FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 05/04 - MOROCCO (11 May)

MOROCCO (11 May)

Aerial and ground control operations are underway against Desert Locust hopper groups and bands. Although over 347 000 hectares were treated in April, the current crop could be at risk in the coming months. Following below average rains from mid-December through mid-February, which affected crops and pasture in several regions, precipitation has improved significantly since late February, and remained widespread and regular. As a result of these favourable conditions, crops are growing satisfactorily and cereal production is anticipated to be markedly higher than the average for the previous five years, and the bumper crop of 7.96 million tonnes harvested last year. Wheat production is officially estimated at 5.4 millions tonnes.

Production of both wheat and barley in 2003 increased by more than 50 percent to 5.15 million tonnes and 2.62 million tonnes, respectively. Reflecting this bumper harvest, imports of cereals in the marketing year 2003/04 (July/June) are forecast at about 2.2 million tonnes, a reduction of nearly 2 million tonnes compared to the previous year.