211. By a Resolution adopted on 21 November 1947, the General Assembly of the United Nations approved the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies which was subsequently submitted to the Specialized Agencies for acceptance and to every Member of the United Nations and every other State Member of one or more of the Specialized Agencies for accession. Pursuant to Section 41, Article XI of the Convention, the Secretary-General of the United Nations acts as depositary.

212. The Fourth Session of the FAO Conference (November 1948) accepted the standard clauses of the Convention, as modified by Annex II, relating to FAO, and authorized the Director-General to communicate the text to those Member Nations of FAO that were not members of the United Nations and to invite them to accede thereto in accordance with Section 42 of the Convention.

213. Annex II to the Convention was amended at the Tenth Session of the FAO Conference (1959) by Resolution 72/59, and pursuant to Section 38 of the Convention, certified copies of that Resolution and of the revised Annex incorporating the amendments were transmitted by the Director-General to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

214. The Conference at its Thirteenth Session (1965) by Resolution 21/65 further amended Annex II to the Convention. The amendments were also transmitted to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Parties to the Convention97

215. The Governments of the following States deposited with the United Nations instruments of accession to the Convention whereby they undertook to apply the provisions thereof to FAO on the corresponding date indicated:

Participant  Accession
of first revised
text of Annex II
of second revised
text of Annex II
Algeria 25 Mar 1964    
Antigua & Barbuda 14 Dec 1988(d)   14 Dec 1988
Argentina 10 Oct 1963 10 Oct 1963  
Australia 9 May 1986   9 May 1986
Austria 21 Jul 1950 14 Feb 1962 22 Jul 1966
Bahamas 17 Mar 1977(d)    
Bahrain 17 Sep 1992   17 Sep 1992
Barbados 19 Nov 1971    
Belgium 14 Mar 1962   23 Dec 2002
Bosnia & Herzegovina 1 Sep 1993(d)    
Botswana 5 Apr 1983    
Brazil 22 Mar 1963   15 Jul 1966
Bulgaria 13 Jun 1968    
Burkina Faso 6 Apr 1962    
Cambodia 26 Sep 1955    
Cameroon 30 Apr 1992   30 Apr 1992
Central African Republic 15 Oct 1962    
Chile 21 Sep 1951    
China 11 Sep 1979   11 Sep 1979
Côte d'Ivoire 28 Dec 1961    
Croatia 12 Oct 1992(d) 12 Oct 1992 12 Oct 1992
Cuba 13 Sep 1972    
Cyprus 6 May 1964(d)    
Czech Republic100 22 Feb 1993(d)   22 Feb 1993
Dem. Republic of the Congo 8 Dec 1964    
Denmark 25 Jan 1950 26 Dec 1960  
Dominica 24 Jun 1988   24 Jun 1988
Ecuador 7 Jul 1953 2 Aug 1960 26 Jul 1966
Egypt 28 Sep 1954    
Estonia 8 Oct 1997    
Fiji 21 Jun 1971(d)    
Finland 31 Jul 1958 8 Sep 1960  
Gabon 30 Nov 1982   30 Nov 1982
Gambia 1 Aug 1966(d)    
Germany101 10 Oct 1957 23 May 1963 11 Jun 1985
Ghana 9 Sep 1958 16 Sep 1960  
Greece 21 Jun 1977   21 Jun 1977
Guatemala 30 Jun 1951    
Guinea 29 Mar 1968    
Guyana 13 Sep 1973    
Haiti 16 Apr 1952    
Hungary 9 Aug 1973    
India 10 Feb 1949 12 Apr 1963  
Indonesia 8 Mar 1972    
Iran, Islamic Republic of 16 May 1974   16 May 1974
Iraq 9 Jul 1954    
Ireland 10 May 1967    
Italy 30 Aug 1985   30 Aug 1985
Jamaica 4 Nov 1963    
Japan 18 Apr 1963    
Jordan 12 Dec 1950 11 Aug 1960  
Kenya 1 Jul 1965   3 Mar 1966
Korea, Republic of 13 May 1977   13 May 1977
Kuwait 7 Feb 1963 7 Feb 1963 29 Aug 1966
Lao People's Democratic
9 Aug 1960    
Lesotho 26 Nov 1969   26 Nov 1969
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 30 Apr 1958    
Lithuania102 10 Feb 1997   10 Feb 1997
Luxembourg 20 Sep 1950    
Madagascar 3 Jan 1966   22 Nov 1966
Malawi 2 Aug 1965   16 Sep 1966
Malaysia103 29 Mar 1962(d)    
Mali 24 Jun 1968    
Malta104 27 Jun 1968(d)   21 Oct 1968
Mauritius105 18 Jul 1969(d)   18 Jul 1969
Mongolia 20 Sep 1974   20 Sep 1974
Morocco 10 Jun 1958   30 Nov 1966
Nepal 28 Sep 1965    
Netherlands 21 Jul 1949 28 Jun 1965 9 Dec 1966
New Zealand 25 Nov 1960   23 May 1967
Nicaragua 6 Apr 1959    
Niger 15 May 1968    
Nigeria 26 Jun 1961(d)    
Norway 25 Jan 1950 10 Nov 1960 2 Aug 1966
Pakistan 13 Mar 1962    
Philippines 20 Mar 1950    
Poland 19 Jun 1969   19 Jun 1969
Romania 15 Sep 1970   15 Sep 1970
Rwanda 15 Apr 1964    
Saint Lucia 2 Sep 1986   2 Sep 1986
Senegal 2 Mar 1966    
Serbia and Montenegro106 23 Nov 1951 8 Apr 1964 27 Feb 1969
Seychelles 24 Jul 1985   24 Jul 1985
Sierra Leone 13 Mar 1962(d)    
Singapore 18 Mar 1966(d)    
Slovakia107 28 May 1993(d)   28 May 1993(d)
Slovenia 6 Jul 1992(d)    
South Africa 30 Aug 2002   30 Aug 2002
Spain 26 Sep 1974   26 Sep 1974
Sweden 12 Sep 1951   28 Sep 1960
Thailand 30 Mar 1956 19 Jun 1961 21 Mar 1966
The Former Yugoslav
   Republic of Macedonia
11 Mar 1996(d) 11 Mar 1996 11 Mar 1996
Tonga 17 Mar 1976(d)    
Trinidad & Tobago 19 Oct 1965   15 Jul 1966
Tunisia 3 Dec 1957    
Uganda 11 Aug 1983    
Ukraine 25 Feb 1993   25 Feb 1993
United Kingdom 16 Aug 1949   6 Aug 1985
United Republic of Tanzania 29 Oct 1962    
Uruguay 29 Dec 1977   29 Dec 1977
Zambia 16 Jun 1975(d)    
Zimbabwe 5 Mar 1991   5 Mar 1991

216. The Director-General of FAO was informed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations that the Governments of the following States had also tendered for deposit with the United Nations instruments of accession to the Convention whereby they undertook to apply its provisions to FAO. These instruments, however, contained certain reservations on account of which the following States are not considered as having acceded to the Convention:

Participants Date of tender
Canada 29 Mar 1966
Colombia 19 May 1977



97 For declarations and reservations, see Document "Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General" issued by the United Nations, New York.

98 Effective date of first revised text of Annex II: 26 May 1960.

99 Effective date of second revised text of Annex II: 28 December 1965.

100 An instrument of succession by the Government of the Czech Republic to the Convention was received by the Secretary-General of the United Nations on 22 February 1993. Czechoslovakia had become a party to the Convention on 6 September 1988.

101 See footnote 9.

102 The Government of the Republic of Lithuania has made the reservation in respect of Article 2.(3)(b), that the specialized agencies shall not be entitled to acquire land in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, in view of the land regulations laid down by the Article 47 of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania.

103 Considers itself bound as from the date specified in the notification to the UN, i.e., 31 August 1957.

104 Considers itself bound as from the date specified in the notification to the UN, i.e., 21 September 1964.

105 Considers itself bound as from the date specified in the notification to the UN, i.e., 12 March 1968.

106 See footnote 25.

107 On 28 May 1993, the Secretary-General received an instrument of succession by the Government of the Slovak Republic. Czechoslovakia had become a party to the Convention on 6 September 1988.


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