110. At its Thirteenth Session (1965), the FAO Conference authorized the Director-General of the Organization to call a Conference of Plenipotentiaries to prepare and adopt a convention for the purpose of establishing a commission for the conservation of tuna and tuna-like fishes in the Atlantic Ocean. The Conference of Plenipotentiaries (Rio de Janeiro, 2-14 May 1966) prepared and opened for signature the International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), setting up a Commission which operates independently of FAO.

111. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article XIV, the Convention entered into force on 21 March 1969, date of receipt of the seventh instrument of ratification, approval or adherence. The Convention was registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations on 20 May 1969 under No. 9587.

Signatories and Parties to the Convention

112. The following are the signatories and the participants that deposited their instruments on the corresponding date indicated:

Participant Signature Ratification
Approval (A)
Algeria   16 Feb 2001(a)
Angola   29 Jul 1976 (a)
Barbados   13 Dec 2000(a)
Benin58   9 Jan 1978 (a)
Brazil 14 May 1966 1 Apr 1969
Canada   20 Aug 1968 (a)
Cape Verde   11 Oct 1979 (a)
China59   24 Oct 1996 (a)
Côte d'Ivoire   6 Dec 1972 (a)
Croatia   20 Oct 1997 (a)
Cuba60   15 Jan 1975 (a)
Cyprus   20 Mar 2003(a)
Dominican Republic 13 Feb 1968  
Equatorial Guinea   13 May 1987 (a)
European Community61   14 Nov 1997 (a)
France62   7 Nov 1968 (a)
Gabon 9 Aug 1967 19 Sep 1977
Ghana   17 Apr 1968 (a)
Guinea   5 Jun 1991 (a)
Honduras   30 Jan 2001(a)
Iceland   30 Oct 2002(a)
Italy63 9 Feb 1994 6 Aug 1997
Japan 28 Oct 1966 24 Aug 1967
Korea, Republic of 31 May 1966 28 Aug 1970
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya   27 Nov 1995 (a)
Malta   7 Aug 2003 (a)
Mexico   24 May 2002(a)
Morocco   26 Sep 1969 (a)
Namibia 28 Apr 1999 10 Nov 1999
Panama   28 Dec 1998 (a)
Portugal64   3 Sep 1969 (a)
Russian Federation   7 Jan 1977 (a)
Sao Tome & Principe   15 Sep 1983 (a)
Senegal65   25 Aug 1971 (a)
South Africa   17 Oct 1967 (a)
Spain66 14 May 1966 21 Mar 1969
Trinidad & Tobago   30 Mar 1999 (a)
Tunisia   16 Dec 1997 (a)
Turkey   4 Jul 2003 (a)
United Kingdom67   10 Nov 1995 (a)
United States of America 14 May 1966 18 May 1967
Uruguay 16 Mar 1983 (a)  
Vanuatu   25 Oct 2002 (a)
Venezuela 9 Jul 1970 17 Nov 1983

113. On 9 and 10 July 1984, a Conference of Plenipotentiaries of States Parties to the International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas met in Paris, France, and adopted a Protocol amending the Convention.

114. Pursuant to its Article II, the Paris Protocol was open for signature at the Headquarters of FAO in Rome until 10 September 1984.

115. In accordance with its Article III, the Protocol entered into force on the thirtieth day following the deposit with the Director-General of FAO of the last instrument of approval, ratification or acceptance by all the Contracting Parties to the Convention, i.e. on 19 January 1997.

Parties to the Protocol

116. The following are the participants that deposited their instruments on the corresponding date indicated:

Participant Signature Ratification
Approval (AA)
Angola   29 Aug 1990 (A)
Brazil 10 Sep 1984 5 Oct 1988
Canada 10 Sep 1984 3 Feb 1992
Cape Verde   13 Mar 1986 (A)
Côte d'Ivoire   27 Jan 1993 (A)
Cuba68   11 Jan 1989 (A)
Equatorial Guinea   7 Nov 1987 (A)
France69   23 Oct 1984 (A)
Gabon   20 Dec 1996 (A)
Ghana   12 Dec 1988 (A)
Guinea   6 Sep 1993 (A)
Italy70   6 Aug 1997
Japan   13 Jun 1985 (A)
Korea, Republic of   7 Dec 1984 (A)
Morocco   9 Dec 1996 (A)
Portugal71   7 Apr 1988 (A)
Russian Federation   9 Jun 1986 (A)
Sao Tome & Principe   1 Nov 1984 (A)
Senegal72   14 Jun 1985 (A)
South Africa   28 Mar 1985 (A)
Spain73   21 Nov 1986 (A)
United Kingdom74   10 Nov 1995 (A)
United States of America 10 Sep 1984 10 Nov 1986
Uruguay   10 May 1985 (A)
Venezuela   7 Mar 1989 (A)

117. On 4 and 5 June 1992, a Conference of Plenipotentiaries of States Parties to the International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas met in Madrid, Spain and adopted a Protocol to amend paragraph 2 of Article X of the Convention. Pursuant to Article 2 thereof, the Protocol was signed in Madrid on 5 June 1992 and thereafter at the Headquarters of FAO in Rome.

118. In accordance with Articles 2 and 3, the Contracting Parties to the International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas may become parties to the Madrid Protocol either by signature followed by an instrument of ratification or approval or by the deposit of an instrument of acceptance.

119. As provided for in Article 3, the Protocol shall enter into force for all Contracting Parties to the Convention on the 90th day following the deposit with the Director-General of FAO of the last instrument of ratification, approval or acceptance by three-quarters of the Contracting Parties on condition that the three-quarters include all the Parties classified as developed market economy countries by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development as at 5 June 1992. Any Contracting Party to the Convention not included in this category of countries may, within six months following notification of adoption of the Protocol by the Director-General of FAO, request the suspension of the entry into force of the said Protocol.

Signatories and Parties to the Protocol

120. The following are the signatories and the participants that deposited their instruments on the corresponding date indicated:

Participant Signature Ratification
Brazil 5 Jun 1992 15 Jan 1997
Canada 22 Sep 1993 22 Sep 1993
Côte d'Ivoire 5 Jun 1992  
France75 5 Jun 1992 6 Mar 2000(AA)
Gabon   26 Oct 2000(A)
Ghana 5 Jun 1992 23 Nov 2001
Guinea   13 Apr 1995(A)
Italy76   6 Aug 1997
Japan   27 May 1998(A)
Korea, Republic of   11 June 1993(A)
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya   14 Jan 1998(A)
Morocco 5 Jun 1992 9 Dec 1996
Portugal77 5 Jun 1992 30 Nov 1995
Russian Federation   14 Sep 1994(A)
South Africa   30 Sep 1993(A)
Spain78 5 Jun 1992 14 Feb 1994
United States of America 22 Oct 1992 24 Aug 1994
Uruguay   24 Jul 1997(A)
Venezuela   5 May 1998(A)


121. At its Fourteenth Session (November 1967), the FAO Conference authorized the Director-General to call a Conference of Plenipotentiaries to adopt a convention for the purpose of establishing a commission for the conservation of living resources in the Southeast Atlantic. The Conference of Plenipotentiaries (Rome, 14-23 October 1969) prepared and opened for signature the Convention on the Conservation of the Living Resources of the Southeast Atlantic setting up the International Commission for the Southeast Atlantic Fisheries (ICSEAF) operating independently of FAO.

122. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article XVIII, the Convention entered into force on 24 October 1971. The Convention was registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations on 16 November 1971 under No. 11408.

Parties to the Convention

123. The following are the participants that deposited their instruments on the corresponding date indicated:

Participant Signature Ratification
Angola   4 Oct 1976(a)
Belgium79 23 Jul 1970 31 Oct 1973
Bulgaria   24 Apr 1972(a)
Cuba 23 Oct 1969 15 Jan 1975
France 4 Oct 1972(a)  
Germany80 23 Oct 1969 17 Nov 1976
Iraq   4 Jun 1981(a)
Israel   5 Jan 1976(a)
Italy 23 Oct 1969 22 Dec 1975
Japan81 9 Feb 1970 22 Jun 1970(A)
Korea, Republic of   19 Jan 1981(a)
Poland   2 Mar 1972(a)
Portugal 23 Oct 1969 22 Jan 1971
Romania   18 Aug 1977(a)
Russian Federation 23 Dec 1970 24 Sep 1971(AA)
South Africa 23 Oct 1969 2 Oct 1970
Spain 27 Apr 1970 6 Dec 1971

124. Declarations and Reservations

Germany, Federal Republic of


The Federal Republic of Germany declared that the Convention on the Conservation of the Living Resources of the Southeast Atlantic "... will also apply to Berlin (West), with effect from the date of entry into force for the Federal Republic of Germany."

Germany, Democratic Republic of

(Declaration notified to the Organization on 27 July 1977):

"The Democratic Republic of Germany takes note of the statement by the Federal Republic of Germany on application to Berlin (West) of the Convention concerning the Conservation of Living Resources of the Southeast Atlantic of 23 October 1969 and holds that application of the provisions of this Convention to Berlin (West) is possible only insofar as this is done in conformity with the Quadripartite Agreement of 3 September 1971, whereby Berlin (West) is not a part of the Federal Republic of Germany and may not be governed by it."


(Declaration made upon ratification):

The Government of Italy declared that its ratification of the Convention on the Conservation of the Living Resources of the Southeast Atlantic "...in no way implies recognition on the part of Italy of the legitimacy of the South African administration in Namibia."

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

(Declaration made upon signature):

"Signing the Convention on the Conservation of the Living Resources in the Southeast Atlantic, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics considers it necessary to declare that the statements contained in Article XVII of the Convention according to which a number of States are deprived of the possibility of becoming participants in he Convention are of discriminative nature. The USSR believes that in conformity with the principle of sovereign equality of States the Convention has to be open to participation of all the States concerned without any discrimination or limitation."

(Declaration notified to the Organization on 3 June 1977):

"As regards the declaration of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany of 17 November 1976 regarding the application for West Berlin of the effects of the Convention on the Conservation of the Living Resources of the Southeast Atlantic of 23 October 1969, the Soviet Government declares that it has no objections to this Convention applying to West Berlin insofar as this is compatible with the four-party treaty of 3 September 1971 in conformity with which West Berlin does not form part of the FRG and is not administered by the FRG."

125. Pursuant to Article XIX of the Convention, the International Commission for the Southeast Atlantic Fisheries approved, on 12 December 1985, at its Eighth Regular Session held in Tarragona, Spain, amendments to Articles VIII, XVII, XIX and XXI of the Convention.

126. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article XIX of the Convention, the amendments shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after their acceptance by three-fourths of the Contracting Parties.

127. The following participants deposited their instruments of acceptance of the aforesaid amendments on the corresponding date indicated:

France 8 Aug 1986
Germany82 12 Nov 1987
Italy 25 Nov 1988
Japan83 25 Jun 1987
Portugal 19 Jul 1989
South Africa 7 Oct 1987
Spain 26 Mar 1987

128. Pursuant to Article XIX of the Convention, the International Commission for the Southeast Atlantic Fisheries approved, on 12 December 1985, at its Eighth Regular Session held in Tarragona, Spain, an amendment to paragraph 1, Article XIII of the Convention proposed by the Government of the Republic of South Africa. The amendment shall enter into force in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article XIX of the Convention on the conditions referred to in paragraph 104 above.

129. The following participants deposited their instruments of acceptance of the aforesaid amendment on the corresponding date indicated:


Germany84 12 Aug 1988
Japan85 25 Jun 1987
South Africa 7 Oct 1987
Spain 7 Jun 1988

130. On 19 July 1990, a Conference of Plenipotentiaries met in Madrid and adopted a Protocol of Termination of the Convention on the Conservation of the Living Resources of the Southeast Atlantic.

131. In accordance with Article I of the Protocol, the Convention shall terminate when all Contracting Parties have deposited an instrument of acceptance of the Protocol of Termination with the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

132. At present, the following Contracting Parties have deposited an instrument of acceptance of the Protocol of Termination:

Angola 23 Oct 1990
Cuba 31 Dec 1990
Spain 4 Feb 2002


133. A Conference of Plenipotentiaries, which met in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 29 July 1978, adopted the aforementioned Agreement setting up, outside the framework of FAO, the Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP).

134. In accordance with paragraph 2, Article XII, the Agreement was open for signature in Kuala Lumpur from 1 to 4 August 1978 and thereafter at FAO Headquarters in Rome.

135. In accordance with paragraph 4, Article XII, the Agreement entered into force on 23 May 1979. The Agreement was registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations on 14 June 1979 under No. 17852.

136. At its Sixth Regular Session held in Islamabad in December 1987, the Governing Council of the Centre, acting under the powers conferred on it, adopted amendments to Articles V, VII and X of the Agreement. Pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article XIII of the Agreement, the amendments took effect with respect to all contracting parties on the thirtieth day after their adoption by the Governing Council, i.e. on 9 January 1988.

137. At its Seventh Regular Session held in Hanoi in December 1989, the Governing Council of the Centre adopted amendments to Articles V, VI, VIII and X and to Section I, Part B of Annex II of the Agreement. The amendments took effect with respect to all contracting parties on 7 January 1990.

Parties to the Agreement

138. The following are the participants that deposited their instruments on the corresponding date indicated:

Participant Signature Ratification
Afghanistan   20 May 1996(a)
Bangladesh 1 Aug 1978 11 Oct 1978
India 1 Aug 1978 5 Feb 1979
Indonesia 1 Aug 1978 23 May 1979
Lao People's Democratic Republic 1 Aug 1978 26 Feb 1980
Malaysia 1 Aug 1978 14 Nov 1979
Myanmar   9 May 1995(a)
Nepal 1 Aug 1978 25 Jun 1979
Pakistan 1 Aug 1978 9 Apr 1979
Philippines 1 Aug 1978 1 Mar 1979
Sri Lanka   31 Jul 1980(a)
Thailand  11 Feb 1982 24 May 1982
Viet Nam 1 Aug 1978 20 Feb 1979


139. A Government Consultation, which met in Arusha, United Republic of Tanzania, from 18 to 21 September 1979, adopted the aforementioned Agreement setting up, outside the framework of FAO, the Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Africa (CIRDAfrica).

140. In accordance with paragraph 2, Article XII, the Agreement was open for signature in Arusha on 21 September 1979 and thereafter at FAO Headquarters in Rome.

141. In accordance with paragraph 4, Article XXI, the Agreement entered into force on 16 April 1980. The Agreement was registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations on 14 May 1980 under No. 18818.

142. Amendments to paragraph 1(f) of Article V and paragraphs 5 and 6 of Article VIII of the Agreement, were adopted on 3 May 1985 at the Second Special Session of the Governing Council and entered into force, with respect to all Contracting Parties, on 2 June 1985 in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article XIII of the Agreement.

Signatories and Parties to the Agreement

143. The following are the signatories and the participants that deposited their instruments on the corresponding date indicated:

Participant Signature Ratification
Benin 26 Nov 1979 25 Jul 1984
Botswana86 21 Sep 1979 14 Mar 1980
Burkina Faso87 21 Sep 1979 28 Mar 1980
Cape Verde88   18 Mar 1980(a)
Central African Republic 16 Nov 1979  
Congo, Republic of the 21 Sep 1979 10 Jun 1981
Dem. Republic of the Congo   21 Sep 1979 16 Apr 1980
Egypt89 21 Sep 1979 9 Apr 1981
Guinea 21 Sep 1979  
Kenya 16 Nov 1979 13 Feb 1981
Lesotho 7 May 1981 8 Jun 1981
Liberia 21 Sep 1979  
Malawi 21 Sep 1979 18 Nov 1981
Mali 21 Sep 1979  
Mauritania 21 Sep 1979  
Mozambique   15 Apr 1982(a)
Nigeria   14 Jan 1981(a)
Rwanda 16 Nov 1979  
Senegal   3 Aug 1983(a)
Sierra Leone 21 Sep 1979 11 Dec 1980
Sudan   26 Sep 1980(a)
Togo 21 Sep 1979 27 Feb 1981
Uganda 16 Nov 1979 16 Sep 1982
United Republic of Tanzania90 21 Sep 1979 20 Nov 1979
Zambia 21 Sep 1979 17 Dec 1979


144. A Conference of Plenipotentiaries, which met in Caracas, Venezuela, from 8 to 11 September 1981, adopted the aforementioned Agreement setting up, outside the framework of FAO, the Regional Centre on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAARDLA).

145. In accordance with paragraph 2, Article XV, the Agreement was open for signature in Caracas on 11 September 1981 and remains open for signature at FAO Headquarters in Rome.

146. In accordance with paragraph 4, Article XV, the Agreement will enter into force with respect to all States that have ratified it or acceded to it on the date when instruments of ratification or accession have been deposited by the Government of the host State and by the Governments of at least five other eligible States.

Signatories and Parties to the Agreement

147. The following are the signatories, and the participant that deposited its instrument on the corresponding date indicated:

Participant Signature Ratification
Bolivia 11 Sep 1981  
Costa Rica 11 Sep 1981  
Cuba 11 Sep 1981  
Dominican Republic 11 Sep 1981  
Ecuador 11 Sep 1981  
El Salvador 11 Sep 1981  
Grenada 11 Sep 1981  
Honduras 11 Sep 1981  
Nicaragua 11 Sep 1981 28 Jul 1982
Panama 11 Sep 1981  
Peru 11 Sep 1981  
Saint Lucia 11 Sep 1981  
Venezuela 11 Sep 1981  

148. As Ecuador, the host State, had not become a party to the Agreement, and consequently the Agreement could not enter into force, some countries in the Region requested the Director-General of FAO to convene a Conference of Plenipotentiaries with a view to the adoption of a Protocol primarily to amend Article II, which specifies that the seat of the Centre shall be in Ecuador. The Conference met in Panama City, Republic of Panama, on 16 and 17 July 1985, and adopted the Protocol to Amend the Agreement for the Establishment of a Regional Centre on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development of Latin America and the Caribbean.

149. In accordance with Article II of the Protocol, the seat of the Centre is to be the Dominican Republic, unless that State has not deposited an instrument of ratification or accession in respect of the Protocol on the date of its entry into force. In which case, the Governing Council shall determine the seat of the Centre.

150. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article IV, the Protocol was open for signature on 17 and 18 July 1985 in Panama City, and remains open for signature at FAO Headquarters in Rome.

151. In accordance with paragraph 5 of Article IV, the Protocol will enter into force with respect to all States that have ratified it or acceded to it, on the date when instruments of ratification or accession have been deposited by the governments of at least six of the eligible States.

Signatories and Parties to the Protocol

152. The following are the signatories, and the participant that deposited its instrument on the corresponding date indicated:

Participant Signature Ratification
Colombia 17 Jul 1985  
Cuba 17 Jul 1985  
Ecuador 17 Jul 1985  
El Salvador 17 Jul 1985  
Grenada 17 Jul 1985  
Guatemala 17 Jul 1985  
Honduras 17 Jul 1985  
Nicaragua 17 Jul 1985  
Panama 17 Jul 1985 6 Dec 1985
Saint Christopher & Nevis 17 Jul 1985  


58 On 22 December 1993, the Director-General received a notification of withdrawal from Benin. In accordance with Article XII.2 of the Convention, the withdrawal became effective on 31 December 1994.

59 See footnote 44.

60 On 31 December 1990, the Director-General received a notification of withdrawal from Cuba. In accordance with Article XII.2 of the Convention, the withdrawal became effective on 31 December 1991.

61 The EC became a party to ICCAT as a result of the entry into force of the Paris Protocol.

62 Pursuant to Article XIV.6 of the Convention, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France and the UK ceased to be parties of ICCAT as a consequence of the EC's adherence to the Convention. However, France and the UK continue their membership in the Commission on behalf of their overseas territories not covered by the Treaty of Rome.

63 See footnote 62.

64 See footnote 61.

65 On 12 March 1987, the Director-General received a notification of withdrawal from Senegal. In accordance with Article XII.2 of the Convention, the withdrawal became effective on 31 December 1988.

66 See footnote 62.

67 See footnote 62.

68 See footnote 60.

69 See footnote 62.

70 See footnote 62.

71 See footnote 62.

72 See footnote 65.

73 See footnote 62.

74 See footnote 62.

75 See footnote 62.

76 See footnote 62.

77 See footnote 62.

78 See footnote 62.

79 On 23 December 1981, the Director-General received from the Government of Belgium a notification of withdrawal from the Convention. In accordance with Article XX of the Convention, the withdrawal became effective on 31 December 1982.

80 See footnote 11. The former German Democratic Republic had adhered to the Convention on 19 June 1974.

81 On 21 December 1990, the Director-General received from the Government of Japan a notification of withdrawal from the Convention. In accordance with Article XX of the Convention, the withdrawal became effective on 31 December 1991.

82 See footnote 11.

83 See footnote 81.

84 See footnote 11.

85 See footnote 81.

86 On 11 October 1985, the Government of the Republic of Botswana notified the Director-General of its withdrawal from the Agreement. In accordance with Article XIV, such withdrawal became effective on 11 October 1986.

87 On 6 December 1990, the Government of Burkina Faso notified the Director-General of its withdrawal from the Agreement. In accordance with Article XIV, such withdrawal became effective on 6 December 1991.

88 On 24 October 1985, the Government of the Republic of Cape Verde notified the Director-General of its withdrawal from the Agreement. In accordance with Article XIV, such withdrawal became effective on 2 November 1986.

89 On 26 July 1994, the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt notified the Director-General of its withdrawal from the Agreement. In accordance with Article XIV, such withdrawal became effective on 25 July 1995.

90 On 24 September 1999, the Government of the United Republic of United Republic of Tanzania notified the Director-General of its withdrawal from the Agreement. In accordance with Article XIV, such withdrawal became effective on 24 September 2000.


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