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CL 59/1Agenda of the Council
CL 59/1(a)Annotated Agenda
CL 59/1(b)Methods of Work of the Council During the Fifty-Ninth Session - Note by the Independent Chairman of the Council
CL 59/1(b)-Corr.1 English onlyCorrigendum to above
CL 59/2Review of FAO Statutory Bodies
CL 59/3UNDP Project Execution
CL 59/4Review of the Work of the Joint Inspection Unit
CL 59/4-Corr.1 English onlyCorrigendum to above
CL 59/4-Sup.1Supplement to above
CL 59/5-Rev.1FAO/UNIDO Cooperation
CL 59/5-Rev.1 -Add.1Addition to above
CL 59/6JIU Report on Country Programming and After
CL 59/7Report of the Joint Meeting of the Programme and Finance Committees - Report of the Twenty-First Session of the Programme Committee - Report of the Twenty-Seventh Session of the Finance Committee
CL 59/8The State of Food and Agriculture 1972
CL 59/8-Corr.1 English onlyCorrigendum to above
CL 59/9Report of the First Session of the Committee on Agriculture (COAG)
CL 59/9-Sup.1Summary of the above
CL 59/10Report of the First Session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO)
CL 59/10-Corr.1 French onlyCorrigendum to CL 59/10
CL 59/10-Corr.2 French onlyCorrigendum to CL 59/10
CL 59/10-Corr.3 Spanish onlyCorrigendum to CL 59/10
CL 59/11Tenth Annual Report of the United Nations/FAO
 Intergovernmental Committee of the World Food Programme
CL 59/12Report on the Role and Functions of the Regional Offices and Country Offices, and their Relation to the Role and Functions of Headquarters
CL 59/13Report of the Seventh Session of the Committee on Fisheries, (including a Review of the Functions of COFI)
CL 59/14Medium-Term Objectives and Priorities (including a Summary of the Recommendations formulated by the Regional Conferences)
CL 59/14-Add.1Addendum to above
CL 59/15International Information System for the Agricultural
 Sciences and Technology (AGRIS): Progress Report
CL 59/15-Corr.1 English onlyCorrigendum to CL 59/15
CL 59/15-Supp.1Supplement to CL 59/15
CL 59/16The Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Atomic Energy in Food and Agriculture
CL 59/16-Corr.1Corrigendum to above
CL 59/17[No document]
CL 59/18Implications of the Action Plan of the UN Conference on the Human Environment on FAO Programmes
CL 59/18-Corr.1 English onlyCorrigendum to above
CL 59/19Amendment to World Food Programme General Regulation 24 (Budget Cycle)
CL 59/20Report on Treatment of Water Resources Development in the UN Family of Organizations (JIU/REP/72/3)
CL 59/21First Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Methods of Work of the Council
CL 59/22Report of the Joint Meeting of the Programme and Finance Committees - Report of the Twenty-Second Session of the Programme Committee, Report of the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Finance Committee
CL 59/22-Corr.1 English onlyCorrigendum to above
CL 59/23Seventh World Forestry Congress (Buenos Aires October 1972)
CL 59/24First Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Increasing the Production and Use of Edible Proteins
CL 59/25Streamlining FAO (Note by the Director-General)
CL 59/25-Add.1Streamlining FAO - Revised Programme Structure
CL 59/25-Add.2Diagram of Revised Distribution of Functions as set out in CL 59/25
CL 59/26Report of the Twenty-Sixth Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM)
CL 59/27Matters Arising out of the UN General Assembly, ECOSOC, ACC, UNDP Governing Council and UNCTAD III
CL 59/28Report of the Forty-Seventh Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP)
CL 59/29[No document]
CL 59/30FAO Activities Related to Agricultural Research
CL 59/31FAO Policy on Publication of Periodicals, Including CERES
CL 59/32[No document]
CL 59/33First Report on Unscheduled Session of FAO Bodies in the 1972–73 Biennium
CL 59/34Joint FAO/WHO/OAU Regional Food and Nutrition Commission for Africa
CL 59/35Management/Staff Relations
CL 59/35-Add.1Annex I -Management/Staff Relations
CL 59/36Fourth Report on the Activities of the Joint
 Inspection Unit (July 1971–June 1972)
CL 59/INF Series 
CL 59/INF/1Information for Delegates and Observers
CL 59/INF/2Statement by the Director-General
CL 59/INF/3-Rev.1Provisional Timetable for the session
CL 59/INF/4Election of Four Members of IGC
CL 59/INF/5Nomination Form for Intergovernmental Committee of the World Food Programme (FAO Membership)
CL 59/INF/6Summary of Recommendations of the FAO Regional Conferences
CL 59/LIM Series 
CL 59/LIM/1Financial Position of the Organization
CL 59/LIM/2Progress Report on Cooperation Between FAO and UNDP: Measures for Improving Project Delivery and Field Performances
CL 59/LIM/3Invitations to Non-Members Nations to attend FAO Sessions
CL 59/LIM/4WFP Accounts - 1971
CL 59/LIM/5Appointment of Alternate Chairman of FAO
Appeals Committee
CL 59/LIM/6Role and Functions of the Regional Offices and Country Offices and their Relation to the Role and Functions of Headquarters
CL 59/INF/7Provisional List of Delegates and Observers (Fourth Draft)
CL 59/INF/8Increase in the Number of Council Seats
CL 59/INF/9List of Documents
CL 59/INF/10The Problem of the Programme of Work and Budget Cycle
CL 59/INF/10 Corr. 1 French onlyCorrigendum to CL 59/INF/10
Corrigendum to CL 59/INF/10
CL 59/INF/10 Corr. 2 English onlyCorrigendum to CL 59/INF/10
CL 59/INF/11List of Preparatory Documents
CL 59/OD Series 
CL 59/OD/1 to CL 59/OD/10First to Tenth Orders of the Day of the
CL 59/REP Series 
CL 59/CW/REPDraft Report of the Committee-of-the-Whole
CL 59/CW/REP Sup.1
CL 59/REP/1Draft Report of the Council
CL 59/REP/1- Corr. 1
CL 59/REP/2
CL 59/REP/2- Corr. 1
CL 59/REP/3
CL 59/REP/4
CL 59/REP/5
CL 59/PV Series 
CL 59/PV/1 to CL 59/PV/20First to Twentieth Verbatim Records of the Council

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