The following is a list of participants' expectations15 - in relation to the sustainable management of secondary forests - as expressed by them at the beginning of the workshop (See Part 1, section 5.2). They expected to:
Plenary discussion
During discussion participants were interested in the experience and existing aspects of secondary forests in different countries. Questions were asked about the follow-up action after the workshop, with specific regard to what was happening in ICRAF and at CIFOR.
It was mentioned that in the other meetings participants had created networks amongst themselves. After the Asian workshop, participants asked that the FAO Regional Office take up the network. The organizers have also published some of the workshop recommendations, for example, the Samarinda proposals for action. Organizations working with forests, such as the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), had also recently elaborated guidelines for secondary forest management. The publications have been made available to participants.
Through its research and development activities, the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) is trying hard to bring in gender issues in secondary and primary forest management. ICRAF's mission is to enhance people's access to products and services from these forests without compromising the sustainability of the resources. One approach is the use of trees on farms but this is not the only way. The objective is to implement farm forestry using the landscape approach. In this context questions arise such as: How can a holistic approach at the farm, community and watershed levels be developed with various partners? What institutions are needed to achieve this starting from the national down to village level?
Secondary forests are also important sources of germplasm, without which the ability to get trees on farms will be limited. There are a number of projects in the region that look at various aspects of forest management, for example, the Kenya Wildlife Service and the Forest Department work together in Mt Kenya reserve. This reserve is solely managed by the wildlife service. The purpose is to find out to what extent agroforestry in the neighbourhood could help maintain the forest that is a global heritage. In programmes in Southeast Asia ICRAF looks at issues aimed at rewarding those in the upland areas who are using and at the same time managing resources so that those in the lower areas can benefit too. ICRAF is also encouraging people around the miombo woodlands to plant tree stands to help meet demands for wood in order to relieve pressure on the forests.
CIFOR's activities are similar to those of ICRAF in the areas of forests for livelihoods and for environmental sustainability and services, and secondary forests are critical in these areas. CIFOR is currently doing work in many areas that could be called secondary forests. Issues range from governance, land tenure, impact of fires and use of (NTFPs).
A participant commented that in Uganda tropical secondary forests were to be found in protected areas (gazetted forests, national parks and wildlife reserves) and outside protected areas. There is considerable support from partners to protect both areas. These forests should be preserved but the community around should be allowed to access the forests for its products. It was asked whether this meeting would be about forests in or outside protected areas.
15 Most of these expectations are listed literally as expressed by the participants themselves during the workshop.