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C.F.I. MONOGRAPHS (Commonwealth Forestry Institute) Fast Growing Timber Trees of the

 Lowland Tropics:No.1 Gmelina arborea. Compiled by A.F.A.Lamb. Commonwealth Forestry Institute, Department of Forestry. University of Oxford. January 1968.
  No.2 Cedrela odorata. Compiled by A.F.A. Lamb. Commonwealth Forestry Institute. Department of Forestry. University of Oxford. February 1968.
  No.3 The Araucarias. Compiled by O.O.Ntima. Commonwealth Forestry Institute. Department of Forestry. University of Oxford. October 1968.
  No.4 Pinus merkusii. Compiled by E.N.G.Cooling. Commonwealth Forestry Institute, Department of Forestry. University of Oxford. December 1968.
  No.5 Terminalia ivorensis. Compiled by A.F.A.Lamb and O.O.Ntima. Commonwealth Forestry Institute. Department of Forestry. University of Oxford. January 1971.

FAO 1969  Report of the First Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources.

FAO 1972  Report of the Second Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources.

I.B.P. HANDBOOK No.4   Guide to the Check Sheet for I.B.P.Areas. Compiled by G.F.Peterkin. Blackwell Scientific Publications. Oxford and Edinburgh 1967.

I.B.P. HANDBOOK No.5   Handbook to the Conservation Section of the International Biological Programme. Compiled by E.N.Nicholson. Blackwell Scientific Publications. Oxford and Edinburgh 1968.

I.B.P. HANDBOOK No.11  Genetic Resources in Plants - their exploration and conservation Ed. O.H.Frankel and E.Bennet. Blackwell Scientific Publications. Oxford and Edinburgh 1970.

I.U.C.N. 1970                 Red Data Book. Vol.5 Angiospermae. Compiled by R.Melville

I.U.F.R.O. 1972             Selection and Breeding to Improve some Tropical Conifers. Vol.1 Edited by J. Burley and D.G. Nikles

LITTLE, E.L. 1970         Rare Conifers of the United States. North American Forestry Commission. Tree Improvement Working Group.6.

OLESEN, P.O. 1969     Collection of Forest Tree Seed in Mexico 1968. Rhod.J.Agric.Res.:117–127

ROCHE, L. 1970          Forest Gene Resources: their Conservation and Utilization with Special Reference to the Canadian Spruces. Information Report Q-X-16. Canadian Forestry Service. Department of Fisheries and Forestry. Forest Research Laboratory. Quebeck Region, Quebeck.

ROBERTS, E.H.(Ed)1972   Viability of Seeds. Chapman and Hall, London

S.A.F. GENETIC MONOGRAPHS (Society of American Foresters)


Questionnaire on “Forest Genetic Resources Information”

A. Interest in further publications

1. Do you consider that an international newsletter type of publication, on the lines of the present “Forest Genetic Resources Information”, appearing recurrently once or twice a year, would fulfil a useful function?YesNo
2.a.Do you know of any existing publication of similar scope (international, regional or national) which already serves the same function?YesNo
 b.If yes, please indicate name and address of existing publication(s) below:YesNo
3.a.Are you personally interested in receiving “Forest Genetic Resources Information”?YesNo
 b.If yes, but if we used incorrect address, please write your correct mailing address below:  
4. If you know of anyone else who has not received “Forest Genetic Resources Information” and who would be interested to do so, please give details:  
  Adress .............................................................................................................................
  Language preferred: English       French       Spanish   

B. Suggestions for content of further publications

If your responses to questions 1 and 3.a. were positive, please indicate the relative importance you attach to information and papers on the following topics

(possible priorities of sub-topics may be indicated by underlining):

1.Exploration and CollectionHighMediumLow
 (natural variation in forest trees, proposed and past seed collecting expeditions, methodology of collecting)
 (provenance seed available, proposed and current provenance trials, methodology of provenance trials, results)
 (natural stands in situ, specially planted conservation stands, seed or pollen)
 a.Provision of seed on large scale   
 b.Further selection and breeding (international register of phenotypes/genotypes, international seed orchards and progeny trials)
 a.Seed certification
 b.Data recording, storage and retrieval
 a.Summaries on forest genetic resources of individual species
 b.News items (publications, forthcoming meetings, etc.)
 c.Information from related fields in agricultural plant genetic resources
 d.Others (specify)   

C. Which forest tree species do you consider currently of most importance in forest genetic resources (Restrict to a maximum of 3–5 species)

 a.From a global viewpoint..........................................................................................................................................
 b.From your own viewpoint........................................................................................................................................


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