FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 05/04 - NAMIBIA (18 May)

NAMIBIA (18 May)

Harvesting of 2003/04 main season crops is underway. The season has been characterized by delayed and generally insufficient rains in most parts of the country resulting in unfavourable prospects for harvest. During March and April sustained heavy rains upstream caused the Okavango River to burst its banks, causing serious flood damage to crops in the Caprivi and Kavago provinces. Significant improvement in pasture and livestock conditions is reported following heavy rains in recent months. In November 2003, the Government issued an appeal for emergency agricultural assistance. According to WFP and UNICEF, 640 000 people, a third of the nation’s population, will need food relief in the coming months because of the cumulative effects of adverse weather and HIV/AIDS. Donor support to the United Nations’ appeal for US$5.8 million to assist over 600 000 vulnerable people has not materialized. Consequently the Government has continued food distribution with its own resources.