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1. The Sixty-Fourth Session of the Council was held in Rome from 18 to 29 November 1974, under the Chairmanship of G. Bula Hoyos.

Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable 1

2. The Agenda of the Session as adopted is set out in Appendix A to this report. The Council decided to establish a Committee-of-the-Whole to deal with some of the items 2 on the Agenda.

Election of Two Vice-Chairmen, and Designation of Drafting Committees of Plenary and of the Committee-of-the-Whole 3

3. The Council elected R.S. Swift (Australia) as First Vice-Chairman and L. Lapeby (Gabon) as Second Vice-Chairman. R.S. Swift would also act as Chairman of the Committee-of-the-Whole.

4. The Council elected K. Prasad (India) as Chairman of the Drafting Committee of Plenary, and the following as members: Argentina, Canada, Congo, Italy, Sudan and Thailand.

5. The Council elected G. Weill (France) as Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Committee-of-the-Whole, and the following as members: Denmark, Indonesia, Iran, Lesotho, Peru and the United States of America.

Statement by the Director-General 4

6. The Council heard an introductory statement by the Director-General, the text of which is contained in Appendix D to this report.

Tribute to the late U Thant 5

7. The Council paid tribute to U Thant, Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1961 to 1971, who had died in New York on 25 November 1974, and observed one minute's silence.

Tribute to the late Robert Doty 6

8. The Council paid tribute to Robert Doty, Chief, Press Branch, FAO Information Division, who had died in Rome on 26 November 1974.

1 CL 64/1, CL 64/1(a), CL 64/INF/1, CL 64/PV/1.
2 See Appendix A.
3 CL 64/PV/1, CL 64/PV/3.
4 CL 64/INF/6, CL 64/INF/6-Corr.1, CL 64/PV/1, CL 64/PV/2.
5 CL 64/PV/13.
6 CL 64/PV/15.

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