A Comprehensive and Independent External Evaluation of FAO

From To Calendar Days Months
Period of Evaluation 01/05/2005 01/08/2006 450 15
Period of field missions 01/09/2005 31/01/2006 149  
Expert reviews 01/02/2006 31/03/2006 59  

The start date of 1 May 2005 is based on a Council Approval at end November, a first meeting of the Committee in early January and settlement of the Terms of Reference by early March leaving the balance of March and April for the recruitment of experts, etc.

Summary of Costs

US$ 000
Committee of the Council - direct costs (Table 1) 148,158
Committee of the Council - travel costs of members (Table 1) 176,100
Final Evaluation Report and Management Response (Table 1) 192,766
Secretariat for the Committee (Table 2) 486,450
HQ Programmes and Overall Management of the Team (Table 3) 2,403,657
Key Reviews of Non-Technical Departments (Table 4) 1,066,950
Decentralized Teams (Table 5) 688,328
Total Cost 5,162,409

Table 1. Committee of the Council

Item/for each meeting Cost excluding Chinese Cost including Chinese
Interpretation (3 hour session) 7,920 10,560
One Messenger 58 58
FAO staff time
One G6 (Conference facilities - one day) 91 91
One G6 (GICM – one day) 91 91
P4 (GICO/GICM - two days) 399 399
Subtotal cost 8,560 11,200
Pre-session document (5,000 words):
- Translation Cost 9,360 9,360
- Printing Cost 278 278
Sub-total 9,638 9,638
Report (2000 words):
- Translation Cost 3,744 3,744
- Printing Cost 111 111
Sub-total 3,855 3,855
Total cost for each meeting 22,053 24,693
Total cost for six meetings 132,318 148,158
For Evaluation Report and Management Response
Final Report  November 2006 (70,000 words):
- Translation Cost 131,040 131,040
- Printing Cost 3,896 3,896
Sub-total 134,936 134,936
Secretariat response to Final Report (30,000 words):
- Translation Cost 56,160 56,160
- Printing Cost 1,670 1,670
Sub-total 57,830 57,830
Total Cost for Final Reports 192,766 192,766
Travel of Members (5 per meeting @ US$ 5000 +3 days DSA) 176,100 176,100
Grand Total of Committee 501,184 517,024

Table 2. Secretariat for the Committee

Grade Title Months US$/Mth Cost
D1 Secretary to Committee 15.0 16,200 243,000
P3 Research Officer 15.0 9,730 145,950
G5 Secretary 15.0 6,500 97,500
Total 486,450

Table 3. HQ Programmes and Overall Management of the Team (see separate sheets for Non-technical departments and Decentralized teams)

Average  Ticket Cost    US$ 5,000


Number of calendar days Honorarium DSA Air tickets

Total Cost

At home
On duty

(calendar day)

Rate 1st
60 days
Rate after
60 days

No. of
Cost @
Team Leader 50 400 450 550 247,500 290 217 91,180 15 75,000


Senior Expert 1 25 300 325 450 146,250 290 217 69,480 10 50,000


Senior Expert 2 25 300 325 450 146,250 290 217 69,480 10 50,000


Senior Expert 3 25 300 325 450 146,250 290 217 69,480 10 50,000


Senior Expert 4 25 300 325 450 146,250 290 217 69,480 10 50,000


Expert 1 - 147 147 400 58,800 290 217 36,279 7 35,000


Expert 2 - 147 147 400 58,800 290 217 36,279 7 35,000


Expert 3 - 147 147 400 58,800 290 217 36,279 7 35,000


Case Study consultant 1 - 126 126 300 37,800 200 175 23,550 6 30,000


Case Study consultant 2 - 126 126 300 37,800 200 175 23,550 6 30,000


Expert Support (e.g. statisticians, etc.) - 300 300 450 135,000 290 217 69,480 4 20,000


Secretary 600 - 600 216 129,640 290 217 - - -


Total Core Team     3,343   1,349,140     594,517   460,000


The structure of the Team will depend so much on the Terms of Reference, that it is difficult at this stage to do a detailed costing. The above table assumes 10 or more experts of various levels carrying out a number of functions including:
  - managing the evaluation
  - evaluating the work of the technical departments both in HQ and through case studies in the field
  - preparation of the report

Table 4. Key Reviews of Non-Technical Departments

The following provides approximate estimates of the cost of individual reviews of the key areas in non-technical departments. These estimates are based on the on the use of high level experts for the stated number of days. However, the actual number of days required would depend on the individual Terms of Reference and may vary significantly.

Average  Ticket Cost   US$ 5,000

Number of calendar days Honorarium DSA Air tickets Total Cost
At home
On duty

(calendar day)

Rate 1st
60 days
Rate after
60 days

No. of
Cost @
 Overall management and coordination of Management Reviews (ensuring consistent recommendations, etc.) 
Senior Expert 10 80 90 650 58,500 290 217 21,740 2 10,000 90,240
Expert 10 80 90 550 49,500 290 217 21,740 2 10,000 81,240
Secretarial Support 30 - 30 163 4,890 290 217 - - - 4,890
 Management review of FAO's financial services
Expert 1 10 80 90 550 49,500 290 217 21,740 2 10,000 81,240
Expert 2 10 80 90 550 49,500 290 217 21,740 2 10,000 81,240
Expert 3 10 80 90 550 49,500 290 217 21,740 2 10,000 81,240
Secretarial Support 30 - 30 163 4,890 290 217 - - - 4,890
 Management review of FAO's Programme Planning and Budgetary processes
Expert 1 3 27 30 550 16,500 290 217 7,830 1 5,000 29,330
Expert 2 3 27 30 550 16,500 290 217 7,830 1 5,000 29,330
Secretarial Support 15 - 15 163 2,445 290 217 - - - 2,445
 Management Review of Human Resources management in FAO
Expert 1 10 80 90 550 49,500 290 217 21,740 2 10,000 81,240
Expert 2 10 80 90 550 49,500 290 217 21,740 2 10,000 81,240
Secretarial Support 30 - 30 163 4,890 290 217 - - - 4,890
 Management Review of Information Technology in FAO
Expert 1 10 80 90 550 49,500 290 217 21,740 2 10,000 81,240
Expert 2 10 80 90 550 49,500 290 217 21,740 2 10,000 81,240
Expert 3 10 80 90 550 49,500 290 217 21,740 2 10,000 81,240
Secretarial Support 30 - 30 163 4,890 290 217 - - - 4,890
 Management Review of the Procurement Function in FAO
Expert 1 3 27 30 550 16,500 290 217 7,830 1 5,000 29,330
Expert 2 3 27 30 550 16,500 290 217 7,830 1 5,000 29,330
Secretarial Support 15 - 15 163 2,445 290 217 - - - 2,445
 Review of Facilities Management in FAO
Expert 1 6 44 50 550 27,500 290 217 12,760 2 10,000 50,260
Expert 2 6 44 50 550 27,500 290 217 12,760 2 10,000 50,260
Secretarial Support 20 - 20 163 3,260 290 217 - - - 3,260
 Review of the Effectiveness and Efficiency of FAO Public Information Services (see Note 1)
Expert 1 6 44 50 550 27,500 290 217 12,760 2 10,000 50,260
Expert 2 6 44 50 550 27,500 290 217 12,760 2 10,000 50,260
Secretarial Support 20 - 20 163 3,260 290 217 - - - 3,260
Total for above Reviews     1,290   652,710     274,240   140,000 1,066,950

Note 1: The strategy "Communicating FAO's Messages" is on the current programme of the Evaluation Service. The evaluation report will go to the Programme Committee in 2005.

Table 5. Decentralized Teams

Typical Mission Budget

Average  Ticket Cost    US$ 8,000


Number of calendar days Honorarium DSA Air tickets Total Cost
At home
On duty



Rate 1st
60 days
Rate after
60 days

No. of
Cost @
Mission Leader - 35 35 500 17,500 200 175 7,000 1 8,000 32,500
Team Member 1 - 28 28 450 12,600 200 175 5,600 1 8,000 26,200
Team Member 2 - 28 28 450 12,600 200 175 5,600 1 8,000 26,200
Secretary 7 - 7 163 1,141 200 175 - - - 1,141
Total Team     98   43,841     18,200   24,000 86,041
Asia (RAP+LOJA+3 countries) 43,841 18,200 24,000 86,041
SW Pacific (SAPA+3 countries) 43,841 18,200 24,000 86,041
Caribbean (SLAC+3 countries) 43,841 18,200 24,000 86,041
Latin America (RLC+ LOWA + 3 countries) 43,841 18,200 24,000 86,041
Europe and Central Asia (REU, SEUR, LOGE, LOBR + 4 countries) 43,841 18,200 24,000 86,041
Near East (RNE + 3 countries) 43,841 18,200 24,000 86,041
Africa (east) SAFR + 3 countries 43,841 18,200 24,000 86,041
Africa (west) RAF + 3 countries 43,841 18,200 24,000 86,041
Mission Budget         350,728     145,600   192,000 688,328



Inventory of Reviews with External Inputs since January 2002 of Potential Relevance to an Evaluation of FAO

Title Date (mm/yy) External Element Handling vis-ą-vis Governing Bodies Governing Bodies Doc. Ref.
Independent External Evaluation of the Special Programme for Food Security 05/2002 Independent External Evaluation Team PC/CL and Conference (in the PER) PC 87/4 a)
Evaluation of the Animal Health Component of Programme 2.1.3 05/2002 External Consultants and External Peer Review PC/CL and Conference (in the PER) PC 87/4 b)
Programme Evaluation of EMPRES-Desert Locust


External Consultants and External Peer Review

PC/CL and Conference (in the PER)

PC 87/4 c)

Thematic Evaluation of Strategy A3 09/2002 External Consultants and External Peer Review PC/CL and Conference (in the PER) PC 88/5 a)
Joint FAO/WHO Evaluation of Codex Alimentarius and Other FAO and WHO Food Standards Work 05/2003 Externally led with external consultants and Independent Expert Panel PC/CL and Conference (in the PER) also Special Session of Codex Alimentarius Commission PC 89/5 a)
The Evaluation of Programme 2.2.2 (Food and Agricultural Information) Activities related to Agricultural Statistics in the context of FAOSTAT 05/2003 External Consultants and External Peer Review PC/CL and Conference (in the PER) PC 89/5 b)
Review of Management and Administration in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: FAO 05/2003 Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) PC/FC and CL CL 124/ INF/14
Evaluation of FAO Activities in Crop Production 09/2003 External Consultants and External Peer Review PC/CL and Conference (in the PER) PC 90/3 a)
Review of Staffing Levels in AFF and AFI 11/2003 KPMG Briefly reported in PWB 2004-05 (C 2003/3 para. 694)
Evaluation of FAO Activities in Fisheries Exploitation and Utilization – Programme 2.3.3 05/2004 External Consultants and External Peer Review PC/CL and Conference (in the PER) PC 91/5
Independent Evaluation of FAO’s Decentralization 09/2004 Independent and externally led Team PC/FC/CL and Conference (in the PER) PC 92/6 a)
Report of the External Auditor (2002-2003):
- Budgetary process of the RP
- Technical Cooperation Programme
- Procurement Function
- Decentralized Units
09/2004 External Auditor FC/CL and Conference C 2005/5B
Review of TCP (work-in-progress) 05/2005 Includes the Evaluation Service’s synthesis of TCP evaluations to date and the outcome of consultation with external stakeholders PC/CL and Conference (in the PER) tba


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