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A. Constitutional and Legal Matters
A. Questions constitutionnelles et juridiques
A. Asuntos constitucionales y jurídicos

18. Statutory Report on Status of Conventions and Agreements, and Amendments thereto
18. Rapport statutaire sur l'état des Conventions et Accords et sur les amendements y relatifs
18. Informe reglamentario sobre el estado de las convenciones y acuerdos, y de las enmiendas a los mismos

LEGAL COUNSEL: The papers on this Agenda item are documents C 89/10 and C 89/10 Sup.l.

Under paragraph 5 of Rule XXI of the General Rules of the Organization the Director-General is required to report to the Conference whenever a convention, agreement, supplementary convention or agreement concluded under Article XIV of the Constitution comes into force or ceases to be in force, or has been amended and the amendments have come into force. In addition, in accordance with established practice the Director-General informs the Conference of any developments which nay have occurred in connection with treaties concluded between FAO and Member Nations under Article XV of the Constitution, treaties concluded outside the framework of FAO in respect of which the Director-General acts as depository, and on the status of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies in respect of FAO.

The two documents before you contain the relevant information on the present status of the treaties to which I have just referred. It should be noted that the Statutory Report which is submitted to the Conference follows the same pattern as earlier reports.

As reflected in paragraphs 104 to 107 of document C 89/10 I should like to inform you that the Agreement for the Establishment of a Regional Centre on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development for the Near East entered into force on 30 December 1987, and the Centre was formally established at the beginning of March of this year. Also, since the submission of the previous report, and as is reflected in paragraphs 112 to 115 of document C 89/10 the Conference of Plenipotentiaries, which met in Bangkok on 5-8 January 1988, adopted the Agreement on the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia and the Pacific, (NACA).

With reference to paragraphs 19 to 24 of document C 89/10, I feel that I ought to point out, as on previous occasions, that the Conference, in approving the amendments to the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), by Resolution 14/79 of 1979, stressed that it would be in the interests of the national community that the revised version of the Convention enter into force without delay. Bearing in mind that amendments enter into force only after acceptance by two-thirds of the Contracting Parties, the Conference therefore urged the parties to the Convention to accept the revised text at the earliest possible time. The present situation is that out of 94 parties to the Convention, 48 have so far deposited an Instrument of Acceptance of the revised text. Another 15 acceptances are therefore required before the revised text of the Convention can bécane effective.

In view of the importance of the Convention in strengthening international action against the spread of important plant pests, especially in the context of international trade, the Conference may wish to reiterate its appeal to those states which have not yet accepted the revised version of the Convention, to deposit an Instrument of Acceptance as soon as possible.

DONS QING SONG (China) (original language Chinese): With respect to Itati 18, I would like to refer to the Plant Protection Agreement for the Asia and Pacific Regions.

The Commission was formerly called "Commission of Protection for the South East Asia and Pacific Region", but in view of the limited geographical scope of the term, the Council, in November 1983, approved the change in its title, and has been subsequently called "The Commission for the Asia and Pacific Region". However, the amendment should be accepted by two-thirds of those concerned before it can enter into force, and among the 25 Member States only 7 have deposited the Instrument of Acceptance up to now. If that rate of acceptance continues, we cannot be sure when we will reach that two-thirds majority, and the amendment cannot enter into force. This would also discourage other countries from participating in the activities of the Commission.

In view of this, I would like to propose that FAO conduct a study of this issue, and suggest possible solutions. Is it possible, for example, to transform the Commission into an open Commission, like other Commissions, in such a way that it would encourage participation from other states, and also facilitate commencement of the activities of the Commission?

LE PRESIDENT: Je remercie le distingué délégué de la Chine et je demande si d'autres orateurs souhaiteraient s'exprimer à ce sujet?… Cela ne semble pas être le cas. Je demande au Conseiller juridique, M. Gerald Moore, de réagir à la proposition de la Chine.

LEGAL COUNSEL: We will certainly take note of the suggestions nade by the distinguished delegate of China. Of course, if the nature of the Commission were to be changed, this itself would require considerable amendment to the Convention in question.

In summary then: We will certainly look into the possibilities of trying to remedy the situation to which the distinguished delegate of China has referred, and we will see what can be done to encourage the Member Nations concerned to bring these amendments into force as soon as possible.

LE PRESIDENT: Je remercie le Conseiller juridique et j'aimerais demander à la délégation de la Chine si elle est satisfaite de cette réponse?

DONS QING SONS (China) (original language Chinese): Thank you - I am pleased with the answer given by Legal Counsel.

LE PRESIDENT: Je remercie le délégué de la Chine et je considère que le point 18 de notre Ordre du jour peut être clos.

19. Other Constitutional and Legal Matters
19. Autres questions constitutionnelles et juridiques
19. Otros asuntos constitucionales y jurídicos

19.1 Procedure for the Election of the Chairmen and Members of the Programme Committee and Finance Committee
19.1 Procédure d'élection des présidents et des membres du Comité du Programme et du Comité financier
19.1 Procedimiento para la elección de los Presidentes y Miembros del Comité del Programa y del Comité de Finanzas

LEGAL COUNSEL: The paper on this Agenda item is C 89/LIM/8, which is an extract from the Report of the Ninety-fifth Session of the Council held in June 1989. On this matter Council has already taken action, and the item is therefore presented for the information of the Conference.

The Conference will recall that the question of the Procedure for Election of Chairmen and Members of the Programme and Finance Committees arose in the Council first at its Eighty-ninth Session in 1985, when the members of the Finance Committee were elected. Since that time the matter has been considered on several occasions by both the CCLM and the Council.

At its TWenty-fourth Session in 1987, the Conference adopted a Resolution calling on members of the Council to bear in mind certain criteria when electing members of these Committees. These criteria included the need for just and equitable representation of the various regions on the Programme and

Finance Committees, the essential element of such representation being that all regions that so wish are in fact represented on the Committees and the importance of ensuring equitable rotation among the countries constituting each region when electing the Chairmen and members of the two Committees.

Conference Resolution 11/87 is annexed to the paper before you. Despite these measures, a similar problem arose at the Ninety-third Session in November 1987 following the election of the members of the Programme Committee.

At its Ninety-fourth Session in November 1988, Council requested the CCLM to review the matter once again and to report on it. The CCLM considered the matter at its meeting in May 1989, and suggested three possible orientations which could be adopted in order to ensure conformity with Conference Resolution 11/87 and the criteria set out therein. These involved the possibility of introducing greater degrees of formality into the procedures for reaching regional understanding amongst and within the regions.

In its discussions on the CCLM's report, however, the majority of the Council were not in favour of introducing any new measures or amendments which would formalize the procedures for reaching regional understandings. They felt that the present provisions, combined with Conference Resolution 11/87, were satisfactory and sufficient and that the present system had been working quite satisfactorily for many years. They also felt that the problems that had arisen in 1985 and 1987 were of an exceptional nature. The Council therefore agreed that it would be preferable to maintain the flexibility inherent in the present system and not to introduce any modification thereto. In so doing it recalled the necessity of ensuring sufficient consultation and coordination both within and between regions in order to respect the criteria set forth in Conference Resolution 11/87.

Atif Y. BUKHARI (Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of) (original language Arabic): I am very pleased to see you chairing this Commission. We know you very well and with your qualifications we believe you will be able to direct the smooth running of our discussions.

The matter under discussion has raised many problems either within the region or among regions mentioned in this document, and mentioned by Legal Counsel. We should like to mention two points. First, we appeal to all regions to respect the provisions of Resolution 11/87 as far as possible. Secondly, we appeal to Council members to take into account this Resolution when electing the chairmen and members of the Programme and Finance Committees. It is very important for the Council members to do so and to respect the spirit and content of this Resolution 11/87.

We approve of this Resolution, which was annexed to this document, and appeal for further cooperation and coordination in order to avoid further problems.

Antoine SAINERAINT (Belgique): Monsieur le Président, je voudrais intervenir très brièvement pour dire que je partage en tout point les avis et considérations de M. Bukhari du Royaume d'Arabie Saoudite. Ce point nous est cotinuniqué pour information. Je crois que la discussion, ainsi que la nouvelle qui a eu lieu au Comité compétent, en l'occurrence le CQJC, a été une discussion intéressante, et qu'elle tend à tracer des pistes et des lignes de conduite de façon à essayer d'en arriver à une impossibilité absolue compte tenu du nombre de membres du Comité financier et du Comité du Programme, à un équilibre et une représentation de l'ensemble des différents groupes qui composent la FAO.

Le principe avait été reconnu en 1987 d'ime certaine représentation stable avec un certain renouvellement souhaitable, dans une certaine mesure, des différents comités, nais en tenant surtout compte d'éléments personnels, d'éléments de compétence. Or, je crois qu'il était impossible pour le CQCJ de faire davantage que ce qu'il a fait, d'entériner la décision que nous avons prise en 1987. Vous savez que l'on peut discuter à l'infini de principes de rotation. Ici, en l'occurrence, il existe un texte qui définit un principe. On a parfois voulu l'appliquer là où il n'existe pas de texte. En ce qui nous concerne, nous partageons totalement les points de vue qui viennent d'être exprimés. Nous pensons que la formule retenue en 1987 par la résolution nº 11 est une formule équilibrée et acceptable dans un domaine qui fera toujours nécessairement l'objet de controverses pour la bonne raison que ces deux comités doivent être limités en nombre. Mais je crois que la bonne qualité des différents représentants au sein de ces conseils compense peut-être la limitation du nombre.

David COUTTS (Australia): This item, very capably introduced by Mr Moore, is an important matter and although it is for information only, I should like to rake a few comments.

As he said, there were difficulties in 1985 and 1987 and I hope that members of the Organization want to avoid such difficulties arising again as they are not in the interests of the Organization. In 1987 the Council passed a resolution which reaffirmed (or even slightly strengthened) the understandings that ought to be applied when members of the Council are considering their votes and the process for electing members to those committees.

The natter was considered by CCLM who looked at other options and reported back to Council earlier this year. As I recall the Council had a lengthy discussion on this matter and widespread views were expressed. For our part we gave slightly more weight to the views of the CCLM, than did the majority of the Council. We would have been prepared to look more closely at the solutions that they proposed, or at least to pursue further consideration of their second option, than in fact the Council in the end chose to do.

Therefore, we have some misgivings about the Council's decision to continue with the relatively informal arrangements which have been in place for some time. However being good members of the Organization, we are quite happy to go along with the majority view. I hope that the process will work when it is put to the test in a week's time.

As I understand there is potential for problems to emerge again, particularly in relation to the Finance Committee elections. I have not seen the final list, but I understand there are more candidates than places in several cases.

I should like to make two further points. First, to appeal to members of the Commission to look at what Council passed in 1987 and if I can give a Southwest Pacific flavour particularly to the second point - all regions are in fact represented. Second, if the arrangements go wrong again this time, CCLM and the Council should look at the matter once more. We cannot go on saying that this time-honoured tradition should work, "let us hope it does". If you wish to stay on that basis, members have to address themselves to the Resolution and regions have to ensure that it does work. I wanted to flag that matter and say that we will be raising the natter again next year if indeed natters go awry this time.

Nedilson Ricardo JORGE (Brazil): The views of the Brazilian delegation on this issue have already been expressed during Council sessions since 1986 and also in Commission III of the last Conference. Our opinion retains unchanged. We consider that the current framework of Resolution 11/87 adopted by the 24th Conference, is perfectly satisfactory. We are sure that coordination within and among the regions can guarantee that the principle of just and equitable representation will be safeguarded. Therefore, we cannot support in any way the conclusions reached by the CCLM on this issue, in particular the pre-election system proposed for the nomination and selection of candidates.

However, on many occasions my delegation has challenged the adequacy of the geographical distribution prevailing in FAO which does not conform to the usual grouping in the UN system. This same point was raised recently by the delegation of Czechoslovakia, and other delegations during this present Conference. The issue before us is actually the current geographical distribution in FAO and therefore, consideration should be given to review the matter and ensure its conformity with the UN system. The CCLM could be entrusted with this review and then report its findings on the measures needed to deal with these groupings before the 26th Session of the Conference. We are convinced that no satisfactory solution to the principle of equitable representation will be found if we do not tackle the basic problem. A better geographic distribution balance would also make it possible for larger participation by countries in our organization, rendering its membership universal. Therefore, the Brazilian delegation considers it important that the present Conference endorses this point of view, and submits the issue of the review of the present geographic distribution to the Carmittee of Constitutional and Legal Matters, which, after due consideration of the matter, may present a finding of better equitable regional representation.

Amin ABDEL-MALEK (Liban) (langue originale Arabe): La délégation libanaise ne peut qu'appuyer ce que viennent de déclarer l'Ambassadeur d'Arabie Saoudite et l'Ambassadeur de Belgique, le délégué d'Australie ainsi que le délégué du Brésil en ce qui concerne la représentation équitable de toutes les régions au sein du Comité financier et du Comité du Programme afin d'éviter les difficultés que nous avons rencontrées au cours des 23ème et 24ème sessions de la Conférence.

J'espère que les membres du Conseil, au cours de nos prochaines réunions, pourront prendre tous ces points en considération au moment de l'élection des membres des deux Comités.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): No obstante, ante su llamada a la austeridad, los representantes de Colombia sentimos la necesidad de expresar brevemente la gran satisfacción que sentimos al participar por primera vez en esta Comisión bajo su competente Presidencia.

Los Comités del Programa y de Finanzas son los dos órganos asesores más importantes del Consejo.

Hasta 1975 esos dos Catatés eran integrados a base de representación estrictamente personal. Luego, a partir de 1977, se introdujeron modificaciones cuyo alcance está vigente hoy. El sistema todos lo conocemos: se presentan las candidaturas de los Gobiernos, indicando las personas y legalmente, o aun con cierto aspecto dubitativo sobre la legalidad, durante el bienio, si alguno de esos representantes no puede seguir asistiendo a estos Comités, los Gobiernos respectivos han venido cambiando sus representantes de estos organismos.

Como dijeron los distinguidos colegas de Arabia Saudita y el Embajador Saintraint de Bélgica, nosotros creemos también que ese sistema viene funcionando bastante bien, y el hecho de que en 1985 se presentara una situación que fue lamentable, sin embargo, esto no quiere decir que tenga repercusiones tan significativas como para imponer modificaciones.

Nosotros reconocemos que el CACJ ha hecho el máximo, ha intensificado su capacidad de inaginación al haber presentado distintas recomendaciones en varias oportunidades al Consejo. Sin embargo, como consta en este documento, el Consejo de junio consideró que no es necesario adoptar el sistema preelección o preselección, cambiar el Reglamento General, ni incluir cualquier otra modificación.

Nosotros Compartimos plenamente lo que ha dicho el colega de Brasil. Pensamos que en la base de la situación, que algunos pueden calificar de insatisfactoria, está la distribución regional "sui generis", excepcional, que rige aquí, con el seno de esta Organización. Por ello apoyamos a Brasil, en el sentido de que se pida al CACJ que estudie la actual distribución regional que rige en el seno de la FAO y que, a la luz de la distribución regional vigente en las propias Naciones Unidas y en otras agencias especializadas del sistema, haga recemendaciones al Consejo para modificar esa situación que, después de tantos años, tiene ya que actualizarse y ponerse a tono con las nuevas realidades.

A estas alturas de nuestros debates sobre este punto concreto, los representantes de Colombia pensamos que en nuestro informe nos corresponde simplemente apoyar el párrafo 243 del extracto del Informe del Consejo, pedir al Consejo que tenga en cuenta los tres criterios fundamentales de la Resolución 11/87, como medida práctica, que el dia de la reunión del Consejo, posiblemente el 10 de diciembre, la próxima reunión inmediata después de la Conferencia, se distribuya rápidamente entre los miembros del mismo parte referente a este extracto, con la esperanza de que, cerno lo dijo el colega representante de Australia, los miembros del Consejo puedan tener en cuenta estas recemendaciones.

Nouri ZORGATI (Tunisie) (langue originale Arabe): Monsieur le Président, je vous félicite pour la présidence de notre Ccmmission. En tant que délégation tunisienne, avec beaucoup de réserve, surtout après avoir entendu les propositions constructives des orateurs précédents je voudrais appuyer ce que viennent de dire l'Ambassadeur Bukhari et les autres délégués qui m'ont précédé. La délégation tunisienne appuie, et appelle également tous les membres du Conseil, à prendre en considération cette proposition afin d'assurer la coordination et la réussite entre différentes régions dans la nécessité d'appliquer les critères contenus dans le paragraphe 243 du document présenté par le Conseil.

Mrs Astrid BERGQUIST (Sweden): With respect to the representatives in the Programme and Finance Committees, I support what has been said by the distinguished delegate of Australia and others. I do not need to go into detail on the arguments which have already been put forward.

With regard to the second question raised by the distinguished delegate from Brazil the proposal that the CCLM look into the regional set-up of the Organization, ray delegation questions the need for that. I recall that this matter was thoroughly looked into in the review process by an expert team which came to the conclusion that the regional division of the Organization was perfectly in line with the mandate of the Organization, and that there was no need for any change. We need to keep in mind that FAO is primarily a specialized agency for food and agriculture, including forestry and fisheries. As such, it is unique within the united Nations system. What may be true for New York may not be true for Rome, so while not opposing it, I really do question the need for inventing the wheel all over again. I think our founding fathers or founding mothers were right when they designed the Organization and the regional set-up as they are.

I.C. FERGUSON (Canada): I had not planned to intervene, but will be very short. I would like to associate myself with the remarks of the preceding speaker from Sweden and with those made by the distinguished delegate of Australia. There is no standard system for grouping countries in the regions. It is based in each case on functional groupings which, in the case of FAO, should primarily be agricultural. The review exercise has reaffirmed that the basic texts of the FAO do not require changing.

Steven HILL (United States of America): I would like to associate my delegation with the remarks made by the distinguished delegates of Sweden and Canada.

We have strongly opposed the suggestion to reexamine the regional groupings existing in the Programme and Finance Committees. Council had a full discussion on this issue in June and the decision was made to continue to abide by Resolution 11/87. We have heard from many delegations this afternoon that this Resolution should provide a satisfactory arrangement for the work at hand and we see no need for the CCLM to reconsider this issue. As was stated by Council in June, the existing groupings work well for FAO, given its specific mandate for food and agriculture.

Norbert ODERO (Kenya): My delegation has, of course, participated in the various forums where this problem has been discussed. In our view, equitable regional representation and rotation should be adhered to as proposed in the Second Alternative of CCLM. However, Council agreed on the status quo. We note that yet again we were bound to face a similar problem, because we have a large number of candidates from the OECD in the Programme Committee. Also, we are bound to face the same problem in the Finance Committee because there are a large number of candidates from the Group of 77, and some of the regions could be affected if the general agreement is not upheld.

Gonzalo BUIA HOYOS (Colombia): Lamento intervenir por segunda vez, pero seré muy breve.

El colega de Brasil se refirió a la necesidad de revisar las agrupaciones regionales en el seno de la FAO, según dijo porque es una posición de su gobierno, pero, además, porque en el párrafo 240 los miembros del CACJ ya se hablan referido a este asunto. Sin embargo, si intervenimos no es para echar más fuego a la hoguera, sino, por lo contrario, para decir que, después de las declaraciones que han hecho aquí nuestros colegas de Suecia, Canadá y Estados Unidos, en acto de obediencia democrática los representates de Colombia no vamos a insistir sobre esta posición nuestra, y podemos asegurar a los colegas que se han expresado en contra de esa propuesta que tratamos de entender sus argumentos, aunque no los compartamos totalmente.

Bashir Al Mahrouk SAID (Libya) (original language Arabic): First of all, I would like to congratulate you, Mr Chairman, on your election as Chairman of this Commission. Perhaps the fact that I am sitting a long way away is the reason why, although I asked for the floor a long time ago, I have only just been given it, but that is not important.

I do not think I need repeat what has been said so clearly by the distinguished delegates of Saudi Arabia and Belgium. I would simply like to support what they said, whilst underscoring the following - we believe that the present measures mentioned in Resolution 11/87 are satisfactory and sufficient. It is not necessary to discuss this question again within the CCLM. From past experience we have seen that it is unwise to apply specific measures in order to convince regions that they must do things. Each region can adopt those measures they are pleased so to do in accordance with this Resolution.

I would like to stress the fact, as have the Ambassadors from Brazil and Colombia, that perhaps there may be a surfeit of studies about regional groups. I believe that regional groups exist in other organizations, too, but perhaps in a different way.

We believe that the present regional groupings within FAO are the most appropriate as past experience has shown their wisdom in action, and I think that if we were to put forward these criteria to the committees concerning these groups, the same criteria should be applied by the Council. I think that this might raise problems for all of the regions.

Therefore, I would agree with those who have supported the present measures that are in force now. I think that if we were to put this matter yet again to the CCLM, we would simply have a surfeit of problems that we do not need.

These are the few contents I wish to make in all due respect to my colleagues.

Raymond ALLEN (United Kingdom): I would like to support some of the comments made by the Australian Delegation.

We fully support the need for each regional group that so wishes to be represented, and we will be watching the outcome of the forthcoming elections with sane interest. If problems do arise again, I think we do need to consider going back to the drawing board.

I would also like to associate myself with the comments made by the delegates of Sweden, Canada and the United States regarding the need to look again at the regional groupings.

István DOBOCZKY (Hungary): We strongly oppose any reallocation of regional representation. We support the position that the existing system of regional representation is working quite well. We are not prepared and not ready for any debate on a change of groupings. It would not be useful for anybody.

I think the only reasonable solution is to reach an adequate consensus among the countries of the regions in the future, as before.

E. Patrick ALLEYNE (Trinidad and Tobago): Firstly, this delegation does not oppose in particular any suggestions for examining the geographical arrangements. What we would say is that we have no conviction as yet that there is any need to do such a thing and, therefore, we should proceed as exists at present.

We wish, however, to emphasize the need for what we call rotation and balanced representation. As we know, if you rotate without proper balance, you will tumble over, so we must aim at both things.

It is one thing for us to talk about guaranteeing this and guaranteeing that, but if our own behaviour is such that those guarantees do not come through, we will perhaps" have to take another look.

Assefa YILALA (Ethiopia): Mr Chairman, we wish also to use this opportunity to convey congratulations to you upon your election to chair this Commission.

This matter of equitable distribution and representation in the Programme and Finance Committees was discussed at length in the June Session of Council.

During that discussion we indicated our preference for the second alternative that was proposed to us and, of course, we still feel that the second alternative, which is on the table now, is a better alternative to ensure that each of the regional groups is represented in the Programme and Finance Committees in an equitable manner.

Now that this proposal of continuing the procedure has come onto the scene, we have no strong objection against the proposal that is before us. In any case, the problem existed twice before. We had it in 1985 in relation to membership of the Finance Committee, which led towards the examination of the rules that we have, and also in relation to membership of the Programme Committee in 1987. Meanwhile, between 1985 and 1987 we have been trying to get this point of considering the equitability of the regional representations. I do not feel that this proposal we have here would take us to the belief, which all of us have in the background of our minds, that each region is fairly represented on the different committees. If it happens to lead us in that direction, I would be so much the happier. In any case, we are going to have similar elections during the Ninety-seventh Session of the Council. We are in a situation where more countries have indicated interest to be represented on the Finance and Programme Committees, and will see whether this representation that we are thinking about is going to work or not work.

If we should get into a similar experience as in 1985 and 1987, I would consider the matter for a reference again because, if we are going into a situation for the third time, there is no reason that we should push this back and forth. If our experience is that in a week or so we are going to be in a situation in line with our own beliefs and the deliberations that we have this afternoon, I would also have satisfaction in the continuity.

LE PRESIDENT: Je ne crois pas que ce point appelle de réactions de la part du Secrétariat, ce point était pour information et il s'agit en fait d'une question qui doit être débattue avant tout entre les Etats Membres et en collaboration directe entre eux.

Une proposition a été faite par une délégation de confier une étude au CQCJ pour revoir tout le système d'élections. Cette proposition n'a guère été suivie et la conclusion de ce débat pourrait être qu'il faut attendre les prochaines élections, le 1er décembre prochain, au Comité des finances et au Comité du Programme pour se faire une idée plus précise de la satisfaction que nous donne le système actuel ou de l'insatisfaction éventuelle qui pourrait en ressortir.

Toutes les délégations auront naturellement, au Conseil, l'occasion de s'exprimer a posteriori sur ce problème.

Je crois que je peux clore ainsi ce point de l'Ordre du jour et passer au point suivant.

19.2 Confirmation of the Agreement between FAO and UNIDO
19.2 Confirmation de l'Accord entre la FAO et l'ONUDI
19.2 Confirmación del Acuerdo entre la FAO y la ONUDI

LEGAL COUNSEL: The paper on this agenda item is C 89/LIM/9, which is again an extract from the Report of the 95th Session of the Council held in June this year. The Conference is being asked to confirm the decision of the Council to enter into a formal relationship agreement between the Organization and UNIDO.

The Conference will recall that working relations have existed between FAO and UNIDO since 1969 following the conclusion of an agreement setting out guidelines for cooperation between FAO and UNIDO in the field of industrial development.

The need for a new agreement with UNIDO arises from the fact that UNIDO itself became an UN specialized agency in 1985.

Both the Council and the Conference have already expressed themselves in favour of concluding a formal relationship agreement between FAO and UNIDO, The proposal to enter into such a new agreement was notified to both the Council and the Conference in 1987, and the Conference has noted it with satisfaction.

The Draft Agreement that is set out in Appendix J to the document before you is a fornai relationship agreement, which follows very much the lines of relationship agreements with other UN agencies. The detailed provisions regarding the division of responsibilities between FAO and UNIDO are set out in the Agreement between the Director-General of FAO and the former Executive Director of UNIDO dated 1969. The provisions of this Agreement are continued in force under the new formal relationship agreement.

The text of the Draft Agreement has been reviewed by the CCLM, which concluded that it was consistent with the Basic Texts of the Organization. I should point out that the powers of the Organization to enter into such agreements are set out in Article XIII of the FAO Constitution, paragraph 1 of which reads as follows:

"In order to provide for close cooperation between the Organization and other international organizations with related responsibilities, the Conference may enter into agreements with the competent authorities of such organizations, defining the distribution of responsibilities and methods of cooperation."

Rule XXIV.4(c) of the General Rules of the Organization provides that the Council may enter into agreements with other international organizations under article XIII, subject to confirmation by the Conference. The Council, at its 95th Session in June this year, having considered the report of the CCLM, decided to enter into the agreement in accordance with General Rule XXIV. 4(c). The Conference is now being asked to give its confirmation of this action.

Antoine SAINTRAINT (Belgique): Je m'efforcerai d'être bref mais il s'agit d'un point important. Nous nous félicitons bien sûr de l'Accord officiel qui ne peut que contribuer à l'amélioration des relations entre les deux Organisations. Il existe beaucoup de relations depuis l'accord intervenu en 1969 entre la FAO et l'ONUDI, mais, dans le cadre de la revue des activités de la FAO, les experts et les comités ont eu l'occasion de se pencher sur les problèmes de relations entre les deux Organisations.

Il est indispensable de souligner la portée de ces rapports. Je me réfère notamment au premier document, au point 4.11 où on signale, dans ce domaine, que les experts ont identifié plusieurs difficultés dans l'application de l'accord de 1969 entre la FAO et l'ONUDI.

En fait, l'ONUDI s'est lancée dans une série d'activités qui relèvent clairement du mandat de la FAO, entre autres les petites conserveries rurales de produits agricoles et de poisson, y compris les industries artisanales, les petites fabriques d'outils agricoles à main, la conception et la construction de bateaux de pêche, les vaccins pour animaux, la biotechnologie, en particulier, la biotechnologie liée à la transforation des produits agricoles et alimentaires, et les pesticides. Les experts recormandent que la FAO et l'ONUDI cherchent par des contacts au plus haut niveau à créer une division conjointe pour le développement agro-industriel.

La position des comités sur la base des rapports d'experts a été qu'ils ne s'opposent pas à l'établissement d'une division conjointe. Cependant, ils sont d'avis qu'il faudrait en priorité rechercher les moyens d'appliquer effectivement l'accord de 1969 et, bien sûr, l'accord qui nous est soumis et qui constitue une confirmation. Mais je crois qu'il sera nécessaire de se pencher sur la possibilité d'aller plus avant et je me réfère à l'examen plus détaillé qui se trouve dans l'Annexe II du document dont nous avons discuté hier, aux points 6/47, 6/48, 6/49, 6/50, 6/51, 6/52 et 6/53 concernant l'ONUDI.

Là, je vois qu'il y a tout de même une série de remarques qui me paraissent importantes, si ce n'est fondamentales, en ce qui concerne les relations entre les deux Organisations.

En ce qui concerne le chevauchement de responsabilités, il est dit: "les relations de la FAO avec l'ONUDI posent des problèmes plus complexes que ses relations avec d'autres institutions". Je lis toujours: "Le chevauchement est également très marqué dans les projets de terrain et dans une série de domaines relevés par les experts". Il est noté: "Les risques dispendieux de chevauchement entre la FAO et l'ONUDI sont très élevés et il s'agit d'un problème que les deux institutions devraient aborder au niveau le plus élevé". Il est dit: "On a soulevé la possibilité de créer une division mixte FAO/ONUDI du développement agro-industriel en vue de réduire le chevauchement et d'utiliser au mieux les ressources des deux institutions".

L'ONUDI, de son côté, a proposé une version plus limitée d'une division ou d'une unité mixte qui serait chargée de mettre à l'essai les nouvelles techniques. De l'avis du groupe d'examen des experts, une telle division n'aurait pas assez de poids pour surmonter les obstacles actuels. Il serait donc préférable d'adopter le concept plus large décrit ci-dessus.

Comme vous le savez, Monsieur le Président, la FAO collabore dans une division mixte avec l'AIEA. Elle travaille de façon extrêmement étroite avec la Banque Mondiale par le biais du Centre d'Investissement. Et je crois que les problèmes posés par les experts méritent de recevoir une solution. Je souhaiterais pour ma part qu'en dehors de la confirmation de l'accord, on puisse aller quelque peu au-delà, de façon à éviter les chevauchements et à en arriver peut-être à la formule proposée par les experts de création d'une division mixte de développement agro-industriel, ce qui permettrait une collaboration structurée et organisée entre les deux organismes.

Je n'aurai certainement pas la prétention de défendre une formule plutôt que l'autre. Mais quand il y a un problème posé, il me paraît très souhaitable d'y apporter une réponse.

Alors, dans le cadre de la discussion de la confirmation de l'accord, en ce qui nous concerne, nous émettons le voeu pour ce qui a été entamé par les experts sur le plan de l'examen des relations, relations cordiales dans la pratique mais qui ont tout de même entraîné un certain nombre de chevauchoments dispendieux, nous donne l'occasion de la création d'une division conjointe; il faut évidemment négocier, voir comment l'articuler. Voilà réellement un domaine extrêmement important qui est tout le développement de l'agro-industrie où deux institutions peuvent collaborer de manière efficace.

Telles sont, Monsieur le Président, les quelques considérations que je désirais émettre à l'occasion de la confirmation de cet accord. Il va de soi que nous marquons notre plein et entier accord à la confintation de celui-ci, mais en émettant le voeu que dans un avenir extrêmement proche on n'en "commissionne" pas le problème posé et examiné par les experts mais qu'on y apporte les réponses qu'il mérite de recevoir.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Nuestro colega y amigo, el Embajador Saintraint de Bélgica, ha expresado algunas consideraciones que creemos, en términos generales, podrían reflejarse en nuestro informe sobre este proyecto.

A ese respecto, quisiéramos hacer notar que en el párrafo 248 se habla de la división de responsabilidades entre la FAO y las ONUDI, y en el párrafo 249 se hace referencia a la debida coordinación. Nosotros pensamos también que, a la luz de lo que ha dicho el Embajador Saintraint de Bélgica, y al transmitir nuestro apoyo favorable a la confirmación de este acuerdo, en el informe deberemos completar los conceptos que aparecen en esos párrafos con el de la necesidad de evitar duplicación de actividades y la conveniencia de que todas las organizaciones internacionales utilicen de la manera más adecuada, racional y eficaz posibles los escasos recursos de que se disponen en la cooperación internacional, a fin de que todas esas organizaciones sumen sus esfuerzos en favor del objetivo camún que debe ser asistir y servir cada vez mejor y más eficientemente a los países en desarrollo.

Los representantes de Colombia pensamos que este acuerdo entre la FAO y ONUDI puede ser un buen principio, un primer paso adecuado hacia el logro de esos objetivos y, por ello, apoyamos plenamente la confirmación por parte de esta Conferencia del Proyecto de Acuerdo que se presenta en el anexo de este documento.

Antonio Rodrigues PIRES (Cap-Vert): Le Cap-Vert fait sienne cette proposition d'accord très important en ce qui concerne une commission mixte de suivi sur le programme agro-industriel entre l'ONUDI et la FAO. Effectivement, nous collaborons de très près également avec l'ONUDI. Nous sommes très heureux de soutenir ici cet accord que nous croyons très utile pour les organisations et les Etats Membres qui en bénéficient. Je vous remercie.

LE PRESIDENT: Je remercie le distingué ami et Ambassadeur du Cap-Vert. S'il n'y a pas d'autres demandes d'interventions, je crois que l'on peut résumer les interventions qui ont été faites en quelques mots: disant que cet accord peut être approuvé et confirmé par la Conférence, mais qu'il ne suffit pas de signer un accord. Pour que la coopération fonctionne à la perfection, il faut encore la mettre en oeuvre de façon efficace pour éviter les doubles emplois et les chevauchements. Sur ce, je crois que je peux clore sur ce point de l'Ordre du jour.

19.3 Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident and Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency: Accession by FAO
19.3 Adhésion de la FAO à la Convention sur la notification rapide d'un accident nucléaire et la Convention sur l'assistance en cas d'accident nucléaire ou de situation d'urgence radiologique
19.3 Convención sobre la pronta notificación de accidentes nucleares y convención sobre asistencia en caso de accidente nuclear o emergencia radiológica: adhesión de la FAO

LEGAL COUNSEL: The paper on this agenda item is C 89/LIM/24, which is an extract from the Report of the 96th Session of the Council held in November this year. The authorization of the Conference is being sought for the accession of the Organization to two conventions, one entitled Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident and the other entitled Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency. Both Conventions have been adopted by the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in September 1986 in the wake of the Chernobyl nuclear accident which has dramatically underlined the significance of the release of radioactive contaminants into the environment and the importance of international cooperation at the level of the united Nations. The conventions provide for the establishment of a system of information exchange and the provision of assistance in the case of a nuclear accident. The Conventions entered into force in 1986 and 1987, respectively. Both Conventions are open for accession by international organizations, and in fact, the World Health Organization acceded to both Conventions in August 1988. The CCLM has reviewed the two Conventions at its 53rd Session in October 1989 and concluded that the subject matter of the Conventions would fall within the competence and constitutional mandate of FAO and that there would be no legal objections for the Council and the Conference to approve FAO's accession to the two Conventions. The Council considered these two Conventions at its 96th Session in November 1989 and noted the CCLM's conclusions that FAO's accession to the two Conventions would be a symbolic act confirming the Organization's readiness to cooperate with states and other organizations in taking measures within its field of competence in the case of nuclear accident. It noted that there was not intent to set up a parallel system of information and assistance, but FAO, by acceding to the two Conventions, would become part of the system coordinated by the IAEA. It also noted that the costs resulting from accession would be minimal. The Council has approved FAO's accession to the two Conventions, and they are now submitted to the Conference with a view to obtaining the Conference's authorization for FAO to become a party thereto.

LE PRESIDENT: J'ouvre le débat sur la question de la Convention sur la notification rapide d'un accident nucléaire. Il s'agit de donner au Secrétariat l'autorisation de participer à cette Convention. Quelle délégation souhaiterait s'exprimer à propos de ce sujet important?… Je donne la parole au distingué délégué de la France.

Jean-Luc GRAEVE (France): M. Le Président, mon pays ne conteste pas l'accord donné par le Conseil à l'adhésion de l'OAA aux deux conventions de Vienne. Il souhaite cependant rappeler devant cette commission les réserves d'ordre pratique qu'il a émises lors des débats du Conseil sur cette question et qui lui font penser que l'adhésion de l'OAA à ces conventions n'est ni nécessaire ni utile. Je vous remercie.

Ernst ZIMMERL (Austria) (original language German): Ten years or more ago, in the framework of a national plebiscite, Austria decided against atomic energy, and is one of the few countries in Europe at the moment which is doing without nuclear energy. On the other hand, practically all of our neighbouring states do have nuclear power stations, soe of which are close to our borders.

The serious consequences of nuclear waste for the environment, and especially for the agricultural environment, was seen in the wake of Chernobyl. My own country was one of those most affected. And it is therefore understandable that, as far as the Austrian population is concerned, Early Warning Systems and international cooperation and aid are needed, and are most important, in case of accidents. FAO's accession to this agreement is therefore justified, according to its field of action, and is welcomed by my delegation.

As we note in C 89/LIM/24, duplication of the work of other organizations should be avoided.

LE PRESIDENT: Y a-t-il d'autres demandes de parole sur cette question? … Si ce n'est pas le cas, je pense que nous pouvons conclure que cette Commission autorise le Secrétariat à adhérer aux deux Conventions, et que le Secrétariat informera les Etats Membres des suites qu'il donnera.

Ceci nous amène à la fin des sous-points 19 concernant les questions constitutionnelles et juridiques.

B. Administrative and Financial Matters
B. Questions administratives et financières
B. Asuntos administrativos y financieros

20. Audited Accounts
20. Comptes vérifiés
20. Cuentas comprobadas

LE PRESIDENT: Ces comptes vérifiés sont dans les documents C 89/5, C 89/6, C 89/7 ainsi que C 89/LIM/3. La présentation de ce sujet de l'Ordre du jour sera faite par M. Heim du Service financier de l'Organisation. Je donne la parole à M. Heim.

Frederich A. HEIM (Director, Financial Services Division): The official Accounts of the Organization for the 1986/87 biennium have been examined by the External Auditor, and the resultant Report presented to the Finance Committee. They were reviewed, with the External Auditor in attendance, at the Finance Committee's Sixty-third Session in September 1988.

The Audit of Accounts are contained in three documents which have been distributed to you as follows:

Financial Report and Statements: Volume I for the Regular Programme 1986-87 (document C 89/5)

Financial Report and Statements: Volume II for the United Nations Development Programme 1986-87 (document C 89/6)

Financial Report and Statements: Volume III for the World Food Programme 1986-87 (document C 89/7)

The Finance Committee recommended to the Ninety-fourth Session of the Council, held in November 1988, the Resolution appearing before you in paragraph 203 of document C 89/LIM/3, which was approved by that Council Session and forwarded to the Twenty-fifth Session of the Conference for adoption.

In particular, I would like to call your attention to paragraph 188 of the Council's Report in which it indicates that, in the audited report for each of the three Programmes, the External Auditor had expressed the opinion that the financial statements presented fairly the financial position at 31 December 1987, and the results of the operations for the period then ended, which were prepared in accordance with stated accounting policies which were applied, on a basis consistent with that of the preceding financial period, and that the transactions were in accordance with the Financial Regulations and Legislative authority.

We would be pleased to answer any questions that delegates may have on this matter.

Mrs Astrid BERGQUIST (Sweden): I Would like to address some questions on the Financial Report on the Regular Programme for 1986/87, document C 89/5. The audited accounts contain a number of useful observations on FAO personnel policies, and also on the administration of trust fund projects. Much of the information contained in this document was previously unknown to my delegation, and therefore we are most grateful to the auditors for their detailed report.

Among the points noted in the audited accounts, the External Auditors refer to the fact that there seems to be no regular, systemic, regularly planned review of posts, and therefore no guarantee that all posts will be reviewed over a given period of time. I think that the implementation of this Review will be useful at this time, when we are reviewing the whole of our Organization and hopefully entering into a process of more strict priority-setting and medium-term planning.

The Auditors propose a number of measures for the introduction of procedures for reviewing posts on a continuing basis. I refer specifically to paragraph 101 in the said document. Since this document was prepared for the 1986-87 biennium, which is now sane years in the past, certain measures may have already been taken as a consequence of this report.

I would therefore like to ask the representatives of the Secretariat whether, as a consequence of this report or as a result of the management studies which were also undertaken, there has been established any new procedure for a more continuous review of posts. We would also be interested to know the procedure when posts are discussed, in the budgetary framework.

Antoine SAINIRAINT (Belgique): M. le Président, je voudrais intervenir très brièvement en ce qui concerne la vérification des comptes sur un point sur lequel le Cernité financier s'est déjà penché. J'aurai peut-être l'occasion d'en reparler demain dans le cadre de cette commission.

Dans le document 89/LIM/3, il est souligné la nécessité d'une collaboration étroite que nous avons toujours défendue entre la FAO et le Programme alimentaire mondial.

Nous nous bornerons pour le notent uniquement à dire qu'il existe un certain nombre de dispositions statutaires et réglementaires qui sont bien connues; que l'application de ces dispositions ne présente aucune difficulté d'ordre pratique et opérationnel; que tous les renseignements qui doivent être fournis existent et peuvent être fournis sans aucune difficulté. Alors, M. le Président, de façon que les bonnes relations puissent se poursuivre, je demanderai que, sur ce point, les dispositions telles qu'elles existent soient rigoureusement appliquées.

Si, pour une raison ou pour une autre, certains pays estiment qu'il y a lieu de modifier certaines des dispositions qui régissent le Programme alimentaire mondial ou les relations et les compétences des comités des finances dans la vérification des comptes, également les pouvoirs du Directeur général ou du Directeur exécutif concernant la certification, que des propositions soient introduites par les pays qui souhaitent ces modifications, suivant la procédure prévue.

Mais, en ce qui nous concerne, tant que les textes réglementaires qui régissent les rapports des institutions ne sont pas modifiés, nous demandons à ce qu'ils soient appliqués.

Raymond ALLEN (United Kingdom): I would like to thank Mr Heim for his introduction to these documents. We have considered the three papers - that is, the Financial Report and Statements for 1986-87 on the Regular Programme, UNDP, and WFP.

We mentioned in our interventions in Comiission II, when dealing with the Review of the Regular and Field Programmes, that it was important to consider the effectiveness of the Programmes' impact in relation to cost, and that evaluation is worth hardly anything if it does not examine cost effectiveness. The External Auditors have found that no specific procedures have been established to guide staff in the feedback and monitoring of evaluation findings, nor was the record of action taken required. They also comment that routine analysis of evaluation results by country or by sector of activity are not produced.

The Auditors also note that the Development Department has not established procedures to ensure feedback on a regular basis. Those are just some selected points raised in the document, and the distinguished delegate of Sweden mentioned some others.

The point I would like to make is that remarks such as these are pointless unless they are followed up. I would therefore welcome some comments from the Secretariat as to what steps they have actually taken to follow up these comments and recommendations.

Nedilson Ricardo JORGE (Brazil): In other sessions of CFA, the FAO Council, and the Finance Committee, the Brazilian delegation has already expressed its position on the Audited Accounts of the World Food Programme. We would however like in the present Conference to briefly reiterate our position with regard to the relationship between FAO and the WFP, which has consistently been voiced in the FAO Council, as well as in many other fora.

The Brazilian delegation believes that the core of the issue lies in keeping the WFP in the overall framework of FAO which, in our view, holds the broader mandate for dealing with the problem of global food policy and food security, of which provision of food aid is only part. Therefore, the Brazilian delegation considers it of great importance that the WFP keeps its overall reliance on FAO policy advice and technical expertise. We also deem it indispensable for the sake of the achievement of the goals set by the Programme and increasing WFP's effectiveness, that cooperation at all levels be strengthened and a better relationship between FAO and WFP be fostered.

With respect to the specific point of the WFP Audited Accounts, I quote paragraphs 20 and 21 of the report which was adopted by consensus by the Finance Committee - document PC 66/30. It reads: "The Committee noted that the matter fell within the Director-General's statutory authority as it concerned proper financial controls, and that in this respect what was at issue was the practical details and working arrangements for the provision by the WFP of reports to the Director-General to enable him to be satisfied regarding certification of the WFP accounts.

The Committee expressed the hope, however, that the matter will continue to be discussed between the FAO and WFP representatives so that the Director-General's responsibility for the certification of the WFP accounts for 1988-89 could be exercised in a fair, satisfactory and timely manner."

In view of that, the Brazilian delegation deems it very important that all Member Nations in the present Conference share this concern, and express by consensus the necessity for WFP and FAO to resolve the matter between them.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): En primer lugar, sobre las observaciones que los auditores externos han hecho en cuanto al Programa Ordinario.

Nosotros nos inclinamos a apoyar la declaración que, si entendimos bien, hizo el colega del Reino Unido sobre la reacción positiva de la Secretaria frente a esas observaciones para actuar de la manera más adecuada y pertinente posible.

En relación con el otro asunto que se ha planteado aquí, las relaciones PMA-FAO, en nombre del Gobierno de Colombia deseo reiterar una vez más la posición de nuestro país, en el sentido de que, como lo dijimos en la discusión de un tema anterior, y en esto somos coherentes, todas las organizaciones internacionales deben colaborar estrecha y adecuadamente entre sí, sin duplicar actividades, y practicar el entendimiento y la cooperación de manera leal y bien entendida.

Creo que todos sabemos que el Comité Consultivo en Asuntos A±ninistrativos y de Presupuesto de las Naciones Unidas, que tiene unas siglas muy difíciles -ACABQ, parece que corresponde en inglés- se ocupó de este asunto y ha elaborado un informe muy detallado de todas esas cuestiones. El informe de ese Comité va a ser discutido por el OPA en la reunión que iniciará el próximo 11 de diciembre, de manera que tal vez no convenga a estas alturas prejuzgar sobre cualquier asunto a este respecto, sino más bien tomar nota de lo que se ha hecho hasta ahora y esperar las decisiones del órgano rector del Programa Mundial de Alimentos a raíz de la observación que ha hecho el importante Comité de Naciones Unidas.

Esto que acabamos de decir no obsta para que apoyemos la parte final de la declaración de Brasil, en el sentido de que la FAO y el PMA deben resolver los problemas de manera racional, con buen sentido y siempre pensando en el mejor servicio a los países beneficiarios.

David COUTTS (Australia): We are talking here about accounts for 1986-87. I am not sure that it is particularly profitable to broaden that into a debate on the problems which certainly exist, and which may affect the 1988/89 Accounts later. However, it has been mentioned and I wish to put the Australian position.

We are concerned that there have been such difficulties in the relationship between WFP and FAO. We consider it necessary for both WFP and FAO to continue to make every effort in order to resolve those difficulties. However, we consider that the natter is very complex and we are inclined to agree with the comments made by the Ambassador for Colombia that this matter has been discussed recently at the ACABQ - there are recommendations there which I will not repeat. They recommended a course of action to try and solve this problem and this matter will be discussed at CFA and in other fora.

I am not sure that this Commission should say anything concerning the problem because we are talking about the 1986-87 Audited Accounts and this was not a problem at that stage. However, if we discuss the matter we will have to be very careful. I agree with the sentiments expressed by the Brazilian delegate that we be very even-handed in indicating our concern about the problem and exhorting the Executive Director and the Director-General to do everything possible to resolve the natter. However, we feel very strongly that this Commission should not go any further into the matter than that.

Carlos DI MOTTOLA BALESTRA (Costa Rica): Señor Presidente, debido a que se hizo una referencia a este Organismo con un nombre complicado el ACABQ, que en español se abrevia CCAAP, que es prácticamente el Comité A±ninistrativo de Presupuestos de Naciones Unidas, quisiera decir que mi delegación está al corriente también de que el tema ha sido examinado por este Organismo.

Mi delegación ha tenido cierto conocimiento de lo que se ha recomendado de ese informe y tiene muchas dudas al respecto sobre su validez jurídica; sin embargo, lo que quiere poner de relieve es que este documento no tiene respecto a la Conferencia de la FAO ningún valor, porque éste es un informe a la Quinta Comisión de Naciones Unidas.

La Quinta Comisión de Naciones Unidas, tiene que adoptar, discutir o posiblemente modificar este informe, y, eventualmente, transmitirlo, por conducto de la Asamblea General, al Secretario General para que tome acción al respecto.

Por tanto, mi delegación, se opone hasta a que se mencione este documento, porque respecto a la Conferencia actual de la FAO el mismo no existe. Lo que me parece importante es apoyar a los delegados de Bélgica y Brasil.

El delegado de Brasil habló del hecho de que las políticas del PMA se tienen que apoyar en las orientaciones establecidas por la FAO, que es un foro universal, para establecer la ayuda al desarrollo. El Embajador de Bélgica puso en relieve, algo que mi delegación se permite apoyar muy firmemente: existen ciertos Textos Básicos y los Textos Básicos deben ser respetados. La plata administrada por el Programa Mundial de Alimentos es un fondo fiduciario de la FAO. Del fondo fiduciario de la FAO es responsable el Director General de la FAO. El Director General de la FAO ha delegado ciertos poderes en el Director Ejecutivo. Le toca al Director General explicar al Director Ejecutivo, detallar e informar sobre qué documentos necesitan para darse cuenta de cómo han sido administrados estos fondos.

Los fondos, consistentes en unos 1 300 millones de dólares anuales, es una cantidad de dinero enorme, es una cantidad puesta por parte de toda la comunidad mundial a la orden del desarrollo, y el Director General creo que sienta en pleno, y tiene que sentir en pleno, su responsabilidad de poder averiguar que este dinero ha sido gastado de la forma más estrictamente correcta, y, por lo tanto, le compete a él y sólo a él, definir en qué forra se tienen que averiguar estas cuentas.

E. Patrick ALLEYNE (Trinidad and Tobago): The relationship between the Organization and the World Food Programme is something we have grappled with for some time over the years. Our delegation remains very concerned that everything possible should be done in order to promote an effective and meaningful relationship. I heard the previous distinguished delegate make mention of the Director-General delegating responsibilities. That is all very well, but he remains responsible. Therefore the Conference, and Member Nations, must be concerned about what happens - in other words, he is responsible.

I also took note of other remarks which indicated that certain other aspects of this matter are still probably being discussed elsewhere. Therefore, there is a limit to what we should say.

When I look at paragraph 201 in document C 89/LIM/3, I see that we are dealing here with authority, responsibility, and due process. Whatever is done must be done within the appropriate legal framework, otherwise there will be serious difficulty in accepting certain kinds of action.

Atif Y. BUKHARI (Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of) (original language Arabic): Actually I was reluctant to take the floor from the beginning, but I cannot help myself because the developments that have taken place have perplexed us - by this I mean the events in the Lebanon. Perhaps some delegations have heard of these events and some others have not, but these events have been preoccupying us to a great extent.

I ask you, Mr Chairman, - you personally - to have this discussion confined to the documents in front of us. I should like to thank Mr Coutts from Australia for his intervention because he is also a member of the Finance Committee and has participated in the discussion on this question. Now, I believe that we should stop at this point to take note of the situation. We can leave the two parties to follow up the dialogue.

The Finance Committee in its last meeting, and also in its previous meetings, made reference to the fact that the two parties should follow up this dialogue and that the Finance Committee, as is mentioned in paragraph 201 of document C 89/LIM/3 is going to discuss this question in future sessions. There are no complicated natters, but we should give the two parties the chance to have a sound dialogue. We should not complicate the matter further in this Cammission but should avoid lengthy discussions that would be of no avail or use.

We have to concentrate on the audited accounts of the World Food Programmes for 1986 and 1987. Actually, the Finance Committee has followed up this question. In our previous report we mentioned that the subject of the audited accounts falls within the competence and the mandate of the Director-General. The working and technical arrangements are presented by the WFP to the Director-General so that he can certify the audited accounts - actually, the question is not very conplicated and we should not deal with it at length. I repeat, we should not deal with this question but should give the opportunity to the two parties to continue their dialogue, they will find appropriate solutions and the Finance Committee next year will follow up this dialogue.

Of course, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a member of the Finance Committee and one of the Member Countries of this Organization, would like to confirm the necessity for cooperation among specialized agencies, otherwise their efforts will be dispersed and the rights of the developing countries will be lost. Mr Chairman, I ask you to be wise in confining the discussion on this question.

LE PRESIDENT: Je remercie le délégué de l'Arabie Saoudite et j'apprécie beaucoup son expérience dans ce domaine. En effet, il a paru que la discussion tendait à déraper sur des thèmes qui n'avaient rien à faire avec le sujet qui nous a été proposé dans l'Ordre du jour, à savoir les Comptes vérifiés 1986-87.

Je souhaiterais que les délégués s'en tiennent à ces documents-là et ne dérapent pas sur des questions d'ordre pratique, qui concernent plutôt les secrétariats intéressés.

Bashir Al Mahrouk SAID (Libya) (original language Arabic): Having heard the wise words of our colleague fron Saudi Arabia on this point, I think it would only be right for roe to be very brief. Nevertheless, the delegation fron my country wishes to underscore the need for close cooperation between FAO and the World Food Programme. We have expressed this wish on various occasions either in Council or elsewhere. Therefore, we give support to all those who have asked for close cooperation between these two organizations.

We believe that the main problem between FAO and the World Food Programme lies in the fact - and here I must speak frankly - that the rules are not applied as they should be by the World Food Programme and its Executive Director. We hope that at its next meeting the Finance Committee will be able to solve this problem. We certainly stress the constitutional powers of the Director-General of FAO and give our support to the proposal nade by the delegate of Belgium. It is true that the Director-General of FAO does have a right to exercise his powers in conformity with the Statutes of FAO, and we hope that the Finance Committee and Council will reach a solution which will help us all.

Carl THOMSEN (Denmark): I can be very brief. Mr Chairman, I like the way in which you are trying to direct our debate now because my delegation also came here to consider the audited accounts for the years 1986-87. We can give our support to the documents in front of us. We are very surprised to hear sane delegations bringing into this important matter issues which are not on the Agenda. For that reason, I support strongly what the delegate of Saudi Arabia has just said. He is the Chairman of the Finance Comiittee and I think what he put into the debate was very positive.

My government looks upon the role of FAO and the World Food Programme as being very important, but I do not think that we have come here to discuss the relationship between them. We are prepared to discuss that at the appropriate time, but not here.

Igor MARINCEK (Suisse): Je me réjouis, Monsieur le Président, de vous voir présider nos travaux dans cette commission.

Permettez-moi de remercier le Commissaire externe aux comptes et son équipe de l'excellence de leur travail au service de la FAO et de ses Etats Membres.

Je limiterai mes commentaires au document C 89/5, c'est-à-dire au rapport et états financiers relatifs au Programme ordinaire 1986/87.

Une petite suggestion concerne la présentation des comptes dans le Tableau 1.1 à la page 41 et à la page 42 de la version française du document.

Il serait utile, pour une meilleure compréhension des chiffres, d'avoir dans une colonne supplémentaire le solde de l'exercice antérieur au 31 décembre 1985 et l'utilisation qui en est faite, une utilisation de ce solde étant par exemple le remboursement de l'excédent de trésorerie aux pays membres, et de recevoir quelques informations à ce sujet.

J'en arrive au point principal, c'est-à-dire le contrôle de l'économie, de l'efficience et de l'efficacité de l'Organisation, contrôle qui a été exercé par les Commissaires aux comptes dans deux domaines: contrôle des effectifs et administration des fonds fiduciaires.

Ce genre d'examen est très utile à la fois pour les pays membres et pour le Directeur général. Il s'agit pour chacun de mettre à profit les conclusions de ces examens pour renforcer l'efficacité de notre Organisation.

Bien que 63 pour cent des dépenses budgétaires aient été prévues dans la période 1986/87 pour les dépenses de personnel, le Commissaire externe aux comptes a dû constater qu'il n'existe pas de procédure standard pour la vérification de l'utilité des postes existants. Dans le paragraphe 17, nous apprenons que seulement 6, 7 pour cent des postes du Programme ordinaire ont passé par toute la filière du contrôle des effectifs, dans le cadre du processus de l'établissement du budget.

A ce chiffre, il faut ajouter les 5, 4 pour cent des postes qui ont été examinés pour des reclassements, des réorganisations ou des modifications au titre du poste et des fonctions, comme nous l'apprenons dans le paragraphe 21.

Au total, 12 pour cent, ou un huitième seulement des postes ont été examinés.

Une autre information importante concerne les postes vacants: pendant les années 1982-87, le pourcentage des postes vacants des cadres organiques a toujours dépassé la barre des 10 pour cent. Pour les services généraux, le chiffre le plus bas a été de 5, 8 pour cent. Ceci montre qu'il n'y a aucune raison de songer à un abaissement de l'abattement pour postes vacants, abattement du chiffre actuel de 5, 5 pour cent à 3 pour cent, comme il est proposé par le Secrétariat. Par ailleurs, cette proposition a été rejetée déjà par le Comité financier.

Le paragraphe 35 nous rappelle que les descriptions de postes ne sont pas à jour dans la plupart des cas. En ce qui concerne les postes à court terme, pour assurer des services temporaires, le Commissaire aux comptes constate que ces postes sont prolongés dans bien des cas sans justification suffisante.

J'aimerais demander au Secrétariat de nous dire quel est le suivi que le Directeur général veut donner ou a déjà donné pour remédier aux problèmes soulevés par le Commissaire aux comptes.

Le personnel est considéré à juste titre cerane la ressource la plus importante de l'Organisation. Il faut donc assurer une gestion et une planification claires de cette ressource si l'Organisation veut rester capable de relever les défis auxquels elle est appelée à faire face. L'élaboration d'un programme d'activités à moyen terme doit aller de pair avec l'élaboration d'un plan correspondant des besoins en personnel.

Rappelons dans ce contexte que le Management Review effectué dans le cadre de l'examen de la FAO a également identifié de nombreux problèmes dans la gestion du personnel de notre Organisation et a présenté des recommandations pour améliorer cette situation.

Brièvement, quelques remarques relatives à l'examen des projets financés par des fonds fiduciaires: nous notons l'observation du Commissaire externe aux comptes qu'il n'y a pas à la FAO d'équivalent des directives détaillées prescrites par le PNUD pour la formulation et l'examen préalables de ces projets. Espérons que le nouveau système informatisé appelé FINSYS-PERSYS apportera des améliorations dans ce domaine.

Je rappelle en passant l'importance du feed back systématique des enseignements tirés des évaluations, ceci dans les projets courants carme dans la conception de nouveaux projets.

Toujours selon l'observation du Commissaire externe aux comptes, relative aux projets financés par des fonds fiduciaires, nous aimerions apprendre de la part du Secrétariat quel suivi il propose de donner à ces observations écrites.

Pour finir, permettez-moi de rappeler ici une suggestion que ma délégation a déjà présentée devant la Commission II sur le point 13 de l'Ordre du jour: nous proposons que la Conférence demande au Commissaire externe aux comptes de lui présenter à sa prochaine session un rapport sur la méthodologie utilisée par la FAO pour le calcul des augmentations de prix.

Mrs Teresa D. HOBGOOD (United States of America): As a member of the Finance Committee, the Council and the CFA we have had ample opportunity to comment on the three Audited Accounts covering the 1986-87 biennium.

The External Auditors have made a number of useful suggestions, as pointed out by the delegations of Sweden and the United Kingdom. My delegation looks forward to examining a progress report on the implementation by the Secretariat of the recommendations of the auditors.

Turning to FAO-WFP relationship, I would like to associate my views with those of Australia and Saudi Arabia. The Finance Committee, the ACABQ and the CFA are studying the issue. We consider that those are the appropriate bodies to do so.

Having said that, I would urge that this Commission adopt the Draft Resolution on the Audited Accounts before us.

Horacio CARANDANG (Philippines): Mr Chairman, as this is my first time to take the floor in this Commission, allow me to congratulate you on your election to the chairmanship of the Commission.

I would like to support the views expressed by the delegates of Saudi Arabia to the effect that we concentrate on the Audited Accounts in the document before us, C 89/LIM/3, in paragraph 203. We have no problem regarding the Draft Resolution for the Conference and we are ready to endorse it. However, I would like to emphasize the need for continued close collaboration between FAO and the WFP, as indicated in paragraph 200 of the same document. We note that such close collaboration is necessary because food aid is only one of the elements in the overall food security considerations that have to be undertaken for the developing countries. We believe that continued cooperation is necessary.

Some mention has been made regarding the existing regulations for the obligations of reporting. As indicated by other delegates, we believe that a solution should be found for this as soon as possible for the benefit of member countries.

David COUPES (Australia): I apologize for taking the floor a second time on this issue. In many ways, I would rather not have taken it the first time because I have had sufficient opportunity to discuss this relationship on the Finance Committee, and I do not know that it is very profitable to continue a debate on it here.

Mr Chairman, I agree very strongly with your comment, which was similar to one of the points I made myself, and that is that we should confine our remarks here to the 1986-87 Audited Accounts and not broaden the debate into the relationship other than to agree to endorse the points in the paper that talk about the necessity for continued close collaboration.

Unfortunately, some members did not take your advice, as I heard it, and I feel obliged to say that if the report of this Commission focuses on what you have advised, then I have no problem and Australia can endorse that. If the Report of this Commission goes further to reflect some of the more detailed, and in my view not relevant, comments, then Australia would have to ask that some other points be considered.

I would prefer not to state those points now, because I think it might open up a debate that is not relevant, but I must reserve our position on that issue. As long as we continue to confine ourselves to your advice, I am perfectly happy. If not, I may have to raise some other points.

R.C.A. JAIN (India): Mr Chairman, the Indian delegation would like to congratulate you on your election as the Chairman of this Commission.

Under this Agenda item we are deliberating on the question of adoption of the Audited Accounts of certain FAO programmes, including the WFP programme, for the biennium 1986-87. Various authorities including the External Auditor, the Finance Committee and the Council have commended their adoption by this Conference. We think we must take their advice and adopt these accounts.

As regards the relationship issue, we agree with the observations made by the delegate of Australia and the delegate of Saudi Arabia, Chairman of the Finance Committee.

The Indian delegation would like to reiterate the view that as the Finance Committee, the ACABQ and the CFA are seized of the problem, we should desist from considering the issue at this Conference and in this Commission today and leave the issue to be considered by these bodies.

As a matter of fact, in the June Session of the CFA it was decided to discuss the relationship issue in a special three-day session to be convened next month, and I think we should leave this issue to be resolved by that body. In addition, the officers of the WFP and FAO are engaged in a dialogue on this issue, and I think it would be prenature for this Conference at this stage to intercede in that dialogue. Therefore, we should leave the matter of the relationship between the WFP and the FAO to bodies such as the CFA, the Finance Committee and the ACABQ for, it is hoped, its successful resolution.

Nouri ZORGATI (Tunisie) (langue originale Arabe): Conformément à votre appel, nous nous limiterons donc à appuyer ce que vient de dire M. l'Ambassadeur Bukhari, Président du Comité financier. Ce sont des rapports sages, qui tendent à maintenir une étroite collaboration entre la FAO et le Programme, sur le plan du respect mutuel et dans l'application des règlements, afin de préserver les intérêts des deux Organisations et des Etats Membres.

Brièvement, et après avoir étudié les Comptes vérifiés et entendu le Commissaire aux comptes, nous appuyons le contenu de ce rapport.

Hussam ISSA (Iraq): My delegation is fully convinced and therefore hopes that we will see close relations between the FAO and the World Food Programme on the basis of the FAO Basic Texts that govern cooperation between the FAO and the WFP.

We would like to confirm that the World Food Programme has shown its ability to carry out the missions entrusted to it so that the developing countries can benefit from the aid it provides.

My delegation would like to support the contents of paragraph 202 of the document before us and also the Draft Resolution before us.

Antoine SAINIRAINT (Belgique): J'ai demandé à nouveau la parole pour souligner deux points: 1) je me suis borné, dans le cadre de la certification des comptes, à demander l'application de la réglementation en vigueur. Je n'ai pas abordé le problème d'ensemble et je n'ai certainement pas l'intention de l'aborder ici. Je demande uniquement à ce que les textes qui régissent les rapports financiers entre les deux institutions soient respectés.

Je demande également qu'on ne fasse pas état d'un document, d'une commission, de je ne sais plus quoi de New York dont nous n'avons pas connaissance et dont nous ne sommes par conséquent pas saisis. Notre Commission n'est pas habilitée à émettre des avis et considérations sur un document que nous n'avons pas et dont j'ignore tout. Je ferme la parenthèse.

2) Quant à la vérification des comptes, c'est peut-être un truisme de dire que le rôle d'un vérificateur est de vérifier les comptes et certainement pas d'entamer un processus d'évaluation, d'appréciation ou d'inspection. La vérification des comptes, c'est la vérification des comptes.

Sidasty AIDARA (Sénégal): Dans vos propos liminaires, Monsieur le Président, vous avez recomendé que l'on ne vous félicite pas de votre élection. J'avoue que c'est une recommandation très difficile à mettre en oeuvre mais puisque telle est votre décision nous sommes disciplinés et nous allons nous conformer à votre souhait. Mais vous nous permettrez de dire tout de même la joie que nous avons de vous voir à la présidence de cette Commission III.

J'avoue très franchement qu'à un moment donné j'ai été tenté de lever la pancarte du Sénégal pour présenter une motion d'ordre parce que je ne voyais pas le lien entre le point inscrit à l'Ordre du jour sur la vérification des comptes et les relations entre le PAM et la FAO. Fort heureusement, l'Ambassadeur d'Arabie Saoudite s'est sagement exprimé sur cette question et je l'en félicite.

Je crois que nous devais limiter nos discussions strictement aux points inscrits à l'Ordre du jour relatifs à la vérification des comptes, c'est bien précisé dans le document et cela a été rappelé par la délégation de l'Australie, pour le biennium 1986-87. Pour ce qui est du biennium 1988-89 le moment de son examen viendra et, à ce moment-là, les délégations qui souhaiteront s'exprimer sur la manière dont a été menée la vérification des comptes auront l'occasion de le faire.

Nous allons donc, nous limiter à la vérification des comptes pour 1986-87 et dire que nous sommes entièrement d'accord sur le contenu du document C 89/LIM/3, et notamment sur le projet de résolution de la page 4.

Si, comme le disait tout à l'heure le délégué de l'Australie, nous devions évoquer la question des relations entre la FAO et la PAM, ce que personnellement notre délégation ne désire pas, nous devrions simplement dire que la Conférence souhaite une bonne coopération entre les organismes qui siègent à Rome; il conviendrait de nous limiter uniquement à des généralités, c'est-à-dire au fait que la Conférence souhaiterait voir se développer une très bonne coopération entre la PAM et la FAO et entre les organisations représentées à Rome, certains arrangements administratifs de caractère pratique étant examinés dans d'autres instances plus appropriées.

Norbert ODERO (Kenya): My delegation has scrutinized the three documents before us, and I would like to make a few comments on the three documents. On the first document, 89/5, my delegation wishes to make the following comments. The Chairman has noted that at the time this report was being compiled, unpaid contributions amounted to US$ 97 million. This amount has since reached US$ 169 million, and a consequence of that was that there was a cutback in some programmes amounting to US$ 46 million. This depletion of the Working Capital Fund and the Special Reserve Account led to the position by the Conference to authorize a special contribution to account for the 1988-89 biennium.

My second note was that multilateral manpower costs accounted for the largest element, which was 63 percent of the Programme of Work and Budget. We agree, therefore, that small improvements in the deployment or effectiveness of objective surveys might yield sufficient service.

Third, on the administration of the Trust Funds Projects, it is noted that only a limited number of projects will achieve all their targeted outputs within the planned resources and time scale. This is a matter of concern.

Fourth, the central data base for project monitoring introduced in 1981 was especially successful. The Organization is now introducing a new system, and my delegation considers that the costs involved are quite high, taking into consideration the period involved in the introduction of the two systems. Over and above these comments my delegation feels that the recommendations contained in paragraph 106 of the document should be given the attention they deserve.

On the second document, C 89/6, it had become evident from the review of the field project that there are new dimensions on the implementation of UNDP projects, and there is an increase in the reponsibilities and the execution of UNDP projects by recipient governments. In paragraph 8 of the document it is noted that some of the staff involved in the project formulation are either not trained or do not have the necessary experience. It is my delegation's contention that there is need for training of nationals in project formulation, and fellowship directed to nationals of countries undertaking UNDP field projects should be expanded.

I have a brief comment on the third document, C 89/7. I agree that we should not go into a natter that is not on the Agenda, and this is an issue beween FAO and WFP. This matter rests now with the ACABQ, the Finance Comiittee, and the issue will be brought on at the meeting of the Committee in December. But I would like to say that as far this report is concerned, it was commended by the Auditor as having been prepared with the stated accounting principle which was applied on the basis which was consistent with that of the preceding financial period. The Report of the Auditor notes that the Programme is undertaking the implementation of the multilateral review by revising the project sector and through the formation of a project committee and the planning committee to review and direct programme policy and objective and the allocation of resources.

While we are on this document, my delegation wishes to urge the strengthening of training programmes of national officials involved in the projects of AFT. My delegation wishes also to commend the Secretariat of WFP for the dedication and the delivery of food aid commodities, and we urge them to continue in that spirit.

Marcos NIETO LARA (Cuba): Señor Presidente, le felicito rápidamente para atenernos a su recomendación inicial.

Hemos examinado el documento C 89/LIM/3 y nos parece que deberíamos hacer un poco de hincapié en el párrafo 200. Creo que el Consejo hizo una recomendación clara de que debería reforzarse la colaboración estrecha entre la FAO y el PMA. Queremos, sin embargo, señalar y poner de relieve el papel eficaz que ha venido cumpliendo el PMA, y respecto a este tema de las cuentas comprobadas en el marco del Comité de Finanzas y también en el marco del CPA, próximo a celebrarse, podrían examinarse con más detalle estos pormenores de todo el proceso financiero.

Creemos que existen en los procedimientos de carácter jurídico ya establecidos vinos textos fundamentales y que, dentro de éstos, debe buscarse la mejor solución para que la función de la ayuda alimentaria continúe siendo tan eficaz como hasta ahora y se mejore en todos los sentidos el trabajo coordinado entre las dos Organizaciones.

Raphaël RABE (Madagascar): Monsieur le Président, nous nous félicitons de vous voir à la Présidence de cette Commission.

Pour ne pas allonger les débats, nous nous contentons de faire nôtres les déclarations des délégations de l'Arabie Saoudite, du Sénégal et de la Belgique sur ce point de notre Ordre du jour.

Ma délégation se déclare favorable au projet de résolution de la Conférence sur les comptes vérifiés 1986-87 de la FAO et du PAM.

DONG QING SONS (China) (original language Chinese): First of all, I would like to express my support to what has been stated by the Delegate of Saudi Arabia and others. The Chinese delegation, I can say, has studied in detail C 89/LIM/3 as well as the Draft Resolution which is found there. We feel that the Draft Resolution is acceptable. Therefore, my delegation would like to support the adoption of this Draft Resolution.

Konan Daniel YOMAN (Cote d'Ivoire): Monsieur le Président, nous prenons la parole pour vous dire simplement que la délégation de Côte d'Ivoire appuie le projet de résolution de la Conférence.

Ceci dit, nous pensons que vous avez fait preuve de beaucoup trop de gentillesse à l'égard des Etats Membres, en laissant parler un peu trop sur ce point inscrit à notre Ordre du jour des délégations qui, en fait, n'ont pas abordé de façon exclusive l'examen du problème qui nous est soumis. C'est pourquoi en ce qui concerne la poursuite de nos débats, et pour ce qui est des points qui vont suivre, nous lançons un appel à nos collègues, délégués des Etats Membres ici présents, pour être concis et pour ne s'en tenir qu'aux points inscrits à l'Ordre du jour. En ces temps de vaches migres, je crois qu'il est bon de gagner du temps dans nos déclarations.

Dean K. CROWTHER (Assistant Director-General, Administration and Finance Department): Mr Chairman, through you, let me thank all of those delegates who have taken the floor on this item for their words of support for this resolution on the Audited Accounts. There were a number of questions raised by several delegations, but essentially the questions dealt with three areas of responsibility. The first had to do with a question on the Review of the Regular Programme wherein the External Auditors had reviewed the functions of personnel and made a number of recommendations concerning both oversight and the specific operation of personnel activities. One of the questions raised had to do with the recommendations for an independent assessment of the need for specific posts. The views are laid out very clearly in the report. There is no question that the Organization had some difficulty with the specific recommendation that was made. However, as is indicated in the Report itself, the Director-General did accept the recommendation which was finally an option suggested by the External Auditors if you will, for the Organization to undertake as soon as resources permit a trial period of independently planned staffing reviews in selected areas of FAO's activities.

Also in the Report, it can be seen that the Organization has been making selective reviews of posts, as a normal function of the Organization, for many years. What was missing, according to the External Auditor, was that such review should be performed by an independent group. I am happy to say that we have agreed to this recammendation and formulated the plans for it, and that a test period would certainly be completed and fully carried out as recommended by the External Auditor.

There was also a need for a progress report on ensuring that post descriptions were kept up to date. We were sorry to see that it was necessary for the External Auditor to report on this itati. We certainly admit that it was the case, because during this particular biennium, Mr Chairman, you will recall that financial difficulties first hit, and we literally did not have the staff to continually take all the necessary steps to keep post descriptions up to date. As has been instructed by members of both the Finance Committee and the Council, and especially here at the Conference, we are to look carefully at the priorities on which we use the resources of the Organization, before we begin to act on each of those. Nonetheless, I am not trying to indicate that we cannot accept this recommendation, because in fact, we have; and even though our resources have been extremely limited, we have taken a number of steps to assign additional staff to this function as they have additional tine to review the job descriptions on a more regularized basis, and therefore to bring these up to date. While we are not completely up to date as yet, we are coming close to that point, so we are making positive progress on this recommendation as well.

Still on the personnel topic: there was a request for a status report on the need to look at the duration of parallel posts, and for a justification for extending parallel posts without additional review. Again, this is a problem caused by the financial crisis that has plagued our Organization, where we have had to freeze posts for a long period of time. During that period, there were some instances where it was absolutely essential to bring a particular person on board to complete a task. In those instances, while it was not a permanent post, we brought limited staff on board in what is referred to technically in the jargon as "a parallel post", and in some cases it was necessary to extend such parallel posts. Again, let me assure you that this too was caused by the financial stringencies of the Organization, and we hope that this will not be required again, as recruiting is now underway. We do hope that the need for continuing such parallel posts will not have the dominance that it has had in the past biennium.

Mention was also made of the External Auditor's Review of Trust Fund Activities: the need for follow-up and for evaluation of specific projects and to look at projects on a more systematized basis. I am very happy to say that the Director-General took action very promptly - indeed, he had action underway while this report was under preparation, a little over a year and a half ago, to have the Development Department look very carefully at all operations concerning trust funds. The Assistant Director-General of the Development Department, Mr Rinville, has also taken a very personal interest in this with the Field Programme Committee. He has brought in additional representation to this Committee from all departments; he has looked carefully at every aspect and has come up with a number of ideas and recommendations to support this entire area and to follow up each project, together with the evaluation of the various projects in an overall systematized and control procedure. We are very happy to report that this Review has been successful, and that the Development Department has made considerable progress in strengthening the areas which have been identified. The Director-General is extremely keen on this subject, and I can assure all members that follow-up action is very close to completion on this particular point.

I think that takes care of the specific questions raised on technical areas by a number of delegations: if I have missed any I would be happy to come back to them.

With respect to the other aspect, of relationships: in accordance with your instructions, Mr Chairman, and those of the various members here, it is certainly not necessary or appropriate for the Organization to say anything about that natter, except that we are optimistic. We will certainly make every effort to work together, and it is in the hands of the appropriate governing bodies.

Salahuddin AHMED (Deputy Executive Director, WFP): We are deeply appreciative of the wise counsel that has been voiced from various corners of this house. I can only say that we, the WFP and FAO, are in communication with each other. I shall refrain from any elaboration of detail, except to inform you of some of the latest developments.

The Report of the ACABQ is out, and, together with the report of the Finance Committee, it has been circulated in preparation for the CFA which meets in a fortnight's time. In the meantime we understand that the United Nations General Assembly has considered the report of the ACABQ concerning the relationship between WFP, FAO and the United Nations, in its Second Committee. We also understand that the relevant resolution requests the Secretary-General to transmit the ACABQ Report to the Director-General of FAO, with the request that it be placed before the FAO Conference in its current Session.

CHAIRMAN: That concludes the debate on Item 20. We have another item, and we have another five minutes which we can use to consider the Scale of Contributions. This is an item of importance to all, but it does not perhaps require very much discussion as the Scale of Contributions is established outside FAO.

Mr Crowther will introduce this briefly.

21. Scale of Contributions 1990-91
21. Barème des contributions 1990-91
21. Escala de cuotas 1990-91

Dean K. CROWTHER (Assistant Director-General, Administration and Finance Department): You have before you document C 89/LIM/4, which is an extract from the Report of the Ninety-fifth Session of the Council, and includes a Draft Resolution for consideration by the Conference to adopt the Scale of Contributions to be effective during the biennium 1990-91. As you rightly stated in your remarks, Mr Chairman, the Scale of Contributions has always been an extraction of the scale that is adopted by the UN General Assembly, following the recommendations, the study, and research that is performed by the UN General Assembly's Committee on Contributions. That Committee has again made its recommendation to the General Assembly, and, with the slight modifications which are required to adjust the membership of FAO with the membership of the UN - because there are some slight differences there - but, with the exception of those slight differences, this is the scale which is passed along after having received agreement by the General Assembly.

The Council did consider this Scale of Contributions and therefore has recommended it for consideration and adoption by the Conference.

If there are any specific questions, we would be happy to deal with them.

Parviz KARBASSI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): With regard to the issue of the Scale of Contributions for 1990-91, I would like to call your attention to the fact that the proposed scale for the Islamic Republic of Iran, referred to in Appendix H of document C 89/LIM/4, is not what is now under study in the United Nations' scale for 1990-91 for the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Scale of Contribution of the Islamic Republic of Iran is under study in Committee Five of the United Nations. I would like to state the Scale of Contributions for the Islamic Republic of Iran to FAO can only be determined after a final decision by that Committee. I Would therefore like to have a question mark inserted against the Scale of Contributions for my country until such time as we receive the result of the Committee's deliberations.

Atif Y. BUKHARI (Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of) (original language Arabic): I would like briefly to refer to this question. We have clearly identified the attitude of Saudi Arabia within Commission II, as we thought there would be no time to discuss this question again in Commission III. I will not go into detail, but I Would like to say that in most of the developing countries we find that the Scale of Contributions has greatly increased, whereas in some other countries it has decreased. The rise may not be big but a developing country without foreign currency would find difficulty in paying even an increase of US$ 5 000 or US$ 10 000.

We have discussed the criteria adopted to reach the Scale of Contributions by the General Assembly of the UN. We believe that those criteria are not sound. My delegation would be grateful if the Conference therefore could reflect this matter in the form of a resolution, or a document, to be presented to the Fifth Commission of the General Assembly. I do not really know who is dealing with this question, but we feel that the point of view of developing countries should be reflected in each budget.

I have participated in five or six budgets and each time we have noticed that there is an increase in the contributions in all, or some, of the developing countries. I hope that this appeal will be transmitted to the General Assembly and that we can reach the right solution.

Bashir Al Mabrouk SAID (Libya) (original language Arabic): I agree with those who have expressed their concern about the scale of contributions, because they do not reflect the economic fluctuations to which many developing countries find themselves subjected and particularly certain countries which depend upon one resource alone, for example, oil. Therefore, I hope that this point will be taken into consideration in the future and that it will be possible to find another, more objective and realistic criterion which can properly reflect the situation existing in our countries.

Dean K. CROWTHER (Assistant Director-General, Administration and Finance Department): It is quite right that the Committee on Contributions tries to take into account all aspects of economic development. It does look at a ten-year sliding period of time. Following that ten year period, it takes approximately two and a half to three years to assimilate the data and present it to the General Assembly. Therefore, by the time the contribution scale is effective obviously a great deal of time has passed and the economic conditions have changed. This criticism was raised two years ago at our Conference and the Director General was requested to communicate this natter to the Secretary General and ask if anything could be done. That communication did take place and a number of additional factors were taken into account, particularly those matters concerning members with large debts and other factors that were requested. Nevertheless, it is a sliding period that is after the fact. Certainly, every effort will be made to continue to communicate this matter to the UN in order to make this scale of contributions as effective as it can be. We are in the hands of the General Assembly in this sense because we have neither the capability nor all the studies that would be required to accumulate our own scale separately from that of the UN General Assembly. It is a uniform system that we all accept this scale.

With regard to the question raised by the Islamic Republic of Iran, when specific countries raise questions with the Fifth Committee, they are taken up and if action is taken we are all notified of that action. Until any changes are made in the scale we must accept the scale that has been passed by the General Assembly and forwarded to all of us. That is what is being proposed for consideration by the Conference at this time. If any further information is forthcoming certainly, that will be taken into account.

LE PRESIDENT: Je remercie le Secrétariat de ces explications.

Tribute to Mr René Moawad, President of Lebanon
Hommage à M. René Moawad, Président du Liban
Homenaje al Sr. René Moawad, Presidente del Libano

LE PRESIDENT: Avant de clore la séance j'aimerais demander un peu de patience aux interprètes et les remercier d'avance de nous accorder un peu de temps pour un devoir pénible puisqu'il m'est demandé de vous communiquer un événement dramatique: nous avons appris que le Président de l'un de nos Etats Membres, la République du Liban, René Moawad, a été tué dans un attentat aujourd'hui. Je vous demande de bien vouloir vous lever pour une minute de silence.

One minute of silence
Une minute de silence
Un minuto de silencio

The meeting rose at 17.45 hours
La séance est levée à 17 h 45
Se levanta la sesión a las 17.45 horas

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