FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 05/04 - MEXICO (12 May)

MEXICO (12 May)

Harvesting of the 2003/04 irrigated winter wheat crop is under way in the northwest main growing areas. Production is provisionally estimated to decline from 2.9 million tonnes in previous year to 2.5 million tonnes. This result is mainly due to inadequate water supplies in the main producing states of Sonora and Baja California, which resulted in a reduction in plantings of about 15 percent. Harvesting of the winter maize crop planted at the end of 2003 is underway and output is estimated at high 5.1 million tonnes. Aggregate 2003/04 marketing year maize output (summer and winter) is estimated at 20.3 million tonnes, about 5 percent higher than last year’s production reflecting favourable weather conditions. Planting of the important 2004 spring/summer maize crop, to be harvested in fall/winter, has recently started in the states of Jalisco, México, Michoacán, Chiapas and Puebla. Planting of the 2004 summer sorghum crop is also under way in the states of Guanajuato and Michoacán and production prospects are good due to increased planted area and favourable weather conditions. Planting of 2004 paddy crop just started and production is expected to increase slightly due to the introduction of incentives and subsidies from the federal and state governments. Imports in marketing year 2003/04 (July/June) are expected to be about 6.0 million tonnes of maize, 3.5 million tonnes of wheat and 3.8 million tonnes of sorghum. Rice imports in marketing year 2003/04 are estimated at 600 000 tonnes.