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In accordance with a request from the Government of the Philippines for assistance to the Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) for the development of the fishery resources of Laguna de Bay, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations under the United Nations Development Programme (Technical Assistance Sector) appointed Mr. Yoel Pruginin as a fish culturist. Mr. Pruginin served in the Philippines from 28 June to 18 August 1971.

1.1 Terms of Reference

As originally proposed by the Government, the expert services were requested to prepare recommendations and a broad course of action for total development of the Laguna de Bay fishery. The scope of coverage included hatchery development, consideration of new species, intensive fishery production in fish ponds, fish corrals and other confined areas and general development of the lake fishery. However, the proposal was considered too broad for one expert to fill, so it was modified primarily to consideration of fish culture development for intensive fishery production within confined areas in/or adjacent to the lake. The expert's terms of reference then were: to review the current activities and proposals for fish culture development in the Laguna de Bay area; to assess the potential for fish production in various types of rearing areas and recommend appropriate species combinations to be used, and to formulate, in consultation with appropriate authorities, a programme of fish culture development, if found feasible.

Immediately after arrival in Manila, the expert began work on the project, following orientation meetings with officials of the LLDA and other fishery officials and first visual surveys were made around the lake, with visits to the proposed fish pond sites in the area and existing Government stations.

1.2 Acknowledgements

FAO is greatly indebted to the many people who collaborated with the expert during his assignment and who offered their helpful advice and assistance. The entire assignment was carried out in close collaboration with the LLDA and Mr. Vicente C. Lavides, Jr., General Manager, was consulted and he furnished necessary guidance on the programme and development goals of the Authority. Mrs. Medina Delmendo, LLDA Regional Fishery Development Officer, was instrumental in programme arrangement for the expert and in furnishing technical information on all aspects of the LLDA fishery development programme. Mr. Robert H. Gedney of the United Nations Office of Technical Co-operation, Senior Technical Adviser to the LLDA, aided in programme arrangements and in editing and preparation of this report. Special notes of appreciation are due to Mr. Yun-an Tang, long time FAO Inland Fishery Biologist in the Philippines, who extended full professional cooperation with his experience, and to Dr. H.R. Rabanal, Fishery Biologist, FAO, Rome, for useful suggestions in the formulation of the programme of work of the expert.

Others who were consulted and provided valuable assistance during the project were: Mr. Teodor Baguilat, Manager, Planning, Research, Programming Division, and Mr. Sancho Vitales, Manager, Operations Division, LLDA; Mr. Andres M. Mane, Commissioner, and Mr. Felix Gonzales, Deputy Commissioner, Philippine Fisheries Commission; Professor Rogelio B. Juliano, Dean, and Professor Jose G. Carreon, Director, Fisheries Research Institute, University of the Philippines, College of Fisheries, Mr. Dougleas L. Tinsler, International Development Intern, United States Agency for International Development; Hon. Arturo Tanco, Jr., Secretary, Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources; and in the United Nations Development Programme, Office of the Resident Representative, Mr. William M. Harding, Resident Representative, Mr. Thomas M. Unwin, Deputy Resident Representative, Dr. Horst B.K. Geuting, Senior Agricultural Adviser/FAO Country Representative.

1.3 Background Information on the LLDA

The LLDA is a semi-public corporate body authorized by a 1966 Government enabling act. The LLDA was formally organized in October 1969. The Authority is empowered to survey potentialities of the region, draft comprehensive economic plans and implement plans; provide investors with assistance in planning management and technical phases; evaluate and approve development plans, programmes and projects of private and public institutions; to extend financial assistance or guarantees to worthwhile agricultural, industrial and commercial enterprises, and undertake reclamation projects. The regional area of responsibility of the Authority is shown on the map in Fig.1 and includes the provinces of Rizal, Laguna and the five chartered cities of Manila, Caloocan, Pasay, Quezon and San Pablo. The Authority has a paid-up capitalization of 5 million1 and an authorized capitalization of 100 million, of which 60 percent must be in the public sector and 40 percent in the private sector.

1 U.S. $1.00 = 6.40, rate floating (August 1971)

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