35. The FAO Conference, at its Seventh Session (December 1953) approved the Constitution of the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease for submission to FAO Member Nations for acceptance.

36. In accordance with paragraph 1, Article XIV, the Constitution came into force on 12 June 1954. The Constitution of the Commission was registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations on 21 June 1954 under No. 2588.

37. Amendments were approved by the FAO Council at its Thirty-ninth Session (October 1962). At its Twentieth Session (April 1973), the Commission adopted further amendments to its Constitution, which were endorsed by the Council at its Sixty-first Session (November 1973). Subsequently, at its Twenty-second Session (March/April 1977), the Commission adopted further amendments to its Constitution which were approved by the FAO Council at its Seventy-second Session (November 1977). The amendments referred to in this paragraph entered into force for all the parties to the Constitution.

38. At its Twenty-eight Session, held in Rome in May 1989, the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease adopted an amendment to paragraph 1 of Article I of its Constitution. The purpose of the amendment was to enlarge the criteria for membership in the Commission. The amendment was considered by the Council of FAO at its Ninety-sixth Session (6-10 November 1989) and was approved by Resolution 2/96. In accordance with Article XIV, paragraph 5 of the Constitution of the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease, this amendment took effect on the date of the decision of the Council, i.e. on 10 November 1989.

39. At its Thirty-second Session (April 1997) the Commission adopted further amendments to the Constitution. The amendments were endorsed by the FAO Council at its Hundred and Thirteenth Session (November 1997) and entered into force immediately.

Parties to the Constitution

40. The following participants deposited their instruments of acceptance on the corresponding date indicated:


Albania 25 Nov 1986
Austria 1 Dec 1955
Belgium 24 Sep 1959
Bulgaria 2 Nov 1971
Cyprus 11 Jan 1971
Croatia 17 Jan 1995
Czech Republic22 1 Jan 1986
Denmark 4 Feb 1954
Finland 5 Mar 1968
France 28 Feb 1984
Germany23 26 Mar 1973
Greece24 23 Mar 1959
Hungary 7 Apr 1970
Iceland 17 Jan 1955
Ireland 16 Dec 1953
Israel 4 Sep 1990
Italy 29 Sep 1955
Lithuania 27 May 1993
Luxembourg 1 Jun 1959
Malta 13 Mar 1970
Netherlands 12 Jun 1954
Norway 11 Dec 1953
Poland 4 Jan 1984
Portugal 6 Oct 1955
Romania 4 Feb 1993
Serbia and Montenegro25 2 Nov 2001
Slovenia 25 Jul 1995
Spain 20 Dec 1978
Sweden 13 Dec 1963
Switzerland 23 Feb 1961
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 24 Feb 1997
Turkey 27 Sep 1955
United Kingdom 1 Mar 1954

41. Declarations and Reservations

Germany, Federal Republic of - (Declaration made upon acceptance):

The Federal Republic of Germany declared that the Constitution of the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease "... shall also apply to Berlin (West) with effect from the date on which it enters into force for the Federal Republic of Germany."


22 See footnote 10.

23 See footnote 11.

24 The acceptance of the text of the Constitution amended in 1977 was confirmed by an instrument received on 20 July 1994.

25 On 6 February 2003, the Director-General received a notification informing him that the name Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has been changed to Serbia and Montenegro.


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