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Appendix 1

Ferro, W. and D.B. Swar. 1978 Bathymetric maps from three lakes in Pokhara Valley (Nepal). Journal of the Institute of Science, Tribhuvan University, Katmandu, Nepal Vol. 1 (in press).

Ferro, W. 1978 Occurence of fresh water medusae (Limnomedusae) in Lake Rupa, Himalayan foothills (Nepal). Journal of the Nepal Research Centre, Katmandu. Vol. 1 (in press).

Ferro, W. 1978 Some limnological and biological data from Lake Rara, a deep, Himalayan lake in Nepal. Journal of the Nepal Research Centre, Katmandu. Vol. 1 (in press).

Ferro, W. 1978 Limnology of the Pokhara Valley Lakes (Himalayan region, Nepal) and its implications for the fishery and fish culture. (To be submitted to: Journal of the Nepal Research Centre, Katmandu.) (in preparation).

Ferro, W. 1978 Potential of fish production from man-made lakes in Nepal. Integrated Fishery and Fish Culture Development Project, FAO, Pokhara, Nepal. Working paper (restricted).

Ferro, W. 1978 Data on the fishery in Pokhara Valley (Nepal) and their implications for the fishery management. (To be submitted to: Journal of the Institute of Science, Tribhuvan University, Katmandu, Nepal.) (in preparation).

Ferro, W. and P.R. Badagami. 1978 On the biology of the commercially important fish species of Pokhara Valley, Nepal. (To be submitted to: Journal of the Institute of Science, Tribhuvan University, Katmandu, Nepal.) (in preparation).

Table 1


SpeciesLocal NameBreeding SeasonMaximum Size recordedMost Common Type of Food
(provisional scientific name)  (cm) 
Barbus torSaharMarch to Sept.89fish, aquatic, plants.
Barbus hexagonolepsisKatleApril to Nov.59aquatic plants, insects.
Barbus saranaKadeApril to Aug.30insects, aquatic plants.
Barbus chaginioRewaMarch to Oct.27crustaceans, insect larvae.
Mystus bleekeriJungeMarch to Oct.23insect larvae, crustaceans.
Labezo augraGardiApril to July46algae, chironomid larvae.
Barbus tictoBittaMarch to Aug.   09.0algae, crustaceans.
Barilius barnaBagephagetaFeb. to Nov.   11.8algae, crustaceans.
Barilius vargaLamuphagetaFeb. to Aug. ?   13.5algae, insects.
Xenentodon caucilaTutsebamFeb. to Sep.35fish.
Oreinus richardsoniAslaNov. and Dec.?31??

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