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The Government of Nepal, assisted by the United Nations Development Programme and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, are engaged in the Integrated Fisheries and Fish Culture Development Project (NEP/73/025). The main purpose of the project is to assess productivity of lakes and rivers and introduce improved boats and gear, to develop large-scale production of fingerlings for culture purposes and to introduce improved fish handling and processing methods.

The project operations in the Pokara Development Region include a limnological and fishery biological survey of the region and training of counterpart staff for this purpose. Under a project revision, surveying of waters in other parts of Nepal was added to the project. As part of the project operation, FAO assigned Mr. W. Ferro, limnologist/fishery biologist, from 1 August 1976 to 30 June 1978, with the following terms of reference:

This report describes the activities of the expert and summarizes his findings.


There are three sizable lakes: Phewa, Begnas and Rupa in the Pokhara Valley of Nepal. There are also some very small lakes (less than 10 ha each). The total lake area in the valley is estimated at about 800 ha;fish production, according to some statistics, was 16 to 19 tons per year. The catches made by the Fisheries Section of the Government showed a considerable decline from 1965 to 1975 but the only figures available are for total catches per year.

Little was known about the biology of the commercially important fish species. Information on the limnology of the lakes was also scarce. Even less data are known for other natural waters in Nepal.

A work plan was drawn up to collect information on as many aspects of the lake limnology and fisheries as possible. The work plan was based on the availability of the following manpower: one FAO expert, an FAO associate expert, a half-time counterpart and two technical assistants. As no associate expert was recruited and the counterpart available in all less than half time, the work had to be adjusted accordingly.

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