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Adoption of Agenda and Timetable

Include Agenda item 6 (Report of Second Session of COAG) on agenda of next session (para. 2).

Emergency Measures in regard to the Supply of Fertilizers and Pesticides

Keep Council informed through Finance Committee on funding of coordinating unit (para. 18).

Director-General requested to report progress on operation of International Fertilizer Supply Scheme in time for consideration by World Food Conference, November 1974 Council session, and any other appropriate body (para. 19).

Set up machinery required for implementing the International Fertilizer Supply Scheme and bring this to the attention of governments and other interested parties; report on implementation to next Council session. (para. 26, Res. 1/63).

Report of the Ad Hoc Working Party on World Food Security

Make draft text of International Undertaking on World Food Security available to World Food Conference (para. 30).

Transmit the Undertaking to governments after adoption by Sixty-Fourth Council session (para. 31).

Management/Staff Relations

Finance Committee to make recommendations to next Council session on adjustment to scales of salaries of all grades of General Service staff (paras. 46–47).

Apply provisionally revised rates of adjustment for G-1 to G-4 salaries (para. 46).

Apply provisionally a 3 percent rate of adjustment for G-5 to G-7 salaries (para. 47).

Continue to operate remainder of Agreement on a provisional basis (para. 49).

Finance Committee to make recommendations on the various issues, and submit a progress report on the new survey to the next Council session (para. 49).

Finance Committee and CCLM to (a) take full note of points raised in Council debate and contained in Council report and verbatim records, (b) extend their examination to all related issues, and (c) consider the appropriateness both of the present recruitment area for General Service staff, and of the Staff Rules regarding any person recruited in Italy (para. 52).

First Session of the Ad Hoc Committee on Food and Nutrition Policies

Hold Session immediately prior to the June 1975 Council session (para. 55).

African Liberation Movements

Submit a progress report on implementation of Conference Resolution 13/73 to next Council session (para. 56).

Date and Place of the Sixty-Fourth Session of the Council

Convene in Rome from 18 to 29 November 1974 (para. 58).

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