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Tribute to J. de Castro
Convey the feelings of the Council to his family (para. 7, Res. 1/61)
Proposals for Rationalization in the Agriculture, Economic and Social Policy, and Development Departments - Council Considerations on the Rationalization Proposals
Have the Programme and Finance Committees study requirements for the establishment and operation of the new Agricultural Operations Division and re-examine the advantages and disadvantages of full centralization of all operations in due course (para. 33).
Transfer the Policy Analysis Division to the Development Department provisionally until such time as the Programme and Finance Committees can study the matter further (para. 37).
Report of the Ad Hoc Government Consultation on Fertilizers
Establish the Commission on Fertilizers under Article VI-I (para. 45, Res. 2/61). Convene the First Session prior to the proposed World Food Conference and include on its agenda the items listed (paras. 49–50).
Inter-Agency Relations and Consultations on Matters of Common Interest
- Matters Relating to the Human Environment
Provide the next sessions of the Council and Conference with more details on the implementation of specific programmes and projects within the framework of FAO/UNEP activities (para. 69).
- UN Joint Inspection Unit (JIU): Report on the Introduction of Cost Accounting in the Organizations of the UN Family
Provide the Council in due course with a further report on the Cost Measurement System containing an assessment of the quantitative results (paras. 74–75).
- UN Joint Inspection Unit (JIU): Report on Communications in the UN System
Make a progress report to future sessions of the Programme and Finance Committees on economies and improvements in communications (para. 76).
Medium-Term Objectives
Give consideration, in the next document, to inclusion of policies and action required in the context of the subjects listed (para. 100).
World Food Programme
Submit a Draft Resolution to the Conference on the Target for WFP Pledges for the Period 1975–76 (para. 103, Res. 3/61).
Examination of FAO Basic Texts
Submit to the Conference a draft amendment to Rule XI GRO (para. 112). Submit to the Conference for its consideration amendments to Rules II, XXIV and XXV GRO (para. 114).
Submit a Draft Resolution to the Conference amending Financial Regulations IV, VIII, IX, X, XI and XIV and Rule XXVII GRO (para. 119 and Appendix F).
Establishment of a Fishery Commission for the Western Central Atlantic under Article VI-1 of the Constitution
Establish the Commission (para. 122, Res. 4/61).
Other Matters Arising from the Report of the Twenty-Eight Session of the CCLM
Submit to the Conference for guidance the question of the participation of liberation movements in meetings of FAO (para. 129).
Financial Matters
- Scale of Contributions 1974–75
Submit a Draft Resolution to the Conference on the Scale of Contributions 1974–75 (para. 157).
- Impact of Field Programmes on the Regular Programme
Develop specific criteria concerning what should be reimbursed regarding the various field programmes; analyse pre-project delivery activities; have the Programme and Finance Committees continue to review the Field Programmes/Regular Programme situation (para. 160).
- Audited Accounts: United Nations Development Programme 1972; World Food Programme 1972
Submit a Draft Resolution to the Conference on the above audited accounts (para. 162).
Personnel Matters
- Progress Report on the International Civil Service Commission
Submit a Draft Resolution to the Conference on the Statute of the International Civil Service Commission (para. 174).
- Progress Report on the General Service Salary Survey
Have the Finance Committee decide on the proposed new salary schedule and on any retroactive differential payments which might be due and report to the next Council session (para. 177).
- Deployment of Staff, Tenure of Appointment and Grade Structure
Keep the Council informed of progress towards the achievement of a satisfactory balance of appointments and an appropriate grade structure (para. 181).
- Establishment and Allocation of Posts
Transfer the cost of the P-5 post of Special Adviser to the Permanent Inter-State Committee for the Sahelian Zone to the Sahelian Trust Fund as soon as possible (para. 182).
- Changes in Salary Scales and Allowances
Follow the decision of UN General Assembly should the latter approve the incorporation of Post Adjustment classes into the base salaries (para. 185).
Adjust the salaries of the Deputy Director-General and the Executive Director, WFP, in the event of incorporation of Post Adjustment classes into base salaries (para. 186).
Submit a Draft Resolution to the Conference on the salary of the Director-General (para. 187).
Date and Place of the Sixty-Second Session of the Council
Convene in Rome on Friday, 30 November 1973 (para. 192).

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