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Appendix 3

1.Studies on the location of fisheries complexes for east coast of peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia including:from June 1974
till June 1975
 1.1The volume of annual landings for each complex 
 1.2Resource analysis 
 1.3Number and type of vessels to be accommodated 
 1.4Type and capacity of shore-based facilities (ice, cold storage, processing, etc.) 
2.Feasibility studies and preparation of bankable projects for investment to be done during the Third Malaysia Plan (1976–80) 
 2.1Feasibility studies on and design of vessels both inshore and offshore to be constructed during this period of timestart July 1974
end June 1975
 2.2Feasibility studies on harbour facilitiesstart July 1974
end June 1975
 2.3Feasibility studies on ice plants and cold storage facilitiesstart January 1975
end June 1975
 2.4Feasibility studies on processing plantsstart May 1975
end December 1975
 2.5Feasibility studies on fish meal plants 
 2.6Feasibility studies on aquaculture projects and location of sites for aquaculture development1975
3.Analysis of requirements for adequately trained fishermen (skippers, engineers, officers) and adaptation of the available training facilities toward meeting the requirements 
 3.1Analysis of requirementsJuly/September 1974
 3.2Preparation of training plansSeptember/November 1974
 3.3Preparation of training facilitiesNovember 1974/May 1975
 3.4Implementation of the training plans1975
4.Restructuring of the research institutions 
 4.1Analysis of requirements and preparation of programmes for restructuring1974
 4.2Gradual implementation of the programme1975 and onward
5.Modification of the structure of fisheries administration1974/75
6.Legal and institutional problems 
 6.1Analysis of legal situation pertaining to fishing operations and fisheries industry developmentJune/December 1975
 6.2Drafting of new regulations or amendments to existing ones and their implementation1976
 6.3Analysis of institutional aspects affecting fisheries development including credit facilities, administrative structure, taxation policy, etc.June/December 1975
 6.4Gradual introduction of modification in the institutional framework1975/76
7.Assessment of boatbuilding capacity in the country as well as future development in this sector with a view toward securing the acquisition of the required number and types of fishing boats.1974/June 1975

Note: The above list is prepared with a view to warranting the implementation of the Fisheries Development Plan for the Third Malaysia Plan (1976–80). The same type of studies will have to be carried out between 1976 and 1978 to prepare the implementation for the next period.

Assistance for all the above activities can be obtained from the South China Sea Programme as per project document submitted to the Government.

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