuela): Iba a expresar las reservas que tiene la delegación de Venezuela con respecto a este número, pero como encuentro que son muy razonables las intervenciones de Francia, voy a mostrar mi absoluto acuerdo con ésta. Por eso, íes ahorro el tiempo de escuchar.

Antonio R. PIRES (Cap-Vert): Faisant suite à l'intervention de la Colombie, de la Barbade, de la France et de la Belgique, le Cap-Vert aurait souhaité l'élimination de ce paragraphe. Elle se rallie de plus aux réserves formulées par la France.

Temel ISKIT (Turkey): My delegation wishes to see the name of Turkey added to the reservation expressed by France.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Sr. Presidente: Creemos, como usted lo ha dicho, que hemos dedicado demasiado tiempo a este asunto y que es la hora de concluir.

La delegación de Colombia presenta la moción formal de cierre del debate y pide a usted que aplique el Reglamento y que luego se adopte este proyecto de resolución sin el párrafo 4: la propuesta de Colombia con apoyo de muchas delegaciones.

CHAIRMAN: I would like to give the floor to the delegate of France as the last speaker, and I would suggest that if there are any reservations they may be included in the verbatim report.

Jean-Luc GRAEVE (France): Je voudrais dissiper ce qui est peut-être un malentendu linguistique.

Ma délégation a exprimé des réserves en ce qui concerne la délégation de pouvoir contenue au paragraphe 1 du texte italien. Elle ne s'est aucunement exprimée sur le paragraphe 4 prévoyant la fourniture de renseignements de nature financière. Elle est tout à fait favorable à la fourniture de renseignements de nature financière. Je crois que cette réserve est de nature différente des réserves légitimes que peuvent avoir d'autres délégations concernant le paragraphe 4.

Pedro SEBASTIÃO (Angola): Nous avons bien saisi le sujet que nous sommes en train de traiter, mais ma délégation souhaiterait que le document soit d'abord distribué en d'autres langues, parce que tout le monde ne comprend pas la langue anglaise. Ce matin nous avons eu déjà de petits problèmes parce qu'il y avait une différence d'interprétation entre le texte anglais et le texte français. Quant à nous, nous avons également des réserves en ce qui concerne le dernier paragraphe du nouveau texte.

CHAIRMAN: I would like to suggest that the delegate of Italy now read out again the draft resolution, slowly, so that the interpreters can interpret into other languages, so that all delegations can understand - and I trust that all colleagues will understand that there are occasional difficulties in the technical work of translating. If you have no objections, I' shall ask the Ambassador of Italy to read it again and afterwards I shall ask whether there are any objections on substance, with the understanding that there are reservations on certain points of the resolution, which delegates are perfectly entitled to hold.

Elio PASCARELLI (Italy): Shall I read the operative part only, or all of paragraph 4?

CHAIRMAN: I would suggest that you read the whole text.

Elio PASCARELLI (Italy):

"THE CONFERENCE, Considering the concern expressed by certain Member Nations regarding the possibility that, as in the current biennium, the Organization's financial resources could prove insufficient to cover the cost of the full and timely execution of the approved programme for the 1988-89 biennium;

"Recognizing that in such a regrettable eventuality, serious liquidity problems could require immediate decisions and measures that did not fall within the statutory authority of the Council or the Director-General.

"Consciousness of the importance for Mamber Nations of making advance arrangements to cope with-such a situation if it should arise" - excuse me, Mr Chairman. This third paragraph has strict connections with the operative paragraph 4. Many delegations do not seem to have understood it. -

"Calling again on all member countries to pay their assessed contributions promptly,(1) delegates an exceptional basis" - or "exceptionally". I have been told that exceptionally is less good than "on an exceptional basis", one way or another - "to the Council for the duration of the 88-89 biennium, the power to decide on the savings and related programme adjustments that the situnationmay require.

"(2) Request the Director-General to consult at the appropriate time the Finance Committee and the Programme Committee at the earliest possible stage if it appears likely that savings and programme adjustments may be required with a view to recommending timely and urgent measures for consideration by the Council.

"Requests the Director-General, if necessary, to advance the date of the regular session of the Council scheduled for November 1988 or to call a special session of the Council.

"(4) Requests the Director-General to provide all Member Nations with a quarterly report on the financial position of the Organization and in particular, on the availability of funds, cash spending, the status of arrears and the short-term forecast."

End of the reading.

CHAIRMAN: Are there any objections to the Draft Resolution just read out by the Italian Ambassador, with, of course, amendments, with the understanding that some delegations may have reservations? The Saudi Arabian delegation has the floor.

Atif Y. BUKHARI (Saudi Arabia,Kingdom of) (original language Arabic): We have always had great difficulty in stomaching paragraph 4. Our reservation is to that specific paragraph, so please, would you record our reservation on paragraph 4 in the verbatim report. As far as the rest of the Resolution is concerned, we have no objection whatever to it.

CHAIRMAN: Surely, I would repeat again, I am asking you, dear colleagues, whether you are against the Draft Resolution. If not, I can understand the Resolution being adopted by consensus with the understanding that all delegations - or some delegations - which may have reservations to different paragraphs or sentences or words, they may do so for the verbatim. That is the understanding of. the Chair and I think of all of you.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Sr. Presidente, comprendo la flexibilidad con que usted dirige la Comisión y no quiero forzarle a que aplique el Reglamento en relación con mi moción formal de cie­rre del debate. Sin embargo, creo que han asumido actitud constructiva los colegas de Francia y otros, que han dicho que sus reservas constarán, como es normal, en las aç esta Comisión. Para . evitar que haya más reservas, Sr. Presidente, ¿por qué usted -y ésta es mi insistencia- no pregunta a la Comisión si es posible adoptar este texto sin el párrafo 4? Esto, por lo menos, facilita la posición de Saoudi Arabia y de otros países. Por favor, Sr. Presidente, mi propuesta ha contado con algún apoyo. Parece que a usted no le ha interesado mucho, pero tiene apoyo en la sala, y ésa es la pregunta que podría conducir a una solución. De lo contrario, ruego a usted que aplique el Reglamento: Se cierra el debate, podrán hablar sólo dos Delegados que se opongan al cierre del debate y se votará sobre la resolución, en la forma en que la está proponiendo Colombia.

Sra. Mercedes FERMIN-GOMEZ (Venezuela): Gracias, Presidente, Tiene mi apoyo la proposición de Colombia, tal como la acaba de reformar ahora, con mi reserva.

Antonio R. PIRES (Cap-Vert): C'est pour appuyer la proposition de la Colombie. Nous aurions préféré le texte sans le paragraphe 4.

CHAIRMAN: I know from the Italian delegation that they are not inclined to accept that, but maybe Ambassador Pascarelli would like to say something.

Elio PASCARELLI (Italy): I would just explain to my Latin American friends why we added this report and we left to the Secretariat the choice whether the Director-General should send his reports quarterly or periodically."Quarterly" was originally chosen by the Secretariat. Now the reason why I inserted this para. 4 is exactly connected with the third paragraph of the preamble, and I read: "Consciousnessof the importance for Member Nations of making advance arrangements to cope with such a situation if it should arise". I wonder how would the Latin American members find out what is happening unless they have a report. By their papers? By radio? Pigeons? Television?

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Sr. Presidente, los latinoamericanos no entendemos este texto de resolución porque solo está en inglés. Pero podemos asegurarle al Embajador Pascarelli que leemos con frecuencia y con toda atención los informes del Comité de Finanzas. Como dijo al principio de esta tarde el Embajador Bukhari, Presidente del Comité de Finanzas, en los informes de ese Comité aparecen todos estos datos. Además el propio Delegado del Reino Unido lo reconoció: la Secretaría de la FAO, en todo momento, está dispuesta a suministrar informaciones adicionales al respecto.

Espero que el Embajador Pascarelli entienda la posición de los latinoamericanos, que no insista en su párrafo 4 y que nos permita adoptar esta resolución sin el párrafo 4.

A. Daniel WEYGANDT (United States of America): I am only taking the floor in an effort to try and get this situation to a conlcusion. In fact, I am somewhat surprised that after having called for the closure of the debate and asking for only two more speakers, that some delegates insist on taking the floor yet again to make a point. I think we have been discussing this for quite a long time now. I think it is clear that the majority of the members would prefer to see the retention of this paragraph, and I think the situation is as you have described it. I think really with the reservations that you have recorded, we can go ahead and proceed on to other business.

Sra. María Eulalia JIMENEZ (El Salvador): Gracias Sr. Presidente. Le extraña también a mi Delegación que, después de una propuesta formal hecha por un Delegado -el Delegado de Colombia- de cierre del debate, continuemos discutiendo esta cuestión. Sin embargo, yo creo que la.mayoría de los Dele­gados han planteado aquí que estarían de acuerdo con que se elimine el párrafo 4 y aprobemos este proyecto de resolución, no con que se mantenga el párrafo 4. El Delegado de Colombia hizo una pro­puesta formal, apoyada por mi Delegación, por la Delegación de Cabo Verde y por otras Delegaciones, de que se apruebe este proyecto de resolución eliminando el párrafo 4. Apliquemos los reglamentos y vayamos a votación sobre esto.

CHAIRMAN: I draw the conclusion that from one side the distinguished delegate of El Salvador criticized me that we continued the debate, but from the other side, she also continues to debate. So at this point I am really going to close the list of speakers. Judging from all statements and questions and replies -and I have no doubts that all questions were up to the point and the answers and explanations were being given properly to these questions.

I will make the proposal now. Who is against this Draft Resolution? If there are no objections we shall consider it adopted by consensus. If there is opposition, we shall vote paragraph by paragraph according to the rules. So my question is, are there any delegations opposing the Draft Resolution as it was presented and amended properly?

Point of order
Point d'ordre
Punto de orden

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Sr. Presidente, yo lamento que usted siga ignorando la posición de la mayoría de las Delegaciones que se han expresado últimamente en contra del párrafo 4. Usted debe preguntar a la sala si está de acuerdo o no en que se suprima el párrafo 4, y no insistir en la adopción de la resolución con ese párrafo 4.

CHAIRMAN: So I understand that this statement is calling for a vote paragraph by paragraph. Is that right? Or is it only to eliminate paragraph 4?

James AITKEN (United Kingdom): I regret that if this resolution is put to a vote, the U.K. would wish to call for a roll call vote on this. I am sorry for the time this may take, and I had hoped we would reach consensus, but I think there is a majority for the retention of paragraph 4.

CHAIRMAN: According to the request, there is a proposal to have a roll call vote on paragraph 4, whether we shall adopt it or not. So I repeat the question: whether you agree to maintain or eliminate paragraph 4, and I order a roll call. The delegate of Turkey has the floor.

Temei ISKIT (Turkey): One question: which paragraph 4? In the original version or the version before us?

CHAIRMAN: The original versión as it was stated by the Italian delegation with the addition which was proposed originally by the British delegation, "cash spending,'1 two words added. So I repeat the question, to retain paragraph 4 as it was originally proposed, the delegations will say yes. If they are against, they say no.

I just want to inform you that there was a remark made that I have to follow the procedure and to put on the vote the last proposition which, in my view, is the British one. So I have to be consistent in that. I repeat once again the proposal is to maintain or not to maintain the paragraph 4 in the original version in the Italian Draft Resolution.


CHAIRMAN: Paragraph 4 has been accepted. There is now the question of whether we shall pass the whole draft resolution, originally the draft of the Italian delegation, to Plenary to be accepted. If there are no objections, we shall do that. There are no objections.

Paragraph 4 approved
Paragraphe 4 approuvé
Párrafo 4 aprobado

Elio PASCARELLI (Italy): Mr Chairman, Mr Director-General, ladies and gentlemen, this is probably going to be the last address of my forty-year-long career, but I do not want to be too much troubled by emotion so I will try to speak, as usual, frankly and as briefly as possible. Once again, I have no prepared text, except for some statements.

My subject exactly responds to the terms of Item 25.4 which reads, "Other Measures to deal with Budgetary Uncertainties". May I briefly start by making a personal remark.

I have been looking at you over the last days, Mr Chairman, and could not refrain from thinking of David Lubin, an excellent and unforgotten son of Poland who went to America and launched the first idea of an international institute for agriculture. His idea was not accepted in the United States; it was not accepted in the United Kingdom; but it found acceptance in Italy. This was the origin of the honour that befell my country when FAO chose Rome as the final and - how can I say it? - the permanent seat.

We are reminded of this great Pole because we have another great Pole in.Rome, his Holiness John Paul II, who has supported FAO. We had the pleasure of meeting with him recently and hearing another encouraging address.

In 1905 the institution was founded in Rome, and in 1945 it became adult. We could say "la vita comincia a 40" - or as they say in English, "Life begins at 40". Unfortunately, that anniversary coincided with the first problems of FAO. I am so sorry to connect this bad story of financial trouble for FAO with that great country which gave birth in the mind of a Pole to the very idea of such an institution, that great country whose attitude we understand.

Nevertheless, we do not justify it because if we look out of the window we see the building where, 20 centuries ago, the basis of International Law was founded - pacta sunt servanda - pacts must be absolved. This is not a recommendation; this is a realization of the difficulties which have troubled this Organization. I have tried my best to figure out what should be the duty of the host country.

I remember in my first intervention in-this hall I said that when we are host to someone and that person is sick or is affected by any kind of illness we call the doctor, and take care of that person's health. May I use the same image for what we have tried to do in regard to the troubles with our beloved FAO in Rome. We founded FAO in Rome and won by two goals! We made several much needed efforts which originated in our first presence in the Finance Committee; after 40 years we answered this Committee for the first time. I do not want to criticize anyone but that meant for the Finance Committee more constructive work and consequently, less destructive criticism. For your information, Mr Chairman, we were challenged after only two years, and that proved tremendously beneficial to FAO. Our position in the Finance Committee was challenged. But I will not deal with that because the resolution will come later and if it is not sponsored, we will withdraw it because we will leave member countries to come to their own decision as to whether our presence is useful to the Organization or just to the Commission.

I would briefly like to quote from my Prime Minister's address to this audience on World Food Day when he said that in the last decade Italy passed from 0.12 percent of Gross Domestic Product being

voted to cooperate with developing countries to 0.40 percent. We have exceeded the OECD average; the total expenditure for 1986 was $US 3.1 billion for delivery of these services and of this, 27 percent concerned agriculture and the food sector. Of the total some 40 percent in 1986 went on the multilateral programmes, and this amounted to $1.2 billion. In this context, Italy's cooperation with FAO has progressively grown,n strength and we are now first multi- and bilateral donor of the Organization with a trust fund which over the last five years totalled $280 million, $40 million of which were spent in 1987 and will be increased to probably $.50million next year.

In addition I might mention, as did my Minister for Agriculture, the free buildings of Caracalla worth $8 million in rent and the special effort that answered the request of the Director-General to enlarge the complex of Caracalla. As I think was mentioned yesterday, this cost us another lire 25 billion or, at the present rate, about $19 million dollars which is bound to become $22 million or $23 million.

Then there is the relinquishing of our cash surplus quota, which is almost $1.6 million of the cash surplus for 1984/85. Incidentally, Angola - but only Angola - relinquished its quota. I am sorry that our appeal was not heeded by the dollar countries.

Then there is the full rent of the Via Cristoforo Colombo's premises. We used over $3 million of our Special Reserve which had accumulated in the fat years, which we had conscientiously saved and invested. Again, there is the doubling of the voluntary contribution to the World Food Programme that Italy pledged from 1988. We will jump from lire 15 billion or $12 million to double that, plus the increase from $5 million to $7 million of our contribution to the International Food Emergency Reserve. I barely need to add IFAD to which we have given lire 60 billion, about $50 million in the 3 years, half for the second replenishment and half for the Special Programme for Africa.

In addition, we have an appeal by our Director-General. He'pointed out to our Government the difficulties the Organization was facing, and as we usually do with Mr Saouma, we answered promptly. May I read what was said in the 91st Council in June 1987? I am reading from the verbatim records, and I will read it in French.

[Nous suggérons - et il faut prendre cette suggestion telle qu'elle est, sans prétendre qu'elle représente un facteur résolutif - que certains pays membres, parmi les plus grands donateurs, prennent à leur charge, de façon bilatérale, le financement de quelques projets dans une mesure suffisante - nous pensons, par exemple, à un pourcentage de cinq pour cent des projets prévus — pour libérer le budget des contraintes qui pourront se vérifier à l’ avenir.]

What was the reaction to this suggestion? We received from all the dollar countries a flood of paper and volumes. We did not see any money; we did not see any commitment. We refrained from presenting papers because we advanced our ideas to the Organization through the proper channels without flooding it with papers. We responded with grants. I will come to this later.

The new appeal of the Director-General came to us a little later, after this opening made by our delegation at the June Council. I would say that Mr Saouma should go around in the countries of this Organization to look for gold mines in order to get finance and resources for FAO. Unfortunately, he cannot visit the country where there are gold mines and diamonds because that country is not represented here.

In October, when we met again for World Food Day, he passed on some more suggestions. I may say again that it all started with World Food Day, the speech of our Prime Minister who announced right here the policy of our Government to insist on and increase our multilateral share in foreign aid. The answer we worked out with Prime Minister Andreotti was summarized by the honourable head of the delegation of Italy when he opened the general debate in this hall on 10 November. I am talking about our Minister of Agriculture and Forestry. He said:

"…there is now a new demand for multilateralism which is objectively arising from the present situation. Problems take on a world dimension. .. Decisive negotiations are under way to find new, acceptable regulations for international trade in agricultural commodities.

"I am referring to the Uruguay Round. In this situation would it be even thinkable to attenuate and compromise the important role of multilateral seat and of coordinator at the world level which is the role of FAO?"

"If one still believes in multilateralism, and indeed Italy does, then steps must be taken with a
new vision of things, to make those adjustments and records which need to be made." I am still
quoting Minister Pandolfi, "But here I have the honour of informing you that, the Italian Government
is contemplating a further extraordinary step. We will provide further details on this on a suitable
occasion and in the competent seat after establishing the form and the times with the Director-
General. I say these things without emphasis. The Italian contribution is simply a proof of our
political conviction and commitment on the role of FAO."

Minister Pandolfi continued, "I wish to conclude simply by saying that if we believe in international cooperation, why not increase, within the sum which each of us contributes for cooperation for development, the quota which is delivered via FAO? It is not a question and I say this as a former Finance Minister, of upsetting our national budget. It is not a question of increasing expenditure but only of remodulating it. Mr President, this is a small message which I am leaving with you, as a sign of the strong feeling of affection and participation in the destiny of an Organization to which so much of the world still turns."

"What is then the extraordinary step announced by the Head of our Delegation the Hon. Minister Filippo M. Pandolfi at the outset of the General Debate before the Plenary on Nov.10? My Delegation did not make it clear when the suitable occasion and time would come, nor are the necessary arrangements with the Director-General completed as yet. However, I do not like to delay the announcement, since the news already led to inaccurate speculation and .. understatements. Well, here it is, in a nutshell:

Along the lines of the DG's preference, and following my warm recommandation, the Government of Italy states its readiness to discuss and provide a supplementary financing, on a grant basis, well beyond the 5% we suggested at the June Session of the Council for a collective effort by the major "donors - an effort that unfortunately did not" materialize at this Conference - and about 15 times the saving in Lire that our new assessed contribution would imply.

Field chosen: the Regular Programme, namely the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) inaugurated in 1976 by Dr. E. Saouma at the outset of his first term at the helm of this Organization a programme that has won so far overwhelming - I would say universal - acclaim and support.I need not expand on this subject, but I just want to offer our renewed thanks to the DG for his initiative.

Amount: financing up to 15 (fifteen) million US$ in our fiscal year 1988 and up to another 15 million US$ in fiscal 1989. Therefore: 30 million in all.

Object: to examine with FAO and, when needed, with the interested countries, and jointly select projects among those already earmarked by the Organization this year, according to our priorities, with Latin America taking now an ever increasing share based on our new policy line. Of course, Africa need not worry since it will continue to enjoy our conspicuous, brotherly assistance and support. As to the few Asian beneficiaries of TCP …. well, here is an old "Asian hand" of Italian diplomacy.

Of course, since our planned grant for 1988 would not cover all projects approved (we were confirmed yesterday in this Commission that the unobligated amount by December 31 would be of 30.9 million US$), we shall enjoy a wide possibility of choice in our discussion with FAO. For 1989, naturally, we can together tackle some of the new projects that FAO will be planning, thus relieving the Regular Programme budget from part of its heavy burden, just in view of the budgetary uncertainties.

By no means would our offer alter the multilateral character of TCP: it will simply represent a further contribution of Italy to the ailing finances of FAO.

CHAIRMAN: I would like to thank very much the distinguished delegate of Italy for his important statement. I am sure I express the sentiments of all delegations when I say that we appreciate highly the decision taken by the Italian Government. I would also like to add my thanks for his friendly words addressed to my country recalling that we were one of the early founders of FAO.

LE DIRECTEUR GENERAL: Monsieur le Président, je voudrais remercier très sincèrement, très chaleu­reusement, l'Ambassadeur Pascarelli pour ce témoignage supplémentaire de la générosité du Gouver­nement italien vis-à-vis de l'Organisation, à laquelle il offre l'hospitalité depuis 1951.

L'Ambassadeur Pascarelli a donné la liste des nombreuses et importantes contributions extra­budgétaires du Gouvernement italien aux différentes activités de la FAO. Il a cité des chiffres.

Pour la seule année 1988, l'Italie versera près de 70 millions de dollars à la FAO, dont sa contri­bution de 4,5 pour cent au budget ordinaire, et 15 millions de dollars au PCT comme donation extra­ordinaire.

Chaque année, nous recevons du Gouvernement italien près de 3 millions et demi de dollars comme contribution spéciale pour couvrir les frais de location de nos bureaux de la Via Cristoforo Colombo.

Enfin, nous recevons 40 millions de dollars pour les activités multibilatérales, qui font que l'Italie est devenue le premier bailleur de fonds des projets multibilatéraux au bénéfice des pays en développement.

Cette aide extraordinaire et exemplaire de 30 millions de dollars pour le prochain exercice vient à temps pour apaiser en partie - je dis bien en partie - nos inquiétudes quant à la situation finan­cière des deux prochaines années. Les conditions et modalités d'utilisation de ces fonds seront bien entendu pleinement conformes aux règlements de l'Organisation.

Je remarque également que l'Italie accorde cette aide supplémentaire au Programme de coopération techni­que, un programme très apprécié des pays membres, surtout des plus démunis.

En terminant, je voudrais remercier personnellement l'Ambassadeur Pascarelli à qui revient le mérite de cette initiative si appréciée, qu'il a conduite avec succès à son terme.

Je ne peux que souhaiter que d'autres pays membres s'inspirent de l'initiative italienne et que tous versent leur contribution pour 1988 dans les délais prescrits, c'est-à-dire en janvier. Ceux qui pourront faire davantage seront les bienvenus. Je vous remercie, Monsieur le président.

Sra. Mercedes FERMIN-GOMEZ (Venezuela): Solamente para expresar de parte de mi país una felicitación muy calurosa al Embajador Pascarelli, representante de Italia, en esta ocasión, por lo que acaba de decirnos.

Entre los países que ellos han distinguido para otorgar su colaboración con el Programa de Coopera­ción Técnica están los de América Latina. No creo que me voy a arrogar la representación de todos ellos, pero estoy segura de que una región como América Latina, que bastante necesita una colabora­ción en el plano multilateral, sabrá apreciar esta distinción que le hace Italia para momentos en que la necesita verdaderamente. Muchas gracias.

James AITKEN (United Kingdom): Since my. delegation was referred to in Ambassador Pascarelli’s intervention we would like to be one of the first delegations to join with many others, I am sure, in expressing appreciation for such a very generous and very timely act by the Government of Italy. I am sure that the developing countries which will benefit from this will be particularly appreciative. We certainly welcome anything which helps to strengthen TCP. Before I conclude my intervention, we have one or two points of clarification which I would be grateful if the Secretariat or the distin­guished delegate of Italy could help us with. As I understand the intervention, the Italian delega-' tion said that the funds were specifically for TCP and it would choose projects jointly with the Secretariat. I take it from that that this gift by Italy comes under Financial Regulation 7.2 which says: "Moneys accepted for purposes specified by the donor shall be treated as Trust or Special Fund under Regulation 6.7". I would be grateful if we could have confirmation that this will be another trust fund operation by Italy to add to their very generous existing Trust Funds.

The second point on which I would like clarification is where this leads the TCP Programme in the sense that as I understood the intervention Ambassador Pascarelli was saying that there are projects already identified to which money has been obligated. We in Italy will help FAO by accepting financial responsibility for these. As I understand the situation in TCP, we have voted for a budget with a specific amount for TCP in it, but TCP is normally isolated from the rest of the programme. It is held apart. Indeed, there are specific financial regulations that govern the manner under which TCP can be recycled back into regular programme finances.

We would be very grateful for an explanation on how the Secretariat intend to treat this, given the financial regulations under which the TCP programme currently operates.

Joao Augusto DE MEDICIS '(Brazil): On behalf of the Brazilian delegation, I wish to convey to thē distinguished representative of Italy our recognition of the support the Government he represents attached to the role FAO has to play for the benefit of developing countries, and particularly to the large portion of undernourished populations living in those countries. I refer to the fact that Latin America was singled out by Ambassador Pascarelli. The announcement made by Ambassador Pascarelli is an outstanding reiteration of the strong support his Government puts forward for the cause of multilateralism and my delegation wishes his example to be followed by other developed nations for the benefit of all the poor countries around the world.

Leopoldo ARIZA HIDALGO (Cuba): Queremos felicitar, en nombre de nuestro país, a la delegación de Italia y al señor Embajador Pascarelli. Las reacciones de Italia en un momento de crisis de la Organización, del sistema que tiene como mandato especial la alimentación y la agricultura, demues­tran las altas responsabilidades que este país le da a la ayuda multilateral, la cual, lamentablemente, está erosionada, por sus diferencias enel sistema de Naciones Unidas, por aquellos que no tienen la misma alta visión de la situación real que atraviesa el Tercer Mundo.

El Tercer Mundo tendrá siempre en cuenta esta actitud italiana en estos momentos, en que realmente el Tercer Mundo necesita apoyo. Felicitamos al Sr. Pascarelli y a Italia. Y Pascarelli, el colega, aunque él nos ha expresado que ésta es su última intervención entre nosotros, creemos que va a ser imposible que se aleje mucho de nosotros: algil y dinámico Pascarelli, un abrazo en nombre de todos los cubanos. Muchas gracias.

Hannu HALINEN (Finland): My delegation would like to express its appreciation for Italy, and also for theexample which it has shown to other countries and other donor countries, among which Finland would like to be counted as one.

I would like to seek clarification on one point: To my delegation, a real multilateralism in develop­ment aid means untied aid in cash. How does this coincide with the Regular Budget Programmes? I find that it is not completely clear - for trust funds in multilateral aid this must be a fact, but I am not clear about the Regular Budget Programmes. I would be grateful if this could be clarified so that my delegation and others would perhaps understand.

Washington ZUÑIGA TRELLES (Perú): Gracias, Sr. Presidente. En primer lugar, debo comenzar con agradecer al Gobierno de Italia las siempre generosas ayudas al Gobierno del Perú. En todas las épocas, el Gobierno italiano ha acudido generosamente,, en los momentos más difíciles para mi Patria, con ayudas económicas, préstamos "blandos", donaciones y otro género de ayudas. Al mismo tiempo, aprovecho para felicitar ese gesto italiano en un momento difícil para la Organización, que atraviesa una situación financiera sumamente grave. Y para el Embajador Pascarelli, los mejores deseos para que en su vida siempre reciba el fraterno abrazo de todos los latinoamericanos,y en especial deí Perú. Muchas gracias.

Antoine SAINTRAINT (Belgique): Très rapidement afin de ne pas prolonger les dbats,je voudrais m'associer à tout ce qui a été dit et remercier l'Italie, particulièrement son porte-parole, l'Ambassadeur Pascarelli en lui souhaitant de tout coeur tout ce qu'il peut souhaiter pour lui et pour sa famille. Nous voudrions également qu'il soit notre interprète auprès de son gouvernement afin de dire combien nous nous félicitons de voir l'Italie participer à la grande lutte contre la faim et le sous-développement dans le monde.

Atif Y. BUKHARI (Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of) (original language Arabic): It is quite clear that the important efforts which have been made by our colleague and friend His Excellency Ambassador Pascarelli played a very important part and have resulted in this munificent gift from the Italian Government. It is also clear beyond a shadow of doubt that we should pay tribute to the Italian Government, they being the host Government of this Organization, and we should at the same time thank Ambassador Pascarelli. I say this on behalf of the Group': of 77, of which I at the moment have the honour to chair, and on behalf of the Group of 77 I should like to express our warm thanks and our deep gratitude to the Italian Government and to Ambassador Pascarelli in person.

E. Patrick ALLEYNE (Trinidad and Tobago): The delegation of Trinidad and Tobago would like to join the previous speakers in conveying our very special appreciation to Ambassador Pascarelli, and of course to the Italian Government, first of all for the record of support - very generous support -which has been typical of Italy during all these years and now of course for the very special announcement which we have received this afternoon of an additional contribution. At the same time we also wish to convey our best wishes to Ambassador Pascarelli in the future. We also recognize his personal efforts, which must have played a large part in convincing the Government of Italy to extend its generosity over these years. The delegation of Trinidad and Tobago - and I assure you also, Ambassador Pascarelli, the CARICOM countries - are happy to know that this latest announcement relates to the needs of Latin America and the Caribbean.

We have heard from at least one speaker an inquiry as to how these funds may be used with reference to the Regulation. I must confess that I am myself unclear as to what is involved, but we trust that if a resolution is necessary to ensure that everything is done correctly, we can deal with that.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Sr. Presidente, nos habíamos abstenido de intervenir, porque atribuimos gran importancia a la solemnidad de este acto, en el cual oimos la emocionada declara­ción de nuestro colega el Embajador Pascarelli y la respuesta adecuada del Director General. Además, nos sentimos, como latinoamericanos, muy bien interpretados por los colegas de Venezuela y Brasil, quienes aludieron a la referencia, particularmente generosa, que el Embajador Pascarelli hizo sobre los beneficios que de esa iniciativa tendrán les países de nuestra región. Posteriormente el Embajador Bukhari, de Saoudi Arabia, habló también a nombre del grupo de los 77, de manera que considerábamos ya realmente innecesaria esta declaración.

Sin embargo, Sr. Presidente, intervenimos ahora porque tratamos de entender la preocupación, como dijo el orador anterior, de una o dos Delegaciones, acerca de cómo se hará uso de este generoso ofrecimiento de Italia. Pero no quisiéramos, Sr. Presidente, que esas declaraciones estuvieran dirigidas a restar importancia y significación a este acto, en vez de tratar de seguir ese buen ejemplo. No creemos que sea el momento de prejuzgar anticipadamente ninguna actividad detallada sobre estas actividades futuras. Todos sabemos muy bien que la Secretaría actuará, como siempre, a la luz del Reglamento Financiero y de las demás disposiciones pertinentes, y que oportunamente todos los Estados Miembros, sobre todo aquellos que con tanta insistencia solicitan informes, obtendrán los detalles indispensables. La Delegación de Colombia sabe, Sr. Presidente, que en la Secretaría de la FAO hay funcionarios competentes y capaces, que responderán, sin duda, a todas estas cuestiones. Pero pensamos que no es el momento de restar solemnidad a este acto, de entrar en detalles que no corresponden a este momento, sino a las oportunidades posteriores. Gracias, Sr. Presidente.

Wojciech JASINSKI (Poland): My delegation also wishes to express its appreciation and congratulations to His Excellency Ambassador Pascarelli for the great statement he has just made, and the announce­ment of the major additional contribution by his Government to FAO to be used specifically for the purposes of the Technical Cooperation Programme.

As he mentioned in his statement the names of two great Poles who have contributed their actions to the initiating and promoting of international cooperation among nations for the sake of peace and development particularly in the field of food and agriculture, we would like to assure him and other colleagues in this room and the Director-General that Poland will continue to provide its full support to FAO and to international cooperation in the field of food and agriculture.

In conclusions, we would like to extend to His -Excellency Ambassador Pascarelli and his family our best wishes for good health and prosperity in the future.

Assefa YILALA (Ethiopia): Like all other delegations who have already spoken, the Ethiopian delegation wishes to express its appreciation of the generous contribution made by the Italian Government and of Ambassador Pascarelli for his role in promoting and facilitating this important decision. During these difficult times of financial problems for the Organization, the Italian response will definitely assist the Organization in carrying out its programme, in at least the short term.

Rainer PRESTIEN (Germany, Federal Republic of) (orginal language German): I too on behalf of my delegation would like to thank Ambassador Pascarelli very warmly. Ambassador Pascarelli has a long history of professional activity behind him. He has represented his country in my country as well. Your Excellency, we wish you and your family all the best, and we thank you for what you have done in the past. At the same time we congratulate the Italian Republic on their generous gesture towards our Organization: FAO is now in a .difficult financial situation, and this gesture is a very valuable assistance to it.

I believe the details would be better discussed at a later stage: on that particular point, I agree with the distinguished delegate of Colombia.

Dedan Robinson KAMAU (Kenya): On behalf of the Kenyan Government I take this opportunity to express our appreciation to Ambassador Pascarelli, and I endorse the sentiments expressed by the previous speakers in relation to his humanitarian initiatives.We deeply appreciate the moral, financial and other forms of assistance extended to many countries in Africa by Italy, the bulk of which, we feel, was prompted by requests directly made to the Italian Government by Ambassador Pascarelli.

Mounir KHORAYCH (Liban) (langue originale arabe): La délégation du Liban ne voudrait pas laisser passer cette occasion de se joindre aux orateurs précédents qui ont présenté leurs vifs remerciements à Son Excellence l'Ambassadeur Pascarelli pour les efforts louables qu'il a consentis à l'égard de la FAO et ceci au cours de sa carrière, dans le cadre de son travail et dans l’ Organisation. Même si cette période a été courte,je pense qu'elle a été très fructueuse. Nous voudrions exprimer notre appréciation pour les attitudes adoptées par le "Goūvernement hôte et nous voudrions également souhaiter que d'autres pays fassent de même.

Nous souhaitons enfin à Son Excellence l'Ambassadeur Pascarelli un plein succès dans l'avenir.

Tibor SZANYT (Hungary): Very briefly, on behalf of the Hungarian delegation I would also like to congratulate wholeheartedly Ambassador Pascarelli on his excellent performance in promoting the good course of affairs in FAO, especially in these very days.

John LYNCH (Canada): To begin on a negative note, many countries contribute to the success of this Organization. We should not forget that the largest contributor and other countries such as the Nordic countries and the Netherlands which contribute to the health of this Organization have for over 40 years made the FAO what it is. Nevertheless, I think today we have a particularly significant contribution made to this Organization, both by a man and by a country. I think we have to in some way remark upon Ambassador Pascarelli's and his country's contribution. I would suggest that perhaps a Resolution is not in keeping, but perhaps a letter from the President of this Conference to either the Head of State or the Head of Government of Italy would be in keeping with the circumstances of the individual's and the country's contribution. With respect to the individual, I think it is not so much his own personal efforts in getting this very large contribution, but also the other things which have been noted in this Commission relating to the legal status of the Organization and other items where we have seen the fine Italian hand of Ambassador Pascarelli. I would only join with others in thanking him and his country.

Jean-Luc GRAEVE (France): Ma delegation voudrait également saluer le geste généreux du Gouvernement italien ainsi que les efforts déployés par l'Ambassadeur Pascarelli pour faire aboutir cette initiative. Je partage l'avis exprimé par la délégation allemande selon laquelle ce n'est pas le moment peut-être de s'intéresser ou de répondre aux questions intéressantes posées par certaines délégations sur les modalités des pratiques d'engagement de ces contributions.

Alex Louis TANIS (Haïti): Je désire joindre ma voix aux autres orateurs pour exprimer la profonde appréciation de la délégation haïtienne à l'égard du Gouvernement italien pour sa contribution importante au fonctionnement de la FAO et plus particulièrement au PCT. Nous estimons que ce programme de la coopération technique est destiné à libérer des fonds en faveur des populations les plus démunies pour les aider à conduire des projets ponctuels et essayer d'augmenter leurs revenus et leur niveau nutritionnel et aussi pour faire le pont entre deux financements. La délégation haïtienne fait confiance à La FAO et espère que cet apport du Gouvernement italien continuera dans une très large mesure de permettre à l'Organisation d'atteindre certains objectifs. C'est une lourde responsabilité pour la FAO que d'aider chaque Etat Membre à combattre la misère et la pauvreté, cause et conséquence de la sous-production et du sous-développement.

Mrs Hannelore H. BENJAMIN (Dominica): The delegation of Dominica wishes to join its colleagues in thanking with deep appreciation Italy and Ambassador Pascarelli, who is a very dear friend of ours, for the most noble gesture shown to FAO and us here today. It gives us further hope for a better future for FAO, for our countries, for our people, for our children. We must not forget that the children are the future of us for tomorrow.

DONG QING SONG (China): Just now we have heard a statement by Ambassador Pascarelli on behalf of the Italian Government. Over the past year he managed to help the world to solve the problem of hunger and malnutrition. The Italian Government has provided much assistance to the developing countries. At the same time, they have contributed and also provided support to FAO for its development. Here we would like to thank again the Italian Government and also the Amabssador for their contributions. We also support the proposal put forward by the Canadian delegate, namely that the Conference should take necessary measures to express our appreciation for the generous declaration by the Italian Government.

Jaime GARCIA BADIAS (España): Sr. Presidente, muy brevemente, deseo agradecer al Embajador Pascarelli su gesto, así como a su Gobierno, al cual nos sentimos próximos y con el cual comprendemos los problemas del mundo bajo la óptica mediterránea, a la que ambos pertenecemos. Deseamos lo mejor para el Sr. Pascarelli, para su familia y, por extensión, para su Gobierno, al cual representa tan dignamente. Muchas gracias.

Sra.Virginia ESPINOSA DE CARRION (Nicaragua): La Delegación de Nicaragua no quiete dejar pasar la ocasión sin agradecer al Embajador. Pascarell y al Gobierno italiano su generoso gesto. Embajador Pascarelli, reciban usted y su país el reconocimiento sincero del Gobierno y del pueblo de Nicaragua. Gracias, Presidente.

Ansoumane SAGNO (Guinee): Ma délégation voudrait joindre sa voix à celle des autres délégations pour exprimer sa profonde gratitude au Gouvernement italien et tout particulièrement à Son Excellence l'Ambassadeur Pascarelli pour son offre généreuse. De plus, c'est une occasion pour nous, pays en développement, de se réjouir. En conséquence, je voudrais appuyer ici la proposition faite par les délégations de la France et de la République fédérale d'Allemagne afin que la Conférence ne rentre pas dans les détails,et en même temps appuyer la proposition faite par la délégation du Canada pour que la Conférence exprime sa profonde gratitude au Gouvernement italien et plus particulièrement à l'Ambassadeur Pascarelli pour tous les efforts consentis afin que notre Organisation puisse atteindre ses objectifs.

Reza ASKARIYEH (Iran, Islamic Republic of): On behalf of my delegation, I appreciate and congratulate Ambassador Pascarelli and the Government of Italy for their respective high contributions for the treatment of needs of needy nations. We hope the other donors who have the possibility will follow up in the same way as the Italian contribution.

Mrs Kate ABANKWA (Ghana): The Ghana delegation joins other delegations before it in expressing its appreciation for the generous Italian offer and the interest the Italian government continues to show in the development of the developing countries as a whole. Ambassador Pascarelli's efforts are particularly appreciated. My delegation is aware that this is not the first time he has clearly exhibited interest in helping developing countries. He has whenever possible seized the opportunity to help increase Italian aid for African countries such as Ghana. My delegation wholeheartedly wishes him all the best.

Mohd. Mazlan JUSOH (Malaysia): The Malaysian delegation wishes to associate ourselves with all these speakers who have taken the floor before me in expressing our deep appreciation to Ambassador Pascarelli and the Italian Government for a noble and generous gesture to this Organization.

Mamadou CÁMARA (Mali): Je saisis cette occasion qui m'est offerte au sein de cette auguste assemblée pour saluer et remercier l'aide combien efficace de l'Italie au profit des pays frappés par la sécheresse, et singulièrement pour son soutien à la FAO.

La personnalité de Monsieur l'Ambassadeur Pascarelli force l'admiration et je lui souhaite une longue vie.

Antonio R. PIRES (Cap-Vert): Ma délégation voudrait aussi féliciter l'Ambassadeur Pascarelli et remercier le Gouvernement italien pour la générosité dont il vient de faire preuve une fois de plus envers notre Organisation. Son offre pourra certainement aider l'Organisation à faire face à ses difficultés, très spécialement en ce qui concerne le PCT.

Une fois de plus nous voudrions exprimer notre gratitude à Son Excellence Pascarelli et au Gouvernement italien.

Hidayat Ganda ATMADJA (Indonesia): Thank you Mr Chairman. I wish also to join the other delegations in appreciating the Italian Government for its genuine support to the development in agriculture. in the Third World. In particular I would like to add my high appreciation, as well as from my delegation to His Excellency, Ambassador Pascarelli.

Mme Isabelle GANSORE (Burkina Faso): La delegation burkinabé voudrait joindre sa voix à celles qui l'ont précédée pour remercier Son Excellence Pascarelli, Ambassadeur de la République d'Italie, qui transmettra bien sûr ces remerciements à son gouvernement qui a fait là un geste généreux au bénéfice des pays en développement auxquels il a toujours su apporter, dans la mesure du possible, un soutien fort apprécié. Nous lui souhaitons un plein succès et nous espérons qu'il sera toujours à nos côtés à l'avenir, car ce n'est pas la première fois, comme il l'a lui-même si bien souligné, et ce ne sera pas la dernière.

CHAIRMAN: At this moment please let me also saya few words. I understand that all delegations express their gratitude and recognition to the Italian Government and personally to Ambassador Pascarelli. I can only add that I am sure that those delegations which are not present would do the same. I would also join once more my best congratulations and thanks to Ambassador Pascarelli and to his Government, and referring to certain suggestions which were made during this short discussion, particularly be the Canadian~delegation and other delegations, I would propose that our Commission should report to the Plenary Session this proposal to prepare and send to the Italian Government a special message, indicating our profound gratitude for this generous gesture/decision and also particularly our high appreciation of the efforts. I see that Ambassador Pascarelli is protesting, but I am just referring to what was said here in this hall, and also in recognition of his personal efforts.

If I do not see any objections we shall do so. I do not see any objections. It is so decided.

And now I will ask the Assistant Director-General, Mr Crowther, who will respond to certain aspects of questions which were raised during the short debate.

Dean K. CROWTHER (Assistant Director-General, Administration and Finance Department): I shall be very brief. In accordance with the suggestions made by a number of delegations I shall not attempt to go into the details of how this matter will be handled, but I shall provide an assurance to those delegates who have raised questions that the matter of this very generous contribution from the Government of Italy shall be handled first in accordance with the financial regulations as a voluntary contribution, and that it will greatly alleviate and go a long way towards assistance in our very serious cash-flow problems and our serious delays in receipt of contributions, and particularly provide great assistance on the TCP Programme. The details of the handling of this particular contribution shall be reported to the Finance Committee, and an entire reporting shall be constantly made to that body so that all the regulations shall be very closely adhered to in accordance with the provisions for voluntary contributions within the financial regulations.

CHAIRMAN: Colleagues, our time is about to expire. We cannot continue the debate today so we shall have the next meeting tomorrow at 9.30. The place will be announced additionally, and for tomorrow's session we foresee a continuation, and hopefully a conclusion, of Agenda Item 25.4.

I would expect the conclusion, that is, the adoption of two resolutions contained in document C 87/LIM/9 and C 87/LIM/14. After having discussed for so long yesterday and after having heard a lot of explanations on the side of the Secretariat, I really do hope that we may conclude tomorrow morning by consensus or by voting - probably by vote - these two sub-items. Then we shall proceed to the next item, that is Item 22.1.

I also appeal to the Drafting Committee to speed up its work to be ready with the report.

Are there any objections or any questions?

Elio PASCARELLI (Italy): Thank you very much Mr Chairman. I do not want to open my heart in appreciation of those very very kind words that were addressed to me, but I would insist that if your proposal goes on - I am a public servant Mr Chairman, - I am happy if my Government is appreciated, not myself.

Now coming to your mention of the next programme, I would ask the Secretariat whether the proposed addition to C 87/LIM/14 concerning the invitation to member countries which do not have the fiscal year coinciding with the solar year, has been received by the Secretariat. Otherwise tomorrow will happen what regretfully happened today, that we have a resolution without the translation, and many delegations naturally had to protest because they have no Spanish, no French, nothing. So please, would you tell me whether this addition, this amendment, has been added or not. Otherwise I will take care of it tonight.

CHAIRMAN: No, they have not prepared it yet. If there are no other questions everything is adjourned.

The meeting rose at 17.45 hours
La séance est levée à 17 h 45
Se levanta la sesión a las 17.45 horas

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