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Provisional Leaders of Divisions and Working Groups

In 1971 a reorganization of the research units of the International Union of Forestry Research Organizations was undertaken. Acting leaders were nominated for Divisions and Subject Groups at the XV IUFRO Congress in Gainesville, Florida in March 1971, to work as acting leaders until approved by the Executive Board of IUFRO. The new organization was to be effective 1 January 1972.

R.Z. Callaham, USA was nominated coordinator of Division 2, dealing with Forest Plants and Forest Protection. E. Björkman, Sweden, was nominated Deputy leader of the Division. Subject Group S 2.02 within the above mentioned Division deals with species, provenances and gene resources (coordinator M. Hagman, Finland). The Working Parties of the Subject Group and their coordinators are listed below:

S 2.02.1.Dendrology (H. Styles, U.K.)
 .2.Conservation of gene resources (L. Roche, Canada)
 .3.Genetic characteristics of species (S. Kedharnath, India)
 .4.Procurement of seeds (H. Barner, Denmark)
 .5.Douglas fir (H. Hattemer, Germany)
 .6.Contorta pine (R. Lines, U.K.)
 .7.Japanese larch (B. Søegaard, Denmark)
 .8.Tropical species (H. Keiding, Denmark)
 .9.Eucalypts (J. Lacaze, France)
 .10.Poplars (R. Koster, Netherlands)
 .11.Norway spruce (P. Krutzsch, Sweden)
 .12.Sitka spruce (J. O'Driscoll, Ireland)
 .13.Mediterranean conifers (R. Morandini, Italy)

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