FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.1 - April 2005 p.8

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Table 4. Local purchases within sub-Saharan Africa in 2004/05 or 2005 (in '000 tonnes) 1/

�Donor�Recipient country�Total
CanadaNiger (0.1)0.1
ECBurundi (0.4), Congo, Dem.Rep.of (2.2),Madagascar (2.9), Sudan (5.0),16.1
�Zambia (5.6)�
GermanyLesotho (0.4), Tanzania (0.4), Zambia (1.5), Zimbabwe (3.2)5.5
NGOsMalawi (0.1), Tanzania, U.R. (0.4)0.5
WFPBenin (0.1), Burkina Faso (4.7), Cent.Afr.Rep. (0.3), Ghana (0.5),286.9
�Kenya (60.4), Lesotho (32.7),Malawi (47.4), Mali (1.1), �
�Mozambique (4.8), Namibia (4.0), Niger (1.0), Senegal (0.5), �
�Sudan (47.1), Swaziland (3.7), Tanzania (28.5), Uganda (19.0), �
�Zambia (23.0), Zimbabwe (8.1)�
1/ Based on information reported by WFP to GIEWS as of mid-March 2005.�

FAO/GIEWS�-�April 2005

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