August 1981

Item 2.2.2. of the Provisional Agenda

Joint FAO/WHO/UNU Expert Consultation on Energy and Protein Requirements

Rome, 5 to 17 October 1981



Reynaldo Martorell

Food Research Institute
Stanford University

I. Introduction

Most researchers find a coefficient of variation of 15 % for obligatory nitrogen losses in urine and faeces. An allowance of 30% (twice the C.V.) was therefore added to the estimated obligatory losses to compensate “for the effects of ordinary sources of stress of daily life such as minor infections and trauma, pain, anxiety and loss of sleep” by the last FAO/WHO Committee on Energy and Protein Requirements (FAO/WHO, 1973). There is no firm basis to date for altering this empirically derived factor and much less for assigning variable factors by occupation, social status, age, sex or any other variable.

The 1973 report considered the effect of climate on requirements concluding that “there was no quantifiable basis for correcting the resting and exercise energy requirements according to climate” (FAO/WHO, 1973). Protein requirements were also not corrected for climatic factors. Some new information has come to light since the last meeting and this is reviewed in this report. The effects of high altitude on energy requirements are also discussed.

This report also deals with the effects of infection on protein and energy requirements. While the 1973 report noted the significance of these effects, it did not specify any correction factors for infections.

The final section of this report considers whether the recommendations of the 1973 report regarding the effects of climate and infection on requirements ought to be changed.

II. Literature review

A. Nitrogen losses in sweat

The work of Mitchell and Hamilton (1949) and later of Consolazio et al. (1963) suggest heavy sweating results in nitrogen losses as high as 3 to 4 g. per day. These findings cannot be extrapolated to native populations of hot environments because the subjects in both studies were not acclimatized to heat. One important aspect of acclimatization is the gradual reduction in the N concentration in sweat as suggested by the very studies of Consolazio and colleagues.1 During 16 days of experimentation at 100°F, the N concentration in sweat fell from 1.00 to 0.53 mg/g in the subjects included in Consolazio et al.'s 1963 study. A later study confirmed these findings (Consolazio et al., 1975) as did a study by Bass et al. (1955). Ashworth and Horrower (1967) reported that Jamaican subjects have low N concentrations in sweat and also noted that there was an inverse relationship between sweat volume and N concentration.

Acclimatization could also involve a reduction in urinary N loss to compensate for the N loss in heavy sweating. The literature on this issue is conflicting as some authors find no evidence of renal compensation (Consolazio et al., 1963; Weiner et al., 1972; Consolazio et al., 1975) while others do (Ashworth and Horrower, 1967; Huang et al., 1972).

1 Another reason why Consolazio's values may be high is because sweat was collected in arm bags. Arm sweat is more concentrated than sweat from the whole body (Ashworth and Horrower, 1967). Also, protein intakes in Consolazio's study were high. Some investigators have shown that the nitrogen loss in sweat is increased at higher protein intakes (Howat et al., 1975; Calloway et al., 1971; Ashworth and Horrower, 1967; Consolazio et al., 1975).

The nitrogen losses in sweat in tropical environments do not appear to be excessive. In Tanzanian subjects, the N lost in sweat would not exceed 1 g/day on a good diet or 0.5 g/d on a low protein diet (Weiner et al., 1972). Ashworth and Horrower (1967) estimated Jamaican men lost 0.5 g N/day in approximately 3 L of sweat. These values exceed those allotted for skin and miscellaneous losses in the 1973 FAO/WHO report (i.e., 0.5 mg N/kg/day for skin and miscellaneous losses or 0.35 g N/day for a 70 kg man) by a small amount. A joint FAO/WHO Memorandum (1979) concluded the nitrogen cost in sweat was trivial.

B. Energy expenditure in hot environments

Another issue of importance is whether work capacity and energy expenditure are affected by heat. Since blood flow from the body core to its surface is increased in heat stress, one would expect that during heat stress less blood would be available to exercising muscle. While one would not necessarily expect the energy cost of submaximal work to be affected, work capacity would clearly be diminished by heat stress. Gupta et al. (1977) found that the oxygen consumption of Indian soldiers during sub-maximal work decreased in hotter temperatures. However, the total oxygen cost of the submaximal work remained the same because increased anaerobic metabolism compensated for the reduced blood flow to muscle. Williams et al. (1962) and Sengupta et al. (1979) also reported similar findings. Brun et al. (1979) found, in Iranian agricultural workers, no significant differences between the energy cost of standardized activities at high summer temperatures and moderate temperatures. Consolazio et al. (1962), on the other hand, reported no changes in oxygen consumption in moderate and heavy activity when the temperature was increased from 70°F to 85°F, though at 100°F oxygen consumption values increased by over 11 percent. Other authors also observed a rise in oxygen consumption with increased temperature (Durnin and Haisman, 1966) though others reported no effect of temperature (Saltin et al., 1972).

Reports about work capacity or rather, maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max) in a hot environment are also conflicting. Williams et al. (1962) reported that the VO2 max of subjects was not significantly different in hot compared to comfortable environments. Matsui et al. (1978) report no significant differences in VO2 max at three different temperatures. Similar findings were reported by Pirnay et al. (1970) in coal miners; however, when a group of students was exposed to hot temperatures for 20 minutes prior to performing the same work done by the miners, VO2 max did decrease. Mostardi et al. (1974) found no changes in VO2 max with increases in body temperature. Saltin et al. (1972) reported that exercising to exhaustion in a warm environment influences work performance time without altering VO2 max. They reasoned that anaerobic metabolites accumulated in the exercising muscles in the warmer environment causing the subjects to stop earlier. Like Pirnay et al. (1972), Saltin et al. (1972) found significant reductions in both work performance and VO2 max when the subjects were preheated prior to performing the maximal exercise at 40°C. Gupta et al. (1977) found a significant fall in VO2 max with increased environmental temperatures, with the fall being greater in hot humid environments. The latter would be expected to impose a greater thermoregulatory strain than dry heat because high humidity limits sweat evaporation.

C. Energy expenditure in cold environments

Some primitive people must cope with very cold temperatures, particularly at night.2 The aborigines of central Australia and the Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert wear no clothing except for a genital cover and during winter nights may be exposed to moderately cold temperatures (e.g., average minimum temperature of 3–5°C in July). That these people manage to sleep well under such conditions while foreigners cannot at all is indicative of adaptive physiological processes. Most peoples inhabiting cold regions are apparently able to maintain high skin and extremity temperatures by increasing the basal metabolic rate.3 These efforts to maintain body temperatures obviously increase energy requirements. The biological and cultural adaptations of primitive people to the cold are discussed extensively by Frisancho (1979) and LeBlanc (1975).

2 Environmental stress in a cold climate is primarily a function of ambient temperature and wind speed. The resulting wind chill index is a better representation of cold stress.

On the other hand, with proper housing and clothing, modern man is essentially unexposed to the cold.4 Most authors find lower temperatures do not appear to influence basal or resting metabolism in Europe and North America (McCarroll et al., 1979; Petrasek, 1978; Dauncey, 1979; Bray and Atkinson, 1977). Investigations in the Artic and Antartic show none or only small seasonal variations in BMR (Discussion, 1966). Yet, Japanese investigators have for years claimed to observe a small seasonal variation in basal metabolism arguing that Japanese are not as insulated from cold stress as North Americans (Sasaki, 1966; Yoshimura et al., 1966; Matsui et al., 1978).5

3 Other groups such as the Australian aborigines apparently cope with the cold by decreasing insulation of the body shell through vasoconstriction and by tolerating moderate cooling of the skin and extremities without raising the basal metabolic rate (Scholander et al., 1958; Hammel et al., 1959).

4 In breathing, cold air is warmed to values well above temperatures associated with tissue freezing before reaching the trachea or bronchi (Buskirk, 1978). The energy cost of warming air has not apparently been assessed.

5 Basal metabolism was increased by 35% in the winter when water temperatures fall to 10°C in women divers from the Korean peninsula of Ama. The degree of cold exposure to which these women subject themselves has no parallel in human populations (Hong, 1963).

Energy expenditures may be increased in properly clothed men working outside. It has been estimated that artic clothing may increase energy expenditure by 16 percent over desert clothing, and 8 percent over temperate clothing (Gray et al., 1951). Some argue that the “hobbling” effect of bulky multiple clothing layers adds 15 percent to the total energy cost of movement, in addition to the cost of the weight of the clothing (Goldman and Teitlebaum, 1972). The minimal weight of clothing and equipment in soldiers in cold environments is over 40 pounds and counting skis and magnesium shoes, some 55 pounds (McCarroll et al., 1979). The difficulty of the terrain will also affect energy expenditures. Relative to a black-top road, the energy expended in walking is increased by 30 percent in hard-packed snow and by as much as 500 percent in very deep snow (Pandolf et al., 1976).

In summary, energy expenditures are increased in primitive peoples exposed to cold environments. Proper clothing and shelter, rather than energy for basal metabolism, would seem to be the more pressing need. The situation in modern man is succinctly summarized by McCarrol et al. (1979, p. 609):

It is clear that temperature per se does not increase basal metabolism in properly clothed individuals. The only adjustment to food intake that is necessary is that which is required by increased activity (work).

D. Nutritional effects of high altitude

Acute exposure to high altitudes, especially over 3500 m, leads to anorexia, reduced food consumption and weight loss. These are temporary effects; appetite for example, returns to normal within two weeks of high altitude residency (Hannon et al., 1976; Ward, 1975; Surks et al., 1966; Johnson et al., 1969; Whitten et al., 1968).

New comers to high altitude also show decreased maximal oxygen uptakes (Buskirk, 1976; Blatteis, 1978; Consolazio et al., 1966; Dill and Adams, 1971). Some authors have found a gradual improvement in the aerobic capacity in subsequent weeks as the oxygen carrying capacity improves (e.g. increased hematocrit and hemoglobin) but since cardiac output is reduced, the VO2 max is never restored to its pre-altitude value (Grover, 1978; Blatteis, 1978).6

On the other hand, Blatteis (1978) found that while the O2 cost of submaximal standarized exercises is increased upon arrival to high altitude, no differences relative to sea values can be demonstrated one week after arrival. Blatteis' (1978) interpretation of his work and that of others is that submaximal exercise is not affected by altitude.

E. Infection and nutritional status

The most common infectious diseases in developing countries are those of the gastrointestinal and the respiratory tract. Children under three years of age are by far the group most likely to be more frequently and more severely ill.

6 Some authors find that the VO2 max of Quechua Indians tested at high altitude equals that of lowlanders tested at sea level and exceeds that of lowlanders acclimatized and tested at high altitude (Frisancho, 1979; Grover, 1978). Perhaps, adaptations acquired during the developmental period (e.g. enlarged lung volume, chest size and right ventricle of heart) account for the findings.

1. Field studies of infection and growth

The results of studies of illness and physical growth are summarized in Table 1 for developed countries and in Table 2 for developing countries. The separation according to area of origin reveals constrasting results. While most of the studies from developed nations report no associations between illness and physical growth, those from developing nations report that common childhood ailments, in particular diarrheal diseases are clearly associated with poor physical growth.7

Differences in methodology may explain the results. The measurement of illness was more direct in developing countries and greater reliance in the studies done in wealthier nations on school records and on lengthy recall interviews with parents may have obscured existing associations. However, it may be that the findings reflect contrasting ecological settings. The disease load experienced by children in developed countries is light in comparison to that of malnourished populations. Another obvious difference is the superior nutritional status of children from developed nations. Perhaps no associations were evident in the wealthier countries because such children, with ample nutritional resources, quickly made up the losses which the infrequent episodes of illness may have caused.

7 Parasitic infections are more common than diarrheal diseases but far less important. For example, most studies have been unable to show that treatment of intestinal parasites with antihelminthic or antiprotozoal drugs on growth in pre-school children improves growth rates (Salomons and Keusch, 1981).

The magnitude of the impact of illness on physical growth can be estimated from the results of studies carried out in four rural Guatemalan villages (Martorell et al., 1975a, 1975b). Children who were relatively free from diarrhea from birth to 7 years of age grew significantly better than children not so fortunate. The differences in growth at 7 years of age between both groups were 3.5 cm in height and 1.5 kg in weight. These differences are of large magnitude if we consider that 7-year-old children from such communities differ from well-nourished children from the U.S.A. by about 13 cm in height and 5 kg in weight.8

Table 1 --Illness and physical growth indicators of nutritional status: developed nations

SourceIllness variablesGrowth variablesConclusion
Evans (1944)
Ninety-three 2.5 to 5-year-old children of high socio-economic status. (U.S.A.)
Days absent from school; children were divided into 5 groups according to severity of illnesses.Six-month increments in various measurements including height and weight.The growth of all five groups was similar.
Hardy (1938)
Four hundred and fifteen school children of all socioeconomic classes. (U.S.A.)
Incidence of ordinary diseases of childhood exclusive of minor colds and rickets as determined from a single interview of mothers (for history prior to age 8) and from yearly interviews of mothers and school records for absences due to illnesses (for history after age 8).Annual growth rates in height from 8 to 12 years; various measures of body size throughout childhood, middle childhood, and adulthood.No association was found between growth and disease; children in extreme categories of illness did not differ in terms of growth even when they were matched for national and social origins.
Hewitt, Westropp, & Acheson (1955)
Six hundred and fifty children followed from 2 to 5 years of age. (England)
Annual sickness records; the sample was divided into five diagnostic groups and into three categories according to severity of illnessYearly height increments.The growth of all diagnostic groups was similar; however, the “severe” disease group grew less in height.
Kubát, Kourim, Nováhová, Moderová, & Stloukalová (1971)
Three hundred and thirty-three middle-class children followed from birth to 6 years of age. (Czechoslovakia)
The sample was divided into high and low groups according to disease incidence data obtained from pediatric records.Height and weight at 6 years of age as well as increments from birth to 6 years of age.In all comparisons, the growth of frequently ill children was greater than that of the infrequently ill group. Only in the case of girls and with height increments did this reach statistical significance.
Martens & Meredith (1942)
Ninety 5 to 6-year-old children of high socio-economic status. (U.S.A.)
Days absent from school on account of illness.Six-month increments and attained size of various measurements including height and weight.No association between absence from school on account of illness and physical growth.
Meredith & Knott (1962)
Thirty-five elementary school children followed from 5 to 10 years of age. (U.S.A.)
Interviews of parents every six months. Healthiest 20% compared to least healthy 20%; breakdown based on number of illnesses, severity, and duration.Various measures of body size at 5 years; growth increments in height, weight, as well as in other measures over a five-year period.The growth of both groups was similar.
Palmer (1936)
Four thousand school children. (U.S.A.)
Days absent from school on account of illness.Attained height and weight.No associations were found.
Turner, Longee, Saravia, & Fuller (1935)
One hundred and twenty school children 6 to 14 years. (U.S.A.)
School records and yearly recall interviews of parents and children by the health teacher.Sixty children with poor weight gains were compared to sixty randomly chosen children of the same age and sex with above-average weight gains.Poor growers experienced more communicable, respiratory, and non-communicable illnesses.
Valvadian, Reed, Stuart, Burke, Pyle, & Cornoni (unpublished manuscript)
One hundred and thirty-five children followed from 0 to 17 years of age. (U.S.A.)
Interviews at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months of age, every 6 months thereafter till 10 years, and every year from 10 to 18 years. Complex score system used as the morbidity variable.Height and weight at various ages from birth to 17 years of age.The high illness groups had the greater proportion of larger children at maturity. Greater illness was associated with rapid growth in perschool children and to some extent also in adolescence.

Table 2 --Illness and physical growth indicators of nutritional status: developing nations. All samples are from the rural area

Source1Illness variablesGrowth variablesConclusion
Cole & Parkin (1977)
Forty-five children followed from birth to three years of age. (Uganda)
The children were examined routinely once a month and whenever they attended the clinic on account of illness. Incidence per month were recorded for various symptoms.Monthly weight gains.The incidence of diarrhea, fever, and measles were significantly related to monthly weight gains. Other illnesses, including respiratory infections, were not related to weight gains.
Condon-Paoloni, Cravioto, Johnston, de Licardie, & Scholl (1977)
Two-hundred and seventy-six children studied from birth to three years of age. (Mexico)
Illness histories collected every two weeks. The highest and lowest quartiles were identified for each of three variables: % of the time ill with diarrhea, % with upper respiratory infections, and % with lower respiratory infections.Yearly increments in height and weight.Diarrheal diseases were significantly related to height but not to weight increments. Respiratory infections were not related to growth in height or weight.
Draper & Draper (1960)
Eighty-eight infants. (Tanzania)
Weekly clinic of irregular daily attendance.Two groups: 37 who lost more than one pound in a month and 51 who lost only .5 to 1 pound in a month.The group who lost more weight had more diarrhea but less respiratory infections and fevers.
Guzmán, Scrimshaw, Bruch & Gordon (1968)
Indian children studies from birth to two years of age. (Guatemala)
Illness histories collected every two weeks. Information obtained about diarrhea, respiratory problems and all other causes of disease.Growth rates in height and weight.No association between terciles of growth and frequency or extent of illness. No significant relationship between days of illness and growth.
Mata, Urrutia, & Lechtig, (1971)
Forty-three Indian children followed from 0.5 to 3 years, (Guatemala)
Weekly interviews of mothers. Incidence of various illnesses were recorded.Weight increments over a two and a half year period.There was no association between number of illnesses and growth rates in weight. The 10 best growers had significantly more dysentery but not more overall diarrhea than the 10 worst growers.
Mata, Urrutia, Albertazzi, & Arellano (1972)
Forty-five Indian children followed from birth to 6 months of age, (Guatemala)
Weekly laboratory cultures, The sample was divided into high and low groups according to their enterovirus attack rates.Height and weight at six months of age,At six months, high and low groups were similar in height but different in weight by 140 gm (low group heavier).
Mardsen (1964)
Ninety-five children followed from birth to 18 months. (The Gambia)
Regular weekly and daily clinic; more reliance on examination than on interview of mother.Faltering in weight (a gain of less than one-half pound in 3 months).Sixty-three percent of attacks of diarrhea and 14% of lower respiratory infections associated with weight faltering.
Martorell et al. (1975a, b)
Seven hundred and sixteen Ladino children under 7 years of age studied for 23 months. (Guatemala)
Illness histories collected every two weeks. Data were expressed as percent of the time ill per semester of per year.Semestral and yearly increments in height and weight.Diarrheal diseases were related to weight and height gains. This finding was independent of potentially confounding factors. No relationship with fever and respiratory illness.
Morley, Woodland, & Martin (1966)
Two hundred and thirty-two children. (Nigeria)
Clinical diagnosis of whooping cough from an “under-5” clinic and hospital admissions.Weight gainsWhooping cough resulted in weight loss. Nearly 20% lost between 5–10% of their weight while 26% of the children took more than 2 and 15% more than 3 months to recover their weight.
Morley, Bicknell, & Woodland (1968)
One hundred and four children studies from birth to 12 months. (Nigeria)
Regular monthly clinic and “under-5” irregular attendance clinic.Two groups: 52 children had weights below 10th percentile at 6, 9, or 12 months (Group A) and 52 children were always above the 50th percentile (Group B).From 0–6 incidence of diarrhea was greater in Group A. From 6–12, whooping cough and measles greater in Group A. No difference in respiratory tract infections.
Rowland et al. (1976)
One hundred and fifty-two children, 0.6 to 3 years in age, studied for 19 months, (The Gambia)
The children were examined approximately once a month and whenever they attended the clinic on account of illness. Data were expressed as percent of the time ill with each of nine disease categories.Weight and height gains per month.Diarrhea was negatively related to growth in height and weight. Malaria was related to growth in weight but not in height. All other symptoms, including fever and respiratory infections, were not.

1 The Guatemalan samples studied by Guzmán et al. (1968), Mata et al. (1971, 1972), and Martorell et al. (1975a, 1975b) were independent studies carried out in separate communities.

2. Effects of infection and food untakes

One of the mechanisms through which infections affect nutritional status is by reducing food intake. Anorexia and even nausea and vomiting frequently accompany even the mildest of infections in children. These effects may be compounded by cultural practices which restrict the child's solid and fluid intake.

Recent findings provide estimates of the extent to which food intake is reduced by infections. Hoyle et al. (1980) found that total calorie intakes in children with diarrhea were 40 percent lower than in healthy children. Molla et al. (1981) reported that diarrheal diseases reduced food intake by 30 percent. These two studies from Bangladesh show greater intake reductions than what have been observed in Guatemala by Mata et al. (1980) and Martorell et al. (1980). Mata et al. (1980) showed children consumed 93 percent of estimated requirements (i.e. 1250 kcal/day) when healthy but only 80 percent when ill with diarrhea. Relative to intakes observed when healthy, intakes were reduced by 14 percent by diarrheal diseases.9 Martorell et al. (1980) reported diarrheal diseases reduced intakes by about 19 percent. Reductions were similar for energy and protein.10 Combining all studies, diarrheal disease can be said to lower food intakes by 15 to 40 percent.

8 The vulnerability of malnourished children to infection is also illustrated by the fact that immunizations with live agents (BCG, smallpox, polio, DPT + polio), which are innocuous experiences to most well-nourished children, can lead to substantial weight loss, particularly in children less than 6 months of age or with a poor initial status (Kielman, 1977).

9 Children consumed 1161 k cal/day when healthy and 996 k cal when ill with diarrhea. When sick, intakes were 86 percent of normal (996/1161).

The impact of infectious diseases on dietary intakes can be estimated for populations if the frequency of illnesses and their average impact on diets are known. Martorell et al. (1980) found that twenty-three percent of pre-school children (i.e. 1 to 5 years of age) in Guatemala were sick every day with any of several symptoms included in a summary variable (i.e. diarrhea, apathy, fever, vomiting, rash, and confined to bed). The average effect of the summary variable was 175 kcal/day. Thus, the group's intake was lower by 40 kcal/day (.23 × 175) on account of the effects of the summary variable. The children of this study had intakes that were lower, for their age and body size, than the FAO/WHO requirements by 225 kcal/day. In other words, at least 18 percent (i.e. 40/225 kcal/day) of the apparent energy deficit may be explained by the effect of the summary variable on intakes.

10 Martorell et al. (1980) found the effect of respiratory infections on energy intakes to be much less (-67 kcal/day) than that of diarrhea (-160 kcal), apathy (-175 kcal/day) or a summary indicator of common but important symptoms (-175 kcal).

3. Effects of illnesses on nutrient utilization.

Diarrheal diseases are accompanied by malabsorption of sugars, nitrogen, fats and micronutrients (Rosenberg et al., 1977). Illnesses also have profound effects on nutrient metabolism and utilization. A variety of infectous agents, including bacteria, ricketsia, and viruses, have been shown to produce similar but marked alterations in virtually all aspects of nutrient metabolism. The nature and sequence of these responses from the moment of exposure through the incubation phase and the febrile period to convalescence have been extensively studied by Beisel (1977). Foremost among the changes are the disturbances in protein metabolism. Infections bring about protein catabolism and, if the illness is severe and prolonged, lead to a depletion of the lean body mass stores.11

4. Estimates of the nutritional cost of illness.

Brisco (1979) attempted to estimate the quantitative effect of infection on the use of food by children. In spite of the limitations of the data, Brisco (1979) was able to conclude that anorexia during infection and mortality (i.e. the food consumed by those who died was “wasted”) were the principal factors contributing to food inefficiency in a cohort of children who survive to their fifth birthday in Bangladesh. Brisco estimated the amount of food that is not used effectively may be reduced from 9 percent to 3 percent in a hypothetical situation where all sources of infection are eliminated but other conditions remain unchanged.

Preliminary data from Martorell and Yarbrough (1981) allow for an indirect estimate of the nutritional cost of infections. From 12 to 36 months of age, the Guatemalan children they studied grew 4.09 kg while children from Denver, U.S.A. grew 4.53 kg (Hansman, 1970) a difference of 440 g. These rather adequate growth rates are partly explained by the fact these children were participating in a food supplementation program. Martorell and Yarbrough (1981) estimated that 100 kcal provided daily from 12 to 36 months resulted in 261 g greater growth in weight during the same period.12

11 See Mata et al. (1980) Chen (1981) and Brisco (1979) for an expanded discussion of the mechanisms through which infectious diseases, and particularly diarrheal diseases, affect growth.

12 Apparently, only a small portion of the calories provided were used for tissue synthesis and for the maintenance of this new tissue. Perhaps physical activity (which was not measured) was increased appreciably.

In the same population and age range, the authors estimated the average child failed to gain 305 g on account of the summary variable explained above.13 The effects of infection and of supplement were found to be independent. From the above, it can be calculated that in theory, the negative effects of infection on growth, 305 g, could be made up by 116 daily supplement calories (305/261). Whether 116 kcal/day is a fair estimate of the energy cost of infection in these children is not clear. It is an estimate, however, of what it would take to undo the deleterious effects of infection.

13 This figure represents the long term effects of acute illnesses. While present, infections lead to weight loss, including lean body mass, fat and water. During convalescence, hydration is restored and catch up in tissue loss and perhaps in growth rates may take place. The figure of 305 g is therefore, the amount which compensatory mechanisms failed to make up.

III. Concluding remarks

The losses of nitrogen in heavy sweating appear to have been underestimated in the 1973 report. The level of correction as pointed out, is however trivial.

The issue of whether resting and exercising metabolic rates vary with environmental temperature and altitude is a far more important question. In reviewing the literature, one is confronted with many inconsistencies which are difficult to reconcile because of methodological differences between studies (e.g. different levels of physical condition and of acclimatization in subjects; different intensities, duration and types of work; varying manners of inducing heat, cold or hypoxic stimuli, and different measurement techniques). An important fact to keep in mind is that most people work and exercise at a submaximal level. Most of the studies reviewed indicate that the energy cost of standarized and short interval tasks performed at submaximal level are not affected by heat, cold, or altitude. The evidence also suggests that as the conditions become extreme (e.g. preheating of subjects, high hot-humid conditions) and as the intensity of work approaches maximal levels, working capacity (i.e. VO2 max is reduced) is impaired. What this means is that hard, strenuous work is difficult to sustain in extreme environmental conditions. Extreme environments appear therefore, to limit total energy expenditures but whether these are different than they would have been under more moderate conditions is an open question. More research should be carried out in workers going about their daily routines and less, it would seem, on laboratory exercises.

Without proper clothing and housing, there is no question that a cold environment will increase energy requirements. Except for some primitive (e.g. Australian aborigines) or impoverished peoples (e.g. Quechua Indians), most people protect themselves appropriately. Where metabolic rates are significantly raised to cope with cold stress, proper clothing and shelter, rather than food, should be the corrective measure. Though heavy and bulky clothing increases energy expenditures, activity patterns are likely to change in winter (e.g. outdoor recreational activities) with the end result that total energy expenditures may in fact decrease. Again, studies of energy expenditures in normal people under normal circumstances throughout the year are required.

No allowances for temperature or altitude should therefore be recommended. Rather, adjustments should be based on actual patterns of energy expenditure in specific occupations in specific environmental conditions.

There appears to be no doubt that infectious diseases have important adverse nutritional effects in developing countries, particularly in young children. Indeed, Mata et al. (1977, 1980) eloquently claim infectious diseases may overshadow the lack of food per se as causes of malnutrition. While the “nutritional cost” of infections such as diarrheal diseases may be roughly estimated, it would not be appropriate to use these estimates for adjusting energy and protein requirements. The problems of infection must be dealt with, not through food, but rather through health education, environmental sanitation and preventive medicine. Further, it is unlikely that children can be fed while the anorexic effects of illnesses last, though better appetites would be expected during convalescence. Finally, though infections may be less severe in well-nourished children, incidences will remain high regardless of dietary intakes. Strategies for improving nutritional status must include therefore aggressive measures for controlling infectious diseases.


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2. Bass, D. E., C. R. Kleeman, M. Quinn, A. Henschel and A. H. Hegnauer. Medicine. 34 : 323, 1955.

3. Beaton, G. H., D. H. Calloway and J. Waterlow. Protein and energy requirements: a joint FAO/WHO memorandum. Bull. World Health Org. 57 : 65–79, 1979.

4. Blatleis, C. M. Oxygen uptake and blood lactate in man during mild exercise at altitude. In Environmental Stress: Individual Adaptations. L. A. Folinsbee et al (Eds) New York : Academic Press, 1978, pp. 351–369.

5. Bray, G. A. and R. L. Atkinson. Factors affecting basal metabolic rate. Prog. Fd. Nutr. Sci. 2 : 395–403, 1977.

6. Brun, T. A., C. A. Geissler, I. Mirbagheri, H. Hormozdiary, J. Bastani and H. Gedayat. The energy expenditure of Iranian agricultural workers. Amer. J. Clin. Nutr. 32: 2154–2161, 1979.

7. Buskirk, E. R. Work performance of newcomers to the Peruvian Highlands. In P. T. Baker and M. A. Little (Eds) In Man in the Andes: A Multidisciplinary Study of High-Altitude Quechua Natives. Stroudsburg, Pa.: Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc., 1976.

8. Buskirk, E. R. Cold stress: a selective review. In L. J. Folinsbee et al. (Eds) Environmental Stress: Individual Adaptations. New York: Academic Press, 1978, pp. 249–266.

9. Calloway, D. H., A. C. F. Odell and S. Margen. Sweat and miscellaneous nitrogen losses in human balance studies. J. Nutrition 101 : 775–786, 1971.

10. Cole, T. J. and J. M. Parkin. Infection and its effect on the growth of young children: a comparison of the Gambia and Uganda. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 71 : 196–198, 1977.

11. Condon-Paoloni, D.,J. Cravioto, F.E. Johnston, E. R. de Licardie, and T. O. Scholl, Morbidity and growth of infants and young children in a rural Mexican village. Amer. J. Pub. Health. 67 : 651–656, 1977.

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