Map of crop prospects and food supply situation


Mexico Belize Guatemala El Salvador Honduras Nicaragua Costa Rica Panama Cuba Haiti Dominican Rep. Jamaica

Click on the map to access a country or read the complete text on Central America (including the Caribbean) and South America.

Central America Map

Columbia Venezuela Guyana Surinam French Guiana Ecuador Peru Bolivia Paraguay Brazil Uruguay Argentina Chile

South America Map

Unfavourable prospects for current crops Food supply shortfall in current marketing year requiring exceptional assistance Unfavourable crop prospects and food supply shortfall

LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN: In Central America, food assistance is still required in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua for families affected by natural disasters of the past 5 years and recurrent economic shocks. The assistance should target affected women and children. In South America, the outlook is poor in Ecuador for the 2003 maize crop as a result of adverse weather. In Venezuela, prospects are poor for the coarse grain and paddy crops, mainly as a consequence of the reduced use of farm inputs due to the low purchasing power of farmers. In Haiti, food assistance will also be distributed to drought-affected farmers.

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