FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 05/04 - URUGUAY (12 May)

URUGUAY (12 May)

Harvesting of the important 2004 paddy crop is underway and production is provisionally estimated at a record level of 1.3 million tonnes. This result is due to the increase in the area planted in response to higher international prices and to the exceptional yields following favourable weather condition (about 6.9 kg/ha). Planting of the 2004 winter wheat and barley crops, for harvesting at the end of the year, is about to start with the arrival of first rains that are delayed in time. The area planted to wheat and barley is expected to increase by about 25 percent compared to previous year. Harvesting of the 2004 summer maize crop is under way and production is estimated at high 200 000 tonnes.