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7. FAO Activities Related to Environment and Sustainable Development:
Resolution ../91 (continued)
7. Activités de la FAO en matière d'environnement et de développement
durable: Résolution .../91 (suite)
7. Actividades de la FAO en relación con el medio ambiente y el
desarrollo sostenible: Resolución .../91 (continuación)

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): There is a change according to the Journal of the Conference, we should be starting with the adoption of our Report, but I thought it would be preferable to begin by going back to the resolution that we left pending yesterday, that is to say, the Draft Conference Resolution on Sustainable Development and Environment. We set up a small working group yesterday to look at the question of amendments to the resolution, and they managed to produce a new text which seems to have satisfied all members of that working group. You will find it in C 91/REP/3-Sup.l. I would like to thank all the members of the working group for their hard work and for having achieved this compromise.

I would like to call upon the delegate of Switzerland so that he can put before us the results of the work of the working group.

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): First, may I thank you, Mr Chairman, for the suggestion which you made yesterday evening which proved to be very helpful. We conducted our work in a good spirit and in a relatively short time came to a conclusion which seems to have satisfied all the parties in the working group.

May I recall that yesterday we had already reached agreement on the introduction of the resolution, and our discussion was therefore limited to the operative part of it. We now have five different points in the operative part of the text. The first point has been added in order to recall that whilst aiming to include sustainability criteria in FAO's activities, FAO should not forget its mandate, and its mandate is clearly the alleviation of poverty and the elimination of hunger. That is why we have this first point.

The second point - this is what we had in paragraph (i) of the old version, where we had this reference to C 91/30. You will recall that yesterday we had different points, (a), (b), (c) and (d). We have now deleted (c) and (d), as we found they did not add very much to the content of the resolution. So we have (b) of yesterday's version covered in (iii).

Point (ii) of yesterday's version has become point (iv) with slight changes and the old point (iii) has become point (v). So the points in yesterday's resolution are now just points (ii) and (iii) of today's version.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): Is everybody happy with this resolution? We can then start on the adoption of the resolution. Let us start with paragraph (i), which refers to FAO integrating sustainable criteria into its programmes and activities, as was mentioned yesterday. Do you have any comments on this paragraph? No. It is adopted.

Are there any comments on paragraph (ii)? None. Paragraph (ii) is adopted. Paragraph (iii)?

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): In paragraph (iii), I think something has been omitted from the text which was decided upon. This is the phrase "concerned with sustainable agriculture and rural development". This was in the text and led to no discussion; it seem to be a typographical error and I think it should be retained.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): You are quite right. The Secretariat has noted what you say. It was a typographical error, and we will add it to the paragraph. Is the paragraph now adopted? Yes. Paragraph (iv) is adopted, with the restoration of that phrase.

Are there any comments on paragraph (v)? No.

With the adoption of that paragraph the resolution is hereby adopted. I thank everybody for their cooperation, and also, of course, the members of the Secretariat for their hard work.

We can now carry on with our agenda and move to the adoption of the Report.

We now turn to C 91/I/REP/1, but first I would like to give the floor to the Secretariat to deal with some announcements and correction of typographical errors in this document.



ASSISTANT SECRETARY (Commission I): On page 3 of this document in the English version in paragraph 8, would you please delete the sentence which commences with the word "Particular", which is the very last word on that page, and concludes on page 4 in the first line with the words "drastically worsened." This sentence has crept in by mistake and should be deleted.

The second error which has crept in is in paragraph 16 on page 6 in the second line, the last but one word, which is "Heights". We refer here to "the occupied Syrian Golan Heights", and the word "Heights" should be taken out ... no, I am sorry, I am looking at an old version. It has already been deleted in the version which delegates now have.

I shall now ask the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to introduce this item on our Agenda.

Hans-Dietrich VON BOTHMER (Chairman, Drafting Committee): The original text which was received by the Secretariat was approved by the Drafting Committee with a change in paragraph 15. We have come to a compromise, which you will now find in REP/1 in paragraph 10. The suggestion made during the Drafting Committee meeting, promoted by the distinguished delegate from Syria, was: "The Conference approved that FAO should undertake a mission…"

In the Drafting Committee we felt that it was not the whole Conference but just two member countries who suggested this mission, so we agreed to the version which has now been slightly extended in paragraph 16 in the hope this version will find the agreement of the delegate of Syria.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): We should adopt this Report paragraph by paragraph.

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): I have to apologize. My Brazilian colleague from the Working Group on the Resolution on Sustainable Development has just noted another omission in the text with respect to point 4 of the operative part. The Working Group agreed on this point. Perhaps I can read it out and hand it to the Secretariat. In the last line dealing with fisheries it says "activities in the context of the proposed UNCED agenda". This is another omission. We handed it to the Secretariat and I do not know how it has come to be left out.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): I think this paragraph was already approved yesterday and the Secretariat will insert this addition to the final draft.

Carlos BASCO (Argentina): Quisiera aclarar que el punto 4 que menciona el delegado de Suiza, en la versión española está correcto. Dice "actividades agrícolas, forestales y pesqueras". Debió ser una omisión en el momento de pasarlo.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): The necessary changes will be introduced into the version where this omission has been made. We will now take the adoption of the first part of the Report paragraph by paragraph. This is the World Food and Agricultural Situation, Item 6: 6.1, The State of Food and Agriculture.


CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): Paragraphs 1, 2, 3? Approved.

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): On paragraph 4, my delegation has no problem with the English text, but I would say that the French text is slightly different. The mention of "policy assistance" we cannot find in the French text. I would like to ask the Secretariat to bring the French text into line with the English.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): The Secretariat has taken note of these observations in the French version which will be amended accordingly in order to add this reference to policy advice. May we then consider that paragraph 4 is adopted with the amendment?

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): I have just been informed that the Drafting Committee had no French text at all at its disposal, so it seems there was no discussion on this. My remark extends to the full Report. It would be quite useful if the Secretariat went through the whole French text again.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): The Secretariat will take note of this. Paragraph 4 is approved. Paragraph 5? Approved.

Nader NADER (Syria) (Original language Arabic): In paragraph 6 I only want to say that the right wording is "occupied Syrian Golan". This is the right wording so there is no change in the English text.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): We should delete any reference to "Heights" in this connection. We should have "Syrian Golan" only.

Paragraphs 7, 8, 9, 10? Approved.

Carlos BASCO (Argentina) : En el párrafo 11 creo que ha debido haber una confusión en la redacción. Yo sugiero que la tercera oración, que en español empieza "Se señaló asimismo ...", pase a ser la segunda oración del párrafo, de tal manera que quede al final: "La Conferencia instó a la FAO a examinar estas cuestiones ...". Es decir, las dos cuestiones, la que plantea la primera frase y la que plantea la segunda frase.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic) : Any other comments on the amendment suggested by the delegate of Argentina? Then paragraph 11 is approved with the amendment.

Paragraphs 1 to 17. as amended, approved

Les paragraphes 1 à 17. ainsi amendés, sont approuvés

Los párrafos 1 a 17. asi enmendados, son aprobados

Draft Report of Commission I. Part 1. as amended, was adopted

Le projet de rapport de la Commission I. première partie, ainsi amendé, est


El provecto de informe de la Comisión I. Parte 1. asi enmendado, es




CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic) : We now come to the second part of our Report relating to the World Food and Agriculture Situation; 6.2 International Agricultural Adjustment: Seventh Progress Report. We will take it paragraph by paragraph.

Paragraphs 1, 2? Approved.

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): Paragraph 3 in the French text in the second line it reads "modifications lourdes de conséquences". This way of expressing the changes which have been adopted in the countries concerned gives a very negative judgement. So I think in French we would say "important changes", we should be neutral or far reaching, but at least not the French way which gives a negative judgement on these changes.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): As I told you before, the Secretariat will look into the French text in order to bring it into line with the English text.

Paragraphs 1 to 13 approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 13 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 13 son aprobados

Paragraphs 14 to 20 approved
Les paragraphes 14 à 20 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 14 a 20 son aprobados

Paragraphs 21 to 27 approved
Les paragraphes 21 à 27 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 21 a 27 son aprobados

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): We are making good progress. This indicates that the Drafting Committee has done its work in an excellent manner.

Draft Report of Commission I. Part 2. was adopted
Le projet de rapport de la Commission I. deuxième partie, est adopté
El proyecto de informe de la Comisión I. Parte 2. es aprobado


CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic) : We now move to the third part of the Report: Major Trends and Policies in Food and Agriculture, Item 7, FAO Activities Related to Environment and Sustainable Development.


CHAIRMAN: Paragraph 1? Adopted. Paragraph 2? Adopted. Paragraph 3?

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): In this paragraph on the third line it says: "It was noted, however, that national efforts towards sustainable development could not succeed". In French it is even more negative "resteront vains". In English we would say "are hindered" instead of "could not succeed". These efforts are certainly not useless.

Hugh SMITH (United States of America): With regard to paragraph 3, we would like to suggest the insertion of a phrase. In the third line from the bottom we would like to insert "subsidies that have adverse impact on prices".

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): Would you kindly indicate what your amendment is to paragraph 3 and where you would like to insert the words?

Hugh SMITH (United States of America): On the sixth line of the paragraph beginning "unfair terms of trade", delete the word "and" and continue "protectionist barriers". After that we would like to insert "subsidies that have adverse impact on prices", and then the sentence would continue starting with the word "alleviation".

Hans-Dietrich VON BOTHMER (Chairman, Drafting Committee): I wonder whether we could not even improve the suggestion of the delegate of the United States by saying "any type of subsidies that have adverse impact on prices".

Neil FRASER (New Zealand): I find the phrase "that have adverse impact on prices" somewhat ambiguous. Possibly we could say "that distort prices".

Hugh SMITH (United States of America): I have no problem with any one of the suggestions. Either one is fine.

SECRETARY (Commission I): It is in the second last line of the paragraph in the English text "economic relations of unfair terms of trade" now the amendments come in "any type of subsidies which distort prices," and then we go on "protectionist barriers" the rest is unchanged.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic) : Would you also be kind enough to repeat the Swiss amendment.

SECRETARY (Commission I): As we recorded the representative of Switzerland did not make an amendment. He suggested that "sustainable development" this is the second sentence, "It was noted, however, that national efforts towards sustainable development were hindered", so "could not succeed" would be replaced by "were hindered".

Paulo Estivallet de MESQUITA (Brazil) : I have no problem with the amendment of the United States but with reference to the amendment proposed by the delegation of Switzerland, I think it depends on where you stand, the impression that you have on the factors which constrain, which make it easier to achieve sustainability in agriculture. I do agree that perhaps this is too negative for Switzerland. For Switzerland, "these improvements in international economic relations" might help but they are not indispensable. On the other hand I think that it has been made very clear by several delegations of developing countries that for developing countries it is considered indispensable to have this improvement, so that I suggest that instead of changing that verb "could not", we leave it as it is and at the beginning of that line we drop "national" and add "the efforts of developing countries", so that the sentence would read, "It was noted, however, that the efforts of developing countries towards sustainable development could not succeed without parallel improvements" and the sentence goes on as amended by the delegate of the United States.

Mohamed Ibrahim ELMI (Djibouti): Je crois que pour que cette phrase, puisqu'il s'agit vraiment d'efforts vains, et qui resteraient vains s'ils n'étaient pas accompagnés par les mesures proposées, ce changement du mot "vain" me semble inutile. Deuxièmement, pour ce qui concerne "l'élimination des termes inéquitables de l'échange", puisqu'il s'agit vraiment de "termes inéquitables", pourquoi essayer de jouer sur les mots et ne pas laisser "les termes inéquitables de l'échange"?

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): As to the expression "unfair terms of trade" there was no suggestion that those words be deleted in any way.

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): The point of the amendment I proposed was that we should not have a negative statement, say it is useless to do something, we have first to wait for the international environment to be good, so I think we should not have a negative attitude. I understand very well the point of Brazil and when he was explaining it he gave a wording, he spoke of "indispensable". May I suggest along these lines "It was noted, however, that in order that national efforts could succeed it was indispensable

that" and then follow with the sentence. I think that would reflect the sense of the Brazilian intervention and also accommodate our point.

Neil FRASER (New Zealand): As to the suggestion of the delegate of Brazil that it be confined to the developing countries. I do not think this is a fair reflection. I do not think developed countries should be excluded. Their efforts towards sustainable development certainly are prejudiced in both free trading and highly subsidizing countries by the measures outlined here. So I do not think it should be confined at all, it is a global situation.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic) : Could I ask the delegate of Switzerland to read out once again his new amendments to the sentence in paragraph 3.

Igor MALINCEK (Switzerland) : What I was reading out would accommodate also the New Zealand colleague because I was coming back to the initial wording. So, "It was noted, however, that in order that national efforts towards sustainable development could succeed it was indispensable that" and we go back to the old text and at the very end of this paragraph "be made" would be "realized" or something like that.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): We now have one amendment put forward by Switzerland, a second one proposed by the United States, which was in turn further amended by the delegate of New Zealand. Can we now accept paragraph 3, including the Swiss amendment which would add the word "indispensable" and reword that sentence consequently, and can we also accept the amendment by the United States and further amended by New Zealand? On that basis can we adopt the paragraph? I see no objections and therefore I take it that paragraph 3 has been adopted.

Hugh SMITH (United States of America): We would like to suggest the following modifications, line 5 reads "reform, to ensure people's participation, employing market processes" and at the end of this paragraph we would like to add the following sentence "To this end FAO is encouraged to cooperate with other Rome-based United Nations organizations as well as bilateral donors".

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): Thank you for these two amendments that you have proposed. Now the first one, if I have understood rightly, consists in adding on line 5 after "to ensure people's participation" to insert the little phrase which says "employing market processes and then we add an additional last sentence saying "To this end FAO is encouraged to cooperate with other Rome-based United Nations organizations as well as bilateral donors." Do you have any comments?

Frederik C. PRILLEVITZ (Netherlands): As you can imagine, I am happy with this proposal. Perhaps we can also add the NGOs in that sentence - the last sentence which was proposed by the United States delegation.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic) : Thank you very much for that proposed addition. We have an addition to the last sentence proposed by the United States, simply to add NGOs at the end.

Switzerland, do you wish to comment?

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): I have no problem with this addition. Could you read out the first part of the United States amendment because I have not really understood how it reads?

SECRETARY (Commission I): "It underlined the pressing need to alleviate hunger and malnutrition, to introduce land reform, to ensure people's participation, employing market processes in the development process ..."

P. Natigor SIAGIAN (Indonesia): Could I please ask for the complete sentence, with the amendment from the Netherlands, to be read out. I will then be able to form an opinion on it.

SECRETARY (Commission I): I will read the second sentence of the paragraph and then the new third sentence.

"It underlined the pressing need to alleviate hunger and malnutrition, to introduce land reform, to ensure people's participation employing market processes in the development process and, in particular, to enhance the role of women in all activities leading to sustainable development." The amendment there is "employing market processes". Then there is the new sentence proposed by the United States as amended by the Netherlands: "To this end, FAO is encouraged to cooperate with other Rome-based UN organizations as well as with bilateral donors and NGOs."

Hugh SMITH (United States of America): Having had some consultations with our colleague from Canada, we have agreed to modify our first amendment and put the "employing market processes" after "development process", so this line would now read "... people's participation in the development process as well as employing market processes ...".

P.J. MAHLER (Conseiller spécial du Directeur général, Sous-Directeur général pour l'environnement et le développement durable): Je voudrais demander des éclaircissements sur les instructions que le Secrétariat reçoit, en quelque sorte, dans ce paragraphe et en particulier dans la dernière phrase qui est proposée. Dans cette dernière phrase, nous sommes encouragés à coopérer avec les organisations basées à Rome, avec les donateurs bilatéraux et avec les organisations non gouvernementales.

Je voudrais signaler que, dans le domaine dont traite tout ce paragraphe relatif au développement durable, ce que le Secrétariat avait compris, c'est qu'il était nécessaire de coopérer également avec le PNUD, avec la Banque mondiale et avec les banques régionales. Nous avons d'ailleurs des relations avec eux et je me demande si le texte tel qu'il est ne fait pas une exclusive. Je demande donc à la Commission s'il ne serait pas

souhaitable, puisque l'on a proposé d'ajouter les organisations non gouvernementales, de ne pas oublier nos partenaires traditionnels en matière d'assistance technique de même qu'en matière des projets d'investissement. C'est une question que je pose.

P. Natigor SIAGIAN (Indonesia): What the Secretariat has just said is more or less what I had to say. You now have a long list of organizations. You start with the Rome-based ones. I do not know why it should only be the Rome-based organizations. What about other city-based ones? You then include donors, and then after donors, you then include the NGOs, and so on. Could we not simplify this because these are all concerned parties in the programmes. I suggest that we could just say "with all concerned parties". That makes it very obvious. We then have to ask ourselves what to do about this sentence. I think we should go back to the original and not say specifically "Rome-based" but all related UN agencies and also, if you wish, bilateral donors, then we can make it very general without mentioning specifically one or other component of these partners.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): As regards this question of Rome-based organizations, perhaps you will allow me to speak on this issue. We have the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in Rome. That is a Rome-based organization. I would like to recall the agreement through which that organization was established, which is certainly more substantial and more important than our report in a way, specifies that that Fund shall cooperate in all areas of its competence with FAO. It is specified; they have it in their statutes.

Now let us think of another Rome-based organization. There is the World Food Programme (WFP) which is the joint child of the United Nations and the FAO. It is already linked to FAO anyway.

It is up to the Commission to make up its mind but, modestly, I would like to point out that IFAD have it in their statutes that they have to cooperate closely with the FAO, and WFP in a way is a child of FAO. We should bear that in mind in commenting on this.

Paulo Estivallet de MESQUITA (Brazil): Whilst I agree with the usefulness of adding this sentence here, I also agree with you, Mr Chairman, and with Mr Mahler, that the danger we face when we begin a list is that everyone who is not on that list will feel excluded.

Perhaps we should draw on the sentence which is in the resolution proposed by the Netherlands which mentions cooperation with other UN and non-UN institutions concerned with sustainable agriculture and rural development. Then we could do away with this short list and perhaps the sentence could read, "To this end, FAO is encouraged to cooperate with other UN and non-UN institutions concerned with sustainable agriculture and rural development." and drop the rest.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic) : Thank you very much for that proposal, Brazil. I do feel that your amendment is a good one. It is also in accordance with the resolution we adopted on sustainable agriculture and rural development.

Hugh SMITH (United States of America): The United States fully supports the modification to this last sentence which was made by Brazil.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): May I thank the United States for their agreement.

Frederik C. PRILLEVITZ (Netherlands): As the author of the resolution, we also can support this proposal.

I do not want to come back to what you have said, Mr Chairman, about Rome-based organizations. You have put forward the idea about this being a family matter, that it is a family matter here. You have the mother and the daughter, and I believe that IFAD is a daughter of the World Food Council. Whether or not it is a happy family, you can give advice on something.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): We now have the amendment proposed by Brazil which the United States have accepted as an amendment to their original amendment.

I would now like to ask the Commission whether you feel that we can now adopt paragraph 4 with these two amendments? I hear no comment, so paragraph 4 is adopted.

We now move on to paragraph 5, adopted. Paragraph 6? Adopted. Paragraph 7? Adopted. Paragraph 8?

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): We propose a slight amendment in the first line where it reads "The Conference decided to launch the International Cooperative Programme". We would request that the word "the" be replaced by "an", or, in the French, "une".

J.M. SCOTT (United Kingdom): A very minor suggestion in line 4, paragraph 8, where the present wording could be interpreted to mean that sustainability is a new concept, which it is not. I would propose that it read "national levels, to introduce the necessary changes to give greater emphasis to sustainable agriculture ...", rather than the words "leading to".

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic) : We now have the Swiss amendment to line 1 and the United Kingdom amendment to line 4, paragraph 8. Are there any comments on these? I hear none. Paragraph 8 is therefore adopted as amended.

Parviz KARBASI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): I have some amendments to paragraph 9. I would like to add to paragraph 9 these words: "In this regard the Islamic Republic of Iran offered that a case study for sustainable agriculture and environment can be made in the province of Bakhtaran in his country." We have discussed this in Conference, and I would like to see this inserted.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic) : You have all heard the proposal for an additional last sentence at the end of paragraph 9. Do you have any comments on substance?

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): I would like some clarification, please, of the exact meaning of the word "offered" in this proposed addition.

Parviz KARBASI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): Over the last two years we have been working for sustainable agriculture and environment in this province of 2 250 000 hectares. We have had cooperation from FAO, and we are looking for the cooperation of all UN agencies. As this issue has been discussed, the Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to have this province as a case study to be an Action Plan; because this needs both legislation and a lot of work. We have a five-year plan and target on agriculture, and we are ready for this very important issue which has already been discussed. We are ready to do the Plan of Action.

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): Should we not say "invited FAO to", instead of "offered"? If I understand it correctly that is more the sense of the amendment.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): This is clearly just a matter of wording, so perhaps we can adopt this paragraph with this addition, and move on to paragraph 10.

J.M. SCOTT (United Kingdom): In line 7 of paragraph 10 after "existing mechanisms" I would like to see inserted the words "and programmes". The sentence would then continue as before.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic) : Can we now adopt this paragraph with the addition of those two words suggested by the delegate of the United Kingdom? It is so agreed, and we move on to paragraph 11.

J.M. SCOTT (United Kingdom): Having spent a long time discussing the resolution, I wonder if we could re-word paragraph 11 as follows: "The Conference called for the Organization to", and then insert "integrate fully sustainability criteria in its programmes and activities". We can then either end the sentence and the paragraph there, or continue with the wording which exists at the moment - but I think that first clause subsumes the rest of the paragraph.

P.J. MAHLER (Special Adviser to the Director-General, Assistant Director-General for Environmental and Sustainable Development): I would like some clarification, please? Would "integrate fully sustainability criteria in its programmes and activities" replace the reference to "streamlining and rationalization", or is it an additional clause?

J.M. SCOTT (United Kingdom): It would be a replacement, in the terms of my suggested amendment.

Rolf AKESSON (Sweden): My delegation fully supports the amendment proposed by the United Kingdom delegation which in fact reflects the operative paragraph (i) of the resolution.

I think Mr Mahler's query is justified, and we think we should leave the rest, especially this "streamlining and rationalization of its Special Action Programme". That is more an organizational idea, whereas sustainability is more a question of orientation, so we should perhaps keep both elements in the paragraph.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): Thank you, Sweden. Shall we then keep both elements in? That is, as the United Kingdom proposes where the United Kingdom has suggested it, and then continue with the remainder of the paragraph. Can we all accept this? It is so agreed.

We now go on to paragraph 12. Adopted.

P. Natigor SIAGIAN (Indonesia): The second sentence of paragraph 13 reads: "The Conference invited Governments to ensure the active participation of Ministries concerned," and so on and at the end "in the preparation and follow-up of UNCED". The sentence is not the problem but the relevance of this wording. To begin with, to invite governments to ensure, and so on, is a little ambiguous.

With regard to "and follow-up of UNCED" we are still waiting to see whether UNCED has a follow-up. I know there should be a follow-up but now the Conference has requested my Government to prepare for the follow-up and that is too much. The preparations I think are welcome, but on the follow-up could we have some modification?

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): My comment is on the first sentence of this paragraph, second line, where it reads : "and in mobilizing financial resources for its implementation". The sentence idea which states that it is necessary to give due attention to agriculture in this Agenda 21 - that is a clear message. But the second part does not speak about financial resources with respect to these sectors, but is a very general statement. I suggest we just drop this, or if we want to have something there we should relate it to agriculture. This is just a general sentence and does not make sense in this place. My suggestion is just drop the second part of the sentence so that the full stop is after "Agenda 21".

Alejandro NDJOLIMEDIKO (Guinea Ecuatorial): Nuestra intervención va en la misma esencia que la realizada por el Representante de Indonesia en relación a la línea cuarta del párrafo 13, en el que nosotros queremos agregar una proposición que textualmente seria: "gobiernos hicieran esfuerzos a fin de garantizar la participación activa de los ministerios interesados".

Vishnu BHAGWAN (India): I would like to react to the suggestion of the delegate of Switzerland. His suggestion is to delete the words appearing at the end of line 2 on the basis that this does not refer to agriculture and allied activities, and does not really make sense. On the other hand, the words in particular "give due attention to agriculture, forestry and fisheries in launching Agenda 21 and in mobilizing financial resources for its implementation", the reference to "implementation" is in relation to these three sectors and mobilization of resources for these three items, agriculture and allied areas. To my mind, in the Drafting Committee it was clear that the mobilization of financial resources was for these three areas. It should remain.

Hans-Dietrich VON BOTHMER (Chairman, Drafting Committee): The answer is very easy and I can support what my colleague on the Drafting Committee from India said, that we insisted on having this financial issue included with regard to financing these three sectors.

Secondly, regarding the modifications proposed by the delegate of Indonesia, we had a long discussion on this - governments and ministries. The problem is that in many countries the environment comes under the responsibility of the environmental ministry, and not only under agriculture. We decided we would call upon governments so that they could decide the ministry concerned and, therefore, we have taken up this wording.

As to the remarks on the follow-up of UNCED, in the Drafting Committee we agreed that there will be a kind of follow-up although we did not want to define it exactly and therefore kept this wording.

Paulo Estivallet de MESQUITA (Brazil): I am afraid I did not ask for the floor to help you, but I have another proposal to make in the last sentence which reads: "It requested the Organization to take a still higher profile at the UNCED in order to influence the process and effectively assist in the implementation of Agenda 21". The thing is that there are divergencies or different points of view with regard to the role of international organizations and the role of each respective international organization in the process. Again, I think it is somewhat beyond the powers of what should be the effective organization to actively influence the process. We accept that FAO should effectively assist in the operation of UNCED after Agenda 21 so I propose to delete the words "influence the process and" in the middle of the last sentence so that the sentence now reads: "It requested the Organization to take a still higher profile at the UNCED in order to effectively assist in the implementation of Agenda 21". I draw to your attention the fact that this could well be in line with the resolution we have just adopted.

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): I have two comments. First of all, in my proposed amendment I have said we have had no problem with the reference to mobilization of financial resources. I suggest we make it clear we are speaking about agriculture. I think the English delegate has given me the answer already as to how we can tackle this problem. We say "in launching" and then we take "mobilizing financial resources for Agenda 21". Then we have a clear link between agriculture and mobilizing financial resources for Agenda 21. That is my first point.

The second one is in respect of the proposal of the delegate of Brazil. I share with you the view that the words "influence" is not appropriate. That is not the role of international organizations. I suggest we say "in order to fully participate in the process of effectively assisting in the implementation of Agenda 21".

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic) : The changes that have been made are multiple so I will ask the Secretary to read them out.

SECRETARY (Commission I): "The Conference recommended that UNCED give due attention to agriculture, forestry and fisheries in launching and mobilizing financial resources for agenda item 21 in these fields."

The second one is: "The Conference invited Governments to make efforts to ensure the active participation of ministries concerned including those dealing with food, agriculture, forestry and fisheries in the preparation of UNCED". It is suggested that "and follow-up" be eliminated.

The last sentence: "It requested the Organization to take a still higher profile at the UNCED in order to fully participate in the process and effectively assist in the implementation of Agenda Item 21."

P.J. MAHLER (Special Adviser to the Director-General, Assistant Director-General for Environmental and Sustainable Development): It is a point for clarification. My understanding was that in the second sentence "UNCED" was not deleted, so that it read "in the preparation and follow-up of UNCED". May I have confirmation that this is the agreement of the Commission?

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): Could we then adopt this paragraph after inserting the amendment?

David DRAKE (Canada): Forgive me for taking the floor as a member of the Drafting Committee, but I have one comment and then perhaps I could ask for clarification from you, Sir.

With regard to the reference to "follow-up of UNCED", I am not clear on whether this is to be included or deleted. Perhaps I could refer to the discussion in the Drafting Committee where we discussed this at length. It was unanimously decided that it should appear, after consultations with the Secretariat to determine just what was said in the Plenary session of the debate. My delegation certainly feels that we would like to see "follow-up of UNCED" included.

We would also like to see a reference in the last sentence to UNCED, and we support Switzerland in this regard.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): The amendment proposed would keep the words "and follow-up of UNCED". The amendment has been read out by the Secretariat and it has been made clear that this reference will not be deleted.

Could we adopt the paragraph as amended?

P. Natigor SiAGIAN (Indonesia): I am in the hands of the majority, but I would like to express my Government's view on inclusion of the words "follow-up of UNCED". In our understanding this is a kind of binding statement. There is the proposition that there should be a follow-up of UNCED while UNCED itself failed to be convinced.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): I thank the delegate of Indonesia for his cooperation. However, making efforts is not binding. Calling upon governments to make efforts is not binding. We are just inviting governments to make efforts.

Paragraph 13 is adopted as amended. Paragraph 14?

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): Since we have slightly amended paragraph 11, we would like the reporting to reflect the amendments of paragraph 11. Perhaps we could just introduce a reference to paragraph 11 in paragraph 14 and say "report on progress with respect to the points mentioned in paragraph 11, in particular" and then continue the sentence as it stands, or even drop the rest of the paragraph, until as far as "the Hundred-and-Second Session of the Council and at the Twenty-seventh Session of the Conference".

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic) : We have a proposal from the delegate of Switzerland that the Secretariat report on the points mentioned in paragraph 11, and then delete the remainder of the paragraph with the exception of "at the Hundred-and-Second Session of the Council and at the Twenty-seventh Session of the Conference".

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): I just want to say that, I do not think "progress" was mentioned.

P.J. MAHLER (Special Adviser to the Director-General, Assistant Director-General for Environmental and Sustainable Development) : The Secretariat is in the hands of the Commission. I just wanted to point out that the scope of paragraph 14 is somewhat broader than that of paragraph 11, as it talks about UNCED and also about putting ICPF/SARD into operation. It is up to the Commission whether to replace it merely by a mention of the points in paragraph 11 or perhaps to combine the two.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): As I believe this paragraph 14 as it is would serve the purpose, may I ask the delegate of Switzerland if he thinks we could keep it as it is?

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): I have no problem with the suggestion made by Mr Mahler. I would then suggest that the reference to paragraph 11 be the only amendment. Could I read it out: The Conference requested that the Secretariat report on progress regarding the points mentioned in paragraph 11, including", and then continue with the paragraph as it stands.

J.M. SCOTT (United Kingdom): I wish to record my agreement with the points put by the delegate of Switzerland.

H.E.J. JORRITSMA (Netherlands): We support the proposal put by the delegate of Switzerland.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): Could we then adopt this paragraph as amended by Switzerland? I see no objection.

Paragraphs 1 to 14. as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 14. ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 14. así enmendados, son aprobados

Paragraphs 15 to 24 approved
Les paragraphes 15 à 24 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 15 a 24 son aprobados

Draft Report of Commission I. Part 3. as amended, was adopted
Le projet de rapport de la Commission I. troisième partie, ainsi amendé.
est adopté
El proyecto de informe de la Comisión I. Parte 3. asi enmendado, es



CHAIRMAN: Paragraphs 1-5 approved.

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): My point is on paragraph in the second last sentence my delegation would suggest a reference to the objectives mentioned under item 8, which we had dealt with, which is a progress report

on WCARRD. I think these objectives are not reflected in the sentence and they are nevertheless important in this connection so we could just make the reference to item 8 in this part of the report.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): Please indicate where this insertion would take place.

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): The third line from the end of the paragraph, after "support services" the sentence would continue "and of the objectives mentioned under item 8, which is the progress report of WCARRD Programme of Action".

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic) : So we have this amendment proposed by Switzerland. Are there any comments on that amendment? I see none. I then consider that we wish to adopt this paragraph as amended by Switzerland.

Paragraphs 1 to 7. as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 7. ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 7. así enmendados, son aprobados

Draft Report of Commission I. Part 4. as amended, was adopted
Le projet de rapport de la Commission I. quatrième partie, ainsi amendé.
est adopté
El provecto de informe de la Comisión I. Parte 4. así enmendado, es aprobado

The meeting rose at 12.30 hours,
La séance est levée à 12 h 30.
Se levanta la sesion a las 12.30 horas

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