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Although the literature on the fisheries and oceanography of West Africa is extensive, as far as can be ascertained no indexed bibliography for it has ever been prepared. It is hoped that the gap will be closed by this bibliography, which has been prepared as a background document for the Project for the Development of Fisheries in the Eastern Central Atlantic and the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF).

The bibliography cites papers dealing with or directly related to:

- fish, shellfish, and other marine resources
- brackishwater species known to occur regularly in the marine environment
- oceanography and other related subjects, including planktonic organisms, eggs, and larvae
- meteorology
- fishery products and other related fishery technology subjects
Except for three or four papers from the 19th century, all the papers were published between 1900 and 1973. They are cited alphabetically/chronologically by author, and are sequentially numbered from 0001 to 2043 for easy reference from the indexes. A few papers were deleted as being irrelevant late in the work without numbers being re-assigned. Anonymous publications appear at the end of the list.

As will be noticed, conventional cataloging principles have been followed for the various types of citation (journal articles, books, collected works). As far as possible the original source material was checked to ascertain correctness in citation: citations not thus verified are indicated by an asterisk.

To facilitate reference work, three indexes are included:

- a subject index in which each citation appears under as many concepts as are relevant

- a geographic index based on country and sea areas

- a taxonomic index based on Berg's (1940) classification for orders and families. Within each main taxonomic group families, genera, and - as far as practicable - species are indexed, their names being in alphabetical order of genus.

Recent material for the present bibliography was selected from Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts compiled by FAO, and various secondary publications. The major source, however, has been a mimeographed bibliography previously compiled for the FAO/UNDP Field Project in the same region.
Oren, O.H., A. Johanneson and O. Grange, 1971. Oceanographic bibliography of West Africa (from Mauritania to Angola). Rep. Reg. Fish. Surv. West Afr. UNDP/SF/FAO, Abidjan, (IOB):pag.var.
This present bibliography is an output from ASFIS, FAO's "Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System" operated by the Fishery Resources and Environment Division, Should users of the bibliography notice errors or omissions, it would be appreciated if they could send details to:
Research Information Unit
Fishery Resources and Environment Division
FAO Department of Fisheries
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
Rome 00100, Italy

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