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21. United Nations/FAO World Food Programme Pledging Target 1993-94
21. Objectif des contributions au Programme alimentaire mondial ONU/FAO
pour 1993-94
21. Programa Mundial de Alimentos Naciones Unidas/FAO: Objetivo de
promesas de contribución para 1993-94

CHAIRMAN: The documents before us are C 91/LIM/5 and C 91/LIM/36, and there is a Draft Resolution according to the normal procedure with pledges under the World Food Programme.

Before I give the floor to Mr Ingram, I should like to say a few words; otherwise they will probably come too late in the process.

This is the last FAO Conference in which Mr Ingram participates as Executive Director. I have personally worked with Mr Ingram through his ten years of holding this difficult job as Executive Director. It has been a pleasure for me to work with you, Mr Ingram. During these ten years you have brought WFP into being a very active and important organization within the UN system, dealing with very substantial funds. During your terms you have solved some quite difficult problems in a way which, in my view, will also be good for the WFP in future years.

You have also done something else which I consider to be just as important, namely, you have made the CFA, the Committee dealing with WFP, into an important policy body. If one looks at food aid over the longer term it is very important that the CFA is being used and will be used for real policy discussions. I tender my sincere thanks to you for those ten years.

James INGRAM (Executive Director, World Food Programme): Mr Chairman, let me thank you for those very nice remarks. I feel very touched.

It brings me great pleasure to address this Commission on the important subject of the WFP pledging target for the biennium 1993-94. The pledging target for WFP's regular resources comprises the food and money required to support our development projects and to meet the totality - I stress "totality" - of our programme support and administrative expenditure.

The FAO Council Resolution contained in the document before you, C 91/LIM/5, recommends to the Conference that for the 1993-94 biennium it agrees to maintain the target at a level of US$1 500 million, the same as for the current biennium. This target has also been endorsed by the Economic and Social Council and more recently by the Second Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations. It remains only for the Conference to take similar action.

Please note that the target does not cover resources for WFP's humanitarian work in support of the victims of natural and man-made calamities. This work is funded separately.

Last week the Conference discussed two important reports, namely the State of Food and Agriculture and the International Agricultural Adjustment Progress Report. Both these documents bear upon your consideration of this Agenda Item. They largely paint the picture within which WFP will have to operate until the end of the millenium, and probably beyond. The essential point to note is that, particularly in Africa, the gap between food production and food needs continues to increase.

This strongly indicates an increased need for food aid to help maintain essential food imports. What I would like to see is a much higher proportion of this food aid going not only to alleviate hunger but to promote economic development and local food production. I hope I can be forgiven for saying that the best way to achieve that goal is for much more food aid to be used to support WFP's development projects, the quality of which continues to rise and, if I may say so, compares favourably with similar interventions by others.

Mr Chairman, however, notwithstanding the increased need for food aid, these same reports indicate a stagnation or even a slight decrease in food aid deliveries to developing countries. That situation has impacted on WFP. As a result of reduced availability of food from donors, WFP has had to lengthen the duration of ongoing development projects and reduce the total value of new ones approved each year. While there has lately been some improvement in the situation we now anticipate that new commitments in 1992 will be about 10 percent more by value as compared to 1991.

I want to stress that the Programme is simply not able to respond as positively as it should to all the highly deserving requests being presented to us. For WFP development food aid has become a very scarce resource. During this Conference I have met personally with Ministers from many developing countries and I have been impressed by their appreciation of the value of WFP assistance and their desire to have more. Remember, these are all Ministers of Agriculture or Rural Development, yet they have shown awareness of the value of our support to the social sector as well as to their own areas of interest.

Mr Chairman, as I have mentioned, funds from our administrative expenditures come from monies pledged to the Development Programme. Generation of sufficient funds to cover these costs is only feasible if, in the aggregate, donors provide one third of their pledge in cash and the target is reached in full. In other words, one third of a smaller amount than the target will not cover our costs.

I would like to thank those donors who have made special efforts to increase their pledges during the current financial period of 1991-92, including some major donors who have increased the cash proportion of their pledges. However, we still have some way to go to reach the target. Thus, total pledges for the current biennium now amount of just over US$1 billion of which US$290 million, or 29 percent, will be paid in cash. But the biennium still has another year to run. I appeal to all donors to re-examine the possibility of increasing their pledges.

Mr Chairman, while WFP's Development Programme has stagnated there has been a veritable explosion of our work in support of disaster victims. The strain on our staff has been tremendous. Many have worked selflessly under hardship and sometimes in danger. Almost every day reports reach me of the heroism of our officers. During 1991 WFP staff will have brought succour to

upwards of 100 million people in need. To achieve this, approximately 4 million tonnes of emergency and development food aid will be shipped; quite comfortably the largest amount in our history. The transport-related expenditure alone will be over US$300 million; an expense that is larger than the total budget of most United Nations organizations.

To move food and other aid quickly and efficiently into areas of urgent need, the Programme has made great progress in developing its logistics capacity. Currently at any single time throughout the year WFP has about 50 ships on charter. We manage trucking fleets composed of hundreds of trucks and trailers in several countries. A highly efficient system of air delivery, air dropping and even parachute dropping through WFP chartered and operated aircraft has supplemented truck deliveries in most areas of the Sudan, Ethiopia and Angola.

WFP logistic staff are also responsible for such managerial tasks as the coordination of port operations, port rehabilitation and the arrangement of primary transport of all emergency food supplies from a number of key ports. The effect of this considerable expansion of logistics responsibility on behalf of the United Nations system's bilateral donors and non-governmental organizations is a constantly increasing demand on WFP's services. Our logistic staff have shown extraordinary application.

A major example of the international community making use of WFP's logistics capacity is the current Sudan emergency. In this case WFP not only carries on its traditional role of food aid coordinator and information gatherer but has been called on to organize and handle delivery of the entire amount of food aid going into the country through Port Sudan. Thus, during the period March 1991 to February next year, WFP is expected to manage a total of 700 000 tonnes of food. In practical terms this means that all food aid is consigned to WFP, that WFP is responsible for the berthing of ships, the discharge of cargo, the bagging of bulk grain, the clearing of all food aid from the port, arranging of intermediate storage where necessary, and ensuring transport from Port Sudan to distribution hubs throughout the country.

It is of note that of that 700 000 tonnes only 37 000 come from WFP resources. In other words, statistics about WFP commitments and deliveries, impressive though they are, understate the extent of the critical role now played by this Organization in support of the humanitarian efforts of the whole international community. In complex emergencies our overall logistical support has, I believe, become indispensable to a successful international response.

Mr Chairman, WFP has had an event-laden year for which the Sudan example is but one of many interventions where dedicated men and women, professional, general service and local staff have made exemplary efforts on behalf of the Programme to feed hungry people and to pursue development objectives. Of particular note other than the Sudan are the efforts of our colleagues in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Liberia, Angola, Iraq and neighbouring countries and now in Cambodia. It is through their work and the work of their headquarters colleagues, who have played key planning and support roles in all of these operations, that the concept of the neutrality of food aid is slowly gaining ground and being increasingly accepted by both governments and opposition alike. Evidence for the acceptance of the

neutrality can be drawn from the opening of the Port of Assawa, delivery of food aid to such enclaves as Nasir in southern Sudan and in Angola where both parties agreed to food aid deliveries in each other's zones.

Once opposing forces recognize the benefits of the neutral use of food aid, food aid can sometimes help in promoting peaceful solutions. In Angola, for example, both Government and UNITA have agreed to demobilize troops who will receive food aid for their guns. This approach may also soon be applied in the Liberian regional emergency to bring people back into that country.

Mr Chairman, WFP's role in support of registered refugees has also grown apace. New working arrangements between the Programme and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees are to begin in 1992. WFP will progressively assume responsibility for providing all basic commodities and mobilizing all funds required for the transport and delivery, for the feeding of refugees, assisted by UNHCR. Donors and beneficiaries alike should benefit from the economies that this new arrangement should bring as well as the smoother flow of food. Equally all supporters of the United Nations system can take heart at the ability of organizations of the system to rationalize functions and promote a better division of labour.

Mr Chairman, although dealt with in a separate Agenda Item by Commission III, I do wish to say a few words about the amendments to the General Regulations of WFP. The reforms agreed upon were long overdue. Organizations cannot stand still and WFP could not stand still if its efforts in support of disadvantaged people were to be strengthened. In approving these amendments the Conference, along with the General Assembly, bring into being major improvements in the way in which the Programme is guided by Governments; how it relates to other organizations of the United Nations system and how it will manage its internal affairs. I am convinced all Governments in working for and giving their support to these improvements will be proud to have participated in this historic advance and I want, on behalf of the Programme, to thank you, the Representatives of Governments and the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Director-General of FAO most sincerely for their efforts in bringing about this satisfactory result. Thank you, Mr Chairman.

B.P. DUTIA (Assistant Director-General, Economic and Social Policy Department): Mr Chairman, distinguished delegates and observers, I wish to bring to the attention of the distinguished delegates that the Director-General has examined in detail the factors which underpin the proposed Pledging Target of US$1.5 billion for the year 1993-94 for the Regular Programme resources of the UN/FAO World Food Programme.

These factors impinge on both the supply side and the demand side of the food aid in question. On the supply side, as the analyses of FAO's Global Information and Early Warning System point out, several major factors are currently making for a tightening of the world food demand and supply situation, notably as regards cereals. The world cereal output this year has declined and will not fully meet effective demand.

The prospects are for declines in levels of stocks, notably in the major cereal exporting countries. Import demand is running higher; and prices of foodgrains on international markets have recently displayed sizeable

increases. Given past experiences, this latter factor may well lead to a contraction of the volume of food aid availabilities. At the same time, ocean freight rates have tended to increase.

On the demand side of the food aid equation, the food aid needs, including particularly emergency needs in sub-Saharan Africa, could decline somewhat in the year ahead on account of the improvement in food output in the Sahel and some of the countries in Africa most: seriously affected by drought and civil strife in the past year. Yet, regrettably, the food aid needs of many countries continue to remain high, even not including the needs of millions of refugees, displaced persons and returnees.

For all of these reasons, the Director-General considers that a good justification could be made for recommending a higher pledging target than has been proposed. However, the Director-General is fully aware of the constraints which face the major food aid donor countries. He also notes that actual commitments to the Programme have lagged behind the established pledging targets.

The Director-General therefore concludes that the proposed target represents a pragmatic and sound level of resources, and urges its endorsement. In doing so, the Director-General urges that the target be met in full, and he stresses the importance of ensuring that one-third of the pledges should be in the form of cash.

The Director-General reiterates the view, expressed many times in the past, and particularly in view of the unrelenting needs for emergency food aid, that the International Emergency Food Reserve be placed on a sound and reliable footing and that its resources be enhanced.

In conclusion, Mr Chairman, I may add that the Council at its Ninety-ninth Session in June of this year unanimously supported the pledging target and adopted a Resolution for approval by the Conference as included in document C 91/LIM/5. The Director-General commends its adoption by the Conference.

CHAIRMAN: This Item is now open for discussion. May I have an indication of speakers, please?

May I say that for the further proceedings of this Commission it would be useful if we had indications of those who want to speak now, and not later. I am not closing the list but I think it: would be useful to know if there is anybody else now.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Sr. Presidente, las introducciones adecuadas del Director Ejecutivo y del Dr. Dutia a nombre del Director General de la FAO facilitan nuestras intervenciones.

Es siempre muy grato ver en la FAO a nuestro distinguido y querido amigo, James Ingram. Todos sabemos como el Sr. Ingram viene trabajando con eficacia, dinamismo y consagración verdaderamente excepcionales. Usted y yo, señor Presidente, vinculados al PMA desde su fundación, sabemos cómo y cuánto la gestión positiva y brillante del señor Ingram ha contribuido a consolidar la posición de prestigio y respeto generales de que hoy goza el PMA entre todos los Gobiernos.

Señor Presidente, nos encontramos ahora en el C 91/LIM/5 frente al proyecto de Resolución que propone la modesta meta, el objetivo de 1 500 millones de dólares para el bienio 1993-94. Como lo dijimos ya en el CPA y en el Consejo, lamentamos que el mal ejemplo del crecimiento cero, se haya extendido también al PMA. Hablamos estado siempre en favor de un objetivo superior, porque el PMA viene realizando una labor excelente y ha demostrado su capacidad de manejar y distribuir cifras mucho mayores, porque además la situación es difícil para muchos países en desarrollo y porque la asistencia alimentaria, al tiempo que demuestra su necesidad, ha confirmado igualmente la eficacia con que el PMA la viene ofreciendo. El Director Ejecutivo nos ha dicho que el PMA no puede atender todas las solicitudes que se le presentan y nosotros queremos destacar el hecho fundamental de que, como lo ha dicho el Director Ejecutivo, esa asistencia alimentaria no debe ofrecerse con carácter pasivo de dádiva, sino que debe estar dirigida a promover el desarrollo económico y el aumento de la producción.

Esperamos que esta Comisión apoye el llamado que el Sr. Ingram ha hecho a los donantes, al tiempo que reconozcamos también la manera como esos donantes han permitido todos estos avances en el seno del PMA. Igualmente consideramos que en nuestro informe deberemos dejar constancia del reconocimiento que hacemos al personal del PMA por la forma abnegada, sacrificada y hasta con riesgos, como ha sabido afrontar las situaciones de emergencia.

Señor Presidente, después del largo proceso que ahora nos coloca frente a este proyecto de Resolución, pensamos que hay que actuar de manera realista, y por eso apoyamos esta propuesta con la esperanza de que se alcance ese objetivo y de que se cumplan las disposiciones reglamentarias, según las cuales una tercera parte de las contribuciones deba ser ofrecida en efectivo. Esperamos que ese objetivo se alcanzará y así el PMA se fortalecerá, para continuar cumpliendo su valiosa función de importante organismo al servicio del desarrollo.

Nuestro distinguido amigo el Sr. James Ingram ha estado - como usted lo recordó, señor Presidente - al frente del PMA como Director Ejecutivo durante diez años. Eso ha sido muy fecundo para el Programa, que ha alcanzado tantos niveles de prestigio, buen nombre y reconocimiento en toda la comunidad internacional. La manera como James Ingram ha dirigido el PMA, ha venido siendo plenamente reconocida como eficiente, dinámica, seria y muy positiva. El Sr. Ingram ha confirmado las excelentes condiciones que le distinguen como un magnífico administrador. Entre las actitudes sobresalientes del Sr. Ingram, debemos destacar la forma pragmática y eficaz como él propuso recientemente ciertas reformas al PMA. Esas propuestas han sido aprobadas en general y todo ello culminó en acuerdos entre los Gobiernos y la permanente cooperación del PMA con otras organizaciones, particularmente la FAO, cuyos servicios seguirán siendo esenciales para el PMA.

Después de haber terminado todo ese proceso, James Ingram decidió retirarse de la Dirección Ejecutiva del PMA y los representantes de Colombia pensamos que ese gesto, que esa actitud noble y altruista demuestra clara y plenamente que el Sr. Ingram hizo propuestas que a su juicio estaban destinadas a mejorar el funcionamiento de la Institución. Propuestas que tenían como objetivo hacer al PMA más eficiente, propuestas que estaban dirigidas a que el PMA pueda servir cada vez mejor a los países en desarrollo.

Al retirarse ahora, el Sr. Ingram confirma que esas propuestas estaban por encima de cualquier interés personal. Los representantes de Colombia destacamos esa actitud ejemplar que merece al reconocimiento y la gratitud de todos los Représentâtes de Gobiernos, que tanto nos preocupamos por el buen funcionamiento de la Organización.

Señor Presidente y distinguidos colegas, nos hemos extendido en este reconocimiento a nuestro amigo James Ingram porque, como usted lo ha dicho señor Presidente, todos sabemos que su periodo va a terminar en abril de 1992. Es decir, ésta será la última Conferencia de la FAO ante la cual el Sr. Ingram se presentará como Director Ejecutivo del PMA.

En nombre del Gobierno de Colombia, deseamos reiterar a James Ingram todos nuestros más sinceros y profundos sentimientos de admiración, simpatia y amistad. Hemos seguido de cerca la forma como James Ingram ha dirigido ese importante Programa. Somos testigos de la consagración, la inteligencia y la competencia con que James ha actuado siempre.

Estas palabras quedarán en las actas de esta Comisión. Trataremos de reiterar estos mismos sentimientos, aun con mayor entusiamo, en la Plenaria de la Conferencia. Todo esto es tan sólo un minimo y pálido reflejo de cuanto sentimos por James Ingram, y conlleva todos nuestros mejores y más sinceros deseos porque en el futuro, en sus nuevas actividades, nuestro amigo James Ingram goce de salud, paz, alegría, prosperidad y nuevos y crecientes buenos éxitos que seguramente seguirá logrando, porque James deja la Dirección Ejecutiva del PMA en plena vitalidad y afortunada lucidez intelectual.

Querido amigo James Ingram, los représentâtes de Colombia, que hemos compartido contigo tantas otras reuniones y Conferencias, sabemos muy bien que al terminar tu importante cargo, dejas una grata huella de respeto y admiración generales. Saldrás por la puerta grande, con la frente muy en alto, asistido por el afecto y la solidaridad de quienes te admiramos y queremos y acompañado por la satisfación del deber cumplido.

R.C.A. JAIN (India): We have before us this morning the UN/FAO World Food Programme pledging target for the biennium 1993-94 for consideration and approval. We also have the recommendations of the CFA and the FAO Council to keep this target to US$1.5 billion. We also heard Mr Ingram, Executive Director of the World Food Programme, and Mr Dutia giving the background and context of the CFA and FAO Council recommendations.

The Indian delegation is concerned at the zero growth that this level of target represents. While we supported this target in the CFA and FAO Council sessions, we still feel that, in the context of the increasing need for food aid in the 1990s, this level of pledging for the years 1993-94 will be grossly inadequate. We feel that, while pledging US$1.5 billion may reflect the supply-side considerations, it fails to take into account the increasing demands being made on the World Food Programme for extending food aid, whether for meeting man-made or natural emergencies, development food aid or in support of structural adjustments being undertaken in an increasingly large number of developing countries and in the Eastern European countries.

At the moment WFP has committed food aid to the extent of 4.5 million tons for the next three years. As the pledging targets are expressed in monetary terms, it is doubtful if the pledging target of US$1.5 billion will be sufficient to maintain the required level of aid, 1.5 million tons per year, bearing in mind the increase in food prices. We therefore join the FAO Council in its hope that the WFP resources be suitably augmented by substantial additional resources well beyond the pledging target of US$1.5 billion. We support the call for making at least one third of the pledges to the regular resources being made in cash to enable WFP to meet the administrative costs and to opt for a larger volume of local purchases. The Executive Director of the World Food Programme should be encouraged to develop long-term solutions to the Programme's cash problems in consultation with major donors. On balance, my delegation recommends the pledging target of US$1.5 billion for the 1993-94 biennium for the World Food Programme.

Before closing, the Indian delegation would like to put on record our appreciation for Mr Ingram's tenure as Executive Director of the World Food Programme. We fully share the views expressed by you, Mr Chairman, on the humane services rendered by Mr James Ingram in making the World Food Programme a very important and effective instrument in our common struggle against poverty, hunger and malnutrition. We highly commend his leadership and contributions in redefining the role of the World Food Programme and gearing it to meet the challenges of the nineties and beyond.

David JOSLYN (United States of America): The United States supports the Resolution calling for a pledging target for the WFP regular resources of US$1.5 billion for the 1993-94 biennium, as we did in the CFA. We all know that projected food needs are indeed increasing. At the same time the availability of resources for food aid are unfortunately limited. It is unfortunate that the sharp growth in emergency operations has forced us, like other donors, to shift resources towards meeting urgent relief needs. In view of the serious constraints, difficult priorities will have to be set. The decisions to set these priorities will not be easy. Additionally, recipients will be challenged with making even more efficient use of their own resources and donor assistance than possibly was the case in the past. However, together, under a strengthened and broadened CFA, donors and recipients will have to do all we can to make the World Food Programme an even more efficient and effective agency.

The United States recognizes WFP's concerns about the cash situation of the Programme, which clearly has serious implications for the future of the Organization. Several factors have contributed to the increase in the severity of the problem and they must be addressed. The United States will continue efforts to increase the proportion of our contribution to the World Food Programme made in cash, and we would encourage other members who are able to increase their contributions to do so. As you know, we will be dealing with this problem in more detail at the coming CFA, a discussion which will necessarily touch on burden-sharing within the entire donor and recipient communities.

Finally, I would like to associate myself with the laudatory comments made by you and the speakers before me concerning Mr Ingram's very successful tenure as Executive Director of the World Food Programme. Over the past year, we have worked extremely closely with the Executive Director and his

staff on most of the complex and difficult emergencies he described in his very eloquent and straightforward presentation, and we applaud their professionalism and dedication.

Leslie ROSS BROWNHALL (Australia): Australia has taken part in both the CFA sessions and the FAO Council session leading to the Draft Resolution. In this regard, we regret very much the circumstances limiting the proposed pledging target for 1993-94 to US$1.5 billion, but we appreciate that setting the target at this level is probably the most realistic course. The pledge for the Regular Programme for 1992 and for the 1993-94 pledging period is currently under consideration by the Australian Government. Australia's pledge for 1991 is Australian $45.4 million, which reflects the recent decision by the Government to at least maintain Australia's pledge in real terms. This of course has implications for the 1992 and 1993-94 pledging periods. We recognize the central importance of at least one third of the total pledge being paid in cash. This is particularly so at a time when the World Food Programme is facing a cash crisis because of the need for it to provide increased support for more cash-intensive and emergency operations.

In conclusion, we support the Draft Resolution currently before this Commission, including the injunction to donors to make additional contributions in recognition of the prospective volume of sound project requests and the capacity of the Programme to operate at a higher level.

Raphaël RABE (Madagascar): M. le Président, les exposés éloquents et très objectifs faits par M. Dutia au nom du Directeur général de la FAO, et par M. Ingram, Directeur exécutif du PAM, nous dispensent de nous étendre longuement sur le sujet pour justifier l'objectif de contribution pour 1992-93. Cet objectif est très en dessous des besoins, comme l'a démontré M. Ingram. Aussi, nous gardons l'espoir d'une mobilisation de ressources supplémentaires importante; nous souhaitons, M. le Président, qu'il se réalise, car c'est la seule voie pour que l'aide alimentaire puisse répondre simultanément et d'une manière satisfaisante à son double objectif que nous connaissons: Secours alimentaire d'urgence, et contribution aux programmes nationaux de développement. M. le Président, convaincue de la nécessité pour le Programme de disposer de suffisamment d'espèces, ma délégation ne peut que réitérer les nombreux appels lancés par le CPA, le Conseil et la Conférence, pour que le tiers au moins des contributions soit fourni en espèces et en services.

Enfin, M. le Président, nous ne pouvons clore notre intervention sans rendre un vibrant hommage à M. James Ingram, Administrateur hors pair comme l'a qualifié Son Excellence M. Bula Hoyos. Nous lui rendons hommage pour la façon avec laquelle il a dirigé le PAM, ce qui a permis au Programme de réaliser ces dernières années en tout cas des performances exceptionnelles, et ce malgré les difficultés nombreuses et variées rencontrées aussi bien au siège que sur le terrain.

M. le Président, nous faisons nôtres tous les compliments adressés à son endroit par vous, par la délégation de la Colombie, et bien entendu par toutes les délégations qui se sont exprimées avant nous. Merci M. le Président.

Pedro Agostinho KANGA (Angola): Ma délégation ne peut qu'exprimer sa satisfaction à la présentation par M. James Ingram et M. Dutia des documents sur l'objectif des contributions au Programme alimentaire mondial ONU/FAO du 1993-94. L'efficacité du PAM est indiscutable. Nous l'avons vécue et nous rendons à son Directeur exécutif notre profond hommage.

M. le Président, les besoins alimentaires dans mon pays persistent toujours, ainsi que dans divers points du globe, et ils sont encore de plus en plus croissants. A ce titre, l'aide du PAM à mon pays est indispensable, surtout en ce moment où nous devons accélérer principalement le programme de réintégration socio-économique des déplacés, réfugiés, et démobilisés de guerre dans le secteur agricole et non agricole de notre milieu rural.

Il faut reconnaître que durant les moments très difficiles, mon pays a pu bénéficier et continue à bénéficier d'une aide considérable du PAM, pays donateurs et bien d'autres, à l'égard desquels je témoigne, au nom de ma délégation, les plus profonds et sincères sentiments de mon Gouvernement.

Comme nous l'avions fait, M. le Président, au Conseil, nous approuvons la résolution de l'objectif de contribution de 1.5 milliard de dollars au titre des ressources ordinaires du PAM pour 1992-93, et nous souhaitons que cet objectif soit atteint, et qu'un tiers de leurs contributions soit versé en espèces. Je vous remercie M. le Président.

Sra. María Eulalia JIMENEZ (El Salvador): La delegación de El Salvador desea dar en esta oportunidad su pleno apoyo al objetivo de promesas de contribución al PMA para el bienio 1993-94 de 1 500 millones de dólares, ya que no siendo miembro del Consejo de la FAO no pudo darle ese apoyo en su oportunidad. Nos unimos al llamado que ha hecho aqui el Director Ejecutivo para que los países donantes aumenten sus promesas de contribución, para que continúen con ese apoyo que siempre han dado al Programa. Confiamos en que la generosidad de los donantes permitirá que se cumpla el objetivo que seguramente aprobaremos y que tendrán siempre presente la norma de que un tercio de la contribución debe ser hecha en efectivo, lo que permitirá al Programa funcionar en manera todavía más eficiente.

La labor que desarrolla el Programa Mundial de Alimentos es ampliamente conocida por todos nuestros países y es todavía más conocida por esa inmensa cantidad de personas a las que llega esta ayuda.

El Programa Mundial de Alimentos ha estado siempre presente en la región del istmo centroamericano. El PMA nos está ayudando intensamente en el empeño de los países del área por alcanzar la paz.

El Gobierno de El Salvador aprecia muchísimo la colaboración que el Programa le ha proporcionado en los últimos años, en los cuales la difícil situación que ha vivido mi país ha hecho que esta ayuda sea de incalculable valor.

El Gobierno de El Salvador y el pueblo salvadoreño desean, por mi medio, hacer llegar al Sr. James Ingram, Director Ejecutivo del Programa, su especial reconocimiento por la atención que siempre ha dispensado a mi país, ayuda que indudablemente ha contribuido y contribuirá a que en un futuro no muy lejano los salvadoreños podamos vivir en paz y armonía.

Confiamos en que El Salvador y la región del istmo centroamericano continuarán contando con la valiosa ayuda del Programa Mundial de Alimentos.

El Salvador espera poder contribuir en el futuro a los trabajos del órgano rector del PMA entrando a formar parte por primera vez en este importante comité.

Art WRIGHT (Canada): At the outset I should like to associate myself fully with the remarks that you have made and the eloquent testimonials of others concerning the exceptional contribution made by Mr James Ingram as Executive Director of the WFP during the past ten years.

Again this morning we have received from Mr Ingram, as we have so many times in the past, a very crisp, very concise and very pointed summary of the current situation facing the WFP. He has always provided us with that type of assessment which is extremely helpful in addressing the issues before us

I should also like to thank the Secretariat and particularly Mr Dutia for the manner in which they have introduced this item.

Canada supports the proposed Draft Resolution on the WFP pledging target of US$1.5 billion for the biennium 1993-94. We believe that the target is realistic, whilst at the same time agreeing with all of those who have indicated how great the needs are and that these needs are growing. Obviously, if this target is to be met, it is essential that contributions from all donors be forthcoming in order to enable the WFP to carry on its very important work.

During the present biennium, and despite severe budgetary constraints, Canada has maintained the level of its contributions to the regular resources of the WFP, and we have been pleased to have been able to increase substantially the cash component of our cash contributions.

Indeed, the needs are growing, and the ability to meet these needs is very constrained. We are concerned, as are others, at the increasing proportion of food aid needs that is growing for emergency purposes. Obviously these emergencies have to be met, but, to the extent that resources are diverted for emergency purposes, there is less available for investment in the long-term development progress of the countries concerned. In the coming period both additional commodities and increased cash resources will indeed be required.

We appreciate the difficulties which the WFP faces in coping with this situation, particularly as it relates to the cash required. We look forward, however, to continued working with the CFA, with the assistance of the WFP Secretariat, and in a very good spirit of cooperation which has characterized the work of the CFA during the successful review of the General Regulations, in order to work together to propose adequate and sustainable solutions to the problems.

Sra. Ana Maria NAVARRO ARRUE (Cuba): Hemos escuchado muy atentamente las explicaciones que el Director Ejecutivo del Programa Mundial de Alimentos, Sr. James Ingram, nos ha brindado en la mañana de hoy. Permítame,

Sr. Ingram, felicitarlo en nombre de la delegación de Cuba por la labor que realiza el Programa Mundial de Alimentos con vistas a ser una efectiva ayuda alimentaria a paises que sufren déficit de alimentos, paises en emergencias, refugiados y a paises que por sus características especiales son menos favorecidos.

Agradecemos de igual forma las palabras del Sr. Dutia, palabras que facilitan nuestra tarea en la mañana de hoy al aprobar esta Resolución sobre los objetivos de contribución.

Mi delegación desea aprovechar esta nueva oportunidad para reconocer una vez más los esfuerzos del personal de la Sede y los funcionarios que incansablemente en los países, en condiciones de peligrosidad, laboran por cumplir y llevar adelante los objetivos generales del Programa Mundial de Alimentos.

La delegación de Cuba en el 99° período de sesiones del Consejo de la FAO expresó también su preocupación por el crecimiento cero del objetivo de las promesas para el bienio 1993-94, teniendo en cuenta el ascendente proceso de demandas que recibe el PMA por parte de los países menos favorecidos. Hicimos un llamado en aquella oportunidad para que los donantes respondieran a las nuevas realidades del PMA. No era lógico que después del proceso de discusiones para que el PMA lograra una mayor autonomía y eficiencia en su gestión, nos encontráramos en el presente con un Programa Mundial de Alimentos más debilitado en recursos. Cuba apoya la Resolución que se nos presenta, aunque reitera y lamenta que los recursos no sean mayores.

Hacemos votos, no obstante, por el futuro del PMA, por sus nobles objetivos y porque continúe con la universalidad en sus proyectos.

Apoyamos los planteamientos elocuentes del Embajador de Colombia expresados en la mañana de hoy, aunque mi delegación no puede dejar pasar esta oportunidad para reiterar lo que ya también dijimos en el 99° período de sesiones del Consejo de la FAO. Se trata de nuestro reconocimiento al Director Ejecutivo del Programa Mundial de Alimentos. Le deseamos, Sr. Ingram, muchos éxitos para usted y su familia en el futuro, y reciba usted nuestro modesto reconocimiento y aprecio por su atención y su dedicación; por esa dedicación que ha brindado usted al Programa Mundial de Alimentos durante estos años.

Samir ABU-JAWDEH (Lebanon): Mr Chairman, you have so ably expressed the thoughts of high esteem every one of us would have wanted to voice regarding Mr Ingram's personal achievement throughout his tenure of office. We wish to join you and our colleagues in applauding his exceptional achievement.

Whilst endorsing the proposed Draft Resolution presented to us, we wish earnestly to urge donors to realize that their well-appreciated contributions are a remunerative investment in the international drive to alleviate hunger and enhance development in numerous countries. Returns will be a positive payback to the international community at large. Thus, their involvement should be reinforced, especially their cash contributions, in order to allow WFP to continue serving the developing

countries. We earnestly hope that future pledges for WFP will attain a higher level commensurate with the growing need for assistance to many nations around the world.

F.A. Shamin AHMED (Bangladesh): While expressing our concern over the zero growth of the pledging target for the 1993-94 biennium, my delegation supports the Resolution which establishes a voluntary contribution of US$1.5 billion for the same period. We also fully support the call that one-third of the target be provided in cash. My delegation would also request all the donor countries and agencies to cooperate with the Executive Director in ensuring full attainment of the target.

Before I conclude, I should like to join you, Mr Chairman, and all others in complimenting Mr James Ingram for his outstanding service as Head of the WFP. Although this is not the occasion to bid farewell to Mr Ingram formally, we note that this is the last FAO Conference he is attending in his present capacity.

WFP is an Organization which is of great importance to Bangladesh. Besides providing emergency food assistance with admirable promptitude at difficult times like natural calamities, WFP is also an important partner in our development endeavours through its steady contribution to our food-for-work programme. We are aware of the valuable role of Mr Ingram in helping Bangladesh through the WFP activities. For that, Mr Ingram, we express our deep gratitude. Like all the speakers who have taken the floor before me, I wish you the best of everything, a very long and successful life, and God speed.

Sra. Concha Marina RAMIREZ DE LOPEZ (Honduras): Después de escuchar la exposición del Sr. Ingram y el Sr. Dutia, nos preocupa la ayuda alimentaria que brinda el PMA en sus operaciones en pro del desarrollo agricola y rural. Apoyamos el proyecto de Resolución del documento C 91/LIM 5, lamentando que el crecimiento cero abarque también al PMA. Hacemos un llamado a los países donantes para que cumplan sus promesas de contribución. Nuestro agradecimiento también por sus aportaciones.

Esperamos que todos juntos, con una Organización fortalecida, contribuyamos a que los pobres adquieran confianza en que pueden superar su pobreza por sí solos. Nuestro reconocimiento a todo el personal y en especial a su Director Ejecutivo, el Sr. Ingram, que durante su mandato ha resuelto problemas muy delicados. En nombre del Gobierno de Honduras nuestra gratitud.

Permítame apoyar lo expuesto por la distinguida delegada de El Salvador, especialmente en que el área de Centroamérica esté representada también dentro del CPA.

Sugianto BROTOSUSANTO (Indonesia): We note that the pledging target for the biennium 1993-94 has been set at US$1.5 billion, which is equal to that of the current target for 1991-92. It means that no provisions have been made for an increase in the level of the target, while it is already known that the need for food aid will continue to grow in the near future.

In that context my delegation fully supports the Executive Director of WFP to intensify the consultations with donor countries on the matter of making greater efforts towards reaching the target, at least to such an extent that it should be more than that which has been realized heretofore; moreover, that the cash component should constitute 30 percent of the pledge.

My delegation is optimistic in the sense that the proposed target will be reached, and its optimism is based on two considerations. First, the world is witnessing the emergence of a new international situation in which an atmosphere of confrontation and cold war has changed into an atmosphere in which consultation and compromise have germinated and grown. As this trend continues, at a given moment in the near future larger funds and manpower may be transformed from armament purposes to other fields of more peaceful activities, with special reference to economic development and raising the standards of living of many populations of the world.

Secondly, at this stage the WFP is undergoing a process of restructuring, which is aimed at greater efficiency in the management, as provided for in the amendment of the rules and regulations. This should be interpreted as a result of understanding and accord reached on the part of donor countries and on the part of recipient countries. This kind of consensus will, we hope, strengthen the confidence of the donor countries and make them decide to make available larger sources of aid to the Programme.

With regard to document C 91/LIM/5, my delegation is in agreement with the Draft Resolution on the target for WFP pledges covering the period 1993-94.

My delegation wishes to join the previous speakers in expressing our appreciation and profound thanks to Mr Ingram for the good, warm and close relationship of WFP and Indonesia, and for his personal and substantial contribution to the work of WFP.

Soumaila ISSAKA (Niger): M. le Président, je n'ai malheureusement pas pu être présent au moment où MM. Dutia et Ingram ont présenté ce point. Je m'en excuse mais, à écouter les félicitations et les compliments qui leur ont été adressés par les délégations intervenues depuis que je suis là, il n'est sans aucun doute que cela a été d'une qualité remarquable. Je les remercie donc et je m'associe aux félicitations qui leur ont été faites à cet égard.

M. le Président, le Niger est membre du CPA et, en cette qualité, il a largement contribué au débat et à l'examen relatif aux objectifs de contribution au Programme. Nous allons donc plutôt limiter notre intervention à trois points qui nous paraissent essentiels dans le cadre de cette Conférence.

Il s'agit premièrement d'apporter notre soutien aux projets concernant l'objectif de contribution. Bien sûr, ma délégation comme tant d'autres regrette que cet objectif n'ait pas été envisagé dans une perspective de croissance. Mais les analyses du Secrétariat et les débats qui se sont instaurés à cette occasion au sein du CPA prouvent que ces chiffres sont faits en fonction d'un certain réalisme. Il est certain malgré tout que les besoins des pays bénéficiaires de l'action du PAM sont immenses, que les besoins en matière d'aide alimentaire iront croissant dans un proche avenir et même à court terme. Il est également important de noter que le Programme

a fait preuve de son efficacité et de sa viabilité tant en matière de lutte contre la faim qu'en matière d'utilisation de l'aide alimentaire pour le développement.

Donc, toutes ces considérations nous font regretter davantage le fait que cet objectif n'ait pas, comme nous l'avons dit, été envisagé dans une perspective de croissance.

Le deuxième point que nous souhaitons évoquer est le suivant: Nous désirons que tous les pays donateurs qui participent aux contributions du PAM puissent répondre favorablement de façon à atteindre cet objectif malgré le manque de croissance qui le caractérise. Nous lançons donc un appel dans ce sens et nous saisissons l'occasion pour leur adresser également toutes nos félicitations et notre reconnaissance pour le soutien qu'ils ont toujours marqué pour le Programme.

M. le Président, les nouvelles perspectives envisagées pour l'administration du PAM devraient permettre justement d'atteindre cet objectif de contribution d'autant plus que ces réformes, si on peut les appeler ainsi, ont pour souci et ambition principale une meilleure responsabilisation, une meilleure gestion du Programme, et également une meilleure supervision de la part des pays membres à travers l'organe intergouvernemental qui est compétent en matière de politique et d'aide alimentaire du Programme.

Nous pensons que cela devrait renforcer davantage la confiance des donateurs et des pays membres à l'endroit du Programme.

La troisième idée c'est que nous souhaitons également que la proportion de contribution en espèces puisse être atteinte, et que les pays donateurs puissent, dans leur contribution volontaire au PAM, avoir comme souci de permettre la réalisation du tiers en contribution en espèces.

Pour terminer nous nous associons à tous ceux qui sont intervenus pour adresser leurs félicitations et exprimer leur reconnaissance à M. Ingram, Directeur exécutif du Programme, pour le travail important qu'il a effectué à la tête de cette Organisation, pour les résultats qu'il lui a fait atteindre, lui et tous ses collaborateurs, et pour l'avancée certaine que le Programme a eue sous sa direction. Nous lui en sommes reconnaissants, et nous tenons à l'exprimer de façon ferme à l'occasion de l'examen de ce point.

Gamal Mohd. AHMED (Sudan) (Original language Arabie): The delegation of Sudan would like to express appreciation to Mr Ingram, Executive Director of WFP, for the statement he made with regard to the Pledging Target of WFP. We would also like to thank Mr Dutia for his account of this matter on behalf of the Director-General.

Mr Chairman, my country's delegation supports document C 91/LIM/5 and its contents. However, we do feel some concern with regard to the question of zero growth in the budget for 1993-94 and we know that food-aid needs are increasing and that many countries have, for a long time, been suffering a deterioration in their economies and in their capacities and natural resources. This requires an increase in the volume of the Programme's intervention. My country supports the invitation made for contributions in

cash of up to one third so as to allow the WFP to meet its obligations and to be able to work better, in particular in the aid it provides to developing countries.

We also support, like other delegations who have spoken before us, the figure of US$1.5 billion targeted for 1993-94, and we renew our appeal to donors to pay their contributions up to the amount set.

Now that we are talking about the World Food Programme, I would like to congratulate Mr Ingram. We have had dealings with him during a very difficult period in our country and we know that Mr Ingram is a very competent person. He is a man of extraordinary skills and ability as has been shown by his work as the head of WFP and elsewhere. I recognize that Mr James Ingram has introduced a number of changes into the WFP. He has been very effective in the provision of aid and he has turned the WFP into a very effective tool of development. We cannot express enough our appreciation and admiration of Mr Ingram, and I would like to convey to him the thanks and gratitude of all hungry people who have been fed thanks to the WFP. We wish him every success and a happy, long life.

Assefa YILALA (Ethiopia): Thank you for giving me the floor, Mr Chairman, to speak on this important item. Like other delegations who have spoken before us, the Ethiopian delegation would like to thank Mr Dutia, the Executive Director, Mr Ingram, on the Programme and the introduction of the document before us. We also endorse and support the pledging target presented in the Resolution and the document placed before the Conference, including the one third cash contribution.

In supporting this pledging target, our delegation felt that we should put it on the record that the principle of zero growth is placing its foothold on food aid at a time when the world's hungry and poor are growing. We are deeply concerned with the development of this situation and express our agreement with the concerns that have been clearly indicated by the distinguished Ambassador of Colombia, the representative of Cuba, the representative of Madagascar and the representative of India. We hope that this situation is looked into for a possible positive growth in future considerations.

It is particularly worrying to note that the pledging target being set is at the same level as that of the biennium before it when the global need for it is both critical and alarming. We are sensitive to situations of zero growth and feel its implications when we look at the critical food shortage that is being faced by our country and becomes even more painful when the contribution is lower than the pledging target itself. We hope to see that the pledges are contributed expeditiously and in full.

Finally, Mr Chairman, the Ethiopian delegation would also like to express its voice of appreciation for the noble services that the Executive Director, Mr Ingram, has rendered during his term of office as the Executive Director of the World Food Programme.

Daniel D.C. DON NANJIRA (Kenya): Mr Chairman, this is a rather special meeting for several reasons. One is that we have on the podium two very important personalities who are retiring from public office. Many of us may not know that you yourself, Mr Chairman, are retiring. I happen to know

this and after such a very long association of yours with the UN, it is important that we also pay tribute to you for the excellent manner in which you have been guiding the work of this Commission. I remember I asked you how you kept fit over the years and you said that the secret is in hard work. Not many of us work so hard but as an example if you work hard you can always have the kind of energy that you have displayed. We are grateful to you and I hope that you enjoy your retirement and continue in other ways to make valuable contributions to the work of the UN.

The other personality who is retiring from public service is, of course, Mr Ingram. I happen to be one of those delegates who in the past year or so have been working closely with the WFP, because I happen to be the Chairman of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes and I know the kind of assistance that Mr Ingram and his staff have given to us. I think the Ambassador of Colombia has said it when he mentioned that it has been a difficult period and the special qualities of Mr Ingram have been "These are my views. You are the Government Representatives. Decide." It is a rare thing indeed because the normal thing is to impose certain things on delegations and that is when the wrangling starts. When you get somebody who says "These are my views. I think this is what is good for the system but it is up to your Governments to decide", that is excellent. We, who have really worked in such an atmosphere, have been very grateful for the way in which Mr Ingram has guided the work of the World Food Programme.

I want to inform you, and I am sure you know this already, obviously the achievements that have been made in obtaining the basic texts amended, of course, have been made by the membership of the various countries but we must not forget really that the game was started by the Executive Director who thought that it was essential that this extremely important body did have the efficiency and the effectiveness it required in order to deal with the problems of emergencies and food aid. Food aid is required to deal with emergencies and food aid is an important tool for development. It was Mr Ingram who studied it and I think after a long discussion the membership took over and as soon as they took over, within one day, the job was done. You will see the importance of Member Governments participating in these discussions. Therefore, it is rare, is it not, Mr Chairman that Mr Ingram should retire when he has achieved this? Usually for human beings we want to be around to enjoy the things we have done at least under difficult circumstances but when we have achieved something and then go it is a rare quality and I think it deserves praise. Mr Ingram, we are grateful to you that you have made us see the importance of this Organization which serves all our countries and the people who inhabit them.

Mr Chairman, food aid is both a tool for development and it is obviously required to deal with emergencies. This is something that has been said here and, of course, I would like to repeat it myself. The problem we have these days is that emergencies are on the increase. They are complex and unless you have a system in place which is going to be consistent to deal with them effectively it is going to be very difficult, but I must say that Africa perhaps is the continent where the complexity of these emergencies has become a very difficult thing to deal with. The WFP has been very helpful. In the whole of Africa, for example, we have many problems. There is a very critical situation. The natural calamities are very negatively affecting the economies of these countries and millions of people are either dying or facing starvation.

Hence the importance of having an effective and efficient system in WFP to assist. Obviously WFP does collaborate with other agencies of the UN system; and obviously we have been grateful, but problems are on the increase and there will need to be a coordinated approach so that the problems of refugees can be settled.

The problems of the countries, for example, in the Horn of Africa, can be dealt with so that reconstruction and development can be restored to these countries, the refugees and displaced persons can be resettled and the food and agriculture situation of these countries can be improved. Obviously you cannot do this unless there is a systematic approach to these problems.

Recently, in July, Mr Ingram led a very, very successful Inter-Agency mission to the Horn of Africa, and with this mission, he visited my country where he held very useful discussions with the Kenyan Government; and, I am sure, with the Governments of the countries of the Horn. It was through that that the awareness of the need to deal with these problems has been really increased, and therefore it is gratifying that we are now dealing with a Resolution on pledging which asks for increased contributions to the World Food Programme.

Without resources, needless to say, projects cannot be implemented and therefore we are very pleased that the figure has been pointed out in these documents, which target we hope will be met very soon. We call upon those in a position to do so - and in particular the developed countries - to pledge, so that the resources required to enable this Organization can be made available; so that assistance can be given to the countries of the developing world that must be assisted if they are going to survive at all. As I have said, the situation is getting worse. The 1990s are full of calamities, and even beyond the 1990s we are going to have problems, hence the need for everybody to provide assistance.

I would like to pay special tribute to the staff of the World Food Programme, both those at Headquarters and in the field. They are a small organization but they have been working with competence and complete dedication, and we will always look forward to collaborating with them in the assistance which they provide to the needy peoples of the world.

Mr Dutia has made an introductory statement, of course, and my delegation is grateful to him for this statement, in which he has introduced the item; and we are also grateful to him for the documentation that has been made available to us.

Finally, Mr Chairman, I go back to Mr Ingram's situation. It has been said that this is the last FAO Conference that Mr Ingram will be attending. I think we know that he is still around here, and we will always look forward to getting at least the last assistance that we can get from him before he leaves the UN system.

C.B. HOUTMAN (Netherlands): I have pleasure in speaking on behalf of the European Community.

I will not speak on the substance of this Agenda Item. All of us have positively expressed our views on the target earlier, whether in the CFA, the Council, ECOSOC or the Second Commission. But we would like to add words of gratitude to Mr Ingram. We have worked hard with him to make of

the Programme what it is now. In reaching certain goals, not everybody was thinking along the same lines, but it was good that in such circumstances we could always have constructive discussions that led to decisions that were always aimed at improving the work of the Programme. The guidance of Mr Ingram in these discussions was indispensable; therefore once again we join in the good words that have been said, and of course also with the good wishes.

The brevity of two words sometimes seems not to be enough to express feelings of gratitude. Nevertheless I use them with the fullest sense of their content, and therefore I conclude with, "Thank You, Mr Ingram".

Parviz KARBASI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): I would like to congratulate Mr Dutia and Mr Ingram for their statements. My delegation would like to support the Draft Resolution of C 91/LIM/5, and we agree with the pledging target for WFP.

My delegation would like to join with all the delegates, particularly the deserved words and praise which were stated by the distinguished Ambassador of Colombia, Mr Bula Hoyos, to Mr Ingram.

I had the honour to be ex officio Chairman of the Working Group for the preparation of the new regulation for the World Food Programme. This gave me the chance to know Mr Ingram in more depth. I would simply like to say that Mr Ingram worked for the Organization, and did not let the Organization work for him but for the goal of the Organization and the poor people in the world. Mr Ingram, you should be sure that you are in the hearts of many, and many hungry people that through your leadership were fed and got work.

On behalf of the Islamic Republic of Iran, I would like to convey to you, Mr Ingram, and your staff thanks and full appreciation for all the efforts you have made; and God bless you and your family - health, success and happiness.

Sra. Marta C. VAZQUEZ VAZQUEZ (México): Seré muy breve. En primer lugar, la delegación de México desea felicitar al Sr. James Ingram y al Sr. Dutia por sus excelentes presentaciones. En segundo lugar, mi delegación apoya la Resolución contenida en el documento C 91/LIM/5 el cual contiene el objetivo de promesas de contribución para el Programa Ordinario del PMA, toda vez que el mismo estará orientado a continuar financiando la asistencia al PMA y a los proyectos de desarrollo. En tercer lugar, la delegación mexicana exhorta a los países donantes a que de conformidad con el Artículo 3(a)(i) de las Normas Generales del PMA, al menos una tercera parte de las promesas totales que se hagan al Programa se entreguen en efectivo a fin de que el PMA pueda continuar con sus labores y cumpliendo con los objetivos y funciones para los cuales fue creado.

Finalmente, la delegación mexicana se une al reconocimiento y homenaje hecho por las distinguidas delegaciones que me precedieron en mi intervención por la importante y dinámica labor realizada por el Sr. James Ingram, que sin duda será un ejemplo a seguir.

Amor Ben ROMDHANE (Tunisie): Je remercie M. Dutia de cette introduction extrêmement utile. Ma délégation a écouté avec la plus vive attention l'exposé du Directeur exécutif du Programme alimentaire mondial, M. Ingram. Nous aimerions remercier M. Ingram qui a évoqué tous les aspects de l'aide alimentaire, et nous voulons reconnaître à leur juste valeur tous les services rendus par M. Ingram, contributions extrêmement positives et qui ont fait de ce Programme alimentaire mondial un instrument très utile vers lequel se tournent tous ceux qui ont faim dans le monde, afin que leurs espérances soient comblées. Nous voudrions exprimer notre gratitude, nos remerciements, notre affection, à M. James Ingram pour les services concrets qu'il a rendus pour le palmarès du Programme alimentaire mondial, que ce soit sur le terrain ou ici, au Siège.

L'aide alimentaire, en fait, a atteint ses objectifs. Et sur cette base, la délégation de la Tunisie donne son approbation à la Résolution présentée à la Conférence, en espérant que cette résolution nous permettra de nous acquitter de nos tâches et que les objectifs de contributions seront atteints pour 1993-94. Nous pensons que l'aide alimentaire multilatérale présente de nombreux avantages, notamment lorsqu'elle est livrée par le Programme alimentaire mondial depuis sa création. Et nous pensons que ces contributions revêtent une importance capitale pour permettre au Programme de se poursuivre, de faire des investissements d'équipements, et de s'acquitter de son mandat qui est de distribuer de l'aide alimentaire d'urgence.

Nous voudrions demander instamment aux donateurs de verser une partie de leurs contributions en espèces, à savoir un tiers, afin que ce Programme puisse aller de l'avant et remplisse son mandat.

Nous aimerions également profiter de l'occasion pour remercier les pays donateurs qui ont fourni leur soutien au Programme alimentaire mondial, et pour les contributions positives au développement des PVD, grâce à l'aide alimentaire. Merci.

Pinit KORSIEPORN (Thailand): I shall be very brief. The delegation of Thailand would like to endorse the Resolution Target for World Food Programme pledges for the period 1993-94. We also fully associate ourselves with the previous speakers in complimenting Mr Ingram on the success of the World Food Programme. After his retirement we wish him and his family all the best.

My final point is that my Government would like to register its appreciation of the work of the World Food Programme and other organizations in assisting the refugees who temporarily live in camps in my country. The World Food Programme, in cooperation with other international organizations, including non-governmental organizations, will continue to help the refugees to return safely to their countries in the near future.

Mansur SEGHAYER (Libya) (Original language Arabic): My country's delegation approves the Draft Resolution submitted to our Commission on the Pledging Target for the World Food Programme of US$1.5 billion. This is the pledging target for the financial resources for the Programme for 1993-94.

Finally, my country's delegation would like to join all other delegations who have taken the floor to, in turn, thank Mr James Ingram and all who work with him for the valiant efforts which have been made to ensure the complete success of the World Food Programme. We hope this example will be followed everywhere.

Michel MOMBOULI (Congo): M. le Président, à en croire les Présidents et orateurs qui sont intervenus avant nous, M. Ingram et M. Dutia ont fait des exposés liminaires complets et fort intéressants.

Nous regrettons de n'avoir pas pu être dans la salle à ce moment-là, pour des raisons indépendantes de notre volonté. Mais nous croyons bien que tel a été le cas.

Le Congo est membre du CPA; il est également membre du Conseil de la FAO; et à ce titre, il est intimement lié au processus qui a conduit aux deux documents actuellement en cours d'examen.

Pour ces deux raisons, nous serons donc brefs. Pour en venir au sujet qui nous occupe, à savoir l'objectif de contribution du PAM pour 1993-94, nous voulons rappeler que le Congo est opposé au principe de croissance zéro, qu'il s'agisse de la FAO à laquelle le Congo contribue, ou qu'il s'agisse des programmes à but humanitaire tel le PAM, ceci par souci d'équité et en considération de la gravité de la situation alimentaire des pays en développement, dont les besoins sont de plus en plus importants face au nombre de plus en plus élevé de situations d'urgence.

C'est donc en toute logique que nous regrettons que dans le cas du PAM l'objectif de contribution pour le prochain biennium ait été fixé à seulement 1.5 milliard de dollars. Toutefois, par esprit de compromis et non de compromission, nous pensons que nous pouvons nous associer au consensus qui se profile en faveur de cet objectif de 1.5 milliard de dollars pour le prochain biennium 1993-94 du PAM. Dans le cadre de ce consensus, nous exhortons tous ceux qui peuvent le faire et les pays développés en particulier à contribuer généreusement afin que cet objectif soit atteint, voire dépassé.

M. le Président, comme mentionné dans les textes de base du PAM, nous aimerions réitérer la recommandation demandant que les contributions soient versées dans les proportions de deux tiers en vivres et un tiers en espèces, ce dernier tiers étant destiné à assurer la logistique qui doit faciliter la fourniture aux groupes cibles bénéficiaires de l'aide.

M. le Président, compte tenu de tout ce qui précède, nous ne pouvons qu'appuyer en conséquence le projet de Résolution qui nous est soumis dans le document C 91/LIM/5.

Pour terminer, nous aimerions saisir cette occasion solennelle pour remercier M. Ingram de l'oeuvre colossale accomplie par lui pendant ses différents mandats successifs à la tête du Programme alimentaire mondial. Nous lui souhaitons santé de fer, prospérité et plein succès dans ses prochaines entreprises.

M. le Président, notre ami du Kenya nous a fait une révélation. En effet, nous ne savions pas que vous partiez en retraite. Et comme l'information nous est donnée maintenant, nous voudrions également que vous acceptiez

tous nos meilleurs voeux afin que, pour vous aussi, tout ce que vous allez entreprendre dans le futur réussisse et que, aussi bien votre famille que vous-même, disposiez d'une santé de fer.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you for your kind remarks.

Oscar MAS HERRERA (Costa Rica): Mi delegación quisiera unir su voz al resto de las delegaciones que han justamente alabado la excelente labor del Sr. Ingram a la cabeza del Programa Mundial de Alimentación.

Hace unos meses, mi pais sufrió el embate de un terremoto que asoló la región atlántica y me consta cómo el PMA, con el Sr. Ingram a la cabeza se precipitó a colaborar con Costa Rica durante el siniestro.

Quisiera aprovechar la oportunidad para subrayar de un modo especifico la labor del Sr. Domingo Donida, oficial de alto nivel dentro del PMA, por su trabajo en general en favor de América Latina y especificamente en favor de mi país.

Sr. Ingram, la delegación de Costa Rica agradecida, le desea lo mejor para su futuro, que lo augura de estrellas.

Ibrahima KABA (Guinée): M. le Président, la délégation de mon pays associe sa voix à celles qui l'ont précédée pour renouveler son soutien au projet de résolution fixant l'objectif des contributions du PAM et soumis à notre examen. Nous saisissons l'occasion qui nous est offerte pour remercier les pays donateurs pour leur soutien indispensable, et féliciter M. Ingram pour ses services inestimables en faveur des plus nécessiteux. Mon pays, la Guinée, se souviendra toujours de l'apport efficace du PAM sous votre mandat, M. Ingram, au programme de redressement économique en cours. M. Ingram, nos meilleurs voeux vous accompagnent.

Kiichi NARITA (Japan): First of all, my delegation would like to apologize for coming late to this Commission this morning, when this very important Agenda Item was being discussed, and also for having missed the remarks made by Mr Ingram and Mr Dutia. Japan, as a member of CFA and FAO Council, approved the pledging target for 1993-94 without any problems. As my delegation said in the last CFA, it is very important for all donor countries to make every effort to achieve this target.

My delegation would also like to associate itself wholeheartedly with previous speakers in appreciating all Mr Ingram's efforts over the last ten years to lead the World Food Programme in the right direction.

Ulrich KNÜPPEL (CEE): M. le Président, j'aimerais me joindre aux paroles du représentant parlant aussi au nom de la Communauté européenne qui a exprimé notre haute estime pour le travail accompli par M. Ingram et son Organisation. J'aimerais par ailleurs remercier M. Ingram et M. Dutia pour leur introduction succincte mais substantielle.

Tout au long de cette année de crise alimentaire en Afrique subsaharienne, nous avons dû répondre en priorité à des situations d'urgence par le biais de l'aide alimentaire. Néanmoins, il ne faut pas perdre de vue la contribution que l'aide alimentaire doit apporter au développement économique et social équilibré et ce point à l'ordre du jour nous donne l'opportunité d'y réfléchir: l'objectif des contributions du PAM concerne principalement des projets de développement.

La Communauté estime réaliste la proposition de fixer l'objectif des contributions pour l'exercice 1993-94 à 1,5 milliard de dollars, soit le même niveau que celui de l'exercice en cours. L'objectif est réaliste si l'on tient compte des possibilités des donateurs, mais également de la capacité du Programme de soutenir des projets viables.

En ce qui concerne la Communauté Economique Européenne, je peux vous assurer qu'elle compte maintenir le niveau de son aide alimentaire pour les pays en voie de développement toujours en termes de quantités de produits. En outre, la Communauté sera toujours prête à une contribution substantielle en réponse aux éventuelles crises exceptionnelles. Je vous rappelle que cette année, la Communauté européenne et ses Etats Membres ont agi de cette façon dans le cadre de la crise africaine, en décidant un programme d'aide alimentaire et logistique supplémentaire d'un montant global d'environ 230 millions d'ECU. Il est toutefois difficile de s'attendre à une augmentation globale des ressources d'aide alimentaire destinée aux projets de développement.

En ce qui concerne les opérations du PAM, le défi de l'exercice 1993-94 sera de répondre mieux à des besoins toujours croissants et en utilisant d'une façon intégrée l'aide alimentaire et les autres formes d'aide.

Nous sommes conscients que les objectifs du passé n'ont pas été réalisés mais nous pensons qu'un objectif fixé à un niveau réaliste qui tienne compte des besoins et des capacités réelles de mise en oeuvre peut être réalisé.

CHAIRMAN: We have listened to 28 delegates speaking. I now give the floor to Mr Ingram to reply.

James INGRAM (Executive Director, World Food Programme): We are of course gratified that the Commission is approving the Resolution. Targets are one thing; it is the fulfilment of targets that really counts and we look forward to receiving your pledges at the Pledging Conference next year. It is very important indeed that the target be reached, and I cannot emphasize that enough.

I would also like to thank the delegations for the remarks they made about the dedication of the WFP staff. Such successes as I have achieved, to which many of you have been kind enough to refer, owe everything to the support I have received from the offices of the World Food Programme. While this is my last meeting with the Conference of FAO, I am looking forward very much to the last session of the CFA, in which I will participate, which meets next month. So I am not going to share with you my final thoughts at this time; I will do so then. However, something was said by one delegate in his generous remarks that I would like to mention. He offered thanks from all the people who have been hungry and who have been

fed. Then another delegate said "those who have been fed and get the work". Of course, that is what is rather gratifying about being the Executive Director of WFP. When you go into the countries with which we work and see what is done and meet the people who "get the work", say, in a food-for-work project, you know that, while food aid may have its detractors rather unfairly on the whole, I think in practice, the work of WFP does get through to people.

That is rather something, because so much of what we talk about - development and aid, and so on - is, in fact, very abstract. A great deal of it does not get through. So, I should like to say that, for me, the real satisfaction in working with WFP has been that our work gets through to people.

I thank you, Mr Chairman, and I thank the delegates who have been so kind in their remarks about me and for their very good wishes for the future. I can only say what the delegate of the Netherlands said, many words do not necessarily mean that much, and I also say thank you to all of you.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you sincerely, Mr Ingram.

That only leaves it for me to summarize a little, which is not so difficult.

My first point is that there is complete agreement on the Draft Resolution which will be forwarded to Plenary. In the report, I think we should express the hope that the target indicated will be fulfilled, because this is really the crux of the matter.

My second point is that quite a number of delegates has been speaking about the cash component of the pledging target. Again, I think that should be underlined here.

The third point - and again it has been touched upon - is the balance between development projects on the one hand and emergency assistance on the other. It has moved over the past two years into a different kind of balance to earlier on. I think this should be mentioned.

My fourth point is on a question which was brought up by Mr Ingram on the fact that WFP is more than just a pledging target and the consequences; it is a much wider Programme with a large amount of logistic support to developers outside the Programme as such.

My last point - we cannot evade this, and I would not - in the Report we should say once again thank you to Mr Ingram and to his associates.

That concludes Item 21.



CHAIRMAN: C 91/II/REP/4 has been distributed to the Commission. The Chairman of the Drafting Committee has kindly come here to help us, and I will now give him the floor.

Horacio M. CARANDANG (Chairman, Drafting Committee): I would say very briefly that the Drafting Committee took extra care to reflect the conclusions that have been reached by the Commission on this item, as well as the views which have been expressed during the debate.

All the different groups were, of course, represented in the Drafting Committee. We hope that the Report which is before you is acceptable to all members of the Commission.

That is all I have to say.

Paragraphs 1 to 18 approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 18, sont approuvés
párrafos 1 a 18, son aprobados

Draft Report of Commission II, Part 4, was adopted
Le Projet de Rapport de la Commission II, quatrième partie, est adopté
Proyecto de Informe de la Comisión II, Parte 4, es aprobado

CHAIRMAN: I wish to compliment the Chairman of the Drafting Committee.

The meeting is adjourned until 14.30 hours this afternoon.

The meeting rose at 12.30 hours.
La séance est levée à 12 h 30.
Se levanta la sesión a las 12.30 horas.

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