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FAO collectionsSpeciesNo. of provenancesType or altitudeAmount (g)
a.Western AustraliaEucalyptus camaldulensis1   3 032
           "      gomphocephala2   4 506
           "      kingsmillii1      169
           "      occidentalis2      992
           "      oleosa2   1 700
           "      sargentii2      396
b.Tasmania Eucalyptus dalrympleana/viminalis7   2 381
           "      delegatensis9 13 040
           "      globulus1   3 514
c.South Australia-VictoriaEucalyptus leucoxylon6   3 742
d.Portuguese Timor Eucalyptus ‘decaisneana’2up to 1300m     453
           "           "21300–2300m  2 154
           "           "42300–3100m     481
           "        alba1North coast type       56
           "           "1Mountain type     510
           "           "1South coast type  3 940
e.North Queensland Araucaria cunninghamii2 83.805
  Eucalyptus camaldulensis3   1.843
  E.              citriodora2      651
  E.              cloeziana2   3.850
  E.              robusta1      368
Collections by other authorities or individuals
a.Northern Territory Administration Callitris intratropica3   3 175
   Eucalyptus miniata2   2 268
       "           microtheca1      254
b.Queensland Forest ServiceAraucaria cunninghamii3 27 216
c.Forest Department Papua, New GuineaAraucaria cunninghamii1   9 072
  Eucalyptus deglupta1      453
d.Private collectors Acacia binervata2   2 721
       "    elata1   4 082

Smaller quantities of the following species were also collected:

Western Australia: Eucalyptus anceps, E. angulosa, E. brockwayi, E. burracoppinensis, E. calycogona, E. campaspe, E. carnei, E. clelandii, E. concinna, E. aff.conglobata, E. cornuta, E. corrugata, E. cylindriflora, E. dielsii, E. diptera, E. diversifolia, E. dumosa, E. dundasii, E. ebbanoensis, E. eremophila, E. erythronema, E. flocktoniae, E. foecunda, E. forrestiana, E. gomphocornuta, E. gonglylocarpa, E. gracilis, E. grossa, E. jutsonii, E. kondininensis, E. leptophylla, E. leptopoda, E. lesouefii, E. loxophleba, E. marginata, E. melanoxylon, E. oldfieldii, E. oleosa (and varieties), E. platycorys, E. pterocarpa, E. redunca, E. rudis, E. salmonophloia, E. sheathiana, E. spathulata, E. stricklandii, E. tetragona, E. tetraptera, E. torquata, E. transcontinentalis, E. uncinata, E. wandoo, E. websterana.

The total amount collected for FAO was 39 916 g of seed.

North Queensland: Eucalyptus alba, E. brassii, E. cambageana, E. exserta, E.pachycalyx, E. peltata, E. polycarpa, E. shirleyi, E. tereticornis.

The total amount collected for FAO was 90 517 g of seed.

Tasmania: Eucalyptus amygdalina (2), E. gunnii (3), E. johnstoni (2), E. obliqua (2), E. ovata (3), E. pauciflora (2), E. regnans (4), E. sieberi (1), E. tasmanica (2). (The figure in brackets indicates the number of provenances).

The total amount collected for FAO was 25 855 g of seed.

North Queensland: Eucalyptus camaldulensis, E. citriodora.

The demand for high quality seed of Australian tree species has continued to increase. In 1970 the Seed Section of the Forest Research Institute received 331 requests for seed, equalling 2 676 samples. Many of the requests were for seed collected with assistance of FAO funds. Seed was sent to 72 countries.

Seeds from the 1969 collections in the Philippines and Indonesia have been in strong demand. Eucalyptus deglupta seed was distributed to 22 countries, Pinus kesiya to 30 countries and Pinus merkusii to 25 countries. Most of the seed of E. deglupta and P. merkusii has now been distributed.

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