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This working paper “Socio-economic trends and outlook in Latin America: implications for the forestry sector to 2020” of the Latin American Forestry Sector Outlook Study (LAFSOS) is the result of the efforts of several individuals who compiled and collected information and prepared the document.

FAO wishes to acknowledge Sandra J. Velarde, for the preparation of this working paper, Sandra Inés Rivero and Shayma Saadat for their technical and editorial inputs during the various stages of the paper’s preparation. The overall guidance provided by Adrian Whiteman was fundamental in the structure and content development of the report. The inputs provided by Olman Serrano and Jhony Zapata are also acknowledged.

FAO also wishes to express its gratitude for the support provided by Marco Perri, who designed the cover page. Formatting and layout were provided by Carla Tomalino.

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