FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.3 - December 2004 p.31

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The 2003 aggregate cereal crop, estimated at about 2 million tonnes, is 12 percent higher than the average for the previous five years but about 7 percent down from the previous year. The cereal import requirement for 2004, mainly wheat and rice, is forecast at 536�000 tonnes of which about 460�000 tonnes are anticipated to be covered by commercial imports.

�WheatRiceCoarse GrainsTotal Cereals
�[thousand tonnes]
Previous year production (incl. paddy rice)-2801 8752 155
Previous five years average production (incl. paddy rice)-2411 5631 804
Previous year imports26633314613
Previous five years average imports25724137535
2004 Domestic Availability-1621 7701 932
2003 Production (incl. paddy rice)-2431 7702 013
2003 Production (incl. milled rice)-1621 7701 932
Possible stock drawdown----
2004 Utilization2664121 7902 468
Food use2633721 2411 876
Non-food use330399432
Exports or re-exports-10150160
Possible stock build up----
2004 Import Requirement26625020536
Anticipated commercial imports21024010460
of which: received or contracted107230-337
Food aid needs56101076
Current Aid Position����
Food aid pledges82716105
of which: delivered67518
Donor-financed purchases----
of which: for local use----
for export----
Estimated Per Caput Consumption (kg/year)13186192
2003 Production compared to average (incl. paddy rice)-101113112
2004 Import requirement compared to average10410454100
Cereal share of total calorie intake���28
Additional Information����
Major foodcropsroots; tubers; coarse grains; rice
Lean seasonApril-June
Population (000s)20 422���
GNI per capita in 2003 (US$)320���

FAO/GIEWS�-�December 2004

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