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Appendix 2

The following list of wood has been used in the construction of boats at the boatyard. There are other woods available in Nepal probably suitable for boatbuilding besides the ones listed but as they have not been used or available they have been omitted.

  1. Sal (Shorea robusta) A dense durable wood similar to some Australian Eucalyptus in characteristics and working qualities, slow seasoning, fairly stable. A bit too heavy to be a good boatbuilding timber. Most readily available timber at present, weight 25.5 kg (56 lbs) per ft 3 cost Rs. 32–39 per ft3 ($2.57 – $3.13).

  2. Shaj (Terminalia tomentosa) A dense durable dark wood suitable for boatbuilding moderately stable. Comes from the Terai and not readily available in Pokhara. Weight 22.75 kg (50 lbs) per ft3, cost Rs. 40.00 per ft3 ($3.21).

  3. Jamon (Eugenia jambolena) A lighter colored medium hardwood fairly durable, only moderately stable, not readily available in Pokhara weight 19 kg. (42 lbs) per ft 3 cost Rs. 40.00 per ft 3 ($3.21).

  4. Champ (Michelia champacia) A brown medium hardwood very durable quite stable, good for boatbuilding, from Pokhara region only occasionally available, weight 16.5 kg (36 lbs) per ft 3, cost Rs. 45.00 per ft 3 ($3.61).

  5. Tooni (Tona ciliata) A red moderately soft cedar very durable and stable particularly good for planking, from Pokhara region unfortunatly only occasionally available, weight 13.50 kg (30 lbs) per ft 3 cost Rs. 45.00 per ft 3 ($3.61).

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