FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 05/04 - ARGENTINA (12 May)


Harvesting of the 2003/04 maize crop, currently underway, has been frequently disrupted because of heavy rains. By the first week of May, 55 percent of plantings had been harvested compared to 73 percent by the same time the year before. Latest official forecast indicates decrease in maize output from 15 million tonnes in 2002/03 to about 12.4 million tonnes in 2003/04. The decline is mainly the consequence of reduced rains at sowing, resulting in reduced plantings in the main growing areas of Cordoba and La Pampa. In many cases, farmers preferred to plant soybean instead of maize. Planting of the 2004 wheat crop is about to start in the main producing central and southern areas of the country. Recent rains delayed soil preparation, but provided abundant soil moisture that will contribute to achieve a good germination. Unofficial sources forecast a slight increase in 2004/05 marketing year wheat production compared to the previous year’s output that was affected by drought and reduction in plantings. The 2004 paddy crop was 90 percent harvested by the first week of May and output is expected to be about 990 000 tonnes, showing a significant recovery from the previous year’s low result of 718 000 tonnes.