FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.3 - December 2004 p.44

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The joint FAO/CILSS Crop Assessment Mission which visited the country recently has provisionally estimated the 2004 cereal production at 3.14 million tonnes, which is 12 percent lower than last year�s good crop, but close to the average for the previous five years. Imports of cereal in the marketing year ending in October 2005 are forecast to increase sharply from last year to over 500 000 tonnes.

�WheatRiceCoarse GrainsTotal Cereals
�[thousand tonnes]
Previous year production (incl. paddy rice)8623 5063 576
Previous five years average production (incl. paddy rice)7652 9272 999
Previous year imports37152167357
Previous five years average imports52129239420
2004/05 Domestic Availability9513 0623 122
2004 Production (incl. paddy rice)9783 0523 139
2004 Production (incl. milled rice)9513 0523 112
Possible stock drawdown--1010
2004/05 Utilization651893 3723 626
Food use641792 9043 147
Non-food use19468478
Exports or re-exports----
Possible stock build up----
2004/05 Import Requirement56138310504
Anticipated commercial imports43125310478
of which: received or contracted----
Food aid needs1313-26
Current Aid Position����
Food aid pledges64-10
of which: delivered-1-1
Donor-financed purchases--11
of which: for local use--11
for export----
Estimated Per Caput Consumption (kg/year)515239259
2004 Production compared to average (incl. paddy rice)129120104105
2004/05 Import requirement compared to average108107130120
Cereal share of total calorie intake���69
Additional Information����
Major foodcropsmillet; sorghum; pulses; roots; tubers
Lean seasonJuly-September
Population (000s)12 162���
GNI per capita in 2003 (US$)200���

FAO/GIEWS�-�December 2004

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