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Under the United Nations Development Programme/Technical Assistance Sector, an FAO fish culturist worked in Jordan for 13 months from November 1965 to December 1966 and made an assessment of the inland fishery resources and the fishing industry in the country, indicated possibilities of development and initiated experimental work on breeding common carp, culturing carp in running water, introducing trout in one of the cold water springs and stocking natural impoundments with carp and tilapia. Based on these experiments and observations FAO recommended i) establishment of fisheries as a division under the Ministry of Agriculture, ii) training of staff abroad, iii) continuing assistance by an FAO inland fisheries biologist, for utilization of the Azraq spring and swamp lands for fish culture, for continuing experiments in running water carp culture and for further work on possibilities of trout culture and reservoir fisheries development.


Though one technical officer was sent to Japan for a seven-month course of training in inland fish culture, progress in other fields was limited and, considering the conditions then prevailing, the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 1972 requested the services of an FAO inland fisheries adviser for a period of six months to assist in:

  1. carefully reviewing all reports submitted to the Jordan Government on inland fish culture with a view to planning the required future action in this respect;

  2. the design and construction of ponds;

  3. the preparation of a work plan for the operation of the ponds;

  4. planning the training of local staff on fish culture techniques;

  5. the selection of the most suitable site for establishment of pilot-scale fish ponds;

  6. advising the Ministry of Agriculture on further technical assistance required for the effective continuation of the project and in the analysis of technical and economic feasibility of fish culture under local conditions.


Mr. K.H. Alikunhi (India) was appointed by FAO as inland fisheries adviser to the Government of Jordan, for a period of six months as of 23 March 1972. After briefing at FAO Headquarters in Rome he arrived in Jordan on 31 March 1972 and was attached to the Department of Agricultural Research and Extension, Jubeiha, under the Ministry of Agriculture. Mr. Hamdan Dabaj, fisheries research officer in the Department, was assigned as full-time counterpart and worked with Mr. Alikunhi till he left the country in September 1972.

The Government of Jordan has requested the extension of this post for another six months with possibility of further extension.


FAO is greatly indebted to the many people who collaborated with the expert during his assignment and who offered their helpful advice and assistance, and especially to His Excellency Omar Abdulla, Minister for Agriculture, Dr. Khalil Lubani, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Dr. Syed Ghezzavi, Director, Department of Agricultural Research and Extension, Jubeiha, Mr. Hamdan Dabaj, Fisheries Research Officer, Dr. Sam El Benna, Mr. Adib Duayfi and Dr. Mohamed Hani - all officers of the Agricultural Research and Extension Department, Jubeiha.

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